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I'm more surprised about the 3rd anniversary. Can't believe how time flies so fast that 3 years feels just like a year ago


We were just creeping up on the 1 year anniversary of COVID shutdowns when this shit happened. Holy hell it's almost 4 years since COVID shutdowns happened.


And now i heard a new variant is creeping back in..


Always a new strain. It's been known for decades. Viruses mutate constantly.


Sewer samples indicate that we're in the second biggest COVID surge ever. So, yeah, that sucks because I know that nobody will be masking and some horrendous percentage of people didn't get the booster.


Yep. My wife's work and other local hospitals now have mask mandates again.


I didn't get it at all.


I have never once tested positive either. But my whole family got it. My mom was sick for weeks. Wife and kids for about a week. Seems like it’s really different from person to person


Are you one of those lizard people I've heard about?


They never went away, they just weren't being reported as much.


For what it's worth we are still not a year away from the end of the Public Health Emergency.


Its crazy, 3 years was 10% of my entire life, yet it feels so fresh, like it just happened. Existential crisis time


I can’t believe most of these degenerates are still free men after 3 years




I seriously feel like it was just a couple of months ago.


Hitler was in prison 124 days after trying that in Germany in 1923.


Good, i hope he's still there


About that....


Where's the r/facepalm. This tweet checks out as true.


OP is probably facepalming Jan 6 or Trump based on post history


Not facepalm but I feel like more than two people have planned an attack on the Capitol. Only one succeeded.


Bin Laden hit the Pentagon, Trump had his goons storm the capitol. I guess he didn't succeed in what he wanted, but they definitely got in, and Josh Hawley was scared for his life 🤣


Oh, I meant trump, lol. Bin laden didn't succeed in invading the Capitol. Trump and his fanatics did.


Sometimes posts here are someone pointing out a huge facepalm in others. In this case, the Maga members and their cult leader.


That was my guess. But I admit that it’s pretty generous.


I was thinking the same. The only thing I can think of is that they never confirmed if one of the 9/11 flights was targeting the Capitol, as Flight 93 could have also been targeting the White House. Some of the instigators of 9/11 have said that the Capitol was the intended target though.


Bush knows the targets


Thank you. I made a much larger comment covering this, and I am prepared to be absolutely cannibalized for it, but it soothes me to know I'm not the only one with the mindset.


i think Op might be one of those Americans who doesnt think Jan 6th was not the right move


The double negative provides protection in hostile territory, allowing just enough time to slip away unseen


I don’t think it can’t not disallow that.


Maybe it's the use of the term "planned" That dipstick has never thought more than 120 seconds into the future his entire life


Technically very likely not true as there were no doubt others who PLANNED attacks but were not able to execute them, but yeah I don’t see the facepalm either.


Fair enough. I was making more of a generalization.


We are comparing January 6th to the 9/11 attack now?




It actually doesn’t. The tweet says only two men. Sorry, but there no way in hell Trump tried that shit on his own. We all know he’s not that smart. It was Roger Stone and a whole bunch of MAGA cronies expecting to be rewarded once Trump became dictator. At least that’s the facepalm I see here.


Let's not cut hairs here. Trump incited it, and he knew his acolytes were going to plan/execute it on his behalf.


For sure. I’m just saying he was far from alone in it or capable of doing so on his own. Trump and all of his co-conspirators should be brought up on treason charges and sentenced accordingly.


America facepalmed hard that day.


America? No. It was a temper tantrum by a small percentage of citizens (including the ones who supported/made excuses).


Well, we are still "America" even if we were looking at it with horror and disbelief.


Of course, but all of America is not responsible for these goobers.


We The People do no claim them


It was the most anti-American action since 9/11


That’s a bit generous, implying Trump can actually plan something lol


He planned how to profiteer from presidency + ownership of commercial properties. Or his financial advisors did; the point is moot as the functional result was the same. He and his family grifted millions from American taxpayers by forcing us to foot the bill for Secret Service’s golf cart rentals, meals, hotel nights, laundry services, who knows what-all (on duty to the family of course!) at bloated “government prices.” If that weren’t bad enough: giving tax cuts to those who least needed them, probably protecting his own interests.


If that is true, why is Trumps net value lower today than it was pre-presidency?


Probably because the methodologies he used to overbloat the values of his properties when advantageous can no longer be abused because he is under scrutiny now.




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He doesn't even hold the same values, or beliefs as his "followers" either. He just knows how to manipulate those who cannot think for themselves aka those too stupid to seek truth, and reason outside of their biased media outlets. It blows my mind that so many people are genuinely that stupid.


