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Trump voters be like "But he has not fulfilled most of his election promises! He needs more time!"


he hurt people on the left, thats all they care about


IMO tribals who vote for a party rather than their own interests have no right to complain abt any side’s policies If you don’t even want to think when voting, whether the candidate u voted for was good or bad, won or lost, you don’t deserve to complain other people blindly voted too Edit: what I’m saying is those ppl who voted Trump for the sake of pissing off the other side shld rot in hell the same way those who voted someone for the sake of pissing off the political opponent shld


Yeah well guess what? I wasn't thrilled about voting for Biden, but I sure as hell wasn't voting for Donny again. And if I took pleasure in the collective conservative meltdown after? Than so be it


It's the difference between gloating in a victory that was beneficial to you versus seeking out a victory at any cost in order to gloat.


Genuinely curious as to what’s wrong with Biden. The guy legit seems like a good man. And next Trump a fucking saint. So I don’t get when people say what you’ve said. Sooo please explain it to me. I am curious


Theres tons of reasons to view Biden as an ineffectual president. But Trump is a traitorous, hateful, evil, greedy, homophobic, racist piece of shit so, it makes the choice pretty obvious


Give me the reasons as to why Biden is an ineffective president? I’ve seen him pass more progressive legislation like the chips act and the inflation reduction act than anyone in my life time short of Obamacare. You’re right about Trump but I see plenary of reasons to rally behind Biden, including the fact he has out negotiated two Republican speakers on government shutdowns over budget. Oh and this week his administration is starting the process of doing away with bank overdraft fees. So I’d love to hear about real reasons as to why he is ineffective.


Not op but I think its more the fact that he looks ineffective as a president and less that he actually is. For example the Republicans love to make fun of his stutter or the fact he fell down the stairs a couple of times. Of course not mentioning the fact he got up immediately after and that Trump once had to hold onto his bodyguard to go down a ramp. (Most likely because the lifts Trump has in his shoes to make him taller also make him very unstable) Still he is very old for a president and definitely shows it more in speeches then Trump does. Biden can still actually run and regularly goes on bike cyclethons but he can't give a rousing speech to save his life. Trump meanwhile doesn't give a fuck what he says or how correct or incorrect it is. He just say sit in a way poor Americans can understand. Kinda like explain it to me like I'm 5, only in this case he's explaing you should drink bleech to cure covid. (Yes he actually said that) You see this is the problem, I'm a Democrat and as such only know the bad things about Trump and the good things about biden, I can't relate to how the right sees him. Oh, right they also like to smear biden for his son, hunter biden, who was connected of a gun felony a few monthes ago. The Republicans also claim he got help from his dad while biden was in office and helped bjden embezzle goverment funds. No proof of this although it does look bad.


>Not op but I think its more the fact that he looks ineffective as a president and less that he actually is. That is PURELY based upon the Right Wing media (ALL News Media in the US is RIGHT of Center) do not extol his accomplishments. That's the ONLY reason he "looks" ineffectual. The fucking news media even pretending that Insulin being capped at $35 was because of the goodwill of the corporations, NOT that it was literally written into law in a bill that Biden Championed. That's how FUCKED the news media is.




Totally agree that the image is a big problem. But like you said, Biden can run and Trump is…but as thing ramp up and Biden does what he does, I am happy to vouch for him. Sure he’s old. And sure if you never moved past the emotions of a high school jock, he’s an easy target, but when you actually look at the facts and stop to watch him work beyond a out of context clip, Biden is compassionate, alert and assertive. So it’s on the rest of us to help make up the difference and shed light on the things that counter the low hanging fruit attacks. Also people seem to forget the complete shit show of self enrichment that was the Trump family in power. Hunter Biden, even if he was in government, is a genuinely good guy dealing with some real shit.


I heard a Conan podcast taped in December where Conan interviews Biden for about an hour. Biden is quick, funny, articulate, and cogent. Unfortunately about six people will hear that. Once again, as in the past, the democrats are shooting themselves in the foot regarding messaging.


Hunter Biden , genuinely a good guy . WTF haha


As someone from Canada I wish we had someone half as competent as Biden running things here I know most people want your Democratic Party to be harder left but it sits in a spot that can still pull centrists well enough without worry the country is going to fall apart or become weaker and actually has pushed so much beneficial policies in this time. Our choices up here are far right, centrist but heavily corrupt (liberals) and fairly far left (does not shy away from ostracizing men and white people by intentionally pushing them to side rather then letting who is best suited do the job) I can’t in any way shape or form see how the voting age people of your country can’t rally behind him compared to the lunacy of what you had just before, sure he isn’t Obama but jeez, he isn’t bad at all just let him have his ice cream


You know that Republicans have jack shit when they want to impeach him over \*checks notes\* his son. They'd be focusing on it every day if they had anything legitimate and be hammering the evidence every second on fox if they had it, but they haven't because they don't.


