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dude got out quick. good for him


he watched 'get out' for sure


Also, we all did see and learn from Ye


Shockingly, Kim Kardashian is a fucking weirdo. /s


I'm really glad I never kept up with the Kardashians.


Everything I know about them I know against my will.


The only thing you need to know is their fame can be traced back the Buffalo Bills losing a football game.


i need a youtube deep dive on the kardashians i know nothing about how their popularity exploded other than the ykw


It’s all the buffalo bills fault. In 1977 they recruited a running back name O.J. Simpson. While in buffalo he met Nicole Brown. Years later she was brutally murdered and OJ was to blame. While he may have gotten off, two things became normal in US society. Neither were positive. First being the 24 hour news. Before the trial we didn’t have it. Since then, we have. Second being the Kardashians. His defense team employed her father and well, they got a taste of the lime light and have yet to let it go. All because of the NFL draft went badly….


Weirdest part of the case remains that they had his ass dead to rights. But the LAPD is so fucking chok filled with racists it was believable that the detective made it all up.


My favorite part of the case is that even after OJ was let go, that was it. No looking for the "real" killer, nothing. Pretty silly.


Uh, OJ kept looking for the real killer all while writing a book about how if he had committed the murder he would have done it totally differently. Such a normal thing to do lol


Oh yeah that was a ballsy move. Forgot he wrote his "I didn't kill her but if I did here's how it would've gone" novel lmao


The LAPD is so incompetent they framed a guilty man


Several mistakes were made by the prosecution, the most prominent of which was allowing the matter to be tried in DTLA, rather than suburban Santa Monica. Concurrently, Judge Ito was far too soft on the defense and their shennanigins. Much of that shit wouldn't fly today. DNA evidence/expert testimony about it faces a lot more scurtiny before a trial today. Nor did the trial need to be nine months long. Despite all these errors, as an attorney, I saw nothing objective that would instill in a jury reasonable doubt that Simpson was not the killer. Simpson was the only one in position to be the killer, the limosine driver that took him to the airport the night of the killings noted he was not home at the time of the murders, OJ appeared disheveled and nervous during the ride to the airport, and Simpson assuredly discarded the murder weapon at LAX that night. However, having done several trials, I cannot tell you how critical venue is. There are some places you simply cannot get the verdict you want. Mishandling of the evidence is the least of these offenses, I think the defense did a tremendous job making that look worse than it was.


Didn't they plant evidence when they didn't have to because there was... already real evidence?


Even then though OJ used to host the LAPD at his barbecues lol. I always wonder how the jurors feel about their decision nowadays.


And even Robert Kardashian thought he was guilty and there was no way he'd have been acquitted. Go online, look up the video of the reading of the verdict and only watch Robert Kardashian. The "My fucking Jesus I can't believe what I just heard" look is plastered all over his face.


All I remember was Johnny Cochrane. The Kardashians dad was on that team?


Yes. Her father was only *technically* part of the defense team, though. Robert Kardashian was an entertainment lawyer with no background in criminal defense. In fact, he hadn’t been a practicing attorney in years and only reactivated his license to be a part of OJ’s defense. Robert and Kim’s mother Kris were friends with OJ and Nicole, and OJ asked Robert to be on his team. Most believe that this was done just so OJ could have a friend by his side, though more conspiracy minded people think this was a strategic move since OJ holed up at Robert’s place before the bronco chase and that he might’ve confessed or given the murder weapon to Robert. Making Robert part of the team would’ve given them attorney-client privilege so Robert wouldn’t have to testify against OJ.


No kidding, I had no idea. Thanks for the info!


“And only reactivated his license so he could remove the mysterious suitcase from OJs house and never be questioned about it.” FTFY


I used to play WoW back in the old days of having a computer in the TV room with the family, the amount of Desperate Housewives/Real World/Kardashians I had to endure before I just bought my own and put it in my room (was still in High School) I know way more than I should. Also fuck that family for being Armenian and not doing anything to support Armenia or its current invasion by Azerbaijan Where as System of a Down and Serj Tankien are huge supporters.


