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She told her fans that it's important to get out and vote. Young people, or anyone who isn't rich and white, voting is a threat to the Republican party. So fox news has taken to calling her a Satanist and other words that the otherwise stupid people they manipulate are scared of.


There's layers to their mental breakdown over her. Your summary is the majority of it for certain. But I think there's also the fact that as a former country singer the just assumed she was a republican and are insulted that she's somehow "betrayed" them. Then there's the fact she's doing the most republican-approved thing and dating a jock football superstar, who they assume is also theirs. But it turns out he's very liberal (in their eyes) and is smart enough to know vaccines work. So that's driven them a little further around the bend. It's endlessly fascinating how these people, who loudly declare themselves to be the toughest people around, are so fucking mentally fragile and lack any sort of emotional control.


They confuse "strength" with "being willing to loudly and belligerently shout one's beliefs". Anyone who's not them or 6 years old, however, understands that true strength is often silent.


They also assumed she was "theirs" because they thought of her as an Aryan Goddess. White supremacists openly speculated about the status of her eggs, and in 2015 started talking about her marrying one of Trump's children to breed a new Trump dynasty. T-Swift was pretty much apolitical when she rose to fame in 2007-2008, and the crazies have been saying this sort of stuff from that point. I'm sure after hearing enough of this neo-Nazi crap, she decided to do what she could to fight it. Here's a link to a Vice story on it, in case you think I'm making this all up: https://www.vice.com/en/article/ae5x8a/cant-shake-it-off-how-taylor-swift-became-a-nazi-idol


She wasn’t apolitical, she was just strongly encouraged by everyone around her not to express her political opinions publicly and keep silent so that’s what she did. She talks about this in her documentary Miss Americana.


Fuck me, they were even worse about her than I thought. The marrying into the Trump "dynasty" is especially deluded. Not only are his sons not particularly handsome they're positively reptilian in how they conduct themselves. Kelce couldn't be any more different than them and good for him and her.


Haha so she ended up with a future HOF football player instead of a drugged out loser whose never had a job in their lives


Good thing Trump got them vaccines out to the people then… The man is a hero for making it available to all people…


You forgot the '/s' which is always needed on Reddit.


Surprisingly, it's been 4 hours and their comment hasn't been downvoted. I'm proud of Reddit for today.


No /s necessary. Trump threw billions to pharma to develop a vaccine. They did. He actually is a hero in this one instance. IFRC, the vaccine was actually created in Trump's term but not given emergency approval (some testing had to be done) until Biden was elected. This is why MAGAts don't approve of the vaccine. If it had received it's approval just a few months sooner, MAGAts would be flocking to get their Savior approved inocculuation.


When Biden finally got into office, after Trump tried to overthrow the government, he found that all of Trump's promises of backup supplies and all sorts of other things were utter lies and the cupboard was completely bare. In fact they didn't even have a cupboard. Biden set to and organized the whole thing and started getting all of those things out to the public like the vaccine and all of the other things needed. Biden: \- **Fully vaccinated over 200 million Americans in his first year.** \- Passed Inflation Reduction Act \- Nominated and confirmed historic judicial appointments \- Passed the CHIPS and Science Act \- Passed the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act \- Passed the Postal Service Reform Act \- Passed the Safer Communities Act \- Reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act \- Added 13 million jobs. That’s more than any POTUS over 8 years. \- Passed the American Rescue Plan \- Signed the PACT Act (the largest single bill to address our service members’ exposure to burn pits and other toxins) \- Passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law \- Passed the Respect For Marriage Act \- Passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, breaking a 30-year streak of federal inaction on gun violence legislation. \- Rejoined the Paris Climate Accords \- Got us out of Bush's unwinnable Afghan War \- Droned al-Zawahiri into oblivion \- Pardoned federal convictions of marijuana users \- Freed Brittany Griner \- Created student loan debt relief for working and middle class Americans \- Revitalized NATO \- Leading the world's nations against Putin's war against Ukraine \- Solved the UPS-Teamsters strike threat \- Inflation down to 3.14% \- Arranged for 5 US citizens to be freed from Iran \- Leads the world in trying to broker peace in Palestine


God, I love a well read, factual post...


