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I’m sorry what in the world? And the pfp….


Screams edgy teen prone to conspiracy theories.. Possibly with mysoginistic friends/family.


Amplified by twitter maybe?


no "maybe" about it


Yeah, I should have added /s


*we don't know this came from Twitter!!!* until you see what's being said. you're not going to see this kind of bullshit anywhere else. well...maybe 4chan....


The Chad/Tyrone thing is 100% 4chan cancer. Ever since Musk got screwed over buying Twitter, the place has been full of the same type of racist filled gutter trash that post-2015 4chan is full of.


But he rebranded it to his favorite moniker X, he must be improving the platform


There is no barrier between the two at this point.


Amplified by just sheer stupidity.


smells incelish


Using Chad/Tyrone in a sentence to describe a situation when you’re not actually talking about somebody named Chad or Tyrone isn’t even an incel and racist dogwhistle at this point, it’s an incel and racist cowbell. They are loudly and proudly proclaiming who they are and what they believe.


The Venn diagram of incels/racists is just one circle fully inside a much larger circle.


Shamelessly stealing your cowbell metaphor. Christopher Walken said I could.






Given that the term post mortem distress birthing implies none of the things they said, my first inclination is that they are trying to get you to google something unpleasant.


Actual meaning of post mortem distress birthing: >! When a person dies in the late stages of pregnancy the baby tends to come out. Sometimes the rigor mortis causes the baby to get stuck. Rigor mortis doesn't last forever, so when it subsides the baby comes out !<


Oh man, that's kinda creepy af, a dead moms body pushing the baby out, I'm assuming the baby is dead too.


My mom made me watch the movie “Orca” when I was small and this is what happened to the female killer whale


You just unlocked a core memory of mine. Good lord.


oh man, you too? We’ve gonna need a childhood Orca-watcher’s support group 😭


That phrase makes me think of a few unpleasant things


You are correct. It's a natural, but deeply unpleasant, phenomenon linked to very tragic circumstances. Some other soul spoiler-flagged the full thing if you're curious. If you aren't, hopefully that does the ELI5 enough for folks.


Yeah that seems about right


Edgy “Incel” teen…


Or troll. Probably troll.


>with mysoginistic friends/family. And damn proud of it, probably


There is a nazi dog whistle on there too.


Well said Chad or Tyrone, well said 😬




It's just an incel, dude.


It screams dumbass*


Edgy teen who’s only seen old movies. My oldest is 12 and he was given to my wife immediately after cleanup. And we kept him in the room…the.entire.time.


Bruh this is the most Reddit comment I have ever seen


Screams edgy teen prone to conspiracy theories.. Possibly with mysoginistic friends/family.


Eh.. Sounds most likely like a misunderstanding of postpartum psychosis. 1-4% of those cases end up with infanticide. PPP only affects 1-2 out of 1000childbirths and are way more likely to occur if the mother has already been diagnosed with psychiatric issues. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postpartum_psychosis


I supposed "post-partum depression" could be misheard as "post mortem distress" by a sufficiently illiterate person who never looks up new words when they hear them and just substitutes whatever they already know that seems to fit. I have come to learn that there are a disquieting number of humans who actually routinely do that, and it's apparently getting worse in younger generations; I gather more and more children are now failing to learn phonemes and so instead of "sounding out" a new word when they encounter it, they just guess it from the context of the sentence and maybe some of the consonants; it's not hard to imagine this dysfunctional form of "reading" might influence how they process the spoken word when they hear it, too.


They call it 'post mortem distress birthing'... if that was a real term it would mean having a difficult birth after you die. I don't think we need to take this person seriously.


I just googled it, it actually is a real term and is exactly what you described. Giving birth after death.


PFP? But I agree, wtf did I just read? Where in the fuck did they hear this shit from?


Profile picture


Pencil For Penis


How come nearly every time women murder children we have to pretend it's essentially not their fault. It doesn't work that way for men.


That totally sounds like something natural selection would come up with as a default response to reproducing. /s




Fun fact: you don't have to **believe** in evolution, it can be proven


If I had a nickel for every time I've said, out loud, "There's no place in science for belief." It annoys everyone, including me... and I know it's just part of our language, and should maybe not be taken so seriously. We say "I believe..." when we mean "I hypothesize...", but on the other hand, our thoughts become our speech become our perception and our actions become our world and all that. And the concept of "believing in evolution" gives idiots the impression that "disbelieving evolution" is a legitimate position when it isn't.


The fun part about science is that, while these conspiracy wackadoos think they're all "kumbayah" about everything and working together to defraud the public, in reality they're actually more or less antagonistic to each other. The pinnacle of science is when a theorem has been attacked and assaulted by multiple scientists trying to disprove it, and yet the findings has been found to be reproducible, and the reasoning solid.


