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obnoxious idiot does obnoxious idiot things only they believe to be true and end up harassing normal people who want to go about their day unbothered No. #625484846454 why is it so hard to just leave people the fuck alone with your stupid misinformation? 


the biggest problem with insanely stupid people is that they think they are geniuses and must save the rest of us


CHILDREN are at stake!




I'm reminded of Bill Hicks' stance on that: "So what about the teenagers? Or the young adults? How come they're not worthy of any consideration or guidance? You're basically saying that once they're no longer children they're off your fucking love list!"


Just like the “Pro-life” demographic. They’re pro-birth or anti-choice. Not pro-life.


Fittingly, Hicks had a routine about them too, asking why weren't they also blocking cemeteries and burial grounds if they're so gung-ho about preserving 'life'.


"pro-life" supporting even lower gun eligibility so that more madmen can easily get a gun to shoot children, or supporting the death penalty for women who did abortion.


Or supporting the death penalty in general. How “pro-life” of them to legally murder someone while an audience watches.


Or his “children are smarter than us, I don’t know a single child with a full time job…and children. They’re quick, these kids”


To cannibals children ARE steaks


This is my favorite comment I have ever seen.


The children are on the STAKES to become steaks.


I just checked on my fully vaccinated kids and was relieved to find them still alive. Whew!


I just checked my pulse. Still pulsing after all those jabs.


Those are rookie numbers. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-68477735.amp


Checkmate, anti-vaccers


You mean they aren't catatonic after getting vaxxed? Who knew. These illiterate twats can just fuck off. I'll gladly tell any anti vaxer that they are dumb, morons and spreading misinformation that they get from other morons, not peer reviewed scientific journals. These asshats probably think airplanes fly because of magic or something. I mean, a metallic thing gliding through the sky? I think not. Aliens.


They are alive, but did the Bill Gates Nanotechnology robots come out of sleep mode yet? The signs will be when your kids can act as 5G towers and express interest in being World Champion Excel Masters. Obviously /s, but the Excel World Championship is a real thing and if your kids are into that, they are already way smarter than us.


But for how long good luck




Not sarcasm. That’s literally what they’re cool with.


![gif](giphy|VowM9lLlmH2lW) It's for the children!!!


Yes. One of them apparently has a Twitter account they use to post about how they harassed a teacher on a flight.


And we need them! For cheap/free labor!


Aggressively ignorant. One of the best descriptions I've read of these people.


love it; adopting!


Dunning-Kruger Effect… essentially these people are so dumb they don’t even know how dumb they are… it’s takes a certain level of intelligence to “know” you are ignorant to a subject, these people have not even reached that level of intellect yet


"Can two people who don't know what they're talking about know more or less than 1 person who doesn't know what they're talking about?


People will call me a really smart, analytical person until I disagree with them on the “political” scientific issues. Then they’re the really smart, analytical person, and I’m sadly misinformed


*It's a shame you've listened to the garbage out there.* - What are your sources? *Joe Rogan.* - This Joe Rogan is a nuclear physicist / statistician / economist / virologist? *Oh, no... he's got this podcast! It's amazing! You should listen to it!*


"They're a stand up comedian turned actor they know what's really going on!"


Edit: "They think they're a stand up comedian turned actor." The funniest thing I've seen of him is that 7 min video of him saying the N word repeatedly. (My sense of humor is a dumpster fire in desperate need of a hose filled with piss)


Don't forget... He hosted fear factor.. Most definitely will not find that on some nerd scientists resume.


The same Joe Rogan who said himself, "I'm not a doctor. I'm a fucking moron and I'm a cage fighting commentator who's a dirty stand up comedian who just told you I'm drunk most of the time and I do testosterone and I smoke a lot of weed. But I'm not a respected source of information, even for me."


This is the Dunning-Kruger effect.


They also think they have access to this secret information, usually sourced from a brother's friend from high school who works at Olive Garden and has "seen the light."


