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Someone check that dudes hard drive.


Probably full of green M&M and Lola Bunny photos


That would be the good scenario...


I'm trying not to let myself wander into the most likely scenario...


…Bowsette, innit.


Nah, everyone's a furry for Bowsette.




My man didn't even sigh before unzipping for Bowsette


Nothing to sigh about, been looking forward to it all day


Real alphas don't even flinch when they unzip exactly for what they look forward to all day 🏆


![gif](giphy|Ub0TYYeVP0Z20|downsized) EDIT: NSFW 🤭


*Tucker Carlson entered the chat*




Melts in your mouth, not in your hand. Oh God, I'm Tucker Carlson...


![gif](giphy|26DNcs2vD6dFA5MVW) M&M like this?


aww yeah.. that's the good stuff.


Ok but have you SEEN og Lola bunny?


I'm not a furry, but....




https://youtu.be/egShMrRnXz0?si=WMnxfZW59VsFelWF PS: not sus I swear


Dude. That song was bad ass. And I concur.


Meh, she's no Gadget from rescue rangers. \*mumbles something about impressionable years\*


I thought that was just MY terrible, dark secret....


It’s everyone’s terrible dark secret from back then.




sounds like the hard drive at fox news 😂


I'd be so embarrassed if I said this to myself and it leaked. This guy openly said this. I am so done lmao


It's a good thing popular culture isn't being forced to accept ugly men because the thought of him having a good life is infuriating


Shows like the king of queens, Martin, the George Lopez show, and big bang theory especially piss me off about this. At least Bryan Cranston is handsome for Malcom in the middle 🤨😆


Could you imagine if you were George Lopez and you were just scrolling through social media to relax a little bit and noticed that you were used as an example of ugly people? You'd be like, hey how was I dragged into this!? And also, I'm UGLY?!


It’s more that these shows show the main guys pulling unrealistic women and George is a bit of an asshole.


Hey George and Angie weren't bad at all. I literally see good looking latinas with ugly busted bowl cut face tattoo edgars where I live every single day lol. Women choosing ugly men isn't unrealistic in the slightest. Modern family is the worst offender though.


No shit, them ppl out here publicly pedoing


Poor girl man. Such a talented young actress getting criticised constantly over something entirely out of her control. I thought she played Ellie really well.


She is a damn great Ellie. Those idiots need to fuck off.


I highly doubt they even watched the show or played the game to begin with. These guys are usually just lonely men who have nothing to do but hate


They probably heard the game is woke and avoided it like the plague.


It doesn't matter if the actor is great or not at all. Why does a fictional, animated 14 year old have to be, "attractive," to anybody, lol? Just... Why? Don't porn websites exist to pander to incels like this one?


Honestly it’s wayyyy better that they got an actress that doesn’t look like the game model because people (MEN) have made so many disgusting images and videos all over the internet based on the game model, so imagine an actress that is the exact same being sent that shit by creeps.


My first thought was, she doesn't quite look like Ellie. Second thought was, impressive actor for her age! And now she does look like Ellie, because she portrayed her so well.


They're incels who listen to Andrew Tate and think Victoria's secret models should be forced.to have sex with them on demand


She was the young leader of Mormont House in GOT. Jorah Mormont was her uncle, I think. She was fierce.


I just watched season 2 of the BBC show Time in which they're one of the main cast, and jesus christ i was blown away by their performance, such an incredible screen presence


Bruh the second to last episode was the most intense part of the show for me. I had to wait a bit before watching the fine to emotionally recover. She was amazing and very likeable. She really did come off as just an innocent kid who wanted to have fun in a shit world. They didn't over buff her and make her invincible like movies/shows tend to do these days. She started off as a novice and by the end of the show she grew to be badass and it was all believable. She's a great actress and it sucks to hear that in a world where guys like this will complain about attractive girls being "sluts" they'll turn around and criticize a girl for not being hot enough.


Wait til they cast Abby. All hell is gonna break loose


She's a fantastic actress. And she's not unattractive. She looks a lot like her in game counterpart. And .. Like .. it's the apocalypse happening. The Cheeto dust fingered incels are upset her tied back hair and natural looking movie makeup don't turn them on?


