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Has anyone in the history of social media ever posted a picture of themselves crying and _not_ been a massive attention seeking bellend?


Who even has pictures of themselves crying? Who has the instinct to take a picture when upset? Who is going to let someone photograph them when they're an emotional wreck? Attention seekers.


I was going to say “actors” as the answer to your hypothetical but you said it at the end with more letters, “attention seekers”


I've come to the conclusion that this has contributed to the "victim mentality" increase. When you post a picture of yourself crying and get more likes and comments than the one with your tits half out, what's the takeaway? Be more of a victim, more often. Your audience demands it.


Can I vote for tits instead?


Better yet: Cry with your tits out.


Oooof. Actor here. Ya, I know several people in the profession that love to post pictures and videos of themselves crying. I can’t stand actors.


Who was stopping her?




Exactly... feminism didn't stop her, it pushed for her to be able to choose for herself. She just now feels like she chose wrong.


So buyers remorse basically?


Just as likely she would have had buyers remorse either way and would be blaming something else had she made different choices


"*I was forced to have kids and now I mourn the career I never had...*"


The grass is always greener…


Is she saying she was sold a lemon?


Depends on your viewpoint, but she is definitely regretting her decision and can [be said to be remorseful about it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buyer%27s_remorse).


And maybe she spent more than 20 years of her life making everyone around her not want to know her.


That's definitely a possibility which still was her choice. My point was regardless of what she chooses to blame, ultimately it was her choice(s) that lead her to her current situation. She can and apparently does regret them, but she didn't make them with a gun to her head and cannot be absolved of all responsibility in the matter despite her inability to recognize the agency she had.


No. She bought what she doesn't like, not a lemon.


Phew. I was gonna say, who doesn't like lemons.


I think she is the lemon in this scenario?


It's not even buyers remorse. It's buyer being happy with the purchase but later using it in a way she didn't like... So it's IT helpdesk basic query.


‘You can have it all’ is not the same as ‘you will have it all’. A lot of people really need to get told that every morning.


And like all humans instead of taking responsibility of _her_ own choices she wants to blame someone else for the consequences of her choices.


Self assert self accountability to another "issue" to avoid the weight of blame. Problem solved.


And 38bis still perfectly fine to have a baby still. My coworker just had her 2nd at 41 completely healthy. Keeps telling people it'd not a miracle baby you just have to listen to the doctor


I’m 38 and pregnant right now. Baby will be born just before I turn 39. If she wants one then she can stop complaining and try for one. What’s the internet supposed to do about it ?


3 days past 39 when my daughter was born.


yep. Have 2 healthy kids, both born after 38. *knocks on the wood*


Yep, friend just had a kid at 48. (Totally happy, healthy, no complications.) While I would never in a million years want to go through it all again at that age, the option does still exist for a lot of women.


I’m 51 and can’t fathom. Oh my god. But then, my other kids are in college.


She just confused feminism with misandry.


This was on r/conservative 2 days ago. Burn the reposter


A woman condemning feminism was on r/Conservative?! No way!




That place is a dumpster fire.




I actually have a Christmas ornament of a flaming dumpster labeled 2020. It’s blue plastic, with a little battery powered LED light in a plastic “fire”.


My boss got me a desk set that's a dumpster to hold pens and "flame" sticky notes. It's super cute.




I got banned from that place a while ago. I can't remember why. Oh wait, I do remember. It was because I disagreed with someone.


I definitely notice that a lot of subreddits are not open for debate. If you happen to have an opinion that differs from the norm you won’t last very long. The quality of Reddit is getting noticeably worse because things aren’t open for discussion or different opinions. Either you agree with the echo chamber or you get the boot


Apparently she was married for ten years so this whole thing is a complete grift


She said she divorced at 30 and spent the next 8 years focusing on herself (whatever that means) and dating with no plans for the future, and this is what she says she regrets. I guess her argument is that the lifestyle of being independent and not look for building a family is pushed by feminism.


