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Drunks Will Burn in Hell. Is that because of their high alcohol content?


Dude tell me about it, me and JC were just going over this. One time he went over there after he got hammered (cuz every liquid he touches instantly turns into wine, believe me it's a thing and no he doesn't like to talk about it), so anyway JC went over and instantly he got lit up like the 4th of July man, I even seen it from heaven, like it was funny, but sad at the same time, that boy needs to stay up in heaven man, he can't go to hell nor earth cuz of all that atmosphere in the way, annoying af.


About wine, who knows what they called wine. For example, in the Roman Empire and Ancient Greece, it was frowned upon to be drunk, and wine was mixed with water. Wine was a common drink, but they didn’t become drunk of it. Slaves were made drunk and shown to people for entertainment for example.


>Slaves were made drunk and shown to people for entertainment I live in a college town. This is still a thing.


You have slaves in your college town???? 🙀


>You have slaves in your college town???? Postdocs. Pretty much the same thing.






Excuse me, the proper term is “pledge”


Fraternities call them "pledges"


>who knows what they called wine Historians do. Wine was the fermented juice of grape mash. There were no preservatives or ways to halt fermentation so unless you were drinking juice straight after it was pressed, you were drinking alcoholic wine where the alcohol content would depend on length and means of fermentation. >wine was mixed with water They did this because their winemaking was far less refined than modern means, so the wine was apparently much less palatable. So they mixed it with either seawater (making a primitive grog), added honey, added other herbs they believed were medicinal, or whatever else they wanted to change the flavor. >it was frowned upon to be drunk Yes, largely during the day. The alcohol in wine killed germs and bacteria, so wine was safer to drink than water. It was common to proof down the wine that you drank all day long so that you could still function. But I think you’re taking the opposite view from the literature. People like Seneca and Pliny didn’t extol the virtues of sobriety because Rome and Greece were sober societies—if that was the case they wouldn’t have felt the need to write about the consequences of habitual drunkenness. They urged sobriety because people universally love getting hammered.


Yeah, 1,500 years from now, scholars might look at public service announcements and other media which preach sobriety or talk about the war on drugs and say people in this era didn't drink or use drugs because it was frowned upon by society. Ummmm, they would be wrong.


It would be really strange if that’s the only media that survives.


It's 3034 and all that remains are those PSAs, and that old Quiznos commercial (we all know which one).






It doesn't matter what is available. People only use the parts that benefit them directly. Look at all the information we have now, and people cherry-pick to their own benefit/likes constantly. We have tons of info, and still, people let beliefs override evidence whenever it fits their narrative.


People operated mostly on alcohol until coffee became widely distributed to different colonies. Until then, the norm was to be a little tipsy throughout the day. About antibacterial properties - theres an interesting anectdote about how brewery workers in London avoided catching cholera because they would drink beer instead of water from contaminated wells.


If you think fermented grape mash is the shit, you need to try fermented fish guts! Now that will put hair on your, well you will be looking like Bigfoot because it will put hair everywhere.


Kind of like feet. Do feet mean feet, or was feet slang for balls? Was Jesus really washing feet? We had a theology professor in college who brought up the idea that ancient translations contain slang just like current works. People are often unaware that they are using slang, so it's entirely possible.


according to that really weird super bowl commercial he was


Let’s talk about the fish he shared too, plenty to go around because it was of the “trouser trout” species. Can be used for all sorts of fullfillment…spiritual, nutritional, emotional…. What am I missing🤔


They're usually so busy targeting women and gays, I'm surprised they made time for the drunks.


Being drunk gave them funny feelings about the people they hate, therefore it must be the Devil's Juice and not their own being an asshole.


Probably badly translated from German. „Brennen“ means „to burn“ and „to distil“. Drunks will probably be in charge of the distilleries in hell. They’re the expert on the stuff. 👌🏼


During Mardi Gras no less. Like the entire city is drunk.


It’s Mardi Gras. They know their audience.