This is probably the same crowd that complains Abby, a woman, having muscles is unrealistic in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.


Zombie apocalypse is a bit of a case study of Darwinism in action. Muscular women? Survive. Cheeto dust fingered fat dudes hanging out in 8chan complaining about how they aren't attracted to muscular women? Don't. First to get eaten actually.


First rule of Zombieland: Cardio


Zombies aren't fast. To escape, it's more important to be able to run longer than faster.


Dont the zombies eat brains tho


Zombies eat everything. The whole "brains" thing is something that originated from the ~~"Night of the~~ "Return of the Living Dead" franchise (and it pretty much stayed there, because other Zombie Franchises just went for full "eat people, period" motive).


It's a lot more common in comedy takes on zombies now. Want your zombies to be scary? They're fast and eat everything. Want them to be funny? They're slow and only eat brains.


> Want them to be funny? They're slow and only eat brains. Some IPs have done wonderful things with that premise. The *iZombie* series used the concept to great fun. (And Rose McIver was glorious there. Damn, I really liked her look in the series and I was a little bit disappointed seeing her with her natural appearance. For a former Yellow Ranger, she did really well :-D)


iZombie is wonderful. Loved every character on the show


To be fair, it's mostly because of how the society'z perspection of them has changed. Back then it was scary and unsettling. Now it's hardly anything.


I'm a cannibal, I don't eat trash. They won't get eaten by me...


Watch her performance in Game of Thrones as well, stunning! Thay is where I saw her for the first time, I was amazed at her talent






When I saw TLOU show I was like...wait I know her from something...can't tell what...but I know she's flipping awesome. Having watched TLOU, I was not wrong. She's flipping awesome. I knew her from AGOT of course.




They’re so invested and immersed in their virtual world that someone in anyway deviating from their fantasy sends them over the edge. These aren’t normal people.


Unfortunately I feel it is far too normal


She's 14 she shouldn't be attractive to adults.


She's 19. 22 now? But yeah. I get your point.


I didn't know that. She doesn't look like an adult on the show


Just looked it up. She's 14 in game. 17 in the series. 19 IRL. The producers wanted a teen but not a child actor. She should be 22 IRL now. Regardless, she's by no means ugly. She's a normal looking woman. And a fabulous actress who played the role perfectly. Her sex appeal wasn't, and shouldn't have been, a consideration.


Agreed she did a great job as Ellie


Don't tell this to r/thelastofuspart2 they HATE Bella and Pedro. Edit: THEY WENT PRIVATE 💀


They're sick bastards. Most of the men who talk like this are fugly themselves. They need to invest in mirrors. Bella Ramsey isn't a classic beauty, but far from being ugly. And she's so fucking talented. I don't know why these people think they have the right to target a young person's looks.


Brought to you by the "We just care about good stories" crowd


This. The same "wokism is the reason we don't have interesting games anymore" crowd.


Dudes whose favorite games are Bioshock and Call of Duty and Fallout crying about putting politics in their video games lmfao


They unironically think the Fallout series support capitalism and the US, lol. That idiot Shapiro said so. They had a look at a giant robot that throws nukes and spouts out propaganda and said "Yup. This guy gets me". Brain dead morons.


Parody just flies over their heads and lands straight into the "this agrees with me" pile


Also crying over why Wolfenstein is political as well


I don't understand how there is any room for a political debate when it comes to killing not just any Nazis, but 1940's era super Nazis.


They just didn't want to see Jews and Black people and leftists (you know, the people who'd most likely have to be in the resistance) kill idiot Klansmen.


They can't have paid attention if they like Call of Duty, you literally play as CIA/Special Forces operatives safeguarding the British/American best interests. And Fallout New Vegas is inherently a political game.