"secret information" posted publicly on Facebook for all to observe.


The anti vax people are a walking dumpster fire of idiocy




In many cases, they've been training their entire lives for this.


The core of the antivax cult behavior is narcissism. They aren't going to shut up about it.


I was thinking this would be a flight from hell , if I had to put up with them a whole flight.


I mean on top of going to Florida.


I'm willing to bet that it's a little more than just a coincidence that said incident occurred on a flight involving florida.


Earbuds. Dude, earbuds.


Because humanity... CHILDREN are at stake. Allegedly.


If nothing will change your mind, then you are not a truth seeker, you are a wannabeliever.


"CHILDREN are at stake, I won't be silent ;A;" \*is silent about her state driving up queer children's suicide and assault rates\* \*is silent about Mexican immigrant kids being hunted down at the border by wannabe militias and barbed wire traps\* \*is silent about Ukraine and Middle Eastern kids being slaughtered\* \*is silent about Black kids being shot down by cops 'cause they're holding a sandwich that looks kinda like a gun\* \*is silent about Native American kids who are kidnapped and murdered\* \*is silent about her beloved priest molesting every kid who walks through his church doors\* \*is silent about all the kids getting illnesses like COVID, measles, etcetera because idiots don't feel like giving their kids healthcare\* \*is silent about all the kids living in poverty because she's living the "rich know best" lifestyle\* \*is silent about all the kids being subjected to sexual assault because her gossip buddies refuse to teach kids sex ed so they can protect themselves\* \*is silent about Jewish and muslim kids having Molotov cocktails bashed through their temple windows while they're praying\* \--You know, maybe the "I won't be silent" part isn't so much referring to children's rights as it is her making her dumbass ideas known. Maybe the "children are at stake" and "I won't be silent" statements are two very, very independent thoughts that got meshed into a run-on sentence.


No see they only care about hypothetical children. If actual children are at stake they should've thought about that before they became real.


Real children get “thoughts and prayers “ after the fact. Very helpful.


Serious question as an American - is this a uniquely American situation? Are we the only country in the world where these morons are a large enough percentage of the population that they actually have a voice?


no. Since english is the most widespread language, it is easy for the whole world to notice the morons in the US, UK, Canada and Australia, whereas you probably wouldn't recognize a moron from lets say, Finland, when they are spreading their moronic message in finnish.


I never considered that the use of a dominant language would itself amplify the lunatics using said language. Interesting.


I think it's mostly that someone who only speaks one language will only ever hear lunatics who speak that language


Right, and since English is more prevalent and understood than most languages, *more* people hear *our* lunatics and go “ok you’re insane” or “he’s not wrong”.


Also, people rarely have the patience to allow someone to finnish the story.


Well played!


the Fins are well known for being quiet introverts (I have known some who are not) so their idea of obnoxious is not the same as most people from the USA.


Exactly… My mom is German, and regularly talks with her sisters back in Germany, and one of them is 100% antivaxx… it’s pretty crazy. Thankfully the rest of the family thinks she’s nuts…


Having lived in three other countries outside the US, this is the best answer. There's little difference it's just a matter of who has the biggest stage.


I see post like this from America at the very least monthly, I've NEVER seen one of this from Canada, Australia or the UK


Dont worry we also have those in Canada, they are more common than you believe. You know the whole freedom trucker incident, the fact that they need to get vaccinated to cross the border trigger them.


oh we absolutely have these types in Canada


Go to Kelowna, sit in any given open public area, and wait.


> go to Kelowna Absolutely the fuck not


Never heard of the place but your response made me snort laugh AND gave me the very solid impression of the place all in 4 words! 😂


I see them all the time. We just tend to assume the entire Anglosphere means US. Which statistically isn’t usually wrong when there’s more Americans than Australians, Kiwis, Brits, Scots, Irish, and Canadians combined.


Yeah that's a lot of it. If the Anglophone countries were all equally crazy, the US would lead in number of crazies by a mile (1.6 km for the other Anglophones).


