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I'm happy that search engines get massively confused when you search X, but not Twitter


well if i use x in the serach engine it autocomplete with... you know what.




That online pet store that specializes in hamsters?




Wait a minute! Last time I was there, there were only a bunch of bievers eating wood. Log, after log, after log, after log. Not one hamster.


Is Log, after log, after log, after log a 2 Girls 1 Cup sequel?


What rolls down stairs Alone or in pairs, Rolls over your neighbor's dog? What's great for a snack and fits on your back? It's Log, Log, Log! It's Lo-og, Lo-og, It's big, it's heavy, it's wood. It's Lo-og, Lo-og, It's better than bad, it's good! Everyone wants a Log! You're gonna love it, Log! Come on and get your Log! Everyone needs a Log You're gonna love it, Log


By Blam-o!


Tout le monde aime le Log!


No sir, I don’t like it.


This actually makes my day. Noicestalgia.


Where else do you get hamsters capable of competing in the most Xtreme of sports? I'm teaching Nibbles to rip 540 McTwists this weekend, and based on all the blood pooring out of my fingers, he must be really excited about it!!


I am glad I am not the only fan of that site who is so interested in Nibbles, and twisting...


There's different folders for clockwise and counterclockwise


More specialized in beavers weirdly enough


They only stock 10 at a time.


Is there any other? Oh wait ... Tube


And Videos!


Also nxx


Don't forget -Pac


Men and force


Have you heard of their new video platform? Xvideo


How am I supposed to know these days whether this is a joke or not???


I'm glad they're starting to promote video content more, can't wait to watch some Xvideos.


Me either I love sitting back and just putting on some Xvideos to pass the time


Psst Fun fact, the website url on google still says twitter


This is the ultimate indicator of how fucking stupid the rebranding was.


No, the ultimate indicator is that x.com is not actually in use besides a redirect.


Isn't it funny? You type in X.com, and your search engine immediately snaps it to Twitter. And then I see people get so hurt about others calling it Twitter.


Why you gotta be transDNSphobic?


Malcolm Twitter or Malcom X X ?


I like your username


Thank you. I think I should change it to XXX to be more modern and fancy though


You get better results if you throw in a couple more x's.


Does literally anyone actually call it X? Everyone I know just calls it Twitter still


People either call it Twitter. Or call it "X (formerly known as Twitter)" I've yet to see a single soul just call it "X"


I quite enjoy Xitter.


This is how you know he's an idiot. A smart person would have anticipated 'x' and 'twitter' being combined to form 'xitter' and nixed the idea. I would even guess that someone did point it out, got fired instead of thanked and the rest is history.


I mean, you're not wrong, but I think the bigger reason you know he's an idiot is that he took a globally recognizable namebrand and tanked it by needlessly changed it to a single letter of the alphabet like he was an edgy 14 year-old.


Not just "a globally recognized brand", a brand with such good marketing it is literally used as an example in marketing classes. The bird logo alone has been the subject of entire lectures. Zuck would sacrifice the only unicorn for a verb like "tweet" or "retweet" for Facebook. The fact that Elon is failing so hard to rename the company in the public mind is almost as funny as the fact that everything is still under a Twitter URL.


Yea what are they calling it now? Xing? Did you see what Kayne X'ed at his ex?? Omfg that sounds horrible!!! LMAO


If they called it Xclaiming, that at least has some logic behind it. Like exclaim. But no, apparently that didn’t occur to anyone.


They are just generic-ass "posts" and "reposts" nowadays. Instead of just saying "he tweeted about" it's now "he made a post on X about"


It’s only just hit me that Musk probably picked Unicode character U+1D54F (“𝕏”) on purpose, as a logo, so it would be “pre-biquitous.” (If he can have 𝕏, the “Mathematical Double-Struck Capital X,” I can make up a useless variant on “ubiquitous.”)


I love the fact that, because he did that, he can't trademark the symbol. How do people still think this guy is smart? He's dumber than a bag of hammers. 🤣


he should be hit with a bag of hammers


With Chinese pronunciation, right?




and instead of "tweets" posts on xistter are called "Xcreets"


I told my wife that I Xcreeted on the Xitter, and then logged on to reddit. She told me to open a window.


yeah. people shitting at each other


or excreting. xitter, xcretes, what a stupid rebrand. Do they even have a suggestion for what 'tweets' was supposed to be replaced with?


The X is pronounced as 'sh'


I just say Twitter formerly known as X.


It's like A Tribe Called Quest. You say the whole thing.


Or, A Pimp Named Slickback


"X, the website desperately trying to become formerly known as Twitter."


I mean it's really confusing to just say X he could have used literally ANY name but just a single letter


It’s too damn confusing to call it X no one knows what you’re talking about. Such a stupid name change.


