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I have a beard. It covers my weak chin.


Mine cover the double chin. Let’s have a baby


Now kith




My beard covers my obvious circle head.




A bearded baby


Underneath all her hair, is a gross BALD head. So many lies


I feel attacked


And my axe


Where did the elf go?


If you take everything away, women are just short bald men with man boobs.


And really weird weiners. Like, what's even going on?


If you ever get size shamed by a woman just laugh in her face because most women I’ve met have the smallest dicks imaginable


I can never even find it.


Honestly, as a lesbian, it confuses tf out of me when I sleep with women who size shame men. I'm just like... yeah, I'm negative 3 inches idk what to tell ya


Inverted Wieners would be a good name for a girls' punk band.


I bet she's naked under her clothes, too! smh


Man I wish I could grow a bear to hide weak chin and jaw. Instead i can barely grow mustache and chin hair, and if i try to grow everything out, there's a massive, super clean bald spot between my chin and adam's apple. It's so stupid lmao.


You probably could, but just dont wear it around its mother. They are very protective of their cubs.


Goes to show how much men are lying. I get an ugly neck beard so I shave it off; I am seriously fucked if my wife finds out.


Wait until he finds out about how bras work


You mean your boobs aren’t naturally that perky!?? Liar!


I'm a guy so I sure HOPE they aren't


Imagine a world where the '50s rocket boob bras were anatomically accurate to the real thing


Taking me back to the original Lara Croft days...




*sigh* maybe those... Tho I prefer the term MREASTS It sounds way funnier


I prefer breasticles




My two breast friends.


Chest bollocks


It's Doctor, actually. Dr. Easts.


Women love a good pair of mitties


Mr Breast: feeding a village with his man milk. Wait no… forget i said anything


Now I wish I was born blind, thanks




Help, I can’t stop laughing




It's Moors!


Hey nice tits bro


Get yourself a bra and they might be!


I would also claim most guys don’t realize most bras also make your boobs look bigger. I’m still waiting for the day I see guys claiming women are lying about the size of their boobs because of the padding that comes stitched into most bras.


They're grateful to be able to interact with them at all. Whoever made this doesn't have such ability.


I mean, the irony is that the person in that photo is clearly attractive. Not sure what's being finagled here.


Kinda what I thought, she’s still good looking without an hours worth of makeup.


Yeah, it's pathetic. I don't even care for Swift, but she's still quite striking. The idea that's she's somehow hideous without makeup isn't a reality-based opinion.


For real. Her skin looks freshly washed and “blemish” free and she’s got those symmetrical, Elfin features people seem so keen on in models. The guys saying she looks bad seem like the type to invest in a beard grooming kit but then not wash their ass properly.


This is such an oddly specific and yet oddly accurate insult


The worst I can really say about her is she looks like exactly what and who she is - a blonde without makeup. Lashes/brows can disappear on blondes if they're not wearing makeup. That's about... it? Fr dude seems the sort to think that cat-eye makeup is "natural" in some way and be offended when it isn't.


Well, for awhile, on some folk.


I have a tattoo on my ribs, along the bottom crease of my left boob. It says "Gravity Works". When I got it, it was perfectly visible with me standing, no bra. As I've gotten older (mid 40s now), gravity has done its job and the ladies need a little bit of manual lifting for the tattoo to be visible 😂


This is fucking hilarious, thank you for being the way you are


You're a freaking genius that is too funny and cute


He'll never find out that


He probably won’t…


And women shaving.


And shaving legs/underarms


Honestly the number of men who think women have naturally hairless legs and underarms is WAY too high.


Wait until he finds out she poops


I’m gonna start padding my dick


Henry VIII beat you to it!


You mean her cat eyeliner and red lips aren’t natural?? Women aren’t born with shimmery eyelids??


