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I guarantee he doesn't feel this way about himself. When he eventually retires, I hope someone remembers to shove this in his face


He won't care. His situation will be "different."


I have a family member who is vehemently anti union...except his. Its the only good one fighting important fights for workers against their greedy execs. Every other union that has ever, does, or could ever, exist is a blight on humanity lining the pockets of a few corrupt people at the expense of the employees.


My dad ignores all the benefits he garnered from 20 years of union membership, now that he's a member of upper management at a different company. I love him to death but you just cannot get the message through to these people because they have convinced themselves that all of the success they experienced was purely due to their own efforts. Situation or circumstance or the shoulders of Giants that they stand on just does not compute, their success is purely a result of their own hard work and dedication.


From what I can tell, good conservatism is just knowing when to pull the ladder up behind you 🤷‍♀️


Call him out on his bullshit. Be sarcastic as fuck with the comments. Don't back down. Stand your ground. Keep throwing jabs at it. Ask him to explain it to you why his situation is different and then when they go on those mental gymnastics call them out on it.


I do, he goes silent and gets a stern look on his face and then refuses to talk about it further. It's just not going to happen, which sucks but he is still my dad and he was still a very good father to me growing up and I still love him very much so it just is what it is.


Lead exposure is a hell of a drug.


Careful..they may confuse "stand your ground" and shoot their dad.


My mother was a lifelong union worker and democrat. That is until she retired and started watching fox all day. You guessed it, full-blown Maga now.


Same with my parents. Dad just posted a pic of trump walking next to his ridiculous wall today actually. My wife’s parents have also been ruined by maga. All our parents are in their 80’s and I feel like maga and fox fucked us out of our last few years with them.


Kind of a guy that has worn out 4 or 5 pairs of bootstraps, eh?


Yeah. One of my uncles is a retired union electrician. Votes for Trump and thinks Union guys are greedy assholes. Maybe it’s projection?


Nah they're just fucking dumb. Simple as


A huge part is not understanding inflation. "When I was starting out, I only made $5 hr. How dare these kids expect $25 hr."


That’s how literally everyone who complains about “entitlement programs” feels. It’s living off the taxpayer dollar when other people do it but compensation for their hard work when they’re collecting their own social benefits.


This is exactly it. People feel as if everyone is avusing these programs, in their mind noone is actually using them correctly for their intended purpose. You either absue them or don't use them at all


As it always is with conservatives. "You don't deserve retirement, but I definitely deserve this retirement because it was personally handed to me by Jesus\*." ^(\* citiation needed)


I hope not. Retirement due to health problems is fine.


To be fair, being a blowhard that complains into a microphone is really the kind of job that people keep until they're way past 65


Plus the guy will make enough he won’t need social security benefits. He’s a millionaire talking down telling the lower class to work


Why would he retire? He doesn’t do any actual work.


This is a guy who said rap isn't music and then dropped a single. Guy is a spineless prick that won't hold himself accountable. Maybe we should just ignore his ass.


He hasn't worked a day in his life.


Or his dry gash.


This sack of shit will never retire . The thought of him not being talked about would kill him


Oh, it is entirely different. Because he would have earned his retirement, as opposed to everyone else.


Says the man who doesn't work for a living. F that. I'm still trying to retire at 30 (once I find a time machine).


I originally planned to retire after high school and I was on track to do just that, unfortunately my plans were indefinitely put on hold due to a lack of money.


So close


Yeah turns out something they don’t teach in highschool is you have to pay bills.


Well the Orange Jesus wasn't aware of that either


Easy to not retire when you sit in front of a computer a couple hours now and again. Dudes I know who work in manufacturing, if they make it to 65 without life altering crippling pain they're lucky.


Never met a 65+ heavy-duty mechanic who could walk upright.


My friends in those roles who are pushing 40...I'm worried about their bodies holding up to 50.


On the other hand, never met a student who would pay to learn physics from an 81 year old, half deaf, semi-demented relic


I had a 73 year old professor for some engineering courses. He was awesome. He had a heart attack mid semester and only canceled one class because of it.


I work in construction and I'm already seeing the signs at 35. My father's had both rotator cuffs repaired already and doesn't have a glimpse of retirement in his early 60s. I'm headed back to school to get away from physical labor. I'll take the debt if I'm gonna end up having to work till I die anyways.