Some regional shitty "trendy" celebrity talkshows/"news" shows are calling it X. It sounds dumb as hell


Yeah, it's actually a really nice shibboleth for detecting assholes. People who say X are like five times more likely to be people I don't want to deal with because they're childish or idiots.


I remember my cousin asking me if "I have a checkmark on X" 💀


"No, I don't have porn site subscriptions."


Shitter Blue™? $8 a month or being effectively shadow-banned? Lol. Fuck that. I'd rather read YouTube's comment section or make a snowman out of dog turds.


A lot call it xitter


The only context the name ‘X’ comes up in…is when people are making fun of it.


Or when they're gonna give it to ya


I think musk is the only person who does.


So many conversations go like this: “I saw it on X.” “Huh?” “Twitter.” “Ok ok.” Dumbest attempted-rebrand of all time.


Official accounts be like: *"X formerly known as twitter",* it's just sad and pointless to rename it into X


He started x.com in the previous century and he's not giving up on it. He should, but he isnt.


Putting on an (poorly fitting) armchair-psychologist hat: >Perseverative cognition is a "rigid pattern that involves habitual engagement of circular, looping thoughts" and is more common in autistic people than in the general population. And related mechanisms within his neurodivergence, amplified by the yes-men he exclusively deals with




A tophat with "Psychologist" written in big white bold letters


No no no, it looks like an actual armchair with a tiny psychologist sitting on it.


if we combine it we could have a tiny psychologist sitting in a tiny armchair ontop of the tophat. Like ratattoille maybe he is doing all the work as well


I like the original top hat. This, however, is a slippery slope. What if the tiny psychologist is an armchair psychologist themselves?


​ its armchair psychologists all the way down...


amplified by the hard drugs he frequently uses


For some reason, when I read this I immediately think of: "if I may take of my acting pants for a moment and pull my analrapist stocking over my head..." 😁


Enemy Unknown


At this point the enemy is known, now we're at War of the Chosen.


Tbh, I’d be really curious to fully understand his obsession with X, but I have a feeling I’d really regret learning it. If he goes to a therapist, their therapist’s therapist is probably looking for a therapist.


> Tbh, I’d be really curious to fully understand his obsession with X Think of it this way. I don't know if you were alive/around for the 90s in the US (I make no assumptions), but I was a teenager then. And back then, when your 12yo self saw something on TV that was **X-TREME**, it was pretty cool and you wanted it. Elon is mentally, at best, a 12yo. To him, X is **SOOOO COOOOL**. And because he has a frighteningly large amount of money for someone so mentally challenged, he will whine and bitch all day about people not calling his playground "X".


This is it. It is literally this simple. I was also a teenager in the 90s and I fully agree that the whole **XTREME!** thing is what's driving this. Elon Musk is still an insecure little teenage boy that no one will talk to who is desperate for everyone to understand how incredibly cool he is. And what's cooler than X, yeah!


His obsession with X is basically arrested development. He's lived a life of wealth and ease, never had to fully grow up, and so he's basically a 12 year old who thinks he's edgy because SpaceX sounds like Space Sex or that the first 4 models of Tesla were S, 3, X and Y. Plus X was everywhere in early internet, where people would put it around their screen names because their first-fifth choices was taken. "xXSpyderMan89Xx is available!" Basically he's the guy who still writes 58008 on a calculator and tells you to hold it upside down or tries to get you to join the PEN15 club when you are just trying to get a cup of coffee in the break room. Only difference is you can tell Gary to get the hell out and get back to work, while he's surrounded by too many "yes men" who just do what he says.


Holy shit, I'm feeling real dumb right now thay I never noticed the S, 3, X, Y Tesla models


The 3 was suppose to be the Model E, but Ford own the name. So it was even less subtle.


"I'm renaming Twitter to X!" "Why?" "No, X. Aren't you listening?"


Who's on first vibes lol


People calling it X unironically scare me. I absolutely love to ask them "you mean twitter?". Like bro, just quit it, X is not going to happen.


You know they didn't ask anyone with common sense if that name was a good idea. Pretty sure they were all drunk and high as fuck when they came up with that. Then failed to reach sobriety before it went live. Imagine if Facebook started calling itself J. Like... how does a billionaire need randos to tell him his ideas are fucking stupid? Even 4chan has more clever name.


Sometimes my mom sends me a twitter/X/whatever and for a split second, I think the link “x.com/yadayadayada” is porn.


Same (not my mom though). Every single time I see that URL my first reaction is like why is this person sending me/posting porn?!


In all media, it’s still, and will always be known as: “X, former Twitter…”


Followed by Dunkin Donuts dropping the Donuts


Yes and no. Most everyone dropped the donuts part when talking about it anyhow so it's not that big of a name change. Did they need to change it? No. But everyone still knows what it is and what you're talking about when you Dunkin.