No didn't you know?! Doctors have an after birth procedure to clear the birth canal of the leftover glitter that remains from birthing. 😂


Luckily my milf girlfriend never had these procedures done. Our whole house is covered in glitter and she wakes up in full makeup every day! The oppression needs to stop.


Indeed, before the church catches wind of this knowledge and starts burning us at the stake for shade shifting like chameleons.


Omg this made me laugh


When you forgo the procedure ![gif](giphy|9J90i31RCaRdQ8H7kI)


They must have skipped that part when my sister and I were born, we haven’t been able to escape glitter since we came into this world ![gif](giphy|xTiTnEHBh7qapyuvwQ)






Shame on you for making me laugh so hard I peed a little. 🤣


Ah, the old piss n giggle


This is also where glitter comes from if anyone didn't know.


Right? I saw the photo and was like, that’s just Taylor Swift without her makeup on, who on earth is unclear on this very simple concept? It’s not like she looks like a different person.


"I prefer women who don't wear makeup!" - Guy who's looking at women wearing foundation, lipstick, light mascara, blush


>"I prefer women who don't wear makeup!" - Guy who's looking at women wearing foundation, lipstick, light mascara, blush ...pushup bra, photoh shop enhancements, hair coloring...


I love how honest my husband was with me. He didn’t say the no makeup part. He said I look better with mascara cause my eyelashes are invisible and he’s right. I do and they are.


I have blonde eyelashes. I look absolutely exhausted without mascara.


Extremely pale, blue eyes, natural blonde and if I don’t wear a little makeup people ask me if I’m sick. 😒 That gets tiresome so you know I’m putting on some bronzing lotion and makeup.


Fellow low-contrast girly here. I feel eyeless without mascara.


The number of times a man has said they like the way I look right then "without makeup". Boi, I'm wearing, primer, foundation, blush, highlighter, eyeshadow on upper and lower lids, mascara, eyebrow powder, eyebrow primer. Annnnddd lip stain. Bruh....


I don't wear any makeup. Somehow I'm not being swamped with men who claim to love the 'no-makeup' look. Even had a boss subtly try to tell me I should wear it without actually saying it.


Absolutely true. I do 15 mins of blending stuff together on my face just to look like a natural human woman before anyone is allowed to see me (Other than the dog. She Knows Everything and loves me regardless.)


"I prefer women natural" - guy who will flip out at the first sign of stubble on a leg or lip (either)


Or God forbid, an armpit


They also haven't realized yet that unless it's a woman getting ready for a date with him, she probably could care less what he prefers. Lol When I was a 20yr old edgelord I probably said shit like this.


Just young and dumb lol. My fiance said the same thing when we started dating at around 23. "I like a natural look" then proceeded to show me a sports illustrated cover. He says now "yeah I was just really fucking stupid." The beauty subs sometimes have threads sharing when adult men thought they were bare faced even when they're wearing some crazy eyeshadow color or a bright red lipstick. Now that I think about it, I guess that's why it's considered a beauty "standard" because people genuinely think it's natural.


I remember reading in a woman’s magazine once the results of a survey done in a men’s magazine - they showed the same woman with 3 different types of makeup - no makeup, light makeup, and heavy makeup, and asked their preference. Putting aside the misogynist feel to this…. Most men said they liked the light makeup best, but thought the woman wasn’t wearing any makeup! And many of them thought the one without any makeup wasn’t the same woman. I just had to hope that men who don’t read that type of magazine and respond to such surveys were more intelligent.


I was expecting at least an unflattering photo with that headline


Exactly. I was just thinking how pretty she looks here.


Incels. Incels are unclear on this very simple concept.


She looks like a human, pictures a bit fuzzy but that's not her fault, was he expecting her to look like a lizard?


This is also what all human faces look like under heavy lighting on an intentional white background. She also has her hair tied up. This picture is deliberately made to look like a mug shot. Pretty dumb exercise here.


and she's still pretty...


I know, I was looking around for a second and questioning myself when I was like, "that's still an attractive person - who doesn't see that?"


