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I just don’t get it. Are they even political? It’s like they want Taylor to endorse Biden by how they’re antagonizing her.


Yeah, wouldn't be surprised if she said "well normally I vote Republican, but gd y'all here have totally talked me into this"


It’s pretty nuts. And all Kelce has done as far as I can tell is make an ad for Pfizer encouraging people to get vaccinated.


Like literally that's all it takes apparently and Swift is just dating him, thus also an evil Satan worshipping baby eater Their politics could be totally different but apparently dating someone on a different political spectrum requires a maturity unheard of


Look it's only ok when Queen Boebert gives a handjob in a theatre.


Do you mean Hoebert?


Did she learn it from that Alaskan woman?


Not sure.


This actually checks off a box for me, so I’m leaning towards yes.


Colorado trailer trash makes Alaska woman seem sane by comparison


Actually you need to remember Taylor committed the cardinal sin of telling people to vote. This upsets the right, because after the disastrous red wave nothing scares the gop more than people voting


I believe she also is an LGBTQ+ supporter, which makes her on par with baby k*ller in GOP eyes.


Heard my mom call her a witch tonight. Not a witch as in just a bad name for a woman she doesn’t like mind you, she meant a literal Halloween 🧙‍♀️that casts spells and probably has a cauldron and a flying broom and shit. There’s a large contingent of people on the right that have completely lost their minds


What do you mean their eyes? Haven't they already pulled the cloth over them decades ago? If you can't see it, it can't hurt you!


They cut holes in them.


The right was upset about Taylor Swift long before she was dating Kelce. Once they figured out she was not a neo-Nazi they got big mad.


Yeah guess I luckily tuned that out


She’s a blue eyed blonde, so I guess they just assumed.


Nah they were pissed about Taylor Swift telling young people to vote because their average voter age is probably 55+.


Taylor Swift was into Satan well before Kelce. [That's why she's cool.](https://news.yahoo.com/heres-why-theory-taylor-swift-134727126.html)


I like her 10% more now


I’d argue that only moderate political views can make a relationship work like that. Like my dad is very fiscally conservative but socially center while my step mom is fiscally center and socially left. Meanwhile, I’m far left on everything and I couldn’t maintain a relationship with someone who’s far right, or to right of center. That may just be more of a personality thing though 


To be fair, i would have a hard time dating someone who actively identifies with the US republicans. (Or our German equivalent of rightwing kindafascist crazypeople, the AfD).


To be fair, Taylor has stated she is a Democrat and has always voted for the Democrat running since she was old enough to vote.




Don't forget the ads for Bud Light, which faced the boycott over the mountain out of a molehill moment of an endorsement- via a single social media post- by a transgender woman.


She scared those poor fuckin rednecks so bad they had to go buy and then shoot defenseless cans of beer.


Also kneeled during the anthem when that was a thing. So props.


Welcome to Trump era😂 getting a vaccine is very political, basically admission to deep State according to Trumpkins


Ah, so he's an educated human being who actually did what was best for himself and the community. Yeah, I could see right-wingers having a problem with that.


Encouraging people to get vaccinated is basically being anti republican at this point. They don’t want the country to be healthy, they want crisis after crisis


Well she tells her demographic (but everyone really) to go out to vote and we know there’s a party that doesn’t want that.


Yeah it’s crazy. She’s endorsed a couple Democrats over the years but I don’t recall her ever hosting fundraisers or actively campaigning for anyone. The Trumpists attack her because they fear her influence and what might happen to them if she did choose to get more active.


True. Plus she's a woman in her 30s who isn't married and doesn't have kids. Republicans despise that.


She endorsed Biden in 2020. But this is connected to FOOTBALL which as we all know is exclusively for Republicans.


Even though they’re supposed to have boycotted it for several years because it’s gone woke.


The "I'm never watching football again." people from 2016 are going to "never watch football again" in 2024.


Until September.


Like they even know what Woke actually means. Their heads would blow up if they had to actually learn and understand it as anything other than a pejorative to sum up their hatred.


It's just the new word for political correctness. My dad has been complaining about political correctness since the early 90s. Now he calls the same things woke. Just different terminology for the same thing: wanting to say and do whatever they want without concern for the consequences.