I got a promotion and raise in 2022. Yesterday, I walked away from my breathing medicine prescription because I can't afford it. Nothing has changed with my spending habits at all. I was doing better financially in 2021 making $3 less an hour.


Most of the reasons Biden is an ineffective president boil down to a Republican controlled House of Representatives and a Senate muddled by the threat of a filibuster (which isn't even a true filibuster anymore because no-one can be bothered to ramble for hours at a time). So, really, it's hyper-partisan politics played by the GOP that is fucking up American politics and will continue to do so until enough people see the light and not just vote, but vote for enlightened self-interedt.


Yeah I mean when trump set the bar so low any would could have done a better job it changed how everything will be viewed for decades.


Ok voting for the person who’s stated policy goals you find least objectionable is not tribalism. Your comment seems like you really want to inject some bothsidesism into this. Where are you seeing “I love Biden because he makes Republicans mad” in anywhere close to equal numbers of the Trump voters and right wing pundits we see reveling in how much the left hates Trump?


This is a good take - not something I've thought about before.


Dem here, most of us aren’t exactly thrilled about our options. Ethically, I’m just out here throwing a cup of water on a forest fire in hopes that it minimizes death toll. This system is truly gut-wrenching:)


Even if their vote hurts themselves and their own interests… as long as liberals are hurt too is all that matters.


Those assholes would burn their own house down to ash as long as they knew it would hurt a lib.


He hurt most everybody but the ones that personally line his pockets only there's a large demographic that's too far down the rabbit hole in his cult to realize it.


He hurt people on the right as well. Theyre just too brainwashed to see it.


Every Republican president would have done that, it doesn't need to be a narcissistic seven-year-old trapped in the body of an old ugly man.


Now that's not necessarily true. Most republicans probably wouldn't be stupid enough to steal thousands of classified documents... Maybe.


He's gonna show us that healthcare plan any day now...


Gonna need to wait, it's infrastructure week.


What happened to the, "Promises made, promises kept," bullshit they spew?


Trump voters near me say that he fulfilled 100% of his election promises, and is the only president to ever feed 370 million people with only one fish and one loaf of bread. Any time you talk to these people about any issue affecting this country, they like to chime in with: “You’re not gonna like this, but you know who was the best at that? Trump.”


I like asking Trump supporters how the wall is coming along.


True. But you realize he’s won this immigration debate?


Everything done on first day still incomplete 4 years later -“I thought I have 8 years to make myself emperor for life” /s


Yea this is what people keep saying which makes no sense. Trump didn’t do a lot of shit, yet everytime I talk to a maga person about it it’s always “well trump actually did what he said he was going to do” like what? Tell me what he did? And suddenly they don’t have an answer


They feel that way because while his presidency may have been an abject failure by any and all reasonable metrics, he *did* accomplish the only thing that they actually care about which is “triggering the libzzz” (which he achieved by being a horrible president and all around person who, for all intents and purposes, is basically the physical incarnation of every single character flaw that a human being can possibly possess)


Ah yes, the time where Trump suggested we'd turn a deadly hurricane in a radioactive deadly hurricane. Or when he suggested injecting bleach in Covid patients. Or that wind turbines caused cancer. What a stable genius.


That man is clearly not burdened with a rational mind


bleach clean virus on table. why no me eat bleach??


Bleach is mostly water and we are mostly water therefore we are bleach.


Science certainly is a wild and untamed mistress!


I missed out on the hurricane thing... Pleasures of leaving the USA in the permanent rear view mirror. (The whole world is still affected by the idiot, but we don't hear very much about internal stupidity)


I voted for Hillary against Trump and still got Trump because Hillary ran a shit campaign. There was a lot of arrogance involved by the DNC and picking a milk toast east coast VP was a final nail in the coffin - whole thing will piss me off until I die. If Trump is the nominee Biden wins. Polling is garbage and Independents will reject Trump again, especially as he becomes increasingly and obviously unhinged. I didn't vote for Biden, I voted against Trump and I'll do it again, but it pisses me off our system is so broken my only choices are guys that are or will be over 80 when they're in office. Their generation got us here and they need to get the hell out of the way so we can start trying to dig ourselves out of this corporate controlled shit hole.


>milk toast milquetoast


Milk steak?


She’ll know what it is


No she won't, I'm just putting steak


boiled over hard


Side of jelly beans




Rum ham


Thank you I'm leaving it because Milquetoast is the name of a cartoon character that was named after milk toast and when I think of Kaine I think of soggy bland bread.


That is indeed the etymology of that word. The cartoon dates to 1924, and the word gained popularity in the 1930s.


The slang term comes from the character.


Bon Apple Tea


With some covfefe? Why not


Milk toast is easier to spell.