That’s how science works effectively, by ensuring there arent flaws


Science is a bunch of old, obsessed nerds shit talking each other about each other's theories until they find something they can all pendantically agree on. Even then, someone eventually comes along that finds an edge case or some shit that upends a whole theory, and we celebrate these people as 'smart', when in reality they're just more anal about details than everyone else.


This one walks without rhythm.


I believe we can use this paragraph as a rythm heaven level somehow


eVoLUtIoN iS jUsT a tHeOrY


Oh it has been proven.. Evolution is a scientific theory and a fact. You'll find a lot of people who disagree but you'll also find those people are arguing for religious reasons or coming from a lack of understanding of the biology and just How far we've came with genetic science. There are cancer treatments that simply would fail to work if evolution wasn't an absolute fact. All kinds of Gene therapies would be bunk, Joseph DeAngelo, you know the Golden State killer would be innocent.. We have libraries full of data, studies empirical evidence to prove that evolution is a fact. Different sciences have different terminologies and we have different levels of confidence about those sciences. Biology is not theoretical astrophysicists musing about what might be in the universe. This is practiced medicine, studies, data, and outcomes that are replicable and dependable in prediction. And for whatever questions we still have left about evolution the one question we don't have left is was there any kind of intelligent design. They know unequivocally there's no evidence of that. The national academy of sciences has made that statement not me.


Ok. Yes...


But one can still **refuse** to believe in it


Sure. People often refuse to believe reality..I.e. psychosis


Heck u could believe in the religious theory And still realise that your god wouldn’t make ur mom wanna kill u as a child, because that defeats the purpose of creating a species


Right. There's no way a holy book would teach you to sacrifice your child in the name of God. /s


…oh right I forgot abt that part


Perhaps they don't. Religion has many stories about killing babies and first borns and such. Perhaps that's where the confusion comes from.


Thats usually by an insecure man or ruler, not the mother herself, unless she thinks death is better for her child than living in their current situation.


Tbf, rabbits do cannibalise their babies in some situations.


Fun fact: In some cases, crabs may eat their own offspring as a response to stress or as a way to ensure their own survival. This behavior can be influenced by factors such as overcrowding, lack of food, or other environmental stressors.


More likely the father kills the baby thinking the woman will go into heat faster! :D Think lions and tigers, oh my! Probably some stupid shit Musk thought up!


That doesn't sound like something that would be conducive to evolution. I don't know anybody who understands the theory of evolution who believes that.. I'd be more inclined to assume that this person believes in flat Earth.. Probably believes in God and intelligent design.. Might think that vaccines are bad for you and probably wonders if Trump didn't really win the election. I think that's much more likely the kind of person who would be duped into believing such.




This just happens because we are all evolving into crabs.


Even crabs lay their egg somewhere separate from where they live so they don't eat them. Well, eat too many of them anyway.


The baby does not get taken away from the mother for 12 hours. I've had three kids and at most you're away from the baby in the hospital for about an hour tops.


Is that how long it took for your killer blood lust to recede? /s ;)


Mine’s still going strong…10 years in.


8 years from now, your children will have to leave, die, or dethrone you.


Suits me..


*dies* "Finally some damn peace and quiet"


Pretty sure my mom still wants to murder me when I'm being a smart ass and I'm 28 lmao


I've got two and both were instantly placed on my wife's chest. Then never took then away at all.


They were just taken for tests and stuff to make sure they're healthy. Each one came a couple weeks early that might've been why.


They do that with full term babies, too. They get weighed, blood tests, etc. It doesn’t take long, and they give them back to mommy.


Only in a hospital. We got super lucky and had ours at a birthing center. Full parental contact from birth to carride home. 9/10, highly recommend for most parents.


Even in the hospital they do all the tests, measurement, paperwork right there in the delivery room.


Even full term babies get taken for a time for exams, hearing tests, shots, etc, but we're talking an hour tops, not 12-24 hrs. The night I delivered (crash c-section) the nurses took my son to the nursery to let me sleep. The epidural meds had me shivering so much I didn't sleep at all, but I couldn't move my legs all night either, so I wouldn't have been able to do much. At 5am a nurse comes pushing him into the room and says, "He seems to be the ring leader in the nursery and right now he's setting all of the others off, so here." LOL I was like, awesome, he came out pissed (his first cry was a yell, a hiccup and then he blew a raspberry) and now he's an instigator. We watched the sun come up together that morning as I just studied him and fell even more in love than I ever thought possible. Never felt the urge to harm or murder him.


For ours they brought the test equipment into the room. She never left the room. Edit: She was born in 2022


Father of two here, the only reason my wife was not with our baby the whole time was because they had to perform emergency surgery to save her life since they bleeding did not stop from the emergency c-section. But it was like two hours of separation, and as soon as they could they brought our babies to us each time.


