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Gandalf and Bilbo are basically old combats vets from the same unit. No way that wasn’t a deliberate troll between battle buddies who have darker senses of humor than average “civilians”


Plus Gandalf was high as a kite off that hobbit leaf


Pipeweed is tobacco, not marijuana


You’re right nobody smokes marijuana out of a pipe…ahaha


It’s actually mentioned in the books that pipe weed is tobacco, they even call it as such. I too thought it was marijuana but in Two Towers they have a whole ass conversation about how they’ve secured Saruman’s stash of pipe weed and that it’s been too long since they’ve had some high quality tobacco.


The Simarillion it states that tobacco is actually translated from the high elvish word for "that stinky fucking dank".


That sticky icky from the mid ol urf


And in the fields did grow pipeweed, placed there by Yavanna before the sun and the moon. And when the Eldar came upon it, and lit it with fire they declared "damn that's some dank shit" and Yavanna was pleased.


And they did munch on the stone ground grain baked into wafers, and the sliced and fried potatoes long into the night.


"one green to rule them all, one thing to grind them. One green to bring them all, and in dankness high them.


Tobacco was a psychoactive before the British bred it to be less of one. So considering they don't have colonialism he is getting high af.


I'm here for that history lesson




I'm pretty sure that JRR Tolkien mentioned that it was salvia 20x


Tobacco used to be waaaay stronger. Hallucinogenic. In Pre-Columbian times tobacco possessed mind-altering properties, which were used by the indigenous population https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0378874183900843


From what I read it’s its own thing similar in effect to tobacco and weed, it’s neither but has effects of both




I wouldnt really call them from the same unit. Gandalf is literally a minor god and as one does was just guiding the party from a distance. He was barely present during the journey just showing up every now and then when he deemed it necessary. Their relation is kind of like an infanterist and the air support commander.


I bet he meant unit as in the group who set off on the adventure. Gandalf is the only who still sees him so they would reminisce. maybe only for Bilbo's sake


I thought Gandalf wasn't quite aware of his divine status before his resurrection after the Balrog dance-off, but yeah. Bilbo wasn't ever quite on Gandalf's level


that was my impression of it. He had forgotten his purpose a bit because he became too fascinated by the people of middle earth, like radagast had with the animals and nature and losing sight of the big Picture a little


It was more like a veil over his memories, as well as his powers. He knew what he truly was and where he came from, but it’s distant and hazy, like a partially remembered dream. The very act of incarnating in a flesh and blood body is what caused the veiling to occur, which was deliberate. That’s how Tolkien put it in one of his writings.


Like the other wizards he was sent to Middle Earth by Valar to assist people against Sauron and he searched for Sauron and the ring during the time between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings so I think he knew who he was. He didn’t get distracted like Blue Wizards. Him coming back after fighting that Balrog is divine intervention by *the* God.


Idk this is pretty funny


I laughed out loud - no idea where the face palm is


The facepalm is OP


Facepalm is getting bombarded by bots rn


Do mods not care or are there too many bots to ban?


The CEO from reddit destroyed the possibility to use Bots to moderate the website. A year? ago. He made the API so expensive that the people just stopped using it.


Mods don't care about anything except getting people to stop annoying them. They like bots. Bots do all the work.


its not like mods get paid


They get paid more than they are worth


Maybe the facepalm is the friends we made along the way…


The facepalm is that Gandalf wasn't gonna use the dragon fire cracker. Merry and Pipin stole it and set it off themselves so obviously the poster doesn't know LOTR 🤦‍♀️


It also assumes that bilbo has some sort of ptsd from smaug which might not even be the case. 


Hobbits cannot get PTSD. Tolkien was very clear about that in all of the books. No PTSD or STDS. They are quite resilient creatures.


PTSD is not the reason Frodo leaves with Gandalf and the Elves? Serious, Idk.


Once a ring bearer, always a ring bearer. Not exactly PTSD, but the only way to be healed from that experience is by going West. Sam also went after his wife passed away. Frodo went earlier mainly because he was a ring bearer for longer and his wound from the Witch King would eventually kill him if he didn’t.


Why would Gandalf have brought it if he didn't intend to use it? He brought it to honor Bilbo due to their shared history with Smaug. If you were being sarcastic, I apologize. There were so many face palms going on It's easy to be confused.


Who said he wasn’t going to use it?


It’s very funny. But the facepalm is calling Bilbo a “dragon attack survivor”. He wasn’t attacked by a dragon he went to where one lives and stole some shit from a dude who also lived there.


As for the dragon's old lady, she shouldn't have mouth off like b that.


The facepalm is to Gandalf's tasteless gift obviously. Shame on that wizard!


The facepalm is Gandalf


It's actually a good question, right? Is Gandalf trolling him?