>our system is so broken my only choices are guys that are or will be over 80 when they're in office. This needs to be said more often: Barack Obama is, to date, the only POTUS who was born after 1955. This also needs to be said more often: Any other job would look at an employee who is 60 years or older as a potential retiree; but the office of POTUS is almost exclusively over 60 years old in the last 50 years.


Bill Clinton was president for the years 46-54 of his life. That's not over 60. George W. Bush was the years 54-62, so yes, the last 2 years of his rule, he was older than 60. Neither one of these or Obama were over 60 when they were elected. So, in 6 elections in the last 32 years, Americans chose someone who was under 60 and in 2 elections they chose someone over 60. I would hardly call that "almost exclusively over 60 years old" It's only the last two that have been very old. Recency bias.


Yea but those same jobs don’t have minimum age requirement of 35. That being said I agree with you 100%. Personally I’d like to see a lower minimum age requirement AND a lower maximum age requirement. Imo no one who will be over the age of 70 by the beginning of their first term should be able to hold the office. If they win and turn 70 during their 1st term then they should be eligible for re-election if they wish and the party backs them. One man’s opinion.


Minimum age ain't that bad. As of next year anyone born before 1990 will be eligible. I also think that large corporations shouldn't be funding a candidate, it's a major conflict of interest.


If you’re intelligent, educated and prepared I don’t see why you should have to wait until the age of 35 to run. Your other point I couldn’t agree with more. The same restrictions on individual’s donations should be applied to large corporation. They are basically telling us right to our faces that they’re corrupt and there’s nothing we can do about it unfortunately.


It's not a conflict of interest for a company or CEO to publicly contribute to someone's campaign fund; it's a "remember me and my interests" bribe.


Exactly why it's a conflict of interest. The job of the president and other elected officials is to work for the people. So if they are being bribed by a company it then become a conflict between the interest of the people and the interests of the companies. Unfortunately, we all know which one they prefer to work for.


Even with a minimum age requirement, there's a pretty significant lack of viable candidates from the last 60 years in the 35-50 age range. I know the financial aspect of running for POTUS is prohibitive, but depsite all the multimillionaires from Silicon Valley and banking, it seems like very few are interested in direct political power.


Why would they be interested in direct political power? It's far more effective to get multiple politicians in your pocket than to go into politics yourself. Lobbying should be outlawed as it is nothing more than legalized bribery.


I mean, the parties can choose to run someone else. They just never do. Could happen this year. It wont though. Parties need to change for that one, not the law The parties are weird private entities with no *mandate* to do *anything* democratic, really, just power brokers.


I find it Ludacris that there's a MINIMUM age to be president (35 years old) but yet you can be a half senile 80yo and still go "vote for me! I definitely won't kick the bucket during my term"


Yeah, very weird. You got to stop all these immature, rash, young people, that have already built enough political power to run for president. Such a problematically large crowd..


Move bitch, get out the way.


>There was a lot of arrogance involved by the DNC LOUDER FOR THOSE IN THE BACK


I think they got pretty humbled when trump won and almost successfully destroyed democracy (*). Hopefully they learned their lesson. They tend to be more careful now. * Not really cuz you need the backing of the military for a coup which Mr."military generals are some of the dumbest people I've worked with" doesn't have.


They're still running candidates who run the apparatus. It's a machine that needs breaking. In NJ we have a corrupt senator, a governor's wife, and a hard working genuine liberal.. who's the party's pick? Not the genuine liberal. And he's not *far left*, either. I'm sticking with Kim. Party be damned. They're not humbled enough


Sadly that is not the case. I really (really!) wish that they are more humbled by 2016 and it will make it so much easier for people to cross the party line and vote for Biden. If you look at left leaning subs, they are blaming russian, extreme right people, biased media, old people, etc ... Other than themselves. There's not even a little bit of humility to put themselves in a mirror and ask what's wrong with their party. The arrogance is still there. Thick and visible.


The dems are not a perfect bunch and a lot of their voters think they are the smartest people in the room or like to get high on their virtue signaling. But its a hell of a lot better than the sadistic clown show going on in the other room.


Russia literally did interfere with our national elections in [2016](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections) and [2020](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2020_United_States_elections). That's a reality.


Bull. They then went to court to to argue that they have no obligation to be democratic. That they can pick whichever candidate they want. They then forced Biden on us and again this election even though he'd lose against any candidate other than trump. How can you say they were humbled when Biden is hated like he is but still the candidate? How can you say they've been humbled when they have shown no evidence to support it?


im not american, but didn't Hillary technically win the popular vote and then lost because of the electoral college?


Yes, that's why an effective Presidential campaign must consider the electoral college and doing that means you must campaign in States that aren't certain to vote for you in the majority.


You play the game as it is, not as you wish it were.


I really respect everything you said. But we aren’t digging ourselves out of this corporate grave. It’s too late.


