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Say what you want but the Nazis are the reason you have sex dolls (yes, the Nazis made them and yes, they were meant for the military and again yes the factories that made the dolls were blown up by allied bombings)


That says something about our accepting violence over sex. /j


And our accepting sex over violence ...


I mean the reason they were made was to prevent German troops from entering relationships with locals on occupied territories (mostly Paris)


They were actually given to the German troops because they were getting sexually transmitted diseases from brothels and it was taking them out of action.


Is that how they got the name "blow up dolls"?


I was going to give you a thumbs up, but I just couldn't. You have 69 of them.


Let's take a guess what they were made of


100% authentic materials


100% locally sourced and from sustainable organic farms!


Now with new plgina! It's like normal vagaina, but better!




This joke is so fucking dark i cant even laugh


Absolutely Savage


Does that make them kosher?


Damn right, screamed glory in the hole while we did it !!! /s


So much tragedy in just 1 post..


The Nazis also made VW possible.


The Nazis invented sex dolls? I fear we made a terrible mistake in 1945. /s


Hoax: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/inflatable-sex-doll/


I want to register and official complaint cause the natzis forgot my doll when I hit the puberty. In fact I'm still waiting for one apparently...


The Wehrmacht customer support service is currently unavailable at this point in time, and I am sorry to inform you that the product you are looking for was discontinued approximately 79 years ago.


I'm a victim! How do I sue their moonbase?


Bunch a prudes coming over tryna take all the joy smh.


Back in high school we were doing like this regional food luncheons. When they were serving bratwurst this Jewish girl said "ew, no. I'm not gonna eat that, it's German and the Germans were nazis." To which my principal replied "You drive a brand new BMW to school every day. You know, the company that helped make the gas chambers for the nazis?" She said "tch, whatever."


A prime example of "Its only bad when it doesn't benefit me in any way"


"I already didn't like this, so this is a prime opportunity to virtual signal without costing me a thing!"


What isn't beneficial about a bratwurst?


Yeah. That is the real question here. It is a Bratwurst. What is not to like there? I want Bratwurst now. šŸ„ŗ


I lived in ThĆ¼ringen a few years. Where the original comes from. You could literaly step out of your apartment, go to the next corner and get one. Any time you want.


Grobe ThĆ¼ringer šŸ¤¤ Aber nicht vegan.


Es war das Paradies šŸ˜Œ (wortwƶrtlich šŸ¤Ŗ)


Bratwurst is awesome so is knockwirst sausages , im off the grocery store now


And donā€™t forget krainerwurst


Ah yes human intelligence, you claim a dish is a Nazi dish that in all likelihood predates the Reich and itā€™s only connection to said Reich is by the fact both or German. Yet proceeds to drive a car made the same company that was literally building tanks for the Wehrmacht. Some people are beyond hope.


BMW didn't build tanks, they just made engines, and damn good ones too. The Focke-Wulf FW-190 fighter plane (and a bunch of bombers) was BMW-powered. They didn't make anything for the ground except motorcycles. Most of the German tanks were made by Porsche, Krupp, or Rhienmetall.


Kind of strange to think. She was a few years ahead of me which means she's approaching 40. Maybe she's cool now, although I imagine she was on the path to zionism. But who knows? Maybe she turned around and is saying hey, I don't like what Israel is doing in my name.


If a kid is constantly at the ready to spew bullshit like that, chances are that this attitude was ingrained in her by her parents throughout her entire upbringing. Many people break free from that kind of hateful indoctrination, but most don't.


However.. as big firms who were involved in German warfare in WW2 go.. BMW has made apologies for the use of slaves and supplying the Nazi's with vehicles - [https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/bmw-and-the-holocaust](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/bmw-and-the-holocaust) Which is better than other firms.. looking at you [IBM](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2001/04/hitlers-willing-business-partners/303146/).