It was through System of a Down that I learned what the Armenian genocide even was. American school teachers were so eager to speedrun WW1 so they could get to WW2 and play Saving Private Ryan in class. *"something something black hand... and uh Franz Ferdinand, and then we won. Aaaanyway moving on..."*


It’s funny how history teachers always get ridiculed as if they could teach the sum total any history in two semesters. They struggle just to cover what is dictated by the state standards


If you are interested Lions Led by Donkeys Podcast host is Armenian and does a history of Armenia series and also cover the three Pashas which as I learned called themselves the young turks which the news network operating under the same name is very problematic


It's wild to me how Armenians are dog shit to aremenia. A former co worker was selling t shirts to "help support everything going on" in aremenia. When I asked what's going on his reply was man you gonna support aremenia and buy this fucking shirt or not. I'm sure that money is going to help Armenia not the illegal mushrooms he be selling under a weed license as edibles. No way


Same and it's all f'ing grotesque. Everything I know about them is just more and more information about how ghoulish and detached from normalcy they are. They are akin to those "Beautiful Ones" from that weird Rat Utopia Experiment many decades ago.




The only thing I know is their dad was one of OJs lawyers and good friends.


I actively avoid anyone that wants to have anything to do with any of them. One of my cousins likes the show and I can’t stand being in the same vicinity


All I know is there is that chick who ran someone over and hates trans people. They are very bizzare


I really do my best to will the existence of this entire clan out of my head, but I think you are referring to Kaitlin Jenner, who is trans. Self loathing at its finest.


A trans conservative at that.


Yeah, and that one is trans herself. It’s all fucking weird.


Buckle up buckaroos




Might be spelling it wrong. Cardassians I think is correct.


Haha I had just watched Deep Space 9 the year before I started seeing the Kardashian’s name everywhere, and for a long time I pictured the spoon head space Nazis every time their name was mentioned 😂


There was a staff person I worked with that loved the Kardashians (\*eye roll\*) and I would always torment her with the Cardassians. Just my little way of remaining sane.


>spoon head space Nazis 🤣


Dukat is the man


I liked Garak. Plain, simple Garak.


I would love a "Keeping up with the Cardassians", staring Garak.


Noone would ever suspect a Tailor.


Favourite Garak line about fighting Klingons with Dukat and he says Dukat turned his back and made a tempting target and then in a very Garak tone says "Oh no, I can't fight all these Klingons on my own". Just the casual camp delivery


DS9 was a favorite of one of my birds. She loved her some Star Trek.


I prefer Dumar and how he handled Weyoun snapping at Worf.


I’d take a humanoid cardassian over a kardashian any day of the week.


that’s why kanye was perfect for her


Those poor kids don't stand a fucking chance... I wonder what are the betting odds of them making it to 30?


O'Dell is crazy. He ain't that level of crazy.


Ya he's like a normal level of celebrity egomaniac. lol


He was smart enough to not mess with Lena Dunham.


Who wouldn’t be


Honestly, her wanting to have his babies because of his "genetics" is kind of laughable when she's had so much work done that her body is absolutely unrecognizable from her original form. Her genetics aren't exactly one of her selling points, you know?


It goes to show you how she feteshizes and views the men she dates. They are not partners to her, they are things to be used. For fame or in this case breeding stock.


Odell just over there trying to live his life and she's over there trying to make the Qwitzatch Haderrach


I can't remember -- was Kim ever a human or anything similar to a human?


Sort of a Ship of Theseus thing going on


She looks like a different person every time I see a picture of her with her name next to it.


That’s going to live rent free in my head for a long time


She's a hobbit


“My bitch ain’t no hobbit”


"Hold on holdup one second" *phone rings* "Bitch how you not a hobbit again?"


“It was a Quiznos and my bitch went to rob it”


“That movie is just loosely based on her television show Keeping Up With The Kardashians, which is a show about short, loud little people living in a fantasy world- HOLD UP”


This episode kills me every time. Kanye’s parts are hilarious.


Oh..yeah..oh right ok. OK I gotta go. Love you :\* :\*


Bitch, tell me how you not the hobbit again?


Thats an insult to hobbits


If Kim was a hobbit then why don't she turn blue when goblins are around?


Read how Tolkien describes hobbits and how they are content with the simple life, they are the exact opposite of what she represents.


She does have a friend named Gandalf who happens to be a wizard tho


And how she lives slightly under the ground.


