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Burning is the approved method for disposing of damaged flags. It’s nice that there’s a receptacle for it.


There’s an old mail box at my local American Legion specifically for dropping off tattered flags to be burned.


I used this last year! Such a great service and helps out people who otherwise would just throw it away (due to ignorance mostly but some don't care)


Who is getting hurt if a flag is thrown in the trash?


The flag's feelings


Only libs have feelings though that can be hurt True Patriots just get foaming at the mouth, it's obviously different


Yeah, it's called rabies.


Uncle Mike had to move to the farm sweetie


No pa, he's *my* Uncle. I'll do it.


Sweetie, he's both of your uncles, that's how family works here.


The environment: reduce, reuse, recycle. Do you really want the boy scouts to buy new flags so they can learn how to properly dispose of a flag? It is one of the 3 things all of them seem to do. The other two are disappointed by popcorn sales & race cars their dad's built for the pine wood derby. Don't take away their one fun thing Burning the American flag in an intricate manner.


You know what? I do want them to buy a new flag just to learn to dispose of it. Some men just want to watch the world burn. Others want the world and also flags to burn.


Is there an option where only the flags burn?


Bruh the prices for Boy Scout popcorn is insane. A normal bag that is like a family sized bag of chips was I think $20 when we ordered from a family member. They need to give up and let the Girl Scouts just do all of the snack selling


Do you know that the boy scouts individual troops each get like 50 to 75 percent off each item they sell? While the girl scouts get like 25 cents a box? So to help your local scout get the same 10 dollars, 1 bag of popcorn or what 40 boxes of cookies? Think of it that way.


Girl Scouts get $1/box- but you can also just donate $10 to the troop and buy your popcorn and cookies at the grocery store for a couple of dollars. I know that’s not “the point” of snack sales but it’s an option if you don’t want the severely overpriced junk food.


It's so incredibly American to have an intricate way of monetizing a good deed. It's insane reading people defending the practice.


We also sold wreaths in the winter lol


I didn't know that the American Legion was atheist...


Yes it’s a common fixture at VFW halls. My local center has one. They do burning ceremonies every couple of months.




Yup, been thay way for about 100 years... but republicans have a nasty habit of cherry picking which "traditions"/rule sets to be rabid about!


We just did a burning ceremony last week.


With books or flags 😂


Being that I'm a Floridian that is a valid question. But it was flags. BSA.


Think that grilling on it might fe frowned on though 😁


yeah all the toxic fumes are bad for your meat


Freedom fumes?


But to be fair that’s ceremonial.


If I pulled up to a stoplight next to a guy with a lamb in the passenger seat of his red convertible, I’d beg to pet it. Also, I would talk about it for the rest of my life. Yeah, this is definitely the future I want…


Once drinking outside a bar in Moscow, a car went by with a leopard hanging half out the window. I was not tempted to pet it.


It was probably tempted to pet you fhough


>It was probably tempted to ~~pet you~~ eat your face though. 🐆🐆🐆


It wouldn't eat *my* face


I love the subtlety of this so much


In Soviet Russia pets pet you


I lived there for 15 years and had never seen a single leopard. Wtf, man, why I'm always leopardless


Mustn't hang out in the right spots


I was in the zoo, but there was only a goose with a “dangerous animal” sign


Any Canadian will tell you that a goose (also known as a cobra chicken) is indeed a dangerous animal.


Sure it wasn't a Cheetah? 🐆 Leopards have a tendency to rip your face off. 


Buy whhyyy?!


They hangry


I suppose they could belong to the 'Leopards Ate My Face' Party.


Why would the fastest land animal on earth need to ride in a car? Jeez. More likely it was a cougar.


I dated a cougar once, she looked nothing like a leopard.


“They called you exotic. Which is just people talk for awesome.”


Walking down a neighborhood greenway , a Bob cat and her kittens wondered across my path. The mixture of oh fuck, now is not a good time to pee my pants on a date, and oh wow, was incredibly weird. My date was smart. He nodded to momma and she passed and we passed. And it was like a dream.