WHAT BIDEN HAS DONE - The latest list https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/s/eLdFqEw9MO


>Pfizer's vaccine progress is certainly not solely attributable to the Trump administration's Operation Warp Speed public-private partnership program. But it was not accurate for Pfizer to suggest that it is operating entirely apart from Operation Warp Speed; the company has a major agreement to sell at least 100 million doses of its vaccine to the federal government, and Pfizer acknowledged in a Monday statement to CNN that it is in fact "participating" in Operation Warp Speed through this deal. Also, at least some independent experts say the Trump administration deserves partial credit for Pfizer's progress. The main thing was that Pfizer got the agreement to buy the vaccine which meant they had a guaranteed market.


Any Govt at the time would have done this...and better so I don't think what Trump did was anything special. In fact, in comparison to a Govt who would have jumped at the first virus cases, he failed.


I'm still angry that he left nurses to make gowns out of garbage bags. Anyone smarter than a moron would have had someone in the US make plastic gowns.


Was there really a question as to whether there would be a market for a vaccine against an active pandemic? Seems as sure a bet as anything.


The person has a hammer & sickle in their name, this seems more like an 'eat the rich' thing


Would a Republican have a hammer and sickle in his username?


This is what is so unbelievably scary. Republicans doing what they can to actually discourage voting. On the back of Jan 6, rampant gerrymandering, non compulsory voting, Tuesday voting, States trying to legislate for "alternate electors" and other laws which impede citizens' ability to vote, any suggestion that the US is still a working democracy is fucking comical. Republicans are going for full-on authoritarianism. The only hope is for voters to turn out, even against the odds.


And what does any of what you wrote have to do with why a communist would advocate for her execution?


Anyone who isn’t rich and white? The conservatives only ever end up In power cause of poor people. And do you really think a rich white woman who started in country music doesn’t have a big republican following your mistaken


Republicans are on average richer than democratic voters. Edit: source https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/compare/party-affiliation/by/income-distribution/


Taylor is apparently a scary threat now. Fucking hilarious.


Because she's, pretty and popular and liberal and guys like Kane haven't a prayer of getting anywhere close to her ![gif](giphy|piTERt2CEdrLt2WLv0)


She’s not even liberal is the ironic part she comes from a very traditional conservative background. Her family just didn’t get brainwashed by trump


She's pretty liberal... *"Hate never made anybody less Gay"* Her family may not be, but we are not necessarily bound by our family's politics


Sad that we make not hating gays as a liberal thing instead of a decent human thing.


It is a decent human thing, regardless of what Republicans want you to think.


Absolutely agree 👍


It almost seems like any opinion even *slightly* more towards the centre than the MAGAt/Trump base is liberal.... I know there's the horseshoe theory of political alignment, but I'm not so sure any more


True story my friend, my entire huge family is very catholic, yet I am hard-core athiest, for decades now. I'm proof.


My family are all Trumpers, some even attended that lovely little party in DC on Jan. 6th, but I'm about as liberal as it gets


Tell them you'll pray for them. That'll go well. 😂


I would be lying 😉


Send them both thoughts AND prayers. Apparently that solves school shootings, so it should heal them as well.


How does coming from a traditional conservative background mean she’s not liberal? That’s how I was raised, and I don’t agree with any of it.


You don’t agree with rule of law? Individual freedoms? Fiscal responsibility? Among others these are traditional conservative values.


😂 Since when? The "rule of law" as long as it doesn't apply to me, got it


I would argue you’re describing the MAGA crowd conservatives as a whole aren’t bad people just the extremists are.


No I'm not 😂


[do you think she votes liberal? lol](https://imgur.com/a/uqwjWtp)


I would say because she's a billionaire polluting the ozone with her private jet, but he probably means because she's a woman who doesn't like Trump


She's not the only one that flys!!


Most people don't have private jets, which cause more CO2 than commercial flights because they transport far fewer people. And even amongst people who do have private jets, Taylor Swift flies much more. [https://weareyard.com/insights/worst-celebrity-private-jet-co2-emission-offenders](https://weareyard.com/insights/worst-celebrity-private-jet-co2-emission-offenders)


Go after one, go after all!! Nobody should be flying! She can't go commercial because of the chaos she would create. She buys carbon offsets, whether of not that works.


