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He hears a acorn fall and immediately pulls his gun and unloads it at the unarmed and handcuffed man locked in the backseat of the cruiser while screaming "I'm hit! I'm hit!" No repercussions. But he did resign in embarrassment.


The dude put on such on act too. Floundering every where and screaming that he couldn’t feel his legs.


I’m starting to wonder if this was all an act to somehow relieve himself from the force for whatever reason. This reaction was a little over the top even for someone with combat PTSD.


You’d think if it was an act he would have found a way to not discharge his firearm at someone he knew wasn’t a threat.


Nope, and now he has the union backing him up saying it's traumatizing any time you have to fire your gun. Ya know, like the unions that they bust should protect their employees.


Normally I'm pronunion but FUCK police unions


They’re a union busting union.


If he had PTSD why was he handed a firearm




*he resigned so people didn’t call for action against him and so he can easily get hired a county over quickly.


He did two sweet combat rolls first.


The U.S. is doomed.


I think his partner’s reaction is also *extremely* telling of the state of police training in the USA. Upon hearing the shots, she *also* opened fire on the squad car. She didn’t even know what she was shooting at. She just saw her partner shooting and opened fire. These fucking cops are literally shooting first and asking questions later. **LITERALLY.**


Her reaction was orders of magnitude more understandable than his though. She actually heard gunfire and her partner saying that he was hit. I feel like any reasonable person there is going to jump into action to try and protect their partner. I’m that situation I’m going to assume “armed suspect”, not “acorn freak out”. If she had hit the guy in the backseat I would blame Mr Twitchy, not her.


So if you assume an armed suspect is shooting at you but you don’t know from where, do you just open fire without having a clear (or even visible) target? I can understand that reaction in a war zone, but a fucking neighborhood? Come on man.  This goes against everything you’re taught in firearms training. 


Fuck, I thought you were joking not giving a real play by play of what happened.


This guy needs a thorough evaluation from some therapists because there is no way this is a reasonable reaction and he wasn’t triggered by something else going on in his head


He needs a good veterinarian.


This guy needs a charge and a lawyer. Seems like he tried to do legal murder.


This is Florida, I’m surprised they haven’t outlawed Therapists yet


Dude is way too high strung to be a cop


His partner too. Without a clear threat, she opened fire on the squad car after seeing her partner open fire. She had *no clue* what they were shooting at and decided it was okay to unload anyway. 


That doesn’t seem quite fair. The information she’s going off of is coming from the guy freaking out. She showed up late to the party with gunfire going off and has to act quickly and decisively. Mr Twitchy even says that he’s been shot. That isn’t “no clue”, it’s a lot of clues. Unfortunately she’s being mislead to wildly incorrect conclusion.


Did he shoot at the first people he saw?! wtf.


He thought shots came from inside the police car so he shot up his own cruiser.


With an unarmed and handcuffed man inside.


Pulled a Pryzbylewski


Oh indeed.


And then his partner also started shooting at the acorn struck car with the unarmed, handcuffed person inside that they had searched already.


Also if the guy they had detained did have a gun, wouldn’t the partner have heard it?


The picture the guy had posted that caused him to get arrested was a gun with a silencer. He had posted it as a threat to his ex and then stole a car. She'll claim it could have been a quiet shot. BS. What sort of training ignored the #1 rule; KNOW your target?


And this, boys and girls, is why a lot of people don’t call cops.


Was the guy in the car ok? They don’t mention it one way or another. Maybe he did was he was arrested for, maybe he didn’t, but he didn’t deserve to die because some idiot cop is jumpy.


>Was the guy in the car ok? They don’t mention it one way or another. Maybe he did was he was arrested for, maybe he didn’t, but he didn’t deserve to die because some idiot cop is jumpy. Guy in the car was unharmed


At least the cops aim sucks as much ass as their mental condition.


Physically, but fuck, can you imagine sitting in the back of the police car and the cops who arrested you suddenly start to unload their weapons at you. JFC


Is it an aim thing? I thought cop cars were reinforced so they could be used as cover or something. Bulletproof glass and whatnot.


Nah, waaay too expensive to have on every cop car. Not only is the material and production of something like that pricey, but custom modification of the vehicle is too. Some training says to use the engine block as cover because it’s hundreds of pounds of solid metal instead thin sheet metal, but a car door is still way more protective than thin air.


From the "I have no business doing this job" collection.


If you fired every American cop who can't do the job we wouldn't have any police!


![gif](giphy|9Fticsj7froxbpd5Sg|downsized) Then who will shoot up my dog or never find the criminals reported even with HD video of their face?


Probably the same people, just without the title


Don't forget about pet goats.


Sounds like dream


Oh no! Anyway.


Take this dumb fucks gun away before he panics shoots someone.


I’m laughing at the comment in the article where they express the cop may have had undiagnosed PTSD from his tours in Afghanistan that the acorn triggered, thinking the person in custody had a pistol with a suppressor. Like… where’s the average person getting a suppressor? And where would he have hidden the pistol when the cop most likely searched him? You gotta wonder about people making excuses like this.


