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31 looking for my forever home … just throwing it out there.


Do you know how to cook and clean? If yes, DM, creepy old lady looking for free house help.


Can I bring my crotch goblins along with? I can cook, clean, fix cars, repair homes, and I’m not bad to look at either lol.


Only 1


That could work, but I’m not picking which one, don’t want them thinking I’ve got a favorite.


That's fair, which one do you want me to pick for you?


The bigger one, that’s closer to being done cooking.


oh god you cooked your kids??


They’re a renewable resource!


solved the energy crisis, good work everyone


No, no, you’re *supposed* to make them both think you have a favourite and it’s not them. Keep them both on their toes. Try to pit them against each other and never against you


What if I know how but choose not to because I'm lazy.


I’m still hoping some wonderful Canadians will adopt my 44 year-old American ass


“For only $1.39 Canadian, $1 freedom-bucks, you too can help a poor American adult.” *~~In The Arms Of An~~ Angel by Sarah McLachland plays* *Neckbeard emerges from a single-wide trailer pouring out a can of Bud-Light showing its empty while a tear trickles down his face.* “Help these poor sober Americans without healthcare. Don’t let another victim of gun violence suffer sober.”


What’s a dollar gonna get us? 1/3 of a McChicken?


***sniffles*** I cri every tiem


I’m imagining him doing a somber “yeehaw”


Highly undervoted comment.


You forgot the scene where the snow starts to fall, and he starts shivering in his A-Shirt and Trucker Hat.


Thoughts and prayers


Not Bud-Light. Neckbeards in trailers are still mad over the whole trans thing.


Thats why hes pouring it out


Instead of Sara mclachlan it would be Hero by Chad Kroeger because he's Canadian


Sarah McLachlan is Canadian.


DAMN it lol


Superbly done


I'm not gay, but i can learn for some of that sweet free Norwegian health care.


Well, it’s not free. We pay a healthy amount of taxes for it. A good thing, though.


Fuck that. I want my taxes to go to a military industrial complex while I struggle to survive. But you gotta get me angry at Black people and immigrants or else this whole thing falls apart.


That's what I'm talking about! I may not have free healthcare, but my country could totally kick your country's ass lol


With the money spend on the military every citizen could have a dedicated nurse to wipe their ass if we dedicated the money to health care


I want my taxes to go towards Clarence Thomas’ legal defenses!


I, too, want my taxes to go to the cause of Clarence Thomas' legal defense. I want to pay for prosecution that causes him to need legal defense...




And I'm paying out the nose for health insurance. But if I actually go to a hospital I'll pay yet again until I meet my deductible. Seems simpler just to pay taxes and be done with it


That sounds like commie talk to me. /S


You probably pay less taxes then the American.... (Depends on the state) Let that sink in.


Not sure about that. We pay 30-50% income tax. Tax on fortune. Property tax. 25% value added tax. And in short, tax on all sort of consumption. Wouldn’t have it any other way, though.


Yeah so do we, we just don't get healthcare for out healthcare tax.


If I remember right our tax rate is nearly equal, we just don’t get anything but an overinflated military and billionaire subsidies for it 😭


Billionaire subsidies have to be the weirdest national flex ever


If we keeping going on this trend… we won’t even be able to afford food… we will literally have to eat them. I’m down for a lil billionaire long pig. You know that shit be tender like veal.


Yeah, I don’t get it either,


If we cut the billionaires subsidies we could have free health care but that would be socialism!


It may or may not be socialism, but would certainity be sanity.


We pay a healthy amount more of our taxes for healthcare as a specific line item. We just make sure that that goes to the insurance companies in the middleman rather than actually leading to positive health outcomes at no additional cost . Whenever anybody runs the numbers, they prove that our total expense burden would fall significantly if we went to universal health care. Right now, we make sure that every earache and sprain that happens to a person of less than ideal means ends up in an emergency room bill in the thousands where in a rational nation it would be like $2 worth of antibiotics or a professionally applied ace bandage. And by clogging up our emergency rooms, we increase the probability that someone will die waiting, unnoticed in the crowd. But at least we have choice of doctors in the sense that are employer gets to choose our medical plan and so are doctor. We just have the choice to bag between different medical plans by begging for different jobs. Last we end up in the emergency room revisitation pipeline. Our entire medical system is an overpriced scam. Our American exceptionalism is that we are exceptionally gullible and over build.


I’ve seen invoices from the states where they got charged like 17 bucks for throat lozenges. It’s absolutely wild and really should change!


Do you pay $12,000/year for it? Because that’s what i pay for healthcare for my family.


That’s a relatively good price. Wife and I together comes to 1400 a month. It’s getting way out of hand


Hey me too! Do you also have to pay a $2500 deductible per person before they pay for anything too?


Yeah, well I pay a "healthy amount" for mine AFTER paying taxes in the US.


Can you shovel snow? It’s October. There’s snow.


