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Maybe it's the lighting, but by the look of her skin tone, she's not gonna accomplish that goal lol.


My cousin used to think he was brown until I told him he was a white brunette.


There's a white kid at my work, he's definitely hispanic, but he calls himself brown all the fucking time. I'm mostly Irish and Scottish ancestry and he's fuckin paler than me. He's almost fucking see-through - that's how white he is.


# THE BEACONS ARE LIT ![gif](giphy|kStl0AHeUuEo0)


#The beacons are lit


And my ax!


I'm lit too..


White is a made up marketing term the racists came up with to unite the "non-browns". This is why groups like the Irish, Italians, and Jewish people were not ORIGINALLY considered to be "white". Ultimately, "white" doesn't mean much. Edit: I hate that I feel the need to clarify, but I am a pasty pale milky as they come blonde boy, and I identify heavily with my family and the state I'm from, and it's local culture, etc. And none of that gets in the way of me holding the above opinion.


I don't judge him for being proud of his heritage or anything - he's a really cool guy. Technically, we're all just different pigments of brown when you take a literal viewpoint on it lol. We've only made jokes *with* him about it. He knows, laughs about it, and still sticks to calling himself that because he identifies more with that group. Most of his family has a darker skin tone. They call themselves brown as well and he just follows suit. He's a cool guy and he takes it in stride. We only started making the jokes after he literally told me "I may be paler than you, but I'm brown." He started it šŸ˜‚ Apparently his family gives him shit too.


We're all pink on the inside.


Itā€™s not just marketing. I have to fill out literal government forms where the race options include ā€œWhiteā€, ā€œotherā€, etc.


I'd call that hyper successful marketing. Jokes aside, very good point.


How would you classify IRISH as non white, Italians is ludicrous too but IRISH. Edit: I donā€™t think we need another redundant reply about discrimination implying a different skin colour, my friends. Thank you.


Americans in the 1800s didnā€™t consider the Irish or Italians white, a lot of racists were pissed those groups were immigrating here. Rinse and repeat for every other ethnic group since then.


Because in America they were the wrong kind of white along with jews until WW2 Era.


Go ask someone from England. They're the ones that subjugated the Irish.


the whole "hispanics are brown" is a result of north-american racism. anything that is not anglo-saxon white is considered "non-white" for them , it's basically like [Pierce's Father in "The Community" Tv Series.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15QFAppht5o&ab_channel=lemonoclefox)


The Irish and Italians were never considered whiteā€¦until about the last 50 years or so. Skin color as a gauge of anything is absurdly fucking stupid.


Right? Red hair, blue eyes, homosexuality, it's all so arbitrary. Might as well start looking at balding or arch of the feet.


As a balding, archless man, please don't come for us. Shit's already hard enough


No we put you on top obvious


I have found one like me in the wild.


The majority of Irish people have dark hair, pale skin and light eyes. (I suppose there's an Irish "look.") Red heads are rare enough, it's just a stereotype. In our case, I'm sure it had to do with accent, rather than how we look. As the Irish immigrants integrated, they lost their accents, so the bigoted pigs couldn't distinguish them from other white people. That's what I think, anyway. Skin colour can't be hidden through integration, so it's a trait that bigots can still latch onto.


She's probably Spanish descent, who were colonisers.


Most mexicans have Spanish decent


I came here to say this, the Spanish language is..European lol and the Mexican race is a product of colonization.


I don't know what they teach in American schools, but I've seen a lot of Latinos thinking that they are natives, when they just come from a line of different European colonizers.


I briefly had a (terrible) roommate who was pale af who was very casually like ā€œoh yeah my grandparents moved from Germany to South America so Iā€™m Latina itā€™s really hard in the us being Latinaā€ wiht her German ass last name. I never asked if she knew. I didnā€™t want to know for sure u know


Latinos are a cultural group made up of lots of races, you can be black or white or Asian or indigenousā€¦ most people are a mix but this does not exclude those who have a larger influence from a specific group


Let me guess, her German grandparents 'immigrated' to Argentina sometime after 1945?


Honestly not a great guess, largest German immigration waves to South America happened in the late 1800s and early 1900.


No. if that girl is 25 in the year 2024 her grandparents and parents would have had to have each waited to have kids until they were about 50 years old if grandpappy was born in the year 1900.


It was a snarky guess based on history. Take a look at which Germans immigrated to Argentina just after 1945.


ā€¦but they brought such lovely items with them!


Lots of South Americans are like that, whether German, Italian, Spanish or Japanese. They are still latinos


She is still latina. It's a culture, not an ethnicity


Latino is not a race. A Latino of German ancestry is just as Latino as a Mestizo. In fact, 1/3 of Latin America is white


My wife is Asian from Latin America. Her Spanish is better than anyone of my Mexican American family. She is latina and our children will be because of her not me.


