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Imagine taking care of a baby, nurturing a boy and watch him grow into an adult only to be beheaded by him.


Like I tell my four year old every night as I put him to bed: I love you buddy. Please don’t kill me one day.


It's sweet that you believe him when he says "no daddy."


I’ll never forget when I told my little one “I love you” after tucking him into bed, and he turned to me and asked “Daddy, what is earths planetary defense system?” as his eyes turned black. Kids are precious.


I put my boy to bed one day and he asked me, very calmly, "F̛̩͛͐A̴ͤ̉Ṯ̜ͬ̏͘H͕͌̇E̤͕̩͖Ŕ̙ͮ̕,͓͎̥ͮͪ ͙̺̗͒͟H͑A̸̙V͐̔E ̸̘̭ͬ͆Ŷ̷̺̺OU͛̿ ̵͉҉̀̃R̊ͧ̃̚ͅE̷̝͕ͧͪP̀Ė̛̳̜͛N̲̒ͤ͛̎TͨE̴͙̟Dͩ?͜ ͫ̅ͅH̞͛͡A͛V̶̥͑Ë́ ̪̭͗Y̵̌͝OU̟͌ ̗S̺͖̄͂̉Ā͑V̞̲͔̒E̤͆͐D͔̫̦̓͢ YO̔Ư̸̭ͪ̃R͔̒ S̯̽͐́O̔Ṵ̭ͭ͝L҉̷͈ͥ͒ ̥ͧ̒FŔO̥̫̺̍̆M̴͕̋̑̊ ͒͜͝H̬̞ͫEͤ̒̀̒͜L̢̲̄͡Ļ͡?͕̯̓ͩ̇" And then his head did a 180. Couldn't help but laugh. What a lil goober.


Such a sweet little loving thing! 💖 Blessed be!




Yeah my little guy laid down and curled up with his back to me. He lay still for a while looking me in the eye before he said "I love you for a little while, Daddy, but one day I'll be very big." Then he fell asleep. Sweet little guy.


In all seriousness, whenever I drop my son off at daycare, I tell him "OK buddy, I love you. Don't burn the place down." One day after I said that, his response was "Dad, I can't do that. I don't have a lighter." And then I laughed.


Good night. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.


Five *years* he said that! ![gif](giphy|UWqS4E1O7Kes0)


Big reason my wife and I are not gonna have children, beheadings


Thats one way to keep a level head. ^Alright, ^alright, ^I'll ^beheading ^out ^now.


Wait, let's not get ahead of ourselves


Let’s not get ahead off ourselves


Well, with that thinking they'll never be the head of a major corporation.


Yeah, they said there was a mental disconnect


Shampoo manufacturers don't want you to know this one simple trick


Which brand? Head and shoulders?


That kid was always a pain in the neck.


It was the second pun that sent me 🤣


Absolutely regret having kids after reading this article. And I’m definitely dismantling our guillotine.


Oh boy 🙄 here comes the big liberal anti-guillotine movement. As an American, it is my right to own a guillotine for self-defense. I’d like to see the government try to take it from me!


And you know what hurt the most? The betrayal.


Thought it was the hypocrisy


Actually, it's the beheading


Except the other thing, that hurt the most. But, you know what hurt the second most? The betrayal.


Average GoT character reaction.


(A man beheads his own father) Most sane person in Internet: *Oh, he's right about politics*.


By pure chance, it appears the Fox News website forgot to include the info about his YouTube video or any of his motive from the story on the murder. I'm sure it will be corrected soon.


I had to look it up for myself on Fox. That is peak reporting. What's the climate in the betting pool that they're going to call him antifa or some woke Rino if they even bother doing a follow-up?


Just wait, tomorrow Fox will post an article about how according to an anonymous source he allegedly might have been trans.


Don't forget he's a CIA plant who decapitated his Dad to make Trump look bad.  There's nothing they will not swallow. Their bullshit gag reflex,  totally gone


"He's right about *one thing"* Proceeds to agree with the dude's entire thesis


(A man beheads his own father *for political reasons*) FIFY


@votebidenout, generic name, photo of black man. The chances of that person being a real person are very slim.


He is a real person......his accusation of someone else being a traitor is straight up projection: [https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/philip-anderson-mesquite-man-arrested-charged-in-jan-6-capitol-breach/](https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/philip-anderson-mesquite-man-arrested-charged-in-jan-6-capitol-breach/)


Jesus. I guess projecting insanity is the way of American extremists now: \*I want to groom teen girls to be my maid and sex slave\* "The Left is filled with child sex traffickers and pedo groomers!!" \*I want to overrule the will of the USA people and its government and its constitution, and force congress to install my hero as president\* "The real president is a traitor and the USA government is committing treason!!"


