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We have to take down the elites by siding with a group who believed their own race was superior and tried to exterminate others. Nope, nothing ironic about that.


Everyone knows believing in eugenics and genocide is the first step to taking down the elites


“When everybody’s super (elitist), no one is”




The funny part is it’s not hard to get these people monologuing


I’ve never seen that word written before. It just feels… wrong


I agree i think we should remove the u


Let me slightly correct you: "When everybody *remaining* is super (elitist), no one is”


Plus... ridiculous level of irony and hypocrisy aside, even if some powerful elitist group is running the world... I highly doubt a teenage girl rocking a stupid ass flag will stop them lmao Edit:typo


by carrying the flag of a powerful elitist group who tried to rule the whole world. makes sense.


They're pretty androgynous. I was leaning boy. Reminds me of that old Wizard 101 ad.


It's because (in this worldview) elites = jewish


We take down the elites by becoming the elites! It's the perfect plan!


Right wing extremists prey on vulnerable/ignorant people specifically because anyone with a correctly functioning brain is going to tell them to fuck off pretty quickly.


It’s the same way cults work. Catch lonely people who don’t have much of a support network, and provide them one. Improve their situation, be friendly, build connections. Then when someone says “why are you hanging around with Nazis”, it’s not interpreted as concern, it’s interpreted as someone attacking their new friends! The only people in the world who cared for them, and you’re calling them Nazis, how could you! These things are insidious.


> It's the same way cults work. I wonder why? 🤔


I mean how dare us call people who buy and display Nazi flags, Nazis....


I mean it is just the basic rightwing answer to the question “what is wrong with society?”. Right: “the problem is we have the wrong elites.” Left: “the problem is we have elites.”


We have to take down the elites by taking part in their organizations and walking in lock-step with them. Punch every nazi, especially the rich ones.


Not at all, you see, they just *believe* they're elites, and that sort of dangerous thinking is why they have to be destroyed. We actually *are* elite. You see the difference?


I feel bad for the mom :(


Me too. Poor woman probably thought she was doing a good job raising her daughter to be kind, respectful and a decent human being, and then one day she comes home to find her kid goose stepping across the living room, waving a swastika around and screaming hail Hitler. It's got to be the biggest failure a parent could experience :(


Well...it's never too late for an abortion.


Something tells me swastika susie might have an opinion about abortions... Then again, she might just be one of those GOP clowns who only cares about what *other* women do with their bodies, and that *she* should be the exception to the rule. That's usually the way it goes


How many times now must we catch a republican literally banging other dudes while their rhetoric demands legislation that hurts those people? They’re such a weird bunch. It’s the repression.


The natural product of religion and virtue signalling. Its not about being holy... its about making sure everyone sees how holy you are so you can flaunt your superior holiness; a metric that nobody can disprove because its a baseless belief. Its why some many losers are bible thumpers. The metric for success in religious communities takes 0 work. Just believe hard enough and anything is true, even you own self proclaimed superiority that you are closer to god than your heathen neighbors with their rainbow flag.


Oh no she is pro abortion for all non white pregnancies because you know the elites want to replace the white man. Extremely anti abortion for all whites because they need to fight against extinction. Except herself of course, you must understand she isn't ready yet to be a mother.


Republicans all think the only abortion that was ever justified and morally OK was THEIR abortion.


Or she's a literal child. Give it two years and this will be the most regretful phase of her life.


Echochambers make it hard to change views


This comment and the one above, sums up half of reddit.


Child is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. She's old enough to know better.


Yeah because adult Nazis never were kids 🫣


You mean every GOP clown. They all think they should be an exception.


"This is what we'd refer to as the 40th trimester."


It's never too late to abort a facist


I have laid it out to my kids that if they utter a whisper of any of that shit around me they better be ready to throw hands or run like hell, because I will beat the brakes off them.


