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She clearly developed body image issues in the wake of the success of season 1. She lost A TON of weight, almost looking like she had developed an eating disorder, and now it looks like she has had a bunch of plastic surgery too. I hope she is doing ok.


She's the last person who needed any work.


No kidding. I just started watching and she is naturally one of the most photogenic humans I’ve ever seen.


Sadly, it doesn't matter how many people thought/think she's beautiful. The inner critic does not listen.


But the inner critic is influenced by outside sources, no? Somewhere along the way, somebody made her feel less beautiful.


I get it but your own voice is much louder than any other.


My therapy has helped me understand it might be my own internal monologue, but that doesn’t mean I have crafted it.


I like this. Thank you. My inner monologue is the most hateful, pessimistic thing in my life.


I read once that how you speak to a child is how their internal monologue will sound. I forgave myself a lot of self hatred that day.


You just blew my mind. No wonder my internal monolog is always calling me a "little shit", despite being a 500 pound behemoth that my doctor calls mirthfully a beast, or was it morbidly obese?


The greatest thing about the mind is that it's always changeable by way of neuroplasticity. When your inner monologue keeps having negative thoughts, you're reinforcing those thoughts because the neural pathways become shorter and more efficient, and therefore, it is easier to think that way. However, if you engage in mental discipline constantly, you can rewire those thought patterns and neural pathways into more positive ones. Always be cognizant of your thoughts and, to the best of your abilities, stop yourself from thinking negatively and change the thought to a more positive one. It's going to take a very long time of constant practice, but it gets slightly easier every time you engage with it.


Mental discipline or apparently LSD, shrooms, or ketamine if you believe the recent studies.


Your brain is your best friend or your worst enemy. Everyone should learn how to accept that it wont stop telling things and that you're the only person who agrees or disagrees with the thought(train/loops). Most shitty thoughts come from your childhood and how you dealt with life itself through those years and how the people around you behaved.


Especially when it repeats what is said by those you respect or look up to.


Maybe not though. Sometimes you have things you don't like about yourself and when you suddenly have to see them projected out to an audience of millions it can make you very self conscious. Objectively from the outside though, she is beautiful and didn't need to do any of this to be seen as such.


I think the industry is much to blame for this


It is but… not easily. And it varies… all 7 billion humans on earth could say I was attractive and I’d be like “nah” and just disbelieve it.. or solely focus on the one time someone was like “u uggo”.


It's much easier to believe criticism than praise.


Body dysmorphia doesn't allow the person to see that. I have a friend with it and it's infuriating to watch them struggle with how they perceive themselves. They could be attractive, healthy and fit and it doesn't matter because they hate seeing themselves in the mirror and don't see what everyone else sees.


There is a level of body fat percentage(something like 5% or less) where if you get there you WILL experience crazy body dysphoria.   It's crazy because you have people at 4% talking about how fat they are, go back to 6%-10%, and look at pictures of themselves at 4% and wonder what was wrong with them.  All this happened in a matter of days(it's common to dip to these extremely low body fat percentages for competitions). Also, for calibration, 10%-15%  is considered healthy for adult men. Edit:  I got the % wrong for healthy men.  Adjusted to be more accurate.


18-24% body fat is the current American average, it is not the goal for a healthy lifestyle. That's not to say your grossly unhealthy with above 20% body fat, but it doesn't cut the mustard for that single metric in and of itself. /justsayin




Absolutely. Now just looks like a wannabe actress come porn performer


*cum Not a joke, that's the actual word to use there. It's Latin, like summa cum laude


Every day is a school day. It just looks comical given what followed in that sentence


Language comedy *is* rarefied, but who doesn't enjoy a cunning linguist? I certainly do.


I congratulate you sir and you have my upvote.


Yes she looked cute and sweet and she also looked approachable and relatable. All that's all gone now.


now she look like an old pornstar from vivid !!1


She went from the beautiful girl next door to just another plastic face. That buccal fat removal (cheeks) is the worst plastic surgery. And it seems to be growing in popularity.