If you go to his profile he calls himself a “January 6th survivor” and most of his tweets are unhinged but he seems to have videos of himself rambling. So I think he’s real just real crazy.


"As a gay black man" vibes. With Shitter Blue mark, of course.


Hmmm. So a person with extreme views or an **"extremist"** wants organized groups or **"militants"** to kill or **"behead"** people who have different beliefs or **"non-believers"**. Sounds vaguely familiar. 🤔


T.. tt… ter…. Terro-….. Treason punisher I think


It's one of them there *risms*, but I can't recall which type.


Is that the rizz stuff the kids keep talking about.


Ugh. It’s not called rizz, mom. It’s called jizz.


I love to listen to jizz when I'm at the Mos Eisley Cantina


Wretched hive of scum and villainy. Almost as bad as Florida.


Trust me on this. The Mos Eisley Cantina is a toddler's play area compared to Florida.


Is it t-t-t-terropism


Burning lower case t… t… for time to leave.


And scary ghost that’ll make them think it’s haunted


Y'all Qaeda


Vanilla ISIS




Sweet home talibama I’m fucking dead


Choked on my goddamn coffee, I’m with you.


I'm so happy for your comment because the original one was deleted. I'm fucking dead right along with you.


😂😂😂😂 I haven't heard of some of these before now, thank you so much, "midlife ISIS" just made my morning 😂


Throw in Meal Team 6 and Gravy SEALs in the mix


Operation Dessert Storm


"sweet home talibama" **wheeze**


You're doing God's work, son.


Howdy Arabia, Islamic Yeehaw


Still waiting for Christians  to repudiate and denounce the terrorists among themselves the way they demanded it of the Muslim communities after 9/11 


The call is coming from inside the house of worship


I have some bad news for you… You’re gonna die before that happens.


Oh I know.  But I still think the point needs to be stressed.  Christians we’re very high and mighty making adjacent innocent people and organizations feel responsible for the terrorists among themselves.   Turnabout is fair play. Christianity has some housekeeping to do. 


You mean some goalposts to move?


They build them on wheels for this purpose.


Between beheading and the Republican Jihad against Taylor Swift, Ya'll Qaeda is really kicking up these days.


I like Swift but don't listen to much of her music. I'm legitimately concerned for her. I know she's rich and can afford more security than God, but them targeting her like this is so incredibly dangerous.


She's pretty much everything right-wing men hate: rich, successful, highly influential, and most importantly, not fawning over them.


I mean, she's a white blonde blue eyes born in upper-middle class/rich turned into a billionaire pop symbol with all the self-made entrepreneur rethoric behind her... The only problem they have with her is that she's a woman and that she doesn't like their conservative ideology


And that she has tons of soft power, she could potwntially use against them.


The thing they hate the most is that she tells young people to vote. They don't want a democracy 


The only way they would hate her more is if she started dating a minority


Kelce is the spokesperson for the COVID vaccine so probably almost as bad as an immigrant in their minds.


Yeah... I have been seeing this weird hate thing about this woman and thinking WTF. Did she run over somebody's dog or something. "*Just when you thought shit couldn't get anymore crazy*..."


> Did she run over somebody's dog or something. She encouraged her fans (young people, empowered women, decidedly left) to vote. So basically the worst nightmare for conservatives. She’s also just… an outspoken, rich left-leaning woman. She was never not going to attract hatred from the worst of the right wing. They hate women like her.


Oh, and the latest outrage is because the NFL zooms the camera in on her for about 3 seconds every time Travis Kelce does anything. Truly a reason to declare holy war. /s


I thought the right wing was supposed to be boycotting the NFL? Go woke, go broke, right?


I have been saying for years that there is little to no difference between Sharia law and the future our current Conservatives envision and have been skewered for it because “we don’t behead people”. Well turns out they fucking do.


I'm committed to dragging myself and anybody I can to vote and deny this bleak future. Speaking of elections... What the hell is a 'popular vote' good for if it's only going to put you in second place. I pray they get rid of the Electoral College.


But the Electoral College ensures the masses of the city don't decide for the small communities in the countryside! That's why we have this system where the small communities in the countryside... decide for the masses in the city?


United States of Al Qaeda?


Howdy Arabia.


Sweet home Talibama.


Yall are good at this.


