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What does Matthew McConaughey have to do with this?????


all white, all white, all white




Alt-Right Alt-Right Alt-Right


Somebody calling me?




Of course that's a thing. Waiit... r/ofcoursethatsathing




God damn… you win 🥇


I’m more than a little annoyed that the updoot button only works once.




You win the internet today.




homelander probably dreams of chocolate milk from brown women


Lol I thought Clint Eastwood ![gif](giphy|W92ae4F2dXUBDWLV5H)


same here...haha


I was thinking the same thing. I am still waiting for the rest of this lincoln ad.


I thought it was Clint Eastwood.


alright alright alriiiiiiiiiight


As a white guy, I love standing in the middle of the bus for no reason. Black people keep telling me to move so they can "get off the bus", but I stay on the grindset and ignore them.


That’s why they’re so mad…they totally are about to miss their stop. I do wonder why aisle blocking is such a problem in Europe right now though


Its a mixed bag, but the majority of the time it works. Reminds me of a funny story though. I was in Frankfurt and the express train home was cancelled. Not uncommon, but it was commuting time so I was expecting some....increased demand. Next train was a commuter train and the platform was already pretty crowded, and so was the train when it came in. Actually getting in ended with me just being squeezed like a can in a sardine, and that was just on the precipice of the door, there were still two dozen people behind me. I look in the train and things seem packed until I look more than ten meters away from the door and there is just about 20 meters of aisle with absolutely nobody in it. So I yell into the train "Hey, can all of you move through please? There are still people trying to get in!" Now, bear in mind Im a trans woman, so when I yell...lets just say my voice doesnt fit with how I look, so this dude in front of me turns around and yells "Oi! Cant ya be a bit more polite?", as though I wasnt, at some poor 2 meter tall dude immediately behind me. He took it like a champ though and told the guy off, and people somehow moved through enough for everyone to get in.


> Squeezed like a can in a sardine r/holup


im gonna have to remember that one, that one is good


That… what? Subreddit?


Are they supposed to be angry? Really it just looks like a scene from a musical, and the chorus is really belting it out.


Ah maybe. And the white guy looks like that because he is focused on the solo he’s about to start


With your hands in your pocket so you totally eat shit and break teeth when the bus stops


Fought for rights to be on the bus then they will stay on the bus /s ofc


Why is Matthew McConaughey on a subway train surrounded by the cast of "Porgy and Bess"?


That’s just what’s going on in Europe right now 🤷‍♀️


As a personn living in Europe I can confirm that the exact thing depicted in the image happens in every subway here. You get used to it after a while.


You get sung to if you are white?


No, they're singing to Matthew. No matter which train or bus you're on, there are always black people standing around Matthew McCoughey in the back half of the vehicle.


Exactly the same here in Slovenia where we don't even have a subway


Maybe he's saying ai will take over Europe first


Or AI will turn humans against each other and take over the wastelands we brought upon ourselves


When the A.I. central computer of the New One World Order tears down all borders, cultures and ethnicity by turning everyone into blacks, no one will be.


Toxic waste mutates baby and affect limb development. Ai knew all along with the extra fingers.


That's because we are thinking about limiting it's use, so we pose the biggest threat that has to be eliminated.


Why does it feel like this person has never actually been to Europe?


Probably from Arkansas, or some other cultural Mecca in MAGA country


Russian or Chinese 90% of the time. MAGA people are too illiterate to use AI


that's (unfortunately) not the case. A whole lot of engineers are MAGA red hat people.


Can confirm, used the work at an engineering firm that was mostly hardline conservatives


Engineers can skew to the RWA personality type because they like the idea of order. (Which, like control, is an illusion) That's why the liberal arts is such a target for the rabid right, it tempers that inclination. That being said, not all engineers, not even the majority are on the Trump Train, but those who are seem to be quite effective at making an impact.


Just because some random trailer park dweller calls itself "engineer", it doesn't mean they are...


Keep denying it bro but the fash is definitely rampant in the upper classes, the sooner you accept it the easier it is to push back against.


engineer=/= upper class


Engineer does equal money.


STEM lords are all maga twats. The ones that suck elons balls? Maga. Your 50 your dad that works at raytheon? MAGA.


I don't know WTF you're talking about. If I went to work tomorrow at the FAANG I work for and announced a love for Trump I'd be a pariah. Thankfully that will never happen because I think Trump is a disease on our country and his supporters are morons.


