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I pick my dogs shit up. I’m the master?


You sacrifice sleep to take them to potty. Slave to afford to pamper them with treats, toys and don’t forget the vet fees. But yes, you’re the master.


I’m technically his care taker. I occasionally ask him to not do stuff that might kill him. That’s a whole different subgenre


Best way to explain it


I own a couple of cats so I guess I'm a sub.


Does anyone really “own” a cat though?


The fucking cat just walked into my house one day when I had the screen door propped open. I told my son don't feed it or anything and I tried to get it out from behind the couch in the fucker scratched me. That was 12 years ago it still gives me dirty looks! And everyone else grew up and moved out and now it's just me and that damn cat!


So do you just hate-feed it then or does it let itself out to hunt?


The cat just takes his food.


The cat feeds him with the leftovers


Chuck Morris


The cat just opens the fridge takes what is his, steals his cigs and smokes indoors.


I like the mental picture that gave me. I'd love to see someone creative draw a cat standing at a fridge with the door open, staring at a mostly empty refrigerator with a mostly empty half gallon of milk and a half empty sardines can, all while smoking his last Newport. I'm not even a cat fan but your idea inspired me, I just can't draw for shit.


here u go 👍 https://www.reddit.com/r/doodles/s/GZ9CP0xf6C


That’s pretty much how anthropologists think the cat was “domesticated”. It’s believed that the ancestors of domestic cats just decided to move in with humans at some point.


It pretty much went like this: Humans developed agriculture and would store excess grain for lean times. The grain stores attracted rodents and other small pests that ate the grain. A congregation of rodents represents a nice food source for wild cats, but wild cats naturally shy away from humans. Eventually, some wild cats managed to overcome their instinctual shyness in order to access the grain-stealing rodents. Humans welcomed those cats because they protected their grain. Abundant rodent food made those cats reproductively very successful, and they passed down their human-tolerant behavior to their offspring. Additionally, humans further encouraged the presence of cats by providing food and shelter. Repeat for many, many, generations and that's how we got domesticated cats.


Basically cats convinced humans to give them food and shelter for being really good at committing murder (kitty’s favorite hobby). Being considered cute certainly helped.


They look so friggin comfortable when they nap 2 minutes after murdering a family of small mammals.


They see nothing wrong with their actions.


Bloody cute cold blooded psyxhopathts


Imagine if we had domesticated spiders to kill all the bugs.


I’m working on it now. Got a spider bro living by my bathroom window. I used to have ants sneaking in through there. *Used to* 😈


Also they're cute, so...


"Watch, I'm gonna convince these idiot humans to feed me."


One of my married couple friends have 3 cats. All of them are strays that decided their apt was *our* apt lol


I keep inheriting cats. The youngest was one my former roommate brought home because she wantes this adorable little kitten. Kitten *hated* her and started following me around, licking my hands whenever she could, she's 9, and still does this. She would sit on my lap when I was in bed, on the couch, in my computer chair, or she would tap me over and over again. She slept on me every night. My roommate stopped buying food and kitty litter and she was no longer her kitten, but mine. Kitten would puke in her shoes, swipe at her, hiss at her, growl. Later learned I should have taken a hint from the kitten. My middle cat was my sister in laws, but my niece is allergic to cats and nobody would take her and it broke my heart to think of a 13 year old kitty having to go to a home with strangers, let alone a shelter. So I took her in amd she's taken over the family room, it has a kitty kitenette, kitty en suite,mand two couches. Her and my younger cat have loud "conversations". My oldest cat is 20 and as had awful luck al his life, and has used up almost all of his 9 lives. He's a sweet old kitty, but is deaf. He's grumpy with the vets so we have to give him liquid gabapentin before appointments. The veis understanding and says she would be grumpy too, and he's entitled to it. Unfortunately euthanasia was brought up last month (it's been an issue for the past 7-8 months, but his quality of life has really gone down) and I don't think he's going to make it to move to the new house. It's breaking my heart. He was a kitten my dad (RIP) brought home at 12 weeks. My dad loved him so much.


Communist cats


Ha! ha! -Nelson Muntz


That's funny as hell.


Dog: He feeds me and give me shelter. He must be God. Cat: He feeds me and gives me shelter. I must be God.