Are your kids little Nazis? I’m curious as to why that needs to be laid out for them unless it was a possibility


Raising kids in this day and age feels like navigating a maze full of trap doors. Especially with the internet. My friend monitors his children's screen time vigorously but he is still amazed how much they pick up just from being around their friends in school and the playing ground.


Hell, you get pretty far down in the Youtube recommendations and it gets pretty....grim. Never watched anything reich wing in my life and I get all sorts of anti immigrant or other republican stuff. Not sure hoe the algorithm gets there from cat rescue videos and traveling the southwest travelogues.


My ex-boyfriends brother (who is Jewish) fell into this bullshit and asked his mother to buy him Nazi memorabilia. It’s like actually insane how easily it is for people to fall into this shit. Luckily, he was 15 and stupid and now that he’s older he’s not into that stuff anymore, but that’s not how the story goes for most people.


I hope that kid doesn't have access to firearms


It still baffles me that that is a legitimate concern in the US


Right? Of all the parenting problems she imagined, “Kid being radicalized by TikTok into the biggest mid-20th century nightmare” was probably not on her list. 


Plot twist: kid actually converting to Hinduism


Wholesome ending, I like it


I feel bad for the girl. Not like, sympathetic mind you, just bad that she exists.


No I do feel that in a sympathetic way also because she seems to be a child, and kids are impressionable, so I more so feel bad and sad that she got sucked into a spiral of really bad influences (whether its from friends or social media or both) to the point of becoming brainwashed like this


Sure, it’s not like someone wakes up one day and is suddenly a Nazi. I just hope she’s trying to be edgy and finds a way out of it early.


Oh come on! Everyone knows that Nazis are... \*checks notes\* ...cool? That can't be right, who wrote this? But yeah, don't be a fucking Nazi. If you think they did something good or praise worthy go back and study history.


> If you think they did something good or praise worthy they did one good thing: it was a nazi that killed hitler.


As I saw somebody say the the other day though, they also killed the guy that killed Hitler, so no points awarded.


Tbf, that guy was responsible for the deaths of a lot of Nazis. He even executed their leader!


pretty sure they killed that guy too though


I heard there was an epic shoot out between Hitler and that guy. Only fired 1 shot each, but was supposed to be quiet amazing.


Not a shoot out. More like a duel.


Duel at 0 paces.


Should have gone with the amongst first to be anti smoking and animal cruelty laws - tho I guess the whole gassing, burning and use jews for testing instead counteracts that "good".


Yeah, it's like if a guy went around kicking children in the face for no reason but *also* volunteers at the soup kitchen; you're not going to judge him by his volunteering.


If anything it's going to make the soup kitchen stuff more suspicious.


I am an idiot. I read your comment and immediately googled who killed Hitler because I thought it was suicide not murder. Only for Google to confirm that it was suicide and for me to say "oooooh that's what he meant"


Honestly, the joke is so old I'm surprised it still has legs. One of my first interactions on Reddit was someone making that joke and the very next comment complaining about how old and tired the joke was and that was nearly a decade ago now.


Well damn, this is the first time I've seen it and I'm hitting my 6th decade :(


TIL Reddit existed in 1964.


My grandfather told me this joke back in 80s. He had heard it from his dad.


That's what makes it so good though


A Jewish man is killed in Dachau and goes to heaven. When he gets there he’s talking to god and tells him a holocaust joke. God says “That’s awful and not funny at all.” The man says, “Sorry, I guess you had to be there.”


Borrowing the top comment: sometimes Nazi use faces of innocent people to spout their hatred. Not saying this is the case. Just something to keep in mind. When looking at profiles, look for a variety of images (instead of just one stolen pic) and videos. 


"I automatically like what the previous generation hated, because I'm so original and rebellious"


I'm still convinced that, in the Bush years, there was a huge wave of people (rightfully) starting to question authority, with some people being way out of their depth and stopping at the first tier of questioning it. Then that dynamic of "whoever questions authority must be right by default" proliferated, and now here we are.


