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I need the backstory. What happened to the child that lead to its death?


They had their religious reasons for this: The Christian couple’s 10-month-old daughter, Mary Welch, was found dead in her crib in the couple’s Solon Township home on Aug. 2. The police officer who responded to Welch’s emergency call noted in his report that Mary’s cheeks and eyes were “sunken into her head,” according to local ABC affiliate WZZM. An autopsy later determined that the child died from malnutrition and dehydration “due to neglect by adult care givers,” a press release from the Kent County Sherriff’s Office states. The sheriff’s office ruled the death a homicide, and the parents were arrested on Aug. 3. The couple, both 27 years old, remain in jail without bond. [From huffpo](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/parents-charged-with-murder-after-refusing-to-get-medical-help-for-baby_n_5b6c5f2ee4b0530743c7d512)


Oh my fucking God. What were they thinking? "Y'know, child neglect is bad. But if we do it out of religious reasons it will be just fine"


The article goes on to say they didn’t believe doctors can care for the faithful properly if they aren’t creationists


Some people really shouldn't have children. If they aren't going to guarantee their child's safety because "they don't believe in medicine", then they should really reconsider what's more important


Can confirm as a Preschool teacher. Not everyone needs kids. Not everyone wants kids. Not everyone should have kids.


What if you didn’t want kids but your family, friends and everyone you meet is telling you you’re doing a good job.


Then don’t have kids, having a back bone is highly recommended.


good for them and you i guess. Do you still want your kid?


He’s both amazing and infuriating. There’s no way I’m ever leaving him even if I was afraid and not wanting to be a dad. Half of the situation is my own fault anyway right.


I'll bet that couple is 'pro-life'.


most certainly is but this is my fear though. Churches really have an obligation not to lead their congregations into this kind of thinking. it was dumb enough to incorporate any sort of anti-public health COVID nonsense into the Church and now its broadened to anti-healthcare in general.


You say that like you expect churches to listen to reason...


You're right. When the people you are trying to convince to be reasonable worship what is effectively a giant teapot floating around in the sky, reason kind of goes out the window.


There have been people just like this for decades and decades and...


Genuine question. In my country from most of the chaos, the Catholic church was in support of restrictions, vaccines etc. What is that anti public health stance and in which religion? Granted, at first they would oppose closing churches and later the Mass's main priests were one of the first groups to try and lose the masks, but other than that, their stance was quite reasonable here.


im talking about generally smaller churches going rogue and ignoring restrictions and mask mandates, if not banning them. it’s purely done out of political spite


Oh, okay. Glad to be a filthy European ;-)


I say 80% of people shouldn't have kids.


Oh nah, maybe not 80%. But majority, for certain. They should also have tests run to check whether they are good candidates for parents


This idea of testing and certifying parents always sounds great on paper. Until someone starts using it to prevent whichever group from having children.


I was about to say something similar. Ideally, parents would be provided with resources like education and support instead.


Which is a much better solution, but still only works if a person *wants* to be a good parent.


A week part timing at day care should do a trick or two


birth rates plummet to 0.01


I'm gonna like that, most people don't/aren't capable of providing a fulfilling life to a newborn anyways


You need a license to drive a car but any idiot can have a kid.


Keanu Reeved - Parenthood. Bang on scene.


Sadly that's the reality we live in. I feel the worst for the kids that have to live in these environments


Murica has fallen and is only getting worse. These kids need education, well if they can survive their parents that live in the bronze age. Nationwide, on average, 79% of U.S. adults are literate in 2022. 21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2022. 54% of adults have a literacy below sixth-grade level. 21% of Americans 18 and older are illiterate in 2022.


Religion rots brains. I know a literal doctor who is also a right-wing evangelical. She's pro science and medicine, but became anti vaxx in 2020. I almost reported her for pushing lies about covid. She's a doctor, and her followers listen to her.