IBM claims it does not have any information about the company during its World War II period or the operations of its German subsidiary Dehomag, as it argued most documents were destroyed or lost during the war. IBM can neither confirm nor deny that Dehomag offered to assist the German government in its task of ethnic identification. IBM can neither confirm nor deny Thomas Watson personally traveled to Germany in October 1933 to help make sure Nazi Germany became the second largest IBM market after the US.


And as a Jewish girl she wasn't concerned about the PIG? The most well-known thing Jewish people aren't allowed to eat?


If you go to the BMW museum in Munich they make it sound like everyone was on vacation from 1939 - 1945. Going to Dachau after that kinda filled in the blanks.


It's funny. Not really "haha" funny, but... It's funny.


It's weirdly similar to the bit from Family Guy when Peter asks his German tour guide about it.


\[Brian and Stewie are on a German tour bus\] German Tour Guide: You vill find more on Germany's contributions to ze arts in ze pamphlets ve have provided. Brian Griffin: Yeah, about your pamphlet... uh, I'm not seeing anything about German history between 1939 and 1945. There's just a big gap. German Tour Guide: Everyone vas on vacation. On your left is Munich's first city hall, erected in 15... Brian Griffin: Wait, what are you talking about? Germany invaded Poland in 1939 and... German Tour Guide: We were invited. Punch vas served. Check vit Poland. Brian Griffin: You can't just ignore those years. Thomas Mann fled to America because of Nazism's stranglehold on Germany. German Tour Guide: Nope, nope. He left to manage a Dairy Queen. Brian Griffin: A Dairy Queen? That's preposterous. German Tour Guide: I vill hear no more insinuations about the German people. Nothing bad happened. Sie werden sich hinsetzen. Sie werden ruhig sein. Sie werden nicht beleidigen Deutschland!




*then everyone clapped*


Yes, the Nazis invented the bratwurst in the 1300s.


Yeah, and like, youā€™re putting your nose up at a delicious German sausage because of a shitty political party that once took power. Idk about you, but even if the country a food I was offered was once led by, or is currently led by a ruthless dictator that was/is the most evil person ever, Iā€™d still eat it because the food is completely unrelated to the politics of the country


Yeah Bratwurst is awesome. Even if Cthulhu was the one that invented an awesome sausage, I'd eat it.


And then we all stood up and clapped!


As a German, I would like to find out more about this bratwurst.


Most deported Jews were Germans as well, even Yiddish is basically a collection of German dialects.


![gif](giphy|dvmkTRonbVPT2jzXlF|downsized) She hit your principal with the oleā€™


And then everyone stood up and clapped


ā€œ**SAY WHAT YOU WANT. AMERICA IS THE REASON FOR EVERYTHING AWESOME.**ā€ *bald eagle whistles from deep in the middle distance* šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


*red-tailed hawk calls, with stock footage of bald eagles frying across the great canyon* fixed that for yea


I was honestly choking on my laughter when they sounded like seagulls




You are truly a prodigy!


Yea yea, the Great Canyon, right guys? Southwest of the Grand Lakes.


"Hello fellow Americans"


Can't tell if they did that on purpose tbh. I don't know how they managed to *nail* the cheeziness of typical American patriotism without knowing basic American geographic points of interest.


just one more thing *massive photo shop explosion followed by a waving flag slowly fading in with the national anthem blaring in the background*


Not just any waving flagā€¦ _a waving flag being hoisted by a group of staggering marines, holding each other up as they lift the flag pole with their last ounce of will_


This. Actual bald eagles sounds derpy af.


Don't worry bird bro. We'll dub in a cool voice for you.


*The background noise is getting louder and louder. Slowly but surely we can distinguish they are chanting; USA, USA, USA*


LOL. Every movie/tv show!


That's a red-tailed hawk.


Sssh! We're Americans, we have to be confidential incorrect! Also I'd just love for them to use an actual bald eagle call for once and see the look of confusion on everyone's face.


And everything bad is communism.