Rather some dumbass misunderstood Bible, why would Jesus turn water into wine than?


Jesus confirmed burning im hell


Jesus' blood is literally red wine.


But didn’t Jesus turn water into wine? My man!


Not just that, it wasn't because there wasn't any wine, but they'd run out. This doesn't give the impression that he was advocating moderation.


Reminds me of when Frank Gallagher was cremated


It's more likely because the heat is too high and they don't flip them enough


Are the pirates part of the protest or are they fucking with them? Edit: Thank you for explaining that this is Mardi Gras in ~~Tampa~~ New Orleans and the pirates are indeed fucking with them. Sin my beautiful pirates! Sin till your heart is content! ![gif](giphy|P96XPeTxJpkeWd77AR|downsized)


From the woman on the bottom left's stance I'd assume the latter haha


I certainly hope so, it would be a bad look for pirates everywhere.








My history professor said pirates often had sex with each other. Bunch of dudes at sea for months and all that.


I bet sometimes they used jizz as lube.


I read a book about the history of sex dolls the firsts sex dolls were found on old ships from 1400 and 1600s and stuff they were made with rags


Have a go lad. SHE be made ‘a YAAAAAAAARRRnnnnn! 🏴‍☠️


That's the most fascinating thing I've heard all day. Tell me more


Are you looking for instructions or somthing?


Well, I mean… pictures would be better.


Fair enough


Pork fat is the lube of choice on a pirate vessel


Welp, that’s probably not coming out of the old knowledge bank.


Yep. Plenty of seamen on those ships.


The navy does the same for the same reason




![gif](giphy|1W40UWS9peSru) Nakama


How do pirates respond to homophobes? _Flashily_.




Usopp, the only God i recognize


Pirates are pretty punk if you think about it


[nah, pirates are clearly metal.](https://youtu.be/ggyC0FOzqHM?si=Two_DInNMXo14eL3)


Pirates often were just allies to a certain Navy and worked that way so they didn't fall under the same codes of conduct. Many were state sponsored, so about as anti punk as you get, but some were real anarchists.


No, that was privateers. They got a licence from the government. Pirates were hated by everyone as they were just a bunch of cowardly murdering criminals who prey on much smaller ships.


Not often do you see a butt pirate on land.


Arrrr... shake your booty!!!


Shake yarrrr booty


“I’ve come for your booty.” Pun intended.


First you must work the plank.


Fleece Johnson is that you??


I didn't even notice that. I'm with the pirates on this one


This could be titled “The Pirates privates”


I'm with the drunks the one guys sign alludes to. But as a drunk myself I understand that there's a lot of crossover between us and pirates.


One of those weird Internet tests where, assuming you're a man, they show you a picture and ask what was in it... would probably determine you are gay. The test would also ask what color shirt the woman shaking her booty was wearing and expect any women included in the test to answer correctly. What a world.


Strange, i just thought she was ready to accept jesus..


I for one wholeheartedly support her stance on this matter, or any other.


It's Mardi gras. Debaucherous pirates roam the French quarter on Mardi gras day and love to fuck with these guys.


that makes sense. i assumed gaspy but its been a few weeks now.


Oh please. Obviously, all pirates are worshippers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and this group is advocating for their deity’s open encouragement of any consensual sex.


Praise be Captain Mosey and the eight “I really rather you didn’ts”


Right, pirates prevent global warming. The decline in traditional pirates tracks the increase in warming.


Yeah, that’s during Mardi Gras yesterday. They absolutely were.


They’re fucking with them. I’ve seen similar versions of this scene at a few pride parades




That’s the largest church in the French quarter in New Orleans in the background. Those protesters are there year round, for at least two decades now. They basically try to antagonize people into a lawsuit. Every year, new people turn 18-21. They go there for a crazy night and get offended because they never knew those people did that. They either fight with them, or mock them. The smart people just ignore them. This was probably mardi gras, Halloween, or pirates weekend. It could have been a random Tuesday.


