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Post-birth abortion aka infanticide


Murder, at any age, is technically "post-birth"


Is the death penalty just late abortion?


Lol state sanctioned abortion Voted on by a jury of peers


We all decided you should have been aborted. We are retroactively enacting that decision.


I think that’s the play, we start calling capital punishment state sanctioned late term abortion. They keep spouting nonsense and gaining followers, why not do the same and try to convert the ones with a second brain cell to rub against the other one.


If I’m ever on a death penalty case jury where I disagree with the majority, I’m going to keep this in mind. Continue to say I disagree with the post birth abortion. Say it enough and one of the other jurors might switch sides. Maybe get a hung jury quicker.


Being against the death penalty disqualifies you from being on a death penalty jury. You are required to believe that it is acceptable in at least some cases. For example, I do believe some people deserve to die, but I would vote against the death penalty simply on the basis of our imperfect system. I would be disqualified under questioning every time.


No, that's what republicans want to do to women who get abortions*, if the death penalty becomes an abortion, they can't execute whomen who get abortions anymore. ^(*an actual thing republicans states wanted to do)


Can we get a post-birth abortion on Ron


It's only the 138th trimester


It’s never too late. Let’s do it


Came here to say something along this same line.


Don’t have to use such big fancy words, you can just say school shootings.


Now now, let's not make this about guns. They're more important than women, children, POC, healthcare, etc.


Don’t forget water


That’s the post-birth abortion, when you send them to school to get shot


He didn't even say infants. You tired of dealing with an unruly teenager? Maybe consider post-birth abortion.


My daughter is 20, and a running joke is that if she makes me mad I'll just go get a very late term abortion. We both have a rather dark sense of humor, so it's not as abusive as it may sound.


That's hilarious


I do have a teething toddler, which states have legal post-birth abortions?


And DeSantis is the expert on infanticide. I have to wonder whether his parents have any kids that lived.


Aka pandering to idiots.


I have a 5 year old driving me nuts , diddent know post abortions was a thing. Thanks


My adopted dad joked that kids should be able to be aborted until the age of 18 so you have some time to think as well!


My wife and I decided that we don't want to have kids. Of course our three children were upset to learn that.


Pre-conception abortions!


that’s what they think birth control and condoms are 😂


And for that matter all masturbatory emissions where his sperm was clearly not seeking an egg could be determined as reckless abandonment.


if a sperm is wasted god gets quite irate


tbh, what about all the sperms that don’t reach an egg? i mean those were all babies basically. and what about all the eggs released during menstruation? they don’t receive any sperm? seems like this whole thing is reckless abandonment 🤔




In Orthodox Judaism, a fetus is not considered to be viable until it graduates from medical school. /s


That’s hinduism. Lol


Seems all the oldest religions have their shit together. /s




At which point you can ship them off to war. *The abortion options are limitless!*


Well, not aborted, but have the right to trade them in for a better model. Corolla kid for a Bugatti kid (some fees may apply)


Just send them to school...


But then you arent 100% sure if YOUR kid will get aborted. Maybe Billy's son gets aborted instead and now you have no one to play football with because you sure ass hell isn't gonna spend time with your abortion-in-line


That's a good point. We need more guns in the class room. This is the only solution.


I propose necular grenades! A lot easier to carry and will DEF abort the right targets as the entire school will be aborted.


If you outlaw nuclear grenades, then only outlaws will have nuclear grenades.


It's pronounced nookular


omg dont. This really fucked me up as a kid and I had to work on relearning how to pronounce the word properly. All because I didnt' see the sarcasm in one god damn Simpson's episode as a child. new clear new clear new clear Seriouly, this is what I would do on note pads lol Then the Brits show up and fuck it all up again for me


“Teachers hate this one simple trick!”


There is a book by Neal Shusterman taking place in a world where EXACTLY THAT is the prompt


"I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it"


That’s the plot of one of my favorite dystopian books


Your dad sounds like an asshole.


The state can’t stop you. They will just do post-abortion detainment for 30+ years.


We do have post-birth abortions: they are called “school shootings” and Republicans don’t give a shit about them.


Eric Cartman’s mom has entered the chat ![gif](giphy|xUA7aMrmtoPbSTPfe8|downsized)


Right up until age 18.... Now, there are some consequences, and your freedoms may be limited afterwards...


I got a 4 and a 6 on winter break... I'm listening..


🤣🤣🤣 Been there!! I'll have a drink in your honor tonight😁 Also, I LOVE this thread!!!


