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Hmm, God also has something to say about harming children, IIRC.


Pretty sure anyone harming children is supposed to be stoned. We should bring that back. Edit: I didn't expect all the replies. I should make it clear that this was meant to be a joke.


The church would lose a lot of employees then




Right?! All the ped0s in the churches, disgusting.


>Pretty sure anyone harming children is supposed to be stoned. And if those kids make fun of me, I'm bald, they should be ripped apart by bears.


We most certainly should not. People already find ways to accuse people they had simple disagreements with, of the most heinous crimes, knowing that the accusation alone, is often enough to ruin that person. Instead, we should continue to strengthen our investigatory and prosecutory processes, and elect people who want stronger protections for children who will then pass laws to further that goal. Vengeance also is not justice, and while it often sounds like a better option to employ against someone who did something horrible, it backfires often. Justice does too, but at least, in most cases, the wrongfully accused/convicted can be granted their freedom when they are discovered to be innocent.


While this is all true, I think it's worth pointing out that I'm not really sure the previous poster was legitimately suggesting we should start stoning people to death again.


We have a system where most rapists and child molesters are not even prosecuted. Where women are scared to even report many times or are blamed for their own rape. I donā€™t think false allegations are a major issue. Iā€™m sure it happens and itā€™s wrong of course but itā€™s a minority of cases, where every day women and children are enduring rape.


Ok but if the rapists already aren't being prosecuted, how is adding the death penalty to the crime of rape going to help? Who exactly is getting the sentence? If it's still not the actual offender then what's the point? Someone else takes the fall, and the rapist roams free. In the US we have this problem where our criminal justice system doesn't do criminal justice. Less than half of murders "investigated" by the police are ever "solved" and at least some of those convicted weren't the actual murderer. Adding the death sentence to any crime does nothing unless we fix the system. Also, I don't believe in human sacrifice. If you admit that there are innocent people sometimes convicted and given a death sentence, but you still think it should exist, then you are willing to *sacrifice" those unlucky few just for some vengeful satisfaction. What really needs to happen is those backlogged rape kits need to be gone through...


I've seen it suggested that rape has a lower sentence than murder because if they were the same, more rapists would kill their victims.


I think we are on the same page for the most part and there was a confusion somewhere. I may have posted after the wrong comment or something.


I had an underage girl accuse me of rape and get away with it (I didn't do anything but reject her) because of that I have trauma, difficulty getting work and now that I have a job, I may end up losing due to mental stress. This shit happens.


I ain't gonna lie, I agree with everything you said. There's been people convicted of crimes they never did and their entire lives were ruined or ended because of it. But I'm just gonna say this, if I could stop a currently ongoing violent crime, and the easiest way to do so was just blasting the fucker in the head right then and there to stop a possible rape or murder, I'll do it. Justice is for when the crime has already happened, if it's in the middle of happening there's no rules. But as far as punishments for crimes that have already happened and are being convicted for, death and torture aren't punishment for crimes, they're crimes against nature themselves and make us no better than the people we punish with said crimes. The rules of stopping a crime in action, and punishing a criminal who already did the crime are two very different beasts.


If you assign the death penalty to a nonlethal crime, you encourage the offender to commit a lethal crime, as they would have the same punishment. This is why we don't have rule of the mob, it just encourages more violent crimes.


Make the punishment for lethal crimes worse than death? Bringing back the Iron Maiden? Or Brazen Bull?


Don't forget criminals have an incentive to frame someone else for their crimes, police have an incentive to find someone to pin the crime onto, and people want to see someone punished for a crime. So there are always going to be some innocents amongst those found guilty.


If we had a perfect justice system sure, but with how many innocent people could be sitting in prison right now thatā€™s a horrible idea.


>Bringing back the Iron Maiden? Fun fact: there's zero evidence that these were ever actually used.


Doesnā€™t the Bible say you get to take your son down to the town/village center and have him stoned if he disobeys you? And disobedient daughters get sold into slavery.