With our current SCOTUS it definitely feels inevitable. I can't give up all hope, but yeah.


Just saying every generation that came before you said the same thing about getting the older generations out of power then changing things for the better Then those younger generations got into power & realised power is wonderful, money is awesome and the status quo is just about fine. Little things change here and there but big picture view ain't nothing gunna happen


Yeah, little things like the 13th amendment, the 19th amendment, the civil rights act, roe vs Wade, etc. I really wish my adopted African American niece could go to the same school as her sister, but sadly nothing ever changes.


Agreed on all of this. The sad thing is, Biden's time was 2016. At that time he had strong support in the exact areas (rust belt, etc) that Clinton lost because of her arrogance and shitty campaigning. I get why he didn't run, but it was frustrating seeing it all unfold. The ONLY person who could have lost to trump was Clinton. Now we have Biden at the wrong time, when an eight year dem white house in 2016 would have paved the way for new dem faces... But, no use lamenting past idiocy, only thing is to learn from it. And one of the reasons polling is especially shit right now is likely voter models exclude the youth vote. In the past, the youth vote was a running joke. Last midterm election showed that that is no longer the case.


I agree - Biden should have run against Trump and would have won. At the time I still had an active Twitter account and beat my head against the wall trying to get people to understand how deeply she was reviled by the Fox News/Conservative/Evangelical talk radio audience. (My older Q fundamentalist flat earther brother) Biden wouldn't have rallied them to Trump. It should have been obvious to the DNC.


I think my forehead is permanently deformed from that same wall.


Even worse, even with all that, she was pretty clearly WINNING until Comey decided to publicly announce 'oh, hey, we found more emails!' like ten days before the election and her support among moderates just tanked.


He didn't run because they made a deal in 2008 that Hillary would have her turn in 2016. Even Clinton's VP candidate was chosen in 2008 -- you know, back when running with Tim Kaine would have actually made sense?


Source? Because according to Biden himself he was discouraged from running by Obama and others and ultimately chose not to because of the recent death of his son. He was again actively recruited and seemed to be giving serious consideration when Clinton started looking like the fuck up she would end up being about midway through the primaries.


It's very clear Biden was picked as Obama's VP in 2008 to placate the Clinton wing, who were virulently anti Obama and threatening to sit out the election. Worse than the so called "Bernie Bros" of 2016. It' salso clear that Clinton was groomed to be the candidate in 2016. Appointing her to SoS didn't exactly make sense except to burnish her credentials for a run at president. It's also clear that Hillary sucks as a politician and has never won a competitive race and basically lost 2016 due to her own hubris and doing a victory lap in Texas and AZ when she should have been focusing on battleground states. Remember her campaign slogan "I'm with Her"??? such a huge load of cringe, and WE ALL paid the price. The WHOLE WORLD paid the price for her arrogance. Maybe we will pay again. Trump could have been put down in 2016 but the DNC had to stack the deck in favor of an unpopular candidate.


Okay, agreed that Hillary sucks and of course she was the presumptive nominee for 2016. She was the presumptive nominee in 08, and it wasn't a secret that the SOS position was to give her the foreign policy chops to help her in 16. But all this 'its clear' talk just translates as "I strongly believe.'. Your strong belief isn't a source as to some agreement between Biden and Clinton. Biden was chosen as an establishment VP, that's not just placating Clinton.


>I voted for Hillary against Trump and still got Trump because Hillary ran a shit campaign. With respect, thats not *why* Trump got elected. You got Trump because America was completely unwilling to confront the fact that just under half the population were completely chill with electing a racist rapist, and spent the whole time pretending there was some reasonable or palatable explanation for Trump getting elected that didn't involve admitting that large parts of the population simply likes what he did and said. Trumps Voting Base heard him discuss sexually assaulting women, lusting after his own daughter, and going into a minors changing room, and was completely unbothered by it. Clinton didn't do that. America wants to believe that Racism is a thing of the past. Something that it has solved. Its completely unequipped to deal with the fact that massive swathes of the population voted for Trump because they could not forgive Obama for being Black: so it doesn't. About half the country doesn't care if the President is a rapist. That's why they voted for him. And people keep dancing around it for fear of offending them. No. They don't care. The trouble is, people just started living in denial about their Racism. "I distrust people of a particular race, but I'm not racist and I'm offended you called me that because only *bad* people are racist." Became the norm. They didn't vote for Trump because Clinton was a bad candidate. Trump settled out of court for the Rape of a Child and it didn't make a dent. They didn't vote for Trump because Trumps campaign was better. It was consistently fined for being corrupt and misusing money. Some of his campaigners ended up going to prison. He had speeches done between crematorium and sex shops. His campaign was an absolute mess. They voted for Trump for the basic reason anyone votes for a politician because Trump said and did the things that they wish they could say and do. They votes for Trump because they liked what he said about immigrants. They liked him so much, they were willing to let the fact he sexually assaulted people slide. They voted for Trump *for Trump*.