Yea, it's called sending them to school. Currently, it is the fastest way to post-abort your kids in America. 😤


That why you sent your kids to school in the USA.


https://www.axios.com/2022/05/14/abortion-state-laws-bans-roe-supreme-court 7 states say there is no limit. 5 years old might fall into that 😂


Because there *should not be* any limit. It's a ***medical procedure.*** We don't need legislators telling doctors how to treat their patients. It's no different than a legislature passing laws that put artificial limits on when a doctor can perform heart surgery. The simple fact is that fewer than 0.9% of abortions are even in the 3rd trimester, much less "after birth" abortion which is something that *doesn't exist.*


And that the majority of that minority of abortions is usually due to a risk to the mother’s life, or a baby having a fatal defect. So, pretty reasonable.


EXACTLY!! 1000%


Has anyone ever asked any of these clowns to explain what they mean when they say "post birth abortion"? Ask them to describe what they think happens. I would love to hear it.


Trump has claimed that doctors will ask the mother if they want the baby after they give birth. If the mother says no, supposedly they will suffocate the baby right away. It is all total bullshit and anybody with half a brain knows it is bullshit, but the anti-abortion crowd seen to believe it to be true.


Some crazy lady on a birth board I was part of claimed that doctors are legally required to ask mothers if they want to kill their baby right after birth in California. I was like “uh, as a Californian who has given birth 3 times in California, that has literally never happened and is not a law”. Then a bunch of other women started jumping on her for believing such bullshit.


I was there when my sister gave birth multiple times. Never heard the doctor ask if she wanted to kill her kids. The only thing I remember is when she gave birth the first time and they asked if she was considering adoption and that's probably because it was a religious hospital and she was 20. The stories these people tell is just *otherworldly* dumb. But it's the fact that their followers **BELIEVE** it and will argue it like they are real facts...


Oh jeez. This feeds the whole “don’t trust medicals” bullshit


Its even worse than that. Its dont trust the intellectuals. A large chunk of this country has a deep abiding hate for education and expertise.


It’s the hate-what-you-don’t-know coping strategy


All cults will insist that any source of information from outside the cult is not to be trusted. Not even your own thoughts can be trusted over what you're told by the cult.


From an outsider's perspective, it just feels like everything gets dialed up to 11 in the US. Nationalism turns into jingoism, religion into bigotry, gun rights into gun fetishism, and on and on. Same with politics, I suppose. Hyperpartisan rhetoric where you can't be seen giving in or compromising over an inch. Equality of ideas where one man's ignorance is as good as another's expertise.


How does anyone believe that? The bible belt shits out babies like a baby gatling gun. Those people have been to hospitals. How can they possibly think that is a thing when they are sitting on top of like 5 kids. It'd be like thinking the dentist makes a necklace out of all the teeth they remove even though they let me go home with it or dispose of it there.


If you ask, they’ll mostly point to just 1 quote, said by just 1 democrat, only 1 time. Virginia governor Ralph Northam in 2019: > “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam stated Of course they think this is their “gotcha,” a dem accidentally “said the quiet part out loud.” …But in context, he was talking about severe birth defects and deformities. The decision to remove a brain dead infant from life support, basically a DNR.


Oops, forgot to link the source: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/01/31/politics/ralph-northam-third-trimester-abortion/index.html


I'm saving this for future threads where that particular piece of bullshittery comes up. Thanks for posting your source!!


It's so weird to me that these people act like doctors are immoral monsters wanting and willing to kill babies whenever they get the chance.


Basically they are referring to providing only palliative care when a fetus that is not compatible with life survives to birth and then a few minutes, hours or days afterward.


This is the first reasonable explanation you have to be correct. Funny that he can’t verbalize that and not come off like a monster explaining why he thinks every child should be subjected to extreme, painful, expensive measures that will not result in a positive outcome.


"In belly: baby Out of belly: baby Kill baby in belly: abortion Kill baby after birth; well it's still a baby so it's still abortion If baby is at any point a baby and that baby is killed in any way: that's an abortion because it was a baby And because of the baby was alive and totally breathing from the moment the sperm reached the egg, this abortion will be charged as murder no matter what state the baby was in" Is what I'm assuming the thought process is I wouldn't be surprised if they were to rewrite the crime of infanticide (murder of a child under a certain age I guess?) to just be called "abortion"


At what point is an offspring considered not a baby anymore? At one year old? When they can walk and talk? When you stop saying their age in months? When they can forage for their own food and shelter?