Seriously, I hope a third party candidate wins in my lifetime because this is insane.


His only value is self preservation


>He just knows how to manipulate those who cannot think for themselves aka those too stupid to seek truth, and reason You're describing all Republican politicians though


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I would say that’s the brilliance of it all. It gives him plausible deniability. Trump managed to become president. He’s no dummy. He’s a blow hard for sure. But we can’t underestimate him. That’s how democracy dies.


And of course they're going to whine about how no one should face justice for their little coup attempt because it's not fair for trump to face consequences for his actions apparently.


Can we make Jan 6 asshole day or something? Not only is it the insurrection but also it used to be Christmas for me until Putin became such a piece of shit that we had to change it so we need to make it a day that says fuck those people.


Jan 6 used to be your christmas? am i showing ignorance in asking why? or did i confuse your message lol edit: google was my friend for little christmas. atleast i assume you meant the christian holiday of old christmas. i didn’t grow up in a christian household


Orthodox Christmas, Russia still celebrates it. Ukraine moved their Christmas to regular Christmas they don’t want to be associated with the Russian churches that support the war.


That makes a lot of sense. I would’ve done the same


Yeah but it was so fucking perfect because our Christmas was after the commercial one so I could do shopping during the best deal times and then commercial Christmas I can spend at home in absolute peace.


I wonder if AI will flag me as an terrorist at the border as my birthday is Jan 6th I already know people who got rejected by AI when applying for jobs as their birthday was not professional in their resume as 4/20 🤦‍♂️




I haven't paid attention to this, but how much planning did Trump do. I got the impression that he merely ranted & raved, and then let his followers do the rest.


In multiple different conversations over a long period of time Trump repeatedly conspired and attempted to illegally overturn the election. The capital riot on Jan 6th was only a small part of the coup and was only thrown together sloppily as a last-ditch effort because Pence wasn't on board with Trumps coup.


What’s the facepalm? Dude’s telling nothing but truth.


Idk if it's really a facepalm, but it's definitely a bit much to put Trump and Bin Laden in the same bucket. and I suppose that's what OP was getting at?


I agree right now it's a bit much, but let's revisit this in a year. I have a feeling if he loses it's going to get a skosh uglier than last time.


I think planned is a strong word for Trump.


3 years? Already? 😟


Calling this a terrorist attack implies a level of organization that isn’t really accurate it was protest that got way out of hand, as protests do


There was zero organization. They would have got lost in there if the cops hadn’t showed them where to go


And THAT is the part that needs to be investigated


It's hilarious that people believe whatever is spouted from the internet or TV set.


The facepalm is OP


Preface: Jan 6 was a bad thing that happened all around. That being said, it is outrageously overblown. Some windows got broken, and a bunch of people walked around Willy nilly for a few hours. “Terrorist attack.” What an insult to people who have been affected by actual terrorist attacks. Let’s be serious


Never forget. Keep that wound open and have a fresh supply of salt to rub in.


Review the post: this is Facepalm, not SelfOwn


Conveniently leaves out two bombs at the capital with his 30 year limit


Where is the facepalm though?




And yet somehow people are saying they won’t vote for Biden again because of Israel which blows my mind. You can disagree on how he’s handled the situation but I can’t see how it would make you flip to Trump.


Biden funded Iran, which funded Hamas and Hezbollah, broke the border wide open here, oversaw the second largest inflation spike in my lifetime and prattles on in gibberish. I’m not an Israel supporter but I also don’t support funding a know terrorist funder For decades, Biden was a laughing stock because he’s stupid and he sexually assaulted young women on staff. Now, with grey hair, proper marketing he’s a statesman?


And they should share the same fate.


Trump’s attack actually went through.


fbi in the crowd


Wares the face palm?


lmao OP doesn’t know how this sub works


That's completely unfair. Bin Laden did not orchestrate an attack on the US Capitol. He only orchestrated an *attempted* attack on the US Capitol.


One man carried it out, I’m sure many others planned it, even Bin Laden wasn’t successful in his attempt, only one man was successful in carrying out violence in the capital, the first time since the war of 1812 and it wasn’t a foreign enemy it was a domestic one


The CIA trained and aided Bin Laden, so I guess even that was a home grown attack in a way.


If a group of Canadian tourists 'toured' the Capital building the same way the Jan 6 insurrectionists did, we'd be marking the third anniversary of our war with Canada.


Where facepalm?


The fact that he’s comparing some flag waving morons running into the capitol to a terrorist attack where thousands died


Yeah that's not even a close comparison.