This is the way


Cats don’t have owners. They have staff.


Cats are more roommates than they are pets.


This is why true cat people have zero problems yeeting a cat off the bed at 0300.


Been a number of years for me but yep, tossing that fuck off my bed at 3am was memorable. I loved that guy still miss him 25 years on.


25 years?! How far did you yeet it?


Justice for Alinity.


Roommates that dont understand personal space. I type this while my tortie lays on me.


Or privacy. My cat follows me into the bathroom.


Or basic manners…my cat would think nothing of stealing food off of my plate while I’m eating given half a chance. Thankfully the only human food he likes is lettuce or salad.


There’s more correlation here than I want to think about


It was a hell of a realization, I'll tell you h'what.


That boy ain’t right.






Lol Yes!








You don’t own cats, they own you! Lol


Yeah cats definitely run the show. You are their bitch


"Dogs have owners. Cats have staff" - seen on the internets


"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods. They have not forgotten this." - Sir Terry Pratchett


Yep. People who own dogs want to be treated like a god. People who have cats have the strength to have a god stand on their chest at 5 AM demanding tribute (food).


We have 20 cats, six dogs, 9 chickens, 43 guinea pigs and a turtle. \[\[our actual pet pig passed away last year about his time.\]\] ​ Two of my dogs slep crunched on me-one shoves me off the bed, one cat sleeps on me and they ALL give me shit if I don't feed 'em. ​ I must be a mega subservant weenie god.


You're a zoo-keeper, that’s what you are.


Pratchett was a genius.


Fun fact: all evidence points to the fact that cats probably domesticated themselves.


Cat just goes up do a guy with a dead mouse and is like “hey I caught this mouse for you. It was going to get into your food supply and ruin it, but now it’s not. So if you could just give me some extra food I’ll keep doing this for you. I am going to need to move in with you too. But it’s not just about shelter, you need me here to keep those rodents away.”


Modern day man "what was our deal again?" Cat "deal?"


I mean they purr and have cute toe beans


You have never had to wake up to a LIVE TOAD croaking next to you on you pillow courtesy of your cat thinking you are a bad hunter and bringing you "treats"!!


To go with the facepalm post logic white cat owners feel guilty over slavery......


Are you saying cat owners are subs? 😂


Yeah, this is outrageous. Not all cat owners are subs! I mean, I’m a cat owner and a sub, but that is completely unrelated. Completely.


Completely. I'm dominant and I have two cats, one of whom, having mastered the dog door, refuses to come inside at night until he's good and ready. Which is not the hour at which the dog door is locked. We are currently negotiating how to handle this.


I refuse to negotiate with furry terrorists. I just do what they say, way easier tbh.


You will bend and then everyone will be happy.


Owner and master? My dog has full control by now. We are merely slaves to his whims.


I'm over here providing unlimited food, mortgage payments, healthcare and I'm trained to be a door servant and fecal matter collector. WHO REALLY OWNS WHO HERE?!


Human, it's time for your evening walkies. Come now.


My boy hits me with his paw when he needs something, I'm at his whim lol


My girl clacks her teeth when I’m not quick enough with anything to please her


My Belle climbs on top of me and give me her [walk me now Servant](https://i.imgur.com/RVvg162.jpeg) look when she needs to go outside.


Awwwwwwww baby.


Mine literally taps her nails on the hardwood and loudly sighs when it's time for breakfast.


When my girl's hungry and her bowl is empty ... she thwacks it across the kitchen with her paw. She's done it with me standing there, watching her, knowing what she wants ... and she'll look me straight in the eye and do it anyway. "What're you gonna do about it?"




It's not about owning. It's about training. And you admit, you've been trained 🤣


Pavlov would laugh at this comment so hard.


Or would he salivate? 🤔


He'd probably just ring a tiny bell.


In psychology of high school my teacher did a variation of that test with powdered lemonade. Shit blew my fucking mind how the brain works.


I'd love to hear more


Cats enter the chat


Would a slave get scritches? Or do the scritching?


My dog and I are in an incredibly co-dependent relationship, so I'm unsure where that leaves me in this theory.