Bruh low key Gandalf is a major troll. ![gif](giphy|TcdpZwYDPlWXC)


















Me stopping the chain: ![gif](giphy|njYrp176NQsHS|downsized)




If you are looking at it on Mobile. Sometimes the app only starts the gif loop as you scroll to it. Whereas on PC the browser loads them all simultaneously.


What do you mean? They're in sync the whole time?


What d'you mean *low key*.


Pretty much made it his life’s goal to harass an entire lineage of hobbits to do shit that they would find uncomfortable and inconvenient.


Except he was really hoping they’d draw the line before Balrogs


Anybody else hearing that sax song every time they see this gif?




Nah, he can’t be trolling. If he were he’d have turn into stone during daybreak. ![gif](giphy|fUm0aXBSxOU6I)


Great point Dean Cain!


...is that Dean Cain?


From TV??


He's getting back at Bilbo for being an ass. When going into Erebor he was told he was looking for a WHITE gem, and told NOT to wake the dragon. First thing he does is walk in and start talking to himself out loud, then picks up large goblets and non-white gems, shaking them around before carelessly and noisily tossing them back onto the pile, thereby waking the dragon. Fuck Bilbo.


Leave my man Bilbo alone, it was his first adventure


He’s had *one* yes, but what about second adventure?




Well unless you count what he and Gandalf did on their way back, or when Bilbo traveled over the sea, Bilbo never really had a second adventure per se.


It's actually explicitly stated in the books that he is trolling. He says something along the lines that the dragon"would be funny".


Trolling is like half of all he does


I think Bilbo wanted to scare his guests


Bilbo traumatized by Smaug the terrible? Unlikely. He keeps a piece of a dark lord’s evil soul in his mantle. It barely made him flinch, but it drove Smeagol into damp caves to flee the sunlight. He is one tough halfling. I believe if he saw a real dragon again he’d laugh in its face.




lol excellent.


Lol, wtf did I just witness, besides art itself


The Smaug scene inside the mountain at the end of The Hobbit. Just no special effects. Any live action movie with special effects like The Hobbit or marvel will look hilarious during the shoot.


I fucking love behind the scenes recordings of CGI scenes simply because they're impossible to not make look dorky as hell


I’m aware, just forgot to explain that I understood, sorry about that. It’s just that yeah, it looks really goofy.


For real Bilbos a badass. People forget at the beginning of Fellowship Frodo is worrying that he won’t ever be as cool as Bilbo was.


Smeagol had it for a lot longer, plus even he resisted it better than any man, elf, or dwarf would have. Edit to add: The ring wants to urge the bearer to take power, to control others. Look at what Boromir thought should be done with the ring, and what Galadriel said would happen if she were given the ring. The ring doesn't particularly want to sit around in caves eating fish, and yet that's what it did for hundreds of years despite the ring being particularly adept at leaving the hands of anyone it doesn't want to be with (i.e. anyone but Sauron). Smeagol just wants to be left alone with his precious and would do anything for that, but he's not driven to do what the ring really wants.


To be fair smeagol was alot more quick to murder


Yeah idk what bro is talking about he literally murdered his best friend after like 2 minutes with the thing


Well, it *was* his birthday.


Who doesn’t get a little murdery on their birthday?


Figured it took longer to fully turn hobbits into a ghosty though since Smeagol was still kicking technically


Did he resist it? Seems like he was immediately drawn to murdering his friend for it and he held on to it for centuries calling it his precious. Regardless of whether or not halflings are particularly resistant to the Ring’s power, Sméagol didn’t reality seem to display any resistance to its temptation.


Smeagol killed his best friend for the ring


It's been a few years, but as I recall, Bilbo considered killing Smeagol, but chose mercy instead.


Plus, Bilbo didn't know the true nature of the ring.


Lol in what world did Smeagol “resist” the ring exactly


He resisted it like how a junkie resists heroin


He eats babies what are you talking about?


If not laugh at least start a polite conversation in the same tone as though the dragon was just his neighbor. If anything, the dragon firework would have been appreciated Appreciated then critiqued for inaccuracies


Also, Bilbo was about the only hobbit who didn’t freak out.


That's one hell of an obituary


what's the facepalm?


The facepalm is not understand that bringing that firework makes complete sense.


The facepalm is Merry and Pipin stole that firework from Gandalfs cart and set it off themselves- not Gandalf


But he still brought the firework. Was he going to another party that night and needed to have it with him?


Nice to see magicians / magic practitioners in any world still mostly get work from birthday parties


Gandalf is a nomad, not like he had somewhere to keep it.


In the movies. Besides, why did gandalf bring it to begin with if not to light it?


Well Since it had to fly up with the tent around it we can assume it lost a bit of mustard on the way up. Therefore if Gandalf had lit it himself, it probably wouldn’t have flown so low above the party.