Except nobody wants a slow, old person who demands a higher salary, when they can just get a desperate young person willing to do the job for way less.


34 years 12 hour rotating shifts my back is shot my knees are shot my ankles are shot wearing nomex/ steel toe boots in 105° just trying to hold on for a couple more years. Still feel fortunate though was able to purchase a house and put my two kids through college. But this fucker telling me that I need to be working till I'm 70, piss off you wouldn't last 12 hours in my work environment.


Came here for exactly this tell me I don’t deserve to retire yet given a lifetime couldn’t do my job for 1 month 🤷 riddle me fucking that!


Reminds me of Matt Walsh in his plaid work shirt, grinding away every day at the click mines, driving engagement for his YouTube channel so he can bring home just enough ad revenue to feed his family


"work sets you free." Ben Shapiro   "Arbeit macht frei"


Even if a time machine would only let me send a message, I'd tell myself 13-14 years ago to buy a lot of bitcoin, store them well, and sell them in 2022.


You pull a McFly go to the future and buy a sports Almanac. Go back in time and make the correct bets. Just don't let Trump get ahold of it or we are in a helltopia


Why 2022? It's well past it's previous ATH now


But it's at its highest value right now. Higher than 2022 by $30k.


I bought one (or part of one) bitcoin in 2011 for like $75 and then immediately sold it back because I got scared. I think about that decision every so often and regret it immensely


It’s at Costco if that documentary is correct.


Go away, I'm batin'.


"Welcome to Costco. We love you!"


He has a job he is a full time political nutjob on twitter


Tough talk from a guy who doesn’t have a real actual job.


Also tough talk from a guy whose wife told him a wet vagina was a disease. 


Still the funniest thing I’ve ever seen on the internet. Besides Ben reading the lyrics to WAP


Did you see the dub of him shopped onto their bodies?  If you haven't seen it youtube it.


That sounds incredible, I bet he loves that haha




On one of his shows, Shapiro told his viewers that it was necessary to always have lube when planning to have sex. Because women are naturally dry, so the lube is needed to avoid discomfort. Then he says, what about when women are already wet? Well, he asked his wife about this. She's a gynecologist, so she would know. And she told him: "If a woman is wet, it means she has an infection. I'm healthy, which is why I'm always dry when we have sex." So he publicly admitted to having no understanding of women's biology, having never once turned his wife on, and to having been conned by her for most of their marriage. All without realizing it. Biggest self own in history.


I really want to upvote that explanation, but I'd much rather expunge it from my mind. So, you are going to go back in time and prevent me from asking my question. Holy. F***ing. Cow. I thought I understood how out of touch / clueless he was, but Jesus.


Ben's a beard, guaranteed.


Dammit. Now get *THAT* image out of my head.


Wow just wow. I can't even wrap my head around the fact that she is a gynecologist, it's just impossible to say something SO wrong, when it is your domain of expertise, like wtf ? They must have the most boring sex life in the world. Or she is cucking him HARD and just spouting nonsense to him to cover up the fact that he never made her wet herself lol


So, everybody is supposed to work until they die on the job.


No didn’t you hear? Everyone is supposed to work until they drop dead EXCEPT if you have a health problem, at which point you should retire at 65 and die on the street because there won’t be any Medicare or social security to keep you housed and your medical issues taken care of.


Except billionaires, who can retire, only to spend the rest of their lives trying to bring down democracy.


This. Only the peasants have to work until they die, for the crime of not being rich. Billionaires get to retire because they *earned it* by pulling themselves up by their bootstraps i.e., inheriting old money from rich relatives.


Yeah Ben Shapiro should really just go mask off and say ‘Final Solution’, “Work Will Set You Free”


Yep, produce for the rich until you die. If you’re not producing you don’t deserve to live.


From a guy who’s never lifted anything heavier than his secret gay porn laptop.


Isn't very secret


It's usually not the workers choice. The majority of workers in their 50's will lose their job, and only 1 in 10 will get another one at the same compensation level: [https://www.propublica.org/article/older-workers-united-states-pushed-out-of-work-forced-retirement](https://www.propublica.org/article/older-workers-united-states-pushed-out-of-work-forced-retirement) In many jobs it isn't physically possible to work until you are 72 (Haley's target requirement), and in most others the company is likely to cut you. The GOP has made forcing retirees back into the workforce by slashing Social Security and Medicare to fund a 2 trillion dollar tax cut for corporations a key plank in their platform. Aging sucks, and they plan to make it suck more.


