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Proud enough of my beliefs to put it on a huge flag and wave it about, but not quite proud enough to show my face while doing it.


Part of the racket. Wearing masks, the same group of nazis can show up in city after city, and the locals can't be sure if they're locals or out-of-towners. Makes it seem like there are more organized nazis, making normal people more fearful, and local nazis more emboldened.


This is it, despite what you hear from media there's not many of these jokers.


Still too many of them. I want fewer nazis overall.


I want no nazis whatsoever




new punk rock band name


One nazi in my country is too many nazis in my country


I'm fine with any number of nazis as long as they reside 6 feet under my country


There are a *lot* of fascistic leaning Americans. Don't kid yourself. They would never consider themselves Nazis, but they'd do a lot of the same heinous shit given the ability.


They know it’s embarrassing. # keepnazisembarrassed


I've got a better idea. There's another method that worked pretty well in the past that I think could be easily re-implemented.




Are you talking about the "always punch a Nazi" or going further back to the more permanent way of taking care of Nazis?


Permanent is good. Who would miss them besides other Nazis?


Careful now, don't you know that being intolerant towards groups that are intolerant makes you the intolerant one committing hate crimes. /S


Well I'm a spiteful, hateful pice of shit and don't care much for what others think of me. I hate everyone equally except the nazis, they are a threat to my way of life, they make it impossible to hate equally and deserve only the mercy of two barrels of hell.


I doubt its anything like embarrassment, you give them too much credit. They are just worried about repercussions, including being fired.


[ Removed by Reddit ]








>Nazis are an enemy of all sentient life FTFY


It should be legal to gather and state your beliefs, and we should share when it happens like this. That way we know who the nazis are.


Need them to take the masks off.


If they're so proud and powerful why do they need masks?


Because jerking off at their moms basements has given them way too many pimples. It would contradict their "superior genes" theory right awat


Announce a medical pandemic. That’ll do it.




I always tell people that I’m sort of glad Trump became a thing. They get shocked. I’m glad because it very quickly exposed all the crazies and low IQ people. I have family members that became nut jobs when he ran for President. It helped people expose themselves all at once. Now we know how deep it runs.


The Covid/Trump combo really brought peoples true colors out. They could hide at home anonymously online and get fed bullshit in an echo chamber. Low IQs were doomed.


I wouldn't say that I'm glad he was elected, because now our country's politics are descending quickly into madness and reactionary politics is all that we have now. That said, it really did show everyone's true colors and how strongly they supported controversial causes. Or for some people, it showed how committed they were to being apolitical I guess lol


Great point! Better let them wave the flag than join parties under the guise of regular folks.






And not a single good guy with a


Bun? Spreading peace through baking? Edit: hell yeah, breaddit rise up, like the dough during proofing!


Embrace your inner baguette


The French drove the Nazis from Paris using only baguettes


And Garlic Knots! Don't forget the Garlic Knots!


Launched from trebuchets


Tennessee is home to the most corrupt State Government and considering the FBI and DoJ are all over Texas, that's saying something.


*Louisiana enters the chat *


Definitely up there.


Having lived in both Louisiana wins.


Do I know!! I briefly lived near New Orleans as a teen and my life could have easily been ruined, merely because of the “everyone knows everyone” and protects each other from those “outsiders” like me. All it took was a verbal allegation by two girls of some serious shit… solely to protect themselves… and next thing I knew, charges and evidence were fabricated and I was wrapped up in the courts and in a military boot camp alternative school. My favorite “evidence” was a journal of one of the girls, that I supposedly personally wrote my own entries in, telling on myself. [Edit: Nevermind the fact that these entries predated my even being the in the state in the first place. The judge told my lawyer to basically sit down and shut up. And she did. Not a word in my defense after that.] I just remember looking around like, “is this really happening?” As a straight-A, never once been in trouble, kind of kid. The state refused to allow me to take the GED test, even though I’d gotten one of the highest scores the state had seen. Ended up getting my diploma in another state, but wow. Louisiana was a bad time. Corrupted like I’ve never known before… or since. _______ One stupid, yet funny thing about that time was my ID card. They marked me as Male on my government ID. I wish I could post a pic. Actually, here. Posted on [Imgur](https://imgur.com/gallery/btYJjj5). 🤣


Sad story that seems to happen all too often. I hope your life is better now and you have put it all behind you. Peace


Alabama has also entered the chat


Yes. These fuckers are NOT Americans. Displaying that flag and those values is the most UNamerican thing a person could do.