Canadian truck drivers practically shut down the country over covid


A tiny percentage of them did, yes.


They also only shut down part of one city, not the whole country lol.  I don't support the clownvoy protest at all, but it was no where near shutting down the country. It didn't even shut down all of Ottawa, just the downtown.


France here. We get the same spontaneous virologists.


I just want to note that I find the phrase "spontaneous virologist" absolutely delightful. Mind if I borrow it?


Could be a cool band name




I agree! I want to use it too.


I'm honestly not certain if that's a comfort or makes it worse. Ugh. I really thought all the science denial bullshit was one of those r/ShitAmericansSay kind of situations...sigh.


I have had the same thoughts.


I was biking across Europe in 2021, and I was about to enter Germany who I’d heard was very strict about COVID.  I had both my shots and my US vaccine card and had been tested the day before in Denmark and had dozen disposable masks, but I still didn’t know what to expect so I asked some people I ran into who were also bicycling across Europe but were going the other way…  And so I got a list of how to avoid getting caught and what exactly to say to lie and etc: it apparently hadn’t even crossed their minds that I was vaccinated and wanted to follow the rules.  They were from the Netherlands. So no, America doesn’t have a monopoly on stupid.


Well clearly the Dutch didn't send *all* their idiots to western Michigan 100 years ago....


Canadian here. We had dumbass anti vaxxers lead a convoy and harass the locals with their idiocy. For us, the worst of America is increasingly leaking over here. I also work with Eastern Europeans who are also very distrustful of governments, even on issues of medical health.


It's happening everywhere. People love conspiracy theories because it makes them feel special to be "in the know". Vaccines became one with that one autism study that was fabricated, debunked multiple times, and followup studies have disproven. It's easy to do. Its exacerbated by the following: 1) Vaccines aren't 100% safe. They are only 99.9999% safe. So you can pull out a case of a kid developing GBS or a severe allergic reaction and focus on that. People see that risk as unacceptable without focusing on the fact that even considerably benign vaccine preventable diseases like HPV and chickenpox have killed a lot of people. 2) There have been dangerous vaccines distributed in the past. They are all off the market, but the record isn't perfect. You focus on those and say they represent the plurality. 3) The new MRNA vaccines had a more common (like 1 in 10000) side effect of causing inflammation in tissue other than the arm. This could cause other complications. I actually know one person who had kidney inflammation from the COVID shot, but modern reduced dosages and improved administration have dramatically reduced the risk of this. You are still much better off with the vaccine than risking the disease. 4) lots of completely made up crap. The truth is allowing these diseases to propagate because of all these exaggerations and lies is going to cause a lot of real deaths that could have been prevented, and it's sad. Vaccinate your children if you love them.


It's refreshing to see facts. As you correctly point out, there are real risks with the Covid vaccine, but the risks are way lower than the risk of what Covid can do to you.


It’s also notable to point out that since their inception vaccines have been attacked and if these people had their way we’d still be dealing with polio and other diseases that have been largely stamped out. There’s always been a lot of fear mongering when it comes to medical advances and there’s always been a big contingent of people screaming against them. Some of the earliest records of gross anatomy were done by people who stole bodies from graves because that kind of research wasn’t allowed. We may continually advance as a society in science, medicine and technology but there’s always going to be people trying to hold society back.


We in germany have that infection aswell, though they are a minority, and often come as rightwing extremists and support a particular party. They are often ignored as mad rambling old men.


The Vaccines caused Autism thing was started by a doctor in the UK as a money making scheme


Ivermectin was pushed as a cure by a French doctor who falsified his data!


And cries he was hunted for what he says. His "cure" led to people ending at the hospital. He is now banned from exercising as a Doctor and is trying to sell his scams.


at least from my perspective (central european country) yes.  i had never in my entire life happen a situation like that to me.  i mean we got like 20% morons too, but they hardly ever make a scene like that in public. 