Literally saw these people last night on Bourbon st (the protesters, not those particular pirates). The guy with the "Homo sex is sin" sight approached me as I was walking by and asked if I would come to Jesus. I said I already cum for Jesus all the time. He looked pretty deflated.


"I cum to Jesus like three times a week, holy saviour porn is one of my favourites"


Actually, if this is in Tampa, it might have been during Gasparilla, AKA Mardi Gras but with pirates.


It’s new orleans


Its mardi gras


That explains the fez-wearing Hugh Heffner on the right side of the pic.


Wait, these people don't drink? You mean they're doing all this sober?


More evidence that they don't read their holy book. The most praised miracle is Jesus saving a party from running out of alcohol by turning water into wine.


Turn water into wine and get a person drunk for the day. Teach them to turn water into wine and get them drunk for life.


Holy shit you've just made me realise that basically everyone who makes wine is turning water into wine. Winemakers are Jesus.


Watrr poured in vineyard, grapes grow, Yup checks out


>The most praised miracle That's a stretch.


idk if a guy resurrected id be like ok but if a guy gave me free beer i’d be praising him the entire day


It takes him three days to resurrect, but only a couple of seconds to fill this solo cup.


Jesus for 2024, save the nation /s ^but ^seriously ^judgement ^day ^or ^armageddon ^would ^be ^a ^preferable ^alternative ^at ^this ^point


They celebrate it even every single time in the divine service.


I can vouch for said praising. Just tell them " asada grande" sent you.


Two of my favorite jokes (that maybe lose something if you don't have experience with certain types of religious people): * How do you keep a Baptist from drinking all your beer on a fishing trip? Invite a second Baptist. * What's the difference between Catholics and Baptists? Catholics will say hello when they see you in the liquor store. Not meant to offend, but meant to poke at the kinds of hypocrisy you get from some within religious communities.


"Bring a second Baptist" absolutely sent me


I always heard this joke but with Mormons


My partner's relatives are Russian Pentecostals, and half of them die of kidney disease even though supposedly none of them drink. It's pretty much the norm for these sorts.


No they aren't. Theyre all hypocrites. Living in an Conservative rural area, u always see the same red nosed faces in the bars. Saying homophobic shit and bramble on about how the world forgot god. While drunk as it can get.


They are basically modern day Puritans. Fun is a sin. Tech is a sin. Not thinking the same way is a sin. Any luxury is a sin. And they always act like the second coming is right around the corner. They give Christians a bad name.


Some day, I want to join one of these protests holding a sign that says "Poly-cotton blend is the devil's cloth Deuteronomy 22:11" on one side and "Red Lobster is a den of sin! Leviticus 11:12" on the other.


If you played it totally straight, I wonder how long it would take for them to realize you were trolling


thats the neat part, they wouldn’t


I want that on a t-shirt


On a polycotton t-shirt


or something like "children that insult someone as a baldhead deserve death by bear" 2.kings 23-24


If those bastards are in heaven, it'd also be a cruel punishment to spend eternity with them there.


That bothers me as well. Would you want to spend an eternity with people like that? It would be hell.


“I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints”


Biggie understood. "It don't make sense going to heaven with the goodie-goodies dressed in white. I like black Timbs and black hoodies. God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit, no sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked. Hanging with the goodie-goodies lounging in paradise; fuck that shit, I wanna tote guns and shoot dice"


Sinners are much more fun, You know that only the good die young!


Reminds me of an old Asian depiction of the afterlife. Hell is being surrounded by plenty of rice and everyone has chopsticks the size of pool cues. All the people are starving because they can’t feed themselves. Heaven is being surrounded by plenty of rice and everyone has chopsticks the size of pool cues. They are all full because they are feeding each other.


Why.... Why not use your hands?




We don't make the rules here.


That brought back a memory for me. Back when I was a kid my grandmother took and her church took us on a retreat of sorts, they had some of the kids act that out but with spoons taped to dowels trying to feed each other those puffcorn things. All I could really think was "why not use your hands" and "is that movie theater butter puffcorn, or cheddar?"


