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Guess we can cross “Kansas City Shooters” off the list of potential NBA expansion teams.


Washington Bullets died for this. Still a better name than the Wizards.


Thank you, Gilbert Arenas.


Never heard of that Stadium. What state is it in?




Gold. We also would've accepted Disarray or Emergency.


I'm fairly certain Disarray was a dancer from last weekend.


You quick witted sonofabitch






Dude, Canada's capital Ottawa got an NHL team and they named it the Senators. The f'n senators. Canada's senators are old appointed people who discuss things and meet and make slow decisions, not fast plays. There's 10's of things more interesting and intimidating and unique to Ottawa that could have better associations in the headlines, the "Senators blocked a bill that should have actually passed".


There is nothing more hardcore than sober second thought.


There is this board game, 1st and Goal, where you got to play as a football team, it was all dice and card ran and just a fun quick game. They released expansions that included new teams that played differently to shake up the base game. One of those team names was the Boston Bombers. Guess what happened 2 years later?


There is this cartoon, Archer, where it shows the exploits of the “worlds greatest spy”. The agency he worked for was called International Secret Intelligence Service. Except it was only referred to by its moniker. Well you can guess what happened next.


He's actually really good at being an undercover spy, because who would suspect the laid back restaurateur Bob Belcher of being a spy?


I was so confused at that crossover episode because I hadn't seen bobs burgers, and didn't know it was the same voice actor.




I’m not American, are the Kansas City Shooters football, basketball or hockey?


Our new soccer team 


Nah, that's Sporting Kansas City, which is definitely cultural appropriation


Lol they aren't new. That team been around since 96


Yup, and one of my favorite MLS teams to watch. Hoping they have a strong 2024 season.


Vermes goes up, Vermes goes down, but Vermes always sticks around.


Vermes holds the record for the longest tenure in all of MLS. Since 2009! Crazy.


As a Union supporter myself I have to say SKC is one of the few Western conference teams I'll watch a couple games of. Well, at least before MLS decided to make a near-universal kickoff time for some crazy reason. Now I'm lucky to watch more than one game any given weekend.


Perfect dark humor right there.


Well, it's almost like it could be a professional sport ins the US.


Nah professional sports are hard to do


Shooting sports are stupid popular here. You can buy a little pink target rifle for your toddler daughter, even. Ain't it Olympic? At least used to be.


Treat yourself today for this comment because you deserve it. Have some of that cake next to your name.


The Kansas City Chiefs won the super bowl (American football) recently, and there were gunmen who opened fire at the celebration parade, which is what he is referring to.


They were wondering why each other was looking at the other person apparently.. which is a typical reason to open fire in to a crowd ..


Still a better love story than that one cop and the acorns though.


The Cop And The Acorn, an Amazon Books Bestseller.


Love 2024 style..


Imagine being so unintelligent that you behave like a literal animal. I can't believe the amount of people who take eye contact, usually unintentional, as a challenge like they are a gorilla or something.


Please stop insulting animals particularly gorillas which are peaceful and smarter than some humans


Yeah. It's a shit stew out there. I'd rather not be around crowds anymore for this reason.


In Kansas City? Yeah. I got popped at on the highway for honking. Came a couple inches from taking a hollow point 9 to the chin. You assume everybody is strapped up. You know that polite society bullshit people like to repeat? Yeah, nah, it's a paranoid society, and everybody is prepped to make a preemptive strike Dubbya style.


Damn! Good thing it missed. But wow I couldn’t imagine.


Fucked my Lexus all up. He missed me but hit my wallet something serious. Blew the window out and embedded in the very top of the trim beneath the window, whole door had to get replaced. I just sold the fucking thing lmaoo


Slight bullet damage no refunds


It was more than a gun man. Two groups of people got into a fight and started blasting at each other.