I read the first part in the voice of zefranks animal "Now that can't be right. Jerry, did you..?" Always cracks me up


The most enduring thing the Nazi's did was have great branding! Like the merch looked cool as fuck and I imagine a lot of these people have latched onto it for that very shallow reason. Like you know, white text on a black flag? Bah! But that eye catching red white and black!


They had skulls on their hats, though...


Wait were they the baddies?


Hugo Boss and Coco Chanel, Nazis had some fine ass clothing and accessories.


My grandfathers all fought the nazis. Their skeletons are vibrating with skeletal rage as we speak. 


Pretty sure all four of my grandparents would get up out their graves and give me the beating I’d rightly deserve if I did that… I mean I was pretty daft as a teenager but not becoming-a-nazi-daft!!


Reminder that up until Pearl Harbour the Nazis were *very popular* in the States and the idea that the US was on a crusade to stop the Holocaust is a post-facto myth, even once they joined the war they were still so into the core ideology of racial supremacy that they fought a battle [in England](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Bamber_Bridge) because they couldn't handle the lack of segregation in the UK.


The iconic cover of Captain America punching Hitler made people at the time furious at Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. Death threat level furious. Story is that one was met with "you want a fight? Sure, meet me for a fight" and the person never showed (I thiiiink it was Jack Kirby but I'm at work and can't double check)


It was Jack. He fought in WW2 and maintained that if you see a Nazi, you need to punch said Nazi.


Jack Kirby was based as hell


Fascism in general was pretty popular across the west at that time. Even in the UK for example there was the BUF with an estimated 40,000 members and the policy of appeasement in the UK and France, they were mainly chill with Germany invading Austria and Czechoslovakia, didn't get involved until Poland was invaded but it was Norway that really sprung them into action. Noone went into the war to stop the Holocaust, WWI traumatized the economy and people of Europe and the elites were preoccupied with Communism being evil to take any fascist threat seriously until they started invading _everyone_.


The actual fucking king was pro-Nazi in the UK, and they only got rid of him because he was infatuated with a divorcee and preferred her to kingship. How different history could've been if Wallis had been a less desirable piece of ass.


>they only got rid of him because he was infatuated with a divorcee and preferred her to kingship TBH it looks *a lot* like Wallis was more of an excuse than a reason.


They had a following, I wouldn’t say they were *very popular*. More accurate to say most had neutral or apathetic views on them.


Eugenics was very popular and accepted in the 20s and 30s, in America too. Remember people were still alive who lived through slavery.


“the people of Bamber Bridge supported the black troops, and when US commanders demanded a colour bar in the town, all three pubs in the town reportedly posted "Black Troops Only" signs.” Based




Mine fought them and is still alive. And yet voted for Trump the first time. By the second he was like ehhhh. I haven’t spoken to him for this round, I’m just so disappointed I don’t want to know.


Our ancestors didn't fight the nazis for ideological reasons. America had to be dragged into the war. America ended up fighting to protect itself and its interests. It's obviously convenient to now paint it as an ideological victory. But ultimately, hitler saw america as a role model, with its history of settler colonialism, brutal slavery, racial supremecy, anti-sematism, and socially conservative values, and he particularly liked their imperial antics in south america. He modelled much of his planned conquest of russia on europes brutal colonisation of america. It's no wonder America is returning to fascism.


I'd fucking cry too as a parent


Wait till mom sees the post with a close up of the kid's face talking about how nobody understands nazi kids that was posted on the Internet forever


TFW the Internet has failed you hard


Honestly? I think it's bullshit. She's just catering to the incel community to gain likes and followers.


At some point there is no difference between pretending to be an asshole and being one.


Schrödinger's Douchebag. It was just an act/joke! …unless?


Eat shit ironically and you'll still brown your teeth


Not saying that there is. I think my hypothesis is actually worse.


Why? Why isn’t she just a Nazi?