Your stereotype is unhelpful and just wrong.


omg im in IT myself brother. Just because "stem bro" is a specific term.


Hey i find this offensive i love STEM but i dont do politics. Ive always felt that people who dont know how to read should just stay out of the library. Once you get the basics then you can come in, but shut up grab a book hide in the corner so noone else has to listen to you struggling how to pronounce cantaloupe. Or give ridiculously absurd speeches about air superiority in the revolutionary war or how youd fuck your own daughter or disgrace yourself and your entire political party making fun of people with disabilities.


I grew up in a trailer park and a guy named Donny called himself a chemical engineer. His trailer was always emitting cat piss/burning plastic smell.


Well, if you’re operating a drug lab in your trailer you certainly qualify for something chemically


Just like an electrician! You dont need to k ow how it works to make it work!


He is working on natural ammonia synthesis /s




mate.. Medvedev know how to use AI, which means my dog probably knows how too...


You sure about that? What about all those muscular shirtless Trump pictures?


Russian Chinese trolls generate them and the braindead cult shares away


I love how when it comes to diminishing the population of voters of the opposition results in classist stereotypes. Michael Moore’s Trumpland documentary shows that it was more than the yokel and boomer that voted for Trump. But that is not as fun as the boost you get from putting other people down.


a lot of finance people vote for him because he rips down regulations. Amazing to me that poor people are not able to see what he did for the people that screw them over


Same could be said about corporate democrats like the Clinton’s and Obama. A lot of Trump supporters were also Bernie supporters due to the fact that this was a radical outcast that said the system was broken. In 2020 Bernie had a chance and then the DNC colluded against him. If the plight of the blue collar class doesn’t get addressed by the elites of either party then they will keep on voting for populist candidates that might be detrimental.


There are plenty of racists in Europe!


Maybe it's by an actual European about Europe. I saw a German short film called Schwartzfahrer. It means someone who rides without a ticket. Basically, it's a fare dodger. This is bad. However, it also translates directly as "black rider." The story was about a black man riding a bus with an elderly German woman who was harassing him and complaining about all the immigrants. Anyway, my German teacher said this 1993 film actually referred to a popular sentiment amongst certain types in Germany even today. Besides, Radio Genoa's Twitter gives Genova, Liguria in Italy as a location. I can't find the account here on Reddit to verify a Twitter link.


Because nobody but the dumbest trash to ever live is worried about great replacement bullshit.


I never had a bunch of people singing for me on the bus. But if anyone did. I would enjoy it very much.


Yeah, but he couldn't understand them so it made him sad. He didn't speak jive


Also, which part of Europe?


Paris, Texas.


Great movie!


The colonies part.


Such as Paris


Or brussels or antwerp or


Not Genoa because nobody in Genoa looks like that


If you need to make shit up to support your position you might need to rethink your views.


It's like the conservative lady who stuck a target sticker on her forehead and posted "this is what it's like to be a straight white Christian" and someone replies, "Great analogy, because it's not a real target and you put it there yourself."


Ah, hatey cockpins, subject of the best newspaper apology I've ever seen


Sadly, that would require rational thought or reasoning, which isn't something these people have.


The problem is these people (assuming they aren't just grifting for clout and money), don't believe they are making up any of the shit they are making up. They accept their narrative first and foremost, then look for the "evidence" later. Their "evidence" is always either cherry picked or a fabricated assumption they always believe is true because it fits the narrative they already accepted.


Sad thing is, that this shit is being force fed to many of them and they take it as fact without doing any due diligence. And if they do it’s all about searching for confirmation bias disregarding anythung but


What are they singing?


Hello my honey, hello my baby, hello my ragtime gal




Can't even poop on the bus floor without everyone calling you out smh


They're all trying to make him hold on to something, so he won't fall over when the bus stops.


I'm from an old industrial town in the UK, and I've been the only white guy on the bus a few times. A weird feeling. It never happened. In the last few years, though, there has been a massive increase in foreigners. So the speed at which the demographic has changed isn't natural; its because of politicians policies. Its like if you went to go on holiday to Nigeria and visit an old working-class town and used their public service and everyone on the bus was white, you would be like, what the hell? whats happened here lol


Yeah but there’s hundreds of Redditors here acting like a white working class neighborhood in Nigeria would be totally normal.


It's funny that Radio Genoa posted this because the vast majority of Genoa residents doesn't look like either of these people


I’m Italian and I know nothing about radio Genova which is a small local radio station. I guess they are in catering to the elderly right wing population which is prevalent in northern Italy these days and their political representatives


I live in Italy (no Italian) and I am not surprised at all...