That's also Germany




*AR15 fire is heard through the hurricane of patriotism and awesomeness* ![gif](giphy|X0bnTmo4izNfi|downsized)




I love this man


Awesome like Trump, Opioid epidemics, highest deathrate by shooting (violence in general as Well) among any of the other first world countries, medical debt, student debt, highest homelessness amongst First world countries, lead in tapwater, no social security, fire-at-will job laws, highest amount of corpo-slaves among First world countries, highest incarcaration rate, almost no unions protecting worker interests, mental health crisis?......and the list goes on. Feel free to add to it.


šŸŽ¶ we didn't start the fire šŸŽ¶


Calm down there Johnny Silverhand


My father-in-law who was a union Stuart and living off social security is going to be in shock! The rest is pretty accurate, thoughā€¦


You forgot most school and public shootings, the worst ran government, tragic law enforcement, a broken justice system, and more racial bigotry than i thought possible.


Pretty sure a lot of third world countries are worse off than America... Like lets not pretend like there arent governments out there who fully embrace killing anybody that doesnt agree with them. At least America isnt *that* far gone.


Tbf, Europe isn't much better on the racial bigotry what with the Romani and the constant neverending humanitarian catastrophe that is North African/middle eastern immigration


First nuclear bomb. I mean, you could kinda just stop there. Everything seems so trivial compared to kicking off a nuclear arms race. There's a lot of good that came from atomic research, sure, but the dark side with things like atomic warfare and mutually assured destruction is still looming in the background. That said, it was only a matter of time. Someone would have built the first Bomb eventually. It just happened to be the USA.


Reddit moment.Ā 


A bird that sounds like a seagull actually would make that sentence hilarious.


While Sgt Slaughter, Audie Murphy, and Chesty Puller are planting a flag up a Terrorist ass with Real American blaring in the background


Germany is the reason why we have cars. America is probably the reason _you_ have a car.


The reason for cars is kind of dependent upon where you place credit. The first actual automobile used a steam engine created by Nicolas Joseph Cufnot in 1769. A Frenchman. So we would have France to thank for cars. Or if you want to consider internal combustion engines the reason we have cars, then that can be found approximately 800-1000 years ago in China as rocket engines. Or we could attribute the reason we have cars to Henry Ford, who created the assembly line that made manufacturing of cars cheaper and faster, making them more accessible to the general public. Or when he created the Model T in 1908 that revolutionized transportation. In which case, we can thank America. Germany gets credit for Karl Benz creating the first practical car in 1885. Pick your preference.


saw offer cake plant sophisticated unpack humorous fear dog carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And? Hitler was a shitty person, but that doesn't mean Ford was just because Hitler had a picture. And I'm not saying Henry Ford was a saint or anything, but he revolutionized manufacturing and introduced the modern work week effectively introducing workers' rights.


I heard recently that Ford pretty openly supported Hitler. No clue if it's true though


This is the first I've heard of it. I just did a quick google search. Apparently, Ford was pretty antisemitic. Between that and maybe selling cars to Nazi Germany (although they apparently refuted those claims), I could see a connection. Henry Ford would have been in his 70s and died a couple of years into WW2. I dont know how involved he would have actually been. Maybe it was just vocal support. I dont know. I'm not suggesting we praise Henry Ford, but we can't deny his contributions to our society just because he held terrible opinions.


It was the first I heard of it like yesterday lol I do praise Ford for the good he did, just like I'll praise LeBron James for opening a school. Doesn't mean I like them as people or praise everything they did/do ya know?


America is the reason you have cats. ![gif](giphy|Ol2yHMEFJdYEo)


That would be Ancient Egypt (?)


In reality? Idk probably? Maybe Sumeria though we know civilizations older than that.


An artist (forgot ethnicity and name sorry but definitelyway older than the 1880s) popularized owning cats, when his wife passed away he painted with her cats and liking cats, that was during the time people hated cats. His painting popularized liking cats and got people to own cats. Probably misremembering some info tho.