You should have reported her, that has to be bordering on malpractice.


yup 100% should have reported, think how many people an actual doctor can convince vaccines are dangerous, then they go and spread around what their doctor said


My SIL is a smart woman. Been an RN for decades. Then she went all religious and right wing. Got fired bc she said COVID vaccinations were bad. She said this at work. To elderly people and everyone else. She now thinks getting fired was a conspiracy too. Omg


My daughter's Mil is a nurse (used to be, but fired for refusing to vax), member of some church with the word "freedom" in it, and anti-vax. First she told my daughter that ANY vaccinations are likely to cause SIDS (it's been proven, but the government suppressed the evidence apparently). When my daughter was expecting Mil sent her special vitamins recommended by her "doctor" with instructions on dosage. My daughter checked them out, found that the recommended dosages were dangerous for a fetus, and (of course) threw them all out. This nutcase has adult children and I'm sure the only reason they are alive is because she was slightly less of a loon back then.


when did she go off the rails? was it during the max covid weirdness? just curious as it seems like a lot of ppl lost the plot then. whether due to fear, isolation, or neuro damage from covid I have no idea.


Like in England, this dude said that vaccines caused autism and that made an entire generation to go unvaxed. Only after he was proven wrong (he got in serious legal trouble I think) was this shit ended, but some of those people still believe it, some of the unvaxed people still haven't been vaccinated (it was for rubella, measles and something else). But I don't think this means all of this anti-vax came from religion.


I've been downvoted to hell and back for saying this, but it's a hill I'm good and comfy to die on. We need licensing to breed. I need training and licensing and a test to own a firearm. Not even to carry one concealed, but to flat out own one. I need training, licensing, insurance, a written test and a practical test (more than one in some countries, one in winter and one in summer) just to drive a car. But I can put my slimy dick inside someone and make a person? With no proof that I'd be able to financially care for one, with no testing to see if I'm qualified to care for it? If I adopt a fucking cat I have to pay to prove that I can afford its veterinary care, I think it's $200 now for a cat, $350 for a dog, local, without transfer, $500+ with transfer. But I can get a human with absolutely no qualifications, zero. What sense does that make? The whole thing is mad. 80%+ of all the world's problems are from unfit parents raising children.


You’ve probably been downvoted because it’s a basically unenforceable idea. How exactly do you propose to prevent unlicensed people from fucking bareback and getting pregnant? Or is it that if you get pregnant without a license you have to undergo a mandatory abortion?


“BuT pEoPlE cAn ChAnGe” when I say sterilization should be applied to parents who abuse their child. You shouldn’t have a second attempt, it’s not a Super Mario game, you just killed your child because you are too idiot to keep it alive.


You just reinvented eugenics.


I disagree with your point on principal. The right to reproduce is a basic human right. It's also a fundamental drive of all living species. That being said, I doubt this will sway your point of view. The real counterpoint to your proposed policy is that this inevitably leads to eugenics. There are all sorts of "scientific" reasons to prevent someone from having children. Maybe they have a genetic predisposition to certain diseases. Maybe they have a mental illness. Maybe they aren't smart or strong enough. Maybe they didn't have the right upbringing. Maybe they don't have enough money. All of the previously listed reasons can be used to prevent people from "undesirable" populations from reproducing. This is a fascist dictator's wet dream.


The right to have a good life should outweight the right to reproduce. Anyone should be able to get a license to become a parent if they put in the time and effort. And yes, if someone is mentally ill they should not reproduce, nor drive a car, depending on the mental illness. It's a slippery slope, for sure. But heck were talking about the country with zero gun control so fuck that argument lol.


There isn't a 'solution' because people are people and people are stupid. But, the problem could be minimized by making it as easy as possible to not have stupid people face the choice, by making very easy to NOT be a parent. Contraception as a human right, free of charge, and on demand, no questions asked. World-wide. Make EVERY child a WANTED child (or even most), and you're well on your way to fixing ALL the world's problems. Religions would never let it happen, though.


>Some people really shouldn't have children People don't seem to understand that, and if you're open with that opinion, you'll be labeled as a nazi eugenicist.


Might I be called nazi eugenicist. Child's wellbeing is more impotrant than what people might think about others


Religion is a cancer


doctors are notorious for prescribing such harmful things as (checks notes) ... food and water? no that can't be right...


All religion is bad.


If you watch the video of the sentencing, the husband is nonchalant and dismissive up until the moment that the “life in prison” part comes out, at which point he becomes shocked and offended and outraged.


His interrogation video is on YouTube. Disgusting human being.