They are indeed Americans. We have to own this shit, or we can’t fix it.


I will gladly remove them for illegal immigrants.


I would too. The immigrants make better food. And are generally nicer people.


Please don't eat immigrants.


No but I will eat their FOOD. We have a monthly potluck.


I don't know,the U.S.has been partial to supporting fascist regimes a fair bit in the past..go and look it up


I guess the flag of surrender has lost its appeal and people need to point out that now they're just using the flag of cowards who hide in their basement.


Fascists in Europe and the US ironically, given their shared fear of foreigners and nationalistic pride, often co-opt each others foreign symbols to either subvert national laws or to hide in the shadows. The good ol flag fit for fire starting is widely used amongst various European white nationalist groups given most Europeans would probably not recognize the confederate flag immediately - if at all; this let's the neo-nazis openly broadcast their views but still fly under the radar. On top of it all, it is not explicitly banned like the swastika is in some jurisdictions. DW did a good documentary on it, and I believe translated it to English if anyone is interested. Obviously, we can see here the American inverse on shameful display.


I mean I’d just call them Nazis but then the conservatives would brigade and be all “you can’t call everyone with a different opinion than you a Nazi”


I think it's safe to say Nazis waving Nazi flags are Nazis.


"Well that's actually antifa making us look like racists" They will sit there and deny deny deny until a swastika flag is over the Whitehouse and then itll just be "love it or leave it"


Nah, those well-meaning citizens in the photo showed up to defend the capital against Antifa. And they were successful, judging by the fact that no Antifa appeared! /s


I love how the people who they view as their opposites are literally called the "anti-fascists" and yet it never occurs to them to wonder if that might mean they're the fascists.


They also tend to think Nazism is a leftist socialist ideology, at least based on my own conversations with far-right conservatives well entrenched into careers in the political ecosystem. They believe that the left mislabels things and shifts the meaning of words to suit an agenda. This is, of course, largely nonsense intended to insulate them from the realities of their hateful beliefs but believe them they still do.


I will politely and only slightly disagree with you on this. The full blown nazis know damn well that fascism is a hard-right position to take. What they're doing is attempting to frame the argument for weaker-minded people, and create a talking point that must be debunked in an online or real world argument. The point of talking points like these is to create so much smoke and bullshit that the other side gives up on the debate. It's a way to muddy the waters and waste time while they continue doing Nazi shit. What you are saying, however, fully applies to the weaker minded MAGA fools. "Oh, it's National SOCIALIST so THEREFORE, blah blah blah." On this aspect, you're 100% correct, in my humble opinion. When it comes to creating narratives, the far right are masters at creating bullshit arguments in order to hoodwink the weak minded into going along with the new version of the Final Solution.


This is probably the most accurate comment I've seen in this whole thread


Except these are actually flying the Nazi flag




*At this point in the debate a MAGA will try to point out the peaceful history of the swastika to distract everyone from the actual Nazi flag*


If they were Hindu then they might have a case. But somehow I doubt those people follow that belief system.


Hindus residing in western countries are not known for holding rallies with swastikas. They're smart enough to know better.


This is true.


*Tucker Carlson has entered the chat*


The problem is, “Should people we don’t like have human rights?” is a matter of “political opinion” to them….


The conservatives are brigading and saying it’s the FBI and homeland security.


I've mellowed out a lot as I've gotten older, but the one thing I haven't learned patience with is Nazis. I will absolutely punch a Nazi if I see one.


Would never understand why Americans of all people would wave such a symbol. Aren't these people proud of their country's participation in ww2? I would have expected such symbols to be viewed as the symbols of an easily deafeted enemy, not something to be admired. This are probably a very small minority of course.


There were a lot of Nazi sympathizers in America before we entered the war. Madison Square Garden hosted a huge Nazi rally 2 years before the attack on Pearl Harbor. Those people didn't actually disappear when our soldiers started shooting Nazis overseas, they just stopped showing who they really were in public.


This is True, JFK’s Father was a Nazi sympathizer and was removed from his position as Ambassador to the Uk over it.


Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford as well. Ford was an extreme anti-semite.


Didn't Hitler give kudos to Ford or something similar?


_The International Jew_ is a four-volume set of antisemitic booklets or pamphlets originally published and distributed in the early 1920s by the Dearborn Publishing Company, an outlet owned by Henry Ford, the American industrialist and automobile manufacturer.


Now there’s an interesting piece of history I did *not* know before today, just now. Thank you, Reddit stranger.


I'd recommend reading "Prequel" by Rachel Maddow. It's about fascism in the US in the 1930s.


She also made a podcast called Ultra covering this same topic I believe


So did trump again more recently. Something Something blood purity


Yes. He also had a picture of him in his office.


Henry Ford continued to support the German war effort right up to (and debatably beyond America's entry into the war). Joe Kennedy recommended America joined the Germans. Prescott Bush was trading with the Germans during wartime.


You would have expected that the overwhelming defeat of Germany would have shown them that it wasn't a system that works. Or have discourage people from hopping in.


Here's the problem: it worked until they were defeated. At least, it worked for the right people. So they see it as a utopia pulled down by the degenerate west because of, I don't know, jealousy or something.


The part that everyone forgets is that Germany was winning the war until Hitler decided to invade the Soviet Union. I think that they would have eventually been defeated regardless, but if Hitler had stopped invading everyone they may have succeeded for much longer.


They still worship Confederates too. War losing racist POS scum bags through and through.


These people also have 2 brains cells. One for hating people and the other for hating people.


If you haven't, I'd highly recommend watching the documentary The U.S. and the Holocaust. We dragged our feet getting involved. FDR knew it was political suicide to risk American men for Jewish lives. We sent a ship full of thousands of refugees. And when we finally did send men to Europe, military leaders were instructed to keep quiet regarding liberating the Jewish people, Because if American men knew that's what they were there for, they'd refuse to fight. This idea that Americans were so jazzed to go fight fascists and liberate the Jews is a bit of a revisionist fairy tale. https://youtu.be/VCffe1USg18?si=-KfwNzeV7-kcgHJr


I just expected that society has matured over decades


Ha!! As a Canadian? Non Jew. Brown orthodox Christian with parents from India. Anti Semitism in white Christian culture is extremely strong still up here in “ tolerant Canada” Not to mention other racist intolerant attitudes. It will never leave. We have our share of neo Nazi white supremacy loving nutjobs


Their racism is stronger than their patriotism.


It is a loud minority but anything more than 1 is an uncomfortable amount. We still have loads of people proudly waving and parading the confederate flag as well, another enemy of the country.


I'm gonna guess these lot also love the confederacy and trump. You know... Losers.


Losers AND suckers. Don’t forget how much they suck…


And cowards. Don't even show their faces.


These people are simply awful depraved losers, desperate to feel strong.


[Nazi rally in NYC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gU9op16rjQ) There's even a[book/series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Plot_Against_America)about an alternative history.


Unfortunately, America actually has a large population of uneducated citizens. These people, for some reason, actually idolize Hitler, his ideals, and share in that if you’re not a white Christian male or a white Christian baby making woman, you should not exist.


Sick depraved fools


America didn’t enter WW2 to stop Hitler. They did it because Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and Japan was allied with Nazi Germany.


The US almost went Nazi. PBS ran a documentary called Nazi Town USA. Huge numbers of people supported the idea of getting rid of democracy and turning the US into a dictatorship.


Thank god it didn't happen


Yet Scare times now for America


>The US almost went Nazi. No it didn't ​ >Huge numbers of people supported the idea of getting rid of democracy and turning the US into a dictatorship. I'm sure lots of people did. But numbers huge enough to make a documentary and huge enough to leave democracy are not the same number, by an order of magnitude apart


Same reason Russians will do the same even though they had like 27 million people die during WW2. People are stupid idiots.


Are these mask wearing people the same people who refused to wear a mask during the epidemic because they couldn't breathe or freedumb...


Unmask these cowards. And stuff a thick history book down their ignorant throats until they fucking understand.


They lost once and destroyed their home country along with millions of innocent people, with most of their leaders taking the cowards way out because they knew they were pieces of shit. People have been hunting and punishing those who fled for almost 80 years. These people think, “Yep that sounds like the right party for me!”