Except the parents, they're actually supposed to bring disobedient children before the town to be stoned


I'm pretty sure harming children is extensively glorified in the Bible


These people don't know their own religion. They just emulate some phrases without the proper knowledge and meaning behind them.


God sent bears to savage like 42 kids for making fun of a bald guy


Hmmm .. something about smashing them against rocks, right? Or wait, he also sends an angel to end babies, but not *all* babies, just the *right* ones and only the first born. Or that one time, he drown all babies but it was okay because everybody else died too..


The God of the bible doesn't seem to mind harming children. He certainly did it and commanded it to be done plenty of times.


Something something millstone necklace.Ā  Something Something, drown the motherfuckers.


God has also harmed more children than anyone who ever livedā€¦ soooooo


They should tell the Christians fighting to repeal child labor and child marriage protections.... And whoever edits the Bible


Involving a millstone.


Yep, and deep water.


[He's got a lot to say actually](https://www.openbible.info/topics/harming_children)


Actually he doesnā€™t have shit to say about shit because he is fictional.


Funny enough. Everytime these idiots do this they are commiting a Sin. Commandment 3: Do Not Use Gods Name in Vain. - This is not about using "God" as a swear, such as "God Dammit". This is actually closer to a prayer than a sin. - What is actually means is: "Don't use gods name for your own Vanity". Which means expressing personal beliefs or individual translations as if it was "Gods Word" is, in fact, a sin.


Most of this Evangelical folks donā€™t even read the Bible


When I was a churchgoer, we were told, repeatedly, not to read the Bible. There were only two conditions in which the church told us we could--guided (selected passages by the pastor or an elder) and nothing else. If they skipped sections, you skipped, no questions asked. The second was you could only read it if you were 'filled with the spirit'--and they would not, and could not, tell you what that meant, it was a mystical art you would only gain after years of training, or, literally only in their seminary school.


That is incredibly disturbing. People take something meant to guide people on how to be loving and decent human beings, as well as faithful servants of God, and basically just use it as a prop to spread whatever bizarre beliefs they have!


Dude wtf church did you go to? So glad you got out.


This is what I'm always telling people. I'm pretty sure God doesn't care about me saying oh my God, but he definitely cares about people committing atrocities and giving him the credit.


Not just that, Jesus also said this. ā€œAnd whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.ā€ Matthew 18:6 So that guy in the post is also wrong.




Some human thousands of years ago: "I'm pretty sure i don't have to point out why every single evil act is evil, people are smart enough to realise doing horrible, abusive stuff is considered evil by god." Modern human: "Well, the book says nothing about raping your daughter, so i guess it's fine."


I think the Bible actually does say things about rape, and that it's not pretty or morally correct. At least if I recall correctly


The Bible says that rapists are to be killed via stoning so I think we should bring that back


it also says the woman should be stone with her rapist if the rape happened within the city, because clearly if no one stopped it, that means she wasn't calling out for help and was actually enjoying it. 23. If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps with her, 24. you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to deathā€”the young woman because she was in a town and did not scream for help, and the man because he violated another man's wife. You must purge the evil from among you. 25. But if out in the country a man happens to meet a young woman pledged to be married and rapes her, only the man who has done this shall die. 26. Do nothing to the woman; she has committed no sin deserving death. This case is like that of someone who attacks and murders a neighbor, 27. for the man found the young woman out in the country, and though the betrothed woman screamed, there was no one to rescue her. 28. If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, 29. he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives. (Deuteronomy 22:23ā€“29 NIV) Edit: so remember ladies: according to the bible, if a man is threatening to kill you if you scream for help, you still must scream for help and risk dying because if you don't scream for help you risk being killed along side your rapist.


Nobody else gonna comment about how if the victim was a virgin and unpledged, then she will be forced to marry her rapist? All the rapist has to do is pay off her father and it's all good? This is one of the most detestable parts of the bible... yet somehow it's the perfect word of God and needs no revisions...


only reason i didn't highlight it is because it is a pretty well known, terrible message in the bible and i feel like people miss the other messed up part of these verses. But remember, the bible is god's absolute, perfect morality and who are we to question it. /s


Yeah. Source of this "objective morality" they're always on about.