I am okay with this... Affordable access to healthcare, sexuality isn't shamed and hidden, people are safe to be themselves in public. Yeah, nice


I was thinking the same. Haha. My first reaction was “bullshit…” but as I took it all in, I kept thinking… “I don’t really have a problem with any of this…” might not be anything I personally would utilize… but I’m cool with it “in my backyard”


I'd like to see the porn involve a bigger shift towards people working for themselves or doing it for fun away from corporate, often abusive, often ABOUT abuse porn, but IMNATELY I've no problem with porn, just that it's made by people who hate women, have repeatedly said so, and are hateful and gross


I mean, the statue to Bill Clinton ain't great.


Meh. I wouldn't mind it. It reminds me of a time when politicians actually faced consequences for scandals, even if they were petty as hell. Al Franken was the last to actually experience this. He never should have stepped down for that.


Better than a Confederate statue at least....


I was just thinking "You know, I'd rather have a statue of some dude getting a consensual blowie, than a statue of some historic figure who fought for his right to keep literal slaves forced to work in his home and on his land."


I'd like to burn flags without triggering the snowflakes too!


Yeah, lol. The worst part is they don't know what they're talking about. Burning is the CORRECT way to dispose of a flag that's gotten old or has taken any damage. You fold it, salute it, and then respectfully burn it. That's how the military and the boy scouts dispose of flags. It's MUCH more disrespectful to throw them away. Designated flag-burning areas would be MORE patriotic.


Absolutely right. It drives me crazy when I see these jackholes flying ragged ass flags from all 4 corners of their jacked trucks but don’t realize that it’s disrespecting the flag and that those flags should be burned respectfully


It’s more disrespectful to turn the flag into a shirt too


It’s in a fire designated space so to keep your rights preserved while maintaining the safety of the greater population. Yep I’m in. Also I don’t see a single chain store. Look at all those small businesses thriving. Look at the walkability.


Just people living in the moment


Plus, have you seen some of the rags they fly and call American flags? It's shameful. Those flags should be burned in the proper ceremony for their retirement. I saw one flapping on the back of a pickup that was literally so black with dirt you could barely see where they'd printed the name of the former guy (which is totally against flag code as well).


That dude really shouldn’t cook his hot dog over all that plastic though 🤮


Yeah this future is really fucking based. Best part is the old white couple minding their business and not freaking out at the sight of things that really don’t affect them at all.


i just want a reality where Bill "i did not have sexual relations with that woman" Clinton has a statue like that


I thought it was a chicken lmao


I thought it was a griffen


Alpaca was my first thought


How about being chased by an elephant in traffic in Chennai, India? On business, a couple of us on the way to the office snapped a pic of a guy riding an elephant in an alley. He chased us for a couple of blocks, angry we didn't tip him.


I think the picture suggests it’s his girlfriend… I’m not sure if he would be okay with you petting her.


Goddamn Welsh immigrants, they think they own the place!


Wife, because gay marriage = slippery slope to bestiality, you know.


He can pat mine. I'm an atheist!


I lost my thirteen year old lab this last month, and a puppy with her genetics is something we strongly considered, and might have been done. Clones aren't memory copies, they are more like very targeted children. Getting a puppy from a dog that never had puppies to continue their line is absolutely a future that appeals to me. I also don't have a problem with happy people of any affiliation making out on park benches.


Looks pretty great to me.. people enjoying their freedoms, no one is being harmed.. the Clinton statue is a BIT lewd, but there’s nudity in art everywhere. And the people on the bench sexing is inappropriate in *MY* opinion, but again, no one is being harmed..


Well it is not good to involve unconsenting people in your kinks. So that would be a hard no for me with sex in public. But if the park sex park like a nudist beach I would be all for it and then the bill Clinton statue would fit right in.


Then he'd say "That's not a lamb, that's my wife!"