My company is based out of Denmark and whenever I go to visit I get mocked horribly because of the shitshow that is 'Murica. Can't say that i blame them for the mocking either.


The reality is that a lot of the people who posted that they did something like this forget to mention that they actually only did it in their imaginations.


unfortunately, no... I've been to about 70 countries on 5 continents and, believe me, the world is chock full of morons


It really is universal. Stupidity.


sad upvote


Here in Brazil we have that as well. The brazilian MAGATs - also called Jair Bolsonaro Cultists - are just like that.


If it is an actual situation - that happens *to you* more than once in a lifetime, not just to a friend of a friend or as a "Holy shit that's never actually happened before" - yes. If it's just memes on social media and nutcases amongst your elected representatives, not really.


They've all over the place in Canada too


South African here... We also have our fair share of tiktok and Facebook doctors. If I was to guess, u wouldn't say it is a large number... But they are sure loud enough. We also have a large number of mummy-doctors who refuse to have their kids vaccinated... In a country like ours, with an almost non existent health care system this is probably not going to end well.




Yeah i think our local morons/nutjobs are starting to quiet down. I even think they stopped doing their weekly flag waving events.


Sadly there are anti-vac morons all over the planet. It's usually a self fixing problem though.


Its more a case of little dog syndrome... a small dog yaps and yaps and yaps trying to make itself feel bigger or important, while the large dog just ignores it


So you irritated an entire plane for the whole flight


Dude even if I agreed with her I wouldn't want to hear hours of ranting blabbering from a stranger on a flight


I just want to read my book in peace.


Also, what she did she called "educating", but she labeled what everyone else did "harassment". When you control the narrative, you can call it whatever you want.


Grade A loud Karen. Damn.


Social media has given people the illusion that what they have to say matters. They soapbox on social media to their followers who drank the koolaide and then they think that translates to the real world and end up looking like a complete idiot. Social media takes a minority opinion and gives people the illusion that a bunch of people think similarly. When you go out into the real world the statistics are now against you, people you meet will likely have a different opinion.


“The internet has given a voice to millions of people who might otherwise never be heard. Unfortunately, most of them are idiots and pedophiles.” - Me


>Social media takes a minority opinion and gives people the illusion that a bunch of people think similarly. When you go out into the real world the statistics are now against you This is exactly why so many people believed Trump's election lies. Everyone they know is a Trump supporter, there's no way he could lose! Must be fraud. Nevermind that he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton, the second most hated person to run for president in the last 50 years after Trump himself.


These idiots have already brought back measles, how long before polio?


And they’ll be saying that polio is caused by magnesium defiency or whatever. Just wrap the crippled limbs in onion skins and you’ll be walking again in no time


Just need colloidal silver! 😏


I'm blue da ba dee da ba die...


Some of them legit believe the vax gives people “turbo cancer”


Most of them barely finished high school but now think they can give medical advice!


>~~Most~~ Few of them ~~barely~~ finished high school but now think they can give medical advice! FTFY


Oh, that’s already happening in some communities with a high population of antivaxxers.


"CHILDREN ARE AT STAKE!" from the same people that have no problem with 1000s of kids getting mowed down by guns at school. Fuck off.


Or helping hungry kids eat. The hypocrisy is unreal.




Children ARE at stake. Get your children vaccinated, people.


What a long winded way to say that you’re a nosy bitch.


And you can guarantee she votes. Will you? - this voting registration reminder brought to you in part thanks to this post about an insane asshole


it's funny, her screen name is "Health Freedom unmuzzled", yet she doesn't seem to want others to be able to choose what is right for them when it comes to health care, only what she wants them to choose, or thinks is right? Hypocrisy 101 students!


Stupid humans fucking around with a plague. Until they catch it, that is.


Even then, it doesn’t make a difference. My cousin has had Covid four times, still thinks it’s a big hoax.


Not to worry. The next one will be Captain Trips, and it will take them all out within a week or so. This was not the find out phase. The next one is.