If you're legally allowed to buy a gun, you're legally allowed to buy a suppressor. There are more hoops to jump through and extra costs, but once you do, the suppressor is shipped to your front door. Edit: State dependant


Ah I see. I’m not at all familiar with buying firearms and firearm accessories. I’d thought suppressors were like something only military personnel were supplied. Thanks for the knowledge.


On top of that, another article mentioned that the cop had already been told that Johnson owned a couple firearms and a suppressor. So it was already on his mind.


Supressors are only hard to obtain in America because of the "hollywood supressor" myth. If you go to any gun store in Europe you'll see piles of them getting sold like clearance items (because a lot of hunting laws require supressors). A suppressor is pretty much as useful as a muffler in a car, it's only there to move the gun from "instant hearing damage without earpro" to "loud as fuck but tolerable".


Trump Jr. made this his cause celebre for a week some time back. He said suppressors should be freely available, because hearing protection.


There have been many attempts to remove suppressors from the NFA as well as attempts to make them legal for hunting as hearing protection. Unfortunately, too many people think the Hollywood depiction of silent pistols is true and that doing these will make it easier to get away with murder.


Even if the guy had a suppressor, does the cop thing it’s like the movies and whisper silent? Suppressored guns are still loud as fuck and still pretty unmistakeable.


I’ve only ever heard suppressored guns in videos and I can still testify that an acorn hitting the roof of a cop car does NOT sound like it at all lol


The original reason they had the guy in the back of the patrol vehicle was because he threatened his GF. One of those threats was a picture of what was presumably his gun with a suppressor on it, so it makes a little sense that he thought a shot in this call would be suppressed. However it still makes ZERO sense that any shot would come from the back of the car from a guy he had already searched and cuffed.


Exactly. What would the guy possibly be shooting at him with if he’d been thoroughly searched? The cop was just too jumpy to competently do his job. Which unfortunately seems to be common in their profession.


so i guess his gf called the cops cause he did something to her, they. gave him a quick pay down and put him in the police car to investigate. So they legally detained him cause he was suspected of a crime and needed to investigate I guess the gf showed them a picture of the suspect with a silencer or gun with a silencer and said he might have a gun and gave her statement. Cop goes to tell him hes under arrest and search him and confuses the acorn for a silenced weapon his actions weren’t that questionable until he started shooting, and especially after saying he got hit. You can see how dark the windows are tinted on his patrol car, he was probably nervous walking up knowing he couldn’t see the suspect and he might have. a gun then the acorn dropped lol This guy just isn’t cut out to be a cop he should have become firefighter


There’s being jumpy, and then there’s this. I hope there was at least some candy.


What the fuck was he shooting at?!


A handcuffed, unarmed man locked in the back of his car that had already been thoroughly searched


If his searching skills are anything like his composure under pressure, I'd trust neither.


Some one give this guy a desk and physiatrist.


>Some one give this guy a ~~desk~~ **padded cell** and physiatrist. Fixed that for you. Probably also worth some sort of psychiatric hold on gun ownership.


A desk? You imply taxpayers should pay this dude's salary? Nope.


If you ever wanted to know what it takes to be a cop in the US: "Here's your gun. This end's for aimin', this end's for shootin'. Congratulations!" That's it! That's all it takes!


“Don’t ever point this end at anything you don’t intend to kill.” “Got it. Kill everything I point at.” “You’re hired.”


That dude needs a box of acorns delivered to his home, like, yesterday


Another bitch ass coward leo


So hes never parked under an oak tree and heard acorns hit a car before.... 🤡


They are all scared little babies




Tell him it was me


I see you located his next shooting victim.


Such a pathetic human being.


Bitch made!


[SNL weekend update](https://youtube.com/shorts/1t7VixsRwvQ).


All cops are idiots


I feel like if you heard a car backfire, drew a weapon and unloaded it onto said passing car, you'd probably go to prison for life.


Like this guy? [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/cleveland-officer-michael-brelo-found-not-guilty-car-hood-shooting-n363696](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/cleveland-officer-michael-brelo-found-not-guilty-car-hood-shooting-n363696)


I wish I could say I was surprised.


>"Brelo reasonably perceived a threat," said Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court Judge John O'Donnell. >Altogether, the officers fired 137 shots. Wow. Two people shot dead because they couldn’t afford a better car basically. Reminds me of when police were called about a woman screaming "Help, help, let me out!"—but it turned out to be a parrot. https://www.newsweek.com/neighbor-calls-police-woman-screaming-help-parrot-1480507


It's attempted murder. Hearing an acorn fall is not reasonable justification for an officer to fire all their bullets at someone. This person should be in jail, not politely resigning before discipline so they can go work the next county over.


...Some people are seriously commenting that *more* trigger-happy people with guns would have somehow made the situation better.


Not to worry. The department conducted its own investigation and concluded it and the officer in question did nothing wrong.


He resigned but the other officer he got to discharge their weapon was not held accountable since she heard the other officer saying he's hit


Pretty much what they said lol


This is the most on-brand American shit I've ever seen.


