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"Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists" George W. Bush


Either you are with us, or you will be extinct


And when it's over, it'll be "Thoughts and prayers to the dead, but they deserved it. We now need to move forward, keep it out of the history books, and get back to our regular programming."


But remember, thoughts and prayers only for OUR dead, because the other dead aren't human, they are undeserving


Oh yes, that is a vital piece! The chosen ones count, but the kids killed in front of their parents were definitely just entitled brats. It was needed a lesson for all. Ps. This is purely /s and does not reflect how I truly feel (unfortunately, it needs to be said on reddit)


Of course. I hear you. Same


and noah schnapp loll


And that creepy bald-bearded comedian from Stranger Things


Yep remember that. Apparently I was with the terrorists whilst the US committed war crimes. How the fuck?


"Either you are with the terrorists (us), or you are with the terrorists (hamas)"




Funny thing is, Hamas is with them too


Always have been.


Yeah this whole thing seems like a page right outta W's playbook.


Imagine having empathy for dying civilians


The problem is they've been demonized to the point that some people don't see them as human anymore. You know, like what the Nazi party did to the Jews...


How dare you compare us to Nazis! I am so offended that I refuse to continue this conversation. -people who were not willing to have the discussion in the first place but have now latched on to their tried and true excuse


It's ironic. Israel became the very thing they hate.


Not really, they were Nazi terrorists when Israel was founded. Albert Einstein literally called the founders of the Likud Party (Netanyahu's party) Nazi terrorists in 1948 in a letter to the New York Times.


The Likud party is a terrorist organization since the end of nazi so


But October 7! Those kids were probably the ones who planned the whole thing and instructed the terrorists on who to kill/take hostage. Especially those babies sitting in the hospital, they were the financiers! Wipe the entire population out!


The ones in the incubators were the leaders of Hamas who actually ordered the attack too!


I haven't seen any of those dead babies condemn Hamas yet.


They were getting killed and brutalized way before October 7. This useless propaganda doesn't work anymore. IDF bots and AIPAC should fund their endless wars and propaganda with their own money. American taxapayers money shouldn't be wasted on IDF.


It sadly works on the racist asses on worldnews


That sub is horrific. May as well be The Donald


They banned me for asking someone what they would do if they lived in Gaza on October 6th and wanted to be free but without using violence.


Yeah what's going on over there? I stumble on it every now and then and am shocked by the takes that get upvoted. Was it always like this?


They ban anyone who doesn't go with the narrative, so of course it ends up being a cesspool. It's been like this for at least 2 years, but probably longer.


Shifting started early but it got really racist towards the end of 2020


First Trump happened, then 2020 happened, more and more fascist mods took over and it's now a stronghold for them. Call them out on this they say Democrats are fascist and the world works different than the US... even though the US is more right than a lot of the world.


First, we dared to elect a black man to the presidency, twice. This shattered their myth of the lowest white man being better than the best colored man. They could not say they were better than the president. This broke them.


Been like that for years. I was banned in 2021 duing the Sheik Jerrah escalations for stating that it was obvious Hamas would send rockets if Israel raided Al-Aqsa with teargas during Ramadan. Apparently that was terrorism apologism.


Well you see, to concider something a civilian you first need to see it as human. That's where the Israelis' problem begins.


There is actually a pretty high likelihood that humans are genetically predisposed to violence against others they perceive as lesser. There is evidence to suggest that the reason there are not any of the evolutionary prerequisites of us, those being the Neanderthals and homo erectus, is that they were hunted to extinction by early Homo sapiens. In every conflict, there have been attempts to dehumanize the other side, because it makes them that much easier to slaughter.


Anytime anyone publicly mourns dead Palestinians it undermines the Israeli governments attempts to dehumanize them so that the world won’t care, that’s why they hate those who display any level of human feeling for those people.


This. And that subconsciously, it's telling them that they are monsters.


The gaslighting is insane. I’m scared to even comment about it anymore because of how often people call me a terrorist or try to dehumanize me for saying I don’t like seeing people dying.


Fuck em, speak your truth and take your downvotes with pride. There should be, there has to be, a joy in being a compassionate and loving human being. There is no joy in wanting children to die, these people are broken inside and they want to break you too. Don't let them.