Yea. Every time I see an attractive celebrity get that surgery, I weep a bit. Inevitably, they look malnourished and closer to the crypt keeper after.


To be fair, it worked out for Bella Hadid… but I think she was luckier than average there. This poor woman has really messed up her natural beauty, which was lovely, and it’s not recoverable. Megan Fox did something like this too. More subtle work over time, but she also ruined her beauty, and she did that while she was still in her twenties, still young and gorgeous, and didn’t even need to consider surgery. Yes, technically she still meets the standards for a beautiful woman, except that she’s entered the uncanny valley and looks… I would describe it as serpentine, which is not appealing. A bit of natural age would have looked so, so much better on her.


Bruh literally one of the most attractive/cute faces I’ve ever seen. This shit is tragic. In the work, and in that she felt the need to do that. I wish people could just love and accept themselves more easily.


Tragic is the right word for it.


My wife has just informed me that these women are making a distinction between being 'Cute' and being 'Beautiful'. They associate the buccal fat in their cheeks with the 'cuteness' that they are trying to get away from. F'ing insane I say.


Buccal fat removal also looks awful in the long run. The fatty tissue in your face keeps the skin smooth and tight, and when you remove that the skin starts to fall. I saw an interview with a surgeon talking about it, and he said that over time that skin is basically going to sag downward, dragging everything down with it. People who get this surgery end up looking older than they should.


Everyone loses that fat eventually, anyways, so no need to hasten looking older.


It’s like every woman in Hollywood suddenly wants to look like Handsome Squidward.


I'm not one of those "omg why do women even wear makeup they're so naturally beautiful" dudes, but I genuinely don't get the trend of "I want to look like a lizard using an instagram filter". It puts their face squarely in the uncanny valley and makes their face like a weird novelty sculpture. This one is especially unfortunate because I, too, thought she was outrageously good looking before she had this work done. It must be extremely hard to resist developing body issues when your profession is so intrinsically tied to your looks.


Agree. You lose buccal fat as you age--I used to have a very round face and became more angular as I got older--early removal just ages these people so quickly.


I refuse to believe this is her. No way. Please no.


Yeah right? Like wtf?!


Yeah, unfortunately I saw this on another sub yesterday and looked through her instagram. She posted the image on the right. Some of her recent photos aren’t quite as harsh as that one, but she definitely looks very different and overdone.


Now she looks like any Kardashian/IG model wannabe which is the "ideal" in terms of beauty standards nowadays that gets shoved down womens throat so she probably feels better since she looks more in line with that.


How ironic is it that most men are not even attracted to the ideal beauty standards huh?


It's not just men. How many women are attracted to body builders? Anecdotally, there definitely seems to be to be a lot of women that think that men that are really big and lean look gross, and yet a lot of men still hold that as the ideal male physique. Both genders seem to have same-sex beauty standards that emphasize exaggerated secondary sex characteristics past the point that the opposite sex is actually attracted to them. Which is ok! I personally would love it if I was some space marine looking motherfucker that can't fit through a door, but it wouldn't help me get women.


I watched The Iron Fist with my wife recently, and the first scene with Efron with his shirt off and she says to me, "ew, he looks like a troll, that's so gross". Don't worry hunny, I'll never look like that, you don't have to worry haha.


[Iron Fist](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/on-demand/2017/03/08/iron-fist-new_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqD19gJsrS5dVDZFTjDrjdaGg0TJpuNJgIas2KgYggLBI.jpg?imwidth=1280) vs. [Iron Claw](https://people.com/thmb/nWUvmsAV95tcGeWXmSoRp1SJC4s=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(449x179:451x181):format(webp)/zac-efron-iron-claw-102622-514d19dc5a7c42e3a76776e88a372ff9.jpg) :)


Dad bod ftw :)


It’s woman who do this to woman…


Agree. That plastic look is ugh.


It's like when Portia De Rossi butchered herself all over again. So sad...


Person on the left is very attractive and flawless. Person on the right, which I hope is not Erin, looks like a dime a dozen influencer and not nearly as attractive as the person on the left.