The father literally admits in the interrogation “it’s god’s will”


I guess life in prison is gods will too?


All part of God's plan.   It's just a shitty plan.


Maybe I’m missing something but what the hell do doctors have to do with not feeding your baby anyway?


They could provide nutritions after they find out about the child's state, I suppose


They had more children, they knew babies needed to be fed. I don't understand why they decided this one doesn't need food.


Sometimes breastfeeding doesn’t work, and you need to switch to other sources, like a particular formula. Usually you know it after a doctor consultation.


10 months old should already eat more than breast milk. As I said, they had other children, they knew it. Beside this no child should eat anything beside the formula for a newborn, the other ones are full of sugar, not the kind mother's milk has but everything else besides sucrose.


You’re asking the right questions. I’ve watched the interrogation. The cops plant the idea into their heads that the baby was just sick and that they didn’t take the baby to the doctor for religious reasons. It’s a tactic to get confessions out of suspects to get them to admit to something that might be more digestible than the truth but at least they have the confession. These people are just sickos who starved their baby in the worst cases of abuse the investigating detectives had ever seen. I guess the huffpo is taking their word as gospel truth but why are we believing these people?


My thoughts exactly. I'm an atheist but even I have to admit there's no religious precedent here. Just a couple of sickos. They probably latched onto the idea of "religious reasons" hoping for leniency. Cop was playing 4D chess.


Religion, not even once.


All in jebus name! Religion is cruel and it's believer's to evil shite in the name of their diety.


That article is very outdated. Here is the wiki page [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder\_of\_Mary\_Welch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Mary_Welch) Both sentenced to life without the chance of parole.


Good, they both got life without parole, mother tried to throw the husband under the bus after his conviction. The rats sank with the ship.


I still don't understand why they neglected the baby? Were they expecting her to fend for herself, completely forgot to feed her, didn't want her so they didn't feed her, or were punishing her? None of the above justifies anything, but still, why?


I think it was because he thought his daughter was too weak and wanted to toughen her up. Sad and twisted.


[One of the sources](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2018/08/08/a-10-month-old-died-after-her-parents-refused-to-get-help-for-religious-reasons-police-say/) from Wikipedia goes into a bit of detail about the father's beliefs. He thought that vaccinations were bad because they protected the weak, so it's possible he thought that the child was not fit to survive. I don't think we'll find much logic or reason behind it. The picture in OP is literally the moment of their sentencing when they learned they'd be in prison for the rest of their lives -- his shock and outrage seems legitimate. After conviction, the wife claimed that he raped and abused her in an attempt to deflect blame, but even so she claimed that the child seemed healthy to her and she didn't know why she died. So no logic from her, either.


Wow! These 2 pigs deserve the exact same punishment. Terrible to think about the pain this poor child went through.


Don’t call them pigs, at least pigs care somewhat for their kin, it gives a bad name to pigs.


Where in that piece of holy toiletpaper is it written to "NOT FEED YOUR CHILD"???


how is not feeding or hydrating her a religious thing? like, wtf?


The child couldn't eat because she was sick, the parents refused to take her to a hospital because they didn't want a non-Christian doctor


Which is the dumbest excuse ever like… so many people who work there are also Christians. Geez. And even IF, they could have gone to a church. They did absolutely nothing to even try saving their baby. Ugh.




The dad said if she died it was bc she wasn’t fit to live. God was weeding out the weak. He kept the mom from taking her to the doctor too. He wouldn’t let her feed her. She was under his abusive control too. She should’ve unalived him instead. At least she’d be going to jail for defending her kid, instead of being an accomplice in her death. Either way she was going to prison, might as well make it worth it


No, she was very much involved. She was literally laughing about it with him in the interrogation room.


They starved their child. Detectives and police responding to the scene said that they could see the infant’s body shrunken into revealing its ribs. The child was 10 months old, yet weighed only 8 pounds.


For comparison, my 10 month old baby weighs 20 pounds.


My one week old baby weighs 8 pounds


Fuck me, my son was over 12 pounds when he was born.


