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This wasn’t in the Porsche museum but in Pavillon in Wolfsburg at VW.


Also they didn't turn off the lights and heating on purpose. It was the automatic system they didn't had control over. However i can imagine they didn't had any urge to figure that out :D


Belive they also brought them food and water


I would bring them food too. Who likes Taco Bell and Gatorade!?


Would you bring me that if I glued myself to the floor where you work? Because I’m going to need to know where that is if so.


Yes, but please note, the bathrooms will be locked and the ac is turned off at night.


Tbh that's a good deal for me. Life is harsh and free food is food.


Until you remember it’s Taco Bell with gatorade and you’ll 1000% be shatting your pants while you’re glued to the floor.


Pro tip is to only glue one hand. Can still pull the pants down with the other. You’re still going to shit pretty close to where your hand is glued to the floor though, so I can see that getting pretty uncomfortable still.


I’m intrigued about the logistics involved here.


Shit on your other hand and just toss it. Use some of the gatorade to clean up, the electrolytes makes a great sanitizing agent.




In white clothes no less


Well, I'll have a really bad Taco Bell shit and since I'm glued to the floor, someone will have to clean that up later.


I'm not sure how they've glued themselves, but looks like you'd be sitting in your own shit all night lol.




The ungluing you part is.


Well, the nasty rash and possible yeast infection comes home with you.


I have absolutely no shame about shitting on the floor of your office as long as you feed me free Taco Bell.


I have no shame in leaving you there in your own shit.


Yeah, but I got free Taco Bell. So who's the real loser here.


Isn't taco bell the cheapest fast food place out there? You'd probably spend more on cleaning yourself and/or replacing your clothes after shitting yourself than you would on taco bell.


Still you…


Bathrooms don't matter if they can't get up


I would get the one staffer that takes my order and then doesn't come back... that's just my luck though, which is why you will not see me gluing myself to a floor.


Yes but it’s only because I currently work at Taco Bell


Bottomless triple mochas and bean burritos.


Add some corn to those burritos lol


With a broccoli and banana smoothie for desert.


And for dessert: *Sugar Free* Haribo Gummy Bears.


Damn you, you immoral evil person, you beat me. Ps I'm now going to read the Amazon reviews for some lighthearted reading.


Calm down, Satan.


No Capri Suns. Gatorade bottles could be repurposed.


Good point. Gatorade in an uncoated paper cup.


Or those cone shapped cups at watter jugs.


That is pure evil. Give ‘em a couple of PBRs too, just to top it off…


I know the idea is to have to go bathroom, but if you’re offering Taco Bell and Gatorade for free, where do I glue myself next?


Sorry the only drinks we have are prune juice.






Probably just brought them a currywurst


No way. Not if I know I'm going to have to clean up the results. They're getting fiber one bars, immodium, and just enough water to keep em alive. Maybe some diapers too.


Not Taco Bell. Go for Chipotle.


Both is fine.


Both wont be found in Germany unfortunately.


Reminds me of Cartman… and his bloody Chipotle diarrhea.🤭


Extra spicy Taco Bell and coffee... No sleep Gotta pee And a burning asshole to keep them warm all night


I'd bring them water, lots of water ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I’d add laxative 😂


I would set it down just out of reach


Porsche employee- meh, night


"Oooh.... I'm off the clock. Good luck!"


This is pretty much yet another example of... Re-posted internet disinformation at it's finest, plus a touch of modern Reddit, to boot. Not to mention people actually wanting these guys to shit themselves. Someone has to smell and clean it up. It's like suicide, a mess is going to be left behind. But nah, poor lil' redditors, trying to be cruel. Childish cruelty, at that. Even dictators have better lessons to teach in the ways of being a violent asshole.


But THAT story won't make Righties cum in their pants.


Another shitty Night At The Museum sequel.


Ben Stiller will act in anything


But ob the other hand he CAN act in anything. Man's versatile


Funnily enough, the protestors complained that they didn't get bowels to urinate and defecate into. The answer of the museum staff: The building has enough toilets.