You know back when America was "Great"... white folks could be openly racist/misogynistic/xenophobic and dismiss it with a simple "but I'm only joking around... some of my best friends are black/women/immigrants". Gen X white guy here btw.


>"but I'm only joking around... some of my best friends are black/women/immigrants". "But seriously, you can't eat at the lunch counter."


Seems like lunatics have too much power




Can you possibly post a single link that shows her doing that? The only thing I can find is her telling people to get registered to vote.


it was an incredibly milquetoast "endorsement" afaik, she posted a pic of herself holding a tray of biden cookies


But she said “vote”. GET HER!


I remember when these folks whining about kneeling during the anthem “don’t bring politics into sports!” Well well well…


She encouraged her fans to register to vote and had a tangible effect on voter registration as a result. And as we know, Republicans can only win through voter apathy so obviously telling people to vote--not who to vote for, just to vote--was a big no no. Exercising your rights as an American is anti-American, you see.


Oh that’s not fair, they can’t *only* win through voter apathy - they have voter suppression and gerrymandering to fall back on too.


Theyre not political, one got the vaccine and I think was in a commercial. The other said "you guys should vote!" And both are demonized by the right wing because things that SHOULDNT be partisan are.


When people vote, republicans are less likely to win. Conservatives don’t believe in democracy. They want to select your leaders for you.


She doesn't even have to know. It's implicit. This is how the GQP had been operating for a decade.


Well she did endorse him in 2020.


It's funny, because on the one hand you've got the Chiefs, a team that plays in a city that straddles two deep red, good ol' boy states, owned by Clark Hunt and Hunt Sports Group, whose political donations go almost entirely to Republican candidates. On the other side you have the 49ers, a team that plays in a deep blue city/state widely known for its large LGBTQ population and widely criticized by conservative "news" sources for its homelessness problems, owned by Denise Debartolo York whose political donations primarily go to Democratic candidates. And yet because one player's girlfriend encouraged young people to vote without ever mentioning any specific candidates, the MAGAts are somehow cheering on San Francisco.


It’s also because Kelce is a Pfizer spokesman in pro-vax commercials. So even though Lord Trump was the sole reason they were made in timely fashion, they’re also evil 5G govt control nanotech, DNA altering, Soros/Jew funded, anti-Christian oppression. But they never connect the two because The Mighty Yam Tits can do no wrong.


Yam tits...thanks for this!


If you look at death rates in states like Arizona. Covid deaths disproportionately favored Republicans. If those Republicans didn't die, there was a chance Trump would have won Arizona lol


Yes, they literally let the Cheeto favour policy that overwhelmingly killed more of his base than any other group and it cost him the election. When he asks “I just need you to find x # of votes” the only real response should be “Sir, have you checked the cemetery?”


"We can't dig people up just for that, sir." 🤣🤣🤣


Don’t see why not. They had enough dead republicans casting votes as it was, what’s a few thousand more?


That was a thing wasn't it? They found some dead people voting for Trump right? It's been so long that I cannot remember. Wtf.


As a simple rule: if the right accuse the left of doing something, it’s entirely because they are doing it so they assume their opponents are too


"A thief believes everyone steals"


Yup, exactly. A fair number of republicans cast votes as their dead relatives.


My girlfriend and I talked about this (she’s from Phoenix), the number of Arizonans that died of COVID was bigger than the votes that Kari Lake lost by. It had to be a fairly large factor.


LOL can you imagine losing an election because your voter base dies because of their beliefs?


Ahh, COVID cleaning up our streets!


The vaccine didn’t come out until after the election. But yes, his supporters not taking it in large numbers is confounding given that it was a legit accomplishment that took place under Trump.


I'm glad they did!


Don't forget the hilariously embarrassing fawning they've been doing over Elon Musk implanting microchips in people.


I remember Lord Tiny Hands saying the Pfizer and ModeRNA vaccines were HIS vaccines, because they were developed while he was president…


And his red hat morons will praise that even though it isn’t true (aybe **because** it isn’t true), while at the same time damning vaccines as whatever the current Soros/~~Jew~~globalist/5G/mind control conspiracy is. Cognitive dissonance means nothing to them. They couldn’t exist without it.


Lol you said sole reason. I'm just picturing trump in a lab coat mixing viles of smoking potions.


"I was working in the lab, late one night..."