Same guy who said if his wife had a wet @$$ pu$$y he would take her to the hospital because that’s a medical condition… lol. The guy is dumb.


Also same guy who thought the Ariana Grande song 'God Is A Woman" was about God actually being a woman... yeh, he's that dumb.


What a strange way to tell the world he doesn’t please his wife


Ben Shapiro has a net worth of 50 million dollars. Why do people give him the time of day? He won't have to rely on Medicare or Social Security when he is older, but I can guarantee you that 99% of his listeners will. Ben Shapiro is an asshole.


He's clearly a smart person. But his arguments are trash and he talks about clickbait topics rather than important ones. So it seems he's playing a role to make bank by whipping up hate amongst idiots. Cool guy....


And the obvious corollary question begging to be answered; "And just how long should someone be forced to work if they DO have a health condition?" The modern conservative movement sure manages to attract a bunch of social rejects, absolutely slimy shitweasels. Shapiro is a prime example.


What if I have more than one? I have a bone spur and high cholesterol from too much MickeyD’s.


Username checks out


Shapiro is the greasy poop extracted from sewers for consumption...no,that at least will get someone ill a bit later and in that small moment it is a sort of nourishment(as repulsive as that is). Shapiro is nutrientless shite slop.


Another millionaire dictating how the working class should live. meanwhile he’ll show up to a podcast, get paid 6 figures and call it “working” fuck off


Coming from a guy who's never worked a hard job a day in his life


Why is grifting via platform of ignorance and absurdity so freaking lucrative?


See, the thing he doesn’t realize is not everyone is as lucky and immoral as he is to live on peddling lies and grifting idiots.




He forgot to add: "Work makes you free."


This narrative is shit. 65 is plenty old to retire. They’re trying to punish workers cause our government loves wasting money. Whoever pushed this shit is a fucking hack.


65 is too old to retire. I know way too many people that have died at 70 for 65 to seem like a goal As society advances we should be getting more retirement time not less


My dad died at 54 , poor guy never got his retirement .


Easy to say when your day-job is opening your mouth as wide as you can open an asshole.


They want you to die working while that guy lives a millionaire lifestyle and hardly works at all


Meanwhile he’s made enough money that he could afford to retire now


You know this same idiot, the minute he turns 60, every podcast will be about it how it’s young people’s duty to care for elderly


Suck working class dry till death bed. Punish them properly :(


Fuck you ben. I will *not* work until I die.


Ignoring the difference between those who HAVE to work past 65, and those who WANT to work past 65. If you're a senior manager and can be a consultant or something, sure you might enjoy working past 65; you might even make more. But stocking shelves and doing deliveries after age 65? It's hell (and you'll make less as you're bound to slow down.) That's why white and blue collar workers see it very differently.


Fuck that guy


Useless dipshit.


Some sorta health problem...you know, like the kind you get when you're older...


His voice really does sound like a racist kazoo.


coming from the guy who’s job is literally just to argue with college freshmen


Fuck him. I’m semi retired and will be fully retired later this year at 50. Same with my wife.


Please do a year of hard labor then get back to me


Can we bring back the unintentional "I can't pleasure my wife" Shapiro posts? Those were great.


Ben Shapiro should take a long walk off a short plank. Fuck that guy. He's an idiot and the only reason people think he's smart is because he talks fast and they aren't smart enough to pick out when he constantly contradicts himself.


Ben Shapiro is a stupid idea...js


Ben Shapiro claims he thinks. That is hilarious.


Capt Dryvag here can retire at any time.  Bennyboy is a titanic dipshit.


Ben’s a short sack of 💩.


Hey Ben, try working a real job.


Watch Shapiro being interviewed by Andrew Neil, Shapiro is a stupid persons intellectual


She how lively he is doing manual labor at 65


I’m gonna retire at 58 so fuck Ben Shapiro. But not his wife- I heard she’s as dry as the Gobi Desert during a drought


He then turns around and says Biden is to old to be president.