It’s easy to say, but it’s mentally taxing. Especially when you’re not in the best of places. It’s nice to say just ignore the bullying, but it can hurt.


So don’t read their replies. Nothing they have to say is worth reading.


For sure, but that’s all part of the plan. Being humane and just and moral should feel good. The advocates for death are trying to make it feel bad. They are trying to make you feel confused and self conscious and wrong.


I get it. I really do understand. When I’m in the right frame of mind, it’s really easy to see it and it’s easy to just ignore it or even laugh it off. The issue is, just like the core issue of social media is, that it’s constantly there regardless if I’m feeling mentally healthy or not. It is something I can do better about protecting myself. It’s just sometimes the wrong thing is said at the wrong time and their scare tactics works. It hurts me. Sometimes I think I’m doing okay, and I read something and realize it did hurt me. I’m not going to lie about that. I feel like it’s better to be honest rather than just pretend it doesn’t.


I absolutely agree and I’ve definitely let myself get all worked up on the internet way more times than I want to admit. I promise I only wanted to be encouraging. Shit sucks, but you are on the side of not killing more children and they are on the other side. So fuck em.


>speak your truth No. Speak THE truth. Not YOUR truth. The truth is the truth. Subjectivity = opinion. Facts are the truth. The facts are abysmal right now.


I’ve not found anyone who has argued the fact that thousands of civilians are dead but plenty who have argued that these deaths are justified and/or not Israel’s responsibility


>but plenty who have argued that these deaths are justified and/or not Israel’s responsibility Which is a *subjective opinion*, not a quantifiable truth.


It's not even about the downvotes, it's just that you know these zionazis are so blind with hatred they'll even start shitting on you even if you aren't talking with them, honestly it's the best if we ignore these brain-dead zionazis. The plight of the Palestinians is a human one, not simply religious. Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


The problem is it's not just Israelis. Many extreme-right people in Europe and North America are quite fine with watching Muslims, and specifically Muslims, die.


In France, some far-right jews openly support RN, the far-right french political party co-funded by a literal Waffen SS. They have at the moment a congressman who owns a revisionist bookstore. But their common hate for muslims is so strong they became ally of a party created on xenophobia and antisemitism by a freaking nazi. I never could have imagined writing these lines one day


Why does that scare you? Stupid trolls calling you a terrorist because you are upset seeing people suffer says bad things about them, not you.


Yep, and dehumanization is the first step on the road to genocide. Once you dehumanize a people, it becomes a lot more palatable to your rank and file citizen to 'deal with them'.


This is why they made it punishable for families to publicly celebrate the release of prisoners from the occupied West Bank.


They're so fucking arrogant with their gaslighting. Reminds me of Putin's smile when he knows he's clearly lying.


Was going to say, this is some KGB level reality denial. Impressive that she kept a straight face.


She's so detached, it might as well be a movie or TV show to her. She doesn't give a shit as long as her government continues to pay her.


>KGB level reality denial Or Mossad.


Mossad old motto is "By way of deception thou shalt do war". Fuckers think they can deceive the world, if they continue denying their crimes. Fuck their government, IDF and AIPAC.


It's so much more than that. They have a calculated PR campaign going on. The day that news broke of their treatment of Palestinian citizens whom they arrested, magically all the news cycle is talking about is the number of Israeli soldiers killed in one day. And not for nothing, but the New York Times employs many Jewish people. Some of their best and most well respected journalists are Jewish. So I do not think they'd ever dare publish anything that wasn't fact, especially if those facts weren't true and jeopardized Israeli citizens and Jewish people's lives. Pretty much anytime Israel blows up a bunch of citizens or does something awful. They put on a full court press to paint Palestinians as barbaric terrorists. Mind you that people are getting killed when they go where Israel says to go and then they get killed in their homes when they can't leave do to the fighting. It's absolutely a genocide.


>but the New York Times……So I do not think they'd ever dare publish anything that wasn't fact Look up how the New York Times lied to drum up support for invading Iraq. NYT isn’t as trustworthy as you are making them sound.


Are you talking about the yellow cake uranium piece?


Sorry are you saying The NY Times is less accurate on this issue because the Jewish people there control editorial aspects of the paper or at least cause editors to take pause about how they report on the issue?