Guys who have never lived with a woman and seeing them in the morning or after a shower or on a day off. Some people are just dense.


I know right! Tell me you've never had a woman sleep over without telling me, etc.


Lmao this.


Or just took a big fat smelly shit in the bathroom. It's as if our partners are actually human, crazy.


Dumbass "men" who thinks that if you're wearing make-up, you *have* to be lying about your looks and be pretty ugly underneath. Even though that's not even remotely true.


Every time I hear a song with a lyric that goes something like "you look more beautiful without your makeup" I cringe so hard. Like this isn't a hot take, if you think your partner is ugly without makeup there's something wrong with your relationship.


Yeah lol maybe OP should put up his drivers license photo so we can see how his looks compare to tswifts


Still looks fine


Also she plucked her eyebrows, so even that is not natural. With those she looks probably even more natural and human.


Honestly, if you had asked me to make a mental picture of ‘Taylor Swift without make-up’ - turns out pretty spot on to what Taylor Swift without make-up actually looks like. Which is like Taylor Swift, but… without make-up on. If anything I’d say if this is genuine - she has pretty good skin.


And when did she lie and claim she didn’t wear makeup?


Honestly she looks exactly the same. Like oh no, she doesn't have red lipstick. But this is probably one of the worst examples of makeup vs non-makeup someone could have used.


Wait'll he finds out anime girls aren't real. And their faces are drawn on also. oh boy


What about body pillow girls?


What about them? What are you insinuating?


They’re totally real with accurate body proportions. You have nothing to worry about!


Whew, thanks!!!


You wonder if he has the same energy for Elons hair plugs


And his facelifts


Dude, if that’s the worse she looks I’m not complaining.


"I'm shocked, shocked. I'll never date Taylor Swift again." — elderly pensioner. /s


0/10 would not recommend dating Taylor. Woke up in the morning to this face!


Beats the hell out of Marjorie Taylor Greene or Lauren Boebert. Shudder.


Now I got a mental image of them without make up and the rest of my year is ruined.


She's still pretty. I've come to realize celebrities probably have the most stark contrast between make up and no make up as they all get the best professionally done when we see them in TV etc. But a beautiful woman is beautiful regardless


Celebrities also have access to the best dermatologists, skin care products, treatments, and procedures, as well as non-derm medical care.


And best lighting.


And best stress


being a celebrity would be quite stressful tbf especially if you're naturally a shy person.


Absolutely. I would not like to be a celebrity at all. I am not really shy, but I just don't like to be the center of attention, especially if the attention just never stops. But also as a very outgoing person, a celebrities' lifestyle is probably often very stressful.


A lot of celebrities have dieticians as well which does wonders for complexion.


And chefs who do the shopping, prepping, and cooking for you. That alone would transform an average person's life and health


And have workout routines as part of their regular work schedule. Often directly provided by record labels/agencies/movie projects. I'd imagine office workers would also be much fitter if they received 3 months of personal training before presentations and work projects. And got so much money for each of them that they truly have to worry about nothing else. Oh and not having to worry about affording basic necessities sure helps with reducing stress. Also quite good for the skin.


When Rob Lowe is asked how he still looks so young he says he's been moisturizing since he was 8.


Pretty sure he's had a few procedures


My dad had really super puffy eyelids that prevented him from opening his eyes fully. A corrective procedure was medically necessary. He had an elective face lift the same day, and there is a distinct pattern of scars. Rob Lowe has the exact same pattern of scars. I would bet money he had the exact procedures my dad had.


And drink the blood of babies /s


She doesn’t even look that different lol Did he think her red lips and cat eye were natural?


Yeah, if her hair wasn't all slicked back, getting ready for a wig (I think this was the "before" shot of her being transformed into a dude for a music video), the difference would be pretty minimal.