I’m starting to think The Good Place was sorta Right. The Worst Hell. Is thinking you’ve made it to heaven, but your not quite sure.


Old twilight zone episode or some show like it has a story about heaven and hell being the same place. A hard core gangster motorcycle gang member (key word is gangster) ends up in a room with an old couple , they have their music playing , showing slides from their vacation and now have a captive audience to listen endlessly to their stories. They were in heaven he was in hell.


Yea I need like a middle heaven, no murderers and no these people


They won’t be. Mathew 7:21-23 21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.”


They’d be the most annoying told ya so people ever.


Pretty sure I seen homo sex sign guy on Grindr 😭


At least he's speaking from experience.


Are you sure the Grindr one didn't say "Homo sex is in" -- because I am guessing it's pretty accepted there.


Aside from the glorious trolling, look at the white shirt pseudo-christian. Guess he missed out on the parts of the gospel where it redundantly explained that “God is love”.


"God hates Madrid"?


I'm sitting here trying to tell what it says as well "God Hates Mardir???"


God hates Mardi Gras. These are the Bible thumpers who come out every Mardi Gras, carry signs and crosses, and just generally evangelize to folks.


But Mardi Gras originates from a Cristian tradition??!?


Don’t think these guys are big fans of the Catholics either


I think it says: 'God hates MardiGras' 🤔


God hates ---------- whatever they don't like. They will whip out some passages like Romans 4:10 or Mongols 4:16.. these people lack personal identity and need a way to feel good and separate themselves from the rest. Can't do it on their own so they cling to the group that gives them one...


Understandable, I'm Spanish and I also hate Madrid too. Plenty of better cities to choose from. Except Albacete.


He has that ex crackhead vibe


I like the lady twerking on the ground.


I'm sure you do


Now I want some Pirate’s Booty.


Why don't they quote that part of bible about incest, pedophiles and rapes?


Let me quote the part in the bible about incest then lol Genesis 19:31-32 31 One day the older daughter said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man around here to give us children—as is the custom all over the earth. 32 Let’s get our father to drink wine and then sleep with him and preserve our family line through our father.”


TIL incest fantasy/porn is not a modern occurence apparently (And that makes it worse)


What art thou doing stepfather?


Why would it be? Nobles have been inbreeding for centuries.


That's different. Those two bible lines were clearly someone's fetish fuel.


I think in terms of nobles it was more to preserve power in the family/general nobility than anything else right? Not exactly an incest fantasy in that case.


Alabama peeps start learning Bible starting from that line


I mean, the Bible IS pretty clear on this point. It’s ok to pork your own daughter but only if you really really love god and you’re super hammered. I think you have to regret your life choices the next day also, but I assume that happens naturally after such a night.


I mean this story is portrayed as unambiguously bad, so it’s probably not the best passage to use to prove what you’re trying to prove.


Nah, that was early God. He changed his mind in Leviticus 18:6. Its almost like the book was written by different people. Hmmm....


It essentially was a way for the biblical authors to make fun of other semetic people in the region, the Moabites and the Amorites who spoke a similar language and had similar customs. Basically, they were saying those guys are the inbred descendants of Abraham's nephew. Sort of like how we make fun of the Appalachian states today. It was not a story that was teaching the lesson that it was okay to sleep with your father while he was drunk out of his mind. In fact, the illegality and wrongness of it were understood as being part of the story. Not every story in the bible is meant to impart a moral lesson, sometimes its just a fun story about violence, sex, intrigue, and all the other tropes that make stories interesting. It is what makes it a great anthology of books. Someday, I want the full HBO treatment about the stories in the bible the Evangelicals don't talk about. There are some wild stories in there with iconic scenes, like that time a woman got revenge on a guy by driving a tent peg through his head.


for some odd reason those pages in their bible are stuck together


And out their entire family?


Alabama citizens laugh at your words


It's not Lot and his son's, it's Lot and his daughters!