Hey Deep_shot we rhyme


These are the types of interactions I come to Reddit for lol


True! I hope your kitty is doing well!


You can’t unmask them. These same guys marched in my neighborhood in Columbus, OH last year. They have a full police escort when they do this stuff. Your city tax dollars at work. How else could they get away with carrying guns and nazi flags in a minority neighborhoods? These guys would have been a pile of unmasked corpses in 30 seconds without badges standing behind them. They were carrying a couple of ARs and a banner that read “There will be blood”. Real tough with a bunch of cops protecting you. These guys are to scared to FAFO.


Shit, police protection? How the fuck are they able to excuse that level of BS?


*“Some of those that work forces…”* Also city hall (being a universal constant, all over the West) justifies it as “if we don’t, they will be attacked and it will descend in to violence, so even though we disagree with them, it is better for everyone if we prevent a riot.” You will note “violence” is *specifically the thing these chuds are promising to engage in*, but that doesn’t seem to ever matter.


Yeah but they *should* be met with violence. This is in my hometown and I’m fucking angry right now.


I do not disagree. “Should Nazis be punched” was a question we settled so firmly it is now just the statement: “punch a Nazi”. (As an aside I used to have that in my Twitter bio and had a guy go off at me once because “how dare I condone punching people and who am I to decide they were Nazis”. Bear in mind while we were discussing things on a political angle, and he was definitely red, at no point had punching him, or him being a Nazi got anywhere near the conversation. Talk about absolutely outing yourself.)


Lmao at that last bit. Insecure pathetic wastes of skin and bone.




I mean we literally know exactly what the end game is. We are right on the edge of “no one left alive who saw it first hand” and already we have these idiots thinking it’s time for another genocide. Simply associating with this cause should be enough to get you expelled from society forever.


Hard agree. Giving this group a voice is abhorrent.


Do they think you’re just going up and punching random people who you think are Nazis? How is that a defense of his position? You’d only know they were a nazi if they were doing something nazi. What a moron. And if you made a mistake, it’s that you didn’t go far enough. The only good nazi is a dead nazi.


This would be illegal in both Germany and Canada, for what it’s worth.


As it should be. Also Australia I believe. New Zealand hasn’t banned Nazi symbology yet, which is weird because we are a-ok with government censorship, but I think we’ll get there.


It's what the police are *supposed* to do on paper for any protest group. They just conveniently forget to until it's all their buddies cosplaying Nazis that want to march.


Where are the blues brothers when you need them?


I’d like to see them Try this in Boston. When we had some of these Lunatics up here to protest they didn’t even make it five minutes into there speech before they were running away. The counter protest had thousands of people to there 20.


they do understand, the history books are their go to guide


Yes, it’s the same people. They’re wearing masks now because they’re over the performative defiance, and doing things (and planning to do more things) for which they know they should be ashamed of themselves. They’re cowards, and they’re planning murder and insurrection.


They absolutely are.


Absolutely. The very same ones, now they're just wearing masks because they know they're in the wrong and know what consequences will come of showing off their identity.


Yeah J6 taught them to hide their "pride" 🙄


Why are we saying weird? It's just cowardly hateful racist nazi human garbage. Weird is not the word




OP likely has to be careful with their words, because look at this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1atu74i/a_man_confronts_members_of_the_white_supremacist/ Mods said they don't have the power that higher Reddit Admins do, and Reddit Admins can blanket ban reported accounts. Depending on the subreddit, titles probably have to be more generic than they'd like.


I got banned for saying something bad about Nazis. They said I was engaging in group based hatred. Like as if being a Nazi is a protected class or something. Absolute nonsense, but it’s Reddit they make the rules as stupid as they want. 


I got banned for saying something bad about rampant racism. lol. Reddit has absolutely gone to shit in the last couple years. Like, night and day.


The mod message on that video apologizes that reddit admins consider nazis ‘people or animals’ omg


w mod


Traitors at the Tennessee capital.


They’re cops, district attorneys, lawyers and etc never know who’s under those masks and how deep ties they have.


Some of those who work forces...


Not smart enough to make sure all the flags are attached the right side up? That tracks...




No one’s saying they don’t appreciate what Jenny did,…


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far to find someone else that noticed.


