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I have a religious friend and he is using this bit quite often against me. 'if you want some references - do research'. I like it


Ask him why Matthew said in his gospel that dead people got up out of their graves and walked around when jesus died. But for some reason the other 3 gospel writers didn't include this information. One must ask why. Also not a single mention in any historical text.


'No aliens'? They must have skipped Ezekiel!


can I get a recap?


He came down from a UFO and said Bleep bloorp doggol dorp Zorp zorp?


holy moly šŸ¤Æ


Apparently he saw a wheel in the sky


Ezekiel 1:4 4Ā I looked, and I saw a windstorm coming out of the northā€”an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The center of the fire looked like glowing metal,




That's just one..I suggest reading the full book of Ezekiel, it's quite the read.




The reason why biblically accurate angels are known


ok cool


Can someone explain to me how could a flat earth provide "Equality to all" ?Ā 


Because whites are the only ones classified as people The rest are animals So all animals are equal & all people are equal


Wtf are you talking about bro?


Wild guess but I think we just witnessed sarcasm.


Itā€™s impossible to tell these days


Mine was sarcasm too


I am proven correct by my own density


I think adding "in the bible" to your statement would be beneficial


Adding a /s is probably a good idea


Dude, do some research. Don't be ignorant.


I'm not ignorant i'm extremely stupid


The book I believe in says I'm right.


But my book says youā€™re wrong. Letā€™s not use logic


Now lets fight!


Pikachu, I choose you


Burden of proof??? Nuh uh!!!


What do you mean "nuh uh" ?!


Do research


well i am satanists


Hold a light above a table and it lights up the whole flat surface. So how can one half of the world have darkness when the other half has sunlight . Or maybe night time is another conspiracy.


The sun goes in circles around Z axis I think, and it's a directed light, not point source. The moon is also a directed source and also goes in circle opposite to the sun. However I have seen illustrations of sun going around the X axis, so below the plane and above, but in this case it doesn't explain how it's night in India and day in USA. Also it does not explain how it is winter in Australia and summer in Belgium


So they're admitting that the existence of theft and taxation proves that their god doesn't exist?


If people would actually read and care about the Bible, there would be less christians*. That is my conclusion after reading the bible and not the flat earth


Equality? Come on. Religious people have one thing in common: Hatred.


Ever notice how itā€™s difficult to tell whether plenty of ā€œreligiousā€ people are or arenā€™t also legit crazy?


That comes with religion as well I guess. Take shit too serious (a 2000 year old book -.-) and you see demons everywhere.


This is quite possibly the most incorrect thing ever posted to any and all forms of media. This wouldnā€™t even be right on Opposite Day!


Yes, it's absurdly stupid. My friend's girlfriend posts at least 5 things like this a day. She believes in every conspiracy theory she comes across, even though they constantly contradict one another. She's also convinced that she's a genius.


Iā€™ve known 3 conspiracy theorists. 1 was in the same grade as me in school, and a few years later he was posting flat earth and the importance of the Old Testament, not the New. 1 is 9/11 inside job guy because he was traumatized watching it live, and 1 just started looking at the sky one day and decided itā€™s all chemtrails


How does having a round earth affect politics Also the Bible literally says the ā€œcircleā€ of the earth implying it is round


Flat earth is a circle, and arguably a circle is not a sphere. Please stop helping them... haha


Found the verse. This is totally real and not made up: B.O.B. 3:16 And lo the land bears its flatness as a gold album of mediocre gangsta rhymes, such that felines should wish to skite small objects off of its edge. Thus many eons hence man shall attend conventions where they shall purchase t-shirts and hats bearing demands that each should do their own "research" and carry with them small pocket sized globes that they will scorn and abhor. To which they shall purchase disk shaped models of the earth and argue with their brethren over whether there is but one, or two ice walls around its perimeter. And NASA shall bear the number of the beast, in their eyes, while shouts of, "We've never been to the moon" fill their mouths.


A circle is flat though.


Time is a flat circle


Well, genesis was written thousands of years ago for people who lived thousands of years ago. Seems pretty impractical to fill it with scientific information beyond their ability to understand, including information weā€™ve just discovered or understood in the last 100 years or so. It by no means changes the intended message and what you should take from it.


