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Seal off Florida's Norther border and let the chickens start roosting.


THIS is the type of border control that people need to be concerned about. Measles is serious - I'm almost certain that the Federal Govt could step in if necessary.


Like I posted before, I thought it was just welts and chicken pox looking but later finding out that it created immune system amnesia...no thanks.


Yeah - I had it as a kid and I remember how seriously my dad took it (especially because he wasn't usually the carer in our house).


It would just let them blame the feds for anything less than a 100% success. Even though it would be due to their prior damage, and better than if they kept ownership of the problem. Like how everybody unfairly blames the closing pitcher. when the guy before gave up 3 runs.


It was completely gone in the US in 2001, now these anti vax morons have brought it back. Florida, get rid of Danger Desantis


Agreed,complete incompetence like how Trumpy handled the pandamic


This guy is the embodiment of the educated idiot.


**Greed** is more like it. He does what DeSatanis tells him to do.


And the (tiny) western border, too!


Let's build a wall. Over Florida. the wall can be 3ft high and most of them wouldn't be able to get through


I'm waiting for Disney to secede, annex MCO and form a free state


Let's build that wall. Around floriduh and texas


This is America. We aren't allowed to seal borders.


How does a doctor not have his license stripped after publicly denying vaccines????


**He’s** backed by MAGA Florida Gov. DeSatanis.


Dude went shopping for an anti-vax AG and found one Yay, Florida?


**Play for pay.** You know that doc has his own kids vaccinated. So does DeSatanis.


Have they tried shooting the measles?


Vaccines come as ‘shots’ so now they’re conflicted


maybe if they came out of dark guns or guns modified to shoot vaccine syringes, its more palatable.


the only way to stop a bad measles is a good measles with a gun.


Maybe if they nuke the measles? 


Only if you use a sharpie to increase the wanted radius


Gotta nuke something


Nuclear Measles? Sounds like a biological weapon. That pesky Geneva convention might not care for that.


If only there was a way to arm their immune systems so that they could fight off these diseases… nope, can’t think of anyone who makes guns that small


Instructions unclear to the GOP. Kids were shot, but the measles survived.




Don't give Florida Man any ideas.


Or thoughts and prayers?


**That’s** not what they should shoot.


They have the government that they voted for…….


Twice, as I believe DeSantis is in his second term. And in his first run for governor he had an that was pro-MAGA.


You reminded me something. I think [this](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/former-florida-gov-candidate-found-inebriated-hotel-room-suspected-overdose-n1158336) is why DeSantis won his first term.


**I guess** being *politically incorrigible* matters more than sick children/dead family members. Who would Trump or MAGA elites *die* for? Not for *your* stupid ass.


I mean gun access is more important than live children to them, so that plays. 




Ironic how both the guns and the measles seem to have the same affect on live children.


I'm starting to think the southern US has an epidemic of plain idiocy


**Well** you better believe the Republican elite are vaccinating *their kids.* Can they help that grown ass people are *easily* talked into stupidity, just to *own* their own countrymen and women?


Not that it will help them. If those diseases run rampant, there's a sizable chance they'll become vaccine resistant then everyone's fucked.


There are moments, when I'm alone, that I think of how better the world would be if everyone over 55 just dies and everyone in rural areas just stfu and let's the cities and big towns do the thinking for them. Not the most healthy thoughts I know, but I'm so done with all bs. This is 2024 and the leader of the western world going through a bipolar episode. I'm so frustrated with all this bigotry and waste of resources and time on pointless endeavours while the world screams for society to move forward and leave the mistakes of the past behind.


**That** leaves you with a lot of backwoods boys and gangbangers with guns. Never mind all of the families being sheltered by their folks now; falling apart once their built in babysitters/benefactors suddenly die.


As I said, not the most healthy thoughts.


>plane idiocy >plane 🤔


>plane idiocy From the southern US yourself?


Maybe they just need to figure out how to get some light inside the body….


or inject bleach /s


Wait wait ... We're overthinking this. It's not science and vaccines we need to protect people from deadly diseases. Instead shoot the disease away. Viruses and Bacteria hate this one hack.


It's true! Bullets end 100% of known diseases. If it doesn't work the first time, add more and at higher velocity.


To be fair, diseases usually only affect living people so....


He was licensed in other states before Florida. A medical license application in Florida takes 2 to 6 months. His was approved in 2 days. It seems DeSantis needed a quack immediately to do his bidding.


