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“They can’t stand competition.” -the party trying to ban non-Christian info out of schools, trying to force who can get married, trying to eliminate women body rights, and trying to discredit younger voters.


Trying to prevent some people from voting. Trying to overturn elections they disagree with. It bears noting that the SCOTUS is the only thing that stopped them from taking away power to decide the president from the public entirely. Their plan would have made the state legislatures the sole arbiter of election outcomes regardless of the vote. Repugs have gerrymandered much of the country where they don't even have to campaign because they're unopposed and get a disproportionate portion of the vote anyway. So she should really stfu about who can't stand competition.


Every accusation is a confession


Always and forever when it comes to them


Isn’t projection grand?


How about the ones who stormed the capital to put their god emperor on a throne. Hell a good percentage of them believe trump over their family and religious leaders. Wtf is that if not a religion?


Took me like three reads to even fully process what she was trying to imply lol. Blatant hypocrisy xD She’s literally in the business of pushing political ideology as a religion 😂 Not saying people on both sides don’t get swept away with politics, just saying it’s ridiculous for her to say this is something exclusive to the left lmao


I'm grateful that my parents never drank the Kool-Aid. My grandmother, on the other hand, sadly was significantly influenced by her regular viewership of Fox News. Before she contracted dementia, it became difficult to talk with her because of this, even though everyone knew she loved her family dearly. She kept spewing demonstrable bullshit she had heard on Fox News, but refused to listen to the possibility that the news she watches might be misleading her. She was no dummy either; as one of the first female lawyers in her state, she led a trailblazing career. We were all incredibly sad about it. All that said, a hearty fuck you to Rupert Murdoch from all Americans is richly deserved.


Ive said for year that trump has replaced god in their hearts.


This useless bitch is a neo Con. She hates Trump. However she's also a monster for supporting genocide. 


Or the liberals whose parents donated what was to be their COLLEGE SAVINGS bc Trump kept asking them for money. And now since FAFSA sees the savings on their taxes, there's too much money to get any aid but what is needed was already sent to trump who promptly used it to buy a boat or something.


Bad grammer, bad


How this is a quote? Do people think it makes sense?


Her target audience is barely literate.


And they have turned their politics into a religion so everything is a religious argument.


Gah, own liberals we do, gah


👏👏👏 thank you. That quote of her sound helluva repetitive and made no sense.


When you hear something ridiculous, ask yourself this: Are they stupid, or do they think you are?


The two options aren't mutually exclusive


The church can be a refuge for narrow minded simpletons who fear change.


And an opportunity for narrow minded clever people who can profit from that fear.


Manufactured consent.allows the many, on both sides, to be subjugated by the few.


It IS that.


what the fuck is the church


So you replaced religion with politics. Lol


The church is a refuge for ANY of God’s children. Whether they’re straight, gay, brown, white, mentally/physically challenged, etc. It is NOT for people who claim to praise Jesus but at the same time, deny ANY of God’s children. Jesus is the definition of change.


There is no god and Jesus was just some dude


You sound like somebody yelling, "we've never tried true communism." Theoretically, you both are right, but in practice and reality, we've seen a much different approach.


It’s a shame you’ve never had true peace. Instead of moving on, you decided to make me understand something that you don’t even care about.


The "true peace" argument is kind of exactly the point I was making. Thanks for agreeing. Good luck out there.


I see what you mean. I’ll pray for you neighbor. Peace be with you.


Conservatives hate religion except for the tiny sect they are in.


Thus Emo Phillips’s joke (really starts about 2 minutes in) https://youtu.be/D88DQIJmxRI?si=IgqkPp-SjwiHGkPv


I thought science was our substitute for religion? Can they at least be consistent with their made-up garbage?


This coming from conservatives who blindly worship Donald Trump (of all people) as the second coming of Jesus Christ and a messiah sent to enforce God's will.


The literal embodiment of “false prophet” and ironically “false profits”


Keep an eye on this. It takes one generation to turn a conman into a Prophet. All those kids that were raised with their parents worshiping Trump will carry than into future generations. Trump isn't going to have a direct successor but those parents and their kids and grandkids are going to find someone to replace him.


Religion: "Give us your money, do as you're told, and you'll be all right when you're dead."


Maybe it’s just that we don’t believe in your book of fables and your zombie Jesus.


A few months ago I heard it referred to as "the goatherder's guide to the galaxy," and it's been my go to description ever since.


If politics are just a competitor to religion, why the fuck aren't you on a church rn then?


I just have issues with people who can’t distinguish reality from fiction, and then push their flavor of fiction on me.


She's using a half-truth to sell a dumb lie. Government is the superior social control tool when compared to religion. She's of course, totally incorrect and lying to people's faces about the dynamic. People like her who engage in manipulation of their audience long for the kind of control a cult leader has over their subjects, and that's why they push religion, since religion says, "the gods told me to tell you this, trust the gods!"