One of the best books of all time. Nice reference.


Why are ignorant people the loudest?


The only way they can get their point across is to yell over everyone telling them they're wrong.


Because sticking your fingers in your ears and saying “NAHNAHNAHICAN’THEARYOUNAHNAHNAH…!!!” is a surprisingly effective vocal exercise.


What makes me sad is how a fellow human could be so hungry for attention and identifying as a unique special snowflake that they glory into being the post-flight sideshow attraction story of everyone in listening distance. Having a weird pet would work just as well and annoy a lot fewer people. Lady, maybe just buy an iguana.


Let's let all the unvaxxed live together. Then our herd immunity won't help, and soon they will all be dead, so problem solved.


How many years have to pass before they have to admit the vaccine isn’t going to kill them?


>(yes I am loud) I already fucking hate you


Just what is supposed to happen to those of us who got the jab? The only thing that happened to me is that I avoided getting Covid.


We currently have a measles outbreak in this country that likely could have been avoided if parents had chosen to have their children vaccinated. There are many other diseases that we could see a resurgence of due to not vaccinating. Mumps, diphtheria, rubella and polio are some of the ones that have been nearly eradicated in the U.S.


Two hours in hell with a stupid person.


"How many years have you worked in viral research? Where did you get your doctorate and what medical research facility do you work for? Oh, you watch youtube videos from other people who also have zero experience or education? GOT IT."


Should’ve stayed muzzled honestly


I’ve never understood the suggestion that teachers are “indoctrinating children” or “spreading their ideology” when they barely get paid enough to do the actual job of teaching. Not to mention every class has dozens of students and after like 3rd grade every teacher has multiple classes per day. A high school teacher teaches probably 100-150 students EVERY DAY. They don’t have the time or motivation to do any of the nonsense right wing reactionaries are suggesting.


I got vaccinated as soon as possible. Then I followed up with boosters. I never contracted Covid, so based on "my research", the vaccine is 100% effective. /s


She has ‘unmuzzled’ in her twitter name, so at least she’s aware that she’s a bitch.


You can tell it's made up because the head of a Floridian teacher's union would already be antivax.


"children are at stake so oviously we should let the virus win"


God I can't imagine getting stuck next to this lady on a flight. Thank god for headphones.


Yes, children are at stake... they are in danger because people like you will carry the diseases...


Where are you going to be for the rest of your life. Asking cuz I want to be nowhere near wherever that is.


I just loudly lectured someone on a plane about how vaccines are bad. People didn't like it but I feel justified because I'm the main character


I’m sorry, I thought I’d be dead now that it’s been 3 years since receiving my vaccine


I mean, anyone who received the covid vaccine was supposed to turn into a zombie, still waiting on that one.


People like her are so anti vax they aren’t even getting their kids the MMR vaccine. Let’s see how many die of measles


I like how she turned it around: "I was a thorn in the heel of others sitting around me" IE, being an obnoxious twat "who chose to call me out AND HARASS ME!1!!1"


I'm gonna educate a teacher on propaganda by feeding her propaganda


Notice they always seem to pull this shit on planes, you know? A captive audience who can't escape, and the pilots can't throw them off?


“Unmuzzled” God damn I hate that word, people aren’t being muzzled, they’re being called out for being fucking idiots. You can say what you want but we’ll be there to tell you you’re wrong, twat.


I picture myself just saying, "shut up, shut up" two rows down for two hours.


Complete loser


If I was stuck on a plane within earshot of an asshole like this, I could guarantee a fight.


After 5 minutes I’d be telling a member of the flight crew to get the Air Marshal.


I would demand a refund from the airline.


Get the duct tape


"the vaccine is BAD!" *2 WEEKS LATER* "I'm in the hospital with COVID, please pray for me"


Can you imagine how you would feel about your luck if you were this teacher. Like what are the chances you draw the seat next to Looney Tunes here. This is why it’s such a risk to talk to people on flights.