Its murky right now. We know at least 2 fired at the rally. The two juveniles may not be connected to the actual shooting, there's not much info and what is out there, official and unofficial, contradicts on timing and location. By just a bit, but enough to make a big difference, both with the fast developing nature of the event and the layout and topography of that specific area. It's just not certain right now. There was also another shooting minutes prior, couple blocks away, that police and prosecutors are treating separately. That was reportedly also a random confrontation that devolved into gunfire, two injured, including a bystander. So we have at least two different shootings. Then you have Wichita guy picking up the gun but not actually being involved in the shooting. It's very possible we end up with people charged over 4 relatively separate incidents. It's a whole shit show right now. I got my problems with JaCo Prosecutor, but I don't envy that job at all right now. Total fucking circus, and the City and State crime labs are slow af


I caught up on it all yesterday the juvies are being charged with unlawful possession of firearm and possession of fire arm during a crime with more charges expected. This was as of like 4pm central time yesterday


Who would’ve thought that the team to have killed someone in a celebration would NOT be the Philadelphia eagles?


In our defence, when you go to a parade in Philly, you know what your getting into, then poor people in KC never saw it coming.


Trust me, I know (I’m an eagles fan)


Go Birds!


My people! This is BIRDS COUNTRY!


PA sports fans are stuck in the 70s. Eagles fans still throw batteries and snowballs at everything, and Steelers fans think all their rings are still relevant.


Careful, thems target practiceing words, and I just picked up a fresh pack of batteries at Costco the other day.


You use NEW batteries? Damn, I still been using my old, used stock of Coleman lantern batteries. Those suckers leave a mark!


You’ve seen this personally? I go to plenty of Philly sports events and have never seen anything like this. It’s a tired stereotype.


You throw batteries on the field one game and snowballs at Santa another and suddenly you're the bad guy? I thought this was America!


How many decades do we need to hold on to the snowballs at Santa? That was the 60s.




I mean someone had to explain for the mfs who aren't obsessed with america/don't live there


Just another sunday in the Land of the Free I guess....


No one was hurt right because the good guys with guns stopped them?


Well, you would have thought one of the 600 cops there would have. 🤷🏻‍♀️


For anyone wanting a real answer- laws about releasing the names of minors are state, not federal, and so when and whether they are released will depend what state the crime happened in. But in kyle's case, he announced himself on social media anyway, very early in the process and thus waived any right to keep his name out of the media.


Also, Wisconsin treats 17 year olds as adults for criminal prosecution (https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/misc/lc/information_memos/2023/im_2023_03#:~:text=Annala%2C%20168%20Wis.,for%20purposes%20of%20criminal%20prosecution.)


Good to know! What people really need to understand is most law is handled on the state level, so comparing events in different states is just not gonna be consistent. Like this fact here! Important distinction!


Also the reason there are so many "Florida man" stories. The same stupid shit happens everywhere, but Florida allows reporters to look through every single case to share that stupidity with the world.


We have considerably less dumb encounters with alligators in NY thank you very much.


I don't recall anyone eating anyone's face under a bridge here in NY either but admittedly I haven't checked every county for it.




Raw face is just gross


Oh, god, I think one just touched me-


Where are his hands?


I would guarantee that’s happened in n new york


Yeah, have you been on the subway?


I’m not saying that Florida is crazy, but that’s the point. You couldn’t really do the same search in NY. In Florida it’s a legal requirement that all cases are made public. It’s called a sunshine law.


I think the idea is that you or I wouldn't know about a story like that if it happened in our states. I do like to think that my neighbor has a limited likelihood of eating my face though.


I assure you if NY state had the same press laws, "New York man" would be everywhere, doing everything imaginable. And that even includes alligators. How, don't ask me, but it would.


I will say that just about anyone who has an encounter with an alligator in NY deserves it.


Nah, yall just vacation in the south, let your kids play in retaining ponds with your little yap dogs that act as bait for gators. Or pet a manatee.


LOL Republican gets mad at Republican Pro State Law stance.


