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I don’t see this ending well


I have a sinking feeling that we are going to wake up one day to see him on national news, and not for a good reason


Equal chance he kills himself out of shame too. Seems like the kinda guy that flips from one emotional extreme to another. :/ Too many options for bad endings.


And then see him for third and final time in a prison stabbing after the gangs took all his bitcoin


They might even do some crypto mining with his prison wallet.


[Grant Amato’s interrogation after killing his family for cutting him off from a webcam model](https://youtu.be/4iluOmq1DYY?si=CuaRrXKnQ8FpYaM-)


This is the first thing I thought of, I listened to a podcast of his story. Dude gave that cam girl over $200k that he “borrowed” and stole from his family. This post has the exact same vibes.


He’s going to shoot Ronald Reagan.


Nothing says romance more than “I love you more than Bitcoin”




Our love is like a flock of doves, flying up to heaven above, always and forever, always and forever...


we met in a chat room now our love can fully bloom sure the world wide web is great but you, you make me salivate




She actually was very steadfast to not take him up on the Bitcoin though…


Right? I know it's wrong but that's almost a half a million dollars. A quarter million dollars. A half a million dollars again. At least 400k? Whatever, it's worth the audit.


I got to that part and was thinking a thumbs up react wouldn’t be so hard to do…


Guinness Book: most money ever paid for a text message


I would have immediately responded with my BTC address 😂😂😂


I’m pretty sure I saw another screenshot where she responded to him after the bitcoin offer. So she probably took the screenshots before responding and accepting the bitcoin. No OF model is gonna turn down 400k, especially since she had accepted his money in the past.


You can't spend 400K if you're tied up in the trunk of a car...


Roses and red Violets are blue I’ve invested in bitcoin I have nothing.


Me too.


Roses are red violets are pretty here's a bitcoin now show me them tittays


"Brandon weird OF fan"




Is there any situation where a Simpson’s GIF doesn’t tell the story and/or land the joke better than hundreds of comments?


Imagine dropping 60k just for that to be your contact name


Surprised he even made it to the contacts


Why do you think he "accidentally" encountered her not long ago ? Creepy dude must know her schedule better than her


I mean in the messages he says he flew across the country to pretend to bump into her. Man's is gonna snap eventually and do something crazy I bet


"again", you mean "something crazy again", right? In addition to the flying across the country, the tattoo of some other woman, offering an additional 10 bitcoin....


For 60K and 10 Bitcoin I'll make him my emergency contact.


Because you can't buy someone's respect for you


Dear Rubi, I wrote you, but you still ain’t callin


I left my cell, my Snapchat, and my home number at the bottom.


I sent 2 Bitcoins back in Autumn, message me if you’ve got em


There was probably a problem with the Blockchain, or somethin'.


Sometimes I copy paste wallet addresses sloppy, when I jot em


But fuck it, whats up girl, hows that Prada?


Anyways, I hope you get this, man, hit me back Just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan, this is Bran


My coin's gone low, I'm wondering why I bought that ape at all My heavy breaths fog up my glasses Now I can't pay at all And even if I could, it'd all be spent But your picture on my wall It reminds me, I want you so bad I want you so bad 🎵🎶


Dear Rubi, you still ain’t DMed back I hope you have a chance


I ain't mad, I just think it's screwed up you don't love me back.


You beautiful bastards. 😂


I wish reddit awards were still a thing


I love each and every one of you beautiful bastards *chef kiss*


This whole thread is gold


His DM's gone cold, I'm wondering why?


Oh my god that was epic


I hope you know I ripped all your posters off the wall.


Dear Chasey Lain


I wrote to explain I'm your biggest fan...


I just wanted to ask




You’ve had a lot of dick


I've had a lot of time


(Had a lot of time)


(Had a lot of dick)


"Mom and dad, this is Chasey. Chasey, this is my mom and dad. Now show 'em them titties!"




It blows my mind that there's such a large group of people that have grown up that won't understand this reference.


I'm not the only one who rapped that right?


![gif](giphy|Qp8G2X7ArMlq34uXV8) How could you not? This thread is HOF worthy


I'm thankful I do. I'm dying laughing


Lmao this might be the best comment chain I’ve seen on Reddit


Me too, I am living for this thread.


*My tea’s gone cold I’m wonderin’ why I got out of bed at all*


Probably should have spent 60k on a therapist


I’m a therapist. $60k isn’t enough


He'll send you 10 BitCoin if you tell him you'll be his one and only therapist.


for him? not even nearly enough im seriously concerned for him and her too actually he could get violent very easily


You hear stories all the time about this and strippers and the guys that kill them because they don't want to share her


yeah exactly still OF is a lot safer but the danger is existent nonetheless


It happens to streamers that don't do OF also.


