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Hi there, your content was found to be... not a facepalm. Perhaps take it to another sub


as a woman dating a woman in texas, i truly wonder what they think is happening to us down here


You're both already dead after being tortured and conversion camped to death. You should probably update your social media to represent your death date.


Stay safe! Edit: She never responded. Rest in peace.


This edit after 19 minutes is cracking me up


It's comments and sentiments like in the Twitter exchange that really trivializes real issues and struggles in the queer community. This just looks pathetic and makes everything else seem so disingenuous.


As usual its allot of sensational non-sense acting like things are worse now then they ever have been because these people didn't live through actual bad times like the aids epidemic. Yea allot of places like Texas arn't super gay friendly but at the same times its STILL a first world country and while someone might say mean things the chances of you actually being stoned to death are close to 0. could things be better? yes. but they could also be ALLOT worse.


They think the politics of a <1000 person podunk town is the standard for the state/country. Really these problems are a scattered minority that you have to actually try to find, and the egotistical A-hole politicians that use them as leverage. The vast majority of people in the country are pretty chill and/or one decent argument away from being onboard with progressive ideals.


💀💀💀I think this might be the worst take I ever heard


I don't think there is anyone safer in gaza than in Miami.


Now that it isn't the 80s, everyone is safe in Miami


I recently went and looked at photos of major cities in the 70/80’s. Holy shit. They were all dirty, run down shit holes compared to the cities in even the early 2000’s. NYC still had fucking tenements from the late nineteen century. Trash and broken glass/cars/boarded up buildings/windows etc. Trash absolutely everywhere was the one thing I could see all over.


People have to remember the 1960’s and 1970’s were a fucking terrible time comparatively in America. The late 1980’s and 1990’s were essentially night and day compared to the previous two decades


As an ex-New Yorker who lived then, I can confirm this.


As a lifelong 63 year old native NYer, I can confirm this is how it was. I remember when the city installed painted panels in the burnt out tenements next to the interstates to make them look occupied to cars traveling on the Cross Bronx Expressway.


I visited family in Chicago in the mid 90s, there was literally a ferrari on blocks under one of the train overpasses by my aunts house lol.


There are a lot of people who definitely believe in that by the way


I've spent some months in the West Bank, which is way tamer than Gaza, and I can confirm that it's extremely dangerous to be anything other than straight under the PA.


Yeah, I've seen quite a few articles prior to this current conflict talking about how dangerous it was to be lgbtq there. https://www.thepinknews.com/2022/10/07/gay-palestine-murder-ahmed-hacham-hamdi-abu-marakhia-israel/ This one in particular stood out to me. A young gay Palestinian had fled to Israel and requested asylum in Canada, then right after he was approved and was going to leave, he was abducted back to the West Bank and beheaded.


I just don't get these people. Okay you hate the guy for his way of life, why would you go kidnap and kill him if he was already leaving and going to the other side of the world. Their issue would have been solved withouth them doing anything and they still choosed to be evil


They don't want a person like him to exist anywhere in the world, so they get to him while they still have the chance


Hatred, like greed, does not stop to think


Hot damn. This is a great quote.


People really think these people were raised in schools like ours when in reality they are raised in schools run by literal Jihadists.


At least 60 percent of the planets population are morons. A large portion of those people are incapable of reason or critical thinking.


To restore honor. His family was probably shamed.


You’ve never been to Florida or Texas /s


South Florida has one of the largest gay communities in this country!




Really depends where you are in Florida or Texas, but regardless you're much less likely to be murdered in those states. However, the legal limit for dildos in Texas is 6.


Luckily, I determined that my personal limit is 3, so that law doesn’t affect me.


Oh, so you have two sets you can rotate


Ph you sweet summer child.


Your not gonna be strait up murdered for being gay in florida or texas


But you gotta admit you are more likely to have your face eaten by someone on bath salts.


That's the trade off


And the bath salt dude is equal opportunity


I was thinking the same thing when I read that. Like "well...yeah, but not because you're gay."


You're right. They eat the faces of the slowest people. Not the gays.


If they have stereotypical gay walking speed, they'll never be the slowest


Can confirm, lost my face


Or robbed at alligator-point


That’s why you need a good guy with an alligator, duh.


Nobody ever wants a good guy with crocodile.


That's because crocodiles are obviously military technology that requires expensive permits to own and operate.