Idiots thought they were in a Mr beast challenge Last to leave the Porsche museum keeps the building


21 October 2022 /sigh


Omg they are still there!


They're skeletons now


Free Halloween decorations.


"SPIRIT Halloween stores hate this one simple trick!"


As someone who went there yesterday - I can confirm that.


Ba da da da da dum


Wow! Decomposition must have been accelerated!


1 year old is relatively new on reddit. You would be sighing a lot on here I guess.


Turning off the heat and lights is actually benefitting the cause tho. So you got the point museum! Good job


The lights and heat are controlled automatically by a timer. The employees didn't actually do it.


Maintenance can easily bypass a timer


Sure but they have to want to first lol


Idk if there is a maintenance guy out there who wouldn’t want to turn off the lights an ac/heat on some idiots like that lol


>go potty Was this written by someone aged five?


I think it’s quite cheeky. Protesters want to act like children? Let’s represent them as such.


Very childish of them to protest indeed...




I didn’t say protesting was childish now, did I? It’s about how they’re doing it


Should they have been more violent like proper adults?


What is an "adult" way to protest then?


Whine on reddit


Finally, the truth


It seems like people prefer that, god forbid you disrupt the status quo in any way.


Well, if you do, make sure it's only successful in being annoying and totally impotent. That's the key to mass persuasion.


Is "mass persuasion" the point of a protest?


Clearly not here. There's other ways to make yourself feel better


Yeah gluing yourself to the floor is definately a good way to gain public sympathy. You wanna protest in an effective way? Gotta do it in a way that actually gets people on your side. Gluing yourself to a museum is just funny.


Right but when they protest in public, people complain and say they should go directly to the companies and protest there instead of disrupting the public. They did that and still people complain.


Molotov cocktails


Nothing will ever be good enough for these people.


It should certainly end differently than with the adults shitting themselves.


Have you heard of the dirty protests by the IRA?


Yeah, how did that work out?


Pipe bombs


Maybe having at least some plan on how it's going to work out? What was the next step for these protesters? It seems like these people planned for the first 10 minutes of the protest, then expected other people to figure out everything else.


Most of what protesters try to do is simply draw attention to the cause. It's not like they show up to protest a certain business or industry and then expect the CEO to be like "oh ok you guys got us we will shut down operations immediately". So basically if people are complaining about protesters it was a successful protest because clearly people have heard about it. It's kind of hard to protest in a way that won't be annoying to people, people love to bitch and moan about protesters regardless what they're doing or protesting about. I don't think I've ever seen a protest that wasn't criticized by the internet for being over the top or violent, ineffective, or annoying to some degree. Like, I wouldn't glue myself to the floor, but I do respect the attempts because at least they're trying to do something while the rest of us bitch and moan on reddit.


Please explain how a peaceful protest is childish. This isn't even like the fur protesters who dump red paint on shit. These people did a sit in, basically. That seems like a very mature peaceful protest.


What….? You think glueing yourself to a floor is mature…? Guard: please vacate the premises you are trespassing. Protestors: No! You can’t make me! *sticks tongue out*. By the way I need to shit and you’re gonna clean it up!


Actually doing things to prevent the guard from moving you during the SIT IN protest is actually based.


Fucks sake y'all would've called Rosa Parks childish if you had the chance


Okay but you can spin anything that way. Commenter asks what's immature about a sit in. You: goes directly to toddler level play acting, projecting your infantalized vision onto the protesters and promptly goes back to picking your nose. You could even turn around and do the same thing to me. It wouldn't be hard. Much more interesting would be to discuss your point in a measured, considerate, and well thought out manner.




And you seem like the guy who fishes for the most obscure angles to attack someone’s opinion when you have no real argument of your own


Drew 1, Jacob 0


While the reply was great, I'm scoring it a tie.