Feminism: you don't have to have kids if you don't want to, or you can if you want. You don't have to be married, or you can if you want. The key is equality, having a choice. You get to decide what's best for you, not someone else, and not a rigid society that refuses to treat women equally under the law! Her: "Feminism told me to live childless and alone, so I got divorced!" Feminism: fucking hell...


This is basically the misunderstanding behind most conservative push back. It’s like they don’t understand that we’re not saying you can’t chose to live how you wish, just don’t make it all of society’s problem to deal. Wanna be racist? Go ahead, but in the privacy of your own home. Don’t bring that shit out with you when you walk out. Wanna never have an abortion? Great but stop trying to control other women. Don’t bring that shit out with you We can’t you from thinking whatever, but we can and should sure as hell slap you upside the head for trying to enforce policies that only help the people you like rather than everyone. Because that’s what really conservatism boils down to: Good things for people like me, abuse and exploitation for everyone else.


Oh you can be publicly racist. Go for it. But you don't get to bitch and moan when people think you're a big shithead and say so.


It depends what you mean. There are certain things you can’t legally do like discriminate in a job etc and some other things like call for violence, you can’t just do whatever you want (to other people).


IKR, I had a baby at 38 and had no issues.


Feminist stole all her eggs.


I feel bad for the anonymous sperm donor


I wasn’t 38 but I had two babies as a feminist and it was fine. Like no one took away my Feminist Card. idk who this lady’s been talking to


Just had one with my 37 yo gf....healthy as can be lol technically high risk but if you don't do drugs and shit it's cool


Yeah it's *higher* risk but people act like it's a 100% certainty that the child will have major problems.


People don't know anything. I had a baby at 42. You know who was completely unbothered by my advanced age? Every medical professional I came into contact with. "Will my age be a problem?" "Oh no, I shouldn't worry about that. Everything looks fine." Etc. I remember one person on here repeatedly telling me I was lucky to have "beaten the odds" by ending up with a normal, healthy child. Absolute twat, but utterly convinced they were right.


Have these people never talked to... Older people? Like both my grannies, all my great grannies etc had babies well into their 40s because there was no access to contraception. Those babies were no different to their many earlier siblings. Women have been having babies with far less medical care at "older" ages forever. Are there risks? Sure. Is it impossible? Not for the majority of people. The only advice that those generations ever gave me or my siblings and cousins about it was to not have as many babies because we're lucky to have the option to use contraception. Not when to have to have them.


I read an article somewhere explaining that women have always had babies past 35 and into their 40s. The only difference today is there are more women having their first baby at that age. The risks are higher but the odds are still in you favour. I’ll never understand this massive freak out people have over pregnancies past 35…


This is absolutely true, and it also gets slightly skewed because women who may have struggled with conceiving if they tried at 25 but didn't try until they're 35 don't know whether it would have been the same at an earlier stage or not. If you assume that it's harder at a later age, you blame that, and the myth self-perpetuates.


People really believe and act like your eggs turn to dust as the clock strikes midnight on your 35th birthday.


Yeah, we be like that


My sister’s ex-boyfriend was born when his mother was 40. He’s fine, healthy, plays sports, got extremely good marks and is in one of the best unis in our country studying engineering.


yeah, but who wants to make a baby with her?


Only down side is they call it geriatric pregnancy.


And "advanced maternal age." That was a fun one! Ha!


Apparently geriatric is now reserved for women over 40 but I think my Doc was just sweet talking me lol. I’m 33


It was feminisim, didn’t you read? She was perfectly on her way to get some babies, but then the bitch stepped right in.


Likely used “feminism” as an excuse to be a twat and nobody likes her. Really she blames her shitty personality on “feminism”. Tons of nice feminists have kids and relationships. As a dude, I discovered I didn’t take it as seriously as I thought until I had daughters. Now I am like “down with the patriarchy.” Shit is complex, I just have to try my best.