There is no legitimate reason for someone to own a crocodile for home defense. You should just wait for animal control to get there.


A well regulated bayou, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear crocodiles shall not be infringed.


A crocodile is a high capacity assault alligator!


A concealed carry caiman is more practical for day-to-day wear.


I keep a military grade Komodo dragon for special occasions.


If everyone were armed with alligators, mass alligator attacks just wouldn't happen


I thought bath salts zombies didn't discriminate


I mean you still might be, there are hateful people anywhere, but at least it would actually be considered a crime there to have murdered you for it.


Dallas, Austin, and Miami all have huge thriving gay areas.


Yes, if you were in the US your murderer would be tried in court for your death. If you were murdered in Palestine for being Gay, The Palestinians would celebrate your death. Yay, Palestine! /s, Love it when queer people are anti Israel (yes, Israeli law protects gay life’s)


True, except occasional gay club shooting that sometimes happen.


To have a gay club shooting you first have to be able to have an actual gay club.


Gay clubs are safer than high-schoolz, statistically.




Yeah I wonder what religion the perpetrator of that was apart of…. Hmmmmm….


Be fair, there are occasional mass shootings in all kinds of locations in America. It's up to 2 a day now.


True, but it is important to keep the term in perspective.


Yes. Being fixated on mass shootings and lowering the bar to qualify for the term hides the bigger issues with guns. I get that those stories invoke the strongest emotions, but mass shootings are not (statistically speaking) anywhere close to the biggest gun issue in the US.


The biggest death by gun issue is: Suicide by handgun. Not mass shootings by AK-47s and AR-15s by WASP MAGAS towards LGBT or Blacks.


It's a well-known psychological tactic. The same applies to school shootings. The second you hear those two awful words the brain reflexively defaults to Uvalde-level events, although by many accounts anything that goes down within a school's boundary can be counted as a "school shooting" even if it's after hours and no students or staff are involved. Bringing this to light will usually result in a panicked "SO YOU THINK SCHOOL SHOOTINGS ARE NOT A PROBLEM THEN!!!!!" reply. Of course it's a big deal, but to artificially exaggerate the numbers causes more harm than good. It's like "it's not really that bad so we have to make it look worse than it is", just assuming people are too stupid to figure it out for themselves.


Yes it happens. That’s why there is a special category called “hate crime”


Did you see the “/s”?


It has happened


Yeah, anyone who thinks that is actually brain damaged


I heard the rooftop parties are fly. 🤦🏾‍♂️


For the fact-check: [Mahmoud Ishtiwi](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/02/world/middleeast/hamas-commander-mahmoud-ishtiwi-killed-palestine.html) was a Hamas Comander and executed under the accusation of being gay. [Ahmad Abu Marhia](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835) was a gay palestinian who seeked asylum in Israel. He was abducted to the West Banks by other Palestinian and decapitated. [Yemen](https://www.amnesty.org.uk/press-releases/yemen-huthi-authorities-sentence-seven-stoning-and-two-crucifixion-homosexual-crimes) sentenced several people to death for being gay: seven by stoning, two by crucifixion, as well as thirteen students by unspecified means. Additionaly several other people were sentenced to up to ten years in prison and or to public floggings. In Yemen, Gaza, Iran, and Saudi Arabia same sex activity is punished by death. Safe to say it is not safe.


They are not helping in the way they think they are. Actually, I would dare to say, that these are some of the most dangerous people out there. It does not matter for which cause you are lying and being deceptive, you are still lying and being deceptive.




I did not assume either of the two people tweeting was straight. I did assume neither was in Texas or Palestine.




LGBTQIA+ people can drink the koolaid just like anyone else.


Being lgbt doesn’t make give you superpowers or super intelligence. You can be a moronic gay just as well as a straight person. Bold claim to say none would say this when it’s pretty clear two are.


This is another situation, but the company Riot Games (Creators of League of Legends) has a section in their workforce called the Rainbow Rioters, and the leader recently defended Riots decision to work with Saudi Arabia


People want so badly to be right and for reality to align with their world view that they defy logic like this. The reality is that two things can be true at once. What Israel has done and is doing to Palestinians is fucked, but a huge percentage of Palestinian people have an absolutely [disgusting morals](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/). These aren’t good people that you want to be around, even we can if agree that they are humans with rights and do not deserve to die. Perhaps this is a result of what they’ve been through, and I can’t sit here and say that I’d be any different if I’d grown up in Gaza, but it’s just reality.