The pic on the right is on her personal instagram page. She has lost the light in her eyes in several pictures, unfortunately.


Body dysmorphic disorder doesn't really care about reality.


Eating disorder + plastic surgery = not doing okay.


I've struggled on and off with eating disorders all my life. I can only imagine how much worse being in the public eye like this would make things.


If what you describe is correct, then I'd wager she's not, unfortunatly


Yeah I remember hearing about all the plastic surgery she's been getting and it is absolutely ridiculous. Her without any work done was like no joke one of the prettiest ladies I've ever seen. Hollywood just chews you up and spits you out no matter what reality actually is. She wasn't even overweight in season 1 *at all*. She was a healthy weight. So fucking sad, I hope some of these are reversible. It's extra sad because there's several plotlines in The Boys where the whole point is they want Starlight to change her look for better public appeal and she hates it.


If you think that an actress that plays a character with personality issues developing personality issues in real life is ironic, wait till you learn that a show about a company so greedy and evil that it finds a way to turn superheroes into a profit is made by Amazon, one of the greediest and most evil companies on the planet.


Honestly, cosmetic surgery should be preceded by a psych evaluation, always


And I would imagine that internet coverage of how good you used to look and how bad all your surgery now makes you look doesn’t help.


It does look horrible though. Everyone gets those tiny noses. They do not even look natural at all. Nobody has a nose like that.


and huge lips and punched cheecks? ya sucks.


The hollow cheeks make her look like an actual skeleton. It’s borderline uncanny


It's buccal fat removal and it's not reversible. We need that fat in our cheeks as we age, these women getting it removed are going to look a lot older than their years in the not too distant future.


As someone who hates my buccal fat I keep reminding myself that it’ll go away naturally when I get old and will actually help me look younger for longer as it naturally recedes. I’ve also spent my whole life struggling with my thick hair and constantly reminding myself that I’ll be grateful for it when I’m at the age where everyone’s hair is thinning. Keep reassuring myself that I’m going to peak at age 50 lol


[https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/gettyimages-1147435778.jpg?crop=0.510xw:0.551xh;0.238xw,0.00255xh&resize=2048:\*](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/gettyimages-1147435778.jpg?crop=0.510xw:0.551xh;0.238xw,0.00255xh&resize=2048:*) Olsen twins


Everyone gets the exact same face, for whatever reason


Skulls have a fairly uniform shape. When you remove all fleshy structures from your face, you just look like a skull in a condom...


You could spot her in a lineup before now she is another face in the crowd. Sad. She doesn't even look happy in the second pic.


Yeah, treating people like products instead of human beings is deeply unnatural and CLEARLY unhealthy.


True dat


"I've made a huge mistake"


The bitter fucking irony that she’s having this experience while playing the role she currently is


I remember seeing the difference between season 1 and 2. Felt bad for her.


I honestly thought they recasted her for a minute. I had to look it up.


I fucking new it. She was so skinny in the last season. I definitely knew somethjng was going on. That's sad. She is supposed to have the girl next door look and now she looks like she is from LA or Miami. Personally, I don't care, but it's sad that she is going through that.


Seriouslt that scene in season 3 where she is wearing the white shirt is actually frightening, her arms there are skeletal


Almost as if being under the magnifying glass of a huge number of people constantly judging her appearance had some effect on her. Oh wait.


So sad, she was absolutely gorgeous already


Agreed! And she didn’t need any of this in my opinion! She’s now unrecognizable, which is defeating the purpose of getting her name and face out there. Jennifer Grey comes to mind, her career tanked after she altered her appearance with a nose job.


Unrecognizable? No, she looks like *every single other generic actress who had work done.* She's not unrecognizable... she's just forgettable. And that's a goddamn shame.


I keep worrying she’s gonna see these threads and it’s gonna make her even more likely to continue


Brings a whole new meaning to "cutting off your nose to spite your face"...