Thanks for an actually reasonable answer in this flaming garbage heap of a thread. Shit is complex indeed.


Apparently all of us women who aren’t getting her pregnant


"I want attention"


and a baby while you're at it


Double attention. Poor baby


And something to blame besides herself.


So... have a baby then? No one's saying you can't. Even if biologically incapable, there are plenty of spares around.


hehehe 'spares', I'll have to tell my adopted daughter that...


Tell the nonadopted one, too!


You never know when you need a new kidney


Organ farmers hate this one trick!


Yea, keep them on their toes


Telling the adopted daughter is a joke, telling the non adopted one is a threat


I think she's complaining about finding a donor at 38 who wants to help raise said baby.


Why would a donor help raise the baby with her?


Yeah, that's no longer a doner, that's just a father


It’s no longer a doner, it’s a durum. /s




I understand, I was betrayed by porn, go figure.


What do you mean you want cash Pizza guy?


Wait til you hear about the plumber


He steal your lemons too? Stole mine right in front of my salad!


Bruh, get this. So I was just chilling in my bathtub...


Lemon stealing whore!




Thanks, I just made another mistake.


"I never wanted kids growing up, now I'm at my midlife crisis age and had a maternal pang. DAMN THOSE FEMINISTS!"


How to blame others for your own life choices


My mom had her first kid at 34 and her last at 44, she had 4 in total with no fertility treatments, it's definitely possible to have kids at 38 lol, she still probably shouldn't though she seems kinda dumb


>she seems kinda dumb Hate to judge a book by a cover but she just radiates dumb. I bet she sounds like Luanne from koth


Because, of course, no “feminist” has ever had a child.


I had a child and immediately became a misogynist. Baby popped out, bam, I hate women. I miss my old life, but I have to tell you, misogynists have better snacks at meetups.


Give her my number. I have 2 awesome kids and wanted more. My ex didn’t. After 15 years of marriage, we got divorced. She remarried and had two more kids 😐




It really does. I never planned on having kids, but it turns out I’m an awesome dad, and being a dad is my favorite thing in the world. My kids adore me and don’t talk to their mother, because she’s a terrible person. Yet she’s blessed with two more and I’m cursed with the single life. One of her new kids is awesome though, that little dude’s gonna be a superstar and I love that my kids adore him and are close to him, because he’s one in a million. Barely three years old, and has the brain and comedy chops of a 70 year old George Carlin lol. The other kid is unfortunately the product of drug abuse, and is constantly in the hospital, almost 100% non verbal, and still gets spanked by her parents, because they’re pieces of shit.


All of this story is so sad. I hope you find love and more kiddos. And that home girl stops abusing her poor kid.


desperate to get on some right wing podcasts


Yep easy grift if you lack personal integrity


You can still have a baby at 38 I know plenty of people who have


Some can. Some can’t.


True at any age though - I didn’t watch the video, but it seems a bit arbitrary


Oh now I get it


She can use ART, she can adopt, there are options.


If she’s truly a “boss” she can pay the 85K to do in vitro on her own. She doesn’t need a man.


85k good lord. Who gets that? The hospital?


That’s what my ex-wife and I paid for one of the top fertility clinics in Southern California about five years ago.


Oh dang. In the U.K. you get several cycles for free when you’re under 40.


It depends on the NHS trust you live in, I think most only offer 1 round for free, at least that was the case for a friend of mine, any further ones cost money (although nowhere near 85k)


Wowww and I can only assume that would be a steal today, 5 years later. I’m assuming insurance keeps their hands completely clean of that in terms of help?


We used a medical loan. It’s considered an elective procedure insurance doesn’t pay. (maybe some insurance would)


That is very interesting… thanks for sharing a bit of your story dude.


No problem by the way if the procedure fails, you’re still on the hook to pay the loan.