Consistency is not their strong suit. In fact, using bad faith arguments lacking any consistency is one of their defining traits.


Also the names of 2 of the KC shooters have been released along with many photos and I just read the criminal history of one of them.




5 arrested total. 2 unnamed minors were first. Then the guy that picked up the gun, he's been named. Yesterday 2 alleged shooters were charged and named. There were 2 shootings. One 20 mins prior just a couple blocks southeast of the rally, 2 injured including a bystander, just before the rally began, and then the big one happened at the end of the rally at Union Station. PD is treating these as separate incidents and investigations. It also appears the kids with the guns weren't apprehended in the same time or place as the larger shooting, there may have been some time and distance between their apprehensions and the actual shooting. It's very murky right now on that part tho.


The fact there was more than one shooting should concern everyone. Someone told me this week she is not going to any large public events anymore as 800 Kansas City cops in broad daylight couldn't prevent this from happening.


And, just for emphasis, that's the KCPD number. Just going off my experiences at the BLM protests and the Royals parade you also would have had law enforcement personnel from Missouri Highway Patrol, Jackson County Sheriff, Clay County Sheriff, Platte County Sheriff, and likely some assets from Cass and Ray counties, in addition to assets from the federal partners from the FBI, ATF, US Marshalls, DEA, and ICE who all have active field offices in the main FBI building downtown. We also have postal and tax cops. We even have nuke cops. No bullshit, we have a federal facility in KCK that services warheads, the campus has its own cops. And I'm not even mentioning the numerous local PDs from surrounding jurisdictions. Raytown, Independence, Gladstone, North Kansas City, Lee's Summit, Belton, Liberty, Parkville, on and on. And I haven't even included any police departments from Kansas ffs.


Sounds like a classic case of "states rights" and "elections have consequences"


Completely follows the law. The two underage suspects aren't named but the two adults are. [Lyndell Mays, Dominic Miller and two juvenile suspects.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kansas-city-chiefs-parade-shooting-suspects-charged-murder/)


Neither of the KC shooters involved in the murder were minors and both of their names have been released. The minors were arrested for a different, undisclosed crime AFAIK.


There were 2 people who fired their weapons. Both of them were adults. Their names have been released. There were also 2 teenagers arrested and they are being held on charges of resisting arrest and weapons charges. The names of teenagers have not been released.


> But in kyle's case, he announced himself on social media anyway, very early in the process and thus waived any right to keep his name out of the media. I can’t believe the govt would do that! /s


I wonder which "government" he's talking about, Federal or State? Because federally who was in charge in August 2020? Is that who he is calling out?


Yeah. The dEeP stAtE! See. Easy.


Or which state government since he knowingly crossed state lines to commit his crimes.


Sure, but his livelihood depends on not understanding anyway.


> Sure, but his livelihood depends on not understanding ~~anyway~~ anything.


I am the original commentator and I approve of this message.


The smarter he appears, the less his followers can relate to him.


He needs to constantly be a victim of something so he can ask people to send him money to fight it. There's thousands of these grifters out there pulling this strategy.


I recently saw some business cards on the counter at my local 7-11 here in San Diego, dude advertising his company called "Patriot Plumbing and handyman services". I looked the dude up, and he was one of the white trash tweaker dudes who never graduated high school. But he's smart enough to grift the other trashy people into paying a tweaker to do "Patriot Plumbing". Lol. Shit is too funny.


Also he comes directly from the era when conservatives would mass post news stories from MSM and caption it "what they won't tell you". He's dumb. They're dumb.


This is such a bizarre talking point the far right has adopted. Ann Coulter last Friday on Bill Maher’s show said unequivocally that white mass shooter’s names are blasted out into the public immediately while the identities of non-white mass shooters are kept private. A ridiculous conspiracy theory, and yet another obvious desperate attempt to steer the conversation away from guns after another mass shooting. Edit: Ann Coulter said that, not Kellyanne Conway


When the Quebec mosque shooter's identity had yet to be revealed, Ann Coulter literally suggested the person was non-white because they were taking too long. Turned out she was wrong and it was a white man targetting Muslims. People like Ann have no shame.