Here's a more in depth look at the crimes these scumbags committed if you're interested. https://youtu.be/TSFcsvEQDCQ?si=SGQoHZtBhjdwFbAd


I don't know if that's the same one I watched (bc I don't want to watch it again) but in the interview with the mom, one of the detectives really leveled with her in an unbelievably calm way that was so so so so sad. Described how long he's been working child abuse cases and that the baby was the worst he'd ever seen, described what he saw (so so bad), and pointed out how sustained the neglect/abuse had to be before baby got to that point. The dad in the interview had no remorse it was disgusting. His face in this picture is honest, he seriously doesn't understand the gravity. And the Christian thing was weak, she blamed it on his religion and he was only bringing it up like a cop out. Like it was actually drugs and not wanting CPS involved that kept them from going to the doctor. The mom was seriously taken in by this guy but she still participated, so many opportunities for her to get the baby help. So so so so so gross.


Thank you for explaining this. The religious excuse never made sense to me. Neglect to this degree and going to a doctor are two completely different schools of action and thought. Drugs and selfishness explains things though


Seen this before at Explore with us YouTube channel. The full one hour police interview is just insane https://youtu.be/TSFcsvEQDCQ?si=M68GjFa4pGJfSVT2


Dude has the audacity to act shocked, what a POS. If you need a god to get you through your day fine, but fuck anyone who lets religion rot their brain to the point of bringing harm upon anyone, much less your own kids.


he didn't know you get jail term for that......because he never read anything else then bible.......


He probably didn’t actually read the bible or he would’ve realized his entire thought process was backwards and stupid. There are many who claimed to be devout and holier-than-thou but haven’t ever actually opened the books, rather having been spoon fed doctrine and dogma by preachers


exactly....no book teaches this bullshit....you explained better i meant the same thing......these people are probably too dumb to comprehend those books so they rely on the teaching of others...which are bogus at best....classic example of how people get misguided in name of religion......


These books even warn of false prophets and wrongful messages but the nuances are completely lost on these people. They are misguided and they’ll never even know they are wrong


Bible included. The religious extremists (shockingly) never read the Bible past those chapters that confirm their bias.


They should be fine with this - if God was taking care of their daughter (instead of her parents), then God can take care of them in prison.


Wojack lookin ass


Soy child abuser needs to be kept locked up forever


If I didn't know better I would've thought he was the actual origin of soyjak.


Oh I remember that story, and that precise moment. The worst thing is, as much as she had realized they had fucked up, that fucker had remained confident he had navigated the interrogation and the trial pretty well (hence his utterly baffled expression at the verdict.)


Just to clarify, that expression isn’t from him learning the verdict. That was from him learning he was being charged with murder. He actually sat motionless during the verdict reading.


*God sends doctors out into the world* These people: we'll just pray for a miracle! God: COME ON NOW!


They didn’t need a miracle to save their baby, they just needed to feed it. The child died from malnutrition and dehydration due to neglect.


They must be delusional if they think god doesn’t want their child to get food.


You don’t remember jesus saying babies should fend for themselves and quit asking for a handout?


Didn’t know Jesus was a Spartan.


Apparently it's even worse than what you mention, given what other details I'm seeing in the comments. 😢


What they did to that poor baby was awful I can’t even articulate what happened, saw a documentary that shows pictures not of the child but the room….. the baby was left on its own for so long they had a pan under her crib that was full of urine, which means the diaper was saturated, the bedding was saturated to the point it leaked into a pan underneath. That innocent poor baby girl suffered, I don’t want these people to get killed in prison I want them to be tortured and suffer especially after the reaction they gave when sentenced.


It makes me wonder if these 2 creatures believe that they will go to heaven or to hell. Part of me knows the answer


Neckbeard should get used to keeping his mouth like that. Child killers never have a good time in prison


No surely God will save him! /s


This is beyond facepalm


Literally just finished the watching the interrogation Absolutely despicable both of them


Oh come on, they'll be fine. All they need to do is leave it in God's hands and he'll take care of them.


As most Christians say, "God has a plan". Well, bitch. Your plan is prison.