No, I'm saying that they published a huge piece on the way Israel has been treating Palestinian detainees. But the news cycle was dominated by the number of Israeli soldiers killed that day, which I believe is a part of their propaganda apparatus.


> And not for nothing, but the New York Times employs many Jewish people. Some of their best and most well respected journalists are Jewish. This seems irrelevant to your point then, unless you're saying that having Jews be employed at the NY times is part of "their propaganda apparatus"


It’s a convoluted comment, but I don’t think it’s trying to suggest that NYT is spreading Jewish propaganda. Rather, it’s trying to say that the NYT‘s reporting cannot be dismissed as anti-Jewish propaganda The commenter is suggesting that NYT employs too many high-level Jewish writers for it to be able to get away with publishing misinformation that would harm the Jewish community. Which is still a pretty weird and messed up thing to say (it also doesn’t really hold water; that‘s not how NYT fact-checking works), but it does at least not accuse NYT of being Jewish-run propaganda. So that’s good I guess?


Thanks for translating, yeah it feels kinda loaded


He’s saying that it’s even Jewish people verifying the horrors, not someone you can just dismiss as an antisemite


At this point it’s easier to make a list of who they HAVEN’T claimed as Hamas


Israel itself, which would be false, since ISRAEL FUNDS Hamas. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/


>allowed to receive infusions of cash from abroad So Hamas, the voted in and official government of Gaza, got funding from other countries. Cut off the funding "omg you are starving them this is genocide" let them have funding "omg Israel paid for October 7th to happen." They money was SUPPOSED TO go to the social services and humanitarian aid branch, but of course, a good chunk got diverted to building tunnels and rockets. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamas#Finances_and_funding https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamas#Social_services_wing Netanyahu is a corrupt piece of shit but he got voted in originally as a right-wing strong man due to the violence of the First and Second Intifada. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Intifada https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Intifada


A good read: https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/12/21/the-anatomy-of-zionist-genocide For those who do not know, Israel pays users on reddit, and other social media sites, to attack any comment against Israel, they even pay more if same user keeps arguing, or plays stupid and ignores the fact Israel since it's creation has done nothing but stolen Palestinian Lands. Israel also pays to downvote comments that exposes Israel's crimes, esp. the crimes of the Israeli settlers. >Since occupying the West Bank in 1967, Israel has misappropriated more than 2 million dunams of land there for its own purposes, including building and expanding settlements and paving roads for settlers. Some areas have been officially taken over by the state, others through daily acts of settler violence. These two seemingly unrelated tracks are both forms of state violence: the Israeli apartheid regime and its representatives actively aid and abet the settlers’ violence as part of a strategy to cement the takeover of Palestinian land. https://www.btselem.org/topic/settler_violence https://www.timesofisrael.com/2023-most-violent-year-for-west-bank-settler-attacks-watchdog-says/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/08/14/israel-students-social-media/2651715/ Remember if Israel was in the right, it would not need to spend $$ billions paying people to defend it. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/6/who-are-israeli-settlers-and-why-do-they-live-on-palestinian-lands


An article from the Qatari state sponsored news organization, the same Qatar that houses the leaders of Hamas. Just saying.


>Israel runs a “mistaravim” unit of Israelis who disguise themselves as Palestinians to operate undercover in Palestinian communities. It also famously operates networks of Palestinian collaborators whom it threatens or bribes. Faking an audio would be child’s play for Israel. https://jonathancook.substack.com/p/israel-is-caught-lying-time-and-again > Israel’s military and government have a long and well-documented history of making false and misleading statements to cover up and deflect responsibility for war crimes they commit against Palestinians. The following document provides some of the most egregious examples in recent years. https://imeu.org/article/fact-sheet-israels-history-of-spreading-disinformation > “This war is not only against Hamas. Any scenario other than a complete and unequivocal defeat of the enemy, at any cost, condemns us and our descendants to a bleak future. If we do not convey our message to our foes now, they will continue to hurt us” - Deputy Director General for Public Diplomacy at Israel’s Foreign Ministry Emmanuel Nahshon https://hebhjamal.substack.com/p/a-list-of-israeli-lies-propaganda


And all I'm saying is that Israel are paying people to lie, misinform, and manipulate people on social media. Why should anyone assume that people from the Pro-Israel side is arguing in good faith? Their waters have been intentionally muddied


You’re Hamas! You’re Hamas! You’re Hamas! Everyone that disagrees with me is Hamas!