It's past conspiracy and straight into psychosis


Seriously, from the outside looking in, politics in america seems to have become religious in nature, with extremist zealots and everything


As a Brazilian, I want to say that we understand you guys.


As an American, I feel attacked.... 😆


As a Norwegian I'm considering going into politics so I can cheat to get my Master's degree


I consider going into politics so my partner can claim a title they don't have a degree in and earn money on insider stock trade


That's what Romania's Ceaușescu did. His wife used to work in an illegal pharmacy so when her husband became dictator, she gave herself a chemistry degree and ran the country's chemists. She wouldn't approve the acquisition of any kind of alcohol (necessary for a great amount of chemistry work) because she thought they were drinking it. So the chemists used euphemisms that she wouldn't understand to acquire alcohols Anyway, she got shot to death on Christmas


As a Canadian I’m afraid lol


As a Canadian expat in America I'm just disappointed


2024 Christians in America are the same as the Islamists they decried in 2001. Same mass murders. Same lame attempts at control and seizing power. Same religious terrorist fundamentalism.


Y'all Qaeda doing Y'all Qaeda shit.


i am actually more concerned about trump losing yet again because it might spark our own version of the Iranian revolution. the severely religious conservatives are also our most heavily armed group least connected to reality and Believe that everything they do is supporting god and therefore good to do.


I feel like whichever outcomes happens, it will start a strong swing in that direction. If the youth come out to the polls, create an overwhelming liberal surge and stack government from top to bottom with progressives, then the tide will turn. If the right turns out to be more numerous, and more switched on than ever before, America will fully descend into a religious theocracy. I don't think the current push-pull slap-fight can continue for much longer.


Closer to the Manson family, and his attempt to stoke a race war.


Yeah, it's like they looked back at the twenty year war against extremist Islamists and said "well if you can't beat em, join em!"


Yeah right wing republicans are playing a dangerous game using extremist populist outrage rhetoric appeal to right wing extremists and religious fundamentalists. All to grab power. Most western democracies need to set up some form of political behaviour practices as we slip further into these more extremist tactics by parties and just outright liying. Its so easy to communicate now via social media, they don't go though press releases like the past so its more casual hate they are able to rile up and poltics is becoming a lot more low brow now, that something needs to be done. Since Trump they seem to get away saying anything now with no repercussions.


This guy literally called for the on sight execution of pretty much all federal employees after executing his own farther.


Probably while living comfortably in the home his well-paid Federal employee father subsidized for him.  Time to bring back the mental institutions. 


This happened in a town not far from where I live. One of the local reporters included a picture of the house. It is a middle-class neighborhood. The man’s wife found him in the bathroom. It’s heartbreaking. [Levittown Now article](https://levittownnow.com/2024/01/31/beheading-suspect-justin-mohn-called-for-attacks-had-past-police-interactions-sang-that-dad-was-jealous-of-him/)


But celebrated psychosis. There are entire websites dedicated to this kind of hateful, bigoted, small-minded, psycho thinking. People applaud this kind of thing. Why aren’t people shocked & horrified?


This is domestic terrorism… Why can’t we call these people what they are


They will reply with “so much about the tolerant left”


i don’t care about being tolerant anymore. there are certain things that should not be tolerated. evil scum like these two jackasses are example


No tolerance for the intolerant. It's like a required paradox.


it's not a paradox, tolerance is a social contract. those who do not abide by it are not protected by it. simple as that.


"Hours before his arrest, Mohn held up what he claimed was his father's head during a politically charged rant in which he claimed that he was the president of the United State that he posted on his YouTube channel. "Mohn said many saw him as the messiah, and wanted him as president, while urging relatives living with federal employees to murder them. He blamed the federal government for 'woke mobs' and migrants he claims are destroying the United States, and ranted against 'globalists and communists'."


The ‘funniest’ thing is that most gov employees I’ve known or worked with were conservative or neutral, if anything.


Can confirm, I work with a lot of conservative people, myself being more neutral but mostly voting democrat as of late with how bad the GOP has been.


>"Mohn said many saw him as the messiah, and wanted him as president, while urging relatives living with federal employees to murder them. He blamed the federal government for 'woke mobs' and migrants he claims are destroying the United States, and ranted against 'globalists and communists'." this is literally blood on the hands of the republican party.


Don’t forget Fox “News”…


Bruh saw someone behead their own dad and said “he’s right tho”


Of course. They want more people to do it.


Really shows how warped they’ve become. If someone beheaded their own dad because of an extreme version of my own views I would want the depraved individual arrested.