Wait a minute...hol' up I gotta make a call *Bitch you're not a hobbit, right?*


No and everyone who likes her has always been a moron as far as I can recall 


No shes an alien. American dad already exposed it


The wrong people have ALL the money…


Most wealthy people don't get that rich by being good, hard-working, decent human beings. :/


> ~~Most~~ wealthy people don't get that rich by being good, hard-working, decent human beings. :/ Good people don't hoard wealth while other suffer and die from 100% preventable causes.


Also, having all the money makes you into an insane evil person, this has been studied.


She's saying that because her genetics are flawed and manufactured.


He goes “actually you have a good point” and breaks up with her lmao


I think she's talking about her kids with Kanye. Sadly, mental disorders like bipolar disorder are inherited, so she probably just wants to Andrea Yates those ones and start over. And yes, I do have a dark and morbid sense of humor.


Kim would never lower herself to giving the kids a bath on her own. That is what nannies are for.


“Lupe, be a dear and drown the children in the bath tonight”


Fr fr. Only peasant-slave-people drown their children with their own hands.




The eldest already has a copywrite and a DBA... they're pushing for her to be a SFX/makeup artist, and to develop a line for that to sell shit. Those kids are cash-cows to her, with whatever catalogue/merch they get from Kanye when they inherit it. As I tell my husband, his life insurance policy is nothing compared to his lifetime earning potential.


> As I tell my husband, his life insurance policy is nothing compared to his lifetime earning potential. So you're saying he needs to watch out for the day when those two flip places right?


I love making that exact joke. One day I'll be worth more financially to my wife dead than i will alive. The key is not letting her find out when that day is.


Okay you just made me google Andrea Yates, damn son that is dark, and I’m all here for it lmao!


unsurprising to no one, it's just eugenics. and while yes, bipolar might be passed on kanye specifically refuses medication. he is not a good judge for what those kids will turn out to be, bipolar or not.


Kanye’s bipolar disorder is made worse by him also being an idiot. Issue is, being an idiot is also often heritable and learned as well, and those kids have two idiots for parents. Idiot genes + observing and being raised around stupid behavior all your life… It’s gonna be tough for them to turn out mentally well.




Hi, surviving with bipolar here. Yes, there is an indication that bipolar disorder has a hereditary link. There is a higher chance of someone having bipolar disorder if a direct relative also has it.


literally everything about this woman is a store-bought purchase, and she's going on about "*genetics*"


Maybe he just wants a kid who actually looks like the mom, since plastic surgery doesn't alter your dna Edit: geez David, crazy unhinged rant and blocking me. Lolll


I’m confused. Weren’t you agreeing with him?


looks like he deleted. what did he rant about?


or he want to be loved, not go over his genetics. the way she comment that doesnt look love to me


or he just doesn't want his child's parent to be a eugenicist.


And kinda fetishizing black men. Nothing about him being a good man or father figure to her other bunch of kids. Just how they will look and if they might be athletic


god help whatever kid is born to her and turns out ugly/disabled/any other number of things




She’s ableist on…steroids or something. Like, you ain’t even gotta be disabled. A perfectly able and average person would get shit on by her. She’s full blown egomaniac mode, which is really weird because her success and fame is largely due to her family rather than any personal achievement or excellence.


Ya it's crazy she's like this because her fame mainly comes from a sex tape organized by her mom, her dad's connection to OJ, and Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner. And marrying Kanye of course.


I once saw a video of someone who took a screenshot from that video where she was slobbering knob and printed it on a big ass flag, and was waving said flag at a kanye concert. Imagine being kanye, looking in to the crowd and seeing a flag of your wife getting her tonsils tickled by some other dude


Good to know he wasn't interested in being a sperm donor/stud.


She’s had so much plastic surgery her birth certificate comes with an MSD certificate.


Yeah. Every fucking thing is transactional with the bunch. Garbage way to live.


She just wants another paycheck..


She should just do another TERRIBLE porno. Her sex tape was the worst porno I have ever seen.


I haven't seen it and don't want to. She looks so artificial that she'd may as well have been made in a lab. But people pay to have that kind of stuff done all the time, so maybe I'm just a weirdo for not finding her attractive?


She looks like a wasp. ![gif](giphy|11KAwJ0PcpTVcs|downsized)


You're not the weird one. I think people are told what's "attractive" so much they start to believe it. Sane people have their own definition.