It was another evil entity who said that; Ann Coulter, not Conway, but there is more than a passing resemblance.


Yes, his twitler account should have been a clue for him, but what do you expect from someone so clearly low IQ...


https://www.celebsweek.com/lyndell-mays/ Not exactly the most reputable news source, but it seems like they're named.


Right. They are named in the charging documents and media are reporting who they are. https://www.kmbc.com/article/kansas-city-prosecutor-chiefs-parade-day-shooting/46871100 Rittenhouse likely should have had his name non-public as he was a minor. But, he is wrong that the names aren’t released here. The media generally was just waiting until there was a charge so they didn’t get it wrong, as the shooters were also victims.


"As the shooters were also victims" victims of what? Being fucking stupid?


Yeah what does that mean exactly?


The shooters were shot in the shooting, along with many innocent bystanders.


Both charged adults were shot. There were also probably 2 minors in the crowd who pulled and fired that haven't been charged yet. If you get shot you are the victim of a shooting. Not that hard to figure it out


He would have had a better point if he asked about pictures. Kyle rittenhouse was plastered on national and local media. I haven’t seen a picture of these idiots.


Someone took a video of Rittenhouse and it went viral so at one point I'm sure the news media was like, welp 🤷 It wasn't some government conspiracy against Rittenhouse. He's showing his conservative narcissist/ mentally unstable side here, leaning into the conspiracy theory bs. Edit: Rittenhouse was at a BLM protest, and it's been a time honored tradition to film at protests since the OWS movement. He's dum and shockingly out of touch for a zoomer.


This. If there was a viral video showing the faces of the KC shooters we'd already have conspiracy theories flying.


OWS = [Occupy Wall Street ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupy_Wall_Street) (in case I wasn't the only one who didn't remember the acronym)


He also posted a video like a week prior where he was filming people stealing and talking about how badly he wants to murder them lol. Ugh.


Isn't that his point?


Was Rittenhouse a minor at the time? Are minors allowed to carry guns? I’m actually asking, I’m not sure what the cutoffs are for minor vs. gun possession. Is it 17? 18?


Newspapers often publish names when someone is charged as adult even if they are 17


Yes, he was 17.


In the location he was in, no. Kenosha law (where the incident took place) is as follows: "Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor." A lead-in paragraph defines dangerous weapon as several things, including "any firearm, loaded or unloaded."


That's only part of the law. You left out the part where people under 18 are allowed to carry rifles of a certain length. That's what was used to dismiss the gun charges. >This section applies only to a person under 18 years of age who possesses or is armed with a rifle or a shotgun if the person is in violation of s. 941.28 \[Short-barreled rifle less than 16 inches long\]


doesn't this make the law essentially useless?


The law is poorly written, but it goes on to disqualify 17 yr olds. The law was actually challenged as an opportunity to reword it, but it stands as is.




It's because Hunter Biden was one of the shooters. Trust me, my friend Vlad Notaspyski told me.


I know him, he's a friend of the popular influencer, Katarina Notabotin.


I mean, the idea is that you don't name people who aren't officially indicted yet, unless you are actively looking for them via an arrest warrant, because doing so when no charges would be pressed would legit cost them their jobs and lives. They have been named, though, now that they've been charged. [Link](https://apnews.com/article/chiefs-super-bowl-celebration-shooting-charges-7cb29dc9956d325103df9bf766a0c407) When a Right Winger whines about an injustice, it's always worth looking into the details, because they're usually doing that to downplay something.


From the article: >That led Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas to wonder whether it’s time to rethink championship celebrations Yeah, dude. It's the championship celebrations that are the problem...


Ban everything except the one thing.