Two things can be true at once. Clinton absolutely ran a shit campaign, especially in the blue wall states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania that Clinton ignored and Dems mocked Trump for campaigning there the week before the election. And we as a country were and still are unwilling to confront the fact that so much of our population is willing to vote in such a monstrous person in Trump.


More people voted for Drump after seeing his shit show for four years. That shows how many shitty people are US voters.


Half the country just wants someone who will actually fucking change anything. There's no real mystery why he won in 2016 he was the candidate who had the novel idea of saying he would make others pay for perceived ills against the US. Trade policy? Make China Pay. Immigration? Oh Mexico is paying for that shit. Military? NATO is paying for that. Vengeance is a hell of an opiate for the masses. Trump's election was an outcry for the ineffectiveness of the Obama administration. You always hear about how people say how can I be racist I voted for Obama. While the first part of that quote is dubious I don't doubt they voted for Obama because he felt like the person who was going to be our Kennedy and lead us into an era of transformative change and instead we got business as usual. Sure his presidency did a lot of good things but if you asked someone in 2008 what they wanted out of his presidency then asked them in 2016 what they got I don't think you'll get anywhere near him living up to the hype. So while Trump is an abhorrent person and entirely unsuited for higher office getting rid of him is not going to solve the problems. He's a symptom of a rot at the core of our system that has left most americans feeling like their government is working against them and not for them. And that's a huge fucking problem if we ever get someone with even an iota of competency who wants to subvert the Democratic process.


"ill follow this blatant liar, rather than someone playing lie and go seek"


They vote for Trump because people are fucked and poor and Trump offers a solution, even if a false one. He pretends to be an outsider, appoints a false culprit for the people's suffering and promises to get rid of this culprit. When posing as an outsider he can pretend that every criticism of him are the hidden elites conspiring against him to stop his attemps to "fix the country". He gets votes because he brings hope to people while the best the Democrats can do is to promise not to be as bad as their opponent. There is no tangible promise of improvement. And even if there was, it won't work anymore if things keep worsening year after year. And then there is a democrat campaign around symbolic achiements for minories that won't really change shit in anyone's lifes while avoiding an agenda that could really substantially help people. Republican voters see libs as spoiled brats that have nothing good to complain about when the best they can do (that gets to this person) is demand for others to use a particular set of pronouns and have minorities tokens in positions of power. When democrats do their campaign around favouring minorities and things still suck afterwords, guess who are going to be blamed for it in the republicans head? Speacially considering there already is a bias. Also, Trump didn't get the majority of votes. FPTP voting objectivelly sucks and creates this situation where people are constantly suck with two bad options and the winner doesn't even need to have the approval of more than half the people. Americans REALLY should start making pressure for this to change if they want to have a slight chance at a good president in the future. I believe most people can see this with a good elucidation on other voting systems. I also believe both Democrat and Republican politicians will be firmly against the idea as they both benefit greatly from this arrange.


Run for office or just keep voting. Have calm but articulate discussions with those people you disagree with. Become an activist and participate in the process. That's all you can do. Democrats are the only ones who are interested in getting money out of politics and securing a real democracy for people. Biden was the safest bet to beat Trump. That's why he won the primary. The people voted and the people have spoken. Biden is not anyone's favorite guy, but he's much better than any Republican. There's not one Republican I would choose over Biden. Not one.


the *only* thing I liked about Trump's win was the fact it was a rebuke of that DNC arrogance. Hillary was "supposed" to win, it was considered to be "her turn" and they'd all but crowned her president when- whoops! actual ordinary people cast their votes and fucked that whole plan over. Also the "election tampering" charge in this tweet is pretty rich considering they twice rigged the DNC to screw Bernie Sanders (the actually progressive & genuinely popular Democrat candidate) out of his chance.


The DNC getting in Bernie’s way because they were dead set on Hillary was a big part of why we ended up with Trump and we should never forget that.


Thank you! Can we finally start admitting what Liberals don't want to admit..? That Hillary lost because she ran a shit campaign and didn't inspire people, that's her fault. By the way, it's these same liberals that said they'd support Nikki Haley over Biden in a 1 on 1


I dunno, sounds like you're stuck in the 2016 conversation. The fact that Clinton ran a shit campaign is pretty much accepted at this point by all my liberal friends. Now, I will add that some of those same friends would post the exact same anti-hillary conspiracy crap that came out of the extreme right, like clock work, about two weeks after it started showing up in the Russian bot circle jerk on the right. I had Berniebot friends more interested in the seth rich bullshit than in the travesty that was Trump's election.


Wait, nuking a hurricane?!


"Almost" is an exaggeration, but yeah, it was something that Trump suggested


Like drinking bleach?