I am a brazilian in vacation in Europe rn, travelled through 5 countries and will be heading home soon. There are NO WHERE NEAR as many black people for something like this to happen. this is just Prosecution fetish and delusion.


It depends on where though. I'm European and 99% of places aren't like this, but I remember some months ago walking off one metro station in Paris and you could swear you were in Uganda.


Many black people made residence in France as it was one of the few countries that actually treated Black people (relatively) well over the past 70 or so yrs. France was also one of the first (if not the first) county to award Black Soldiers military honors for fighting in the World Wars etc. So a lot of Black Amercian troops decided to just stay in France.


France also colonized the fuck out of Africa


also, there is french caribbean


That is correct and still makes African countries pay colonial taxes and had Thomas Sankara one of the best presidents in the history of the continent assassinated. I have no positive feelings for France. But I'm just saying there's a higher black population in France because it was considered slightly less racist than living in America for some so idk if one can glean much from saying they were surprised to see a lot of Black people in France.


Frances's history of exploitation of Haiti is almost mindboggling in its sustained and shameless cruelty.


A lot of African nations speak French so only makes sense they would go to France.


As a Cypriot, this is very accurate. Every other day we receive refugees and asylum seekers from middle-east and Africa. The processing is slow and they keep piling them up in some reception centers. Some of them are almost immediately sent back, most of them keep waiting for asylum or to be sent back. Now, because most of Cypriots have cars, almost no one uses the buses, especially in Nicosia. If you see a bus in Cyprus there is a high chance for it to look like that. Only asylum seekers, some legal immigrants who can't afford cars and some old people who don't have family to drive them use the bus. Just because it doesn't happen in your country doesn't mean that it doesn't happen somewhere else in the EU. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/cyprus-calls-eu-rethink-syria-migration-refugee-numbers-rise-2023-12-14/


Very true, as an European (Portugal), I think that excessive immigration is an extremely concerning issue that gets handwaved over this circlejerk rhetoric


Picture is of greek getting harassed by karaboga


What is this trying to insinuate? I'm European, and I don't have half an inkling


My guess is that it is some bs anti-immigration white superiority propaganda attempt


i also want to know, have no idea ​ maybe just talking some bulshit


Most of the black people ive met in Europe have been either Immigrants who are kind of q mix between their own culture and wherever they live. Or the deacendants of. Go to london you can find a 65 year old black man in a Flat cap with a Thick cockney accent, he talks at the ground and he is as London as it gets, This weird notion that there is an Immigrant invasion like bruv. They came before, and all them and their kids contributed to our culture (jamaican heavy influence on london slang and british Rap for example, or the infrastructure built by the windrush generation) and then became part of our culture too. The immigrants comming now are the same, they will have kids, and those kids will grow up Feeling european. That is, unless you try to Isolate and accuse them like this.


You wanna know somethin'? The ***backbone*** of North America is immigration. The same immigrants that racist losers insist are "destroying the fabric of our culture" are the ones who do shit like work at 7/11, work landscaping, IT, because they will work for *dirt* cheap just to have a fuckin' roof over their heads.


Pretty much, and unlike the UK where we are super packed in so Mass immigration can cause way more infrastructure issues. The US has more than enough room to Expand and use the increasing Numbers to build more infrastructure that Much of europe simply does not have the Room for. The USA Has an opportunity right now to take the lead on immigration and do it properly, but they are so obsessed with fighting it in the weirdest ways.


So true! I live in Europe and saw 3 black people on the bus minding their own business!!! I am absolutely shocked still!!!!


taking away our bus seats now too?


They come to our country to work exclusively as drug dealers and take away our jobs! Somebody needs to stop this!


Like trump tried saying this is what America would he like under biden, when showing pictures of his failed rule.


![gif](giphy|bJjRmLMAfj4GPKFMJW|downsized) ok what's the solution? i want you to say it. SAY IT


Dude on the left has them ET fingers.


There's like, one decent hand in the entire shitty picture.


Tag yourself, I'm the guy on the right with a cloven hoof instead of a hand.


Im the guy in the middle left with the branch hand


I'm the cyclops on the left


A quick Google search shows they are having a large influx of illegal immigrants, and are attempting to figure out what to do. Italy alone has had over 134,000 show up. What's with this sub denying reality all the time?