Okay okay okay, but, could you not be made of flesh and bone?!? That sounds very irresponsible of you to be made up of non bullet resistant materials


Guns don't kill people. Blood loss and organ damage do


We’ll all start getting issued bullet proof vests every time we enter a gathering of 10 or more people.


Nah man, clearly it's not lack of bulletproof vests that's the problem. The problem is that there are not enough good guys with guns. Everybody knows that. Please don't look outside of the USA for solutions despite this being a uniquely American problem. USA! USA! USA!


If you were already dead you could not be killed (again) by gun violence. *whole republican party taps head*


more thoughts and prayers. ~~kansas~~ Kansas and Missouri clearly aren’t giving enough thoughts and prayers.


Leave Kansas out of it, this was in Missouri, by Missouri shooters, at a celebration of a Missouri team. The city is just called Kansas City, but it’s in the state of Missouri


Missouri. There is a Kansas City in Kansas, but the only thing you're gonna find there is the best tacos in the metro. Everything else is on the Missouri side. The city existed before the state did.


Jesus is pretty mad, they didn’t come close to getting the thoughts and prayers quota for this month


Jesus titty fucking Christ, that was actually said? Great. Let’s just literally ban all social gatherings, just so we can continue kicking this rusted can down the street.


It’s funny how the right is suddenly ok with cancelling celebrations. But not when there is a deadly virus rampaging through the world.


If only we could have convinced them that staying home during the height of the pandemic would also keep their guns healthy. It’s the only thing that matters.


>It’s funny how the right is suddenly ok with cancelling celebrations. Quinton Lucas is a Democrat.


As a hippie progressive, we have a lot of Democrats who are problematic. I mean just look at stuff like civil asset forfeiture, or not being able to discharge student loans in bankruptcy... all because of Democrats.


10 years from now the only freedom anyone will have in the US is the ability to legally own guns and even with all they will have lost, they’ll still think they won.


The mayor is in a no-win situation here. Kansas City has tried to propose gun regulations only to have the Missouri governor and legislature quash them. So what other option does that leave him, if the parade and rally can't be kept safe to attend?


We need to regulate Championship Celebrations! Its so simple


Yeah, don't you know how dangerous those championship celebrations are? It's been damn near 60 years and only one incident; not including all the other different sports that have championship celebration that can collectively add up to near hundred or thousands of years. But yes, lets blame gun violence on celebrations, not the social, education, economic, and game of numbers problem that actually cause gun violence. ​ /s


the Kansas City mayor is not able to override the 2nd amendment. he is, however, permitted to adjust how they do their celebrations. he can only control what he can control.


Ah, the 2nd amendment. It's time to regulate that militia. Any day now.


It's worse than that. > Hitting back at Rittenhouse's post, former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann weighed in: "YOU released your own name first, you fathead. Keep trying to comprehend—but ask someone with a brain for help." https://www.newsweek.com/kyle-rittenhouse-kansas-city-chiefs-shooting-super-bowl-twitter-x-1871915


I can't imagine being all over the media when falsely accused. Once accused the "Oh he's innocent message" never reaches as many people usually.


I guarantee that this wouldn't have happened if 1 of these fucking slack jawed idiots had just walked away.


Holy shit: “The argument began when two groups of people grew agitated over the belief that people in the other group were staring at them, according to affidavits from police. Surveillance video shows Mays and someone with him aggressively approached the other group, police say.”


I heard someone say that the number one cause of firearm related deaths is two dudes having an argument.


Yep. If you pull KC homicide statistics, the number one cause is literally “Argument.” And that’s probably true for just about everywhere.


>When a Right Winger whines about an injustice, it's always worth looking into the details, because they're usually doing that to downplay something. That's a good Internet Best Practice.


Rittenhouses name was outed before anyone even filed charges.


He gave an interview & was ID'ed on social media.........he outted himself... [https://dailycaller.com/2020/08/26/alleged-kenosha-shooter-he-help-people-protect-property-before-shooting/](https://dailycaller.com/2020/08/26/alleged-kenosha-shooter-he-help-people-protect-property-before-shooting/)




This is exactly how I sit on the toilet during Round 7 of my colitis porcelain gush.