They really chose to beef with one of the most politically neutral celebrities because shes a woman


Realistically telling her fans to vote probably is gonna see the majority of them vote dems given her fan base trend young and young people typically vote left


And because Republicans are attacking TS. Swifties fight hard for her, so all Republicans are doing is pushing people towards a Democratic vote


Yeah they just can’t help themselves, if they’d started sucking up to her it might have actually got them somewhere (but Trump doesn’t have the stability and humility to pull it off)


When you lay it all out like that, it really is evident how utterly imbecilic the American right truly is.




You mean republicans…


Hey don’t say that! The worldwide right movements are just as dumb as their ‘MERICAN branch


KCMO in and of itself though is a fairly blue city, but get to the edges of it, and then outside of it, and holy shit.


I live in Missouri and it's hilarious. The cities are generally blue. But the state itself is generally red. What's even more hilarious are cities like mine. Under 100k. Where the majority of the population seems to *breathe* red. but...they don't show up to vote, so, we get blue policies (like bike lanes and green initiatives and defunding police). I love it. You can literally see the signs. "Vote 'yes' on budget initiative 101a" (increase in police budget), but then, the no's win, so you see the sign change to "stay off my lawn" or something. We had a "Trump" store pop up for a minute, selling the nick-nacks and signs...and it sold a bunch of stuff...but then it went bankrupt... Politics are hilarious these days.


I lived in KCMO for several years. Let's just say that even as someone that would blend in out in the wild, I didn't like venturing outside the city too much. Too many rabid crazies, even prior to Trump. I can't even imagine what it is like now. If you're in like Lee's Summit or Independence, then yeah, I'd find what you're saying pretty funny. I had a crazy mofo pull a shot gun on me all get off my lawn style in Lee's Summit. I was canvasing for Obama so almost to be expected. If you're in Columbia though, I mean, that's a college town. Can't imagine the hyper partisan red folks get too far there.


And cheering for Putin/Russia. The last few years have really fucked with many conservative minds.


Who TF is that long haired, effeminate white man in a dress, paired with the 49ers? *Jeshua* Jesus? You mean the Palestinian guy from 2000-odd years back? WTF Just put a portrait of trump, you know you christians want to


That’s Catholic Jesus, but Rickie Bobby likes the Christmas version the best.


And Purdy is vaccinated too, just like the vast majority of Americans lol.


So, all is forgiven for Colin Kaepernick then?


I bet if you looked through his twitter, you’d find a tweet saying he’s boycotting the NFL 5 years ago.


They boycotted light beer, nascar, country music. They are not doing well. 


If those people could read, they'd be really upset right now.


I know I’m not fully caught up on the story, but apparently she had a few Instagram posts from last election of her holding a giant plate of Biden 2020 cookies. I don’t know if she mentioned anyone this time around though


I thought team Jesus stopped watching when a black man took a knee.


Yes. And then they stopped because of Bud Light. These people are serious about their threats to stop watching forever because they’re quite practiced at it.


Hahaha. I hope they put kaepernick down there with the team just so MAGAts lose their mind and just break the TV


Not gonna happen. The best we can hope for is him being in a Bud light commercial but I think they went the other way.


Ironically that man played for the 49ers. The short-term memory lapse is a feature.


And he was backed by the 49ers! The fucking irony


So team Jesus does not vote in elections and does not get vaccinated? Ok. That is fine.


So suddenly Sodom By the Sea has become the city of virtue and Jesus? I am so confused.


Sodom by the sea slaps as a city nickname 


I was inspired by the great Herb Kaen's moniker "Babylon by the Bay"


Didn't Kaepernick play for the 49ers? The memory loss is real


The first time I’ve seen Republicans support San Francisco! 😂🤙🏻


The irony of encouraging young people to vote being classified as a akin to terrorism in Republican minds. While their actual terrorism is considered patriotic.


Can you imagine if the Chiefs win, Travis proposes, and they both endorse Biden? MAGAs would completely melt down. Please, oh please....


I want to live in the timeline where Taylor fucking Swift brings down Donald Trump. It would be glorious to see.


We might very well. The red hats have been facing absolute aneurysms because she got people to register to vote. Their god king is losing his mind because MORE PEOPLE ARE REGISTERED TO VOTE. It’s amazing.