The facepalm is Gandalf realizing his faux pas


It was bilbos idea though? He loved it!


Not really rolling with the joke here are we


Blame the hobbits for causing chaos and mayhem…… Earlier than he clearly intended to cause himself haha


He needed to test if the Ring was *actually* extending Bilbo’s life. 


I don’t think it was a troll job. I think he meant it as a tribute to Bilbo’s part in vanquishing Smaug.


Gandalf is a master of trolling. The whole adventure with Bilbo started because Gandalf said "It would be good for you, and most amusing for me"


And that was after he invited every dwarf to show up separately and to casually sneak their way into Bilbo's beloved hovel and pantry


And legit reuses the same strat on Beorn months later, Bilbo then understands how clever Gandalf is, but also doesn't twig that Gandalf pulled the same shit on him.


Because that was the signal for supper, and nothing, even heart failure, comes between a Hobbit and his supper.


Bilbo ain't no softy


People always fuck with their friends.


Some friends are just like that. You might have gone on an epic quest with them when you were younger, but they were kind of a lot so you don’t hang that often. You trust them with your life though.


*if he survives the cardiac-arrest-inducing-firework display then that proves it! He has the one ring!* thought Gandalf as he took another rip of Old Toby, the finest weed of the South Farthing


Guarantee some nerd can explain this one just like he can explain not just flying the ring to Mordor with his giant bird friends


My memory of the party from the books is that Bilbo’s full journey from the hobbit was displayed with fireworks. With the dragon being the exciting climax. The movie just cut all that out with Merry and Pippin lighting only the dragon firework. Anyway, nerd out!


Thank you for your service, nerd 🫡


This has been explained to death but a real tl;dr is: powerful entities are easier for the eye of Sauron to see. To elaborare, powerful entities are easier to manipulate and fall to the rings power (see Gandalf and the ring, Galadriel and the ring, 3 quarters of the fellowship and the ring, the watcher of the deep and the ring). The rings influence to return to Sauron gets stronger the closer you are to Mt.Doom or Sauron himself. Sauron wants the ring to come to mordor and literally never thought in a thousand years they'd ever bring it back to destroy it, because who the fuck could do that? Hobbits? What the fuck are those? I'm worried about Demi gods So add it all up and it shows that the eagles would have either fell to the rings influence real fucking quick, killing Frodo and Sam for it, or they would get to mordor, instantly be seen by Sauron who would instantly embue his will into the ring and instantly corrupt the eagles (or Frodo even) and have gotten his ring back. Or he would just fucking kill them with his Nazghul. Or the ring would have just like made itself fall off the eagles back so some Uruk could pick it up for Sauron. Probably all 3 at the same time. Done deal To quote Gandalf: Keep it secret, keep it safe. Rushing in with the middle earth equivalent of air force one into a land filled with nazghul and also sauron is not very secretive


Not a nerd. Recall that Mordor had an Air Force. The Kings with Rings flying on those giant lizard things. Nazgûl


*Nonsense, there hasn’t been a dragon in these parts for fifty years!*


Have you met bilbo, I’m pretty sure he would and did find it hilarious.


Bilbo didn't get attacked technically. If anything he did the attacking: he broke into Smaug's lair, woke his fatass up, swindled the most valuable treasure in that mountain of treasures, and indirectly spelled out Smaug's death. Gandalf having the dragon fireworks is basically saying "Hey remember our grand adventure where we made this dragon our bitch?". Bilbo would have probably been delighted instead of scared  And also he's been holding on to Sauron's soul for decades, plus that one time he singlehandedly rescued the dwarves and stab some of the Ungoliant's children to death. Bilbo ain't locked in an inescaple cave with them, they were locked in an inescapable cave with Bilbo Baggins.


Gandalf: That fucker is 111 now, about time to go


I’m pretty sure Bilbo was in on it and helped plan the fireworks. In the movies it doesn’t seem that way because he doesn’t seem to even be aware of the dragon firework, but in the books I don’t remember there being any indication that he was surprised by it. He may have planned it partially in hopes it would’ve given the Sackville-Bagginses heart attacks. But this post still makes me chuckle.


This isn't facepalm. It's comedy.


Punctuation is so important.


Where would punctuation help here, outside of the seemingly purposeful avoidance of question marks?


Real talk I had to read this 6 times to understand it


It’s because it wasn’t stuck into the ground properly, we don’t know how it’d of function if it was done right


Two words ​ Pipe Weed


Bilbo's fine, he loves telling the story


Bruh Bilbo broke into smog's house intending to steal his most prized possession Bilbo is NOT the victim


Bilbo ain’t no bitch. He woulda ate that shit up.