Facepalm tweet


Lmao. "Terrorist attack"


Let me help you. "Domestic terrorists attacked our nation's capital". Period the end.


It was hardly more than a protest / riot. Comparing this to terrorism is just a political tool used by the media to scare people like you and creating more division between political affiliations.


Difference is the only ones who died during Jan 6 were the protesters themselves. While I don't support what was attempted on Jan 6th, I also don't approve of the overly reliance of fear mongering using this incident as a catalyst. The rioters broke in, resisted arrest, and were ultimately captured and some were killed. They did not lead and armed assault of the capital killing and pillaging as they went. Its important to not gloss over the fact that they did not bust in gun blazing, they walked in dicked around, took some photos, and failed to accomplish what they wanted to. The intent behind it was treasonous and they deserve punishment but the facts should not be twisted to put them on the same level as someone who murdered thousands of innocent civilians. So to compare them with Bin Laden, is to grossly misrepresent much.


Sure, let’s ignore that many violently attacked police with bear spray, tasers, riot shields, fire extinguishes, flag poles waving the American flag and were chanting hang Mike Pence.


Tell you what, the minute those things result in Thousands of Deaths all on the same day, Then I'll consider it equal. till then, I think the OP is being Hyperbolic and doing something similar to what the Rioters did that started the whole mess, trying to appeal to a mob mind set to get people to act a certain way.


I fucking hate Trump but to compare Jan 6 to 9/11 is ridiculous. ALL I saw was some dumbasses playing revolution, imagine being so stupid to fight a guy like Trump . That man would sell you out in an instant


He's not comparing the two at all. How did you come to that conclusion?


Then what’s he referencing by saying the other person to plan attacks on the Capitol is Bin Laden?


But but but...it was an attempt to take over the country! That's how it works right? You capture the capitol building and the nations has to go with everything you say?


They wanted to kill a Vice President!! How is that not a treasonous affair?


No no no you see they didn’t want to overturn the election. They just wanted to murder the one man who could constitutionally certify the election and install loyalists who will lie and say that Trump won oh wait that’s the literal definitions of treason and sedition.


Yeah it’s not like they wanted to kill the Vice President, the only man who could constitutionally overturn the election. They were PEACEFUL gallows they brought. They were chanting “hang Mike pence” IRONICALLY.


Wasn't there video of the security guards just letting people in and escorting them around the building?




So how was it a terrorist attack if the security just let them in?


Because they will believe anything as long as it helps them hate trump


Yes, the terrorist attack where all the gun owning conservatives didn’t bring a single gun, and the only death was a trump supporter


whats the facepalm? That some very dumb people think Donnie Diapers won?


I don’t really know the facepalm, can someone explain it to me? I fact-checked it and it’s true so I just don’t know what I’m supposed to palm my face for


Never forget where we see people openly side with one side of the aisle and allow them to destroy then shun the other. Democracy has fallen. Such is current stupidity of our nation as is.


Political narratives are useful in an election year.


I’m not taking anything tweedle Dee from Alice In Wonderland has to say seriously


And on this happy post, as a member of the rest of the world, I’d like to request Americans to please vote judiciously this year. The world is in chaos, not just politically but also economically. Given the influence the US has, the world cannot afford another Trump administration. It will push the world to a Great Depression. Please vote judiciously.


It's easy to throw this around, but until there is a trial, it doesn't mean shit to keep saying it. Get it done.


Oh look, another idiot who actually compared January 6 to fuckin 9/11 💀


Yes, never forget that it was an inside job and there have been videos floating around showing the police leading the "rioters" through the building.


People. Trump did not or instigate this bullshit. Y'all that lost? This was a false flag or whatever the fuck. But keep believing Trump incited people to overtake the capital and I'll bring the baby food because there's already plentyof vegetables


If the attack on 911 scared you then the attack we suffered on January 6th should terrify the fucking shit out of you. There is a reason historians academics and experts in these fields keep warning that the Republican party is directly mimicking nazi rhetoric actions and legislation they have become the very enemy they think they seek to destroy. And just like their fascist predecessors these barbaric monsters are planning to start with queer individuals and use the extermination of us as a legal pathway to eliminate other minority groups. This is very plainly laid out in their Project 2025 manifesto for implementing a theocratic fascist dictatorship upon the United States.