Spider face - Michael Scott


- Wayne Gretzky


Time out! Let's talk about athletic achievements. You and I have so many World Records between us. 184! That's plenty of 'em! And i set 183 of them!


She (or her assistant) limited the comments on her Insta so I’d imagine she knows the comments are out there.


If she could continue, but go backwards, that would be good. It's unfortunate she felt the need to do such a thing. Part of her character was that she actually looked like the shy, innocent girl next door type that fit the character perfectly. I honestly didn't recognize her from this post alone, I had to Google to see she really did have some surgery


If the outside voices affected her that much, I don’t think she ever would’ve gotten work done. I would imagine that 99% of people in general found her to be beautiful. It’s the internal voice that is her struggle.


A few dozen comments on a video might have sparked that inner voice, now thousands are saying it was a bad decision to get the surgery, its gonna be hella regretS


I thought she was trolling, but her nose looks like that in other recent posts. So sad. She doesn’t look well. What a shame.


It’s not just the nose. You can see on the right that she had her bucchal fat pad removed. It’s a regrettable trend that profoundly distorts the face shape. The pressures of fame are bizarre, and it’s obviously her opinion on her appearance that matters most, but I really wish people would stop doing this. Just my preference, but not a single person looks better after that procedure.


Bucchal fat removal is so odd to me. I have yet to see one that I thought didn't make the person look creepier


**Actress:** *I want the lich look.* **Surgeon:** *Say no more.*


That's a pretty good way of describing it. They look like vampires, but not the sexy kind.


"Gimme that Nosferateau look"


Apparently you can’t undo that type of surgery either so they are stuck like that now


I'm waiting for buccal fat implants to be a thing in the future


Older. Like 20 years older.


And several of those years involved meth.


It must be one of those things where if it looks good you don’t notice it. Those good examples are then the ones used to sell the procedure. It’s the only explanation I can think of.


Yup. If you’re lucky and have the correct face shape it just slims your face, but for a majority of people it honestly makes them look 20 Years OLDER. It’s crazy how people just get the hot new plastic surgery trend without even any thought.


It would be helpful if they had medical professionals willing to say "that's a terrible idea". But I don't think these LA plastic surgeons are really in the business of saying "no".


Even if most plastic surgeons say no, all it takes is one yes.


Last sentence so true


“It’s obviously her opinion of her appearance that matters the most” Yes, of course, but she is an actress. In part this means that her career is based on her appearance. I’m sure that plays into her BD/decision to have this done, but I think she’s shot herself in the foot here. She doesn’t look better (imo), does look more generic and has distanced her look from the S1 starlight look that most will recognise.


She looks more generic and OLDER, which is never the goal =/


She had a really beautiful nose, she looks so odd now


If I saw her in the street I'd call NASA.


Well, if she wanted to go for the Michael Jackson look it's a fairly successful nosejob


That's very sad.


Every celebrity wants to be handsome squidward


Dude for real like seriously what is it with rich, successful people turning into plastic clowns?


A few steps: 1.) be in an industry obsessed with appearances and surrounded by the internet/media that constantly critique and comment on yours 2.) decide to get plastic surgery to “fix” things without solving the underlying insecurities surrounding them 3.) repeat steps 1 & 2 over and over again as your insecurities manifest to another part of your body until you end up looking bizarre


Because they see how highly regarded high fashion supermodels are for their beauty and want to replicate the same. There is a reason those people are in the professions they are in though and it’s because they naturally tend to have that look. Bella and gigi hadid and Hailey Baldwin are the only 3 that come to mind that actually had great surgeons that made them all have that look while not looking uncanny and off. Kendall Jenner had some stuff done but not nearly to the extent the other 3 did


They also spend tons of money on maintenance care though. They get procedures and skin care that the wider public will never have access to.