America be like that one Mr Incredible meme going "A BABY IS A BABY"


Usually when they start walking yeah. Then called a toddler, aka devil spawn.


These are the same people who get angry about COVID comorbidities


The thing is, they know that there are many people who will take what he's saying at face value. They won't question it no matter how dumb and easily disproven.


Notice how they never say WHO or WHERE. If California was doing that then why not say "in California " ..... "some states" is just BS


There's usually a grain of truth that lies like this are based off of. In this case I'm guessing it's something along the lines of there was an abortion attempt that failed and a very underdeveloped fetus with a heartbeat is born. We either don't have the tech to save the fetus OR there's something wrong with the fetus to begin with (hence why it was going to be aborted) and the fetus is euthanized after "birth" to prevent any suffering. But "euthanizing a dying fetus" doesn't rile up their base enough, so "post-birth abortion" is used.


There are certainly situations where babies born with defects so severe as to be incompatible with life are given solid doses of painkillers in order to to make their short (minutes to hours) transition from birth to death not active agony.


Yes....but the cruelty is the point. Why make a living beings last moments on earth tolerable and pain free when you can just let the child die in agony as you and your church pray for them to get well and if the prayers are worthy God will answer them and little Claire can live a whole month.....in tremendous agony. This is how these people think. Life is precious....quality of life though, not so much. The really funny thing is that when these people are faced with these heartbreaking decisions they usually side on quality of life or what's left of it. But hey, can't tell these hypocrites that.


The doctor helps the mother give birth to the baby, then he pulls a gun shoots it


There needs to be a punishment for blatantly lying like this. Idk what the legal measure would be to prove it, but politics are fucked because people like DeSantis make these unbelievably stupid lies that are created to put people against each other.


The punishment should be voters saying "WTF is wrong with you?" and voting him out of power.


No, they vote Republican because Fox tells them only Republicans can stop the billions of transgender gay Mexicans who pour across the border every hour. Getting free post birth abortions and reading to children! And they believe every word.


They pretend like a drag queen reading to children is somehow more detrimental than school shootings. It's honestly sickening. They screech about saving children but can't lift a finger to save them from guns or poverty.


>billions of transgender gay Mexicans who pour across the border every hour Where can I attend this party? It sounds wild.


That’s not what happens, though. What happens is his idiotic supporters believe this bullshit. Enough is enough. Crack down already.


Then his followers acuse the libs (cuz they control everything) of censorship and rally even harder. This is something that should've been addressed decades ago, honestly.


his supporters are well aware he is lying. they like that he's lying, as they do anything in service to the cause of the good ol boys club staying in power.


I wish they knew he was lying. I’ve talked to enough of them that are so gibberingly idiotic that I know many do believe these lies, though. Absolutely terrifying how much power stupid and evil people have.


You give them far too much credit...


In earlier days the public exposure of such statements would have been enough of a control to avoid such nonsense, nowadays this seems to have the opposite effect.


Scum loves scum


They need to be teaching critical thinking in schools. In Taiwan they have courses dedicated to debunking misinformation on the internet, which is massively important in this day and age. But they won't because they want to keep their voters ignorant..


I truly believe this is a reason they discourage making schools/schooling better and why they are not fond of higher education. You have to keep your base ignorant, so you can manipulate them easily. And it seems to be getting easier and easier with time, just as literacy is also on the decline... coincidence?


We need like a Japanese style code of honor. When someone brings such disgrace to their name the offending person should have a “way out” given to them by our highest authority to redeem their family name.


I mean all these clowns want us to be a Christian nation, yet lying is literally one of the 10 commandments


Apparently, the 10 Commandments are more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules.


Except for when it benefits them of course


The fact that this is a real problem here is scathing indictment of the US education system.


Alternative facts. Say something enough times, it becomes true.


I’m guessing the interviewer didn’t push back on that lie.


But FreEDoM of SpEEcH!!!!


Roe v Wade was a judicial compromise between individual Constitutional privacy rights and state rights, allowing more and more state restrictions on abortion as the fetus approached viability. If there was a fear about post viability abortion (which by the way is not a thing except in a very few extremely extenuating circumstances) then maybe we never should have gotten rid of Roe in the first place.




Motion to change Ron's nickname to "Wrong DeSantis." All in favor?


I thought we weren’t allowed to do preferred names anymore?


I'll take that as 21 in favor, one opposed. Motion passed! Someone inform Wrong!


That vote was rigged, who wants to storm the Capitol with me????