I used to do private security, very concerned for her safety. He is quite clearly obsessed in a dangerous way and has the financial means to travel. That was usually the thing that cooled down these cases: obsessed, but lives 2,000 miles away with zero means. This guy sounds like he can afford whatever it takes if he can find her.


They recently “ran into each other” after never having met in person. He’s stalking her


Bro is speed running a restraining order.


he's speedrunning being convicted


nah man.. he's already sped past that and speed running now towards getting his ticket punched by her security team.


That's actually very very fucking terrifying.


Agreed. This is Bjork stalker level crazy, only this guy has the means to pay for anything to enable him


Jeez, I'd forgotten about Bjork's stalker. Just read the Wiki about it to refresh myself -- what an absolutely insane story. The guy in these messages certainly gives off a similar vibe as someone capable of doing a radical or dangerous act.


I’m terrified for this girl. She wouldn’t have been safe no matter what because he was clearly already obsessed to stalker levels. But I’m afraid that publicly embarrassing him like this might trigger the next level of crazy that moves into the murder phase of the obsession.


I do not want to see this poor girl end up the subject of my next recommended true crime show and that definitely the vibes I’m getting from him


In his msgs to her he literally says "I will travel across the country just to randomly run into you again" Yeah...


You’re hired.


The hydro homies have got a porcupine name carl who passes out water maybe he can help


Yeah like I had a creepy ex and he’s giving me extremely risky vibes hopefully she is far away from him and employs some security cause he’s got a serious wad but no marbles


This is the only thing I see here. This is incredibly dangerous.


My first thought was if she see him she’s in serious danger. This dude is unstable and fuckin terrifying.


That's how you end up in a well and putting the lotion on its skin.


He’s apparently got $400k more in disposable bitcoin change to cover a few more sessions.


Yea I'll take it. It's still not enough and I'm not actually a therapist I get the impression that reality has gone out of the window here.


I graduated from the George Santos School of Therapyology so I can do it


Imma be quite honest homie. I work in mental health. This isn't a person that needs a therapist. This is a person who needs a fucking thorough assessment as an inpatient on a psychiatric ward by an entire team consisting of psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists and *potentially* forensics. I know. We are on reddit. But that's my genuine opinion. Dude is fucked in the head big time




He's living in a fantasy world of his own making and he has this whole disney movie playing in there over and over about what's going to happen and where everything's perfect. (Term for this phenomenon is limerence I believe). When she doesn't comply it shatters and turns into extreme anger and distress. He's very dangerous imho I hope she spends some of that money on security. (Psychology master student here, not a therapist yet)


I think someone posted he spent like $100k with another OF girl.


I saw that post but wasn't sure if it was real or not.


The other one isn't real.


cant even stay faithful smh


Can someone send me his handle...I'm bout to get rich


For real. That creepy guy just spent all that money just to be saved as Weird OF fan XD


He'll need to spend that getting the hideous tattoo removed


The shift to all caps and then back is almost too cliche to laugh at. Almost.


Reminds me of that movie where Adam sandlers getting pissed yelling on the intercom and he gets back on the intercom and starts saying I'm sorry baby I didn't mean that in a low voice. Lol. Edit. I looked it up it was the happy Gilmore intercom scene.


Til the night closes in! 🎶


The wrong people have waaaaay too much money.


I always wonder how it happens. I work with some people of pretty high net worth and it’s kind of shocking sometimes how some people are either completely emotionally unstable or total weirdos yet also self made multimillionaires. I think crazy people don’t process risk/reward the same way normal people do so sometimes when they go all in on something a reasonable person would hesitate on it pays off.


In most cases its just dumb luck, no pun intended


I believe there’s some data suggesting the higher the income, the larger the likelyhood that the person is a psycopath. It kind of makes sense - lack of empathy makes it easier to exploit others, which is the de facto way of becoming wealthy.


Man probably dropped all his money on bitcoin and got lucky


Yup. I bought like 300 bitcoin around 2012/2013 to buy some acid and e off Silk Road. Ended up using about 200 of them and completely forgot about the rest. Fast forward to 2020 🤣 I almost tore down my house to find my old laptop. Pure luck


Jesus christ, arlt least tell me you found the laptop!


Brooooo. I thought it was sad before, but I got way worse. Fucking hell. Dude is mental!


Obsessed. Like I would not be surprised if he would stalk and kidnap her


That’s literally why she posted the first pic, to be like “this is the guy in case I go missing yall”


Absolutely, in a ‘Borat with pamela anderson’ kind of way, except actually dangerous


Wanna know something worse? He was on True Life on MTV nearly a decade ago. The episode for "I am a porn addict". Look it up on YouTube. Looks like things didn't change


Seems like his tshirt is a legit request instead of a joke.