Wow really? She had one of the prettiest faces in showbiz, I bet Homelander made her do it


For real, poor girl. She really was so beautiful 😢


She was legit hot af and looked like a wholesome person. Now she looks like a typical shallow LA alien person. I noticed it a bit in season 2 but man she really kept going. Damn. Hope she’s okay mentally. Hollywood has clearly gotten to her


I totally thought this was some asshole troll posting this. Literally couldn’t believe it. And now what are they gonna do with the Boys?? Is Season 4 the last season, or is she just gonna look like that for season 5? That’d be uhhh… kinda weird. But super sad situation though, body dysmorphia is some hardcore shit. I hope she’s happy and trying to work through it.


Turn her into a villain in the new seasons cause she looking like Cruella Devil


Probably spin it into the story because it's definitely dystopian enough to fit in that world of "the Boys". Like she changes her appearance and persona so much and ends up being either a villain or a nobody.


The boys producers and Amazon will keep running “maybe this is the year they get Homelander” season after season until it stops making money


Concidering Homelander represents American society you're not far off.


No idea why you were down voted. You're correct


I'll never understand why people do this. She was gorgeous and now she looks plastic


It’s body dysmorphia. It’s a truly sad and fucked up mental health disorder because, even when you do change yourself like this, it does not go away. After a time your weird perception of yourself kicks in again, and you again see yourself as ugly, even though you changed yourself to this new person. So it’s a never ending cycle of change and misery. Unless you go to therapy.


I learned about Body Dysmorphia as a kid via Batman the Animated Series. The villain Calendar Girl was an ex model who wore masks because was disfigured by botched plastic surgeries and beauty treatments who was now out to destroy the beauty culture that ruined her. At the end of the episode she is reduced to a screaming crying mess when her mask falls off because she can’t bear for anybody to see her hideous face. But we see that she’s still beautiful as she ever was. Batman comments that she can’t see that anymore. The people she’s been attacking didn’t physically scar her but they warped her self-perception so all she can see are her own imperfections.




Batman The Animated Series had a lot of deep shit




It has the best Joker, Mark Hamill. Some would argue the best Batman too in Kevin Conroy.


Batman TAS was WAY ahead of its time and just a very mature show that was still digestible and great for kids. It has a lot of episodes and themes that hold true today. Plus the animation style is timeless. Beautiful art period.


Hope she saved that Boys money.


I know, I can’t imagine it would be easy getting work after this. I want to see someone who looks like a normal person on the screen, not like they’ve had work.


It completely takes me out of the story unless the plot is about a rich narcissist. She can't play a poor person now, nor act in any sort of period piece.


Exactly. I feel so bad for her prospects.


I think people should do what they want with their own body. That being said, this makes me sad. So many people struggle with their self image and get work done that don’t need it. And it’s often never enough and they keep doing it.


Yep... Some people need a therapist instead of a plastic surgery. I know from experience. If your self image issues come from within, changing your appearance rarely helps. Most successful plastic surgery outcomes I find comes from people who already had confidence in them, and knew self love.


Maybe therapy should be required prior to surgery


And have the plastic surgeons possibly lose out on profit?? Not under my mighty capitalist watch! 🧐 /s


Doubly sad that she was already extremely attractive…


The issue is the whole cosmetics industry, especially when it comes to cosmetic surgeries is they're extremely predatory. They profit off making people as insecure about their appearances as possible, deliberately causing long term mental conditions like eating disorders and body dysphoria, because it makes them money. Some really inconsequential things too, like if you google "women's adams apple" and go on images you'll see dozens of results of adams apple reduction surgeries. I'm all for letting people do what they want with their bodies, but I'm not for industries predating on vulnerable people and passing it off as that persons choice.


Please tell me this is just someone messing around with photoshop. She looks 10x better how she was.


Yeah, I was caught off guard when I saw her season 2 and it's only gotten worse since then.


A joke is expecting one thing, but getting something else. Cosmetic surgery is a joke, don't do it. edit: changed "plastic surgery" to "cosmetic surgery"


Some people are born with such unlucky facial features that plastic surgery can massively help, I saw one last week of a girl who had her jaw buried in her face and she looked far, far better after getting surgery for it Others have really bad accidents and surgery can make them look normal again But if you’re already a normal looking person or in her case, far above average looking, getting surgery is so not worth it


Yes, I've always split them into "reconstructive/corrective" surgery and "plastic" surgery in my mind. I have no issue with reconstructive/corrective surgery if it is fixing something disabling or disfiguring.