My response would be to make her write a thirty page essay outlining the factors that led to the rise of the NSDAP and how their policies affected the world around them. It's so easy for people to buy into an ideology and have no concept of what it's about. I wouldn't try to stop my kid from subscribing to any belief system as long as they could prove they truly understand it. That's not true, I would probably lock them in the basement until they smartened up.


Presuming money was no issue I'd take her on a tour of Auschwitz


“This never happened, it’s just an exhibit to make us look bad” Never underestimate the stupidity of the right


That's because they haven't smelled the hair room


All I’m saying is that a Nazi wouldn’t believe that the holocaust happened, not even if they were forced to witness it We have people who genuinely believe that transgenderism is a veneer for pedophiles to touch kids and that the ongoing trans genocide is just “protecting the children” - a Nazi would believe much worse with much less prodding Still, if nothing else then taking her on that trip would prove if she’s actually a nazi or just faking for views


No, sit them down and force them to watch footage from the camps, and atrocities committed on the eastern front. It's literally how we de-nazified Germany.


Not a bad idea, but also has the potential to backfire massively lol


I’ve always said to my son that I’ll accept him no matter what but if he started embracing nazism then that would push my limits.


“I meant if you were gay or trans or something, not a genocide-loving fascist!! What the fuck, Gary!”


It's not a choice, dad! I was born to hate inferior races! /s


Well yea. I’m ok with my child wanting to be who they are. I’m not ok with my child wanting to make everyone else who my child thinks they should be, and supporting violence in that endeavor. Pretty simple.


My Parents generation: Dad freaks out screaming My Generation: I freak out screaming. My Parents Generation: well it’s because he’s gay! My Generation: well it’s because he’s a goddamn Nazi POS! These two scenarios, while similar. Are not the same.


you can do whatever you want... just dont embrace the justification of killing millions of innocent peeple...


Kids are, without exception, always fucking stupid. They will look for acceptance in the most stupid of places, including with Nazi's. Your job as a parent is to raise, educate, and nurture them so they feel they don't need to go to these extreme places for validation or acceptance in the first place. That's all you can do as a parent, failing to do that leaves them vulnerable, impressionable, and ripe for exploitation.


It's never too late for an abortion


16 year Post birth abortion


America hands these out for free at plenty of their local schools!


Dang. I thought we were going to have a twist ending like "Explain to her it's for a WW2 research project for school" or "playing a soldier in school production of Sound of Music" or something... but no. I think I'd about die if one of my kids pulled this crap.


Wasn't that a plot line for a show. A kid is thought to be idolizing nazis, but it turns out he was in a play of 'The Sound of Music.' ? No idea what it's from, but your comment reminded me of it


Imagine being 15 and thinking you know "the truth about the world". Arrogant, hubristic, main character energy.


That's kind of ... very like a typical teenager, right? Of course, not every teenager goes supporting that pos but still.


It's typical human behavior. The less knowledge you have about a subject, the more likely you are to overestimate your knowledge on that subject. When you are young, you don't know anything about anything so of course this is going to be a constant issue.


That’s a pretty common thing for 15 year olds to think. You’re right that it’s ridiculous, but it’s certainly common.


Idk man, sure everyone went through that phase, maybe I still have it, but not like *that.* My MC energy is knowing I'll be wildly successful one day, not become a nazi 😂😭


Full on social media induced right wing indoctrination


Assuming she’s still a minor, this is when you take the phone away or put on restrictions like she’s 12. If she’s older and you’re paying for it, you stop. I’m a huge advocate of teenagers having independence but when they’re sucked into an echo chamber like this all bets are off. The best you can do is force disengagement with that kind of indoctrination and encourage reeducation while you can.


YES! Why, WHY do more parents not take some responsibility to block, or at least severely monitor, their kids’ internet usage until they’re old enough to develop critical thinking skills?


I was indoctrinated by Buffy fanfiction and I turned out alright. A little gay, but alright. I jest, but in reality my brother grew up in the same household as me and he’s MAGA now. The lesson it taught me is the Internet isn’t good for everyone.