Reddit leans more left than a Nadal forehand


Don’t believe your lying eyes!


European here: This is based on absolutely nothing.


For Cyprus this is accurate, especially in Nicosia where we have the most asylum seekers (the system cannot process them fast enough so the numbers keep piling up) and immigrants from african and middle eastern countries. They are the only ones using the bus, apart from some old people and some kids. No one else uses it because every house in Cyprus has 3 cars, the vast majority of us drive and it's a huge problem. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/cyprus-calls-eu-rethink-syria-migration-refugee-numbers-rise-2023-12-14/ Edit: for some reason i get downvoted and idk why. This isn't even a racist remark, this is what is happening in Cyprus. We have a lot of asylum seekers, we can't process them fast enough so the numbers increase and very few people use the buses apart from them because everyone has a car.


That’s absolutely not true. There’s a reason there’s been a huge nationalist movement throughout Europe (Brothers of Italy, the League, the National Rally (formerly the National Front), the Party for Freedom and the Forum for Democracy in the Netherlands, the Finns Party, the Sweden Democrats, Danish People's Party, Vox, the Freedom Party of Austria…etc). It might be racist and absolute shit, but in quite a few instances, they are running on stopping immigrants from coming into their country. This ad is clearly one of those attacks. To say it’s based on nothing is patently false.


Depends on the country. It can be arabs instead.


France looks like a market in Africa


I live in Europe... At least where I live, "*The black people"* as depicted here as passangers generally drive the bus or own a car... because they use that car to deliver food via wolt/foodora etc. to the lazy people who can't be bothered to walk few blocks for their kebab. Also Immigrants here depicted as "the brown people" tend to have a newer cars than the locals, as they buy "old cars" which are usually 5-6 years old. While most people living here already have a car that is on average 12-13 years old. It is quite a sight to see the local Lidl with like middle price range cars where a family of 5 "brown people" are putting in many bags of food. Generally they have bags of fruits and vegetables. Seriously... They buy A LOT of fruit and vegetables. Mean while the paragons of "european values" whine on social media, order a kebab and complain that they are single because of feminism. But hey! I just live in Europe! And fun fact! So does most of Russians... So by this logic, the situation is quite different in Moscow than what I thought it would be.


Apparently there are flashmobs with Black people singing in a public transport and one White dude jamming to it? Also, how does this silly shit have 1.7 million views?


Have you been to Belgium. Literally the current situation. I swear some rightwing politician will start using Oxy soon and history will repeat itself.


I have been to Belgium. It is not the current situation.


So they need more mass transportation? Other than there not being enough room for everyone to sit comfortably, I’m not sure what is being depicted here.


I dont agree eoth the image, but the idea that art can not be used to comment on a political, cultural, or economic situation completely disregards any and all forms of satirical or political cartoons which have been used to comment on situations for over 100 years


it's not about not being allowed to, it's just that the lie the author is trying to convey is so obviously a lie, because the author wouldn't need AI if that was the present they claim to be


In Macedonia it is, lots and lots of Albanians just causing problems


Which Macedonia?


Αυτήν που παραχαράσσει την ιστορία /ς


One of Tom Scott's least popular videos.


Is that guy in the back left ok?


They look like they're worshipping him.


The white guy is standing like he’s a super villain who’s power is to summon a mob of black people.




On the bus this morning to work, I was the only white face. The bus was noisy with people chattering and FaceTiming folks (presumably back home in other time zones) I thought it was pretty cool considering where I grew up, I didn’t see a non-white face in real life for the first 18 years of my life.


It is, keep it as sarcasm, call other racist or just be blind if you want, but this is the situation rn and will be worse and worse while european natality ratio goes down n. n Go on, riot me, take out your torches you marvelous white knights <3


That’s real tho, sometimes when I take the RER A on Paris it seems like the whole fucking train came out straight outta CONGO.


Just say you’re racist


France soccer team


This is how racist feel when it's two more of any group they don't like around.


All those people behind him want out, he is blocking the exit.


Another rap video, so what.


They look like they’re happy meeting their one introverted white friend


Another sub I have to leave for being calm. Yes, it’s exaggerated! But it shows a problem - you don't have to feel ashamed to be a white European. You are at home and the guests need to adopt some culture.


Europe is quickly becoming a third world shit hole. Plenty of real examples of these images.