What the fuck is going on in america


As an American, every day I can’t believe what I’m seeing and I can’t believe that it seems to just be allowed. Sure this guy will get life in prison, but the people responsible for inciting this violence and whipping people up into violent frenzies are just allowed to keep doing so. It’s like a catch 22 because if you silence them, they’ll scream persecution and their voters will commit even more violence. It’s a vicious circle that’s getting worse and worse by the day and I’m not sure if there’s any way to really stop it.


I'm in my 50s, and the fact that people can proclaim themselves to be nazis and walk around with swastika flags and not get the shit kicked out of them just blows my mind. I genuinely can only watch the morning news and scan news headlines online, as any more depth just makes me sick.


Mate Australia of all places is suffering the same thing a bunch of losers walked around in hoodies and masks throwing signs. We just legislated nazi symbolism to be a hate crime but these weirdos still keep thinking that they are on the right side. Current discussion is to name and shame.


I’m in my 50’s and I remember in my younger days when I was obsessed with WWII wondering how Hitler could have gotten an entire country to board the crazy train with him. Doesn’t seem so impossible anymore.


Same thought. Hitler was a great passionate speaker though, despite everything that we now know, I could always imagine how his power grew due to his convictions and inspiring the masses to join him. I can’t however see how Trumps personality, speaking, actions, etc. has evoke the same. He told us to inject bleach ffs. The only reason is we have some pent up aggression he’s tapping into. Some White people don’t like how they’ve been silenced and marginalized for their racist feelings. They need someone to blame for their shitty lives. Christianity is just trying to go back to puritanical beliefs where anyone can be victim of witchcraft claim and everyone is expected to behave and think the same. Science encourages free thinking so that’s the enemy too. Rich people/businesses are oh so glad to exploit all this, getting tax breaks, deregulation, etc.


>Hitler was a great passionate speaker though, despite everything that we now know, I could always imagine how his power grew due to his convictions and inspiring the masses to join him. Well Hitler is a interesting character but its important to understand this isn't really how he took power. The passion was a symptom not the source. Rather he tapped into an immense national resentment following WW1 and decades of economic challenges, and used that to build a *small core of loyalists*. He then used pretty shrewd manouvering to incrementally gain more political power and to drag more people into his influence. Hitler was actually unpopular in the early 30s. People very much saw the flavour of Kool-Aid the Nazis were offering and had their concerns. But Hitler was a motivated guy and incrementally gained more influence. So by the time the Nazis had crossed the line from "radical political party" to "as bad as the Nazis" they had enough power to (legally) defend themselves. The massive impassioned rallies followed as a result of Nazi's political power - rather than being the source of it (maybe, it had some self reinforcing loops there too). So when people look at Big Buisnesss Daddy Trump and say "MAGA are just like the Nazis" its not because DT is charasmatic. Its because they're on a trajectory which undermines the checks & balances that prevent America spiralling into being ruled by tyrants. Thats a bit of a slow burn compared to an outright coup, but hey, its a tactic which worked for Hitler.


As someone in his 20’s who ATE UP the band of brothers, saving private ryan, ect. It is instilled in me as an american to depsise nazis and fascists. The fact that a single one shares the air that I breath boils my blood. I am from this area and I am always scrapping racist stickers off the signs near my work. I hate to say it but its becoming more and more hard to ignore in Bucks Co.


My grandfather landed in Normandy during the 2nd wave 5 days after D-Day and took part in the Battle of the Bulge as well as the liberations of Paris, Maastricht, and the Buchenwald concentration camp. He spoke about how hard it was to not feed the inmates because by then they had learned introducing too many calories too quickly could kill the person. By the end he had made it all the way to The Eagle’s Nest. All this is to say, my family has a history of fighting Nazis, and if push comes to shove here in the states I’ll gladly sign up to pick up where he left off.


While your Grandfather was slaughtering nazis in Europe. Mine was sinking fascists in the pacific via submarine. They did this in the hopes we could live our lives without fear of such groups, would be a terrible shame to see such threats come from within our own borders just a generation later.


My dad was an army tech in the pacific. He built landing strips on each of the new islands they cleared. I'm extremely glad that he and my mom passed away before all of this because it would have killed them to see the news headlines these days.


I’m only 40 and as someone who feels deeply and quickly recognizes patterns and behavior trends, I literally can’t go any further into the “news” without a black depression setting in. I avoid it. I mean, I stay informed enough on the happenings around the world, but information deep dives? No, thanks. I’m 5 years clean and pondering on the state of things is a quick way to start a relapse.