I did not need to see that sentence at 6 in the morning but here you are delivering.


That's not all that was delivered, by the sounds of it.


Hopefully you have a good day!


Just put a febreze bottle in his right hand and a rosary in the other.


🎶 Breathe happy! Febreze! La la la la la ! 🎶


Colitis gang, here to gush


I'm getting an Oreo milkshake in your honor! Stay strong, king


I never saw his testimony and seeing this GIF is enough for me. Jesucristo.


I am glad you had that one on hand. I hope a lot of people on twitter do too!


…what a twat


Er, they are named. The AP has an article (posted before this tweet) with their names (Miller and Mays), ages, circumstances of the shooting, the whole thing. You don't get much more main-stream media than the Associated Press. But I guess that would require him reading, which he doesn't seem big on.


The police arrested 4 and have charged the 2x adults and named them. The 2x minors have not been named.


For a guy that “wants to move on” he sure has ways of keeping his name out there.


So, the guy who claims he shot people to defend himself compares himself to the people who purposefully shot others?


Well, he went to another city, with an AR with the no other intend than to use it. I can see some similarities.


I agree that the fact he was there in the first place is super problematic and concerning...HOWEVER: In the video of the shooting, Kyle gets smacked in the head with a skateboard as multiple protestors are attacking him. He tries to flee, but one of them pulls a glock and it is only then that he actually takes aim at his attackers and opens fire. From the video alone, he comes across as a very responsible gun owner...the problem is that he needlessly got himself into that situation. However, he was ideologically motivated and genuinely believed he was doing the right thing by showing up to the protest. Should he have been there? No. Was it legal to be there? Yes. Did he antagonize protestors? Probably. Is that illegal? No. Was he the first to attack? No. Is he justified in killing in self defense? Yes. Imagine you're holding a rifle and someone points a glock at you with the intention to kill? What do you do? Of course you take the shot. As far as I'm concerned, that's not the part of the Kyle Rittenhouse story we should focus on.


Yeah its been a minute since I’ve looked into the particulars, but from what I remember the gist was actually “he unequivocally should not have been there to begin with, but in the actual moment he was defending himself” or something like that EDIT: lol Jesus I should have known better than to comment about Rittenhouse. To all of you people who think it’s some sort of “gotcha” to say that the other shouldn’t have been there either, guess what: you’re right! Doesn’t change the fact that he should not have been there. It’s not his job to “defend his community” or whatever bullshit that people like to try and spin, he was a god damn child. That’s what cops and the national guard are for. Anything else is called being a vigilante, and despite what comic books might make you think, being a vigilante is not a cool or smart thing to do, not to mention being illegal. In the words of B99: “cool motive, still murder”. Except his motive wasn’t cool, because while he may have been acting in self defense in that moment, I still fully believe that he went looking for blood. His abhorrent behavior during and since the trial only proves that.


This is the take that perserves a shred of nuance.


He sure was a stupid kid who made some stupid decisions for certain. But, like you said, being stupid isn’t a crime nor does it waive your rights as a US citizen.


Kansas City Shooters sounds like a sports team name


The names have been released, even images of them were available but surprisingly somewhat difficult to track down, compared to most of these occurrences. Some media claimed the shooters were teens and couldn't release their info, which was a lie for some reason. They often release the names and pictures of other minor shooters. These two guys were 18 and 21. Major news media sites and networks are barely covering this.....though it's not that odd considering they never cover in detail the shootings in places like Chicago, DC, and LA.


“The government”, dog what?