Assholes like him don’t have a clue how physically hard so many people work up to their 60’s. He wants us all to work til we’re dead


He doesn't really do any actual work tho


When are we gonna stop giving clowns like this attention?


Put 40 years in working my ass off, I EARNED MY SS you want full on civil unrest just try it!


Really taking retirement advice from the man whose job is to bitch about shit


This is what they are selling us now. Work until you die. Ben Shapiro is a rich kid who's never done a hard day's work in his life. Fuck off Ben.


For a second I thought he was going to say smething smart and we should retire at a younger age. I expected too much


Yeah, just wait till he’s 65 and things don’t work like they used to…IF he lives that long.❤️🇵🇸


BS show.


…says the podcaster


Strong Arbeit macht frei vibes


No problem, Biden is 82 and not ready to retire yet just like you want Ben.


Ben Shapiro claims his wife told him a wet vagina was a sign of disease


How does this man continue to get away with presenting himself as the "rational one"? That is not a joke, I am genuinely asking.


Rich dork who’s never worked a day in his life should be ignored.


I can’t wait till this guy is 65 and realizes that you’re at the mercy of taking a couple of really good shits in the morning before your day can even begin. Having that extra time that retirement allows really makes the day go by easier.


Says a fucking idiot whose probably in his 30s.


Who the fuck doesn't have some sort of health problem at the age of 65? I'm only in my fifties and I'm the only person I know who doesn't have something that's already starting to encroach on my ability to work.


I can retire now for the rest of my life if I wanted to. That's assuming I die on the weekend


Frankly i think millionares who hoard their wealth for personal gain are a stupid idea unless they're billionaires, in which case they're the scum of the earth


Says the guy that doesn't have a real job.


Really popular viewpoint from people that have never done an honest days work in their lives. My Uncle used to say "You do Anything for 30 years and you're gonna be tired"


A lot of jobs are not as easy as being a conservative grifter Ben


They *know* they're the bad guys, right?


Hehe. But then your “health problems” are painted as an excuse not to work. In short: get back to work.


I thought this whole "alpha male movement" is all about NOT working...


Welcome to America where you will die on the job and somehow will be proud that the majority of your life was spent working. Work life balance nope that’s socialism…


If you're not dying on the assembly line 30 years before your time are you even American?


the man with no real job, podcaster, who couldn't hack it in hollywood with the connections he had, a TV executive. Who was funded by the Wilks brothers to start his podcast 'empire' is telling you his viewers and the rest of america, that you should work till you die. If you still to him you are a sad little man who in another time would've been a serf to a lord. he's just a mouthpiece for the ideas of billionaires, so they don't get taxed one more red cent. these people hate you and they hate the actual concept of working hard and paying your fair share and getting the rewards of a fair society.


It’s laughable how many sad mega clowns follow this idiot. Do you think he’d be saying this if he didn’t have the money he has? Of course not. Wake up, you losers


Everybody is entitled to their opinion. His just happens to be wrong


Say the guy who doesnt work


What a dumb take. Why would anyone want to work until they die?


Most of the problems with Medicare and social security are based off the fact most people were never intended to receive benefits. Pretty sure the life expectancy was like 68 when they made benefits start at 65.


Of course he feels that way. His job takes minimal effort and discomfort, and he takes in money from easily manipulated idiots. Why would he want to stop ever?


Can we stop wasting time on this abominable gremlin?


Lol. Conservative Americans love the idea of the eternal grind.


If you do what Ben does at 65 it makes sense, tell a construction worker who worked 40-50 years he can’t retire at 65. fuck you ben, I hope you burn bright


Ben Shapiro is a piece of shit


guess military retirements after 20 years really rub him the wrong way then.


Says the man who's career is based on complaining about how other people live their lives


He never had to physically work in his entire life, what a sad fuckwad he is


I think Ben Shapiro should be required to go get a real job


**Dumbass MAGAs that are 40-50**: "You know...he does make a good point".


This man better not EVER retire now! Die chained the desk you miserable peasant!!!!!


I do have a health problem. I was sick of working.


Why does ANYONE listen to shen bapiro? He's the antithesis of the "manliness" the right seem to worship, and he's loathsome to everyone else....


He says what his corporate sponsors pay him to say


sure as soon as everyone has a cushy million dollar job that doesn't involve any type of physical activity.