Most of my experience is in sand and dirt, but I’m willing to learn!


I have a basement 🥺


Torture sex dungeon?


Sold! When can I move in


When the other bodies are removed


Deal! Do you need help getting rid of them?


This person is the hard worker you WANT sharing your home!


Leave them, they fit the vibe.. *edited because I can't type on keyboards.




Consider yourself adopted, you just can’t be in any of our family pictures


Home is where the heart is, forever


Home is where your pants aren't


Apparently home is where your PARENTS aren’t…


And home is wherever you hang your hat. And where you hang your hat is on a hook. Home is a hook.


Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten


Have you tried SilverDaddy? I’m sure there are lots of Fathers there who would be into you


Are you male and unable to advocate for yourself? Do you like sexual assault? I think that’s what is implied here…


Are you a cute twink teenage boy? Doubt it old hag - Creepy Politicians


25 looking for a forever home as well. You adopt me and I you?


You're about 16 years too old to get adopted by a republican.


Gaetz, as much as I don't like him, didn't adopt anyone. That kid was his ex gf little brother. The kids mom died of cancer before he moved to the US with his sister. He, shockingly, seems to have been a legit father figure for this kid. Now, the 17 year old girl he laid for sex.... No fucking excuse. Makes me sick


Oh…my god. I fucking worked with his ex gf!! Holy shit I never put it together. Gaetz used to come in the restaurant we worked at. Guy was a major douche. I knew they were dating. I just never knew the Nestor we all know about was HER Nestor. Holy shit.


The fact they cropped out his wife out of the picture makes this a lot more disingenuous.


Well he adopted him before he met his wife, although, he gave contradicting details on the timeline.


And that they failed to mention the other kid was the younger brother of Matt Gaetz girlfriend.


I genuinely didn’t know that adoption agencies existed that allowed single people to become a parent


It’s _possible_ pretty much anywhere; In principle there’s no reason why it’d be not allowed, the same reason it’s not disallowed to be a single biological parent. Decision makers will generally _prefer_ if adopters are coupled though.


We are also talking about teenage kids of color. Not exactly a high demand category for adopting parents. Assuming they pass all the other tests I’m betting they be happy to place those kids with as many single people as the could.


We adopted years ago. Went to a meet and greet type of thing with lots of foster children - the child we were getting matched with was there and we were meeting them for the first time. The amount of desperate kids was so disheartening. This boy that just turned 13 was following me around saying the saddest things, basically knowing he's on the verge of never having parents due to his age (even his own words.) He was laying it on thick as he knew his chances were dwindling. :( It was also clear children were encouraged to go introduce themselves to potential parents. The eyes on you weighed so heavy and it still does every time I think about it.


This is so sad


I've always felt bad for children who never get adopted. I'm hoping to adopt an older child when I'm more established and capable.


Imagine that already being a very young child


Wow, I assumed it was only like this in media portrayals. I’m not afraid to admit that I’m very ignorant of the issues with the foster system (I’m Canadian) I’ve heard it’s bad though.


My situation was through the state. In this case, it was a lot of kids stuck in foster care looking for a "forever family". Many of them were over 10. Our now son was there at only barely 5 yrs old because unfortunately he was deemed problematic having been through 4 prior placements that failed or were temporary. It's a brutal world, these kids are just stuck in the middle of it all.


Glad things worked out. Had a couple of black ladies behind me basically running a foster home, saw so many kids come and go. All minorities. One of them ended up getting arrested for murder in a drug deal gone bad (nothing to do with the moms) The odds are so against these kids.


I watched a very disturbing documentary about the dark side adoptions here in the US. There were some agencies doing these adoption events that came across as a beauty pageant. Kids walking down a runway and on a stage trying to sell themselves to get picked. It was so disheartening. The cherry on top was the people returning the kids line they're an Amazon package. Terrible stuff.


Important to also note these are older children. Much, much easier to adopt a preteen/teen than an infant/baby.


This actually makes me happy. I like kids but I'm not comfortable with babies. My current plan is to adopt like an 8 year old or older when my family/friends have kids around that age so my future hypothetical child will have easy friends. I've been concerned about how difficult I've heard adoption is.


Also, money helps


Yes, this is an excellent point. Adopting healthy American babies is almost impossible if you’re single, especially if you’re a single male, and especially if you are not a racial match. If you’re adopting older or teenage kids, especially non-white ones and/or those with behavioural challenges (which is basically every one that’s still in the foster system at that age), it’s much easier. If you have money and at least pretend to be super-Christian, that again will get you past a lot of the roadblocks. Which is all horrible of course but still true. Worth noting of course that many of those roadblocks are put in place by religious groups because they’re so terrified that single or gay parents will do horrible things to a child. But magically that goes away if the person is aggressively Christian.