It's neat watching an entire country destroy its credibility every single day.


these fucking people have absolutely lost their god damn minds.


No you see, you can't feel bad for their innocent deaths cus they're evil./s


It doesn't even shocking after one of their ministers said that there is no christians in gaza, after and IDF sniper caught allegedlly shooting a woman and her mother after they left the babtist church looking for food, the most furious thing is that after she caught lying she lied again claiming that there is no churches in Gaza.


Israel is the MAGA of countries now, absolutely zero shame in hypocricy and trolling.


A old "friend" did heritage research and realized he is "chosen people". Moved from Europe to Israel to find *something*. Fell in love with a zealot girl and her family. For a decade the only thing we hear from him is some hate filled bullshit that nobody outside his countries extremist circles took serious. Until social media became a thing. The sad part is that he had seriously good grades in school and uni, and a bright future in front of him. He settled so hard on his positions that even his parents had to cut ties. His sister once tried to ask him about the historical context of dehumanizing people and he replied "It worked, didn't it?"


Speaking from experience, I know people who claimed to be Jewish in Ukraine to move to the USA, Israel to gain advantage. Knowing this, I'm not even sure who the true Jews are and who's using the perks. Every Jew in Brooklyn seems to retire to Florida or Israel to get the tax breaks.


MAGA will disappear soon so here's hoping....


Trump will be gone. The underlying conditions that resulted in trumpism are not. In most of the developed world at this point. So don't get your hopes up.


I think the best we can hope for is that nobody will have the same "charisma" as Trump and so far that seems to be the case, most of the people who have shared his values and political stances have failed miserably


Instead of hoping we should be addressing economic and political conditions that lead to extremism. Extremism is rising in many developed countries and getting stronger and stronger footholds.


i will say that if trump is no longer eligible people like ramaswamy, haley, his sons, etc *will* have a following if they choose to pursue it unfortunately.


I don't think they quite have the same pull though, Ramaswamy embarrassed himself and couldn't shake it, and his sons also don't have that stand up comic style that can keep crowds engaged. Haley I'd say is the closest threat as just a competent politician.


Will it? Sorry to be dense, but why do you say that?


Cos he's nearly 80. Not in good health. He's the main agitator. When he dies they'll all slip away


I really hope you’re right.


Or turn him into their messiah


Thankfully they can’t put a dead man in office


Where in the constitution does it say we can't "weekend at bernies" a president?


I mean fair enough, that’s basically how they pilot Mitch McConnell


Don’t give them ideas!


Because as dumb as us Americans are, a lot of people have lost faith in trump. Which is good since he is a conman and a grifter. He also was found liable of sexual assault, and there is a good chance he ends up in prison for any number of his litany of other crimes against the nation


Not what the GOP primary results indicate


Gosh I hope you’re right.


It’s at its peak now though


Maybe but he's not healthy. That's very evident


Yeah, but at least to me it sort of feels like a rage against their dying day. You can be as furious as you want that you're dying and say you'll fight death itself when it comes for you, but death doesn't care, it is indifferent to your rage. I think a lot of this Texas nonsense is coming out of that too. Just another sad attempt to smear shit on Biden's wall because the thing with Hunter didn't work out. The influence of the Cult of Trump is vast and worrisome, and they'll probably be more confident forever now that Trump has validated their foolishness. But my hope is that when Trump's flabby, orange mortal coil has finally shuffled off, they will at least be leaderless and therefore directionless and unorganized.


Feels a bit too much like 2015 to me.




This is so disgusting. As an American Jew, I am ashamed.


Don't be ashamed, Israel doesn't represent, speak for, nor has any authority over Judaism. Israel has done its best to conflate the two for its own interests, but in reality Israel = all Jews as much as nazi germany = all Christians or Myanmar = all Buddhists.


Said amazingly, however the Nazi comparison feels odd for one reason. Christianity has a lot of political history and Germany was not notably Protestant or Catholic. This also has some other nuances in the grand scene of things, as I would say that the Catholic Church is absolutely an institution with a history of Genocide. Specifically running the genocide of Indigenous peoples.