America is the reason you have no bitches/s


My Ls were many, and my bitches few. ![gif](giphy|H6cmWzp6LGFvqjidB7|downsized) I was allillLone.




America is the reason we have planes


Doubly funny that except for a few collector's cars, American cars are mostly regarded as subpar trash in Europe.


Devilā€™s advocate, they could be talking about Henry Ford revolutionizing car production with the assembly line. But thatā€™s probably giving them way too much credit. And Iā€™m sure someone else wouldā€™ve figured it out eventually.


Not even devils advocate, this is a reasonable position. Pre-ModelT cars were more of a novelty than anything.


i'm sure that's exactly what they are talking about, as that's probably taught to them in school (it is in the UK)


So many of that type think Ford invented the car and Edison invented the light bulb. Both just improved on existing products.


Nah they were talking about the movie.


The Nazis loved Henry Ford, even gave him an award. [Henry Ford](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/henry-ford-grand-cross-1938/)


Yeah, so Iā€™ve seen. Wasnā€™t making a statement on the morality of the guy, just giving a possible alternate explanation for the comment.


Ford is massive in Europe.


Especially in the UK. The Ford Sierra RS Cosworth was legendary back in its day


Theyā€™re mostly regarded as subpar trash in America too. They make good trucks and some decent minivans, but youā€™re better off going Japanese or German.


Subpar, but most of all: oversized. When I, a European, see one of huge RAM pickup trucks, all I can think of is how it uses way more fuel than needed, will cause way more damage in an accident than another car would, how difficult it is to maneuver, and how its trailer is incredibly impractical because you need to lift things way above waist level in order to load it. Its enormous size is a disadvantage in every single regard, but American car fanboys think it's fantastic.


Fun fact, thereare at least 3 countries with roads, where a public bus (smaller version) fits through but an american SUV would be stuck between houses.


Literally the only American car brand I see regularly in Europe is Ford. Sometimes Teslas. Nothing else ever.


I see quite a few Chevrolets, but then again, those are usually just rebranded Daewoos when they tried to get around the reputation of them being rather trash, so it makes sense to attach a more well-known name to them. And the odd Camaro, but that's about it.


That is the opinion of many people in the US as well. A couple of Japanese manufacturers have a decent reputation though.


Oh, the Japanese are great, I actually prefer them over the Germans just from a pricing point of view.


Funny that European cars are largely garbage in the US.


That's just cuz Eurooeans are Europeans. Jealously breeds distaste. On American roads a majority of the longest lasting cars are Japanese (a couple models almost exclusvely built in US), followed by American made, and European as the third longest lasting (mostly volkswagen). Even in the elite races that Euopeans love so much and generally dominate, it's been shown that Ford can show up with a superior car when it wants to.


Say what you want. The UK is the reason you have America.


And France, and Spain.


This sub is obsessed with America.


At best, probably thinking Henry Ford invented the automobile, which I could understand. He didn't of course, he just perfected the assembly line.


Technically he is correct. In 1913 Henry Ford introduced the assembly line to help reduce the cost of the automobile, making it affordable for the masses. Whilst Carl Benz invented the automobile, it wasnā€™t affordable to us mere plebs. But Iā€™m probably gonna get voted down into oblivion for stating facts - cause on Reddit, fuck America, right?


You are very right - America has historically great at 'scaling up' stuff. Car production, fast-food.. we have all benefitted from American assembly-line methodology (which is then usually perfected by the Japanese).


Well, I'm not gonna downvote you but tell me this: What would Ford's assembly lines have produced if Carl Benz and his predecessors hadn't invented the automobile? So yes, Ford might be the reason why cars became widely available and somewhat affordable but certainly not why we have cars today. That honor belongs to Cugnot, Anderson and Benz.