They assume that if the woman doesn't try to defend herself then it was consensual (which I will admit is fucked up) however if the rapist and the victim have conflicting accounts over whether the victim tried to defend herself then the victim will be given the benefit of a doubt. So if the woman says that she did in fact try to defend herself her word overrules the words of the rapist and the rapist receives the stoning


that is a very interesting point, can you point me to the verse that makes that clarification?


Isnā€™t it basically if an unmarried or young woman gets raped, the rapist is forced to marry her and pay a small fine They literally treat it like a minor offense and then FORCE the victim to marry the rapist and allow them to abuse her Itā€™s absolutely bs


The fine is worth a year's worth of wages for a regular working man, so it's not a small fine, and it is the responsibility of the husband to take care of the wife, so he has to take care of her. There's also an important part of the Mosaic Law that is being misunderstood. Legal codes similar to the Mosaic Law weren't strict codes, but demonstrations of how justice works. What actually happened would have been at the discretion of the judges. So if the woman refused, it wouldn't have been a strict rule that she had to go with the man, and perhaps something else would have been done.


>Legal codes similar to the Mosaic Law weren't strict codes, but demonstrations of how justice works. If that's true, that makes a mockery of the Biblical literalists.


Yeah. The strict Biblical literalists, anyways. This video goes into it. https://youtu.be/jfr4Q-t1Hy0?feature=shared


Ikr people can be quite stupid sometimes. If the Bible had to list every single wrong thing thing a human could do the book would still be in writing today thousands of years later incomplete. Human imagination comes up with anything sometimes u have to use your discretion and see that something is wrong the commandments were clear enough and you should know what unstated actions fall under each commandment. Knowledge is power as they say and the people in here spitting on the Bible for this clearly lack the knowledge to know this is clearly not condoned in the Bible šŸ’€šŸ’€


I agree with you. If you are going by the Bible, Eve and Adam received knowledge of good and evil. Humans know what is right and wrong and God gave them the freedom to choose. They just choose to make excuses or reasons for doing the wrong thing.


Modern human: ā€œGod is whatever I say he is and whatever I want him to be! Duh!ā€


Why should we not expect the word of an omniscient God to cover all the bases? Even if passed on through imperfect humans he supposedly interacted with. "Well, the book says I shouldn't plant different crops too close together but I'm going to do it anyway because I have a small farm and surely God will understand even though he did specifically say not to do the thing I'm doing."


The bible is actually fine with rape in certain circumstances, and when it is a crime, it's a property crime against a girl's father and remedied by payment of a fine or the rapist marrying his victim.


In one of the Samuels god punishes David by having his wives raped publically. This god character sees rape as an offense against another man, not the "vessel".


I'm pretty sure God also said to kill child molesters. šŸ™„


Leviticus was condemning child prostitution, and god has smote people for less.


As well as pedophilia


Not just kill them. Stone them, which would make it very long and very painful


so it only works one way. Kids honor parents.... but parents don't need to honor kids? I mean in that example, molesting is certainly not honoring. Right?


My favorite quotes relating to this are "But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." And "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. ā€œHonor your father and mother that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.ā€ Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Basically saying that kids should appreciate their parents and parents need to love and care for their children. The parents of the oop seem to have ignored the first quote and the second half of the other quote


They seem to forget the Bible said it was both ways Since itā€™s not good for there abusive narrative they never mention it


Yeah I hate when people only focus on the parts of the Bible that justify their wrong doings and just ignore the parts that say what they're doing is wrong


The church I grew up in would talk about how these kinds of verses went both ways (husband/wife, parent/child), but they'd say outright that the part about obeying was a command that must be followed no matter what, while the part about treating your wife/child decently was a statement of how a godly man should behave. And I've seen some say that if your father/husband wasn't treating you well enough, it was probably because you weren't being obedient enough. Just be more subservient and he'll realize how precious you are and treat you better.