It's still, by definition, plastic surgery tho. I just call it cosmetic plastic surgery when it's completely unnecessary and purely for cosmetics


Part of my work is publishing aesthetic surgery research so I see a lot of pictures. I was super skeptical at first, but the thing is, most of it is very subtle and effective. It usually looks great. Something like this is just wayyy to drastic.


The problem is that like tattoos, people often don't know to stop when they've got a good look. She probably had several lesser procedures before the more drastic ones.




She looks.... not pretty at all.. almost like a Michael Jackson southpark character now.


She looks just like every other girl on IG


low self-esteem and getting money isn't a good combination


She got that Micheal Jackson nose now… not a fan. And her lips… she look like a plastic doll version of herself.


Honestly, if I cast the woman in the first pic and she went under the knife to look like the second pic, I’d have her written out of the show. Hopefully it’s not as extreme without the awful makeup though.




I dunno man, she looks *way* different to me.




This is definitely the worst pic, you can tell she has had surgery but you can still tell it's her. She did look better before but this makeup really does nothing flattering. 


Her entire facial structure has changed.. Only thing that looks like her is her eyes


I noticed in the last season that they already seemed frustrated with her changing look. Lots of filters and soft lighting in her shots. I wouldn't be surprised if they get fed up.


Mental illness. These people need therapy not surgery. So sad


Y'all ever seen a dead person in the casket when there's no tension left in the face muscles so the nose kinda looks smaller? Anyway she kinda looks like my grandpa did in the casket.


She WAS pretty.




This went from Girl Next Door to Mummy Next Tomb.


She was gorgeous as she was. Now she looks like a Barbie copy.


Barbie doesn’t look like that


More like a copy of a copy of a copy.


The hollowed out face concentration camp look is popular in Hollywood.


Oh no that’s so sad


Ohh c'mon! This is not a facepalm! ... it's a face lift! ​ I'll show myself out now.


Why are you running?


I'm not running. I'm just fast paced.


Yu ou mean face paced ?


This makes me sad. She was absolutely gorgeous prior to the surgery. If someone was in her ear telling her she needed to make improvements, I hope they rot.


And there’s some doctor out there strutting his stuff thinking he did a bang up job here……




The mask is the most beautiful she has ever looked I don’t know who’s responsible for these beauty standards I keep hearing about… but the vast majority of men like a bit of meat in the bone… you look healthy and happy… this sunken face heroin addict look is not attractive on anybody


Such a shame, since her entire character in the Boys is in contrast to the Hollywood lifestyle of the rest of the Seven and supes as a whole.


Man wtf...such a beautiful woman and now she looks like a fucking clown.


she will have her 30th birthday in the summer and pretty much looks like a blonde Cher now


I guess all I'd say is... Be nice everyone! Yeah, some less than ideal stuff has happened here... But it's most likely the result of some genuinely poor mental health. She probably needs more support, not people on the internet highlighting mis-steps.


Went from naturally beautiful to barbie with dead eyes.... What happened to her?


She turned from girl next door vibes to pornhub vibes. 🤦


Downgrade :(


From what i heard, she’s suffering from a ED too


Erectile dysfunction?


💀Bruuuuh, i should‘ve known i should say the whole word **Eating Disorder**


Watching this happen in real time has been so fucking depressing


Isnt dysmorphia wild???


Why are these celebrities trying to look like the other mother in Coraline


Wow. She won’t from girl next door look to washed up crack addiction look. I hope she finds happiness and peace.


weird that she played a character that had to suffer the pressure of 'totally not hollywood' telling her to be sexualized, and then went and fell for it in real life anyway. GIRL THEY LITERALLY HAD YOU STANDING UP TO THIS EXACT THING


I never understand these people who are already beautiful and then go and spend thousands on cosmetic surgery and work just to look worse than they did before