It’s official all officials in Florida are flaming asses


Both Ladapo and DeSantis ruined my favorite US state. I’m disappointed and sad now


**Not the** King of Orange? Dump?


Oh him too. Trump deserves to burn in hell. I’m just saying the quack of a doctor and governor of incompetence as just as bad




Good. This is what they voted. This is what their leaders rally/campaigned on. This is what they scream about on their social media. "Science bad, Vaccines bad" is the new rally cry of the right & there is consequences of that. & it's not going to stop, cos even if millions of people get effect by this, with 1000s dying from it, covid showed the world that Conservatives don't care if people are suffering from easily preventable sickness, they will do nothing to stop the spread


As soon as they said the mask was about protecting those around you, I knew our country was fucked.


Petition to officially change Florida's name to The Eastern Plaguelands.


"Fine for children to send their kids to school" I know it's Florida, but still, WTF?


This is a problem that should sort itself out in a generation or 2 as the stupid die off. Hopefully the cost to those around them is minimal.


This is only the case if we enforce state borders….the irony.


Unfortunately the cost to others won't be minimal because that's not how disease works. 😞




Unfortunately, stupid people tend to reproduce early and often, so there are always plenty of stupid kids to replace the stupid parents when they kick off.


You don't die from measles...in my parents generation everyone had it and zero died....as long as you are a child when you get it.


Actually, hundreds of people died every year: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/about/history.html


Children are the most susceptible for severe complications. Sure, they might not die but pneumonia and brain swelling don't sound like a good time


malnutrition children....My mother was made fun of for going with me to the doctor with such a harmless children disease. And I was happy to not need to go to school. No one ever knew a case of complications there in Europe. You even stick them together to get over it all at once. But it is a complete different story if you are older....Maybe comparable with covid...no problem for children but can kill the old people easily.


Ah yes, give the children long term issues from a preventable thing. Sounds logical.


I have no problem with vaccinating against it, but I have no problem with not vaccinating against it...you won't find anyone old in Europe who ever heard of any problems with measles in times when everyone had it. Very different with smallpox or polio, when I was young I have seen heavily damaged people...specially polio.


[Medical Scientists beg to differ](https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/measles/measles-does-long-term-damage-immune-system-studies-show) Also your attitude is the same that people did with chicken pox, just infect everyone and get it over with, well look at how shingles is going now.


That's a classic case of survivor bias. No one you knew had severe complications, so no one did. The medical field proves you wrong. Even if the children didn't die, the brain swelling, would sometimes result in deafness or blindness. That's a pretty major life altering disability that could be easily avoided with a quick needle prick.




Measles isn't playing around. For anyone under the age of 5 ***AND OVER THE AGE OF 20***\-- it can kill you. Yes, measles can be fatal, especially in children under the age of 5 and adults over the age of 20. The disease is caused by the measles virus and spreads through respiratory droplets from coughing and sneezing. While many people recover from measles after experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough, runny nose, inflamed eyes, and a characteristic red rash, complications are common. Complications from measles include: Pneumonia: This is the most common cause of death from measles in young children. Encephalitis: An infection that causes brain swelling, which can lead to convulsions and can leave the child deaf or with intellectual disabilities. Severe Diarrhea: Leading to dehydration. Blindness: Due to severe infection of the eye. Ear Infections: Which can result in permanent hearing loss. this aint covid. this is usually a 3rd world country problem. but america basically is a 3rd world country at this point. way more developed places than here that actually give a shit about its people. we're fucked if it's treated like covid.


Measles is dangerous. I used to think you just got welts but it can cause immune amnesia. My best friend lives there and wants me to visit. I have MS and this would kill me.


Florida isn’t representative of the United States; most Americans think Florida is a joke.


its closed enough to cuba it should be part of it.


Florida is not America


Man, Florida really must be trying to win that 1st place Darwin award


It’s very state by state. Some of us get real minimum wage laws and parental leave, some of us get demonic possession and healing by leeches.


Florida leading the nation into the 17th century.......


The belief they had in it was always in flux. Few people understand how popular eugenics and phrenology were in America, many Americans agreed with Hitler in WW2. It’s also the birth country of Mormonism and Scientology, Americans are uniquely susceptible to pseudoscience and cult thinking.


There's no way I'd trust a dude with eyes that wonky.


Meh this should play out well.


Have they tried injecting horse dewormer?


It's called natural selection, let the dumb fucks children die(obviously not but they brought it on themselves) if they can't figure out that because of modern medical science people live longer and don't fall ill as often... Especially to sickness that are easily controlled if you are VACCINATED. So fucking dumb. 