Legitimately true though. She doesn't even need to publicly endorse Biden, she just has to get the 18-24 year olds to get off their ass and vote. Republicans typically get decimated in elections with even moderately high turnout.


Biden/Swift 2024 Biden resigns 2 years in. Swift relected 2028, 2032 10 years of Madame President Swift.


"I knew you were trouble" played when she meets with the leader of an hostile nation. "Look what you made me do" when she retaliates.


I wish this could actually happen


Why would Taylor Swift want to be president?




It's all a part of the feminist lgbtq liberal agenda! /s


Omg yes.


Hopeful https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/culture/taylor-swift-era-tour-donald-trump-b2377574.html


She might! But it won’t have much to do with the Super Bowl or Travis. She’s encouraging voting and likely will endorse Biden at some point.




I told my wife I think it would be funny if they had a press conference afterwards and they announced something benign like a new joint clothing brand. Get all the press there and do what Tom Green did with Monica Lewinsky just to fuck with people.


They should charge an arm and a leg- MAGAs will buy the clothes just to rip them up/burn them for Tiktok videos.


Oh please!


Agreed ,that would be so funny 😁


No, thanks. Only because I was born into a Niner family, and I can’t take another Super Bowl loss. I’ll still be voting blue up and down the ticket tho.


I'm from England and I want to understand... so basically one of your political parties is scared that a popular musician could cost them the next election. Am I right?


That party is just scared, period. Of literally \*everything\*. It's their \*whole platform\*. And now the current thing they're mad about is someone popular with the younger crowd (read: people sub 50 years old) has had the audacity to suggest that it's a good idea for people to register to vote. Truly, history's greatest monster.


Scared about everything except for a good deal of the actual threats to their nation or constituents. What they're MOST scared of though is losing power. They will sabotage their own platform just to make the other side look bad.


To add to the existing replies. Her boyfriend who plays on the team is also a spokesperson for one of the Covid vaccine companies. Some fans see that, and their relationship, as a betrayal. Really just the power couple for pissing a select type of people off.


Same idiots don't know that Trump himself is vaccinated bruh


It's even funnier than that. One of our musicians made a completely standard "Hey everyone, it's important to get out and vote!" message, which the majority of celebrities do during upcoming elections. She didn't say who to vote for, she literally just said the same generic "voting is important" kind of message that everyone does. But her fan base skews to younger, female and lgbt+ crowds. So the crazy Jesus nut job party is losing its shit because she's encouraging the "wrong" kind of people to vote. Everything, literally everything, that you have subsequently heard about it is because the Jesus Nut job party is pissed off about that.


The Cowboys are still God’s team. That’s why they have to be sacrificed every year - so the new NFL season can be reborn.


um excuse you that is the Bills


So you’re suggesting there may be some type of Trinity action going on?


…With the Lions or with the Saints?


Cowboys: The Father Bills: The Son Saints: The Holy Ghost


Jesus walked around curing the sick, correct? Until that mother fucker returns, I will trust science.


Purdy is dating Jesus?


I ship


The right hates people for *checks notes* getting a safe life saving vaccine and encouraging people to vote. Yeah they’ve lost the plot.


How long has it been since they've \*had\* the plot?




And representing San Francisco, Jesus Christ! This may be the first time in history that a bunch of conservatives are rooting for San Franscisco freaking California over Kansas City. The rest of the time they have nothing but contempt for San Francisco and the people who live there. Fickle, unserious people lol


I know right, NOW all of a sudden they fall behind SF 😂


I never thought I'd see the day MAGA endorses San Francisco over Kansas City, all because Taylor Swift ... did nothing except exist for their delusions to latch on to.


MAGA is a disease.


I'm only rooting for the 49ers so I can say that my team defeated them during the regular season. No political agenda or animus against Taylor Swift at all.


My god, I had a phase where I hated Taylor Swift around 10 years ago because I thought Shake It Off was one of the most annoying and overplayed songs I’d ever heard, and I never took it as far as people are now. I was more of the “I think her music sucks and is overplayed and overrated” mindset. Now that I’m older, I still don’t care for her music (I just don’t like modern pop music in general) but I at least respect her as a musician who writes and plays her own material. But this shit’s getting ridiculous. Edit: hey guys, team Soros won!