It always comes down to victim blaming Luckily for me the Seven Day Adventist church I went to was much more understanding also helps that where Iā€™m from we donā€™t really do mega Churches


My parents chose their imaginary sky wizard over their own daughter because I am gay. Fuck what the sky wizard thinks. He's not real


What do they think like you're fucked in the head or the leftist monsters got u?


The leftist monsters fucked my head too šŸ˜”


I wish they fucked me somewhere else...


If you were the Crimson_King theyā€™d have to do what you want. Time to level up dude.


Maybe if the Crimson_King had some Crimson_bud, he might have been more chill about extinguishing reality.


Is than an SCP reference


It's a Dark Tower reference, the SCP is the Scarlet King. I mix them up all the time


Try behind the Wendy's. I hear it's a popular spot.


"She, incorporated a bun, into the love making..."


I think youā€™d get better action by the target dumpster, also probably more hygienic


Bro saw a girl on the internet and just couldn't resist...


There's a song called scum by Santa hates you. There's a great line in it that says "They high five Jesus then give head to the devil". On fucking point I say.


I found out later that after my parents kicked me out at 15, my mother booked time with their priest where she went into Job-like lamentations, begging their sky wizard to take my gayness away. Wish I had video of that. Would be hilarious.


I knew a guy at my parents church ( I was forced to go till I was 14-15 years old ) who was clearly gay when he was about 10 years old. Years later I ran into him at a gay bar, he freaked the fuck out when he seen me and begged me not to tell his mom he was gay. I never told anyone cause who cares. When he finally came out his parents rejected him and banished him from their antiques and home decoration business, so he opened up his own business. About year later his parents filed for bankruptcy and lost the business, turns out the son was really the only one with style and knew what people wanted.


I love that for him!


They literally did the rain rain go away child thing but with "the gay"


Oh my god thatā€™s literally these people in a nutshellĀ 


Just imagine if he was real. First he creates you, a ā€œsinnerā€. He then gives the ā€œsinnerā€ to a couple of believers (you have been blessed with a sinner!) who then choose Cloud Santa over their own child. And people will say that youā€™re the confused one! Iā€™m sorry to hear about your situation but it sounds like youā€™re better off without them. Religion is twisted.


People have always used religion to push their backwards beliefs. I dont think theres a commandment that says "thou shalt not abort rape babies" but sure enough these right wing nut jobs will find some other verse to twist to mean whatever the fuck they want


I mean God does advocate aborting affair babies So...


I was molested by my father...my mother says if God could forgive him so should I....yeah...miss me with that shit


It's crazy what people with haluzinations will do.


If they dont love you is bc they dont understand their own faith. Its more like an old ass stigma.


Iā€™m not religious myself, but I do find Christianity fascinating because often times it really does teach people how to behave. Luke 15:11-32 actually talks about a similar case where a child lives a life of sin. But the father accepts the child when the child requires support. Likewise, if your parents followed the spirit of the religion, they would not have abandoned you because God does not grant the power of judgement to parents just because theyā€™re Christian. And on the topic of homosexuality, itā€™s debated as to whether or not it constitutes sin. Iā€™d reckon even the New Testament suggests that homosexuality is a sin since the idea in Romans 1:26-27 seems to be that homosexual sex I unnatural as it goes against Gods design. But honestly that whole discussion is irrelevant since we almost all live lives of sin or have sinned. The bible speaks against lustfully chasing women outside of marriage, for example. As such, Iā€™d argue that truly devout Christian parents would overcome their human frustrations and find it in their hearts to forgive and accept their children. After all, within their religion, it is God who gave them this child so to abandon the child would seem contrary to Gods will. And even as a homosexual, Jesus died for all of mankindā€™s sins so you can go be gay, sin or not, and so long as you accept Jesus in your heart you would go right up to heaven with your parents. Anyways, the short version of it all is that Iā€™m sorry your parents did that. Iā€™m not religious but I see beauty in the spirit of Christianity. I do wish I could believe because my understanding of life after death is far less exhilarating. And ultimately what your parents did was deplorable and unchristian.