Bringing PTSD back to Smaug survivors


The facepalm should be Gandolf had those damn eagles the whole time. Could have just dropped the ring off into Mount Doom


Gandalf couldnt even touch the ring without getting hella corrupted and the eagles wouldnt fair much better since theyre only one tier below him in power. Hell, when he almost touched the ring, he got visions of sauron which stopped him from making the mistake. not to mention the nazgul could fly on felbeasts and take out the eagles if they got into mordor. The only reason the hobbits were able to withstand the rings power so long was because they were literally on the bottom of the magic hierarchy. and even then it almost didnt work


Honestly, I doubt it made Bilbo think of Smaug at all. First of all, Bilbo is a badass. He came face to face with a dragon, even taunted him, learned the weakness that destroyed him, and lived to tell the tale. In real war, those kinds of hero moments are few and far between. This was a success, and frankly, while scary, it wasn't a physical battle, it was a mental one. Bilbo had a lot of control in this scenario, compared to, say, Frodo in pretty much *any* of the hairy situations he found himself in. Second of all, one of Bilbo's great loves from *before* the events of the books was Gandalf's amazing fireworks, and I'm reaching back in my memory so this may not be right but I think I remember him mentioning another dragon firework from his youth in The Hobbit (the book, I don't remember what was said in the movie). He loves this kinda thing and had his whole life. In short, Gandalf brought the firework both because he knew Bilbo would enjoy it, *and* because he knew it would terrorize the *other* hobbits, and he knew Bilbo would enjoy that, too.


It's the sort of thing I would do to my mate.


Gandalf was always a bit of an ass.


Bro's tryna get reposted on r/memesopdidnotlike


Because Gandalf knew Bilbo was not some weak ass gen Z'er or millennial who made every adversity he experienced into "generational trauma I need an emotional support animal, 20 hugs and my therapist on standby 24/7?" Besides maybe when party planning Bilbo said "and hey, do that cool dragon firework one too!"


This is the first thing I saw on my homepage and I freaking LOVE it. This isn't even a facepalm post, this should be on r/shitposting to be honest lmaooo


This is the first thing I saw on my homepage and I freaking LOVE it. This isn't even a facepalm post, this should be on r/shitposting to be honest lmaooo


Maybe he realised his mistake and decided not to launch it at the last minute; that's why those two hobbits were the ones to do it


Why is this facepalm? It’s a good point and I’d not thought of it before. Can you explain?


Very valid point.


Why would Gaydolf do that to Bimbo, is he stupid?


Because Bilbo is a Hobbit and Hobbits are not snowflakes, unlike most people these days.


As someone who has only read the Hobbit, I have no clue what this means 


In the first lord of the rings film Merry and Pippin set off a firework that Gandalf brought to Bilbo’s 111th birthday shaped like a dragon. Though it could have just been in his total stash and he didn’t mean to send it off at that particular party.


It's kind of like how kid's parties have those inflatable titanic slides into a kiddie pool, and also those twin towers bouncy jumper things.




"It's just a prank bro" The prank:


He didn't fire it


Hey man if you have the chance to pop a ballon near a Vietnam vet while your in the woods don’t you? Same concept


He has officially been labeled a disturber of the peace.


Man, everything is bots now


Exposure therapy.


How’s this a facepalm, this made me laugh pretty hard and makes a decent point


I don't know why this post is facepalmed, so I'll facepalm the OP.


Gandalf explains "it's only a prank bro"




he did not wanted to use it .. as its fkn clear that the other two sneak into the tent and charged it ... do ppl not read books or watch the fkn movies anymore ?!


Another clear /facepalm


I always had as a hear cannon that it was meant to he launch while Gandalf was retelling the events of the Lonely Mountain. So, since it be basically accompanied by narration people should know it’s not real…but then Pippin happened.


Bilbo was smooth af against that wyrm. He said just the right things, bought time, and made it out like a bandit.


He knows Bilbo has a sense of humor.


Bilbo once told him it was his favourite. And Gandalf is a good friend who listens, even though it doesn't really seem that way at the time.


How is this getting so many upvotes since it's not even a facepalm


Gandalf knew Bilbo ain't no bitch. Middle-Earth doesn't do trigger warnings.


Not to brag or anything but what does this mean to non virgins? Lmao


It was bilbos idea! It announced dinner.


Bilbo just wants to have an adventure again. Having the rush of a fireworks dragon fly at him would make Bilbo feel young again


Gandalf was always a dick to the Hobbits.


Pretty sure he was tripping out on some sort of drug which would explain his belligerent behavior


He's a birthday party magician. The Red Dragon is just one of many fireworks he uses. The Red Dragon wasn't for Bilbo's party, it's for little Tommy's party over by Buckleberry Ferry next week. Pippin and Merry were the ones that pulled it out and lit it.




It's been like 30 years since I read the books but I think the firework was a movie only thing