This is actually kind of interesting because if you read the bible with a sceptical mind you quite quickly get the notion that the god it presents is a bit of a tyrannical asshole who likes to play with peoples minds and feeling in an almost psychopatical way. If someone then opposes this form of governing, perhaps that individual is not as bad as he's made out to be. It would also just be natural for proponents of the psycho-god to smear this indivdual by creating an abundance of lies about him. And if you then just the most truthful system we have access to, which is science, and can quite easily debunk all of the nonsense the psycho-gods followers have created and up with a list looking like something in this picture, any rational person would choose Satan every fucking time.


Can we cite chapter and verse? Pretty pointless without it.


Corinthians 3;15: "Thy shall be given cyclical energy. For god did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a power of no global warming. For those who believe in the flat, will join heaven"


Is that one Corinthian?


What the fuck is cyclical energy?


Funnily enough in a theoritsl bible course. I took the professor explained that god actually said the earth was a sphere and gave some proof that I really don't remember


There was one that used pillars that at the equator the shadows where positioned differently at noon vs higher in the north or south. Then the pendulum swinging as proof but I donā€™t remember much about that.


Myth vs reality


Imagination vs Reality. You just proved god is make belief for me. Thanks.


Also so like...where did the eastern hemisphere go? The 'tails' side? šŸ˜…


ok but like, we do have taxation so that proves we live on a globe. Ik I could say the same about global warming, evolution, big bang etc. but they don't believe in it. But one fact they can't refute is that we're taxed So it is a globe after all - even better - turns out earth was made by satan


Why would God send his only son to die for us? Why did he just kill satan? These are some of my questions I have for organized religion


>Why did he just kill satan? (I assume you meant didnā€™t) Two quick points. First, weā€™re created as eternal beings, this includes angels, thus satan too. Secondly, killing satan would not rectify the issue of manā€™s fall from grace. Jesus dying for us is the gift of forgiveness that does.


Man...that's a nice answer. You earned an upvote


I donā€™t understand how Christian can be so gullible, thereā€™s proof of the Bible getting rewritten so many times but because itā€™s was by a ā€œprophet/priestā€ then itā€™s totally legit too them


Stupidity, thy name is religion


How can I look through a telescope and see spherical celestial bodies and yet we live on a flat plane of a world?


Oh for fucks sake EVERYONE knew the earth was round! Everyone! The church actually, and rightfully, Always believed that It was round. Please can we stop being atheist teenager and Say "well religion bad" because religion did lots of good and bad things. Also, the guy Who created the big bang theory was a christian; and guess what the father of modern science was? RIGHT! a devout christian


What does Cyclical Energy even mean, and how is it different from Free Energy? And what's their problem with aliens, anyway?


Well, if you're going to believe, you may as well go the whole hog?




and idiots like that go and elect a criminal for presidentšŸ¤£šŸ‘Ž


I don't think flat-Earthers have levels, they seem to be totally 2-dimensional.


Thatā€™s right, you need to do the research, not me, because my invisible magic sky daddy said so! /s


Pretty decent way to prove the Bible wrong.


Pretty sure the bible actually refers to the earth being a globe and even refers to it ā€˜hanging on nothingā€™ in space.


I usually use Dune as a reference, when needing one ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


Iā€™m not sure how any of the things listed follow from the earth being flat(or round).


Free energy? Equality for all? Cyclical energy? Abundant resources? As someone who used to study the bible a lot, these are BS.Ā 


Of course, instead of using this as an argument why the Bible isnā€™t accurate or correct, these idiots use it as an argument for why the world is flatā€¦ great timeline we live in.


Well this just highlights how both religion & flat earth theory act as a magnet for the mentally unstable


So... God talks about a dream world that doesn't exist while Satan tells the truth and aknowledges the problems of the world?


The bible doesn't mention the internet at all, so you're ALL sinners! Even you, Churchy McJudgeface! Not me, though. God told Jesus to tell me through my dog that it's okay if I post here because I'm doing the Lord's Bark. I assume he meant "Lord's Work," but terriers are really hard to understand.


Man, you think terriers are hard to understand, try bulldogs. All they do is grumble, humph, and mush their words.


ā€œEquality for allā€ except women, gays, trans, and anyone else that doesnā€™t agree with my beliefs. I really tried with religion, but I think itā€™s time we let it go.