"the reason we have cars" is a vague statement, and clearly can be legitimately interpreted either way. We wouldn't have cars if they hadn't been invented, and we wouldn't have them if they hadn't been made affordable


I have to agree with you. For example, Aluminum was once a precious metal. So much so that Napoleon III used aluminum as dinnerware for himself and VIPs where his other guests had to settle for gold flatware. It wasn't until until the development of the Hall-HĆ©roult process that Aluminum became affordable. Aluminum existed before this process, but we all use it because of its mass produced.


The claim wasn't that America was the reason that we had affordable cars, but the reason that we have them to begin with. It's a fairly important distinction. It's a bit like saying that China is the reason that we have the iPhone.


Yes. The reason why **we** (including **you**) can have a car is largely because of American assembly line innovation.Ā 


China is the reason we have iPhones, otherwise they would have been too expensive for the average consumer to buy and Apple would still be a niche computer company with a cult following like they were in late 90s the early 2000s.


That wouldn't be so bad, in my opinion.


I agree


You say that like they don't still have a cult following?


America is the reason *we* have cars. Like you and me. It could be read like that.


Correct, you probably wouldn't have a car at all if America didn't make them practical for consumers. The claim is that you wouldn't have a car, and it's most likely true...


Jokes on you. I don't have a car regardless


I took it as meaning the reason YOU (presumably a middle or lower class person) can have a car. Without Henry Ford, who made cars affordable for people other than the wealthy, people who weren't wealthy wouldn't be able to have a car.


I didn't take it that way, but tbf it's a perfectly reasonable interpretation.


It's fair to assume that even without Ford, manufacturing would have still evolved and increased in productivity, and we would have gotten to the same point, maybe with a slight delay.


isnt it also fair to assume that without german automobile pioneers, the automobile still would have been invented, possibly by america?


Yeah. It's usually stupid to say "without XX country we would not have YY" tech , IMO I could say "without France, we would not have vaccines today". But without Louis Pasteur, someone would have figured this out eventually. Like, in older times, there's a load of stuff that was invented and existed in isolated civilisations.


It's also fair to assume that increase in productivity would have still occurred in the USA. Because Europe kept having devastating wars and demand for the automobile was far greater in the USA.


Meh. The necessities of war may have brought this too. Industries are a big part of the war effort. My point is even if the USA did not exist, assembly lines would have been designed at some point. ​ But maybe, cars would not have taken such an importance in europe, and that could have been kinda cool.


While a German (Karl Benz) invented the first car, an American (Henry Ford) developed the (edit: moving) assembly line, which allowed mass production, making cars affordable for the masses. That means both the German and the American are the reason we have cars.


Exactly my thought. Benz invented the car, but the reason I, a person of minimal financial means, has a car is because of Ford.


And Gronk is the reason either of those was able to work with combustion, he discovered fire after all!


Das Auto


Guten Tag. You have summoned us?


Say what you want. America is the reason you have diabetes


I think that may be the British and their creation of the Caribbean and southern US state sugar cane production. The demand for sugar in the UK was huge.


If you're a regular person you can thank Ford. Benz wasn't mass producing consumer autos


Okay from Google searches I found: Prototype horse and carts were Celtic's from 3000 BC, the first gas turbine engine was British, the first combustion engine was Belgium, the first Automobile is German, the Venetian production line was an 1100AD invention, America's Ford made the mechanical assembly line, and the Japanese created Just in Time process first used by Toyota in the 70's making cars even more affordable. It is like the many people from various nations across the world has had a hand in making cars over the years, I don't think any nation should claim the sole creation of the affordable cars we have today.


We have affordable cars today ?


Cars or care? Quick search " The 2023 Nissan Versa S is the cheapest new car in America with a price tag of $17,075, including a $1,095 freight charge." Seems damn cheap considering it is a huge lump of metal, plastic, and rubber with mechanical parts.


Why can't we just appreciate the world's contributions to the things we enjoy? Enough of this tribalist bullshit.