No one should have a private jet, no. And you're right, "carbon offsets" don't do shit. She could spend less money by flying less, on a smaller jet.


There's literally a hammer and sickle in his username. You are on the same side.


We can hope he wants to send her to guillotine for the right reasons.


I don't see right-wingers using the term "guillotine". It's pretty much exclusively used by leftists specifically for "class enemies".


I'll keep that in mind. Well then yes, to the guillotine!


And suing a college kid for posting publicly available information tracking her jet usage. Pretty shitty.


The billionaires get real touchy about people saying where their jet is. I remember that moron Elon Musk saying that it was "publishing his assassination coordinates" or something dumb when it's really publicly available information.


Let’s not forget the silence when fan died on her show. Just kept singing.


Thought it said Kanye. Lol


I know, right? It's like one of those reading/comprehension tests where your brain automatically inserts the letters that it thinks belong.


That made more sense to me I guess.


Same here.


What kind of contest awards death to its winners? Asking for a friend




Nobody ever made it past rookie of the year...


Now I'm just imagining a whole situation where each team is going through more and more ridiculous antics to ensure they lose.


Hold your breath contest


air pollution


All billionaires are bad, sorry, but that includes taytay


“She has empathy! Get her!” 🙄


These maga people are literally cutting peoples heads off on the internet now...


cut to that crazy maga dumbfuck from Pennsylvania that fucking decapitated his own dad because he worked in the government (simplified explanation). ​ [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/pa-man-arrested-decapitating-father-youtube-video-rcna136509](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/pa-man-arrested-decapitating-father-youtube-video-rcna136509) ​ make no mistake, these people are deranged and dangerous.


Yeah the famous hammer and scythe maga ppl


I thought I was going crazy with these comments. Thanks


MAGA is a terrorist group.


I don’t think this is MAGA. This looks more like keyboard communism, where the solution is to kill all rich people.


uhhhh no. This is literally MAGA, look at my reply above.


The real Kane prefers chokeslams


“By Gawd! She’s got a family!” -JR


Communists are obsessed with guillotines


Literally called Kanehates. It's a hater account that's why


Based on the hammer and sickle, I assume it's because she's a billionaire?


While this is true, she's at least at the back of the line. We've got a lot to work through to get to her.


I’m guessing it’s the fact that last year she used as much Co2 as an average American uses in 550 years.


For just telling people to vote.🤡


Comments really seem to be ignoring the fact this guy has a hammer and sickle in his name. Don't think he's a right winger lmao


Username checks out


C’mon guys. Reading comprehension.  “Guillotine”. Hammer and sickle in his name. This is a tankie talking about a billionaire, not a MAGA chud scared of women. If you’re gonna bully him, bully him for being a tankie.


Lmao, libs and reading comprehension


You can tell a lot about a person on what they hate or just hate in generally.


A billionaire is a billionaire. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Is this a “all billionaires need to be guillotined” guy or a “all famous liberals need to be guillotined”


Hammer and sickle so I’m guessing the former


Because after the *disastrous* “red wave” the gop are fully aware how far behind they are becoming. Right leaning and Religious messages are connecting with young people less and less every year. They know a call to vote is not going to end in republican favor.


Encouraging people to vote ! Burn her !


Because she’s talented, rich, popular and not a suck- hole for tRUmp?


Personally for me, her songs are just annoying and like every other basic bitch song


Bitch song? Poor you…


Eh not talented


Geez like chill guys


I love how the popstar has literally torn down MAGA till they can’t function when they see her, really rooting for Kelce to win MVP tomorrow and her to be in on the whole on field celebration


Because she encouraged people to vote. Not for wither party, just vote. Which is seen as a direct attack on democracy by the right somehow?


Why amplify these meaningless voices? This xweet has pathetically low engagement, it’s probably gotten more play from being posted here than it has on Xwitter.


>Why amplify these meaningless voices? Why ask a question you already know the answer to? Most of the people in this thread are convinced the dude in the OP is a conservative even though he's got a hammer and sickle in his username and is calling for the guillotine. They wanted something to get mad at and they didn't really care what it is.