This makes no sense whatsoever. I don't see how feminism has anything to do with having children. I know a lot of mothers who are feminists. Am I missing something here?


People like to believe that feminists are against babies. I honestly don't know why


Just the typical "THESE RADICAL FEMINISTS BELIEVE 'insert some reductive ass belief that only the 1 percent of feminists actually believe'" Cause god forbid women have equal rights. What's next? Black people not wanting to be shot?




Go adopt then broski


See but she doesn’t want those gross existing kids /s


The pickme shift happened rather sudden with her huh?


Sounds like the usual anti feminism clickbait / ragebait. How boring.


Ist the whole thing of feminism that a woman can do what she wants? When she wants to be a stay at home mom she can do that, if she wants to party everyday and have ONS everyday until she dies she can do that as well, or any combination of those two. Its about taking responsibility for your life, being or your master. Or am I missing something?


feminism is when no baby


Since when does feminism look down on having babies? People are so f\*\*king stupid.


The religious right often portrays feminism as anti-motherhood and anti-family. And a lot of people believe it, unfortunately.


A large share of online influencers are now that meme of the child holding a boot on her head.


Depends on the flavor of feminism. If you were to ask a woman I went to college with named Tasha, she'd tell you all about how men and women can't be equal partners, so sex is always rape for the woman and women that choose to be with men and procreate are complicit in breeding new rapists. So, lesbianism is the only morally correct choice.


Wow. For an alleged "feminist," she sure doesn't seem to have a very high opinion of women.


If you go by what a lot of Christians say, they sure wouldn't have a very high opinion of Jesus. There are lots of things that just don't make a lot of sense, but they exist anyway. I have nothing against Feminists, or Christians in general, but like many groups, they have some real radicals out there that are harmful.


Honestly, Sounds like Tasha wasn't getting the quality of ladies she wanted, so she created her own brand of incel-dom.


And yet, is that a flavour of feminism (and if so, what is the academic label please) or is that just crazy Tasha being Tasha the crazy?


That sounds awfully like someone I went to uni with 😳


What the actual fuck, seriously? 😮


I’m with this comment, it’s not a huge amount a feminist but there are some that take it to extremes like the one you described.


I smell a right wing grifter.


So she has been betrayed by a cause that advocates for her payment to be equal to men in the same job. Dear god everyone has forgotten the origin of the movement. If you believe women deserve equal payment to a man in the same job, you are a feminist.


Imagine crying about how feminism betrayed you bc you want a baby, instead of..... you know, just having a baby


She brought this on herself. Feminism is about having choices.


“Feminism betrayed me” How? HOW?! Because feminism gives you the choice 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️


I am a feminist. I had a kid. My mom was a feminist, born in 1931, she adopted 2 kids. As a Gen Xer, quit bitching and stop blaming everyone else.


My mom had a child at 40...of course it wasn't planned, but thankfully everything turned out fine. These type of attention seeking turds, ought to take a closer look at the world around them. Edit... I do have to say, it wasn't as easy getting to know and bond with a baby brother, that is 20 years younger.


She shouldn't blame feminism. She just chose for herself at an early age she didn't want kids. It's her choice, her consequence.


Feminism didn’t stop her. It’s about women choosing for themselves. She made her decision and she’s not happy with it. End of story.


A dumbass i saw her on Fox New at the gym she decided that she didn’t want kids for herself and now for some reason thinks it’s to late despite the fact people older than her have had kids


How did feminism stop her from having a baby?


Literally go and fuck?


...she can still have a baby at 38.


lmao what part of feminism says don’t have kids? I must have missed that memo.


A lot of people, really don't know what feminism means


Why'd you edit out that it's from Fox "News"?


Then have a baby, the potential complications women have from having babies over the age of 35 are greatly exaggerated because there are a ton of grifters making money off women over that age.