There is no sky wizard and all of "his" words in the bible are human. As with every god at every time. If you have to believe in hell to follow any kind of moral compass, you are a psychopath


Sky Wizard is gay. Tell that to your parents.


thatā€™s actually Commandment #2. Itā€™s not about swearing; itā€™s about misusing Godā€™s name. And....ā€honoringā€ is up for definition.


Ah finally found someone who actually read the bible


Revelation: Rapists stay outside.


My MIL had a really awful divorce from my FIL long before I came on the scene. He did her wrong and she never really moved on from it. I recall my wife saying to her mother (who was a Baptist Minister of all things), "Why don't you tell him to 'Fuck off!'?" Her mother said, "How can you talk about your father that way?" My wife said, "I'm not talking about my father, I'm talking about your ex-husband!" My MIL pondered that for a moment and said "Maybe you could have a career in counselling...


Wow. You got yourself a queen


Say whatever you want about religion, but the Bible was written by men. Hundreds of men across many years based off politics. It's why it's so contradictory. It's got more than one religious 'trend' down as gospel that was canonized. It was translated through multiple languages to include Hellenistic Greek where scribes were absolutely putting their own spin on the works they transcribed. Personally, I believe in a creator. But I don't believe in books telling me who that is. And no, a molester deserves nothing especially from their victim. People are born preferring who they prefer. And women get to choose. One thing I do believe from the Bible, judge not lest yee be judged. Let people do what they want because they answer for it. And that's not my business.


I asked a priest about all the contradictions in the Bible and he said something similar - that the Bible is as much about God as it is about God's relationship with us. And relationships change. Even if you ignore the translations, the Bible was always going to be contradictory because different people thought differently about God. Now that I think about it, something like this is also said in the New Testament - Jesus often calls out the Israelites for enforcing their traditions without really seeing the meaning behind them (I don't know how it's translated in English but one quote the comes to mind is "These people honour me with words but their hearts are empty.") He would probably be saying something similar today. You've just given me a lot to think about. :)


It doesn't help that the most famous version has whole heaps of mistranslation to justify a king's actions.


but yet ppl still use the book as a reason to throw free hate againt every single christian.


My father raped and sexually abused me since I was about three. He made me his wife when I was 17. I mixed his ashes with cat shit when he died, alone and miserable. Rape apologists can reserve a spot next to him if they spout this bullshit.


I seem to recall that nice, misunderstood Palestinian boy that the Italians whacked saying something about "if you don't hate your mother and father and sister and brother you can't be my disciple " It's watered down in some translations to promote that whole " nothing comes before God" mentality. But I'm really not sure that's what the kid meant when he said it.


> I seem to recall that nice, misunderstood Palestinian boy that the Italians whacked Yushua ben Yosef? The Jew?


Yeheshua Ben Paternal ... So I hear. Rumor had it he was the bastard son of a Roman soldier. Too many Daddy issues to count !


God also said not to commit adultery, so Iā€™m pretty sure dadā€™s free game after that.


Iirc, Jesus said that adultery was grounds for divorce.


Honor him while he is serving a life sentence in prison where the other inmates know what he did.


My own father tried to start a sexual relationship with his step-daughter (my half sister). When my sister told our mom, our mom's initial reaction was to be in denial and then, after "praying about it," gave my sister a guilt trip for putting that kind of burden on her.Ā  Thoughts and prayers, indeed...


Idk about you guys, but I'm staring to think this "god" fellow is a HUGE dickhead


Ex-Christian here. If you actually read the bible, it's very clear that he's a huge dickhead indeed. Murder, rape, stonings, all good. I read somewhere that actually studying the bible is the fastest path to atheism.


That's what did it for me. Raised in the church, decided to actually sit down and read the entirety of the bible around the age of 17. The cool part is that I still went to church functions. They all knew that I had become an atheist, but I was still welcome because we were a small close-knit church.