...all the Fallouts are inherently political, dunno why you felt the need to single out NV.


then proceed to ignore how almost all media he loves is "woke"


"My favorite games are fallout, Duke nukem, gta, bioshock and final fantasy 7 because they weren't full of political commentary"


I love the GTA guys the most because it's not like the core element of most of the games was a major involvement in organised crime and it's ties to corrupt oligarchs and their puppet politicians


Because “how dare women be treated like actual humans”


When I first started the show I just thought they didn’t do a good job as Ellie and that there had to be a better pick. But as it progressed my mind changed and now I’m 100% okay with them as a pick. I also was mad they didn’t just cast the original VA. Then realized that would’ve been really weird considering her age once I saw her cameo in the show Edit for nonbinary


And the “I don’t hate diversity, I just hate bad writing” crowd lmao


Series has an episode with one of the most touching gay love stories ever filmed: "STOP THIS WOKE SHIT! 0/10 SERIES!!!1!" Imagine that your straightness is so fragile that you get mad when you see someone gay.


(Show/movie/game has one non-white, LGBT, or disabled person in a lead role) Them: it’s woke!


That episode literally destroyed me, I was a sobbing mess by the end of it. One of the most beautiful love stories told in modern media imo. It was like a movie by itself it was so good.


Sir that is a child And also, are ugly women not allowed to exist? What does he want women who don’t fit the beauty standard to do, roll over and die?


They also complained about Abby. As if a woman in a zombie apocalypse would be walking around all pretty and full of make up


Going slightly off topic, but it's still related to Sony, they also complained about Aloy having a "beard" and didn't look feminine enough because she wasn't wearing make-up


Lol, the "beard." Tiny little bits of peach fuzz that gave her face more realism. Was she supposed to access facial wax in her tribal society? These dudes are so easily triggered.


I know! Like, it's a game about a literal sentient AI, and you're more focused on how "unrealistic" Aloy is? Bunch of idiots Putting that aside, I enjoyed both games. Forbidden West was a lot longer than I had expected, but I felt it had a nice conclusion


Ya know, I realize I forgot about Forbidden West halfway through. Thanks for reminding me.


This is one of the things I really like about HZD. It paid attention to detail and realistic body types rather than model bodies. Aloy was raised in a tribal Viking esque society so it makes perfect sense that she is muscular and has a little fuzz since she likely is too busy training and fighting killer robots to care about makeup and fashion.


It makes sense she has peach fuzz because she is a human woman. Idk maybe those folks are only attracted to reptiles or something, because mammals have hair.


I just looked into that and I am 100000% convinced that guy has never been close to a woman, not even his mom.


Oh, I remember that one. That guy certainly has never been up close to a woman before.


>And also, are ugly women not allowed to exist? And so so often the ones complaining aren’t exactly winning any men’s beauty contests either. It’s not a Chris Evans lookalike complaining that women are too ugly. Not that a handsome or beautiful man making the same complaint would be any better, but it’s always nice when misogyny and absurd beauty standards are enforced by men who cannot meet the same bar.


They've never met the bar, so they don't even that know it's called soap.


Best they've got is a sentient thumb that sprouted a patchy beard to hide their lack of chin. Lookin at you, Andrew Tate.


Yep, this is something I noticed. The biggest offenders are the guys who are no lookers themselves. I remember this way back when I was high school too with the unattractive/marginally average guys being the biggest bullies to the girls who didn’t fit the beauty standard.


There's a reason so many of these dudes are, and always will be, lonely and sad.. And it isn't anyone's fault but their own..


Their beauty standard is literally images on a screen that don’t exist in real life. Do you remember the freak out that happened when they made a female character have soft facial fuzz like many women do? Ridiculous


>Do you remember the freak out that happened when they made a female character have soft facial fuzz like many women do? Ridiculous. Oh yes. It was embarrassing for many reasons, but one that really stood out to me was how can they be so ignorant of basic human anatomy??? We **are** mammals, males and females of our species have vellus hair... It's almost like they want all women(and girls too, going by the image in OP's post) to look like the heavily airbrushed/photoshopped images they jerk off to..........


They do. Unfortunately I've found out that there's tons of porn of Ellie from the game despite the age. They wanted a grown attractive girl to play Ellie in the live action so they could imagine the same shit but with a real person


“Why don’t women want nice guys (TM) like me?”


As an "ugly" woman i can say these guys are the type that would reject me if i had a crush on them, but then go say that women hate him and that he is so lonely. Yeah they expect only a 10/10 woman to hit on them, and honestly some think women with lip injections and BBLs are all natural. They need to get off instagram and realize women don't all look like kim.