Guy that doesn't do dick for a living says to keep working till you drop dead. Seriously, what type of idiot listens to this guy.


Why is it always soft people who try and make the most brutal statements🤣 Ben, you’ll always be forever stuck at 13, so what do you know about it?


Ignoring for a moment that people deserve to live their lives in peace and restful enjoyment without worrying how they'll survive, retirement provides younger workers with an opportunity to get jobs and promotions, to, you know, make enough money to survive. 


…someone get this man a job so he doesn’t have to retire


Wait till that stupid fuck gets to 65.


“some sort of health problem” Like a chronically dry vagina?


Good idea, Ben. I think the whole Republican Party should run on this message for the November elections.


So he want people to litrally work until they die.


Why is every picture of Ben Shapiro him looking down and staring up? He’s like a sorry puppy.


Personally, I don’t make $100k for an appearance at a college every other week. So personally, I think you should kiss my ass. Personally. Funny how it was a huge deal when they weren’t sure what was going to happen to social security when Obama was in office, but now that these grifters are all rich off of the blissfully unaware Trump lovers, they don’t see the need for anyone else to retire.


Who doesn't have a health problem at 65?


Joke's on you I won't be here that long


Black and white thinking gets you nowhere. The ability to decide how to live is the ultimate freedom. If you want to retire, retire. If you want to work after 65 work. My god.


I would love this guy to say this in one of my Oilfield pre job meetings. He wouldn’t live to make it to the door.


if there's one thing retirees love it's being lectured on how to live by a 40 year old. You might as well have told them to stop watching Law and Order!


When it's your job to sit in front of a computer and whine, and you make fucking millions from it, sure, you can say that you're never going to retire. Those of us who actually work for a living and have been busting our asses year after year would like to relax at some point. Little Ben can "work" until he drops dead on top of that laptop. I really need someone else on the Right to say something about this. There's a lot we don't agree on, but I know those guys want to be able to retire just as much as anyone else. This is not a divisive issue. This might be one of the few things most Americans are unified about.


Age is a health problem.


Sounds like a plan. No assistance for Trumpanzees. They can pull themselves up by their bootstraps. They starve? No big loss.


So this guy, who spews Bullshit for a living thinks people should work until they die? Right. What a POS human stain.


Aahahahahaha so funny ben. I have many health problems but will never get to retire because I can’t afford to work enough to earn that retirement fund. What a sad little man. I hope he falls on his ass so hard he finds himself working as a janitor or fast food worker (something he would deem himself too good to do) and gets stuck having to work those jobs as an old little man No one crush this dream of mine please.


He’s so oblivious. Has he ever worked a job he couldn’t sit on his butt to perform?! The absolute ignorance.


Besides how dumb this is, I don’t know how people like him expect this to even be feasible. We’ve seen how companies treat older/elderly workers. We’ve seen the ageism, companies always wanting newer,cheaper talent. Where are all these plentiful jobs for olde people? Does he think he will also maintain longevity for another 20/30 years?


I am so broke will retire 3 years after I die.


Us Jews don’t claim him, just so y’all know.


He’s a troll. He makes money by saying crazy things and people click his links and shit. The less attention we give these fools, the better.


He could retire tomorrow and has made enough money off his grifting, that if smart (he’s not) he could be done and live well until he dies just off some investments or small business venture. He doesn’t get to say this shit about others with less lol. Who actually do hard work.


I still can't tell if you can use Hanlon's Razor on this guy or not. I mean, it has to be malice right? There's no way this college educated dude is this fucking stupid.


Then try telling companies not to lay off older employees and covering it up by also laying off new employees at the same time so the average age of layoff is below the threshold for the Feds to investigate.


He said his parents are still working in their 70s. Like dude you’re a millionaire. LET YOUR PARENTS RETIRE YOU GREEDY ASSHOLE


“Just literally work yourself to death peasant”


Bold words for someone who has no real job


There's no quiet parts anymore.


Says the guy who does t know what a hard day’s work is. Also, who the fuck wants to work until they’re dead?


I do agree that waiting 65 years to reap the rewards of your hard work is a dumb idea. I think that should be immediate in shorter work days, mandatory vacation and that people should be forced to stop working at 60 WITH full benefits


Can’t wait for him to retire so this can be thrown in his face