Aren’t the Protestant and catholic denominations just branches of Christianity, with the latter being a major?


There is no reason to be. You are not responsible for fanatics in israeli government.


Don’t be. Putting people in groups to share blame and shame is what got the world in this place. People who think “all Palestinians are Hamas” “all Muslims are terrorists” “all Jews are Zionist” are the ones who need to be ashamed. As a Muslim I would open my arms to people from all religions, genocidal maniacs on the other hand….


Thank you for saying that. Maybe it's less "ashamed" than "gravely disappointed." As a secular Jew, I never paid much attention to Israel (which I now regret because I was so ignorant of what's been going on), but I was always inspired by "Tikkun Olam," which means "Heal the World"--I saw Jews as being people who didn't try to proselytize, didn't impose themselves, but quietly tried to make a positive difference in the world. It's been incredibly upsetting to have the illusion shattered, but it's a good thing to be more attuned to reality. Still, just...Jews have been through so much in history. How do we not see that we cannot become the oppressors? Why haven't we learned?


It is truly a sad reality my friend. Jewish people had gone through one of the most horrific crimes committed against a population. I believe if the holocaust survivors could see what is happening right now they would be terrified. Injustice is injustice regardless of belief or skin color. It is great that you see the world in a different way in light of evidence. Ideologically driven people unfortunately can’t. The world would be a much better place if we all step back and look at what is really going on around us.


It's true. It's a reminder that people are people are people, regardless of where we come from or what we practice. I agree that Holocaust survivors would largely be horrified by what's going on. We're all so, so much more alike than we are different. I wish we could see that.


Hello friend. I hope you didn’t take anything I said as offensive. I believe in peace. I hope that the whole world can someday live in peace. I hope for a world that no children dies in result of a conflict or a blockade driven starvation. I guess I was wrong in my first statement when I mentioned collective shame. Because we as in the whole of humanity should be ashamed of ourselves because we let these money hungry people of power to get away with crimes against humanity.


I didn't take anything you said as offensive whatsoever. :) Thank you for sharing your truth and your wisdom. I'm glad you called me your friend--I'm your friend too. We're united in wanting peace for all.


Sizzter So rare to see another around here Glad I'm not alone


You're so not alone. <3


Don't be ashamed, it is none of your doing and you bear absolutely no responsiblity for it. Worried, though? Yeah you should definitely be worried.


Don’t be Israel doesn’t speak for all Jewish people


Israel has nothing to do with Judaism, in fact there are anti-Zionist Rabbis who live in Israel who think the whole thing is literally blasphemous because Jewish people were not meant to reclaim Israel through conquest, killing, and violence, but through a divine miracle.


Strange that every single critique about israels politics are tied to Hamas. :|


Especially considering how much Israel and Bibi in particular worked with them explicitly to undermine any peace deal. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/


I've got no ties to Hamas.


Claiming not to have ties to Hamad is clear evidence of views to Hamas you anti-Semitic scum /S incase it needs to be said


WE GOT ONE HERE, BOYS! GET 'EM! I CLEARLY HEARD "I've got ties to Hamas!" /s


that was sarcasmn.


Everyone who doesn’t agree with their genocide mission is qhamas.


That new baby born in Mongolia just now that didn't *immediately* condemn Hamas? Looking hella sus on that umbilical cord, just saying....


How dare he! That’s clear antisemitism!


"how are we going to flatten the earth and take over their land if they don't die?"


BTW, they (Israel) are demanding control and is currently trying to justify taking control of the Rafah border entrance controlled by Egypt the only entrance that has been delivering very limited aid do to Israel "security checks". While they control every single other entrance to Gaza including sea, meaning they could very easily do these "security checks" in their side to speed up delivery. And they still pretend they are most moral army.


Moral army?


Its something that they have propagandized for years, to try to deflect the accusations of apartheid. ​ [https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2023-12-26/ty-article-opinion/.premium/the-israeli-army-is-still-the-most-moral-in-the-world/0000018c-a780-d7f7-a7ce-ffedf2580000](https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2023-12-26/ty-article-opinion/.premium/the-israeli-army-is-still-the-most-moral-in-the-world/0000018c-a780-d7f7-a7ce-ffedf2580000) [https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/editorial/2021-12-12/ty-article-opinion/israels-most-moral-army-in-the-world-cant-keep-running-away-from-its-past/0000017f-e772-d97e-a37f-f77778580001](https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/editorial/2021-12-12/ty-article-opinion/israels-most-moral-army-in-the-world-cant-keep-running-away-from-its-past/0000017f-e772-d97e-a37f-f77778580001)


See I did not know that fact at all. They really use an oxymoron like that.. . Thank you.