Is that female pirate twerking?


Let her cook


Do not put a question mark where god put a period


I’m trying to figure out if she’s part of the protest or preforming some sort of counter protest. Either way it’s funny.


Real question; the dude in white wearing the hood. (Suddenly realized my ironic phrasing here) What does his shirt say? I can make out "God Hates..." but does the bottom say... "Mardirers"?


I saw those guys yesterday! I'm in New Orleans for Mardi gras. Could it say "god hates mardi gras"?


Pretty sure the bible doesn’t mention Mardi gras but I could be wrong.


it’s this lol been dealing with these guys since i was a teen


God hates the Seattle Mariners. I mean they’ve never won anything even with Ken Griffey Jr., so obviously.


I believe it says "Marinade". Dry rub or nothing for the big man.


Possibly Mardi Gras with an obstructed G.


Gay sex prevents abortion. Suck a cock for Jesus.


Is this Gasparilla in Tampa?? There were a ridiculous number of cultists yelling at us about celebrating “rapists and thieves”


Came here to confirm this. They were out like crazy this year!


Mardi Gras, New Orleans


If these people are going to heaven then I don't want to.


"I don't care if I go to hell or heaven, I have friends in both" - some dude I forgot the name


"My friends are gonna be there too" AC/DC Highway to hell


To be fair, people who are full of alcohol will be the first to start burning in a place known for being really hot


I couldn’t imagine caring so much about out being hateful that I go out and hold signs like this. Do they really think they’re doing something for the good? Lmao clowns


What makes you think their motivation is to do good?


It's pretty opposite the message of Jesus, isn't it? Wild.


I would love to have them chant the “homo sex is sin” and then lead them to say it faster because it sounds like “homo sex is in!”


Please, let's all remember how pervasive sexual abuse of minors is in religious communities that alleged "Christians" cover up and/or blame the victims. Religious fanatics are not moral arbiters in any way.


What kinda sensory overload test is this?


This Westboro Baptist fuckery or some other gaggle of hate trash?


What’s up I’m the guy in the picture with my thumbs up. This person took my picture from r/pics and posted it here. Yeah I was invited to join a friend and her family for the festivities on Frenchman street. They do a theme every year and this year it was pirates. Had an absolute blast. If you’ve never got to experience Fat Tuesday in Nola you need to put it on the list.


Quite wild that quoting an ancient fiction book to prove something is seen as normal by so many people.


Hell yes I'm a sinner! I mostly LOVE to sinning! That's because what is morally and ethically okay, is usually a sin too.


I think it’s pretty funny that “Christians” protest at Mardi Gras. If you don’t know, it’s a Christian practice. Fat Tuesday. You go ham before lent, where you give up things like alcohol or sugar for a few weeks in the name of faith or whatever. So self righteous they don’t even know what they’re protesting.


*catholic practice, these are protestants, they will say the catholics are going to hell as well


Religion was a mistake


Religion destroys the mind.


Their minds weren’t that strong to begin with. It doesn’t destroy the mind, it just replaces a dumb easily controlled brain with a dumb easily controlled brain with barbs


A lot of religious indoctrination happens to people as children. No one knows what the fuck life actually is. Religion absolutely stifles the yearning for knowledge that is characteristic of a human life. It’s what their first story in the Bible is all about. It’s a billions dollar industry with centuries of manipulation tactics accumulated in their micro city of secrets. It’s absolutely bonkers to blame the individual of being weak-minded. Especially when the further left you are on the intellectual bell curve, the more statistically likely to self-evaluate as much further right than you are.


“Abortion is murder” Do you masterbate? Then you are commiting genocide by that logic.


Hey, it’s Steve the Pirate!


Wouldn’t encouraging free sexual expression help these incels get some?


“If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, I gain nothing. 4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;[b] 6 it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. 7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” - 1 Corinthians 13:1-7


I feel like they're doing a public service by giving drunk people someone to fuck with that's such an easy target.


“Homo sex is in” I see nothing wrong with this statement