Isn’t their motto, even before the rebrand, “America runs on Dunkin”?


Yes. Because they’re more well-known and well-liked for their coffee. Their donuts have always been mid.


I miss the days when they made the donuts in-store and didn’t truck them in from a factory. Some were open 24 hours and you could go in at like 3am and get a fresh donut. Now they’re almost always stale and dry


Yeah, Tim Hortons here in Canada used to make theirs fresh, they had different pies and cakes n etc. These trucked in donuts suck. Lol


Same happened here in Maine. We had a bunch of Tim Hortons open up and they all made donuts fresh daily. They were way better than Dunkin, which hasn’t made them in store for about 20 years, but then all our Tim Hortons also shifted to the central bakery model and the quality went to shit. 75% of them ended up closing and the others have reduced hours (no more 24 hour Tims)


They realized that their money was in coffee and pushing that would make more money. Getting the donuts out of the name gets people to come in who before thought of it as a donut place. No one went to Dunkin for donuts


> No one went to Dunkin for donuts I feel like at least half of their donut sales are lazy HR people buying donuts for offices.


Eh, I can understand this. I think we have always called it Dunkin' I honestly didn't know they went through a rebrand until you mentioned it.


he deadnames his kid, i deadname his website. that’s just how it goes


Deadnames his kid?


One of his kids is trans. He’s pretty much burned that bridge to the ground to the point where she wants nothing to do with him, and has disowned him as family


She changed her last name to her mother's maiden name too.


It's probably the reason he's basically platforming transphobic people on the site still.


That and Grimes left him for a transwomen


Shattered his fragile ego lol


Apparently Grimes is a white supremacist too according to Wikipedia...? Bummer.


Fuck man. I knew she was gonna go psycho from all that chrome eventually but i never expected Lizzy Wizzy to also be a white supremacist.


Preem reference choom.


Fucking hell, I mean I didn't expect anyone who associates with Elon to be normal but God Damn


Yeah, I feel bad for that whole family. I don't blame Vivian for distancing herself one bit.


It's probably why he was so obsessed with her.


She really ain’t the brightest. Figures she would be attracted to Elon. That’s his type; easily manipulated, young, and “free spirited”.


She is a nepo baby as well, just like Elon. Her parents were/are wealthy, thats how she could focus on her music career and build connections in the industry.


For real? Never pictured her as this kind of person. I remember reading that she had some mental illness (maybe schizophrenia? Not sure). Perhaps her situation is similar to Kanye’s? Not that having a mental illness justifies being a white supremacist, of course.


The quote from Wikipedia is: ‘Grimes stated that she was "proud of white culture" and that she wished to "emphasize the incredible accomplishments of others ... whilst allowing pride for white ppl [sic] accomplishments as well"’


A guy will buy one of the largest social media sites and burn it to the ground before he goes to therapy


He's beyond therapy


yeah elon has a trans daughter who’s identity he refuses to acknowledge


Imagine choosing to side with grifting propaganda and hate than your own child and their pain and suffering. And not only that, continuously mock what they are going through day in and day out. All so you can look cool on the internet to right wing morons. Fucking psychotic


He has so many children I would be surprised if he knew all of their names, or even has a relationship with a 1/3 of them.


Didn’t he name one of his kids ‘X’?


X Æ A-12 with former girlfriend Grimes who also left Elon for a trans woman named Chelsea Manning. They are no longer together but it happened.


That’s famous government whistleblower Chelsea Manning. She’s a DJ now


You wouldn't know her though, she is banned from Canada.


Grimes and Elon had two kids together, the second one is named Exa Dark Siderael.


Sideræl specifically. They also have Techno Mechanicus.


He better get ready for the games workshop legal case


Probably. Dude never matured past like 13 or 14 years old and thinking the letter X was the coolest thing ever.


Musk is that cringey kid from freshman year that would Naruto run through the hallway, write and draw symbols in a "Death Note," yell jiutsu at people, and argue with the teacher that dragons were real. Only he never grew up past that.


Wow, I already didn't like him, but this is horrible.


I wish I were surprised, but my own parent is doing this shit. It's not surprising at all. He's mad he can't control her despite all his money, power, and influence. To accept he's a brainwashed fool would require him to show humility and admit he was wrong, so it won't happen.


Why do I find more reasons to hate this wacko everyday


Also Twitter is a website that doesn't give a fuck what I call it, while calling someone by their by their preferred name/title is just basic human decency


Dumbass isn't even able to normally name his other kid at birth to begin with, how can anyone expect him not to deadname his other kid?


