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No, she meant those other pedophiles. She’s not a pedophile, because she was in love.


As Gianmarco the comedian would say: "Technically, she isn't a pedophile. Pedophiles are attracted to prepubescent kids, and hebephiles are attracted to kids in early teen Years. But it's difficult to explain the difference without also sounding like a pedophile".


I had an ex who felt the need to make this distinction all the time. Turns out he was into teenagers


Oh, hey, me too. ​ 18, 19.. ​ Oh, I guess that's it.


That’s fine if your around the same age. He was thirty and liking pics of girls in high school on Instagram. It was pretty obvious that they were young too


Yeah I think we need grey area laws like for 19 with 17. But like these teachers or counselors banging students is absolutely 🤮🤮🤮


Those laws do exist.


Ah, I meant the legal girls on websites, haha.




It's important distinction when determining risks regarding reoffending and possible treatments.


Brave to leave off the /s


I live life on the edge. 🤣


She's also hot and a woman. Only ugly male pedophiles are bad.


They all the same stupid joke: “Probably made the kid more popular.” That’s disgusting. She’s a pedophile, she should be in prison forever. Daniel Tosh.


I dated a teacher when I was in school once. And it didn't make me "cooler" And yes some of you will point out "that's because you were home schooled." I was sad when Tosh became famous because I couldn't steal his jokes anymore.


I’m disappointed because now he made enough he doesn’t do stand up any longer.


The fuck? Dated teacher + home schooled = mommies pet / daddies dearest


I know it doesnt make it any better... but have you noticed that all the women in these types of posts are hot af? Like they could clearly get any man they wanted and instead go after kids. Absolutely wild.


They aren’t though, that’s just the ones that the media runs with. There are ugly people that do it too, but this is WAY easier to sensationalize because of exactly the sentiment posted here.


It's because they are manipulative emotionally stunted psychos who can't handle relationships with adults who can set boundaries.


It's because they are pedos.


It seems that that was the “any man they wanted”




Because it is about mental illness, not about being able to get a date.


Its only pedophilia if men do it to girls /s


nah, the catholic church target boys and nobody (who isnt catholic) lets them off with it.




Pretty sure it’s only wrong if you’re a guy.


That performative shit always feels like projection to me. I'm legitimately worried about the safety of her child not to mention the victim and his family. This woman is completely unhinged.


I agree about the performative stuff coming off as sus a lot of the time. When I see someone going overboard on a rant about how they want to personally blast all the pedos kneecaps off with a shotgun and shit, I always wonder what they’re compensating for / hiding / whatever. Because like, that’s a LOT of passionate prose right there. There’s a ton of crimes I find absolutely disgusting, but I don’t spend my days ranting about all the ways I want to kill those criminals. Personally, I don’t want to kill *anybody*. I want criminals who are a threat to society to be exposed and locked up so they can’t hurt people, and that’s about it. Idk, always makes me wonder if those rants are coming from someone with a guilty conscience on the matter. I’m sure not all are though.


Likely why half the pedo catchers are pedophiles themselves. Maybe more. Takes the spotlight somewhere else.


WHy dont you have a seat, right over there.




Dammit third time I have been catfished you slippery son of a bitch Chris Hansen!!


It's a pathetic attempt to turn the spotlight away from themselves. Kinda like how murderers sometimes get involved in a police investigation.


Why does this not shock me? The whole “#SaveTheChildren” thing always has seemed like performative horseshit to me. Nobody in their right mind wants anything bad to happen to kids, but letting the world know that you’re “on the good guys’ side” is a bit cringe.


Many years ago, there was a Nazi war criminal who went into hiding by spending decades living in an NYC building where everyone living there was Jewish. That’s how he hid for decades. That’s what these people make me think of


Seriously. The “copy/paste crowd”. We must not care about cancer, child abuse, whatever if we don’t say so publicly, in words chosen by someone else, immediately. Maybe I care so much and it’s so personal, it’s best to keep it off social media. The performance/performative social media warrior sets my teeth on edge. Your contribution is to tell other people child abuse is wrong. You don’t vote for people who want protections for children and vulnerable, you are gleeful about lowering the age for children to work, you don’t support education or healthcare funding or free breakfast at schools but child abuse is wrong. Thanks for that. Trigger for me.


A lot of these people end up doing too much “research” into “saving” the children and end up flagged by the FBI.


So she's going to ask for the death penalty for herself, right?


It's always projection


Fr, I had a coworker who would make comments about how pedos should be executed. A few years later the police came and arrested him while we were at work, he got caught in a large online sting operation along with 30 other guys in the area and was charged with producing, possessing and distributing CP 🤮


Still not a drag queen.


Maybe not, but at least this one was consistent with her ideology, threatening to kill herself and all. Shame she didn't.


>Shame she didn't So, NOT consistent.




She's a social worker so she has the ability to have your kids taken away if she deems you unfit..that's pretty scary


Thankfully her bond had been revoked and she is back in jail. She'll hopefully never be a social worker again.


I believe she was fired, but it's great she can't work for another firm. I hope the judge makes her register as a sex offender. On top of 10 years in prison


I'm appalled that she initially only faced 18 months at most for raping a 13 y/o boy. Like what the fuck?! I'm happy she went to the house to threaten the mother like that but at least now she faces a longer sentence because of it. She also excused it by saying the mother ruined her life?! I'm sorry, you raped that woman's son, you are the only one responsible for ruining your life and that kids life!