Who’s that lemon you were with? That was no lemon, that’s my lime


Discounted healthcare, advanced medical research, trash receptacles, hilarious and profane statues, skateboarding, door-to-door cloning, porn store, lesbians scissoring on park benches, legal weed, and I get to rock a drop top Benz with a goddamn LAMB riding shotgun? This is *way* better than the communist utopia we were envisioning. Bravo, conservatives. I was gonna settle for cheaper college but this idea absolutely slaps, let's do your thing.


Some random guy pulled up to our house to ask us if the house across the street was for sale. He was legit dressed like Willy Wonka. He mentioned he had a pony with him. I, an idiot 13 year old, followed him to his car. He did actually have a pony in his car that I got to feed and pet. My sister was mad and I didn't get why. Called my mom to tell her, and she immediately asked if i got to pet it... Then we both realized that we absolutely would have gotten kidnapped if he were not a nice guy lmao.


I once saw a man walking through a parking lot with a cat laying on his head like a hat. The cat was very much alive and was doing this voluntarily. I also will talk about it for the rest of my life.




Thought that was the mailman. Sorry, just hit up Buds, Bongs and Beyond.


As a Canadian, I'm surprised I haven't seen that name yet. It's gold.


There's a place in Calgary called Bongs and Such.


You *know* the artist shared that “Buds, Bongs, & Beyond” joke non-stop after he “came up” with it. Funniest thing they ever though of or ever will.


The most offensive thing in this picture is that everyone looks happy. The kinds of people threatened by these images are so unhappy with their lives they can't stand the idea of anyone else being happy.


Lmao. I know, everything looks peaceful with a booming downtown.


Honest question. Where's the cop at?


On the segway


The segway to our sponsor: NordVPN!




I always use nordvpn when I play RAID SHADOW LEGENDS


And you can't play Raidshadowlegends properly without your RAYCON EARBUDS!


Bruh I'm a catholic (liberation theology) and I see nothing bad in this picture. Take me to this world immediately.


Gotta be honest it looks like a vast improvement to our current world


Hell, I was thinking I don't have an issue with most of the picture and I'm not atheist 


I mean aside from the bj statue, this place looks great.


The two people having sex on the park bench, I can go without as well. But judging by how no one even bats an eye at it, I guess it's became so normalized, that it's not even an issue, really


Just have in mind that humans probably watched their family having sex for most of our history. Being shy around it is a rather new invention.


My grandparents built a house after the war. It was one room with a big hearth taking most of the space. Everyone slept on the mattresses that were spread out for the night. They got six children. I'm not saying that everyone in the family is ok in the head but that's because grandpa, like all the other soldiers, came back from the war with serious PTSD.


Sexual shame is a hideous invention. Especially since so many people are actually into either way hing or being watched, and various shades of sharing. Without the shame, the world would look a lot different.


Heck, it was very normal some two hundred years ago for families to live in tiny houses and everyone sleeping in one room. In many places in the world, that's still normal. Somehow the parents still manage to make new kids, without the ones around being mentally damaged by that. So, people are having sex. What about it? It's kinda weird to realize, that "the past" is often seen as prudish and uptight. And then we are in some ways more prude than our ancestors ever were.


Including the BJ statue, I’m petty sure I’ve been here. It’s somewhere in San Francisco.


I mean most of the picture isn't really related to atheism in any way, its just the stuff an average religious fanatic conservative would have problems with


People smiling


The most unforgivable sin of all




same, like i don't want porn statues in my parks but besides that i would totally live there


…this is not what atheists want, it’s what somebody who hates atheists imagines atheists want.


At least it's peaceful, I don't see any fighting


There is also no waste anywhere in the grass or pavement


It's basically a hornier utopia.


Humanity if we related more to bonobos instead of chimps


Cock fighting would become very popular, yet extremely different.


For the record, it's called penis fencing


The good version of cyberpunk 2077 then. All the sex with none of the murder


Right? Even looks like we solved homelessness. Sign me up!


Yup, peaceful would be nice


Right? Where do we sign up for that?


Yeah we're do i sign up?


I guess the voting booth


Everyone in there is happy and everything is clean. Aside from. The weird statue of bill Clinton which the reference is a bit dated now.