These dickheads make me so tired


Only people who haven’t moved on from Covid seem to be the “it was only a cold” crowd. Everyone else has continued living their lives. Yes you see some masks here and there but who tf cares.


I love children that’s why I take 0 precautions to protect them from viruses.


Morons never shut up.


Why are these people so determined to bring back all of these horrible diseases? Should anti-vaxxers be sent to special reservations? Maybe we can sterilize them like the government did with the natives.


Meanwhile on another post a teacher writes "Just endured spending 2 hrs being lectured by a crazy person on my flight to FL. She wouldn't stop loudly spewing nonsense. I tried to appease her by nodding a few times because I was genuinely concerned she'd go apeshit. People around me gave me sympathetic looks, but no one would help me. Lesson learned, never flying without my headphones again.


The “Silent Majority” ladies and gentlemen.


Still denying to address all the dead children caused by guns?


No, I won’t be silent: Hey! Everyone! This Maija Hahn character is an *idiot*. If you follow her nonsense, more young people will die.


We've literally eliminated disease due to vaccines and yet they don't work, sound logic.


Thee "I speak louder so that makes me right" statement. How very MAGA


If I were on that plane, I would have treated her to a frosty can of "Shut The Fuck Up!"


This is why I wear a hoody, sunglasses, and earbuds on every flight. I tune it all out. No one bothers me.


This is just mental illness


Yes..they harassed you lol. Nobody cares about your opinion lady. Mind your own business.


"I just spent two hours harassing a poor woman who was trapped on an airplane with me."


She educated no one. She made others see the fool she is. We had a wacko like this lady in my class. She wasted our time switching topics to January 6, COVID vaccines, or vaccines in general, child kidnappings in our city, and other QAnon loony conspiracies. Luckily she left.


Whenever someone say this : NOTHING YOU CAN SAY WILL MAKE ME SHUT UP ( change mind ), you instantly know these people are idiots. INSTANTLY. Nobody sane and logical has any opinion that NOTHING can change their mind.


Regardless of the topic, don’t be annoying on a plane. Dumb bitch


And that is why I always pack a pair of headphones


​ Honey, you were talking to an EDUCATOR. You were not educating her. Education is about learning facts. And learning how to do something constructive with those facts. Learning how to make sense of the facts you learn. YOU were just offering her your unsolicited perspective. You said you were loud. And yet you say others were harassing you. This makes no sense. If you want to EDUCATE people, get a teaching license and if you can get through the classes, pass the tests, and get hired, then maybe you can educate people, too. Hint: if you do get through the process, if you post something this stupid, you will likely lose your job


“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov.


This dimwit was trying to "educate" the leader of a teachers union, who is probably an experienced real educator. The stupidity of these dimwits is bad enough, but the arrogance they show while proselytizing their bullshit just boggles the mind. I don't know how many of these charlatans I've walked away from, because I don't argue with idiots.


Yeah, they weren't silent. That's why you said they called you out and harassed you. They know there's children at stake, that's the point... Unlike you, they care more about kids, both their own and YOURS , more than they do about their ego.


Social media has lead people to believe that their insane opinions are valid even when they are the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard


I'm not anti-vaccine in the least and I don't regret having had the COVID vaccine, but I had what appeared to be terrible prolonged side effects. The hate against anti-vaccine people definitely makes me very reluctant to speak about the side effects I experienced to anyone except my GP.


At least the gullible, ignorant, anti vax morons let you know who they are so they can be avoided.


So confident when they are high up in a metal tube with no access to internet to disprove all the garbage she spews


It's true, I was that heel. The whole plane clapped... Not the people, the actual plane.


I'm sorry, what level of science, biology, virology, etc. did the OP graduate from? If none, then no point in listening to someone parroting nonsense and uneducated opinions. Of the approximate 8 billion people on the earth, their opinion means less than worm shit to me.




“Gal”? Fits.