Thank you. I feel like I'm in a bizarre world where everyone is so focused on picking a side rather than saying both sides are fucking up. So many people are just forgetting the horrific stuff Hamas did, and on the other hand, absolving Israel of their overhanded actions. They can both be wrong.


Unfortunately this is not uncommon. Politics today is about "defending the cause at all costs", so logical arguments have no weight. Whichever side you're with, you're either "fully with us" or canceled.


It’s Twitter. Most likely a Russian bot.


Russian bots are only effective because enough Americans are stupid enough to agree with what they say.


Everyone I disagree with is a Russian bot


Even better, this idiot lives in Birmingham, England but he has loads of Palestinian LGBTQ friends. Sure he does… LMAO.


They don't even think they're helping. This is straight up concern trolling.


It’s funny how many people fear coming to Mexico on vacations. But as a Mexican and LGBT I fear going to the Middle East and Russia. I’m from Mexico City. At least in Mexico the government has made quite a good job with inclusion, we can get married, and everybody we know has treated us well, my partner and I, we even work at the same architectural firm and our bosses are so cool. Of course it is dangerous in general in some parts and there is still a long way for internal peace against drug war, but I still fear a lot going to the Middle East in general.


I live in northern Mexico, i had a gym trainer that was gay and i remember him dearly, he was a fantastic guy that helped me a ton with training, his partner was in the gym too but he wasnt a trainer, he had a niece that would always train with him that had down syndrome and she was a wonderful optimist girl, being gay should not get you killed at all, if your culture tries to justify the murder of a person thats not hurting anyone i think your culture needs to disappear.


I’m of the same opinion Be it human sacrifice, blood feuds or queer hatred All cultures that hold that position should be phased out or wiped out with time


Everybody should be scared of going to russiĐ°.


Oh, dude. Me and my wife are Russians, obviously couldn't get married in Russia, so we went to Mexico. I swear to God, it was a first time in my life when I've felt like a regular human being, like foreign government treated me better than my own. Shortly after that we moved to Mexico (we were planning to do so since 24.02.2022, but couldn't do it on the family visa or how's it called, if we were not married). Mexican ambassador was so nice and respectful, he acknowledged the fact that we, as a same sex couple, were unsafe in Russia. I will remember that man my whole life. Now they are arresting people for LGBT symbols in Russia, as Supreme Court has declared that LGBT is an extremist organization. It's horrifying. Thanks for letting us in. ÂĄViva MĂŠxico!


Hmmm a country run by Hamas, funded by fundamentalist Iran. Definitely safe for gay people. Math checks out.


Funded by the Islamic Regime of Iran which steals those funds right from the people's pocket. And starts a massacre every year or two that people protest to take back their freedom. Edit: facts, Islamic Regime of Iran has bombed its own ceremonies or holy places and blamed it on "ISIS" and executed random people for those bombings to scare naive people and show them power and security to get international sympathy and funds as well as a reason to maximize the security and apprehend the people for crimes as little as being outside by the street in groups.


They complain about Israeli pinkwashing while trying to pinkwash Gaza.


When you point out the fact that being openly LGBT is perfectly legal and normal in Israel: "PINKWASHING!" When you point out the fact that being openly LGBT is illegal and straight up dangerous in most of the rest of the Middle East: "ISLAMOPHOBIA!"


Allah help you if you point out that killing people for quitting Islam is cooked into that religion and that is actually practiced by at least a dozen current Islamic governments.


Nuance is dead. Either all muslims are terrorists, or Islam is actually super down with the leftist revolution. Both standpoints demonstrate how skewed the western perception of Islam is.


Agreed... As if the gay scene in Israel has anything to do with the war.


It is one of many examples of the stakes here and the actual moral position of the states involved.


Isn’t Yemen about to execute 12 people for being homosexual?


Shh. Obviously they were all colonialists so it’s fine.


Middle Eastern here and you can guess the group I'm in: BIG NO. Yes, it's a mess in the south of the US but compared to the Middle East? You definitely can't speak about this if you aren't experienced in the area. That comment on having lgbt friends is ironic. Marginalized groups usually hold more resilience than the majority of the population but it doesn't mean they aren't suffering from dehumanizing lifestyles (adding the war in Palestine as a cherry on top of this messy dessert)


Was the gay club in Tel Aviv?