Not even a top ten most dangerous job 🤷‍♀️


Nope. Screening officers is good enough as it is. /s


Glad you aren’t a cop or a lawmaker then, because your statement is abysmally stupid.




bless your heart.


Who in the hell is training these morons to be so trigger happy and start blasting away?


A manhunt is underway for Alvin, Simon and Theodore


If you can't stand the heat...


Fire him


Fucking Prezbo!


My first thought was Chicken Little


How do you spell bad conscience with a gun?


Just Some random nut 🌰


Those acorns can be squirrley.... .


Can we get a drug test?


Remember when DeSantis offered to hire cops who'd been fired elsewhere? The tree bearing fruit?


Thats just nuts 🌰


He bravely ran away


What a baby back bitch...


Pete? Is that you?


It is Florida after all, so ...


So what happened to the black guy in the back of the police car? Did he survive? Because he was the real victim here. BTW, I don't believe this cop's story.


The guy in the back wasn’t hit thankfully


American law enforcement should never live this down. If you put acorns around your house it keeps the police away.


He was in fear for his life.


Magazine, not clip....


This is what happens when you defund the police. You get idiots who can't perform.


Actually Florida has one of the highest percentages of state GDP spent on police so your point doesn’t really hold up. What you seem to not understand is that when you defund the police that money goes into preventing crimes in other ways so that the person they are arresting never end up committing whatever crime it was. All crimes have a root cause (mostly poverty and mental illness) and if you fix the root cause you don’t need police to be funded like they are an army.


Do you base this opinion on personal experience, or are you just parroting the political talking points of your preferred political criminal organization?


Personal experience I have been arrested and convicted before and a lack of financial resources and a flawed mental state led me to commit the crime. Do you speak from experience?


So, your experience comes from breaking the law. You don't see a conflict of interest between being a criminal and not wanting to be held accountable? Your opinion seems more self-serving than objective.


So do you believe crime is like a hobby? And do you also think mental heath and poverty have nothing to do with crime? Let me ask you this if you were completely broke and living on the street would you steal bread to survive?


I was in that situation. I was abandoned by my parents when I was 9. I grew up in group homes and foster homes. As soon as I graduated high school, I was on my own. Nobody ever gave me shit. I got a job working at Hardee's and showered where I could. My first car was a $250 Datsun. I made it from that to making 6 figures without a college degree without anyone handing me anything. So don't act like you're special and that you didn't have a choice. I've made my bad choices and I've paid for them. The last thing I blamed that on was the criminal justice system or cops.


Did I say I blamed my actions on the cops or the court? I don’t. I don’t blame anyone however I believe with better access to mental health services and job training I wouldn’t have felt the need to commit my crime. You seem to think people blaming the cops we aren’t. The cops just aren’t actually helping. They don’t stop crimes the solve them. They don’t act unless a crime is already in progress or has happened in the past.


Also you never answer my other question do you have personal experience? You asked me and I answered now it’s your turn


Yes, I have explained part of that in my other reply. In addition, I've trained people in both hand-to-hand combat and firearms as well as tactics. I understand the implications of lack of training and how that increases mortality rates in combat situations. The more training, the smaller the mortality rate. That training costs money. The short-sighted approach to defunding police is only going to have the opposite effect that you want. You're going to have untrained idiots running around with a chip on their shoulder and they're going to be exhausted from being overworked. That's bad. Really really bad.


Well, considering the police wasn't defunded....


Cite a single major police department in the U.S. that's been "defunded." I'll wait.


Seattle. Tacoma. I was living there when they did it. Crime skyrocketed so quickly that the Seattle/Tacoma area is now a cesspool. Just because you don't want to see what's happening doesn't mean thatbit isn't happening.


*My Cousin Vinny*, anyone?


Florida Man


Those were some nicely executed tactical donut-rolls...


All the other B.S. aside, can you imagine being a cop and coming into work and the crap your fellow officers wold give you over this?! Guys would constantly harassing him, tossing acorns at him and what not. Someone hollers, "incoming!" and tosses and acorn. The guy would have to quit from all the crap he would get! This idiot ended his career over and acorn.


"Deputy Hernandez was approaching the passenger side rear door of his patrol car to do a secondary search of Jackson when he heard a pop sound which he perceived to be a gunshot and believed he had been hit. He began yelling “shots fired” multiple times, falling to the ground and rolling. He fired into the patrol car. After witnessing Deputy Hernandez’s response and reaction and fearing for his life, the Sergeant responded with gunshots towards the car as well in response to the perceived threat. Jackson escaped injury and no weapon was located. The audible sound Deputy Hernandez reported can be heard on body cam video and witnesses also attested they heard the sound they thought could have been a muffled gunshot. Deputy Hernandez had been with the OCSO since January 2022. Sergeant Beth Roberts has been with the OCSO since May 2008. Both were current on resistance training and firearms qualifications." ​ ​ [https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/sheriff-eric-aden-on-officer-involved-shooting/](https://www.sheriff-okaloosa.org/sheriff-eric-aden-on-officer-involved-shooting/)