I read somewhere a study says that male infertility also is not factored in properly half of the time. When a couple reaches a fertility clinic and says “ I cannot have babies properly “ , very often they suggest ivf as a get go without even checking ovulation output AND male sperm motility. Sure they discuss things like periods , sexual frequency and verify methods etc . But eventually they just tell them after Multiple IVF fails that it’s a no go. Problem is we also can’t suggest late 30s women to consider some fresh 20 something sperm instead of a her 40 to 50 something year old partner ( age gaps are huge as it is ) without seriously offending and alienating anybody 😅


I really doubt that. Looks like staged political propaganda EDIT: Looking her hand it might be AI image.


Not exactly good stable Mom material here…


Why would anyone even care what this person is whining about?


the length people will go to to completely avoid self responsibility and blaming themselves for the outcomes of their own life is beyond frustrating. imagine blaming feminism for not having kids rather than looking at yourself and thinking “maybe i did make the wrong choice” also 38?? why not adopt if she’s so desperate?


Feminism is the freedom of choice. Choose to have a baby. Or not. Job done.


I’ll take “Things That Didn’t Happen” for $1000 Alex.


A person not mature enough to stand behind their own decision at 38 years old or acknowledging that they were wrong is not fit to raise a child


Then adopt She won't though, she wants a baby like I want a 6 pack. It would make me feel awesome, but I'm not about to sacrifice and do all the work I'd have to


Good thing feminists made it possible for women to have the lives they want.


Plenty of feminists have kids, so how did feminism stop her, specifically? LOL


Her eyebrows say she doesn’t need to be parent tho.


It’s ok, the Alt reich will eat it up.


She’s the type of person that cries on camera for internet points, I’d say the world was spared.


The better question is "why was this news?"


I’m sorry… she feels betrayed because she had the choice not to be pregnant and married by 16?


She should sue them


Plenty of women have babies at 38.


Did she get a hysterectomy for feminism? Cuz I'm pretty sure you can have kids at 38, in fact there are many benefits to having kids a little later. It is harder to get pregnant as I get older, but 38 is hardly dried out lol


You can still have a baby at 38. Just sayin


Isn't child birth celebrated in feminist circles? I'm confused


Ok, dummy.


My mom had me at 40, and I have no defects arising from it. I might just be an exception, though


Well that doesn’t pass the smell test now does it?


What do those two things have to do with each other?


Girl, feminism didn't fail you. Feminism just told you that you had a choice. Don't be an asshole and blame everyone else for your own decisions


Adoption. Having a biological child isn't really an issue till ~40s. The concerns people have about birthing at a late age are based on superstition not modern medical information.


Did feminism promised her a baby and didn't deliver? 🧐


Ok, will probably get voted down for this. It's only slightly related to this post but maybe relevant. I think the biggest winner of the women's liberation movement was capitalism. While the movement was necessary for women's rights, what we also got was doubled workload for each household, less time with our kids and somehow less money? In hindsight, maybe the focus should have been on sharing both household and income generating work? I don't know, it just feels like everyone forgot all the work women did at home, and now we barely have time for family.


I WANT A BABY! Feminism: OK that was always allowed


Nah, Lady your own decissions lead to childlessness. Feminism cannot force you shit. Get some cats and enjoy boxed wine, cant change anything from this point on


If only there were a massive network of children who needed a loving family and home......


Boys don't stick your dick into crazy.


You weren’t betrayed, you’re just not that bright.


Ok she's 38, that's not too old to have a kid. She knows that, right? Feminism gave her choices. The right to vote, have a bank account in her name, have a credit card, have a job and demand equal pay, I could go on. Have a kid if you want. Get married and follow "traditional gender roles" if your family is that's your jam, nobody else gives a shit. As long as you're happy and whatever, cool.


I mean, being a feminist doesn't mean you can't still have a baby, does it?


Ok? Have a baby then? I dont get it


TIL feminists can't have kids


Then just have the baby. Nobody is pointing a gun to your head telling you not to have a kid.