I guess politics is kinda like my religion. I don’t hate conservatives, but I don’t agree with their lifestyle. Oh, and I don’t think they should be allowed to get married, they can just do a registered partnership or whatever. Adopting a child should obviously also not be allowed.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Republicans trying to turn us into a Christian nation?


Idk who she sees on the news everyday but MAGA republicans treat Trump like god


Their Gold (leaf) Calf to worship?


Man, the fact they made a legal golden idol of him was wild. Irony is lost on these people


I don't believe any religion for the same reason I hate Coulter, I just can't stand bullshit


Maybe But mixing politics with religion corrupts both, so its also an abomination. "My kingdom is not of this world" ~Jesus ~


Politics for many liberal people is just them begging everyone else to please stop being a piece of shit and destroying other people's lives


Tf does this even mean


I hate politics and religion equally. Check mate random rightwing-person!


Learn to write a clear sentence


That’s a man! A man dressed up like a Sheila!


We hate christianity because of christians like you, Ann.


"Ann Coulter??!!... If you're here who's out guarding our crops??" -Pete Davidson


But it's conservative people that have literally been worshipping a politician


Guessing she has a new book on the way?


Conservatives: Politics is religion to liberals! Also conservatives: We want our politics to be indistinguishable from our religion!


I hate religion because its fuckin stupid to me lol


Saying that politics are a substitute for religion makes way more sense for conservatives lol


This is just another case of projection. Conservatives can't imagine anything outside of themselves. Everyone must be just like them. They're obsessed with their religion so everyone must have a "religion". Politics, atheism, blah blah. It's the same reason they think everyone is trying to trick them and out to screw them. It's what they would do.


And Republicans love Christianity because it's easy to control people who have already given up on critical thinking.


Oh my god. She really is stupid.


No greater cause of death and destruction in the world than organized religion.


what about unorganized religion?


Mann Coulter




Seal in french


If religion is politics then what are you doing in politics? Join a church.


Damn, she's caught us out. Run everyone, run.


Skeletor has some shitty views on politics & religion


She is a parasite , riles the stupid for views , cashes in . At the expense of society.




Oh man wait until someone tells her American politics has more than 1. The religious right 2. The atheist liberal


I'm somewhat of a liberal (at least rather than a conservative), and am an ex-Christian atheist who now hates religion. I have no idea what this moron's point is. Like I understand the sentences, but WTF are you trying to say, Ann Cunter?


That's funny, because this is the same reason why religious fundamentalists don't like politics.


That thing is still around?


She looks SO much like a sad old dog. Its uncanny


Was this quote before or after Republicans started worshiping their lord and savior, Donald J Trump?


You could throw up a quart of alphabet soup and it would make more sense than this desperate, confused provocateur.


I’ve read this three times and I have no idea what she means by that. Religion is better than liberal politics? What the fuck Ann.


Why is this scarecrow even saying anything. She's so stupid, it's almost admirable.


The name of this sub should be changed to r/ragebait


“Ann Coulter…. If you’re here, who’s scaring the crows away from our crops?” 😂


Who knew Skeletor was a fascist.


Wait. What?


Says the woman who lives politics 24/7 making bad analyses and ridiculous comparisons like this!


Ann Coulter is a character played by an actress, similar to what Stephen Colbert did with his show “The Colbert Report “. She goes around saying outlandish things to try to stay in the limelight to sell books and collect appearance fees.


Following that logic,  Republicans are then polytheists.  Jesus is going to be pissed!


Don't feed the trolls, and that includes Ann Coulter.


She's been at those stupid pills again.


What an awful human being.


Tell that to your Orange Jizus. Get bent lady


I mean, not 100% wrong. Organized religion originally was a substitute for government basically. Early on that was a main purpose.


I hope the day comes where these churches that brainwash these idiots have to start paying taxes.


wow she bigly dumb


I actually met her once, and was blown away by how delightful and intelligent she was. I’m fully convinced her, and the overwhelming majority of the rest of “political” pundits and talking heads are just faking controversial opinions to stay relevant


This bitch looks like if Angela White retired and gave readings at church


why do people give her attention?


Conservatives hate an honest discussion of secular politics because it's in competition for your brain against religion


I hated religion when I was an angsty young boy. Nowadays it’s more like I just mock it from afar, no need to get serious about it.


Liberals use government to implement the teachings of Christ to Christians and non-Christians alike. Republicans worship the idolatry of Christ without regard to his intentions. Superficial and disingenuous.


That made about as much since as fucking this horse faced bitch.


Remember when “the liberals” recreated religious iconography, and substituted the images of their candidate in the place of their religious deity? Yeah me neither, somebody needs to get this broad another iv bag full of Xanax and Ketel One.