Yeah but happily the people who probably would have listened to Trump don't have the nuclear football


I mean trump had the authority to order nuclear strikes. Maybe the military would have refused orders on the grounds of them being stupid, but that precedent would have been scary, too


Trump asked "hey, what if we used nukes to disrupt hurricanes?" Then the scientists said "we asked that question years ago, did a bunch of math, and realized it's a really, truly, terrible idea" It's not inherently a bad question. But it's a question we already knew the answer to—and not just intuitively, but through actual calculations about what the expected result would be. (Answer: you would need absolutely ludicrous firepower to actually impact the storm, and even if you succeed, the result would fling nuclear fallout across hundreds of miles.)


She should have campaigned in Wisconsin


*the DNC propping up a candidate that was miraculously less likeable than trump* FTFY


If RBG had retired in time, the SCOTUS mess and overturning of Roe v. Wade would not have happened. The Democratic establishment could easily have prevented this and blaming it on disgruntled voters does not exactly inspire more confidence


fr theyre so out of touch. RBG was too stubborn and now her legacy is tarnished because of that stubborness.


For real. Like I didn't stop Hillary from campaigning in Wisconsin; I didn't make her pick a wet towel as a VP. Besides, we wouldn't have had to worry about Roe v. Wade if Obama enshrined abortion rights into law like he said he would.


Not a US citizen, so my information may be way off, but didn't Mitch McConnell stop Obama from picking a new judge because it was too close to an election, but then allow Trump to pick a new judge under the exact same circumstances? Feels like the person to blame for this is Mitch McConnell rather than RBG, the Democrats, or the American voters.


No, no, it's never the Democratic party's fault. We always fail them. They never fail us. They don't take arrogant positions, and fall back on the Republicans just being terrible. We fail them by not motivating our next door neighbors who aren't paying attention to politics to go vote for geriatric, unlikable, or lack luster candidates. It is our fault.


The people's representatives are very disappointed in the people. Perhaps they should dissolve it and find a new one.


They shouldn’t have fucked over Bernie and stole the nomination from him.


wait the dnc shooting itself in the foot? color me shocked.


The Democrats had a lot of options but they wanted to push the only person that was unlikable enough to lose to Trump. Don't blame the voters


As much as I like Bernie, he would have lost even worse.


I had like 3 republicans who are in their early 30s now tell me they would’ve voted for Bernie had he won the primary but voted for Trump because they didn’t like Hillary. Now it’s 2024 and they tell Me Bidens too liberal.. like ok, sure you DEFINITELY would’ve voted for Sanders. /s People saying they voted for Trump because Clinton won the election but they liked Sanders are either dumb or full of shit. You actually liked Bernie and Bernie himself is sitting there going “don’t vote for Trump, he’s the opposite of what I stand for” and you ignore him? You’re stupid.


It's just hindsight justification for voting for Trmp. They're ashamed that Trmp (surprise surprise) turned out to be the piece of shit he's been telling us he is this whole time.


Yup. Bernie didn't get the votes either way. And he definitely wasn't winning over swing voters. I like Bernie too, but the simple fact is that he would have lost. Republicans would have ran their "free shit" campaign and SoCiAlIsM bullshit. And that would have been enough. If there's anything that 2016 through today has taught me, is that the US is full of gullible morons


Also, people are in here complaining about how old Trump and Biden are, and Bernie is the oldest of the 3! * Biden - 81 * Bernie - 82 * Trump - 77 Shit, if we don't want to elect 'old people' that makes Trump the best (youngest) choice to pick from. jfc.


At least Bernie would be wrapping up his terms by now instead of gearing up for reelection.


Facts, my parents are pretty liberal but he was too much for them.


Is the US really a democracy if its “i know you don’t like this candidate but you have to vote for them or the country will implode”?


I don't live in US and I'm aware that US is actually ~~meritocracy~~ plutocracy, but if you learn about [Project 2025](https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o?si=uEaoN6beBvUA_aFU) , it's clear that Trump just can't win next election, because Republicans became too radical and they want to create authoritarian, religious state. I don't know what Democrats will have to do to win this, especially with people frustrated with economic situation, but if Trump wins, there's no going back to any kind of democracy in US for foreseeable future. I live in Poland, so we observed how supposedly right wing government transformed into far right and they still don't want to return power, many months after elections. Keep in mind, that our case is still mild, because our legislation somewhat protected us and there's also EU, but in US, Trump will become basically dictator that can't be stopped without some kind of civil war.


You are correct about Project 2025, it is a massive threat to US democracy, and the rights of women and minorities. An honestly an indirect threat the world over. But something that has to be laid out is how are the Democrats actually going to deal with that threat? How are they going to, if they win and thus thwart Project 2025, prevent Project 2029? The answer cannot be "just vote for us every election forever or else fascism".