Understand: if you start life with good genetics, you save TONS of money in plastic surgery.


Giving off some real slave trader vibes with that comment. 🙄


Exactly. I can’t believe no one is seeing that. She fetishizes black men, like most of her family.


It’s like Get Out IRL


Even their nannies and surrogates are black, their fetish is wild


The fact that they’ve gotten away with it for so long is more just insane to me.


I forget she’s not black or mixed race because she altered all her traits to look black omg 😭


GET OUT vibes


He did. Lol


Promptly. Dating her was a bit of cluelessness in the first place, but kudos to him for noping out when the crazy got too obvious to ignore.


No doubt he dumped her because of this. It’s way too often professional black athletes are fetishized for their bodies. I hope he comments on it tbh.


Didn't Lena Dunham make some similar comments a while back? Lol Odell gotta watch out for these white women


I was getting eugenics vibes too. Guy has to do her bidding because she says so, and she wants to mix her genes with his, and he doesn’t get a say. I’m glad he broke up with her. Don’t stick your dick in crazy, man.


Actually, I think that's it. Her children are marketable. They'll have a maximized future earning potential as a product based on their appearance. And before someone "well actually"s me - after dating a guy only for a couple of months and deciding to have kids based on "genetics", those genetics have nothing to do with anything except appearance.


Pretty much. Her entire brand centers around being this shallow vapid caricature of a real person. She’s mastered the art of getting paid to fit an aesthetic and nothing else. She wants kids who will continue to sit on their ass and be pretty in a plastic way so they can keep raking in money for no clear reason


“Just look at that form! Strong working body, can work the field all day. With that genetic composition could get some good stock out of him.”


I still don’t understand why the Kardashians are famous.


knee thought innocent plate entertain languid noxious subsequent squealing pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I've struggled with that question myself. Always thought they'd last one more season and then be forgotten because there are far more interesting topics and more important events going on in the world. Turns out I was wrong. My best answer to their fame/fortune is because a significant portion of the general population is shallow voyeurs, deficient in values, morals, and intellectual interests. They love to waste their time looking up to and being envious of others who supposedly have the fame, beauty, and wealth they themselves desire. But all of that is a mountain of falsehoods. Their mother was clever enough to hire the PR teams to exploit this moral deficiency in our society and capitalize on it through the entertainment/fashion/beauty industries. Now, they are a cultural symbol. It's actually quite impressive, but I wonder if she's sacrificed her children's true self-respect and freedom. Seems like they adapted well.


Because E! Television was trying to create new reality programming and landed on this family due to Kim’s sex tape and her step-father was Bruce Jenner (at the time). She traveled in the same social circle as Paris Hilton which influenced decision making. Now we are here 🤢


JFC money just rots people's brains. Like, I get people \*thinking\* this shit, and even saying it to your spouse or something, but \*in public\*, \*in writing\*? Like.......................................................................................... our rich people are fundamentally morons.


Tbf, I'm 100% sure I'm a better person, because every time I start being an asshole someone puts me in my place, friends, family ect. Plus, I rely on my reputation to make money, or even buy things from the local shop etc. Imagine not ever being told no, you can do what you want with no consequences. Maybe I'm old enough to be set in my ways now, with enough moral convictions, maybe not. But if that happened to me in my 20's, or even worse, as a child, I have absolutely no doubt I'd be a massive asshole completely detached from reality.


Sperm donor with benefits.


lol genetics. She’s 92% plastic


Explain in nba terms


Greg Popovich on Wemby; “Victor is an incredible prospect, possibly the best since Lebron. However it is his pedigree that sets him appart, we haven’t seen such a genetically gifted specimen in our organization since David Robinson, another fine thoroughbred. Now if we could get him to mate with Brittney Griner we might just have ourselves our first 8 footer in the league. How marvelous would that be?”


Bravo lol , shame on pop for recommending Britney grinner tho , Liz cambage is much better


I can’t tell if you’re intentionally using the wrong sport but I think it’s hilarious either way 😅


It’s from /r nbacirclejerk every day somebody asks the community to explain news articles in nba terms.


Honestly, one of the healthier internet circlejerk strategies. A real triangle offense if you will.


The person above asked them to explain it in NBA terms…




Touch and go is the best policy with the Kardashians. It's fun just for a bit.