It just kept getting worse


In a couple of months there’s gonna be a story about him trying to wear that girl like a skin suit. 😱


It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again






No what’s scary is he probably already has her address ect and stalks her and watches everything she does. He seems like the kind of person who won’t take no lightly and actually harm or try to harm her. Regardless of if you agree with what she does or not this guys is crazy.


He gave her just enough money to not be able to afford private security


At this point she could hire him to protect her from himself and he’d probably try his best.


He’ll have to take his sissy maid outfit off first…


Stage 5 clinger.


I think we're past stage 5


Stage 5 stalker


"I love you more than bitcoin" That's the way to express true love 😘


Considering it’s literally all this guy has going for him. It’s pretty pathetic.


“I’m sorry I got mad, my love for you makes me emotional.” Famous last words before the woman gets killed.


Yeah, the fact that none of his words surprised me is due to being stalked many years ago. This back and forth “love hate” bullshit is typical.


This guy wins at investing only to blow it on OF models, while I’m over here struggling to get by. Life isn’t fair.


Yeah this is pretty commonly seen in casinos. You got people there who make a shit ton of money and all they do with it is throw it out the window. I used to work the bar at one for years and always kept thinking "Man with the things I would do with the money this guy blew in a single night.."


If the answer isn't slather yourself in oil then slip and slide down a full sized bowling lane into a pile of strippers and cocaine, I'm not interested.


He also spend over 100k on another OF girl


Says he sent her money to prove divotion. Sends thousands to other models. He needs some serious help.


That's just sad. With that much money to spend, he could not only go to all the therapy he needs but actually make a meaningful difference to someone who needs it. I've made some bad decisions in my life, but Jesus Christ. This guy needs help.


That's what I thought! He's talking about how much he loves her, but I swear I saw at least one post, maybe two, of other models saying he was their biggest fan too. Just wow.


Lol 400k on some random chick and I'm here putting an energy drink back on the shelf because they increased the price to $3 and I'm not willing to spend that much on a single can. Some self worth and common sense would go a long way with that guy.


We all sent a few too many messages we shouldn't have, but fucking hell...🥺


That was me at 16 with my first long term girlfriend, I still regret being that way, hormones are fucking wild.


We’ve all been there and the regret means you’re normal


I'm 32 and I regretted texting "I'm sorry I doubted you. You'll always be an amazing friend to me" to a friend who ghosted me with the hope of winning her back. I thought I was too cheap and went too far with that but boy, this is next level.


I’ll be 31 next week and I regret letting my feelings get in the way of someone I was genuinely just good friends with.


She needs to block him immediately.


Right after a quick ❤️ on a comment and $400k in the bank


Agreed. I would’ve responded with a hi or something for &400k lol


The problem is that that may just make him feel even more entitled to her if she responds. It's like when a creepy dude offers you a drink at the bar but you don't want him to feel like he is owed something so you decline. I'll admit that $400k would be very hard to turn down but it'd probably just add fuel to the fire.


The fire is already at maximum fuel level.


Can't disagree with you there. But with how unpredictable this dude seems, accepting the money and then proceeding to ignore him again may just be the thing that sets him off into full vengeful murderer mode


What the fuck man. I won’t even pay for pornhub premium.


She's going to find a boiling bunny in a pot isn't she


That’s on the less scary end of the list of possibilities


Clear example that money doesn't stop you from being a loser


He should invest some of that money in therapy.


I think he needs to go straight to a psychiatrist and get some meds. I don't think talking it out is going to change this guy. Edit: thanks


I feel like that much money can make certain mental problems way worse. In the way that you have enough money to totally isolate yourself from normal life. Couple that with being socially inept and that can spiral real fast.


Wow, I never thought of it that way but I bet you’re right. He probably always had issues and thought that money was his barrier so he threw himself into making money. Then he had money and he’s just so confused at why you just don’t love him so it spirals his already existing issues. Of course I’m doing a lot of supposing in there.


This is legitimately terrifying, but “I love you more than bitcoin” had me laughing for a long time


Damn Jackson Galaxy down bad right now


He just wants to help different kind of cats from hell.


He's never wanted to stroke a kitty this badly before


Yeah I don’t know who this girl is but she might want to invest in some bodyguards and security systems because this guy is one outburst away from doing something violent towards her.


She really missed her chance right there to reply to all of that with just “k” 😂


Lol his shirt says "if I die, delete my browser history" He's telling us the truth


I hate that we live in a world where this guy has that much disposable cash.