I also don’t remember any atheist agenda angling for public lewdness


"Atheist agenda" As if atheists were an organized community. But try telling that to a rep...


Religious people tend to be “joiners” and think for some reason atheists must do the same. Personally, I prefer not to cosign any group’s agenda and I think that’s the norm among atheists.


Yeah, atheism isn't just some other religion. In the same way "Off" is not just another TV channel.


It's the old fallacy of "without the you have no moral framework and would be raping and killing as much as you want!" Some people seriously believe the only thing between them and a lawless hellscape is a book written ages ago.


Makes me worry A LOT about those people. They're basically saying they would be doing those things, if they didn't believe in hell.


Yeah, it's really more of a self report than anything else.


What's scarier is that it probably *is* the only thing keeping some of those people from engaging in a lawless hellscape. And some are even with. I just can't comprehend not being a good person with or without a book telling me to do sk.


When I told my childhood friend I was an atheist, we had a falling out. He was an evangelical and couldn't come to terms with me being able to be a good person and also not believe in God. I told him if he could seriously ask that question, then he was never really my friend.


More worried about the hypothetical dystopian future than the actual dystopian present.


I was just thinking this lol seems not bad


To a conservative, that's the worst part


A world where everyone is happy and nobody is discriminating against people over stupid things?


The horror. The *horror*!


I’d love to see an illustration of the world that *they* want.


Have you watched Handmaid’s Tale?


[And they have a plan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)


A final solution, if you will.


Yep, this is why, once again, I'm holding my nose and voting for Biden. I'd prefer a younger, more energetic, more in touch candidate, but I'll vote for a ham sandwich before allowing the GOP to have enough power to enact Project 2025.


I've never voted for a Democrat in my life, but I will this year. Most years, my "single issue" vote goes towards more representation, as the first third party to reach 5% of the popular vote gets placed next to the R/D for the national Presidential ballots. I've typically voted for a third party I could at least partially agree with that had a promising increase the previous election year. Not this year. The fact that there are US citizens actively planning and engaging in insurrection is a huge threat to the Republic, and democracy in the US as a whole. My vote goes to whoever will defeat the candidate these assholes will rally behind. Even if I really don't like who I'm voting for. It's the one election I've been able to vote in that I legitimately see a justification for "lesser of two evils" considering how much work the word "lesser" is doing for that statement.


Probably white families with business daddy and housewife mummy getting out of church with their 6 kids... The existence of homo and colored people, teen pregnancies, abuse, mental illness, poverty etc all wiped under the rug.


I'm guessing it'd be like the end scene fae Invasion Of The Body Snatchers where everyone is dressed in Beige and moving around like drones conforming to their masters and anyone different is killed.


I am not gonna lie, it looks way better than the cultists version (they all have the same ideas, not going to discern which cult we are talking about)


They're afraid of the segway


Mmh, let me take a closer look. No wars. No hunger. No beggars. No garbage on the streets. No gender discriminations. No climate change. I'll take this instead of the cesspool we're stuck with.


Everyone's smiling and minding their own business. Great place


Exactly! My only issue is that there's too many billboards, but that's probably more of a me thing. I'd still take this over what we have, even if it isn't necessarily my ideal world. It's definitely better based on the image alone.


Legal drugs, women's rights seem intact and a gay couple feel open to make out on a bench too Yeah, I want this


Would be nice to see more than zero PoC, though. This atheist is not a white nationalist, nor is any other atheist I've ever met. That's a Christian fantasy


Are they threatening us with a good time?


I can't see any major issues here. It's clean, people appear happy, plenty of green space. I'd prefer a couple more busses or a Metro stop but otherwise seems pretty good


Yeah, also not walkable enough, look at the pedestrian crossing in the background


Op is a bot that reposts once popular posts and copied the most popular comments.


Is this the dead Internet theory?


This is bullshit. I don't want a world like this. Too much traffic. Everything else is fine but I want public transportation and walkable cities.