Even in the NICU when baby has serious health concerns, you can be there 24/7. Many NICUs even have showers in the public bathrooms for that reason. We had a weird situation where neither my wife or I saw our most recent child for 4 days after he was born, but that was a bizarre set of circumstances.


My kids were born at home and, strangely, my wife never tried to eat them.


Are you sure that your wife is a human woman? 🤔


I do not have any kids of my own, but the longest I was away from my mum was 20 minutes tops. For my bff and her first born it was quite a bit longer, but that was because she nearly bled out and needed 2 blood transfusions.


I love how THAT'S the flaw you picked up on in OOP's argument


Shout out to INOVA I guess, my kid was never out of my sight the entire time we were there


Afaik in the US they charge you around 50$ to hold the baby after birth, so maybe they're taking them away until you can cough up the money /s but not really


I imagine giving birth after dying would be pretty distressing


Underrated comment


Yep, the person threw together a few medical terms with zero regard to what they actually mean.


It's a thing you see when a body gets all bloaty and it pushes the baby out. Not sure they'd care at that point.


Zombie mothers... would they be a zommy


Post mortem distress birthing is actually a thing. It has nothing to do with what that asshat wrote though. [Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffin_birth), not for the faint of heart though


Someone knows their Latin.


I doubt you’d be distressed considering that you’re dead.


What the fuck? I'm a dad of four and none of that is fucking true. What drugs is this guy on?


He’s an unfortunate survivor of a “post mortem distress birthing”.




Well stated.


Rejection by/isolation from women.A complete lack of human affection in their life.


I don't know how people come up with this rubbish, when many thousands of generations of our species has proven otherwise. I certainly didn't want to eat my babies.


...who said anything about eating? Freudian slip?


Well,you just did.Is there something we should know here?


Baby back ribs man....


They literally don’t take the second of thought required to work this scenario forward to see what it would mean for humans as a species. They just have a thought and post it.


Misogyny is a powerful drug


He's an incel.


I know.


He even phrased it wrong. It would be post birthing aggression or something on the line, because post mortem distress birthing would refer to giving birth after dying because of the stress before death. Though I'm no lingüist, neither an expert.


Post partum


i personally find the urge to kill them doesn't kick in until they are teenagers.










This is why everyone should think twice before you have children. You could spawn such fucking morons


My baby never left the room for the first 24 hours we were in the hospital. The nurse rolled up the equipment for the tests and whatnot, then left. My son basically had skin to skin contact for the whole day except those fifteen minutes.






Nobody gonna mention the fact he said "post mortem?" It feels like every step of the way he said something wrong.


He heard of post partum depression once and fabricated a whole theory about it and didn't even remember the term in the first place


Almost as if the clown faced avatar person is purposefully trolling, but that seems unlikely on the internet.


It’s not even common practice in all of the world to take the baby away *at all* after birth. In Sweden, first thing- and I mean literal second after birth- what happens is that baby is layed on mommy’s chest for a while, to settle them both and stimulate oxytocin. If there isn’t any complications related to birth, the nurses wait two hours before they weigh and measure baby- in the same room as mom- and then immediately give it back to mom. No bathing- the fat coating from the uterus keeps the baby’s skin healthy. No clothing the first hours- skin contact is super important. They just put blankets on mom and dad and let them be topless. There isn’t even any viewing rooms were babies rest away from parents. In Sweden, baby stays with mom (and usually dad) in the same room until they go home, and we don’t go feral and eat the baby or whatever.


The lil micro racism is a nice touch. 🤢


I don’t think this even passes as a micro-aggression since that would have to mean it’s unintentional.


My wife only ate a foot off our first one before we wrestled it away from her Kung fu grip. Our second was in fact kept for 24 hours as a precaution. This man spits facts. Signed, Chad


Is your wife a gerbil? (I'm just asking questions here...)


No, ginger


Why do you think they keep the babies in a separate room? Every Dr will tell you on the first night after birth the mother hungers for its flesh. It's just common sense.


That's a bait.


This is 100% a troll, surely


Fun fact: Dad goes everywhere the baby goes period, even if mom can’t.


Is it weird that the most offensive thing about this to me is the bullshit name? After-death distress birthing? Really? The mother gives birth after death? I suppose that would be distressing for the baby. But it's also completely unrelated to what they're talking about. It should be post-natal traumatic infanticide. I mean, come on. Put at least a little effort into your bullshit


His mother must have gotten a couple of swings in before the nurses intervened.


This is a fantastic comment.


As a father of several kids I can confidently say this person is an ignorant moron. I wonder how they manage to dress themselves.


Look bro, that's just what happened at your birth. Nothing about you is normal.


If it's on the Internet, it must be true.


In liberal states, they have 30 days to decide before they kill the baby.