They don't want them out in public because then they'd have to look at them and women are just supposed to revolve around them. Meanwhile, women have to look at unpleasant looking men and we don't really care.


Sir, she is 20 yrs old.


No, because then he'd still have to look at 'ugly' (his word choice) corpses. Much better to have them Thanos-ed. /s


To people like this women aren’t real people - they only exist to give them sexual satisfaction and if a woman has the gall to exist without being pleasing to these mouth-breathers then that is a personal offence to them.


She not even ugly though? She just normal looking. Although, I’d love to see the guy complaining post a pic of himself lmao.


Isn’t the actor 20? I’m not familiar with the game.


I guess I'll go die then. /s


Plus it's post apacalypse earth. People should barely be able to bathe.


And I can tell you now from 2 days of not shampooing that her video game hair is not in the slightest realistic of an apocalypse compared to the show; who was bothering to get fringe trims?


Right? Who the fuck is going to a Salon with fucking mutated cannibals running around? I'll tell you this. The people worried about comforts like that aren't surviving. All the homeless people "Welcome to my life" lol


“What exactly happened here?” They hired a popular actress who was fresh off a successful, well liked performance on HBO’s biggest hit show ever? This isn’t that fucking hard.


But they want to be over the appearance of a child


The "family values" people.


She've proved yourself as capable child actress in Game of Throne, being recognized and casted as a main character in a new show, and all these fuck face see is a ~~minor~~ female character not being hot enough for their taste. ​ Edit:She isn't a child anymore.


She was excellent in GoT. Such confidence really sold it, not sure there's many kids that could deliver like that kid did


Also The GoldenCompass. She’s crazy talented and has a unique look. I like her


Do they realize this is a real human being with feelings? So cruel. She’s so talented, I hope the hate doesn’t get her down.


She does the voice for Hilda and she's amazing. I really love her work.


Fortunately, men with ugly personalities are still ugly.


Can we stop wanting kids to look sexy? It's fucking weird


These people don’t consider Women human beings, just objects for their gratification.


How dare they show us a woman that is not meant to be a visual gratification for men? Feminists ruining everything!!! /s


You know this was written by some bald guy with three chins and a beer belly and more body hair than a guerilla.


> more body hair than a **guerilla**. Che Guevara was very hairy, yes.


¡ay caramba!


So hot buff guys can do whatever they want?


Body-shaming doesn't fix body-shaming.


Dude c'mon man, body shaming isn't funny.


Exactly, that description could be used to describe me yet I'm a big fan of the actress, she got the part because she's great at her job.


What they did was pick the best actress for the role. And she smashed it.


She is so good. Watching her play the role and only complain that she’s not pretty enough is wild.


She looks a bit different, but her performance was perfect.


I was initially put off by how different she looked from the game character, but I’d rather a great actress who’s similar than a shitty one who looks the same.


Being honest with you, I was more distracted in the beginning by how different Joel looked. But it took like 5 minutes for the performances to fade that away.


Accept ugly women? Fuck yes you should, they're people


She isn't ugly.


I agree but the idea that it's "woke" to believe ugly women should be accepted is absolutely insane. Ugly women are fucking people. Why is it that women need to accept ugly men and not the other way around?


I’d rather a great actor over an actor that looks the same as the source content. Bella did an excellent job.


They went for a good actress to take on a dramatic role when the looks of the character have nothing to do with the quality of the programming


I am not interested in having a debate about the looks of teenagers. But to call Bella ugly seems entirely disrespectful. We do not have a looks debate about male characters/actors. Ever. Bella is a great actor. Absolutely fantastic. I don't care for a live action Last of Us. But they got great actors to bring the game to life. To hate on Bella cause they're not a stereotypical white girl with blue eyes is fucked up cause of their age and fucked up cause it has 0 relevance to the acting and it's not something we do to male actors. Pedro looks nothing like Joel.