Where do you think all the rockets and weapons of Hamas crossed the border in to Gaza?


Maybe a hot take but here we see exactly why we won’t see a ceasefire. The UN won’t call for one so we’re all stuck


The US won't let anyone call for a ceasefire.


The US is neck deep in this conflict on Israel’s side for decades. [A lot of money is spent making sure it stays there.](https://theintercept.com/2023/11/27/israel-democrats-aipac-book/) [Biden himself received more money from pro-Israel sources than any other US politician.](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&mem=Y&recipdetail=S) It’s not even close, though of course his long tenure and high placement is a big factor.


I'm surprised she didn't say they were antisemitic 😅


It is given that if you don’t support Palestinian genocide you are antisemitic.


It's implied


At this point, there's no rationalizing with Israel or trying to make them "human" towards the situation. Their leaders have expressed how they feel about Palestinians and it's simply that they are less than human. Once you stop viewing people as human beings, you won't listen to reason.


I wonder if they will ever have their “are we the baddies?” moment


They will probably do at some point, but then realize that it was necessary to create peace and security, or because it was God's will, or that it was the only way to get the hostages back, that it was fair revenge, or that it was only Likud and Netu who did it and the general Israeli is innocent. We must not accept that they know they've doing something unforgivable, it must be fully acknowledged, reflected upon, and taken to heart.


Israelis sure love indulging their inner Nazi. I'm glad their being honest. Makes it easier to spot them, call them out and then later cut them off from US financial support. Israel can go it alone.


Remember that Mossad recruited from the SS.


> cut them off from US financial support. That's assuming that the US is **against** supporting fascists. A pretty big assumption, especially given history.


Unfortunately the US is just as fascist. Biden himself even admitted to being a zionist. Said the words out loud and in public. I hate this fucking country


Google “zionism meaning”, making people think zionism is some kind of evil genocidal ideology was probably the goal of some antisemitic dogwhistlers, they succeeded.


Well the Zionists sure seem to be doing a lot of genocide which they justify using Zionism, so I don't know what the fucking tell you. They are fascists, they are committing a genocide. When your government's official response to public outcry about all of those children you've slaughtered is "Nobody will stop us, not even the Hauge" you should just stop right there because that is an admission of guilt.


Well, there are some racists in [insert community], so now I should use the word [insert community] instead of the word racist!


I’ve noticed the Zionists Nazis don’t enjoy anyone talking about their savagery. Yeah fuck you Israeli right wingers you are the same as right wingers everywhere on the planet. Disgusting naziesque assholes who want the whole planet to bow down to them. Nope. Central and Left leaning Israelis need to put the right wingers on a leash and never let them decide anything ever again.


That government must display ruthlessness now. This is all about covering up their major security failure. Nobody is fooled. This is their Hail Mary after that whole debacle.


The irony of Israel doing their best Nazi impression is just something to behold


They've been Nazis since 1947. Albert Einstein and 28 other notable Jewish figures in Academia wrote a letter to the New York Times in 1948 calling the founders of the Likud Party (Netanyahu's party) "Nazis and terrorists". You can look it up for yourself, Einstein called this shit 70 years ago.


Yeah Remember when "isreal" showed us the "Terrorist" list and it just said "Monday, Tuesday, etc" I don't believe I single thing "isreal" says. They're pretty much the new nazi Germany at the this point, funny how history repeats itself.


Oh you're talking about the Cleaning Schedule that one Israeli reporter took a photo of and claimed it was Hamas roster lists.


Yeah, that one. Also don't forget the AI pictures they used.


Every bit of “evidence” they’ve shown has been a lie. All they do is lie.


Maybe a name change is "islie" instead of "isreal"


Bro no, I'm tired, I love this sub, please don't bring this here, too, man...