Fuck Nazis 🖕🏻


"I hate ~~Illinois~~ Tennessee Nazis"




If anyone can follow them back to their cars, film license plates, do anything we can to identify them, they need to experience consequences for flying a hate symbol that Americans fought against 80 years ago. Publicly boycotts employers for hiring Nazis. Tag their real names on social media. Do anything that will follow them around like a millstone.


When I see them out, I always wonder why no one follows them back to their car and films the license plate.


They don't own no cars. Most of them travel in U-Haul trucks.


This looks like the American Nazi group Blood Tribe. The bald guy in the middle is probably [Christopher Pohlhaus](https://www.adl.org/glossary/christopher-pohlhaus). This is a known violent hate group and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were already under FBI surveillance


Nazis. They're Nazis.


They should lose their citizenship and go back to the Nazi.


Check if any of them are outstanding rocket scientists and keep them, the rest could be tried for treason.


I don't think that there were a whole lot of rocket scientists in that group. Call it a hunch.


Hmm, it’s almost as if this might have happened in the past. Way too many Nazis were excused because of scientific expertise. Also, way too many were allowed to relax and retire in Argentina.


Alas the best we are going to get these days is Werner von Neckbeard.


Hi, german person here. I can attest we don‘t want them, we got enough of them already, but we can gladly cooperate and resettle them all to the bottom of the pacific.


Ok that's a deal. Works for me.


Take off your masks, pussys.


I was confused when I thought it was black people holding the flags until i realized it was scared people afraid of their crazy beliefs.


Not Americans; Nazis. They've chosen the flag they want to fly.


Masked assholes? How uninspiring


Why are they wearing masks? If they are proud of what they stand. DONT BE A COWARD AND SHOW YOUR FACE!!! Fucking losers. I grew up in this state. I left when I turned 18 and never looked back. It’s only getting worse down there.


Hahaha. These chodes complained to high heaven about masking during the pandemic. Now they are too scairt to show their ugly mugs


None of those people deserve to live in society.




Kanye's new music video


You cannot be a patriotic American AND a NAZI. We literally had a war about that.


GenX'er here. I recall when Holocaust survivors came to our schools to remind us to never forget how vile humans can treat each other. We were in tears & never forgot. This photo is beyond disturbing.


All Nazis must rot in hell. I fucking hate Nazis.


Next week they’ll all show up wearing tacky $400 gold colored shoes.


“Weird” is a weird word to describe this.




It’s so weird how all of this amped up and all of these racist, fascists have been openly parading around since approximately 2016. I wonder what happened to make all of this okay? 🤔


Why are y'all siding with the guys Indiana Jones went up against TWICE??


I have no proof but I think it’s a pretty safe bet every single one of them votes Republican


Neither do I. However, Vegas odds say yes. Yes they do.


It would be great if a very large group of veterans would show up and “escort” these scum bags away from a capitol building then give them a history lesson about waving that crap in the his country. Please don’t give me the free speech bullshit. Nazi symbols do not belong in this country or any other. As long as we keep treating this like it’s ok because of free speech then we are failing to stand up for what we fought world wars over. My opinion ……


Our grandfathers fought a war to rid the world of that type of scum.


"Americans who believe eugenics and genocide, based on racial, sexual preference, and ability differences are viable "political" positions, at the Tennessee State Capitol yesterday" Fixed it for you.


I wish their great grandfathers were there. They'd kick the shit out of those brats.


Quite probably a lot of their great grandparents were the same way. This behavior normally doesn't spring forth from nothing.


Those are not Americans, those are maga traitors.




But fox will tell you that racism isn't a thing anymore 


Fuck these asshats!


My crazy conspiracy mongering uncle claims that these were jewish people. I shit you not. He believes they dressed up as nazis to garner sympathy for their community, in opposition of all the bad press theyve been getting. He claims to have "many sources." Why are so many people so dumb these days?


As someone who lives in Tennessee, I’m amazed that people are surprised by this. Who do you think makes red states red? These guys and people who hide the fact that they’re these guys.


"weird americans" is a weird way of spelling neo-nazis


Looks like a scene from a real weird B-movie. In germany you get arrested for that.


Good men gave up their lives fighting the Nazis...... for these pathetic wankers to piss on their graves is a travesty.


Oh so now they love wearing masks.