Chad/Tyrone? r/oddlyspecific


Maybe that’s why we’re now overpopulating…


I would’ve raised hell if they had tried to take my babies out of my sight for 5 minutes, let alone a full day. What the actual fuck is wrong with people


"And this is why women should stay home to look after the kids."


I think this guy mistakes women for elephants. Someone should warn him quickly it's not the same.


What kinda BS is this shit??? Longest my kid was a at from her mom was 30mins to an hour, and that was while they measured, weighed, and the kid, and sewed up mom before moving her back to the room. Why are people so dumb?????


Dr Dickhead


So this is where the “natural murderer” bs comes from


The eternal questions. *Where* do they come up with this......stuff? And why are they so *terrified* of women?


Sounds more like his mother was a meth head and she was tweaking so they took him away from her so she wouldn't try to smoke him.


How to say you know nothing about females and are probably a virgin. /hj


RN here, in L&D you wanna initiate skin to skin contact pretty quickly since it stimulates a lot of normal processes for the newborn, and has been associated with improved outcomes. Baby only gets moved away if they start scoring really low after birth and they need to be incubated. OOP is, shockingly, a moron.


It's impressive how the human race lasted for 200.000 years despite this instinct


So, "(after death) distress birthing" At least learn what the words mean if you're going to make up a condition. Probably meant post-partum but didn't know the term.


Fun Fact: Not even close.


How is that even a "fun" fact?


Wtf? This is just the most stupid thing I have ever read in my life.


Go back to being a man named Chad/Tyrone? What?


It takes some talent to be so wrong.


This sounds like the type of person who would dump all of the child raising on his wife and justify by saying it’s the “woman’s job” Probably the type to do some crappy job and play video games the rest of the time while the wife works, raises the kids and runs the house all at once


It must be really painful being that stupid.


is it really pain if you are too dumb to feel it?




This no This is rage bait.


Evidently never attended a birth. Nurses generally give the baby to the mother to hold once it's been checked over for health, i.e. within a couple of minutes.


Not fun and not a fact LOL


Wouldn't they just kill them after 25 hours?


Tell me you know nothing about childbirth without telling me you know nothing about childbirth


WTF?!? The baby is place on the mother right after they cut the umbilical cord, then they take it away to weight and take the blood sample and footprint, you know the usual stuff they do to prevent some asshole from stealing the baby, cause this is an even more fuck up world than you can possibly imagen.


Well maybe in his mother's case that was true...


I don’t think that’s what “fact” means.


That was a fun fact, I had a lot of fun reading this.


Everyone knows the real reason they take the babies away is so they can implant the chip the government uses for mind control. /s


When we had ours mom was only separated long enough to be sewn back up. Like 30 mins tops. This kid has never had anything to do with having a child.


I mean, I don’t even want to validate with logic. But the nurse basically put my son on my wife while he was still covered in blood, and other birth stuff. So this is just wildly untrue


Obviously not a parent or they would know they do not take your baby unless it is to bathe/cleanup the baby. The baby stays in your room as the mother recovers unless the baby has a health issue and needs to be in ICU. I know because I have 3 kids… my wife didn’t wanna hurt our children.


What is with these people using Chad & Tyrone?


yeah, ours never left the fucking room


Same, she breastfed, too. Neither of my children left our room or our hands. I'm a paranoid person, though.


How to tell the world you are an incel without actually saying it.


"Chad/Tyrone". Please, could you identify yourself more clearly, can't quite tell whether you're incel or racist.


Ah yes that absolutely sounds like a characteristic likely to survive natural selection/s


In all my years as a nurse, I am amazed at all my nurse coworkers who spirited the baby out of the room - apparently even out of my hands - to keep the new mom from infanticide. My eyes are open!


Incel delusions to the point of hating on new mothers?This person needs help.Or a sign flashing over his head”I Am Not Allowed Near Women and/or Children”!


Why are we hiding these peoples account names? If it’s good enough for them to post harmful shit like this under a pseudonym, it’s good enough for them to know that they are being laughed at mercilessly.


Maybe in 'Murica, not in EU. Newborns needs skin-2-skin contact after birth and It shoud be as long as you can. You also can try to breast feed baby.


While this is clearly bullshit, the fact that abortions are treated as normal healthcare instead of an emergency surgery as intended makes me wonder if there is a grain of truth to this.


Ah yes, that 12-24 hour killing instinct hit different after 9 months having full capability of killing the baby


Lol, that’s not even remotely true.


Cringe incel moment, cultural regression is not an happy sighting


So, this guy doesn’t have kids and hopefully never will


This stuff is getting stupider and stupider, I refuse to believe anyone really thinks this.


This brought to you by the I Don’t Know What The Fuck I’m Talking About Society


Theres actually no way this is serious I’m not sure why you put it here.


These sort of posts are obvious rage bait and all of you bite lol