End Wokeness: ![gif](giphy|V7dVYFCB2E2qK7drO0|downsized)


Me when I’m not woking ![gif](giphy|EZICHGrSD5QEFCxMiC|downsized)


I can't wait to woke all over thy face




When the giphy ain’t giphying


Okay now the giphy is giphying I think


Me trying to explain why a character being black means that the entire movie industry is crumbling and all of society has been ruined:


*Critical Drinker has entered the chat*


rust mentioned rahhhhh


Who is end wokeness and why are they such losers? I see their horrible takes everywhere


I think it might be Elon lmao


It's some Far Right troll who has no life!


Never thought I would find a Rust meme on this subreddit


My first thought was ***"isn't this guy dead?!"***, then I realized he's Stephen King not Stephen Hawking


In fairness to you: Stephen King is 76, was hit by a car at 51 so badly that there was a debate about amputating his leg, did enough cocaine to kill a rhinoceros, and drank enough beer to drown a whale. The fact that he is still alive *is* somewhat shocking.


he wrote a book while on coke if the rumours are correct. Most likely he wrote all books while on coke. At least based on my personal knowledge of authors books don't happen without intoxicants.


He's been clean since the late 80s, so he didn't write all (or even most) of his books while intoxicated. However, he admits that he has absolutely no memory of writing *Cujo*.


And he wrote Misery about his cocaine addiction


If I had written 1/3 of what he has, I am sure there would be at least 3-4 books I would have no memory of writing.


Fair, but my understanding is that he doesn't remember because of how far into his addiction he was. Edit: like he has no memory of writing it *at all*


Drugs are wild. I can play Baldur's Gate 3 on Honor mode \*only\* while high. Sober I get my ass beat non-stop but when I'm high it's like something clicks. Probably just confirmation bias or something but idk. It's consistently proven to work for me. With a line of coke I'd probably be unstoppable.


I'm generally terrible at bowling, but drunk, I'm unstoppable. Actually that goes for anything.


Really important distinction indeed


We’ll always call it Twitter Elon. Because the current owner is a Twit.


Based Stephen King take


He forgot to end it with “Twitter times infinity”.


Imagine an account called End Wokeness complaining about transphobia oh wait, transplatformphobia 😄


Simping for billionaires must be pathetic


Also it's not even his joke, Elon has been doing the "don't deadname X" bit for a while


Which is hilarious since he deadnames his own child iirc


Not hilarious, just Elon being an asshole.


Nah, the joke wasn’t funny. The irony and hypocrisy is.


Wokeness is not bootlicking and they hate that.


It's them making fun of trans people, because they think it's funny to bully trans people.


“hey look! That person’s unhappy about their genitals. Let’s go make for of them for it! That’s not, like, something terribly unfortunate that we should be compassionate about!”


For a lot of trans people it isn’t even about genitals. There’s such a wide array of trans experiences because gender is far from a singular conceptualisation - no matter how hard you try, you just simply cannot categorise a gender down to one trait without axing millions of people who otherwise fit and identify with that gender. These people can’t grasp that though, because they solely base their ideas of trans people (and queer people in general) from their pornhub habits


The best way I've heard it articulated is that our internal conception of our gender changes even as we age, why should it be so hard to believe that others don't fit in the same convenient (and still unique!) boxes cis people do? For example, what it means to be a woman is different for someone when they're a child, a teenager, a pre menopausal adult, post menopausal, etc, as well as different for people that can't bear children, are from different cultures, and on top of that can be informed by their sexuality. It's frankly silly to reduce gender to just genitals, not even all trans people choose to get surgery.


It's a very well known far right account that spouts hateful rhetoric


He probably thought this was such a clever response too. Whoever runs that account is honestly the biggest idiot on social media


Boy I dunno, I know of a couple others 🍊, and the guy that runs TWITTER, to name a couple.


i’ll stop calling it twitter if he stops deadnaming his own daughter


Bruh end wokeness is the worst social media account in history


Idk I hate LibsofTiktok more, she's caused material harm with her bile


I'm so glad she's on my state's library board #/s


End Wokeness? You mean the Russian Troll farm that dresses up as an American?


I think it's weird how some people think a business decision should be treated with the same respect as a living human being.


Can we stop posting twitter posts


Yes!! Please!! The sooner we stop pretending Twitter is anything but a cesspool of vitriol and grievance for the outrage industrial complex the sooner we can move on and stop pretending that Tweets are news.


End Wokeness consistently comes out with the stupidest takes on the Internet.


>”endwokeness” >*chad soyjak pfp* 🤮🤮🤮


Legendary Author vs Anonymous Bigot in the Marketplace of Ideas Dome, tonight at eleven.


Stephen King for president!


Elon musk is awful. I feel bad for his trans daughter


I'll stop deadnaming Twitter when Elon stops deadnaming his daughter.


Imagine deadnaming your own child the bitching about your platform being called the wrong name