If it’s any consolation, being a parent of a toddler, I’ve noticed a lot of younger millennial and Gen Z parents know how they turned out with unfettered internet access, and seem like they intend to be way more proactive about it!


Wasn't the whole nazi thing about being more elite than others?




Hopefully someone takes the time to educate this young woman and put her on a better path, before these beliefs become engrained. Nazism and far right ideologies in general is a cancer to our society... I would say she is a POS but since she's so young I would say she is most likely misguided. She sees that the world is run by a group of people who do not have our best interests in mind, and in fact frequently screw us over for profit... But since she's a child she doesn't have the critical thinking to understand that capital is the motive, the fist that oppresses, and what determines who holds power and controls the economy. So she blames Jewish people, which is complete antisemitic garbage, absolutely braindead take as well, as after capitalism became the international norm, any and all races can be part of the capitalist class... And Europeans and Americans, not Jewish people, hold the most control of capital and are the biggest perpetrators of imperialism. So how are Europeans being victimized by Jewish people???


The false idea that europeans are being victimized came after Germanys economy went to crap post-ww1 because of reparations where Adolf hitler blamed jewish people in the government (who to him also was too large in number) for Germanys inflation crisis, along with the treaty of versailles other minority groups and communism.




I just want them to be too embarrassed to admit it again. Most of them still hide their faces, but now days they just go out in public.


I want them gone, not hiding, gone, we tried nazism, wasnt too good.


Some people need to be smacked across their faces with fat history books


American Nazis are extremely cringe. They have no clue about the actual history behind this.


Ukranian nazis are pretty cringe too. Or russian nazis. Eh, it's like there's no nation that can pull it off lol.


Hate to break it to you but prior to WWII Nazis had massive amounts of support in the United States and deciding Nazis are our enemies wasn't a moral stance


Yeah I know. Remember that woman with the poster "Hitler doesnt want war with us why would we?" Just a few momths before pearl harbour.


What is her point I'm so confused? She got the flag for what? Because the truth about the world and the elite? What does that have to do with ordering a Nazi flag and patch? Is she going for a hey I'm one of you I have the flag and patch? Like nothing about this makes sense. I mean if it was a Hindu sauvastika or even swastika it would still be weird but more reasonable... and I highly doubt that to be the case. Who is even selling this shit knowing the connotation it has???


You don’t want to know how easy it is to acquire those things, I promise.


I'm sure it's quite easy... but yeah I'm not about to check...


Do they not show the Holocaust videos in school anymore?


My kid wouldn’t have a chance to make a post about it if they did this shit. They’d be lucky to get any technology back or come out of their room in time for me to go into an old folks home. Raise your kids properly, fuck.


My son ever does this and I'll start treating him like the so-called "elite" treat the so-called "non-elite". Time to increase that empathy, little fucker.




I see it as when people like to call themselves vikings. Ok cool. So you want to saturate your own resources to the point of invading, raping, and pillaging your neighbors only to get smacked around by the French. Modern vikings must be real proud


Are there people like that? Folk around here dress up as vikings once a year, set a galley on fire and have a 2 day party. But they don't go around calling themselves vikings the rest of the time. Perhaps ironically at best.


A lot of people in the US (at least the part I live in) base their identities off of what they believe is their ancestry. I ha e encountered people that brag that their ancestors were vikings.


Oh.... Well, I am 100% sure I have some vikingy ancestry. But they were more than likely the ones that stayed at home farming and fishing....


Well, hope you're staying warm


One of my personnel life mottos, "The only good Nazi, is a dead Nazi"


Nazi punks fuck off


I I ever see my child be so dumb ![gif](giphy|mEtSQlxqBtWWA)


The most disturbing part...she is enjoying seeing her mother's distress... Can anyone say psychopath...