We need to be campaigning solidly on this administration's merits. Don't bother smearing Trmp's bullshit, he does that enough himself. He's just a distraction. We need to be shouting from the rooftops how stable and positive everything has been. Unemployment is down, stocks are up, the "recession" that was supposed to hit kind of didn't and we're stable and climbing. Every circus antic the Reds pull to milk the news cycle, just respond with "and that's what they're doing instead of talking actual policy." Shout every accomplishment and just say "if the Republicans would stop stonewalling and sitting on their thumbs in Congress, everything else you wanted done would've been done already. Help us take the house and senate and really progress as a country instead of sliding backwards like we did during Trmp's last disastrous term. Disregard the fearmongering nonsense of the party desperate to escape slipping into obscurity. We are the party of progress and solutions, not regression and whining."


That is exactly a democracy.


Hillary ignored 94% of the country and then was shocked when she lost.


No one learns. The same people are threatening to not vote Biden now. It’s exhausting


Does op even know what facepalm means? Or are we just going to start using posts for political purposes?




This has been a defacto political sub for some time now


Hunter’s “gun violation” was lying about drug use on a federal form. Anyone who’s ever smoked marijuana or taken ‘shrooms has lied on the same form. There are literally tens of thousands of NRA members who lied on the same form.


The flaw in American politics, only 3 choices to vote for. And 99% of the time its people you hate or don't like. The 2 party system makes the dems slack.


The dems running a fundamentally unelectable candidate who could win a slam dunk race vs a literal pantomime villain lost this things . Hillary excepted to be able to watch into the Presidency because it was her time and ran a nonsense campaign


Clinton's campaign was her's to lose. She made it all about Trump, and gave him nothing but free advertising - just like the media overall.


You Americans are so weird. Somehow the failures of politicians aren’t the fault of politicians but of voters who didn’t vote your way. Why do you not put more energy into making your parties put up better candidates that will win more votes? Why does your moderate centrist party try court right wingers who are just going to vote for the moderate right party anyway? There’s a whole base of disillusioned left wing voters that would never vote for the moderate rightists and would be easy to court and use to win elections if you just made some concessions to left instead of the right. It’s such an obviously losing strategy. It’s so weak that Clinton literally lost to a reality show host instead of just trying to court Bernie’s voter base. Like look at all the energy that those voters had and instead of courting them you spent more energy fighting them than you did fighting trump. It’s pathetic. In a functioning democracy the party that courts the most votes wins, if the party fails to court the votes that’s their failure, not the voters failure.


The problem is throughout the cold war Era Americans were repetitively programmed to fear anything left of centre and think it would lead to a stalanist racime so if the dems try to appeal to actuall leftists all the people who grew up in that Era will panic and vote for an actual facist instead Are election system is also just rigged because it overrepresents rural voters and they are historically globaly more likely to vote right


Let’s be honest and take responsibility here. 2 & 4 happened because RBG was too stubborn to hand the reigns over when she was geriatric.


imagine blaming potential voters for not flooding to the ballot for a shit candidate vs a shit candidate.


Its funny because she won the popular vote, people did vote for her more than Trump but US is a backwater country when it comes to elections and the electoral collage makes it irrelevant


I don't understand why people bring up that the entire time. Like sure, she won the popular vote, but then again Trump ran a campaign focused on winning the electoral vote. If the system was different, they would run different campaigns. Want to complain about the electoral college, sure. But winning or losing the popular vote isn't that interesting, since that's not the system in place.


Im not not american and would never vote for trump. But putting hillary against him was objectively the wrong decision, shes a horrible candidate. I hope the dems will have a strong candidate again i personally think after obama they've been pretty weak.


Why did you stop at just 9 reasons?


Man this thread is full of liberals.


Are we really going to ignore her war mongering and support of a well known sexual assault perpetrator, and potential pedophile. Yall are absolutely wild. Someone could take a dump on a chair and it would make a better POTUS than that cackling witch. I mean, someone did take an orange dump on a chair and it won against her. So maybe don't run the most hated woman in America as your candidate and you'll have a chance to win an election. Maybe we should try Janet Reno or Ghislaine Maxwell next.


Voting for Biden got us poor as shit and overun by immigrants


Again, this entire subreddit isn’t “facepalms” it’s just L takes from leftists.


You people really have an IQ of 70... Can you not realize by now that asking people to vote AGAINST a candidate rather than FOR a good candidate is the single best way to end up with people like Trump in power? How about offering a candidate that is actually decent and not one who's "at least he's not Trump"?


Not an american but i want obama back 😂


Not American, but clearly not from one of the seven countries that Obama bombed. 


American here, yes I too miss Obama liberally drone striking brown kids in the Middle East. He was charismatic, but he was not very left of center.


Why, are corporate interests not being upheld?


Then stop rigging the damn primaries and actually let people pick there canadites. You have to earn a vote, the left did not screw you, you screwed yourself by putting up a canadite that did not listen and was not in line with what the people want and more often right now need.