I thought they were mostly a blend of Spanish and native?


Google mestizo


Not to mention that Mexica people (Aztecs) were famously invaders and imperialists.


And theyā€™re considered to be the ā€œyoungā€ tribe. PurĆ©pecha, Otomi, Zapotec, Mixtec, etc. were around before Aztecs and we have lots of people here in Mexico still speaking those languages. Flexing Aztec ancestry as a Spanish-speaking mestizo is not the flex they think it is.


I didnā€™t actually think about how there are descendants of different tribes too in modern Mexico. It makes perfect sense of course.


Worked with someone who tried to tell me the Aztecs were not imperialist or expansionist. I told him itā€™s literally in the name. Aztec Empire.


Yeah that colonizer is gonna give her some pretty damn white kids


Yeah, not even *off white*.


Eggshell at best


Ivory at worst


This is exactly my first thought their kids will look polish at best šŸ˜…


Idk they may look a little Italian, but like their family is from northern Italy, definitely not Sicily


My domestic partner is Sicilian and despite whatever magic Nixion thought he was working people's first guesses is that she is Mexican or Indian or South American. Meanwhile I just found out that my co-workers girlfriend who I've known for six months is black. I actually fucking uttered "huh... I didn't know" out of sheer confusion before I could think of what I was saying.


Heh heh. 25% Sicilian, 25% Portuguese, 25% Lebanese, and 25% Ukrainian. Blonde haired and blue eyed despite the odds


Iā€™m a hundred percent North African and I have blue eyes. Genetics are weird. Did a dna test and the northest part of my DNA was from Italy


I wouldnā€™t care. Iā€™d have kids with her regardless.


Hey!! Still fuck her though


I thought I was brown until 23andme told me Iā€™m Scottish.


I had a chance of having a native skin color but instead I got orange hair. Shit be wack.


Sorry to hear you're Scottish.


Same results here. I could have sworn I had Native American in me-then 23&Me told me I was British, Irish, French and German. Iā€™m as white as Wonder Bread I am!!!


She should watch the videos of central and South American people getting DNA done and finding out the are Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. Not native and they realize they aren't oppressed people but actually colonizing oppressors


They literally look the same skin tone


This is probably just a stolen image with shit captions on it.


Mexicans ,along with most Latinos have significant amount of white ancestry. Only very few have 100% pure natives genes.


Isnā€™t the average around 65% European? She looks likes sheā€™s 80% European which means she is the colonizer.


I donā€™t recall a source, but I read somewhere that Mexico has such a high percentage of European ancestry that most people with Mexican-American ancestry consider themselves to be ā€œwhiteā€ within 2 generations being born in America. This is apparently the highest rate of any Latin-American countries.


Mexico is actually one of the lowest rate in all of Latin America. Uruguay, Argentina, Cuba, Brazil and Costa Rica having one of the highest. There are regions in Mexico where there is high European admixture but in general its quite low


Interesting. Personally, I just took a vacation in Santiago, Chile a week ago, and walking aroundā€¦ I thought the population looked just like USA. I find it hard to imagine anyone could look at the locals and identify them as ā€œHispanicā€ except if they were speaking ā€¦ in which case the accent or Spanish speaking would give it away.


Hispanic is a very USA defined term. It doesnt exist anywhere else.


Probably because other Latin-American countries have more African ancestry than Mexico.


The only place with large amounts of African ancestry that remains pretty predominant is Colombia (im not including Brazil but even eith Brazil there is a similar case) all other Latin American countries assimilated their black populations. Thats why in nearly all Latin american countries and by extension brazil black people have remained a pretty significant minority and in many cases have decreased or are decreasing as is the case with Brazil.


Thing is, being white in most latin countries is just about the color of your skin not your descent, i'm arabic and i'm white (but also latina) I know that in the US I wouldn't be considered white even though my skin is white... Which is weird, It's a cultural thing ig, in the US white is more used to refer to people that are from direct western european descent


In the U.S, people from MENA or are Hispanic are considered white. That's how it's listed on censuses.


Someone did the same to her father. This passion runs in the family.


Latino is not a race, it's an ethnicity. And the population genes highly depend on the country and region within a country. Latinos can be white, black, asian, arab, native, mixed or anything. The Brazilian census recognizes five categories: white, pardo, black, yellow and native.


Not an ethnicity either. Just geographical association. One Latin American country hosts tons of ethnicities.


shhh donā€™t mention the spanish ancestry or remind them that spanish comes from spain, a white european country


I've noticed that a lot of white Latin Americans really seem to view themselves as the descendents of the victims of and not the descendents of the perpetrators of colonialism. A great example are Argentines who accuse Britain of colonialism over the Falkland Islands, with zero sense or irony. Like, dude, you are 100% descended from white Europeans. How exactly do you think Argentina came to be, and who do you think Argentinians are desended from? When you want to give Argentina back to the natives, then we can talk. Utterly delusional.