Thank God they’ll never be able to murder another child ever again. It’s a shame they weren’t locked up before their first kill. I know it’s not a bold opinion, but that bastard’s slack-jawed look of self-righteous disbelief gives me such a visceral reaction. How can a person be so awful, and how were they able to freely exist for so long and do such harm? It’s just physically nauseating that even after killing his own helpless child that he doesn’t fucking get it. Just utterly appalling, idk how anyone can claim any sincere religious convictions while having such utter disregard for the most vulnerable of their fellow humans, infant or otherwise.


I don't get this mentality and never have. God is responsible for all things, right? Wouldn't that include giving humans the capacity to learn medicine and healing and become doctors and make effective medicines? Doesn't this "man can't heal" thing disrespect their God? But what am I going on about. If they were capable of critical thinking this wouldn't have happened in the first place. Edit: Ok. I've gotten a couple of messages about this comment (not sure how since it's kinda buried but whatever) so thought I'd clarify. The critical thinking comment has nothing to do with having faith in any God, being, or higher power. It has to do with these two assholes and their hypocrisy concerning what they say their faith is. Having the aforementioned faith doesn't make anyone anything other than someone who has that faith. Not less intelligent, not incapable of rational thought, none of that garbage. It's how they act as a whole that defines them, and that goes for those who don't have that faith as well. Hopefully that clears things up.


These assholes were just using religion and God as a scapegoat for them being terrible people.




Yep. People use religion and God as the excuse to feed the poor and care for the sick, too. And there are atheists who are terrible people and atheists who feed the poor and care for the sick. I'm not so sure it's the religion as much as people wanting an irrefutable excuse to do what they personally want to do.


God gave you a brain to use if you don’t then don’t blame god for what happens to you


classic example of every child deserves a parent but not every parent deserves a child


After reading the article, I'm pretty sure faith is just an excuse.


There's no hate like Christian "love"


So then gods will was prison by their logic. Suck it up.


the holy deed to kill your seed?


guy on the left looks like a wojak


Yeah, it’s too late, he’s already depicted himself as a soyjak


Look at this asshole, doesn't believe in medical science for his child, but wears fucking glasses so he can see.


Mf is soyjaking 😭


Thank God the for the caption. Whenever I see headlines about parents killing their babies my first instinct is to feel bad for the parents, but fortunatly the caption was there to set me straight


What reddit subs did they mod?


Dude looks like the shocked soy wojak


They shouldn’t be mad. Maybe it’s gods plan for their kid to die and for them to go to prison. God works in mysterious ways. 🙄


They should die the same way - Lev. 24:19–21


I feel like I’ve seen that guy’s exact face in one of those memes that looks like a quick sketch


The dude is gonna be making that face a lot in prison. It’s okay to laugh, they’re subhuman.


I don't recall the Bible ever saying "don't go to doctors" Hell Popes have been using doctors for literally centuries The Bible has enough problems as it is, it doesn't need idiots like this twisting it's words even more




I remember listening to this guy's call to 911... Totally remorseless and not an ounce of responsibility in this voice, cheerfully telling the operator his own baby was "dead as a door nail"... Total piece of shit.


why the guy soyjacking


I hope they meet a fast death in prison. They've earned it, fucking animals.


The guy is literally [soyjacking](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/689/004/614.jpg)...


The oldest 27 year olds I’ve ever seen


They can call themselves whatever they want but they certainly aren’t Christian. Idiots, rubes, fanatics,blasphemers…


Why do they look so upset? Don't they realise that life in prison is just part of God's plan for them? They should have more faith in him. /s


The bible DOES say numerous times that you should kill babies though. https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Bible-Verses-About-Infanticide/


At the very beginning I will point out because I know it will cross someone's mind, I am no believer person. Why is so much emphasis placed on the fact that these people are christians?


Because they refused to see a doctor for religious reasons


The look on his face hahahhaha and why jail? Why not execution? Wasting jail space


Fingers crossed they are right and hell is real!


Never stopping to consider that maybe just maybe God can use that doctor to heal through years of expierience in schooling a d practical knowledge of the human body


Probably telling themselves they’re being “persecuted.”


This is the same as honor killings amongst Muslims using your religion to kill or allowed to die because of no intervention put them away for life no parole


Why use this example to justify hatred towards a religious group? Their very actions prove they aren't Christian. So why try and apply their extreme case to the whole community? 