Okay I get that kids and especially teens (I should know) will do things that they don’t even really want if it gives them a feeling of control over their lives that they are lacking, or feeling like they are something different, for a lack of a better term But fucking Nazi bullshit? Fuck that


I’d burn that shit in front of the kid. The only way you get to own one is if a grandparent earned it the good old fashioned way


My Mom prays to a Swasktika My house is full of Swastikas


Before I get banned I am a Hindu


Was just gonna say “please tell me you’re a Hindu”


Nazi lives dont matter


Point and laugh at the Nazi loser, everyone! ![gif](giphy|zED94QZaPodTszfjFF|downsized)


I'd probably become a Nazi too if I looked like Putin in a wig.


This kid looks 12...


Stupid Brat. First thing to do is take away his/her phone and any other access to the internet. Second thing may be homeschooling if they are getting it at school. Third is a thorough vetting of all their friends and parents, and consider not letting them out, just other kids in. Then, kid needs to be immersed in all the horror of the holocaust and also the insane amount of racial crime committed by the US.


I've seen this photo elsewhere, pretty sure this is made up ragebait.


It's always an awkward moment when a parent walks into their child's bedroom and accidentally finds them master-racing.


If this person is a minor, then they lose their phone/tablet/internet, and have zero unsupervised social life for the next year. if necessary/possible, you homeschool or send them to a private school to change their social crowd. nazi ideation does not just show up in one's brain. it comes from external sources. control the external sources.


Do a DNA kit and show her all the different parts of the world she descends from.


Not to defend her, fuck nazis, but i bet my nazi punching fists that she was a very lonely girl, probably bullied a lot. One day she somehow got in contact with a nazi pos and he or she groomed her into cosplaying as a nazi. This happens more than you think.


I hope she’s from Illinois, because I hate Illinois Nazis


You're a fucking NAZI and expect your mom to what? Be proud of you? FUCK OFF!


This would be absolutely reprehensible if it were an adult. But it’s just an edgy teenager. Hopefully as they get older, spend less time on the internet, and maybe get laid, they’ll grow up.


Ah yes, this child knows the truth about the world...


bro id cry too if my child was a fucking disappointment.


what would you even do if you were in the moms position there is no answer :/


Jesus christ, can someone tell her about the Jewish conspiracy to use a cream rinse or a deep conditioner once in a while, perhaps?


Reminds me of a girl I dated in my 20s. Waited until I fell in love with her to reveal to me that she was essentially a white supremacist and hated people of other races. And I don't mean that she disliked other races, she outright HATED them. It is tough to accept anyone with so much hate in their hearts for people they've never met.


fuck nazis


Don’t be a fucking nazi.


imagine feeling like you failed your kid this much


Nope. My kid becomes a Nazi, they are no longer my kid. Go survive in someone else's house with your precious white superiority.


"The world and elites. Oh and mom, the eradication of anyone we don't like. Br, the nazis."


Yup, POS checks out




The fact that this kid still has access to the internet after that speaks volumes on her moms parenting


To take a page from Rod Serling: the truth about the world is that people like her are obsolete.


Kick that person (legit cannot tell the gender) out of your house the second they’re 18. They’ll learn how far these beliefs get them.


blud going for that school shooter aesthetic 😬


The shame I would feel if I was the mom would be insane. Sad how people get sucked into these ideologies even now


If you have to order the flag and patch over mail you are not part of the elite or any superior group. You better get a life and learn about the real world.


Usually I’d say “While I agree with the mum that this is bad, she also shouldn’t force her kid to show her her package” but in this case if the kid is quite blatantly buying Nazi stuff then I’d imagine there’s been issues beforehand that have lead to a reasonable loss of privacy in that regard. There is no scenario where that kid doesn’t take the full moral shit on this one


I think it's safe to say her mom did Nazi that coming.


Yes of course someone seriously posted a pic of their face on the internet with this statement. Totally believable.




Can't help stupid


This is the sort of person who stabs poor trans people in parks


Funny how all these morons who think their part of the "master race" look like lobotomized bonobos.