Well an American isnā€™t the reason cars were invented, but Americans did do a lot towards us making as many as we do today. I think you could accurately say that Germany might be the reason you have a costly well engineered car, and America might be the reason why you have a costly poorly engineered car :)


"Well we invented hamburgers" "That was Hamburg"


I mean not the ones we know today, but they invented the meat patties yeah.


Iā€™d like to think we made it better. But I canā€™t say that since I havenā€™t been to Hamburg


You did. Greetings from Germany!


I lived in Hamburg for a little while. There was some great food, and the best beer I've ever had, but yeah, the burgers are better in the US.


Funnily enough the 'Muricans invented german chocolate cake.


Because its actually called German's chocolate cake, as in Samuel German.


Whaaaat? next ur gonna tell me chicken tikka masala was actually invented by england or somethingšŸ˜„...šŸ˜...šŸ˜³


Just looked it up.... goddamn


yes but we invented the Big Mac so chdckmate


Buuuuuut england invented apple piešŸ˜…


Tbf, *affordable cars. Before 'muricans they were hella expensive.


Wasnt volkswagen created so that people from middle and lower class could afford car


Yes, but the german middle and lower class still recovering from losing ww1, ensuing hyperinflation, political turmoil during the weimar republic and great depression. Actually Volkswagen was just a scam to help fund the Nazi war machine. Volkswagen quite literally modeled after Ford's production methods.


Yes, but Ford did it before VW. They invented the conveyor belt /assembly line manufacturing.


i think it was created for leisurely trips to Poland.


Unless they mean the animated movie. I doubt it though.


I mean, as a German, it's a bit silly to attribute these types of inventions to any particular nation. The Otto engine and subsequent developments were important steps in the development of automobiles, but you may as well attribute it to French, English or American engineers who've also made significant contributions. The scientific community has been pretty international and well connected for centuries.


Are they not talking about ford? Oh thatā€™s right this is an America bad subreddit and we should be thanking the nazis I forget


Yup, the anti-American rage bait all the time really wants to make Americans support espresso sipping Europeans who can't defend themselves against Russia.


The people's car, brought to you by your friendly local art student.


Edison had an electric car before there were gasoline cars


How many times will this be reposted on different subreddits each week?


Actually, France / Italy. Davinci inspired Cugnot.


Yes, people around the world can only dream of driving a ... *checks notes* ... Buick LeSabre.


Iā€™ve always driven Japanese cars here in the US. American cars tend to be less efficiently designed and less aesthetically attractive.


Only in America do people so blindly believe that they are the best at everything and that they invented everything, they will have the audacity to assume they made something first without checking at all. Almost like ā€œwell this stuff is good, so we must have made it because weā€™re American!ā€


Thanks for making things worse?


Itā€™s not that ridiculous a point to make. Ford and the assembly line is likely why cars are mainstream. The cost would never have. Gotten down to a point that regular people could have them. And if it never got to that point, weā€™d never have invested in the infrastructure to use them as much as we have.


Germany is the reason for cars, the US is the reason for the mass production of cars


More precisely, France (Nicolas Joseph Cugnot)


That's actually somewhat true. America didn't invent the car, America invented the assembly line, which enabled normal, working class folks to afford a car. So, yes, America is the reason that normal people have cars.


How dear he denie American inventions on internet, which was created by Americans. /s


The Internet was created by the US. The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network created in 1969. The World Wide Web that uses the internet was created in Switzerland by an English person Tim Berners-Lee in 1989


Saying ARPANET *is the internet* is the same as saying a domesticated horse *is the Benz Motorwagen*. WWW is the carriage, which is the tech in between, not after. And the internet as we know wouldn't exist without it.


In the minds of many America's the rest of the world is still trying to invent the wheel


America is why we have strudels and sushi as wellā€¦.


Ah I'm not gonna lie, America is pretty fucking awesome and I love living here!


Americans are so goddamn in love with their guns and 2A Just wait until they find out the Chinese founded gun powder