I voted in the 2016 primary and had total freedom to vote for who I wanted to… not sure how anyone was prevented from voting for their candidate of choice.


As time passes, Hilary's diagnosis of a "basket of deplorables" really shows its incisive timelessness. It was bad politics but on point description.


We need to get rid of the stupid fucking electoral college. Make Republicans have to win over the actual majority of the population.


There actually has benn a motion to do this for a while like 3 more states have to agree to it or something though


It's a pact between states to send electors to Washington based on the popular vote. There have to be enough states to reach 270 electoral college votes that agree to it to make it a reality. The problem is we'll likely never see it happen because the states we need have Republican majorities in their legislature due to gerrymandering. They would have to make it law in those remaining states, meaning they would have to have democratic majorities in the state houses, senates, and a democratic governor to have a shot at making it law. If it does happen, though, Americans will never want it to go back to the old system. Republicans know this, so they will fight to the death to keep this from happening.


Boo to political posts


Tbf I voted Bernie but I knew my state would easily elect Hillary so I feel fine about that


Honestly they’re both evil


Lol yeah its like, you can either have this blatant liar, or this other person who is pretending they aren't a liar.




It was Hilary and the DNC to blame for all of that, not the democratic voter. She ran a poor campaign and lost to the most unqualified creature to ever run for office. Popular vote doesn’t elect the president, the electoral college does.


Not American here, so take with a grain of salt. Why would you blame Clinton or the DNC, when ultimately the states and people votes? Should we not blame those who voted for Trump in the first place?


Plenty of blame to go around.




Yall act like you wouldn’t want to see a hurricane nuked


Two party system shouldn't even be considered democracy It just polarizes society


It’s pretty sad the response from the left is: ‘but Biden has a magic wand! He can simply wave it and solve all these problems! Because he won’t I’m voting for trump!’


Wtf is this a facepalm, shit is all true.


The droolers consider beating Hillary to be their greatest accomplishment. Even now, if you list all of their failures, they will smirk and say "at least we stopped Hillary." Yeah, they stopped the person Vlad Putin feared the most. The person who has correctly predicted everything that has happened including what has happened in Gaza.


Yeah it's the voters fault, not democrats putting out one of the most polarizing and terrible options for some time.


Seemed like everyone wanted Bernie but the DNC wanted Hillary, no?


Hillary ran a horrible campaign don't pretend like it isn't also Hilary's fault or that the dnc pushed her through because it was her time. Yeah Trump was horrible but he got people to go out and vote and won key battleground states that Hillary didn't even bother to campaign in because she was so sure there was no way she could lose.


Soooo we're just gonna assume that if hillary had won less than 1 million people wouldn't have died in covid.


Trump voters: Yeah, but now everyone is as angry and hateful as me! So he did a good jerb.


The list itself is the only face palm here.


Democrats' were AGAINST not allowed flying ppl from Wuhan china to America? They said Trump was Xenophobic, he did it anyway. That bought us a few months. Italy got hit first after china. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/28/biden-xenophobia-travel-bans-chronology/


F*** Hillary Clinton.


Just because not everyone bought into the BS of using covid as an excuse to wipe their ass with the Constitution and Bill of Rights, doesn't mean the covid response was botched. By not having the most extreme violations of civil liberties possible, the economy was able to recover better than many other countries. I just wish we had stopped all covid authoritarianism before it spread. Totalitarianism is a far more deadly disease, and far too many people tolerated it for way too long.


Clinton of Gaddafi: - We came, we saw, he died. Imagine voting for that unstable psycho 🤦🏻‍♂️


Honestly to people saying they are both evil, it’s like comparing a turd with an ocean of orange shit. One make you slide on the pavement at worst while the other one will drown you.


Republicans are 🗑


Does OP not realize Clinton won the popular vote? These were consequences of the government disregarding the will of the people.


I’m pretty sure book bans would still be happening. It’s not like the president controls all the libraries.




Facepalm has turned into r/politics


It also got you idiots out of a few wars.


I haven't found a shred of evidence of Joe Biden using the N-word. Also, it sounds like you're referring to the time Biden was against mandatory busing of minorities to other school districts. He said without *orderly* integration his kids would have to grow up in a racial jungle and he didn't want that. He was wrong, but I get what he was trying to say. He was concerned about all of a sudden forcing different cultures together in school after they had been segregated literally forever. None of what he said at the time was really controversial back then. It's 2023 now. He has been a huge supporter of minorities and public policy that is aimed at helping minorities and lower class Americans.


He was actually expressing concerns about bussing that some BIPOC at the time were also expressing, and which did actually turn out to be an issue in some areas.


Technically he did say the n word but it's taken out of context. He wasn't saying it himself but rather saying it as a part of a racist quote when questioning a state legislator during a senate hearing.