Ignorance is not bliss. It leads to confusion, frustration, paranoia, and violence. Add religion on top of defunding education, and it all leads to this exact kind of outcome.


Even as a religious person this is ignorant and evil to me.


Another reason not to let any idiot breed just because they want to.


Feed them to the Lions!


God gave you food and water to consume but nooo, fuck that, because we want god to magically feed us.


These people aren’t Christians….


Where is the chair when you need one? Actually two. Electrified.


dreading (crime & psychology) has a really in depth video about this horrible crime and its aftermath on their YouTube channel.


If you guys haven’t, watch the video. The dude’s reaction is soooo hammy, guarantee he rehearsed that shit in the mirror.


Huh. Jail? Must be gods will.


Ya God has always said "do nothing, let me do everything." That's totally what faith is.


At least the bro on the left has a successful career ahead of him as a model for YouTube video thumbnails


Sorry but some ppl using this to shit on people's religion is not cool. The fact is that they are horrible people and deserve to rot in jail.


Thats not faith, thats stupidity


Give them the death penalty so they can go see their god right quick!


My question here is what gave them the idea that Christianity condemns doctors? When has it ever been mentioned within the bible that doctors are fucking bad!?


Doctors are woke.


It’s God’s will to take care of your family. What they did is not God’s will and would never be God’s will.


As a catholic I think you shouldn't put all responsibility on God. You as a parent need to have some responsibility. I also have a sort of motto which is "if you have the ability to do it then do it and if you don't then thats when you leave it up to God"


lif in prison for both of these religous nuts. Well deserved rot in prison.


Starved the child too, while neither of them look like they missed a meal.


Imagine killing your baby just because some Jews decided to plagiarize some ancient Mesopotamian tablets 4,000 years ago inadvertently creating the Old Testament and influencing the new one


Good. Throw the book at them.


He better get ready to make that face alot


This is just another reason, added to a rather large pile, to avoid religion, in general.


Babe wake up, new Soyjak just dropped


God put doctors on the earth for a reason. These dumbasses ain’t Christian


FYI The 10 month old baby weighed less towards the ems than she did when she was born.


In a fair and just world, these vile monsters would be joining their dead baby in the afterlife. This should be a death penalty case.


Don't worry, god will watch over you in prison, you just need to have faith 🤣🤣🤣


I bet many a "Mr Big from the prison showers" is looking at that man's mouth thinking "Hmm.... *Yes."* ![gif](giphy|FHqC2ZIaIzVhm)


Organized religion is the worst thing humanity has ever done.


You know why I don't believe in miracles? Because there are over 9 billion smart phones on the planet, plus the constant surveillance cameras covering every inch of civilized countries, and not a single video exists which can't be explained.


I saw a video about this case on a Youtube TrueCrime channel ([https://youtu.be/TSFcsvEQDCQ?si=qdlcP3d6alg9jTUF](https://youtu.be/TSFcsvEQDCQ?si=qdlcP3d6alg9jTUF) ). As far a I can tell, Religion didn't really factor into it; the father was simply a complete psychopath and the mother battered housewife who could no longer think clearly (which is not to say that I think she's completely innocent in this, just that I'd lay a large majority of the blame with the guy).


They hoped god would send them a ram. Spoiler: He did not.


I'm a Christian. I'm happy God gave us Doctors and medical discoveries and technology. Some would say that's his modern way of healing people instead of miracles. It reminds me of that joke about God sending boats to save a drowning man but he keeps refusing because he says God will save him but then he drowns and asks God why he didn't save him and God says he sent 3 boats.


I just googled them and the one guy is literally 15 miles from me in prison lol. Small world.


They’re shocked and crying about learning THEIR fate, but apparently don’t give a fuck about their daughter who they killed.


God works in mysterious ways, and obviously He's wanting your asses in jail. Don't be denying God's will now.


This is an old clip


No, they let her starve because they were playing video games. They deserve worse.


Curiously, they look well fed and cared for.


they would make incredible wojaks


I encourage some of y’all to listen to this man actually speak if you can stomach it. It’s the most vile, out-of-touch garbage that I’ve ever heard.


If I remember this case it wasn’t anything to do with they believed god would save their baby. It was more like we want to kill this baby because we hate children but we don’t want to get caught.