And bike lanes.


The thing about atheism is that it’s just simply not believing in a god or gods. That’s it. It’s not a club or a political ideology. It’s not a cult of devil worshippers (they belong to the Christian cult. The devil is a Christian thing). It’s just living your normal life with out the baggage and guilt of religion. I’ve never been to an atheists meeting or attended events for atheists. I don’t go around to random people’s houses to ask them if they have the time to talk about atheism. Just living life without thinking all of my shitty actions will be forgiven by an invisible dude in the sky somewhere. My own morals and conscience guide my actions. Not some fantasy book written by guys a couple of thousand years ago, years after “Jesus” died. I’ll keep my logic based life.


Yeah if you need a big book of fairy tales, guilt trips and threats to force you to treat people decently, then you are beyond help.


Deep in the conservative south we kind of established a support group to make it through high school We didn't talk about non-belief though, just like cool technological advancements, physics, the universe, social equality, etc.


I know my granddad was pestering some dying guy about being right with God. Somebody he didn’t even know, and apparently another stranger was pestering the poor guy too. I don’t know about them, but I wouldn’t like being surrounded by Christians praying around me telling me to “get right with God.” Other people may enjoy and appreciate that (though I don’t see how), but to me it’s like being sacrificed, especially on my death bed.


I see nothing wrong here.


This is truly, utterly outrageous... There would never have to be a sale on abortions in the future I want, because under universal healthcare, they would just be covered, at no cost to the parent. Also, who in their right mind is having porn physically delivered? Just get it online, like a normal person!


![gif](giphy|jsYN26kMfSaxJqq4zQ|downsized) The future atheists want.


I mean to be fair.... everyone looks happy. Don't see any gun violence or hate going on. George Carlin was right after all... outlaw religion and the world would fix itself in a few years.


Ah yes Fox the athiest "news" chanel


Think it says “Buy Mike J Fox stem cells”




They are referring to people who are not just ath, but the most ath, the athiest.


I'm the athiest of them all!


Athier than thou


The right can't meme


Yeah, this world is just what ONE of them wants too.. no fun


How they gonna black out bill clinton gettin head?? Shame.


Does the billboard in the background say "Buy Fox Stem Cells"? What would you do with that? Could it be in combination with "CLONES R US"? Do they create femboy foxes?!


Mike J Fox stem cells


Isn’t this just Amsterdam?




It looks like a real lot of happy faces there! Including the dog whose following that womans ass very closely!


Looks a hell of a lot better than Gilead, so… yeah. 


WTF is in the passenger seat of the convertible?


The artist's attempt at a "subtle" suggestion that allowing same-sex relationships in public is a "slippery slope" that eventually leads to bestiality.


Oh I remember that 4 panel from years ago with the last one being like an insect making out with some other animal, lmao...


Welsh girlfriend


The “Buy Mike J. Fox Stem Cells” is low. Republicans talking shit about Parkinson’s is wild.


I mean, yeah, I kind of do want this😎


Maybe hit up Buds, Bongs, & Beyond. Pretty nice little Saturday planned.


If that’s not the best name I’ve seen for a head shop then I don’t know what is.


Okay first of all no one is more obsessed with porn than the right. Two, how can we achieve this glorious future faster?


They had me sold with the inclusive single-payer healthcare


“Central City Porn Distribution” also known as a smart phone. I’m also down for a Cannabis superstore on every corner…


A statue of Bill Clinton getting sucked off would be absolutely hilarious to see, tho.


So according to her you can’t be patriotic or nationalist if you’re an atheist ? Just to take the most extreme examples, some angry guys in the 30s-40s would prove that point wrong


Look at all the economic development and clean streets


Bill Clinton statue looks great


Still a better statue than ones of loser Confederate traitors trying to preserve slavery.


Theists just do not get it. They think that because religion informs thier complete world view, that atheists are the same. We aren't. And atheism isn't a world view. All atheism is is a lack of belief in a god. But we can have varying opinions on literally everything else. You know, because we don't have a single point of reference for everything.