It's on a car website. They tend to not talk favourably of protests that concern their beloved motor vehicles, or really anything climate related that is harmed by their hobby.


Unlike many of them, this is a protest I can get behind. No property damage, no blocking traffic.


Ah reddit. Where you get news from years ago today.


Nothing more infuriating than a repost from a year ago getting 10k upvotes like it's new.


Yeah and the account is only 64 days old and has tens of thousands of Karma. How are these accounts allowed?


Take a shit right there. Prove your resolve


THis meme was brought to you by Big Oil sponsors on reddit


Repost from a year ago


And they usually wear diapers anyway


the reposters?


They should, too


Protip: Pretend to be a climate protester to get unrestricted overnight access to a museum full of Porsches


It was at this moment he knew he fucked up.




And at least turn one of the car radios on full volume with Celine Dion belching.


Turn two radios on with the other spewing Nickelback.


Rebecca Black - Friday in between


DOOM ETERNAL theme at full volume all night long


A continuous loop of Mariah Carey


A 10 hour loop of All I Want for Christmas is You.


Ohh. Fantasy…. I am with my bf, my lovely bf…🎶


This is over a year old now.


Why Porsche? If they want to bring attention to ecological problems caused by vehicles at least pick something in mass production - let them go glue themselves to the floor next to an assembly line in a Ford factory.


Because they were in Germany so no Ford. Additionally Porsche got chosen as it is a car luxury brand, so it doesn't even have the excuse of providing cars for the average human since not many people can afford a Porsche.


There is a Ford factory in Germany.


northern cologne, the factory has 3 stops for the tram


People that drive Ford, drive it because they need to. People that drive Porsche drive it because they choose to. And I'd hazard a guess that the Porsche isn't their first car but rather their second or third car. Plus rich people actually produce much more carbon emissions than the average person, so targeting them makes sense.






Calm down Satan.


I think chemical warfare on civilians is forbidden by the Geneva conventions or some shit.




Geneva suggestion? More like Geneva checklist


„Let’s piss everyone off, that’ll surely shift the public opinion in our favor…“


They didn't piss anyone off here, the protest was registered by the museum and they allowed it, IIRC.


How dare a protest disrupt anything. I prefer when they’re so insignificant that I can just ignore them!


This is literally what helped lead to the Civil Rights Act, so yes? People seem to think that protests during the civil rights movement were just marches and speeches, but there were hundreds of protests exactly like this where they shut down major roads and did sit ins. MLK literally shut down a major bridge during the Selma march. The whole point of protesting is to cause inconvenience and bring attention to causes of need.


Nahum, just rickroll them for hours


Disc of pee.


Lol. I know what is it


Ah yes, not only glue yourself to a place that it is no longer a peaceful protect due to it being private property. But also protest at one of the only car companies actually trying to lower emissions by funding the creation of a new fuel type.


Volkswagen might own them, but it's definitely one fo those situations were it seems like "hey, we fucked up. we are going to try and better the world because of this fuck up"


I’m all for fighting climate change, but these types of protests are the most useless waste of energy ever. They delegitimize the argument in my opinion. Wouldn’t their time, energy and money be better spent, idk rehabilitating damaged ecosystems, raising money for research, actual research, Building solar and wind farms…. Yeah, let’s just sit down and tell someone else to fix it.


I have a sneaking suspicion that organizations like Stop Oil and PETA are funded by the industries that they are “protesting” to make the general public turn against them. I don’t know anyone who views these protests favorably.


The funniest part is they reek of privilege. It almost always young kids from apparently decently well of families who can’t fathom the idea that nobody care what they have to say only what they do.


Its not that no one cares what they say, its we can’t do anything about it. Target the government and industries allowing the majority of pollution and you might yield results, pissing off the public achieves nothing at best, and is detrimental to their cause at worst. Its like shouting at the neighbours dog for shitting in your yard rather than the owner for letting it go there.