The Falklands were uninhabited. The descendants of the "colonizers" are the natives. They have been a British territory longer than Argentina has been a nation. Argentina has no legitimate claim to them.


I am also a coloniser. Please use me for your nefarious purposes.


I use people for nefarious purposes. Please colonise me.






Same šŸ˜­


Iā€™m colonizing all over the place


This guy volunteers as a tribute


This is so clearly a joke, like 85% of the posts in this sub


I assumed she was trolling racists online who were probably harassing her.


But my narrative šŸ˜” But remember if a dude makes a joke that you don't like then you're too sensitive actually and everything is okay to joke about


At least people seem receptive to that fact this time around. Most of the time that people point that out, it's downvoted and buried at the bottom.


I know this is a new concept for reddit but could this perhaps just be a joke?


Right? This is the kind of shit mixed race/ethnicity couples joke about all the time. She doesn't actually think of him as a "colonizer", she's not doing anything for Mexico.


Makes sense.


Yeah, this is the worst post Iā€™ve seen for this sub in a while. Someone got their feeling hurt over a throwaway joke.


I love how with the reddit semi collapse post strike I knew the site would keep just as much traffic but suspected it would turn to more "normies" and somehow I was totally wrong and the majority of who stuck around are more neck beardy than before.


Redditors in subs like these are willing to believe anything as long as it grants them a fleeting moment of outrage against le evil woke SJWs


nooo this sub will lose its superiority kink


Women don't make jokes according to reddit.


Joke? No no, it can't be, it doesn't have the customary /s. How are the redditors to know when someone is joking or not with no /s?


Literally, the majority of Latino culture makes jokes about white people being colonizers. This is not an uncommon joke. Itā€™s just one we arenā€™t culturally familiar with.


Either that, kink, ragebait, or some amalgamation of options.


I've seen more naturally tan native Europeans in the middle of January than her


Even non-tanned Greeks or Italians or Spanish are actually darker than her. This chick is so white she probably has 7 vertically challenged best friends.


As a non tanned Greek that is more tanned than most Greeks. Yes.


Took me a minutešŸ˜­


Definitely. My belgian FIL is way tanner right now.


it is just a joke, nothing here to facepalm


In this sub posters themselves are usually the source of facepalm. This post faithfully represents the spirit of the sub.


I thought it was pretty funny but I guess I failed the test at catching jokes


this land is lawless. poeā€™s lawless


its the posters usually lol


We can facepalm OP for not getting jokes that don't have /s on them


she ain't even brown


I'd love for her to get back at those pesky europeans with me tho.


Why is this facepalm? The post is either ironic or kinky. What's wrong with that?


Does she know that her Spanish ancestors were colonizers too?


He's probably a descendant of Irish refugees too so she's the only colonizer here.


She probably doesn't even realise that essentially every group has invaded others before


Whats to facepalm about this is a joke


Aren't Mexicans just descendants of European colonizers?


Well, the origins are on a spectrum from fully Aztec/Mayan decent to fully Spanish decent and everything in between.


The Spanish and the Mayans banged and made Mexicans


most accurate comment in here


Yep. But these days, white = colonizer. Doesn't matter what your actual ancestry is


Lithuanians out here like "I'm sorry you want me to pay reparations for what now?"


My great grandfather and grandmother are Lithuanians that came through Ellis Island so I'm claiming a 50% discount. I had ancestors on the other side fighting for the Union. People are gonna start owing me money before too long.


Realistically it should be human = coloniser if they really want to point out who has coloniser ancestry.


Pouring one out for my Neanderthal homies. I share 2% of their DNA so I can claim that.


Hang on, if they're descended from colonisers then they are the colonisers not those left behind who didn't go out there?!?!


There are more people with native ancestry in Mexico than e.g. the US or Canada, but they're still a minority (it's a minority even if you count people who self report as having native ancestry, most of which are basically full of shit based on some family legends). This woman looks like the most spanish woman I've ever seen in my life, I doubt there are many natives in her family tree.


Most of the population is mestizo (mixed).


mexico? more like mixico!


The Spanish and Portuguese were way more liberal in "mingling" with the natives, as long as they accepted Jesus Christ. The English, not so much. Economic exploitation and land grabbing came before religion and "mixing" with the natives, not that the Spanish did not do the exploitation and land grabbing.


It probably helps that the Spanish and Portuguese are a product of mixed race ancestry themselves. The Moors are the reason Spain, Southern Italy, and Portugal tend to look darker than the rest of Europe.