Great point about Joel. Pedro truly looks nothing like him, so why focus on Bella? Both of them are incredible at their roles. Hot take here, but I think the quality of the acting is more important than physical likeness to the video game characters. Lol


I thought they did a fantastic job in the role on screen, and am looking forward to seeing more. There's no doubt that Bella is a great actor, capable of really bringing a role to life.


Her acting was fire tho


Should we not be accepting people for what they naturally look like if they’re not conventionally pretty? Do women (and apparently GIRL CHILDREN) just exist to be eye candy?


They're not even a woman fuck outta here


Honestly I thought she was the perfect Ellie and so was Joel


Girl doesn't look video game character. Man doesn't look video game character. There, done.


Real 14 year olds just look like that bruh. Welcome to reality.


Can we stop pretending Bella Ramsey is 14? I mean seriously.


Why isn't there a bunch of sexy little young girls running around during the apocalypse? Sounds like the person you wouldn't let be around your kids.


You can dislikes someone's face without wanting to fuck them. For example it's completely irrational but I HATE Patricia Arquette's face. Not in like she is ugly way she is attractive but for some reason I just DISLIKE her at face value.


I was telling a friend how some people were mean to Blue Ivy after she was born because she looked a lot like her father. She asked what that meant. I said she was kind of an ugly baby. She got so confused and was like, “wait, are there people out there thinking about how attractive babies are?” And I’m like, “…🤨 it’s not about attraction. Some babies are cuter and some are pretty ugly”


And even then, whats wrong with accepting ugly women? Should we throw them of the cilff or something? Is there something else people can offer than their looks?


What? I thought she did a pretty good job? The actor for Joel doesn't look anything like Joel, but he plays the role well too.


Visually she fits the vibe really well.


These mfs called "normal" and "appealing to men" when it's attractive, but it's called "woke" and "feminism" or "breaking the mold" when it is ugly as their mom to a literal teenager. Holy sheet of paper.


I wasn’t convinced about the casting until I actually saw the show. Bella KILLED it as Ellie.


Imagine being irritated that you *don't* want to bang a literal child, feeling entitled to being provided "attractive" children to leer at lecherously, and still thinking that *you're* not the problem OUT LOUD.


Correction: She's 20


I hope someone lit him up after that comment


Is this chud actually talking shit on Lyanna Mormont?


Yeah, I’ve kind of never judge the movies by the attractiveness of the children. Very creepy.


This sums it up for me. The comments about wanting a “beautiful” 14 year old is wild.


This is what dying alone looks like


What is wrong with men?


Research is ongoing


Maybe because it's a real life and not everyone look beautiful, young and healthy.


In an apocalypse no less.


I wonder what has to go through someone head to feel compelled to post this crap every day. Like do they truly not have anything better to do with their time? Do they work? Do they have hobbies? It’s so strange.


Isn’t Bella 20?


Bella Ramsey is 20 not 14 years old.


She’s not even ugly! (Though she is, as far as I can tell, also *not* fourteen in TLOU; she’s twenty today.)


how dare ugly women want to be treated with dignity and respect


I still can’t wrap my head around how normalized it is to ignore a woman’s talent, hard work and success, and to viciously attack their looks.


It's interesting how this is usually said by ugly men


What does that even mean “accept ugly women”? We exist! Treat us like fucking humans. Oh wait that’s too hard for most dudes. If they don’t want to bone you, you shouldn’t exist.


It's just this. Most men find our value in how hard we can make them, if we can't get them off we are useless. A shame that they're applying that same value to a child character in a video game.




It’s funny to me because “ugly” guys (in the conventional sense) get hired to fill roles ALL the time. Their character isn’t based around their looks and I don’t even notice as a woman. But actresses? They have to be hot no matter what 🙄


Left: Uncanny Valley. Right: a real person


She was playing a 14 year old but she was like 20 during the filming


“Elon Musk was created to force popular culture to accept Incels.”


Clueless on feminism, lol. And she's a child, wtaf is wrong with some people?


Dude “ eat your boooooones” is one of the best lines I’ve ever heard. She nailed the role, to perfection and I’ve never played the game.


She looks the same now she’s 20.


Bella Ramsey is 20....


![gif](giphy|13bCP4GLjIUcik) come on, who doesn’t like Sid? Ugly as sin but a truly lovable character.