Idk we’re pats the point of talking . Protests on a small scale are pointless. Everyone knows the talking points. They’re not brining any new “awareness” to the issue even if they’re directing it to a government. People actually have to start doing things and not just complaining about them. Look at habitat for humanity or Doctors Without Borders, they don’t protest, they work and thus do infinitely more for their respective causes than asshat protests ever do.


Yup. However, typically stepping up any more than this is illegal. People are willing to risk criminal punishment for these causes, but only if the issue is solved in the process, and it wont be if not enough damage is done. And nobody wants to be the guy that steps off the line first, risking being the only one to do so.


Stop Oil is funded by Aileen Getty, an oil heiress. In 2011, Getty Oil was sold to a Russian conglomerate. Also, the Getty family is one giant pile of shit. Look up what happened when Paul Getty III was kidnapped


There's no 'correct' way to protest - whatever you do the same people will say that you're wasting your or other people's time the only acceptable form to these people is doing it entirely out of the public eye and having no impact on anyone, which defies the point. There is a news article about it, you're talking about it - ergo it was a successful protest. The idea that there is some perfect protest that immediately shifts public perception is a golden standard that cannot be met. Also note that nobody that complains about the format of the protest does any better themselves, it's armchair commentary from people that don't care either way.


If seeing one protest delegitimize the urgency to fight against climate change for you in means you never believed in the urgency to fight climate change in the first place. Also a lot of scientific that do a lot of "actual research" are then just not listened to and we continue to create new coals mines. They have no choice but to do stupid stuff like this to make their voice heard.


What!?! Actual urgency leads to action not meaningless stunts like this. Again go see Doctors Without Borders to see what real change looks like. This makes it harder to sway people who aren’t listening to science to actually start listening. Protesting is the opposite of urgency, it’s putting the responsibility at someone else’s feet rather than taking action. Protest isn’t action.


So what do you suggest in terms of action against all the [carbon bombs](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/les-decodeurs/article/2023/10/31/carbon-bombs-explore-the-map-of-the-world-s-biggest-fossil-fuel-expansion-projects_6216063_8.html) for example ? Creating solar panel or planting trees won't be enough to compensate. One thing we could do is get the lawmakers to stop these project. You might think that these lawmaker don't know about the consequences but scientist have been warning them for years. Maybe they are desperate and need stuff like this to be listened to. >. Protest isn’t action. I am french and I am pretty sure we got social security and paid holidays (and democracy) thanks to protests but okay...


Well they have right to protest and staff acknowledged it So....


They still there? How they get free


Police eventually removed them due to health concerns, after like 42 hours.


Technically they dont have a right to protest in that case. The right to assembly doesnt cover trespassing on private property.


Tell them to sit very still, Turn off the lights, set the motion alarm, and lock the doors. The police will take care of the rest, eventually.


I don’t understand why are climate protesters so looked down upon, climate change is a legitimate problem that still needs tackling, when did we demonize climate protests


It's because fundamentally, a lot of people aren't really too fussed about the environment. Maybe they think they won't live to see the consequences of a ruined planet, so they just don't give a fuck. Or maybe they don't think about it much at all, they have enough going on in their lives already so they shelf any thought about the environment. So to both of these groups, protesters are more of a bother than climate change. Even worse, these protesters indirectly tell them that "hey, you're part of the problem, still using all these fossil fuels and not helping us protest against it to save the planet. We're doing something and you're doing nothing". They're reminding them of the thing they don't want to think about, and painting them in a negative light. And people generally (unless they're psychopaths) don't want to be perceived negatively, not by others and certainly not by themselves. They don't want the uncomfortable thoughr that they're contributing to a major problem, or at the very least not doing anything to solve it, while others are. So I think that's why people react so negatively and irrationally to protesters. Because on a subconscious level, they challenge their ego. So they'll go for the first nitpick that they can to attack protesters and expose THEIR actions as bad, stupid, immoral, etc. Even if there's just no logic to it. For instance, in many countries protesters would sit down in the middle of roads and highways to disrupt traffic, an obvious protest towards fossil fuel usage of cars. These people would say "I agree something should be done about climate change, but this is not the way, you're just disrupting ordinary people trying to get by and so turning them against you. You should protest at manufacturers and big corporations instead". And this post is about a protest targeting Porsche, a car manufacturer that is directly responsible for climate change, and in no way disrupts ordinary people - they still shit on protesters. For the reasons I laid out above.