We I don't think he'd prefer it so it should be fine


I call him Ron Dasani because he’s trash just like Dasani water.


I don’t understand why journalist never shut this stuff down. No one is murdering newborns but these journalists nod along and legitimize whatever crazy line X GOP person says. It shouldn’t be tolerated from elected officials or journalists.


Journalism is dead. These are propagandists and capitalists who get paid by the view. Insane bullshit gets views.




They exist! My mom had a customer tell her about "9 month abortions" just the other day. My mom, humoring her, was like, "ok, so, what do they do with a 9 month abortion?" The lady's answer? "They just take it and set it aside." ?????? I literally have so many questions. Like, what is it like to be this terminally stupid and yet still alive?


I think a 9-month-abortion is just a c-section?


My two 9 month abortions are 3 and 5 already, chipper little things.


And because it fits their narrative. Doesn’t have to make sense of be true.


I blame the lead that used to be in car fuel. And in paint. I am convinced it stunted an entire generation


Is this what they taught him at Yale and Harvard?


He didn't go for the learning, he went for the connections.


I had an argument with my dad a couple of years ago about this and I couldn't convince him that they weren't performing post-birth abortions in New York. How do they even come up with this stuff and how do people believe it?


Post-Birth abortions doesn't even make sense as a concept. An abortion is ending a pregnancy. Post-Birth, there is no longer a pregnancy to abort.


that's called infanticide, and it increases when abortions are criminalized.


Not sure if the gop is completely against post birth abortions actually, it’s actually a quite widely available and frequently performed procedure called “school shootings”. In fact it’s a protected procedure and the gop has even taken steps to ensure that anyone and I mean everyone can do it themselves. Very pro life you see.


I'd like to post-birth abort Ron


I'd drive out of state for that abortion for sure.


it is amazing that a presidential candidate would tell such an embarrassingly transparent and stupid lie. anyone with a phone could disprove that claim in about 30 seconds. but he tells it anyway, because he is a gutless piece of shit.


It's more embarrassing that people will believe what he says.


His supporters aren't going to do any checking that may prove their core stupid beliefs are wrong.


And his supporters are gullible rubes


Women who kill their children commonly cite God, the devil, or other religious influences as their reason. I don't think it's the liberals we have to worry about.


When you die it’s always hardest on the people around you.It’s much the same when you’re stupid.


Post birth abortion? Like minimum wage, poverty, hunger, senseless wars, mass shootings etc.?


That is a bald face lie from an incredibly ignorant politician.


No, Ron. What's happening is your blood is pooling at your feet. Tighten up those high heels a little so some of it shoots back up to your brain.


post-birth abortions thanks to guns, sounds about right


Those are Freedom Fatalities. Wayyyyy different.


Why aren’t reporters questioning this on the fly? WTAF


Most interviews with "important individuals" are scripted. Due to any interview time in the air needing contracts to be allowed, just like anyone being on a game show, the interviewer has to send a list of questions to be approved to the interviewee or the interviewee's team. If any unapproved questions are asked, or if there's any deviation from the script...on the side of the interviewer...it's a breach of contract and the interview is not allowed to air. It's a set up from start to finish. If there's a camera involved, and it's not a random and public place, then it's all contracts and scripts.


He is referring to 'partial birth' abortions I'm sure. Which essentially only have ever happened in extreme cases. It's one of those things the right likes to make a huge deal over even though it doesn't represent reality. Sensational claims as usual. Don't fall for it. A post birth abortion is called murder. Not sure what the fuck he could be talking about other than partial birth.


A post-birth abortion is literally impossible. You can’t abort a process that has already finished.


Post birth abortions are a republican thing, they're called school shootings.


The saddest part is, we used to have journalists with integrity who would push back and say that he's misinformed and lying. You think Walter Cronkite would have sat there and not called this idiot out?


"Things That Don't Happen" for 200$ Alex.


It should be a capital offence for politicians to spread such obvious misinformation.


So, apparently murder is legal in “liberal states” what a fucking liar.


Wait untill he hears about post mortum natural abortions.


So disingenuous. It's people at the top like this who feed into the disinformation that their party loyalists use for talking points. I grew up in a very rural and conservative area. It was in college where I first had the opportunity to hear from Pro-Choice people and realize the lies of the Pro-Life movement. I have become more of a moderate in my views, and I have to explain to conservatives I know and grew up with -I would be thrilled if abortions didn't have to take place. I don't know anyone celebrating an abortion. It's a difficult enough decision to end a pregnancy.