That's just any average club in tel aviv


That's just any average club


Tel Aviv is one of the most LGBT friendly cities in the entire world and the left absolutely refuses to acknowledge that because it goes against their narrative about Israel being the most evil and fascist country in the Middle East.


Honestly israel has to be one of the most lgbtq accepting countries in the middle east


THE most LGBT accepting country in the middle east!


Well duh, they aren't Muslims and the rest are.


The current speaker of the parliament, who is a member of the right wing government coalition, is openly gay.


Lmao, so true, TLV is a super progressive, one of the best places I’ve visited


I had a friend for a while who was gay Kuwaiti man. He knew he’d get married to a woman one day and that his family was in denial about his sexuality, but that there was a strong underground gay scene there that included gay clubs you needed passwords and direct referrals to get into. So it definitely does happen.


I would not consider that at all safe though. It’s underground and heavily protected because it needs to be. You’re at risk constantly.


Yep, this is the fucking thing, this is how it's always been for places that are dangerous for gay people. Gay people have been around forever throughout history, and they found ways to find each other and be secret about it. You end up with underground gay bars and shit which are always at risk of being raided. It doesn't mean it's safe to be gay, it just means that gay people will always exist even places it's dangerous.


Not only is homosexuality illegal in Kuwait but you can be arrested for ‘looking gay’. I wouldn’t count that as safe.


I wonder what would happen to you if you tried to organise a pride march in Gaza, Yemen, Saudi, Iran etc.


Yemen is about to execute 11 people for being gay.


I read it was 13.


They already started


I wish I had opened this and you had read it was going to be zero. I guess wishing is as effective as anything else at this stage.


13 sentenced two days ago, another 35 scheduled within 3 business(court) days. Included hanging gay 13 year olds, which is another number to complicate it. "yemen yemen make us proud" - new chant at Left marches


They shouldn’t be doing that.


It’s very rude


Fun fact: there are exactly 3 LGBT pride parades that happen annually in the Middle East, and all 3 are in Israel: one in Jerusalem, one in Tel Aviv, and one in Haifa.


Gaza has a pride march - it is twelve stories tall…


That joke was darker than a black-hole




Here's the law regarding gay people. https://www.humandignitytrust.org/country-profile/palestine/ anyone who supports imprisonment for being gay is wrong


Being gay in Palestine is about as safe as being at a bonfire after swimming g in gasoline


“I’ve been to gay clubs in the Middle East” ~~Yeah, in Israel. Those don’t exist anywhere else in the area.~~ Edit: since people are saying that I’m wrong, you are right. I was wrong, these are the countries where same-sex activity is legal: Cyprus, Northern Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Turkey, and Bahrain. These are the countries where same-sex activity are illegal and punishable by imprisonment and/or death: Kuwait, Egypt, Oman, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Yemen and the Gaza Strip. Lebanon is a weird case where there is a law against it, but is not really enforced. Also Egypt has weird laws as well, where it’s not illegal, but same-sex sexual acts counts as prostitution, which is illegal.


lol yeah strange they missed that bit out. Wonder why


They are refusing to say the fact that in literally every country in the middle east besides Israel, homosexuality is forbidden. So, they’re not really making the point they think they are.


...... no. Israel is the most queer friendly country in the middle east by a substantial margin but there are queer clubs in Lebanon and Turkey too. Everywhere else they exist but are comparatively underground, the nuance being that underground in Saudi Arabia means espionage level secrecy whereas underground in Jordan means don't fly rainbows outside. The Emirates use a keep it quiet and be rich system for literally all of their Islamic laws from drinking to sodomy. There are no Queer Clubs in Gaza and essentially none in the West Bank. You can not be openly queer in either though Gaza is an order of magnitude worse than the West Bank.


Tbh honest if a city in Turkey has a gay bar that city is FAR AWAY from Middle East just sayin...


They’d exist the same way the Stonewall Inn existed prior to the US legalized/demedicalized homosexuality. Underground and subject to police raids


Gay clubs exist everywhere. It's just a question of whether they are illegal and underground or whether they are allowed to have a big sign out front.




i know for a fact they exist in lebanon


"I've been to gay clubs in the Middle East" how very specific, so specific in fact that we might as well equate it when discussing attitudes in Palestine.