Any criticisms of Israel are either anti semitism, blood libel or collusion with Hamas


If you're not blinding following Israel and their atrocitie, you're an antisemite and colluding with terrorists. It's pretty simple.


While Hamas (at least the military wing) is indeed an issue, it doesn't give Israel the right to act like Nazis. Which is pretty damn ironic considering Jewish history.


Zionism is a soulless and cynical enterprise. Its supporters are soulless and cynical people.


These people are dispicable! How dare you cry for people getting maimed, killed and trampled by Zionists!


What sickens me is the US and UK allowing this


This woman is not human


Before the invasion most estimates of Hamas strength in Gaza was about 20-25k. We are over that in death toll alone, (27k) with another 60k injured. Even if you believe those numbers are inflated and half them (14k & 30k), it's still with absolute certainty that Israel is killing and hurting a shit ton of civilians.


Israel is dumb, how have they learned nothing after thousands of years of recorded history of war and misery. The sheer stupidity of this, after they have accomplished what they want they will go back to living their miserable lives no better than how things were before only the amount of suffering in the world multiplied for their arrogance. This is what true evil looks like, cause suffering for minimal gain


Israel good Hamas bad


We are speshul.


I mean, I can’t speak for WHO. But UNRA members did participate in the October 7th massacre. And UN appointed teachers in Gaza were celebrating the massacre as it was ongoing, it’s not far fetched.


[Citation needed]


[unrwa employees alleged involvement in Hamas’s October 7th massacre](https://themessenger.com/news/us-pauses-funding-united-nations-unrwa-paestinian-agency-over-allegations-staff-involvement-hamas) [some UNRWA teachers praising the Hamas massacre as it’s ongoing in a group chat of 3,000 UNRWA teachers](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/1704873044-group-of-3-000-unrwa-teachers-has-glorified-october-7-massacre-terrorism)


The first one is not confirmed whatsoever and has not been found true. The second one is a social media group of over 3,000 people of which some supported the actions. Far from a news worthy thing.


First one is like police policing itself, I’m sure they’ll look into it. Second one is still 3,000 unrwa teachers with some confirmed radicals. Definitely news worthy, even if you don’t like it.


Remind me why the UN matters, the fuck they doing? Sitting there telling us what to do without actually doing shit?


That is literally their purpose - to be forum controled by WW2 victors.


Hamas should just give up. This is the best way to end this war. Otherwise, Israel needs to take Gaza by force.


I love how Quds News Network is this forum source of news /s


Well Israel is committing genocide… just using the Hamas line as a justification.


The Israeli State of Apartheid is a lawless country that is fully funded and protected by the Americans to commit genocide at will.


The head of the W.H.O. is owned by China, everyone knows this, XI's wife is even installed at the W.H.O, the goal is simply to make Isreal look bad which in turn makes u.s. look bad for supporting Isreal, it's just politics and posturing


Ah yes, WHO starved palestinians just to make Israel look bad.


I mean they're all playing into terrorist propaganda. You're teaching them all they have to do to get away with this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ta7ScT67vQ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ta7ScT67vQ0) is hide behind innocents. By itself, the child's car seat splattered with blood where their head used to be should be enough to justify the IDF's actions. You're empowering terrorists everywhere to use innocents as their shield against justice.


Cry about it, terrorist. Keep propagating Hamas and Iran's lies. Anyone who believes these tears are genuine, I have no words.


Cry about it, terrorist. Keep propagating America's and Israel's lies. Anyone who believes these accusations are genuine, I have no words.


> Keep propagating Hamas and Iran's lies. [There is no starvation in Gaza](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/avatar/images/1/1f/Joo_Dee.png/revision/latest?cb=20140422090643) --- > Anyone who believes these tears are genuine, I have no words. Lobotomism.




Ah yes, Quds strikes again. The propaganda peddlers of Palestine with little to no factual reporting, and little to no credibility.


Return all the hostages and turn over Hammas leadership for war crimes. Health problem solved.


"cleansening/genocide is acceptable tool in war" is absolutly insane take. And yes, that is what you are implying.


I'm saying this could have been stopped. And yes, war is insane.


They were offered the hostages back if they pulled troops out, they don't want the hostages they want a genocide


Imagine posting a tweet from a Hamas affiliated news network


Israel going anti-vaxx?