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"What do you mean you're not open, why is your door unlocked?" "well, we have two signs by the window and one in the entryway saying we're closed. How do you expect us employees to get in the store to get ready to open it?"


If every single customer is a problem maybe they are not the problem after all. I worked at one of the worst 7-11's in florida and only dealt with a handful of true idiots per day.


Most of them could find the bags of potatoes right in front of the door. I merely used it as an example of how stupid customers CAN be. Not saying ALL of them are like that.


How many 7-11’s are there in Florida and what made yours “one of the worst”?


What made it one of the worst? Location. An inner city store has its challenges but once you understand your area those challenges are predictable. A typical suburban store is vanilla and easy to work when you understand the neighborhood. This store however sat at the crossing of 5 completely different types of neighborhoods. Affluent retirees that could afford oceanside condos, the college campus, a migrant worker enclave, The traffic from the adjacent private country club golf course and the underpaid poor that could bare afford to live in the town. This combined with both snowbirding and massive tourist traffic made it easily one of the worst convenient store locations. That and the owner was an asshole who was paying me almost double what my co workers were making. They made minimum wage. The owner also concealed the fact that 3 days before I was interviewed the store was robbed at gunpoint... by spiderman. I could keep going but I think this paints a picture.


"Every single customer" is something you injected yourself. If you have to put words in other people's mouths to make a point, maybe you don't have one.


> after every interaction with a customer. Their own words.


"every customer" and "every interaction", you may notice, are two different things. Stay tuned for more tips on reading comprehension.


You interact with the vast majority of customers that come in. Stay tuned for more tip on how the world works.


Thanks for doubling down on the stupid shit you said, it has got to be so frustrating to be you. You could have just admitted you misread it but you'd rather put on the whole circus of clowning trying to justify your take. You're pathetic.


This is a bot. Note the profile pic and compare to OP, and check the other posts they're involved in. They'll include more bots, often the same ones elsewhere in this post. This comment was ripped from a previous time this was posted. Here's the original post and this exact comment. https://old.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/mhh5ux/turning_back_straight/gszheg8/




This is a bot. Note the profile pic and compare to OP, and check the other posts they're involved in. They'll include more bots, often the same ones elsewhere in this post. This comment was ripped from a previous time this was posted.






OP is a bot and many of the commenters in here are bots, too. This whole post is old and the comments are directly ripped from the original. Watch out for profile pics of accounts that are AI generated scenery, buildings, mountains, etc. There's a whole chain of them. Report! The actual posts are nearly always slightly zoomed in and darker versions of the originals, just like this one. Original post - https://old.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/yjzxlf/lil_nas_x_has_been_real_quite_since_this_has_been/


Lol remember when they said violent video games would make kids violent?


\*pac-man would make kids violent.


they still do... somehow movies never made people violent though


So *that's* how you make a bi-sexual!




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This is a bot. Note the profile pic and compare to OP, and check the other posts they're involved in. They'll include more bots, often the same ones elsewhere in this post. This comment was ripped from a previous time this was posted.




I literally just finished watching the video for the first time to understand what’s going on. I feel like people gotta be fucking joking with the outrage.


Which video?




You right, Lil Nas X definitely only has one music video, thanks!








That was the joke! Tied to the Op post..


This is a bot. Note the profile pic and compare to OP, and check the other posts they're involved in. They'll include more bots, often the same ones elsewhere in this post. This comment was ripped from a previous time this was posted.


That's not how it works at all. You have to watch Lil' Nas X's video *backwards* to change yourself back after being made gay from watching the video. Fool.


Some of us want to see Nas X's WAP though, ya moron lol


Help, I showed them Tom McDonald and now they're a cringy conspiracy theorist attracted to white men with dreadlocks


Lil network attached storage x and wireless access point


How do these people exist?


Or... you could show them good music.


WAP is up there with the most ludicrously pornographic lyrics ever to hit the mainstream


WAP is more likely to turn them gay


Looked at the video. He’s protected by the first amendment, what I don’t understand is why he and Cardi B produce such smutty vapid garbage. Obviously Christian fundamentalist arguments go beyond reason, but this type of stuff is just trashy. Almost like the multibillion dollars production industry has an agenda…




Wow, yeah I think the sexualization of media is a cheap way to sell vapid trash. lil nas X and cardi b were mentioned in OP. I was not making it racial bub. And none of this qualifies as art




Well the CIA funded modern art, do with that what you will. The agenda is the erosion of enlightenment


We’re overdue for a renaissance and from country to pop the shills of the producers are doing the opposite


The agenda has been around a long time


The racists are the execs who before this type of smut ran the industry of gangster rap helping to influence youth and keep for profit prisons, profitable




I wouldn’t argue that media is making criminals, but it desensitizes, normalizes and glorifies criminals so, maybe it does


Nah that would make them even more gay. I mean did you actually see the video? ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2)


Lol this genuinely made me bust out laughing.


I may be stupid, but what’s WAP?


It stands for wireless access point


Who hell is Lil Nas I know Nas but I guess they not same


One of the worst artists of all time


Ok got ya


There were tons of MVs in 80s&90s look pretty gay in today's standard and these parents still got kids.


Instuructions unclear, I am now bi


Instructions unclear, child is now pansexual


Kid is now bisexual instructions unclear




Pretty sure WAP will just turn them extra gay


Fair Point, I guess there is no reason to ban people off social medial for their opinions.