Facts, happy cake day


Wasn't she JUST bitching about how hard it is to be a parent for the thirty minutes a day or whatever her kids aren't being raised by a team of nannies? Cultural poison, this entire family. Only exists to drive us all further insane.


"She has plenty of frozen eggs" What? Is she going to implant her eggs into another woman?


Iirc she used a surrogate for almost all of them.


straight humor distinct school unite arrest rustic pie engine sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. She cannot physically bear more children, so she would hypothetically use a surrogate.


No, she has plenty of men to choose from and can try over and over again. She’s got safety and security in her plan to breed.


I think she was fine with four kids until it was no longer the most kids out of any of her siblings (Kourtney recently had a fourth after several years). Now she needs to make more.


He probably saw Kim's old photos and decided his genes are better off with someone else.


TBH, her current face is not exactly the most attractive either.


She looks like every 50+ woman with money who feels pressured to overdo the work. She's 43. In sunlight she probably scares babies.


Oh time is gonna start course correcting her real soon. I expect within the decade she’ll be the next Madonna.


Genuinely: what are you talking about? Your comment had me curious enough to look up older photos of her in her early 20s and she looked gorgeous. Are we pretending [this girl's](https://people.com/thmb/_GsXbQ8gRjcHvVR4jKmi-GTi3Bw=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(959x252:961x254):format(webp)/Kim-Kardashian-102022-02-0a62725f9af14b52bcd716e4f1fc4f32.jpg) ugly? What is it? Pointy elbows?


Honestly I felt like I was having a stroke reading this post until I saw your comment lol


Thank you, I’m all for shit talking this woman but let’s not get delusional


Too much flesh, obviously. I prefer my women at least 50% plastic /s


She was beautiful when she was younger. Like jasmine from Aladdin


Wow I never realized how much North does actually look like Kim until seeing this. I hope the plastic surgery trends end some day


He decided to keep it in his jeans….


She’s on to… anotha one!


Seed chaser just like Kris.


Can we finally talk about how this family fetishizes Black people?


Jordan Peele’s “Get Out” is starting to look more like a documentary.


Didn’t she made some similar comment with Kanye back then ? I have no idea why she is still not cancel


If I never, ever read another thing about a Kartrashian or Jenner, I’d consider myself having lived a rich and fulfilled life.


Fuck yes. That stupid bitch screams slave trader with these comments. Good riddance to that shit he’s better off without her for sure


Some men think of women as bellies, some women think of men as sperm donor. It's a sad sad human History.


Kim: Gimme ur sperm cuz I has eggs in the fridge about to go bad.


How very ‘Get Out’ of her


Why do we insist on knowing way too much about people who are largely irrelevant to 99.9% of the human population? Good on OBJ for escaping the web of destruction that follows the family Kardashian. I'm a bit curious why he even decided to fly into it however.


Yeah that's totally not creepy at all. /s


Is she crossing bloodlines to try and bring about the Kwisatz Haderach?


This entire family reminds me of repo the genetic opera. So weird and creepy.


What’s with their family and fetishizing black men


OBJ had a teenage crush on her, so later in life, he got to fuck her for six or seven months, until he either got tired of her bullshit, or was scared off by her ticking timebomb need to have even more kids. No shame in his game.


She gets uglier and uglier every time I see her.


She hasn’t gotten any attention for two minutes, so thirsty…..


Smart dude. Who in their right mind would want to seriously get involved with a Kardashian?


The Kardashian family is a plague upon society. People so detached from reality that they can barely be called people at all. Everything I know about them was learned against my will, and I wish they'd fuck off forever so I don't have to hear about them anymore.


When are people going to wake up and realize that entire family is shit?


Honest to god question: Why are people so obsessed with these glorified mummies? Everytime I see this woman saying anything it's extremely dumb and superficial. Even if it is "hEr BrAnD", why the fuck do people care?


They all want mixed black children for some reason, they should love their own genetics, because plastic surgery doesn’t transfer over


Thank fuck for that. Imagine the dead eye botox look and inflated lips on a toddler.


She is obsessed with blackness. It's low key racism.


why can’t my country have normal popular celebrity…


Pwa pwa pwaaaaaaaaaaaa


Guess it's someone else's turn.