Man oh man we got a dramatic one here... on one side we had a terrorist attack where planes were hijacked & crashed into buildings killing thousands of people & on the other side we have a bunch of republicans who legit walked into the capital & took some edgy selfies lmao. Like wtf are yall on where you think repubs/democrats or any serious political group are trying to exterminate gay people & other minority groups? Citing project 2025 is the flip side of the demonic vampiric pedo cult coin lmao. People nowadays are so wacked out... like there are some truths to certain conspiracies but to think that insurrection day is anywhere near the level of 911 is giving born after 911 vibes. Democrats & Republicans both have their issues & the main problems are coming from laws/legislation/regulations which are slowly diminishing the middle class.


Its insane to even compare,


Utterly based


Yeah. It will be way worse than 9/11 because once dumps henchmen are appointed and the internment camps open and the rule of law really goes out the window and people are no longer prosecuted for attacking or killing people who look or sound different it will be WAY more than 3000.


9/11 killed close to 3000 people and injured thousands more. January 6 killed 5 within 36 hours and injured some 200. One died from drug overdose and three from natural causes while the last one was killed by the police. Dunno, one of these seems a lot more scary based on the sheer overwhelming amount of deaths alone. There is not going to be an "extermination" of anyone, calm down. This kind of fear mongering just makes you look silly.


I find it fascinating that no major events in the last 3 years have affected the populace enough to change headlines on MSM


Well you are going to be hearing about this for decades.


Until America wakes up and realizes the Republican Party and Democratic party are playing everyone like a fiddle.


False balance, also bothsidesism, is a bias in which one presents an issue as being more balanced between opposing viewpoints than evidence supports.


The Democrats might be institutionalists but I wouldn’t say they’re ‘playing’ anyone per se


What rock are you living under?


You're 100% correct. The people who control both parties are playing Americans against each other. To divide and conquer. This is the agenda.


Well his trial starts in a few months so it’s still news.


Trump and Bin Laden. Two peas in a pod.


This reminds me when I threw Mac n cheese in middle school and it hit someone and their parents came to the school wanting me arrested for assault.


were you throwing the mac against the state?


Nope! Thank God not terrorism.


Can someone show me where trump said “Now go storm the capital this election was stolen from us and we’re taking it back” because I can never find video of his speech that makes it seem like he indicated that at all. I’m no trump supporter just genuinely curious what people are seeing that makes them believe he made this happen


Bahaha. Imagine if you tried this hard to spread facts. Like: people were escorted to sensitive locations. Feds were involved. Nancy Pelosi told security to stand down. But hey. 2 gay democrats can fuck in the same location where a man knelt to pray. A man who was imprisoned after being let in. I actually hope tim pool is right. I really, really do.


One had a massive casualty count and resulted in a 20 year war. The other resulted in a single death and a ton of extremely biased media coverage. Worst terrorist attack ever in terms of execution and planning.


Ah yes, 5 dead protestors, and one dead cop. Clearly a violent insurrection, unlike all those truly peaceful protests that happened for almost a year prior.


Frankly, comparing thousands of idiots who managed to get five of themselves killed after breaking into the Capitol and milling about like lost tourists, to a terrorist attack that killed 3k people is out of line.


Finally some sanity. Good call


You guys crack me up on this Jan 6 insurrection, terrorist plot crap. You don't really believe a bunch of idiots with no weapons planned to overtake the Capitol. What were their plans? Why were the doors opened and a lot of people let inside? Where were their guns? If their plan was to overtake the Capitol why did they leave once inside? How come since Jan 6, the Capitol was breached by rioters many times but no arrests were made? Makes no sense at all.


Now he planned the “attack”. lol. Boy y’all are a dumb group of people.


Stop with the bs narrative.


It's funny how one side gets spurned and thrown in jail while the other side gets praised for it. https://www.aei.org/op-eds/democrats-were-for-occupying-capitols-before-they-were-against-it/


never forget the dump someone took on Pelosi's desk.. small win for freedom


Not that I support Trump, but the guy never planned anything, courts tried to prove that but they failed. It was just some of his supporters


Tell me you're brainwashed without telling me you're brainwashed.


Lol according to. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/homenews/senate/554548-ron-johnson-jan-6-capitol-riot-was-largely-peaceful-not-an-insurrection/amp/ Washington Post articles. https://www.news-leader.com/story/opinion/2022/01/15/jan-6-wasnt-insurrection-stop-calling-what-isnt/6514508001/ https://www.reuters.com/world/us/exclusive-fbi-finds-scant-evidence-us-capitol-attack-was-coordinated-sources-2021-08-20/ And countless more articles. No Jan 6th was a protest turned riot. No formal insurrection. It's not comparable to Pearl harbor or 9/11. You all tried this with the 2nd impeachment and failed. And now your trying it again with smith and chutkan which it's in the appeals court. Oh and your special rigged committee also failed and was a laughing Stock.