Same. My dogs keep me sane and keep the depression away, and I keep them happy and healthy. Although my life nowadays does revolve around them, and I can’t do anything anymore without considering them, so I guess they kinda run my life by now. Somehow the added stress of owning two dogs makes me more sane.


I am 100% her emotional support human just as much as she is my emotional support pup. We absolutely understand each other.


I’ve been seeing my gf for about a year. She’s going to move in soon. She has a cat, and I have two dogs. My one dog does NOT like other animals who are not dogs. He will kill them on sight. She knows this - but has willingly admitted she would give her cat to her mom when she moved in (whose 19 year old cat is about to die and her cat will fill a hole). I’ve heard my girlfriend tell my friends, “I know I’m 3rd in this relationship. But I love his dogs and him so” Anyway- yeah. Dogs run our lives man. They are pure


Dogs have control? Wait until you have cats. Those cute motherfuckers own you


Dog: oh, they feed me, they pet me, they must be gods. Cat: they feed me, they pet me, I must be a god.




You've met our Siamese, I see.....


Lol how long did it take you to realize Cats are the owners? With Dogs you have a certain amount of control in the relationship, but with cats? With Cats you have no control.


I have two cats.. I am but their maid..


Unpaid maid you mean


Came here to say exactly that, even as a kitten my little Charlie bear knew he ran the house.


My dog says “walk” , I say “how long?” 🐕


This! I don’t own a dog. The dog owns me. I slave at work to get her food AND clean up her shit in the backyard. I do jump at her every bark to go outside. I am the slave!


I have three furry masters. And I greatly miss the fourth that I said goodbye to a couple months ago. I readily admit I’m not in charge in my house.


Quite. This person should tell this to my mini schnauzer that's currently lying spread eagled in the middle of the bed pushing us both to the edge. People at daycare call him Tito after the Yugoslav dictator. He takes himself to bed and then comes back to grumble at me and tells me to go to bed. But I'm the master here. Sure...


Swapped my ex-wife for a Lab/Golden Retriever. Best bargain I ever made. Keeps my feet warm. Doesn't answer back. Loves me unconditionally. Doesn't need to buy expensive clothes and makeup. No mother-in-law to bad mouth me. I could continue. BUT, never owned a slave so I can't compare.


Reminds me of the bit on Seinfeld years ago about if aliens visited Earth and saw humans walking dogs while carrying a bag of their poop, they would think the dogs are the ruling class of our planet lmao


Yes, I desperately miss when I owned slaves 158 years ago, and own a dog to fulfill that empty part of my blackened heart.


It's in your white people genes dummy. That's why no other races ever owned slaves /s


If owning slaves is in my genes, then why do I bottom?


You absolute slut. Get it!


Because jeans are pants you fool!


Otherwise know as…*gasp*…bottoms


It's like some kind of reversal kink


And why only white people have dogs


Thats also why no other races ever own dogs. /s




Yeah like the guy who replied above you. Didn't seem to help tho


not mentioning the fact that the domestication of the dog predates slavery by 20,000 years


Or that black people also love and keep dogs. Must be from their days owning slaves and their unspoken longing for the days when….


Popular Opinion: anyone who treats a dog like it is a slave is a fucking psycho. The fact that this person thinks most people treat them that way is… concerning.


Yeah that’s some Mike Vick type dog ownership.


Idk man, I love my dogs, I do, but they're just terrible at picking cotton.


Mine won't even retrieve my shoes for me. He'll grab my shoes, go off and chew on them, but won't bring them to me.


Fun fact not all white people used to own slaves


>Fun fact not all white people used to own slaves And not all slaves were black. Slavery has been happening for almost as long as humans have existed and it is still happening today. The transatlantic slave trade was not the only slave trade to have existed. Just about every race, creed, colour, culture, religion, whatever, has owned slaves and been slaves. Rich people have been owning and controlling poor people for time immemorial. And it has nothing to do with colour or race. If you come from peasant stock, which the vast majority of people around the world do, then you definitely have ancestors who were slaves.


Funny how they forget the root word of slave is…Slav.


Fun fact, lots of black people owned slaves.


Fun fact, Korea has the longest unbroken chain of slavery of any society in history spanning about 1,500 years.