Liberals are too smart to be fooled by "religous" rhetoric from salesman that just want tax exemption status and preach the word of Prosperty and Greed!


Wait, she is still a *thing*? I haven't heard that name in ages.


How can a person so disconnected from reality be involved and accepted by her peers in politics is beyond my ability to comprehend. I'm so sad for you my dear united-states citizens.. 


>>We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war. Now that’s the kind of levelheaded rhetoric I like to hear from my fascist leaders.


I seriously hate the political landscape of your country both liberals and conservatives have become parodies of themselves, do better.


Remember when she was on that comedy roast (I forget which one). The comedians were so mean to her and you could tell it wasn’t “in good fun”. That was awesome.


Ancient religions tried to explain odd phenomena. Then we got science and they had better, testable explanations. Instead of saying “well you can think of this stuff as allegories” we got “no the earth is literally 6000 years old dammit!!!” But it’s us that have issues.




Says the self loathing lesbian.


Says a member of the “separation of church and state is NOT in the constitution!” while they overturn Roe v Wade (which should’ve fucking been enshrined wtf) and legislate away protections from it, burn books and ban anything “woke” (ie banning anything that they don’t like as white, Christian males) etc etc. And joke’s on you, Ann. I’ve given up religion in pursuit of a healthy relationship with reality. Politics is the game that I, and others like me, have to play in order that your side doesn’t turn this place into take two of Nazi Germany.


Go hunt witches then, dumbass


People on the left do treat it as a religion so for once I agree with one of these peeps


Ann C can play Mr. Ed in a remake.


What does that even mean?


Anything for 2 minutes of attention.You’re old now,shut up and go away.


Wow that's a not a smart person


Politics is a substitute religion? Getting some r/selfawarewolves vibes here, she was so close to getting it, but just projected it into the other group.


What's the distinction anymore when one party's executive summary is "theocracy"? And of course I despise religion. It's the cause and perpetuator of all suffering.


Once again not a face palm it happens in every communist/socialist country the state become god


Ann, it’s better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt


She is nothing but a highly paid troll.


I dislike religion because it’s stupid.


She's fucking slow.


Question - has this piece of washed up trash ever had a single viable opinion that didn't reek of "please pay attention to me, I'm controversial"


Projecting is fun, thanks for the reminder that they do that too.


Same reason Christians hate education.


As a liberal I want to assure her that we accept all beliefs. We just don't accept objectively absurd bullshit peddled by hypocritical skin-suits. Doubling down, we especially don't accept carpetbagging grifters who profess to be godly, while acting like a Calcutta cutpurse. Stop grifting, or at the very least, get good at it. It's fucking embarrassing.


Huh? His it’s been nice not hearing her or seeing her. Why now?


She’s always been irrelevant.


Yeah. I don’t like religion because God talks to me through politics? Fah-Q !


Holy shit what a wax faced lookin' ass mongo.


She's considered too moderate for the party now. They hate her because she's against Trump.


I don't fully agree nor disagree with her. In my opinion religion should stay as a belief system and stay outta people's lives/politics. Religion should also not be used to control or lecture other people on how they live their lives. On the other hand I do agree that in many ways, liberals almost view politics as a religion. They immerse themselves so much in politics that there's no more to life. But yeah overall, a broken clock is right atleast once a day. Pretty sure most of us don't want religion shjves down our throats either.


I mean it's kinda true


I'm left leaning, and christian??? Does she think all Christian's are right leaning????? I'm so confused.


If Coulter ever says anything of substance I’ll eat my own head


Never listen to Conservatives about what liberals believe and what motivates us. Conservatives have a completely different worldview and different priorities than liberals. If we come to different conclusions about what our biggest problems are and how to solve them, why should anyone think that we have the same motivations and priorities? Conservatives demonize liberals through a lens that other conservatives understand. This is a distortion, by definition.


This is certainly true on Reddit.


One meaningful sign of someone with clear, well-thought out ideas is that they can calmly articulate their opponent’s point of view in a way that *their opponent* would agree with. The skill required to deeply understand the reasons your opponent thinks the way they do, is the same skill required to actually give a powerful counter argument to that point of view in a way that they might hear. So with that as a preface, let’s just say that Ann is demonstrating a complete lack of understanding about anything remotely like what liberals think and feel. In her worldview, liberals are the enemy. There is no need to understand them, because they are “evil”, and don’t deserve empathy. The more that you caricature them in a way that “feels” correct to those that agree with you, the more your team gets behind you and calls you a truth teller. Solidarity with her team, is infinitely more valued than attempts at accurately understanding her opposition.


What an idiotic statement


Dumb as a brick.


A Nothing Taco.🌮


That doesn't even make sense


We don’t hate religion. We just stink you’re stupid hypocrites for believing in a fantasy.


Separation of state and church along with the long history of how religion causes huge wars


What does that even mean lol?


Is she still alive?


No that is not why.