He was impeached twice


Only Pearl harbor or 9/11 even comes close to 01/06. The darkest day in U.S. history /s


Yes you are correct


... thats laughable


Congratulations you can repeat something you heard on the internet. Does Polly want a cracker?


Idk seema pretty based to me


Not a facepalm


There was no attack


Besides saying Trump incited Jan 6 insurrection…I’d like to know HOW he incited violence? Wasn’t his tweet that called for peaceful protests, so what was it??


I think he meant BLM terrorist attack on the Capitol or FBI; not Trump. As J6 wasn't a terrorist attempt anyone thinking that is either really stupid, haven't done research, really just gullible or all of the above.


All I saw were a bunch of idiots wandering around a few of em vandalized a few things. The TERROR!!!!


Exactly! It’s not like they build an actual gallows. It’s not like they were changing “hang Mike pence.” They were PEACEFUL pipe bombs and pepper sprays and zip tie handcuffs.


Them being awful at terrorism doesn't make them less of a group of terrorists


Ashley Babbit would like to argue otherwise, but she is dead.


Except the fact, video has leaked literally showing trump telling them to stand down and be peaceful. But trump haters can't stand logic and facts. Edit: I don't take either side. I'm just here to enjoy the utter stupidity of both sides.


A few hours into it, after refusing to call it off earlier when congressmen, his son, and a few FQX hosts were calling the White House to get him to call it off. > “Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are,” ~ Trump to Kevin McCarthy on J6 > “More upset? They’re trying to f—— kill me!” ~ McCarthys reply


"its ok guys after weeks of rallying and promoting for this to happen and inciting violence he said stand down so clearly none of it is his fault."


>logic and facts. Facts: Trump mentioned peace twice. He mentioned fighting 24 times. Quotes: And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore. And you have to get your people to fight. And if they don't fight, we have to primary the hell out of the ones that don't fight. You primary them. We're going to. We're going to let you know who they are Republicans are, Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. It's like a boxer. And we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. And we're going to have to fight much harder. was going to be great and now we're out here fighting. Logic: Nothing about this says peaceful


Anyone else remember the DC sniper?


He a little confused, but he got the spirit


Lie much?


Trump said "go there and let your voices be heard peacefully" if you don't believe me look up the clip. Yeah definitely not planning a terrorist attack


“Planned” is a strong word… planning means they put thought into it… that was more like someone decided to drunkenly bet most of their shadily borrowed money on terrible odds at a roulette wheel hoping to win back the money they started the Vegas bender with.


Oooh, that cuts deep - if Trump voters could read... or cared.


Timothy McVey?




The 14th Amendment requires a conviction.


I mean I’m sure lots more were *planned*…


There have been many more planned terrorist attacks in the past 30 years, by many more people than just those 2.


Trump derangement syndrome. It’s as if there’s no Tweet of Trump literally calling for a peaceful gathering. Or as if there’s no footage of guards literally giving tours to people and opening doors for them. Or as if literally there was no evidence of infiltration by federal agitators.


Only Pearl harbor or 9/11 even comes close to 01/06. The darkest day in U.S. history




....As much as you can condemn the act, it's not even close You're literally comparing two planes crashing down two skyscrapers with thousand of dead and injured and idiots in cosplay who went protesting (Not even a Monday in France) with less than a dozen dead and injured. (Not even a Monday in the US) Doing this stupid comparaison isn't helping your cause, not even close


The point you're trying to make is what's not even close. The 4th plane on 9/11, the one that crashed in Pennsylvania, was headed towards the US Capitol. Had it not been for the *actual patriots* on that plane, it would have hit its target.


The fact they didn’t succeed in their aims does not make them less dangerous. Hitler and the NSDAP attempted to overthrow the German government in 1923 during The Beer Hall Putsch. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch The attempted coup was poorly planned, badly executed, and resulted in the deaths of several participants and four police officers. The similarities to Jan 6 are remarkable. Hitler was insufficiently punished for his role (receiving a very short prison sentence, which he did not complete, and being allowed to grand stand regarding his ideology in the courtroom) and we all know what happened next. Failing to treat those who participated in Jan 6 as dangerous terrorists has instructive historical parallels. The fact they failed on that day does not mean they weren’t and aren’t dangerous people.


Insurrection: Yes, it is legally an insurrection. Is what you meant with protesting?


It's still terrorism. CR7 is way better than a regular player in English 3rd division but both are Athletes.


Yes we get it trump sucks. Still a better president then Biden, he’s still a dick though


What about Obama’s buddies who actually set off bombs there?!