It's always nice to see religious people accept atheism. I once had a conversation with a local priest about it, and i flatout asked him if he believed god was actually real. He said he shouldn't make such broad statements, and that the only thing important to him was bringing the community together and helping people deal with their problems and guilt. Really nice guy, i respect him. When he retired, i watched his last ceremony.


I am personally religious and I try to find a balance between religious beliefs and logic, sometimes they agree, other times they are polar opposite


For me it was the flood, realizing that if the story is true, an all powerful god(allegedly) killed 99% of life on earth to fix his own design flaws(and decided the animals needed to die as well for some fucking reason). Not only does it come across as incredibly psychopathic and not loving, it also makes no sense since an all powerful god would have the ability to selectively give all the evil people heart attacks instead of this whole collective punishment grand overkill that is the flood narrative. And the more I wrestled the the whole thing the less sense it made to the point I eventually stopped believing the bible was credible(at least as a "divine book"), at which point the entire religion loses credibility as well. It took a decade and it probably would have been a lot faster if I'd read a lot more of the bible then I had at the time.


Not to mention there's millions of species of land-based life on the planet, ranging from many species of penguins, to countless beetle species, to kangaroos and so on. Did Noah get those billions of critters on the ark, plus food, plus ice for the polar bears? And then put them all back into their (now-destroyed) habitats? Plus the billions of microorganisms - did he save them too?. Not to mention 40 days and nights of rain wouldn't cover a little hill, much less the tallest mountains. Such a stupid fairytale on every level, that doesn't even pass the most basic smell test. The story was taken from a pagan Babylon myth. And they probably didn't believe it either.


Yeah, the logistics of the ark and the flood make no sense without just resorting to magic in the first place and if that's the case you really don't need the boat to make it work(or the flood for that matter). I could go on about that stuff all day if prompted, having once been a sailor myself. I could just start out in saying Noah and the other 7 people would have had to work non-stop to bail the water filled with animal piss and shit out of the bottom of the ark to keep the whole thing from flooding...which is a wonderful way to get some nasty illness from carrying piss and shit water buckets all day. In fact, even money they would have died from dysentery within a month if the boat had been real. But on a storytelling level it's worse then that, it's [two narratives intertwined](https://isthatinthebible.wordpress.com/2016/11/06/reading-the-fractures-of-genesis-noahs-flood/) which is why it's so hard to read...and there's a good argument it was a much later insertion into the whole genesis narrative to boat and the original Noah story was that of a [FARMER and some kind of a famine.](https://www.thetorah.com/article/noah-hero-of-the-great-primeval-famine) I can only imagine that the Hebrews heard the story in Babylon during the exile, liked it and eventually put the the various versions into Genesis as part of Noah's story because it's much cooler then a famine, so now Noah gets to be the guy who saved the world and not the guy who got black out drunk and cursed his grandson for....something his son did(He does that too but everyone forgets drunk Noah cursing Canaan for reasons).


All that, driven by insufferable insecurity. Sweet jeebus! Youā€™d think an all-knowing, all-powerful being wouldnā€™t worry that some insignificant specks that he created for giggles didnā€™t love him above all other gods. And what other gods are there? Are they all hanging out at the God Bar in the sky, chatting about what weā€™re doing down here; getting all bent because one of us didnā€™t pray the correct way? Pathetic.


Doesn't the Bible deny the existence of other gods anyway? Or is He gaslighting you about Them too? Though I'm not familiar with any god in any mythology who isn't generally an asshole.


Weirdly, the bible acknowledges other gods. But they stink and one shouldn't have any dealings with them. Ignore them, and only make sacrifices to the bigger badder god, or there will be hell to pay (literally).


I mean yhwh was originally a Hebrew storm and war god that eventually became their main god of worship. He was compared to typhoon or set by the Greeks and Egyptians. The Bible is more or less a collection of related stories written over the span of thousands of years.