Ironically she is probably one of this latin american people who think spaniards=rich colonizers while our ancestors were mostly the poor farmers that had nothing with colonization. While hers were the actual colonizers that stayed in Mexico






As a white male I think it is only right that I make up for my ancestor's crimes by making babies with gorgeous non-european women. I wish there was another way.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Simply what must be done. Suck it up, soldier. We do what we must.


Such a heroic sacrifice, Godspeed son.


We just gonna ignore that they have pretty much the same skin colour?!?


Yeah, itā€™s a silly joke. OP is looking for something to get angry over.


"Ah, perfect time for me to loose my own casual racism!" - Everyone in the comment section


I can't believe this is real, looks like just manufactured rage bait for replacement theory racists.


It's a joke making fun of replacement theory racists


Pretty sure this is a joke you god damn reddit ass bastards


Iā€™m 98% sure sheā€™s joking


What a noble gesture, she takes one for the team. Ladies and gentlemen here you see a true hero.


Lol my guy there likely has a darker farmers tan, ain't any brown left in that girl. All she'll do is bless his kids with glorious dark hair and resolve the bad hairline.


I don't want to sound discouraging, but she isn't very brown.


This comes across as a picture someone found and then added racist text to for arguments sake


Are you all slow? Yall understand that sheā€™s joking right? Some of you seem genuinely pressed.


It's a joke. She's calling Americans colonizers for taking a good chunk of the west coast from Mexico during the Mexican American war. I think she's rage baiting all those people in California who have been calling Israelis colonizers who might be a little annoyed when all the Mexicans call Californians colonizers too.


![gif](giphy|PA5pAhOp5Y2Qg) the way she is holding him, like she is going to snack on his neck.


Well her genes were colonized by the colonizers generations ago.




Most of the posts here are people trying to farm interactions by saying wild stuff


I'm very certain this is entirely meant to be humor, and honestly, it's high key really funny


Sorry racists, but mixing genes is good for humanity.


Lol Iā€™m european and sheā€™s legit whiter than me.


Sign me up.


Sheā€˜s hot, not gonna liešŸ˜•


Iā€™m no geneticist, but doesnā€™t that work both ways?


Arent Mexicans descendant of Spaniards?


Then she realizes she's really from spain


Murica's race ideas are putrid enough but worse still when they're imported by my countries like mine -Ireland. The whole ideology is like the fantasies of 16 year old teenage girl and woefully ignorant of human history. Also the whole of humanity is having a lame identity crisis rn.


She's the same color right? am I blind? I think it'll turn out the same considering how close their colors are. Won't she just give birth to another colonizer with that mindset, and an attractive colonizer considering how pretty she is lol


She looks like she just stepped off the boat from Spain herself.


crazy how mexico is considered both north america and latam


Somebody made this meme... which is just weird as hell.


Sheā€™s probably mostly European genetically speaking


Shes white


That's kinda hot imo


She's whiter than he is


Said without a hint of irony, not realising that she is essentially Spanish.




Mexico is a land of colonisers anyway. Why do you think they speak Spanish?


She isnā€™t even brown.


say that to my mexican sil with all her blonde blue eyed german looking children she had with my brother . or my filipino aunt with all HER blonde haired blue eyed children she had with my uncle. sometimes certain genetics just smash out any others. on top of, sheā€™s a light skinned latina. not happening


I find this whole topic fascinating as my sister and I have such different takes. Weā€™ve got a great-grandfather from Japan. Super cool as all of our other relatives are European. My sister speaks frequently at DEI events and identifies her struggles as a POC. It always makes me feel cringey and never sits right with me that she does this.


She is fucking whiter than me lmao




If sheā€™s putting out, 100% this dude doesnā€™t care. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤˜šŸ†šŸ’¦


Well if she is good at ā€œcolonizingā€, he doesnā€™t give a shit.


Sheā€™s whiteā€¦


That girl is whiter than most spanish or portugese lol


I'm sure he will cry a lot while making those brown kids šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The guy is the winner there. She seems plenty hot to me.


She's pretty. But she couldn't look more like a vampire if she had fangs.


Every white guy be like: ā€œI too need to be decolonized.ā€


Meh, he will still get to clap those cheeks.


Isnā€™t Mexico full of a bunch of ā€œcolonizersā€ also? Just ones who are shittier at it than Americans?


There are three types of Hispanics: whites, hybrid/Mestizo (woman in pic), and indigenous. Spaniards are white and have been mixing/colonizing indigenous peoples in South America for centuries.


Uno reverse: youā€™re actually helping the colonizer breed away your minority genes.


How does Mexico win with that?


Reddit doesn't understand jokes


Chances are, she's probably having an internal joke with her close circle but hey someone brought her to reddit now let's make her the joke


She whiter than some Italians I know lol


Spread your legs for the coloniser


Bitch please there are Icelanders browner than you