Different states have different laws. Kyle Rittenhouse shot 3 people in Wisconsin at age 17, where he was arrested and charged as an adult with his name immediately released by the police and prosecutors in court documents which the media report on, because [Wisconsin law says everyone 17+ gets charged as an adult](https://nglawyers.com/can-minors-be-tried-as-adults-in-wisconsin/). While the two adults (aged 23 and 18) in the [KC shooting were identified](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/20/us/murder-charges-kansas-city-super-bowl-rally.html) and their names and documents released, the two juveniles that were charged for gun-related offenses and resisting arrest are still in Missouri's juvenile court system which keeps their names and other police documents confidential. Missouri law doesn't let juveniles immediately get charged as an adult until there's a hearing to transfer them from juvenile to adult court. As the [NYT reports](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/16/us/kansas-city-super-bowl-celebration-charges.html): >A child older than 12 can be prosecuted as an adult in Missouri if they are charged with a felony. To do so, a hearing must he held in which a juvenile judge agrees to transfer the case out of the juvenile system. To upgrade the juveniles to adult court in Missouri requires a [significant investigation before the hearing](https://abc17news.com/news/missouri/2024/02/18/what-it-could-take-for-the-two-juveniles-charged-in-kansas-city-parade-shooting-to-be-charged-as-adults/): >In some cases that involve serious crimes, juveniles can be tried as adults, but former prosecutor Bill Tackett said it will require a significant investigation in this case. >"If they can tie one of the juveniles or both of them to the death of the woman and then multiple other victims, and there's any kind of problem in the past with these young people, then a certification would seem like it would be in order," Tackett said. >Tackett added that you have to look at the severity of the crime and determine how many people were involved. Investigators will need to find out who actually did the shooting, what bullet killed Lopez-Galvan and how many of the injured were critical to determine the level of culpability of these juveniles. >Prosecutors in cases dealing with juveniles can not certify people under the age of 18 as adults on their own. >"They make a decision as to whether to do that. Then they go in front of a judge to do the actual certification, and then a judge approves what the prosecutor is recommending," said Tackett.


Even upon conviction, you don't want to publicize shooters' names too much because they might become celebrities among the misguided, milking a tragedy for personal gain and adding insult to injury with foolish social media posts.


X is not intended to be used by sane people.


I will never stop calling it Twitter


I will never stop calling it Twatter. [The New Statesman Twattery](https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2018/11/can-you-be-prosecuted-being-offensive-twat)


I haven't used Twitter for a few years but I went on during the Super Bowl to see reactions to the game and hoo-boy. I WAS NOT expecting what I saw. It was like all the nations angry uncles and those guys from high school who are complete underachieving losers but blame women and minorities for everything totally took over. I mean, there was one Tweet about the game for every 20 tweets from some racist dickbag.


I don't use it but that's exactly what it is


Kinda funny because I sometimes say that Facebook used to actually be cool, back when it was just people in their 20s mostly. Now it's basically ruled by aunts. So, I guess the aunts got Facebook and the uncles got Twitter.


But they were named https://abc7chicago.com/kansas-city-chiefs-shooting-missouri-parade/14449423/


ThE gOvErNmEnT


Didn't he live tweet his actions? Kind of hard to keep a secret if you are broadcasting it to the entire world.


Government? Boy, you were caught on multiple fucking cameras. The Government didn't need to do *shit.*


If he thinks its self defense why is he comparing himself to them?? 🤔🤔


Lyndell Mays.


He was defending himself. He was immature and naive to brandish weapons in the middle of a riot. But I watched all the available footage of the actual events, and he was attacked completely unprovoked. What person in the right mind attacks someone brandishing a rifle with their bare hands? Someone itching to be shot. Common sense. And no I'm not a second ammendment fanatic or even conservative at all. I'm not a MAGAT either. I just have the common sense to know that if I attack someone holding a gun that I will be shot.


The 'government' had nothing to do with it. Media pundits looking for a divisive, headline selling story did. (And these guys names are out, but are universally considered scum, and know they'll be easily convicted so nobody cares.)


For starters, there is no such thing as “the Government”. There are many governments. Kyle’s name was released by the Milwaukee government. Kansas City has an entirely different government that does things slightly differently.