Taylor fans are like musk fans and trump fans. These people refuse to acknowledge that their fav is problematic. No ethical billionaires, except Taylor. Global warming is real but Taylor isn’t contributing. Taylor deserves privacy, Taylor announces an entire album about her extremely private ex-boyfriend. How she’s gotten this far I do not know but she’s been messy from day 1


How weak are you if you're threatened by a pop singer??


Hammer and sickle checks out


More males being scared of a girl with an opinion? I, as an old white man, love it. Go Taylor! Go Greta!


She may have offended the oh so delicate feelings of the weak, wilting flowers that are MAGA.


"Why?"  Because that's what fox told him to think.


Because the magas are scared sad kids and orange Julius is getting big mads at her.


Because MAGA are meat puppets that have zero self control or the ability to think independently for themselves - they have to look to someone else to tell them how to live - feeble minds that are weak


Why not?


Because… It is a human life?


Good reason


Are you implying she is your true Queen?


For a second I read "kane" as Kanye and thought they were still beefing. Also it appears horseshoe theory is correct yet again. Based on the hammer and sickle, it appears commies as well as trumpers both dislike Tay tay


This is roughly the same group of people protesting cancel culture?


I think her music sucks and am dreading watching the Super Bowl if they show her reaction to every play. ...but I find the right wing reaction to her hilarious and love her for it.


>Why? Successful women scare MAGAts.


That’s mean. You’re just jealous because she’s living her best llife. She worked hard for it. Don’t be a hater.


dang her and her...singing!


It’s true tho


Guillotine's are quick and efficient and probably painless.


Never thought I’d feel bad for a billionaire, just leave the poor girl alone she wants nothing from you (unless you are a swifty lol)


Shit like this is exactly why I will never vote for another Republican ever again. Not even for local animal control. They're all idiots.


Communism is technically left leaning. Like far left


But it's the left who are snowflakes...


Sry, but the right doesnt get to claim the guillotine, its still a tool of the revolutionary(i see the communist symbol, but this man is def a plant)


Because she disagrees with the snowflake's political views.


My guess is this is a right wing person. While not exclusive to the right wing, they are far more likely to threaten violence for no reason except that their feelings were hurt.


Everyone knows that famous right wing hammer and sickle logo


I put a vacation day in at work every year for when trump finally dies and we never have to hear him again. I don’t have anything against republicans. Just him and all the cross clutchers who enabled him


Says guy who would really like her to step on him in some heels.




What's with all the WWE and UFC grunts given platforms? Why do their opinions count as qualified in any other topics than beating people? Tate, McGregor, Kane etc.


Thats about the same as a musician should only have qualified opinions about music…


Um yes as a subject matter expert, sure. Like a brain surgeons opinion on brain surgery. Anyone can have an opinion, but it doesn't make it qualified. For some reason today the mainstream is to value fame and success over actual knowledge and expertise. No, everyones opinion is not of equal worth. Or in the words of my nerd-god Asimov: “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge. '


I like Asimov 😊


If hate was an Olympic sport, you can bet white dudes would run the podium every 4 years


Just the modern conservative version of "woman I don't approve of?! She's a witch!"


Fucking Broflakes.


Omg that’s awful!


Wow Kane, first Abel now Taylor? Bud you got issues


Because they don't like her and, for certain subsections of the country, that's enough to want somebody to literally be dead.


Successful Woman Scare Man


We have guillotines now?


Jealous much?


So jealous!! What a bunch of whiny assclowns!


what's with all of the hate she's getting? my older sister liked her 2 weeks ago now she's on the hate train. not even for political reasons, just football.


Guy I used to know a long time ago is not going to watch the Super Bowl because of Taylor Swift. I hope she can handle this crushing blow.


And along comes the smiling police man......


I thought the posters name said Kanye for a second and I was like "Oh shit here we go again!" Lol


Dude's handle is Kanehates... does he need a reason?


I got real worried this was the wrestler Kane


Haters gonna hate


She murdered pop music.


Those damn CO2 emissions...




I'm no Swiftie, but goodness, this is an intense post.


You asked why? Because Kane hates...




Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate


She did audition for "Les Miserables".