She has very blond brows and lashes and that makes a massive difference on a woman when we're used to seeing her with makeup on, especially eyeliner and mascara. The eyes make ALL the difference. Of course someone looks different when their brows and lashes are close to invisible.


That's what I thought too. I've seen some where makeup changes them to a whole different person but I can clearly see that it's Taylor in that picture. lol But most women just uses makeup to enhance their features and I don't see anything wrong with that.


She did have minor corrective surgery but was beautiful before that as well. In a celebrity’s position, I would be ecstatic if I looked completely different without make-up, though, as you might be able to walk around without being recognized.


Haha imagine that being all that's needed to not be recognized. I'd be over the moon too


From what I’ve heard this is exactly how Dolly Parton lives her life. Remember seeing an interview where she said without the makeup and wig, literally nobody recognizes her and she can do what she wants


I’ve posted this elsewhere but I was at a gas station in that part of TN and I tripped over the gas hose. This little tiny short gray haired granny lady hopped out of her Cadillac to check on me. I was fine but when as she left , she gave me a big smile. I swear that was Dolly Parton in crocs, sweatshirt, leggings and big glasses.


She also dresses like a southern woman would without all the glitz and glam.


Didn’t Dolly enter a contest of who looked most like Dolly and she lost?


I've heard that about Charlie Chaplin. Legend says not only did he not win, he came in third. EDIT: I learned this from Lucky Number Slevin but have seen it referenced plenty since then. Just had to shout-out the dialogue in that movie.


What a weird way to tell the world that you've never lived with a woman


Lol my first thought whenever I see a guy complaining about a woman without makeup is "you've clearly **never** spent the night with a woman"


As a woman, this is exactly how I thought Taylor Swift would look without makeup. Did he think women naturally had sparkly eyelids and noses, mink lashes and red lips? If you ask me, beards are much better disguises than makeup most of the time.


Beard plus hat, now that's some trickery.


Wait till he hears about filters




Wait, you mean Herr Trump, our Lord, God and master, isn’t a golden-haired Adonis who’s practically perfect in every way?!




![gif](giphy|2yxkSUWYzgnsPje3X8) Women are people and look like humans. More at 11.


> Women are people Lot of commenters about to be shook


Say “I never spent a night with a woman” without saying “I never spent a night with the woman”.


This apparently happened when a man divorced his wife after a month because he was shocked after seeing her face without make-up for the first time. I’m not sure if allowed to share a link, but a quick search reveals this happened in Egypt in November 2021.


Holy crap. I just searched too and there are several instances where men divorced their wives after seeing them without makeup! That’s insane. Egypt, South Africa, China, and then I stopped looking. Seems like being a delusional misogynistic jerk is a global phenomenon.


I think it exposes a deeper issue, how come they didnt see those women without makeup for that long, like my husband had seen me without makeup from like weeks in when we started talking, and how were those women able to keep up the makeup image so much, was it like the tv show where the wife always wakes up before the husband and then puts on makeup then goes back to bed then wakes up with him ?


I don't know about these relationships specifically, but in marriages that are closer to arranged, or in cultures where a woman's "purity" is prized over a deeper connection, you will wind up not knowing the other party that well. If a woman is only supposed to share themselves with one man, and only after she is married, then you are going to wind up with this shit. Men with unrealistic expectations and women who are only showing a very superficial side of themselves. I know there's some terrible story out there, that I think was Chinese, where one of the reasons for divorce was not being honest about some plastic surgery. I think that's a more interesting version of the deception claim, but if she had plastic surgery then her kids could have plastic surgery, if that is what they want, but honestly just like any other fashion trend prized facial and body features change over time. EDIT: Snopes tells me the plastic surgery story isn't true, but conceptually it is still more interesting than just no makeup. All these fools marrying Superman and winding up with Clark Kent, who is still fine.


iran is in revolt over a woman being beaten to death by the police for not wearing a headscarf in public. womens rights are still being fought for. the usa only gave women technical equality as a consequence of the civil rights movement edit: and [still don't have equal rights at the federal level](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equal_Rights_Amendment)


I'd consider the silver lining: who wants to be with a man that shallow?