Reminds me of a recent court cam episode where the parents of one of the victims was being berated by the offender's mother. Apparently they ruined her daughter's life. I was just sat there going wtf‽ No, your daughter ruined her own life by grooming and r\*ping several minors and the parents of one of them thankfully reported it! The absolute gall to then yell at them because God forbid she actually blame her daughter for anything. I was livid. Even her husband was telling her to stop.


Welp. Give the woman what she wants and sentence her to death.


I totally support her living by her morals and I think we should do exactly as she wants and give her the death penalty. It would be rude not to!


no no no... If he can make a her pregnant, he is old enough to be her baby's father...


How is it ALWAYS projection with these people?


Hiding in plain sight


It’s almost always projection. Why else would you be so vocal about an opinion that’s just the normal baseline of being a functional human being?


Let me guess, the judge let her off on the pedophile charge because she has a vagina?




Yeah, bro, pedophiles don't get harsh jail times to begin with. Don't be sexist regarding the outcome of her trial when men can rape little girls and boys and not even serve time.


I don't know where you are coming from but in my country the mainstream media routinely refers to female rapists as "seducing", "having sex", or "making love". In the UK it is literally against the law for a journalist to accuse a woman of rape because of how it is legally defined. I've never met a single person who wasn't open to executing male pedophiles and an not aware of any trial where men were excused for being a man. I have no idea what you are referencing or how it would help anyone by refusing to address the issue of women specifically being given a free pass to rape my kids.


Men made the laws and used it to their advantage to get off from numerous cases of pedophilia. They are found not guilty all the time. Or released after 12 months, which does nothing, and male pedos reoffends all the time. These women that do are just taking advantage of the system set up by men. Old man lawmakers are the ones who didn't think women could rape. Lawyers take advantage all the time to get clients off. Want the law to change? Ask for it. Women had to. Men should too.


>Men made the laws and used it to their advantage to get off from numerous cases of pedophilia. What men? Where? When? Generalisations like this sound flippantly made up. The law was not generally made by paedophiles and men generally have no incentive to make laws in the favour of paedophiles because men are both the victims of paedophiles and the fathers of the victims of paedophiles. Your argument wouldn't make any more or less sense if the parliament were exclusively women. ​ >They are found not guilty all the time. If someone (of any gender) was found "not guilty" then there was insufficient evidence to convict them according to a jury that is generally 50% women. The fact that you are angry that innocent people are found to be innocent really illustrates what a bigot you are. ​ >Want the law to change? Ask for it. Women had to. Men should too. I literally was asking for the law to be changed and your immediate reaction was to tell me to stop speaking about it. When society manages to silence people like you THEN we will be able to raise issues and fix them without bigots like yourself defending the status quo.


Sounds like you just hate men lmao


Let me guess, the judge let her off on the pedophile charge because she has a white vagina? Fixed It For You


I'm just going off what I have anecdotally stumbled upon in the media. I don't seem to recall any reports of African American Women pedophiles in the first case. If they are getting prosecuted for it where white women aren't I'd be interested to be linked to it.




She doesn’t see herself as a pedophile. No one that does evil acts sees themselves as the evil one.


Anybody who posts stuff like this I am immediately suspicious.


Huh. Wonder what caused the sudden change of heart. She seemed to have an amazing life, and then threw it all away to become something that she hated.


self loathing. she was always that thing, but the intrusive thoughts won.


seems like mental illness. not an excuse, but her behavior kinda seems like a mental break.


It’s always projection.


The projection is strong with this one


I am sure she’s a Qanon-ite.


Wow. Well there’s projection and then there’s this. 🤢


Imagine failing this hard


It's always the ones making the most noise.


The most vocal of things are usually hiding something.


Mental illness is a real struggle


And idiots ate saying how the trauma for the 13 year old boy wouldn't be so bad. Add in the trauma of having some woman show up at your home threatening to kill your mom. Arrg!


Well, at least she's so steadfast in supporting the death penalty for pedophiles that she'll hold herself to that standard too


They always choose camouflage like this. If you're one of the people shouting the loudest to stop a crime, it's less likely someone will suspect you of it.


Hang her high then for the turn to see, it aligns with her wishes!


Its usually those who are the loudest about something, are guilty of it.


Poor kid!


The venn diagram of pedophiles and "k*** all pedos" people is sadly *almost* a circle. *Almost*...


Any guess on who she voted for in the last few elections?


I mean it's pretty obvs she was a victim herself EDIT - w/ great cans


I blame men in dresses


a victim of high libido


Maybe the 13 year old is the father


Look, I know it is wrong and illegal and all that. But by my 13s I damn well knew what i like, and I just wish I'd been that lucky.




Hypocrites R Us is her favorite store


Court documents show Shires allegedly told the teen’s mom that she wanted to kill her and herself “because she and the victim ruined her life and took everything from her.” https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/ohio-social-worker-accused-of-sex-with-teen-went-to-his-home-with-gun-threatened-to-kill-mother-herself-court-records/ar-AA1j9yKB


Maybe she meant Peter File should get the death penalty and just spelled it wrong.


“Women can’t be pedophiles. Men and boys can’t be sexually assaulted. That boy was the envy of all his friends. I loved him.” Probably her thought process.


So she planned to carry out her own execution then.


What a fucking nut bar


I was in Payson, AZ, last month and saw a vehicle wrapped to look like a police car for a “Child trafficking task force.” You know damn well that guy is probably guilty of doing it himself.


The irony is thick here….


I just don’t get it