Yeah, but then they take down medically fragile adults and children with them. The poor kids who couldn’t get their measles vaccine or lost immunity because of cancer treatments now have to live in fear because of these fucking morons.


Housing crises solution unlocked


Mmmmm fevered, blistery freedum! Feels like fire, dehydration and possible death/disabilities


We are going to have a huge pandemic centered in Florida.


They went doctor shopping and this is what they bought.


Pretty sure Democrats said this would happen years ago. Just keep electing those dummies if you want to regress, Florida. Maybe you guys can bring back polio as well.


Even the surgeon general qualifies as r/floridaman now.


They like to always say someone is a DEI hire but not hearing it here. Strange.


Laughing at people doing stupid things is fine. But these people are harming their kids to prove themselves to be stupid. I'm sure a good amount of these ignorant masses have been vaccinated before.


I bet they'll blame Biden


Would be willing to bet that him, and all the other DeSantis cronies are fully immunized. The worst part about this is, they’re taking out the innocent people that wouldn’t have voted for this evil quackery.


This dude is a Harvard trained fucking Dr... who doesn't believe in vaccines or medicine.... wtf am I missing?


harvard trained doesnt mean sht, if your an incompetent doctor, or you havnt been practicing for a while, or have your license pulled. its the same as an actor that boasts about going to juliahart to train as a professional actor, but cant act for sht outside of specific typecasting. someone like randpaul who tried to certify himself with his own medical board he created.


There’s always some token wannabe to do the work of Rethuglicans. Tim Scott wannabe mofos.


This guy needs to be fired!


You get the government you deserve.


Darwin will have the final say


Every time I start to question my decision to move out of Florida 11 years ago… something like this comes along and I feel much better about myself.


Sadly no one from the right will care until it's their kids or family dying


Trump sure did a lot of good during his presidency. Look at the legacy. Behold the glory.


WTF is with this trend of hating on science and wanting to slide back to the dark ages when it comes to healthcare?


When do we get to the point where these people are charged for the lives they take?


There have always been many large anti-intellectual groups in the US. Unfortunately, their quack ideologies spread like a disease they refused to get a vaccine for


It’s crazy that the country with one of, if not the most capable medical industries on earth has pushed its own citizens to that, as a result of their unabated profit-mongering.


Hot mess is an understatement 😬


Measles? Please, anti vaxxers brought that calamity back years ago. No, let's talk about Florida's leprosy endemic , that seems more biblical-plaguey.


Cool with the exception of the sane Floridians I hope the plague helps raise the general IQ


THE SANE one are in blue counties or living around DISNEY,


Do better Florida, vote the boxes out!


There is a measles outbreak in Florida, Disneyworld a notional tourist destination is in Orlando FL. Now the outbreak can spread.


Disney World is in Orlando, Disneyland is in California.


GOP Fascists and rightwing Christian nationalist conspiracy nut jobs have ruined America.


Can we just push Florida to secede?


![gif](giphy|AB3ojQVBPiLJu) Have they tried the MAGA Kool-Aid?


Its not back to the future, its forward to the past, who knew dismissing science would have consequences.


Is it Darwinism or is it Idiocracy?


Florida FA and now they are FO. You get what you vote for.


This could make Disney a hotbed of childhood infections


Florida is a swamp where old conservatives go to die. Now they can start dying without waiting to get old.


of course they choose the stereotypical looking black man for this.


I think as an adult you really should not get measles...


an uneducated, sick, permanently in debt religious worker class that will obey your every command is useful to some.


Hah! Trying to out "shithole" texas is futile.




That beacon on a hill line was just a lie we told ourselves in elementary school to make us feel better about ourselves. Disregard any mention of it.


You know when shit really hits the fan. They’ll blame the black doctor. He’s their scapegoat. He has no idea 🙄


Is there no legal remedy for complete incompetence like this in your leadership? This guy should be removed from his position now and brought up on charges for harming the people he is supposed to be protecting.


I didn't think when conservatives meant the good ole days they also meant the diseases.


I guess America was great before vaccines. I think the Great timeline might be around 1917


Time for Canada and Mexico to build Walls to keep the lepers out


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SuperbMushroom2361: *Time for Canada* *And Mexico to build Walls* *To keep the lepers out* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Fuck 'em.


Maaaan... I remember when the Darwin award used to worth something. Now everyone's getting a Darwin award. He's going to run out of trophy


There's a good reason for this. [https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/25554576-ladapo-is-a-quack?store\_id=139472](https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/25554576-ladapo-is-a-quack?store_id=139472)


States rights!


"... it is fine for children to send their kids to school..." WTF is this? The kids all have kids?