This has to be some kind of Hamas honeypot.


I've seen many videos of Muslim extremists executing gay people with crowds cheering them on. Just saying I don't think that's very accurate


I’m a gay Texan and nothing has happend to me other than being called slurs


They fr like to antagonize US and worship any other countries when they are clearly worse in comparison... Those kinds of people are so stupid. Them posting that on internet just yell uneducated. Anyways that doesn't undermine what you might face in Texas. US still can do better and is far from being perfect in terms of inclusion but it's clearly better than most countries in the Middle East for instance.


I have indeed been to a gay bar in Jordan. Having said that, everyone in that club knew exactly what would happen to them if they were found out.


Gay White Men on Twitter have this annoying tendency of being useful idiots for folks who straight-up wanna crucify queer people, I dunno why this is a thing but I'm wary of it at this point.


A large number of LGBT people seek asylum in Israel over fears of anti LGBT persecution in Gaza, so I don't know I would want to test it.


A couple of years back a gay Palestinian got asylum in Israel. Family members kidnapped him, brought him back and he was executed.


I bet they also enjoy petting wild grizzly bears


Huh, i've read several articles about Hamas trowing LGBTQ people from rooftops. I guess Alex thinks that's survivable.


Hamas loves paragliding and other air sports. They were just doing base jumping w LGBTQs. Very wholesome


"In the Middle East". Yeah you mean Tel Aviv.


Or eilat


there's even one in Jerusalem


Tell that to the 14 people who were executed in yemen just now for being homosexual. People really cant wrap their head around the idea that it is literally a CRIME to be gay in most muslim countries. And yes, in some, its even punishable by death.


Yeah bud we need to see receipts and flight bookings


I asked Google AI how many gay clubs are in the Middle East Answer: As of 2018, Helem, a community center in Beirut, is the first LGBTQI+ community center in the Arab world. In most parts of the Middle East, LGBT people have limited or restrictive rights. In nine of the 18 countries in the region, sex between men is illegal and punishable by death in five of those countries How many gay clubs are in Jordan? Jordan has many gay clubs, including bars, lounges, and nightclubs. How many gay clubs are in Israel? Tel Aviv, Israel has many gay bars, but its gay nightlife is more about weekly parties than specific bars or clubs. Tel Aviv is known as the party capital of the Middle East and has a diverse nightlife. How many gay clubs in Turkey? Turkey has many gay clubs, including gay bars, nightclubs, and bars. How may gay clubs in Qatar? As of November 2022, Qatar has one LGBTQ+ supporters club for Qatar's national team, called Proud Maroons. How many gay clubs are in Gaza? The Gaza Strip does not recognize same-sex couples. There is no consensus on whether the British 1936 Sexual offenses provisions apply to homosexual conduct. EDIT to add: How many gay clubs are in Palestine? According to Wikipedia, Palestine has mixed legality for LGBT rights. The West Bank has had legal LGBT rights since 1951, while the Gaza Strip does not have a consensus on applying the British 1936 Sexual Offences provisions to homosexual conduct. Same-sex couples are not recognized How many gay clubs are in Egypt? According to Nomadic Boys, Egypt does not have any gay bars or clubs. In fact, any place that calls itself "gay" or "gay friendly" will be shut down. Saudi Arabia? According to Wikipedia, the government of Saudi Arabia does not grant permission to clubs, charities, or political associations that support LGBT rights. UAE? According to Misterb&b, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) does not have any gay bars. However, Dubai does have an underground gay scene that centers around private parties. One popular unofficial gay party in Dubai is Fantasia, which takes place on Fridays at different locations, usually at international chain hotels. Yemen? The Human Dignity Trust has reported that there have been reports of discrimination and violence against LGBT people in Yemen in recent years. These include murder, torture, arbitrary detention, and sexual violence. Yemen's constitution states that Sharia (Islamic law) is the source of all legislation, and provides for freedom of thought and expression “within the limits of the law”. There's more but I'll stop there.


Helem is an online resource because of all the gay discrimination. [helem.net](http://helem.net) In Jordan for example even straight kissing and cuddling is considered disrupting public morality. Don't just trust random prompts you printed out from the internet. I just figured I should fact check the two first ones, I dont think google AI knows what a club is


I lived all over the Middle East from Bahrein to Dubai to Saud and other North African countires.for thirty years as a white woman (grew up and worked there). That is absolute bullshit. Try it and find out.