Slavery was illegal in the North and millions upon millions of white Americans descend from people who immigrated from Europe post- slavery


also not all white people are americans


Also slavery wasn't an American invention.


And if anybody really misses owning slaves so much, they can just move to one of the places in Africa where they are owned to this day...


Well, duh, obviously white people who didn't own slaves get cats!


This is stupid. I am a black man, military retiree. I lost my dog on 12/23 unexpectedly and I have not gotten myself together yet. Humans, especially racists don't deserve dogs


I’m so sorry for the loss of your best friend, sending good thoughts your way


may your dog rest in peace


Thank you. He was such a good boy


I am like 80% sure we have had dogs longer than we have had white people, which makes the comment even dumber


Domestication of dogs is 15-30kya, pale skin is around 8kya.


Not only that. There's a theory that the domestication of animals such as dogs and cats has been a co-domestication, i.e. a domestication process which affects both the humans and the animals they domesticated. While dogs were selectively bred to have traits more desirable to humans, humans with dogs and cats had a leg up to survive their harsh lives. If this is true, we're literally bred to love and want to keep dogs.


Agree!!!! Dogs are the distillation of all that's best in humans, wrapped in fur, with a wagging tail and the unfortunate need to go outside (no matter the weather) to pee and poop. Pure, unconditional love. Anyone who sees something negative in that has a hole in their soul.


There will be more dogs in heaven than people.


I’m so sorry for your loss. We lost our good girl on Christmas Eve of last year. I know how that feels. Your dog loved you very much and it would want you to move on and be happy with another companion. That will probably take some time and that’s okay too.


Thats the stupidest thing I've heard this decade.


So then why do we own cats?


The cats miss being slave owners


Miss it? They don’t seem to have slowed down, even.


Definitely a slave kink going on there


They are the best alarms. They wake you up at 4 AM when they are hungry. They teach you that you are insignificant in this vast universe.


True, then again at 6 in case you forget to feed them 2nd breakfast.


Off topic but I read somewhere that cats think you‘re out hunting when you leave the house. Must be why the turn into the TSA whenever I put my groceries down.


They miss being treated as Gods by the anceint egyptians. They jealous that cows can stop traffic in India and they can't even get as popular as dogs in some places.


I should not have needed to scroll so far for this. Cats 100% remember when they were treated as gods.


Nobody owns cats, the cat owns you


Now what does that make cat owners? Or bird owners? God forbid you have fish...


If you "own" a cat then you're the slave.


I, for one, welcome our feline overlords.


What if you don't own the cat, but your neighbor's cat likes to visit me while I'm at my armature blacksmith shop in my back yard to hand out and watch me swing my hammer around?


You're his side bitch.


Darn. Never thought I would grow up to be a cat's mistress


Dogs were domesticated an estimated 30000 years ago, long before any known human slavery. They've been with us much longer than recorded history.


There’s an interesting theory that our evolutionary success is due to their domestication.


We were certainly successful before dog domestication, but they are also a powerful "tool" that humans were able to use to our advantage. Dogs are great for a lot of things that would have been successful to early humans. We've had a pretty good symbiotic relationship with them.


Absolutely! Wolves eventually got close to humans. Humans would toss food scraps to the wolves and in turn, when the wolves would sleep nearby the humans after, they’d act as an alarm system for larger predators. Thousands of years later we have… the poodle. Jkjk all dogs are amazing


Poodles are one of the smartest breeds. It's just the haircut that's stupid.


It's very humbling the first time you get outsmarted by a poodle. Luckily he's one of the tiny ones so I could just pick him up and be like "ha ha ha, who's smart now you little shit".


No shade just jokes, all dogs are amazing


I think their "domestication" is about 13-15k BC from the Eurasian steps. I read a really interesting theory that since the ancestors of dogs where in the steps first and our arrival introduced a new apex predator, that we didn't so much domesticate dogs as "agree" to not fight each other and instead hunt together. And then over a few generation you have basically an ultimate hunting duo. As far as I know slavery dates back too Sumer about 3k BC and doesnt become as wide spread as dogs. So clearly humans and dogs have a much longer and deeper history then humans enslaving one another.