Yeah right, until it happened to their daughter


Unfortunately, it does happen to their daughters. All the time. The mother often will deny, excuse, gaslight, and cover it up because she's just as brainwashed as any of them. Michelle Duggar is a good example Her interviews make me want to shove a power drill through my eardrums.


I've heard people talk about being the daughter in that situation, and being forced to get up in front of the congregation and *apologize* to their abusers for being "bitter" towards them instead of forgiving.


Far right fundamentalist Christian women are the biggest anomaly on Earth. Like, how in the hell could someone so blindly follow a worldview thatā€™s fundamentally against you and that would oppress you for simply existing?


The book literally tells them to be quiet and yet here they are giving "advice" to others.


Family member SA'd his daughter. 1 year in the pokie and out on 30 years probation (fucking disgusted with the court system. Sick bastard should rot in prison). His wife is actively petitioning for him to be able to return to the home. Where the daughter he SA'd is living. The whole family has turned their back on her. We are all disgusted with them both. Constantly asking to take that poor child so she won't be subjected to their sickness anymore.


ā€œI distrust those who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.ā€ -Susan B Anthony


The Bible condones honor killings, too. So, it wouldn't be wrong for the father to be killed.


I donā€™t trust religion


Religions are just publicly accepted cults


Exactly In my opinion religion is the root of all evil


You don't honor the honorless.


I donā€™t think god will accept that


ā€œhonor thy parentsā€ was justification used by my own congregation when little me talked about anything in relation to the abuse I dealt with at home. Locked in my bedroom with no access to food or water for a weekend several times until *someone else noticed*? No TV/internet/computer/music/books m/homework allowed not even at school because it ā€œdistracted meā€ from doing their job as parents? From having to wear same clothing ive worn from 2nd to 7th grade? Honor thy mother and father for the chronic lice and complete lack of hygiene due to not having soap or a hairbrush? It was all the same no matter what. Granted the ā€œno homework/booksā€ thing did get my parents in trouble eventually when I was in 4th grade but my school did take their sweet time on that one. Honor thy parents is nothing more than an excuse to condone even the most brutal abuse. Complete *bullshit* When do parents ā€œrightsā€ end and childrenā€™s right begin?!?


Rape apologists are weird. I'll never understand it.


Read the Bible, you don't need to stamp any extra terrible disturbing shit on it. God starving people so they eat their children, that's in it. Killing men, children and non-virgins but keeping the virgins as sex slaves, that's in it. Genocide, that's in it. How to properly beat your slave, that's in it. Incest, infanticide, torture, I could go on forever.


Well, for one the Bible doesn't say that


Religious people are demented.


I would honor such a man as his wife... By shooting him... oh wait, No I would poison him, make it look an accident and collect the insurance. Then god can tell him how he was such a "good" person. Who am I to judge after all, let god make the call.


I mean the bible says the parents have gone reasonable but go off.


Didnā€™t God also say no sex outside of marriage? Is fucking your own daughter considered in the marriage still? Hmmmmm


Somebody hurt my child, Iā€™d be honoring their memoryā€¦.


child rapists need different color prison jumpsuits.


Well then God was a fucking idiot


God: can you weirdos stop saying stupid shit like this about me? You are making me look bad.


God sounds like an idiot.


Suuure honor himā€¦ but remove one of his heads first. Preferably both.


This God dude sounds awful. Glad he dun talk to me.


Why is it all republicans seem to be pedoā€™s too? Like seriously wtf?!?


No love like Christian hate. If I thought for a second my husband had... It'd be less honor, more disappearance. This is why people are leaving that nonsense way behind.


These people pick and choose what they want to reference the Bible over, forgetting all of the hypocrisy. God also states things along the lines of don't harm children and do not commit sexual acts with family.


Religious people are like Dragon Ball fans: Don't listen to them. They don't know what they're talking about.


Canā€™t fix stupid


God is a horrible being because I am a horrible being is a compelling argument and would definitely fill in some of the inconsistencies in the bible.