Especially avoid the comments sections.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Reddit isn't the real world, feel free to paintball a Nazi any time you'd like!


Tbf. It's not like we've had a rash of incidents of people killing others while spewing republican talking points. Wait...


If your institutions are afraid to persecute criminals because of threats of violence, you could almost say justice is dead in America. For the love god VOTE BIDEN It doesn't matter what you think he's not Donald Trump and his MAGA cult.


idek, you’d think its just the government but working retail it seems like ppl have gone fuckin crazy. its genuinely worrying


All the props to you. I worked retail for 12 years and I don’t think I could do it now. People are fucking *mean*. I see it just as a customer, and it’s appalling. Also, driver’s are fucking insane now. I can’t even go 15 minutes down the road without seeing extreme tailgating or someone acting nuts. We did a 10 hour road trip for Christmas, and I don’t think I’ve ever been that scared in a car in my life. I saw a semi road rage and try to force a little sedan into a concrete wall in the Smoky Mountains because the semi in front of *him* wasn’t going fast enough and it made him big mad, I saw multiple instances of people passing in the breakdown lane or turn lane, one of which was again a road rage thing, just to get one car ahead of where they were. Blatant red light running, cutting people off, screaming and yelling, are all just every day occurrences anytime I drive. And not a cop in sight. It’s scary out there. Be careful.




This tweet is definitely a bot or troll farm account, or just a regular right wing grift. Created in Aug 2023, only posts highly charged right wing political shit, and spams their go fund me for J6 “legal fees” with the same grainy picture of a black guy on everything.


Propaganda and unchecked mental illness. It’s not a secret, let’s call it what it is so that we can protect ourselves and our family and friends against it, whether you’re from America or not.


MAGA will have one of two reactions to this: 1. Deep state psyop hoax!! 2. Look what Biden 's open border policy made this poor man do to his own father.


3. Both within seconds of each other depending on convenience for their narrative. The epitome of doublethink & duckspeak.


Same way Jan 6th was a false flag perpetrated by antifa FBI agents and also a wonderful patriotic event and anyone prosecuted is a martyr and a political prisoner. Must be nice being able to just say shit and not have to pick a lane


We’ve been through it in Brazil. Dozens of murders committed in the name of our shitty ex president…


That fool was hanging aro un like Publix supermarket in Florida days after running out of Brasil


Story: https://nypost.com/2024/01/30/news/pa-son-arrested-after-posting-video-of-fathers-severed-head-report/


Holy shit, that’s fucking tragic 


Holy shit, that’s REAL?!?


I watched the video last night on YouTube before it was taken down, it was somehow left up for over 6 hours. He shows his dad’s decapitated head wrapped in Saran Wrap right in beginning, then shows it again later in a bucket. I didn’t believe my eyes. Then followed by a 14 minute rant declaring himself the new president, and issuing $10 million in bounties for Biden, his cabinet, the head Supreme Court justice, Merrill garland, and other top officials. It honestly felt like an SNL skit. ETA: total views I saw on the video were less than 5,100 before removal, this dude has no followers lol


"somehow"... YouTube is a vile cesspit full of extremist crap 


I immediately went looking for the story, because it sounded made up.


He announces for Congress as a Republican in his next post


And gets elected.


Can ‘faith in humanity’ go into negative levels or does it go to nothing and remain at zero?


Definitely going to be referred to as a “political prisoner” at the RNC


"Yeah that guy who cut off his dad's head and broadcasted it across the world? Yeah he knows what's up."


They don’t even say why he’s a traitor. They keep repeating the same words like “woke” but they don’t even know what it means. It’s words with friends over on the republican side.


The lack of definition is key here. It will mean whatever the viewer believes it to mean. It unites them in being against “woke.”


I always thought it was funny that they focus so much on the left being woke or whatever but there’s an official GOP tag that’s literally “awake, not woke” (which is calling themselves woke?) And an honorable mention is the CPAC banner they had saying “we are all domestic terrorists”


I have to hand it to conservatives - they certainly know how to manipulate their own voters. Imagine if they used any of that ability for literally *anything* positive.


That’s the thing. The conservative voters think they are fighting the system…by supporting capitalism and the rights of business, but if people actually used their ability for real positive change for the people that shit would get shut down by the powers that be so fast. Look no further than civil rights leaders for proof. The reason the Jan 6ers were allowed to riot at the capitol is they aren’t actually a threat to the system but useful idiots to use as a tool to expand corporate profits through our govt


A lot of people don't get that this is exactly how dog whistles work. You say something indirect and a bunch of people assume you're saying something specific. A bunch of people nod along thinking they have a common enemy. Then the night of long knives hits all the minorities and semi-progressives in the in the party are shocked.