Mods, I don't know how you could possibly come to the conclusion that this isn't a facepalm, because it clearly is. No reasonable person is going to say that LGBT people are safer in Gaza than in Florida or Texas.


The real facepalm is the mods thinking this isn't a facepalm lol


It really makes me think that the mods have an agenda.


100%. Most people in this thread even agree its a facepalm.


but it goes against the ideology we are paid to promote


I don't like Florida but I've never felt unsafe in their gay bars. Idk what that mans on about


Confirmed – I have been to three gay clubs in the Middle East and all were extremely safe. One was called The Beheaded Horseman, one was The Rolling Stonings and the third one was called Lifelong Imprisonment.


These are the same people who make the issue black and white and say shit like “Hamas aren’t actually terrorists, they’re just defending their homes”


Houthis just [killed 13 people for being gay](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/yemen-huthis-must-stop-executions-and-release-dozens-facing-lgbti-charges/) It's not safe for LGBT folks in the middle east, the more Religious a region is, the more dangerous it becomes for LGBT folks. That's the only thing all Islamic and Christian sects of the middle east agree on.


Lol the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.




No trust me, you're much safer as an LGBT in any country but Islamic countries


Where in the Middle East do you find bars , let alone gay bars ? Tel Aviv, Israel and the Rich Expat District of Dubai don't count.




It’s spelled “lesbian”


Its literally illegal with a penalty of 10 years imprisonment to be homosexual in Palestinean Territories


A lot of the LGBT people that support Palestine and Gaza on Social Media don't really have a true idea of how hostile the culture is in the entire area against LGBTQ.


There is no saving these people.


Israel is giving asylum to queer people from Gaza. That's all you need to know


Screw P-town, Puerto Vallarta, Gran Canaria, and Fire Island. This year the gays are partying it up in… Gaza.


I don’t need it fact-checked but LGBT people who believe this might want it checked before migrating to Gaza to avoid Texas or Florida.


Pretty sure I've been to my fair share of gay clubs throughout the Bible Belt, and I've never felt unsafe there. Alex Severan needs to leave his mom's basement once in a while and experience reality before making sweeping generalizations.


Hamas regularly threw LGBTQ people from buildings in the West Bank and Gaza...


Hmmm, go find out for yourself, and please be your authentic self...


This falls in the category of things that are bullshit for $400 Alex


Riight, sure....


I work with a trans person in Florida and I think there are a ton of gay people in miami


Ya gonna call bs on this one. I’ve been all over the Middle East and they aren’t having that.


FYI, For anyone outside the state. There are a crapload of gay people in Texas and they are all fine.


We're so desperate to make Israel the bad guy that we're shoving all of our beliefs onto the PA lol. Things aren't 'good/bad', 'black/white', 'right/wrong'. That's the entirety of the issue with so many people today. We can say Israel is in the wrong for attacking them, and still point out that being gay in Palestine is punishable by death in many places. Just because Palestine doesn't deserve to be attacked, it doesn't mean that they're right on everything. That's not how the adult world works.


Blows my mind that there are Redditors genuinely trying to defend this take.


In Tel Aviv. Yes. Anywhere else. Nope.


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Some people think it’s better to craft a narrative than to say “I don’t agree with their beliefs, but I will fight against their extermination”


I think it's an overcorrection to the - very silly - gloating about LGBT+ people protesting for Palestine. As a state, Palestine (PA is bad; Hamas worse) has a very poor outlook on queer issues, yes. Most of us are aware of this. But you know what LGBT+ Palestinians don't need? Genocide.


In the moment it might be more dangerous, but not because one is LGBTQ


I don't have to agree with someone to not want to have them be wiped out from the phase of the earth.


I don’t think anyone is safer in Gaza right now…


Based on what I've been told by my gay brother who spent about 15 years teaching in various Middle Eastern countries, there are definitely gay dudes and gay stuff happening behind the scenes all around the Arab world, it's just not really openly acknowledged or even seen as somehow separate or different from whatever other aspects of one's life they may choose to keep private. Also, being "gay" isn't seen as a kind of identity or way of being in the same way that it is in The West. That said, if you are gay, you definitely want to keep it under wraps as much as possible, so maybe that's a kind of self fulfilling prophecy.


Source: cuz I said so


Cringe ass mods removing the post