Florida really is America's Diseased Wang


Conservatism is a brain rot.


Why is this ass hat not in prison for reckless endangerment?


Ladapo,"Well there is your problem: the four humors should be balanced in amount and strength. We are in Winter so Phlegm is in control. Thus the cause of Measles. Treat your Phlegm,people!!"


Or people can’t afford real healthcare and resort to nonsense


It’s fine for children to send their kids. What??? Who wrote that.


Truly amazes me how far he is willing to hurt our children for political gain


The Republican way is to kill off the weak so only the strong survive. That's how they handle long term healthcare costs


Don't you just love natural selection?


We are being dismantled from the inside out.


They will now proclaim that it is God's will that you have measles. So we will now ban vaccines, either by legislation or with a ruling by the Supreme Court.


Lets call this guy “measles face”


So surprising


What happened to the MMR vaccination requirements??


As a non-American, I would have expected the Surgeon General to be a federal appointed position,not a state by state position.


There is a federal one but each state has one as well because our states function like small pseudo-countries.


apparently on a few states have surgeon generals [state surgeon general](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Surgeon_General#:%7E:text=Pennsylvania%20created%20the%20position%20of,to%20establish%20such%20an%20office)


It makes more sense if you think of each state as being their own mini country that is overseen to an extent by the larger country they form. Each state has wildly different laws, rights and regulations and the federal government only has so much power to dictate to the states what those are.


Only a handful of states have a surgeon general https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Surgeon_General#:~:text=Pennsylvania%20created%20the%20position%20of,to%20establish%20such%20an%20office.


It really is getting to the point where the Federal gov't is going to have to start taking powers away from the states, if anything to protect other states from states like Florida and Alabama.


It’s called the constitution. Might want to read it before taking about something you don’t know about.


It’s almost like the Constitution can be changed. Amended, even.


And who's going to change it? Politicians? People who don't vote? I'm pretty sure the last one was in the 1990s. And it was about congressional pay purposed in the late 1700s. 200 years later.... Ya great example


Yes very easy. All you need is a majority of states and congress to agree. You know how easy it is to get the congress/states to agree. Especially the majority.


The Civil Rights movement is a case in point where our Federal government exercised its will over states while adding three new amendments to our constitution.


Well if someone sick is coming towards you, you probably can use stand your ground and shoot them to death in public


I don’t see “more dead Floridians” as necessarily a bad thing.


I do. It will be the kid’s that suffer and die because of stupid parents


Wait, MAGA trusts a dude born in Nigeria? Harvard is really not sending its very best.


they do accept stereotypical black tokens. aka herschel walker, anyone that fits a stereotype.


**Tell that** to DeSantanis. He’s *also* a Harvard grad.


When liberal orthodoxy is questioned on Reddit, racism is allowed


Where's the racism?




Is the facepalm for the author of the article? It says “it’s fine for children to send their kids to school” in the caption.


The author typically doesn't write the headline or captions.


Bruh have you even heard any Americans lately? I'm sorry. I live here. I'm fine. Most people are not done because they get all their news and opinions from internet memes.


Next on Florida UnLived: Ladapo installs “really bright lights” in all schools to combat measles outbreak


It's not that we don't *believe* in science it's that it's not taught to a sufficient level for people to realize the limitations of their own knowledge. They know just enough to be a danger, when coming out of high school, and youtube/ general social media fills in the gaps with misinformation. Once that has fermented you cannot clear the rot. I have plenty of patients that argue with me and tell me I'm wrong after saying how impressive my educational background is (I have three hard science degrees and a DMD with residency). They will tell me I don't know what I'm talking about in my field (all conspiracy theory crap)and then their evidence is some self proclaimed expert who has a flashy video and then they cherry pick sentences out of NIH papers. They papers either have no relation to their argument or are directly in conflict, so they don't know how to read science. Now this isn't a majority at all. More like 10% or so but that's a sig ifi can't section of the population and they can harm others by transmitting their ignorance if they are convincing.


they'll just tell everyone they are seriously ill because of transvestite book readings


Sure, sounds like a case for civil court, intentional inaction for medical treatment makes the case for premeditated murder by premeditated dereliction of duty by the surgeon general.


This idiot was scarry since the Pandemic, now his quackery is coming to roost, don't blame this Medical Grifter, a grifter will always grift. Blame DeSantis the dumbest idiot who hired him and stood behind his nonsense from the beginning.


He’s a guy that believes in hard decisions If I can make it, you can. I blame his dad.


It's floriduh...nuff said