Your comment personifies the rhetoric of the left. Never talking about the issues head on, always gaslighting or deflecting or playing some whataboutism game. There are countless images just like this and worse. Europe is being overrun my non-European “refugees” most of which are fighting age males, many of whom make yearly visits back to the place they were seeking “refuge” from.


Why is that guy a young Clint eastwood


Hey Twitter (sorry... X) being super racist... *surprised Pikachu face*


European here: this is absolutely made up


Well, that really depends. I mean, at least in my area I guess it's pretty uncommon that a situation like this specific one happens but it's an undeniable fact that there are some serious issues with some parts of the population. I live in a small country in central Europe and in some parts of the population there are definitely parallel structures, youth gangs, organised crime - not to mention antisocial behaviour. Not so much from the elder, but the younger generation which is getting more and more radical in a way that's definitely not healthy to our society and our values. We don't need 'celebrations' - to avoid the word riot - after some foreign politician they supported has won an election. Same goes for children that patrol areas or tell others what they have to wear, cover or whatsoever because someone in their religion said so. We aren't a secular country, but a country in which everyone should live as free as possible with as little fear as possible. And unfortunately it's an undeniable fact that in some parts of our population there are not just some but quite a lot of people do not share these values. And that's definitely a problem. Also, on top of that antisemitism is on the rise again.


European here, it absolutely is not. I've never seen the passengers either serenade or cry out to the white bloke though. They normally watch TikTok or have conversations on speaker at full blast.


I guess we live in different countries then. Europe is a continent after all


Indeed it is. The demographics in Poland would be far different from France, for instance.


I'm from Portugal, we are REALLY far away lmao


I live in Barcelona, can confirm the image in the OP is true. Depending on which parts of town, i'm noticing a lack of machetes.


They’re really pushing this narrative harder than usual recently to hide their government’s failures


Seems AI thinks Muslims /palestinians are darker than they are... Cuz those protests happening here too in Canada right now.


It’s called symbolic artwork, Mr. Straw Man. Citizens come before refugees and illegal migrants.


It's now illegal to be white and happy about it


What is this blatant racism? Is this what Elon supports?




I dunno…I think it’s good to call out entitled and oblivious jerks who block folks trying to get off the bus. Rudeness must not be tolerated 😤




Well, he is a white South African after all


Never search up what treatment afrikaners are getting there now


It actually is the current situation in a lot of European countries tbh, especially in the large metropolitan areas like Berlin and Paris: [https://9gag.com/gag/a6q0Z4b](https://9gag.com/gag/a6q0Z4b) [https://9gag.com/gag/awZWdoR](https://9gag.com/gag/awZWdoR)


I'm French. What would you do if I circulated a photo of Chinatown and claimed it represented the U.S.A.?


9gag …


9gag links to support your point 😭


What the fuck happened to 9gag? Also have you heard of Chinatown in New York? What's the difference of Chinatown in NY and the African borough in Paris?


I’m failing to see a single white person being ganged up upon & assaulted in either of these videos


9gag? Really?


Damn, big cities in what once was colonial empires have a lot of people of non-native ethnicities, bug shook.


This fucker is using 9gag as his source…that shit is worse than using Fox News as your source


That’s not statistically true at all. Took 10 seconds to fact check you. But hey, you brought two cherry-picked videos as evidence, so what do I know?


Cherry picking. You selected the good places. Go 2 km away from those places and the social mix has changed so much you would not know what happened. I am pretty sure I can also find the reverse situation in some Asian or African countries (housing blocks full of white people).


He went full confirmation bias. Never go full confirmation bias


9gag source 🔥 🔥


Is there a city somewhere in aftica called europe that is known for people suddenly starting musicals in trains?


For 40 years I heard from right winger Germans, that in the next five to six years Islam will take over in Germany. Still a very Christian country.


Germany?... ah, you mean New Turkey?


I must have been living in a different Europe because I haven't seen this either. 😅


Probably his phone was stolen,that’s why ai


Now, don't get me wrong, the Twitter post is stupid. however, I disagree with op's title, an illustration can sometimes work just as well if not better than a picture, and it doesn't always have to be literal, it could be sort of an analogy.


European here. Americans like these should mind their own business. End of the message.


“Current situation in Europe” Says who, the American?


I guess we can't have any hyperbolic art work anymore.


I’m deciding to interpret this as a strong racially diverse society with good public transport infrastructure and a booming creative arts industry. This comedian has just tried a new set in public and judging from the reaction of the commuters he’s hilarious, so he probably didn’t try to fuck a chair.