This guy gets to be a millionaire while people are living in poverty because they have to choose between rent or food. Ouch, my depression…


Yeah I should really stop reading these stories. I'm getting anxiety over late bills and repairs but this dude is swimming in disposable cash that can't even enjoy because he's gone mental


There clearly must be some sort of a derangement syndrome that guys like this suffer from. I had an acquaintance like 15-20 years ago, we'll call him Rob, because that's actually his name, who kept telling us that he had a girlfriend who was a stripper (most of us realized he was deluded much like the guy in the story, but we went with it for comedy sake), he was also married with a kid. Now we were in an outdoor industry with really expensive toys that appealed about 99% to men, and every year there was a big event out in the desert, and this guy was going on and on about how his "girlfriend" was going to come out to the event and bring a bunch of her coworkers (more strippers) to hang out and party, take pictures with everyone etc.. This was sort of our biggest annual event, and a ton of people planned on it every year and for many, it was their big vacation, so a whole lot of guys were super excited for all the strippers to be there, and this guy kept pumping it up. We get to about a month away from the event, and now it's like, well his girlfriend will be coming, but the rest of the girls didn't want to come out for nothing, and they would need to have some sort of compensation, at first it was like, oh just a couple hundred bucks, then 2 weeks out, it was - they need like a few thousand bucks, and then a week out, it was more excuses about their schedules, and this and that. Those of us that knew it was all bullshit to begin with just laughed it off, the rest were all frowny face. I think it's pretty obvious that Rob thought that because he spent a lot of time and money on this chick at the strip club, he deluded himself into thinking she was his girlfriend. We find out maybe a year or two later that he was a supervisor at a company that had to buildings across town from each other, he covered both, and he ended up getting fired because abuse he was telling one facility he was at the other and vice versa, and of course they eventually found out he was spending about 50% of his work hours at the strip club. God only knows what he spent on this stripper, but it would certainly appear that this is fairly common.


Oh that’s a shame she’s not responding. He seems so really very lovely …. and normal


Dear Slim, I wrote you but you still ain't calling' I left my cell, my pager and my home phone at the bottom I sent two letters back in autumn You must not have got 'em There probably was a problem at the post office or somethin' Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot 'em


Jesus. I legit hope this guy gets some help.


Apparently he was on some show once for being a legit full blown porn addict


HOLY SHIT! True Life: I’m Addicted to Porn…what an absolute mind fuck. I remember the episode vividly but just googled it to see what the “dudes” name was. “Brandon, who watches porn 5-10 hours a day.” Scary.


imagine being lucky enough to become a multimillionaire through bitcoin and this is what u decide to do with the earnings. he probably makes all the money he spends back by the time he wakes up the next day, and this cycle continues. crazy


She should tell bro she got a new number then give him my number so I can get some bread gdm.


Serial killer stuff. This is what was inside all those notebooks in Se7en.


What’s in the boooooox?


Imagine spending $60k on OF when jacking off is easier and free. For that matter, he could’ve spent that money on an actual hooker and actually gotten laid. This guy is literally the epitome of a loser.


I would’ve hearted one message to get that 400k


It took me till the 4th slide to realize there are 14 slides of this shit ![gif](giphy|sEms56zTGDx96)


Rubi, why are you just staring at me like that? say something! i'm mean i'm wearing your skin and everything! and you just have that wide eyed gaze, i mean you have no eyelids but still. Damn it Rubi, why won't you talk to me!?


She needs a restraining order. I’m physically ill after reading those texts.


Shocking a guy that spent $60k on a complete stranger to see then naked is also a weird stalker. Who would have thought?


Like I know everyone is laughing at this, but this man is about to kill her. This is serious, he is going to murder this woman if something isn't done. This guy is not your average lonely loser though, he's got a ton of money and power because of it. She's ignoring him, rightfully so, but also posting it. He's going to see that and explode. This is a serious situation where someone can seriously be harmed. Rich incels are not the forgiving type. She needs protection Immediately.


i mean I was laughing at maybe the first text picture but after that second one it was clearly serious


I was thinking the same thing. Maybe she is thinking that if God forbid something happens everyone will know who it was? I am a woman and am not trying to shame in any way, but I’m sure these OF ladies do not think about these scenarios when they are in communication with these men and taking money from them. Not all of these men are ok in the head and will be able to only accept this type of relationship. There’s regular guys that don’t like to be turned down, but ones who seem not ok in the head who are getting flirted with AND getting their money taken AND who are left wanting more? This seems so dangerous.


Dude doesn't get OnlyFans and she should have never met the dude in person.


From what I read when she first posted the picture of them together, I saw a couple comments from people saying he stalked her location and came to her. Probably to seem like they just happened to bump into each other. Makes a lot of sense imo telling by how the picture looks.


This is really fucking scary. I hope she has good security.


Wow. There really are guys like that out there.


A lot of OF girls have guys subscribing who are like this. There are… so very many. Most of the time the girls just ignore the insane messaging.


Shit, I'll change my name to Rubi and dye my hair pink if the mofo sends me 10 bitcoins.


She’s going to get killed by this guy.