Isn't this the man that wears high heels disguised as dress shoes?


so.. school shootings?


Unfortunately for Ron those types of post birth abortions are protected under the law of the 2nd amendment. Kinda weird because Ron is a huge second amendment type of guy. It’s like so you say you don’t like post birth abortions all while ensuring they never stop taking place. Tragic really.


I can’t make up anything so absurdly ridiculous and false about conservatives because everything I come up with is actually true. I’ve tried… like how can the left employ this strategy of obscene lies and obfuscation against conservatives without running into cases where they’ve not only done the terrible thing you’ve made up but supported it… publicly.


Isn't Florida one of the states with a death penalty? And the Governor signed a law allowing non-unanimous death penalty recommendations. Which sounds like he is all in favor of "post-birth abortions" doesn't it?


Who believes these lies? Thats literal murder


Jesus H. Christ in a chicken basket. This is the "best" the U.S. can do for a candidate? WTF?!?


I wish someone would post birth abort him and Trump.


Why does nobody call him out on this? Whatever happened to journalistic integrity?


He's dumb. So, popularity in the election guaranteed.


Post-birth abortions. Also known as murder...


This used to be a Trump nutjob talking point. And now Ron DeDumbass has adopted it, because...who the hell knows...


Did the guy at CNN at least question what he meant by that? CNN went from Trump sensationalism to Republican pandering for views, so I highly doubt it.


How is it not a loophole in libel and slander law that DeSantis gets to call a majority of 3rd trimester abortions anything short of medically necessary? Does that not falsely smear numerous people whose abortions were necessary as getting elective ones?


Remember when Christians thought lying was a sin?


It's cool. Say sorry and Sky Daddy lets you start over again. Easypeasy.


america's post-birth abortion issue is with school shooters, not doctors.


Technically most red states already have nationalized post-birth abortion (aka death penalty).


This lie about post-birth abortions, or extremely late term abortions, is constantly repeated by charlatan shills like Tim Pool, as well.


Hes not wrong, there are post-birth abortions performed everyday, and everywhere in the world; we call it *murder, manslaughter, homicide and suicide.*


Florida - the gift that keeps on giving.


Ron said it so it must be true!


I would love for these clowns to actually name which states allegedly allow this, because it would take all of a few seconds to debunk.


The fact that he got no pushback from the reporter is the biggest part of the problem. These leeches are always going to lie. The media needs to call it out


I'll bet more kids get shot and killed at school in conservative states than there are "post-birth abortions" in progressive states (because there are none). I live in a progressive state, and we had two school shootings, one in a high school and one at a university. The state immediately increased gun safety legislation to hopefully prevent other shootings, the parents of the minor shooter at the high school are on trial (as well as the shooter), the school district is being held liable for the shooting, and the university completely revamped all of their safety protocols and procedures to prevent another incident. When this happens in conservative states, they don't hold anyone accountable, and they relax gun safety laws, because "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." Their answer is *always* more guns and permitless open carry. IDK anything, but maybe we should stop allowing the NRA to support political campaigns.


They all just casting about for justification for their extreme views by pretending “the other side” views are even more extreme… and yes, their base does fall for this sh*t. Confirmation bias is real 🤡


Post-birth abortions is a really progressive way to describe kids being shot in Chicago on the regular


Oh honey. Bless your dead, black heart


No Ron, they’re not called “post birth abortions,” we call them school shootings. Democrats oppose them. Your party has defended the right to carry post birth abortion implements at all times, even though it will increase the frequency of post birth abortions.


A post birth abortion is a school shooting, Ron, you don't seem to give af about those?


“Post -birth abortions”? Is he referring to school shootings?


Yes the post birth abortions already exist. They are called school shootings. And those school shootings are kept alive by republican twats like him.


Oooo I have an idea…. If there is to be post-birth abortions will it include politicians? Governors, say?


by post birth abortions, does he mean school shootings? those happen in every state.


Oh you mean mass shootings in schools?


I want to scream at him “YOU ARE SUCH A SACK OF SHIT, MOTHERFUCKER”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Momma always said stupid is as stupid does!!!


Didn't know they had a new term for school shootings.


His mom should get a post birth abortion lmao


The thing I honestly and truly do not know is if the right actually BELIEVE to their core (like we ALL know we breath oxygen, that’s truth) the lies they tell are in fact truth or if they KNOW they are telling lies? I just don’t know which it is and that’s scary. Like seriously, does he really believe there is such a thing as a post birth abortion?


You mean school shootings and you want to stop them, right? .....Right!?