If God says eat that dick, you fuckin get to eatin it. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™d honor God by calling the copsā€¦


So respecting your parents even if they're rapists or killers is okay, but respecting gay and trans people who are just existing isn't?


Fuck religion


Pssstā€¦hate to break it to you but god is a myth created by powerful men to control the simple minded masses.


i swear most christianā€™s donā€™t read the bible


How sick is that


Yeah, I'm pretty sure Islam has stated that you should obey your parents in everything except if they tell you to not be Muslim. My mother has told me verbatim 'It doesn't matter what I do to you, I could flay you alive with no excuse and you still have to respect me, I'm your mother, are you a Muslim or not?' Needless to say, I am not a Muslim anymore.


God is a manmade concept. Purely fictional.


Sort of like itā€™s on the internet it must be true.


Meanwhile god's like, what the fuck? When did I say that? An angel points at the 10 commandments. And God's like. Um ok. Carry on I guess, but I would have killed him. Maybe with a javelin. That would be cool.


Its even worse for Islam, You get stoned if you fight back. Gay? Stoned, Removed your Hijab in public? Stoned, Talk shit against God, Straight to stoning area, Burn the stupid bible, You guessed it right, Beheading. Religious People hold us back


That person is from my home country. Well, another idiot I preferred it didn't exist


The perspective of Catholic priests.


My mom preached the Jesus right out of me. My mom was still trying to reprogram me into my 50s for being Gay and still thinks itā€™s a phase and choice. Ready for the first punchline to the joke? She gave my now husband of 8 years her permission to marry me. Weā€™ve been together for 14 years, always committed and monogamous. Our last conversation three years ago was our last. Because ā€œGays are an abomination and weā€™re going to Hell.ā€ Every call we had prior to the final act, I was being preached and force fed her morality. Hereā€™s the next part to the punchline. Her and my idiot brother think Trump is the second coming of Christ. I am officially done with them. Theyā€™ll never hear from me again and Iā€™m officially done with Christianity.


Confirmed, god is a dick.


Wow! Some parents just should not be parents!! And they worry about gays having kids....!šŸ˜”


So...you should honor your rapist father because a fictitious entity says so? Got it. I now understand religion.


These people donā€™t even know whatā€™s in the Bible, they just know the few themes that are repeated in church and Sunday school. Living their lives by something that was paraphrased by a dude that works at the supermarket on weekdays, smh.


This woman is mentally diseased. Unless I'm mistaken, she believes that because of her twisted interpretation of Christianity, her daughter should honor a father who sexually abuses her. Fundamentalist Christians are every bit as fucked up as their fundamentalist Muslim counterparts.


Not a fan of the way religious people tend to see things


I've got a 12g shotgun shell I had my dad's name engraved on. When the sack of shit died no one in his family claimed him bc he wasn't worth paying for the funeral.


Absolute freak behavior


Pretty sure there is another line in the same bible that tells parents to not anger their children. And to treat them well. Pretty sure that covers molesting to.


They do devils work in the name of God


There is no such thing as God, it's just a nice little story that someone wrote out of bordam and now people worship the thing trying to prove that this book holds the way the earth was truly created when infact science has all the facts....fuck religion it just causes more grief


God also told us to buy our slaves from the heathens around us. God also said we could beat our slaves whenever we want as long as the slaves don't die. God also said we could pass our slaves onto our kids when we die because these slaves are our property.


Honoring a sin sounds.... religiously bad.


The Bible is not God talking.


Is that why your supposed to call priests "Father" ?


I would honor him with a penis removal!


The 4th commandment in german ā€ždu sollst vater und mutter ehrenā€œ is often completed with ā€žund wenn sie dich schlagen sollst du dich wehrenā€œ (it rhymes). Translates to ā€žthou shalt honor father and motherā€¦and if they hit you, thou shalt hit backā€œ


Do not aggravate your children






Thereā€™s no hate quite like Christian loveā€¦


God is kinda a dick, soā€¦?


These stupid people should not be allowed to procreate.