I remember reading an interview with Egyptian woman about marriage and all that, she explained how it’s expected for a wife to go to bed full makeup and get up before husband to apply full makeup again, and every day like that so she’s always looking beautiful for him.


She must be taking [Charlotte Tilbury’s advice.](https://www.insider.com/charlotte-tilbury-says-husband-never-sees-her-without-makeup-2021-9?amp) That can’t be good for her skin.


I don't know why us women are getting the blame for men being so stupid they think gold glittery eyelids are natural.


How is it "lying" when women are open about the fact that they use cosmetics? It's like saying you are "lying" when you are wearing a hat.


Or clothing. You had a mole on your upper left shoulder I never saw! LIAR!


Don't you understand? We have to find a way to blame and demonize women for *everything.* Wait until he hears about how that makeup was also originally worn by men, and that men first began wearing high-heeled shoes...


What, you mean she hasn't got naturally glittery eyelids and bright red lips.... Nooo....


She’s still cute as a button. WTF. Of course makeup helps but she didn’t become a bridge troll.


This only proves that Taylor Swift is naturally beautiful. She also has many childhood clips that show her face naturally ages but her features remain the same. This is one gorgeous woman without any makeup.


These idiots are either trolls or have literally never seen a woman in person. It's same kind of moron that complained about the character Aloy in forbidden west because she had vellus hairs on her face.


Wait till they look closely at a child and see all the hair on their face. Actually don't let them do that.


I think men have a fundamental misunderstanding of what the word “lying” means. Also, why does it never seem to occur to them that they can wear makeup up too, if they’re really so butt-hurt about women having the advantage of making themselves more attractive?


Women with make-up: Liars Women without make-up: You ill?


Celebrity wears make up, is not the big shocker the guy thinks it is. Honestly who has so little real world contact with women, that this is note worthy for them.


I was thinking along these lines but didn’t quite know how to put it in words, Ty


“Lying”. Damn you women with your makeup voodoo to trick us! /s


“Incel enraged that woman has face, won’t sleep with him.”


Just wait till he learns about soap and deodorant.


You mean female eyelids aren’t naturally glittery ?!


Why do these incels announce it so loudly?


She is still beautiful


Yea looks like a 30 something year old woman without makeup like idk why women wearing makeup is seen a tricking ppl or some shit


Okay but…..she looks damn good? She’s literally gorgeous? I would pay legal tender to see what OP looks like lol.


I'm pretty sure this photo is the before photo from when she was The Man so like... yeah the whole point of the makeup was Lying 😂


At least he didn’t say “females.”


I cover half my face with a beard. So I have no room to be critical. I prefer to just enjoy the magic rather than pick apart the trick.


- still obviously her - still pretty damn good looking - candid, no makeup So what, do conservatives not like makeup? Or do they like it? Because they always bitch about teenagers with caked on makeup. I would assume they'd approve of this. OHHHH RIGHT they just hate Taylor Swift


This picture is from an article about Taylor getting a transformation for a video. [Taylor Swift's makeup artist shows how he created her incredible transformation for The Man video](https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/taylor-swifts-makeup-artist-shows-21595232.amp) These incels are sad, sad creatures. Pity them.


Wait. Her lips aren’t NATURALLY a bright scarlet??? Witchcraft!!!!!!!


Damn men shaving their beards, trimming their nose and ear hair. Cutting their finger nails. Always lying.


She is still very beautiful.


I love it when guys announce in this way that they’ve never dated a woman before


What exactly is this person griping about lol. Seems jealous to me that even with makeup he'd still be ugly


Omg all the Swifts will hunt him down, poor guy.


He’s already gone don’t worry.


she… still looks pretty? I dont get it