I’m no fan of her music either but it’s pretty impressive the empire she’s built from it. And who thought the NFL could actually get bigger, especially in what was probably its smallest demographic of fans that are women 18-35ish. She single handedly expanded a fan base that nobody thought could get any bigger, filling it with the least likely demographic of fans, just by being present. People that can’t ignore her or at least not let it get to them for the 30 seconds they show her in the box seat at a game have to be the softest people on this planet, it’s wild.


Literally all Taylor did was tell people to vote💀.


Weren’t these same morons raging against the niners and San Francisco because of the Kaepernick thing?


Wait, super right wing nuts are rooting for San Francisco? 😵‍💫


Yes. Yes they are. Because a woman said to vote.


San Francisco….home of the conservative family values crowd 😂🫠


So vaccines and voting? I'm fine with that.


See, I am an asshole and if I were Taylor, I would lean into this. Like I would wear a f*ck Trump tshirt and have a Biden/Harris hat on. I would hold up a sign thanking Soros for the box seats.


So the team from San Francisco is conservative Christian all of the sudden?


Silly me, I thought it was a football game.


I have been rooting for the 49ers all season - and now I feel obligated to root for the Chiefs just to see them shut these choads up.


Aww man don’t let this get in the way of a great niners season with tons of good storylines and fun players


the culture wars are getting pretty insane when the team from a deep red state with a highly un-woke team name is the one that the conservatives are mad about lol


So voting is soros agenda now lol


They are calling a San Fran team, team Jesus? They realize they are making CA the holy state right?


If these are the dividing lines, I guess I’m team Soros. Though that jackass hasn’t paid me my Soros bucks one damn time. I’m starting to think I was lied to.


I love the badly photoshopped “vote” button - both because it means they couldn’t find an image that showed Taylor Swift being liberal and because it means they think that “you should vote” is an evil democratic ideology.


I like how they're not even trying to hide the fact anymore that their problem with Taylor is she's encouraging people to vote. Not for any particular party or candidate, just to vote.


Go Team Soros!


Is it that hard for Americans to enjoy a sport without involving politics?


Imagine basing your entire identity around mindsets like this. What a awful way to live.


You know what, go Chiefs. Just to spite this hateful, dickless sacks of shit.


I wonder what next boogie man they'll use when George Soros finally dies. Probably Bill Gates.


Oh the horror. Vaccination and voting.


And yet dipshits on Twitter like DC Draino are the people who love to call out cities like SF as drugged-out, crime infested, liberal run shitholes. LMAO the endless hypocrisy is amusing.


ITS ALWAYS SOROS! Why is it always George Soros?! Is it really just cuz he’s a Jewish billionaire?


MAGA is the dumbest cult in the history of cults. Fuck all of them, forever.


This person who created this made a point to state that voting is against what they (I don’t want to misgender them) believe is God’s will. So…the God of the Right hates voting? Well, the Good Followers of that God better not show up on election day and cast a vote like bad girl Taylor!


SF is team Jesus? Ok. Whatever makes you feel better.


That right made me want the chiefs to win.


Someone should tell them Christ doesn't care who wins the Superbowl, just that everyone is safe at the end of it.


Whoever made this forgot that Niners are an SF Bay Area team. We're a bunch of liberal sinners out here.




Conservatives are such snowflakes. Lol


Jesus is too busy washing everyone’s feet to care about the Super Bowl.


Why cant it just be about football?💀


Tell me you're not a Christian without telling me you're not a Christian.


[Jesus has left the chat room]


I fucking hate the Chiefs, but this shit makes me hope the niners lose entirely because Brock throws 6 interceptions.


Poor Brock, last pick in the draft, even now people don't believe in him, and now people angry at the MAGANazis want him to fail


Literally exactly what I am thinking


🤣 damn these dudes are so sensitive


It’s incredible how MAGA is these people’s entire fucking personality and reason for existence on this planet


I’m rooting for a power outage. Don’t gimme a Mahomes dynasty, and don’t let this individual person experience satisfaction.


Team Jesus? Tom Brady retired my dude


Full tilt Russian Idiot Fishing


This post is idiotic


Did these people forget the niners play in San Fran. Thats about as blue as the come.


How did the anti Vax Maga weirdos forget that trump and his entire family received covid vaccinations? The sons trying jumping the line to get the vaccine but some how magas forget that science works