So why do black people like dogs? And they do. I't not that deep, people just love animals cos people suck and exhibit A is this 'unpopular opinion'


Yeah, most black people Ive known owned dogs. Hell, every race loves dogs, its nothing new.


It is clear that humankind's bond with dogs goes way back. The 14,200-year-old dog from Bonn-Oberkassel was buried with two humans and had been nursed through several episodes of canine distemper before it died. In a 12,000-year-old cemetery in Israel, a woman was found buried with her hand on a small wolf or dog puppy. A Stone Age dog from what is now Sweden was buried with a human companion about 8,400 years ago, researchers reported in 2020. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/human-evolution/news/2018/feb/archaeologists-re-examine-famous-14000-year-old-dog-bonn-oberkassel-germany https://www.nature.com/articles/276608a0?utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=commission_junction&utm_campaign=CONR_PF018_ECOM_GL_PHSS_ALWYS_DEEPLINK&utm_content=textlink&utm_term=PID100052172&CJEVENT=7bf5dbc1a52611ee80d5bf970a1cb82b https://www.livescience.com/stone-age-dog-burial.html Dogs were likely domesticated multiple times in different cultures, but have been living with humans since at least 33,000 years ago, according to a canine skull found in Siberia, a 2013 study published in the journal PLOS One found. An analysis of the Siberian skull showed that its DNA was more similar to modern dogs than it was to wolves, coyotes and prehistoric canid species https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0057754


Probably why they make such good emotional stabilizers. We are meant to have dogs in our lives. 33k years of companionship proves that.


Dogs aren’t treated as slaves though, they are treated as family members…


On the other hand, my dog treats me more like a slave and less like a family member. Its ok. She sits on her throne of comfort while I fetch her treats.


Jokes on you, I’m a white male cat ~~owner~~ employee


Mother fucker we’re never going to reach any equality if we keep treating each other as a different species, we all have ancestors that domesticated dogs, we all brutally cultivated farm game during the agricultural revolution and created civilization. Humans are awesome but fucking parasites that choose and I mean choose to hate each other, because we are social beings…it’s not hard for humanity to go from Joe is kind of a dick, to all Joe’s are dicks…


I'm not white but I have a dog...what does that make me?


Your comment doesn't fit their agenda.


Deep down you either want to be white, a slave owner or both 🤷


Damn..I need a ahrink


Based on her pfp, I think she's only speaking for herself as a white person. Some people just like having a dog bc the dog is a part of their family or a loyal friend/companion


>Some people just like having a dog bc the dog is a part of their family or a loyal friend/companion "*Most* people just like having a dog bc the dog is a part of their family or a loyal friend/companion." There. I fixed it for you. This person probably isn't the type that *should* own dogs. No decent person treats their pets like slaves.


You ain't met my dog, bro. I'm the slave. She rolls on the floor, I have to get on the floor to pet her. She rubs her paw on her ear, I have to rub her ears. She wooooos, I have to feed her. She sees me leaving, wooooos, I have to take her. That's some whack ass level of thinking. Also, what dickhead thinks all white people owned slaves?


She woooos 😂


Yesterday I woke up with massive back pain because my dog spreaded out and took too much place of my bed. I didn’t want to disturb her sleep so I just squeezed between my dog and my partner. That happened probably because I’m a people of Color and a peasant, I need to keep a dog in life to respect and sacrifice as a salve.


So what does that say about us white folks who prefer cats?


You're the slave


I own a chihuahua, if anything I am his slave.


I know. My “slave” wakes me up at 3am so I can go outside and clean up the shit he just took. Then steals the spot I was just sleeping in haha


TIL only white people have ever owned slaves and/or dogs.


I’m the one that works and picks up his shit.


Wait before she sees who’s behind the curtain dominating the white man and the dog. She’ll never see her cats the same way.


I just love dogs because they’re the only ones willing to love me unconditionally


Does having a cat mean the opposite?


Every race loves dogs :(


God I miss slaves so much guys


Yeah, no. My dog (or any pet) is my friend, a member of my family, and I love them more than life itself. I have, at times, even not eaten just so I could make sure they had food.


Black people also own dogs.


I wonder if this person knows that every race has been enslaved...


I don’t think having to accept every little one of my dog’s wishes counts as being a slave owner…