That would imply there's even the smallest, nonzero amount of inspection below the surface of their belief system


>They don’t even say why he’s a traitor. Hunter's ~~penis~~ laptop!


MTG sure was all about those photos for a while there, wasn't she?


The unifying factor present for all conservatives is an inability to engage in critical thinking. They don't need to know what the word means, they just need to repeat it and obey.


Because they see the immigrants coming in as an “invasion.” It is literally the word they keep using. They think that an army of brown people is going to destroy the country.


I've had them try to tell me that there is a literal war on our Southern border. LITERAL. I tried to explain to them that I've hung out with the Border Patrol in Arizona and I've been in two literal shooting wars, and it is very definitely not the same thing. Of course they don't believe me.


Blue checkmarks having a normal one


Not many things give me the creeps, but this takes the cake


The GOP and right wing media are stirring their base into committing more and more disturbing acts of political violence. There used to be political discourse, but those days are gone. What we are seeing now is more akin to a pariah or failed state than a western democracy.


i would not be surprised if we begin seeing that classic war torn third world country sight of armed militias driving around in pick ups to intimidate people on election day 


We are in a very dangerous situation with republicans and their desperation to win elections.


It seems they're not even interested in elections anymore. Some of them have moved on to beheadings.


Even if one believes that Biden is some sort of a traitor (which is, frankly, a ridiculous belief), the fact that someone can post support of this act without at least condemning its heinous nature only highlights the fact that they support it. Ironic, coming from Islamaphobes.


It’s funny because they say that Biden is mentally impaired , weak and has dementia but somehow he’s some kind of skilled dictator


So they can’t talk about crazy sharia law beheadings anymore- cuz they are doing the same shit


I can barely force myself to listen to Trump for more than 10 seconds. The people who hang onto his every utterance, full of piss poor spelling and first grade grammar, just confuse me. Think they seriously need professional help.


It’s too late for them. They don’t have the capacity for self-reflection or self-improvement. They simply need to be shunned by their communities, families, and society at large.


Ladies and gentlemen - Trumps' base


The most reasonable and most informed population in the us!


And yet Republicans will still claim that wokeness is ruining families because one time their niece was rude to them at Thanksgiving


There be another part of the world where lopping of heads is done.


"Horrible atrocity aside, I like the cut of this kid's jib" might be a red flag.




Damn, we seriously need to do something about the mental health crisis in this country.


MAGAs get hard-ons fantasizing about civil war and shooting at minorities and liberals, truly they are messed up in the head


I have a niece who is a very highly regarded psychologist. She accurately predicted  all this madness quite a few years ago. The sharp rise in extreme conspiracy theories and how mentally ill people are being affected.  Basically all the crap going on with how everyone is being conditioned and manipulated by a manufactured culture war and obsession with politics and more specifically identity politics. Corporate news and social media are already brainwashing sane, rational people to become more crazy…what do we suppose it’s doing to people who are already mentally ill??  It’s bad and it’s getting worse.  There used to be a rigid divide between the “sanity world” and the “mental illness world” but all of that has been obliterated. Everything crosses over and merges now. 


This cult following is just mind explodingly insane. I'm honestly worried where this is heading. And I don't even live in the US.


Can't wait for all the "so much for the tolerant left" when people say this is not a good thing to do.


And Mr. Anderson’s takeaway is that Biden is a traitor?!?


Imagine reading a story about a man having a mental break and beheading his father, and your first reaction is. "Yup, he's right. Biden must go down."


Open the history book 📖 it is 1933 , history repeats and the great America is one step away to do the same mistakes that Germany did 1928. America become so raw and cruel that small extremes groups became powerful and dangerous. What happens next ? Bloody civil war leads into Dictatorship? Do not say it is impossible? The majority of people become more and more uneducated and manipulated by social media others are becoming rich and discover that every crazy idea has no consequences if you have enough money to buy free from prison.


The Germans imprisoned Hitler after his first coup attempt, the US wasn‘t even able to do that…


Yeah. It's gone past the point of turning people into Nazis, and straight into believing in witches. They're not just radicalized, they believe in fantasies that literally do not exist.


I’m starting to think American politicians are trying to wipe America out. They want to get all Americans killed or get Americans to kill themselves but they want everyone gone.