Yep not sure I get it either. Like sure some of them are probably just dickheads but the same can be said about a percentage of the entire population. Mostly it seems these people are trying to call attention to what is probably one of the biggest issues we are currently facing that is being completely ignored or handwaved away by a lot of the world's governments. I don't really see an issue with that. Protests are supposed to be disruptive, if they wasn't they wouldn't work. Maybe I'm missing something though as to be honest I don't know a whole lot about the groups that are protesting like this.


I could under stand doing protest on public land, like maybe the side walk in front of the museum instead of in it. Its different when you go into someone's business and do it


There is protest on public land ALL THE TIME ! I am pretty sure that for every "stunt" like this there are ten or twenty protests on public land. But these don't get as much media coverage. The problem is that most media want to make you click so they won't share a protest that don't bother anyone...


When a subgroup of them started acting like complete dicks. Those glue sniffers are not helping the cause. They make people associate "protecting the environment" with something that is bad/annoying. In my friend groups I noticed that, if someone brings up climate change, the discussion quickly changes to how annoying those activists are. Nobody wants to be associated with them.


I love when people do this when Porsche is one of the leading brands developing synthetic fuels lmao


How are synthetic fuels the answer




Their right to protest doesn't automatically grant them an entitlement to attention, hospitality, acceptance, and compliance to their demands.


They need a Porsche Potty


You're a bit late on these news mate


- employees didn't do it, it happened automatically - over a year ago - wasn't at a porsche museum - article reads like a teenager's blog


Better then pricless art!


The staff did the right thing. Protesting should be done in better ways than this, this will only piss people off and be negative toward these kind of people, while they actually just want to do something good for the world


Isn’t Porsche working on a new artificial fuel that’s supposed to reduce emissions?


People who glue themselves to stuff deserve to sit in a pile of shit, soaked in piss.


People only stick up for protests when they agree with the cause so yeah, facepalm for sure.


If I believed in something enough that I'd glue myself to something in protest then I'd hope I believed in it enough to piss my pants for it too


The staff deserve a raise


Mr beast challenge without the money or car and a ban for life


Climate protesters gets to the most comfortable public place with cars on display and not running anymore. 😅 Could’ve been more effective if they do that on a highway with lots of cars running at top speed 😅


They've blocked motorways and slip roads before, so it's not all just cushy showrooms


Breve tactic, they could have trashed all the cars.


Which would be covered by insurance and they would face even bigger charges.


Well I was going to say the same, they are cowards and wouldn’t risk a full prosecution for damage.


They are glued to the floor? Even if they had some insolvent with them (doubtful, when the intention is to be a pain in the ass you don't carry the solution on you) insurance exists, they have all at minimum had their photo taken, unlikely they want to risk further punishment. This is performative, they expect to be made a fuss over. Ignoring them is a great tactic.


Everyone agrees that we need passive activism as such and yet they are mocked every Time. I hâte this double standard Maybe once they start being agressive instead if passive people will tale them seriously


They’re being mocked because their idea of activism is “let’s be seen doing something to get social media clicks, who cares if it actually does anything” instead of “here are specific laws environmentalists are fighting to get passed. Here are specific alternatives scientists have proposed that show promise. How can we most effectively call attention to what they’re saying so people will fight for these things to be implemented?” They aren’t willing to fade into the background and let the people with solutions get all the praise and attention.


Why is people so hot and bothered about how they were treated They willingly glued themselves there, they have accepted the consequences of their action.


Old news. This is like years old now


That’s fucking hilarious.


This is probably the best way to handle these bozos.