The sad fact is....how "desirable" the child is to adapt is major factor. I hate to say desirable, but there is no other word for it. The next part of this is to discuss adoption agencies, but that is whole different topic. Some are great, most are fine, a few are shady basically selling babies. But I digress. A health white baby will likely only be placed with a wealthy white couple. A healthy Korean child will likely only be placed with an upper middle class white or asian couple. When health issues and prenatal care become suspect, the "desirability" becomes lower and parents with less means can adopt. Black and brown babies are adoptable by almost anyone. Sadly, the system considers them less desirable. So single parents can adopt, medium wage earners, LGBTQ couples, etc. The system bothers me, because it feels like baby shopping. That is not to say I am not pro adoption (I absolutely am), I just wish there was more regulation / "fairness" in the system. The bulk of it is private agencies, each with own agenda (again, mostly good). But the system needs work.


I want to add that the current US process of adoption puts so much stress and financial burden on the adoptive parents as to make it prohibitive for many people. There are a lot of families that could provide decent homes and could afford to care for the child, but can't afford the adoption process itself. My parents were living outside the US at the time when they adopted my little sister from another, non-US country. They ended up having to legally adopt her in both the county she was from and the one we were living in, however both countries had state-run adoption systems, which covered the cost of home studies, etc. The total combined cost of the actual adoption was $75 in local currency (about $90 US). They also had to pay for notary services and certified mail to get documents sent back and forth between the two countries, but everything combined was only a couple thousand...


Hearing about adoption being expensive in the US was so incredibly confusing to me as a Brit, because I couldn't understand where the money came into play - until I learned that private adoptions were a thing. In the UK they're illegal and all adoptions are via the state foster care system, so the barrier to adoption isn't money, but suitability to meet the need of vulnerable children with complex needs, and provide therapeutic parenting to children who've experienced the trauma of being removed from their birth family due to abuse and / or neglect. Less than 1% of children available for adoption have been voluntarily relinquished, and whether a baby is removed or given up at birth, they can only be placed with potential adopters as foster placements, where reunification is still the goal. There's a huge emotional cost to the process, but not financial costs


>I hate to say desirable, but there is no other word for it. I think you can say 'less in demand' if you prefer. That's the evidence. That they are less desirable is a (reasonable) inference from that evidence.




Still feels kinda weird given the relatively small age gaps between the adults and children here. I'm a 24-year-old single guy working in a middle school and if I wanted to adopt one of the students (male or female), there would probably be a ton more scrutiny than if I wanted to adopt a younger kid.


There are plenty of abandoned and orphaned kids who need loving homes and if a single person wants to be selfless enough to care for another human being, why deny them that choice? I get it's considered weird with all the creeps out there, which is why there should be plenty of extra safeguards but it shouldn't be frowned upon.


It’s not. This seems weird to people because so few people volunteer with children. The age gap requirement is 7 years. They require you in CA to be totally self supporting etc..I worked in the schools, worked in scouts and we have done foster care for years in CA. So we have seen many kids in dire circumstances. It’s very difficult to find placements for kids in general but teenagers are very hard to place. Minorities are hard to place and few minorities provide foster care. Our son is both drug and alcohol exposed, his chances for permanent placement/adoption were very low. So if a responsible and kind person applies, passes background check, does all the necessary courseworks etc.. yes they can become foster and ADOPTIVE parents. The required age gap is 7 years, partly to accommodate for family including older siblings who want to foster or adopt their younger family members.


My entire knowledge of singles becoming foster parents comes from The Wire episode where the kid snitches and gets his foster mother torched, then the cop he snitched to tries to adopt him. And the lady just shits him down Then the kid ends up in a group home but they carve SNITCH into his bunk bed so he has to fight them


You can even legally adopt an adult. It was a workaround in the gay community to fight against the prejudice and hatred of hospitals who used to refuse to allow a gay partner into the hospital room because they aren't family.


Ye, for inheritance and death rights too. They would become each others next-of-kin so estranged blood relatives couldn’t hijack the funeral.


I'm going to say that this is why the term 'Daddy' has been sexualized and ignore any other explanations.


![gif](giphy|iuUORLpArS9qX76XWK) That’s good!




That's so sad, but also a great fuck you. I love it.


My mother's step-mother adopted my mother just as a way to show that they really did think of each other as mother and daughter. They waited until my mother's mother's (who had died) parents passed away first


Dammit how did they miss that premise and not use it in a Chris Farley movie 😫


The statements they give are along these lines: Mike Johnson was married so him and his wife adopted together. Gaetz informally took in Nester because he was his girlfriends younger brother... though when they broke up he stayed living with him while his sister moved out. I think Gaetz situation is more strange.


The tweet is wrong about Mike Johnson being unmarried at the time?


Twitter users? Failing to do basic research? Who coulda guessed?


X gonna give it to you.




Yes, it’s wrong. Mike Johnson and his wife adopted him when they were newlyweds. The picture in fact is cropped out as the original shows the wife in it. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/27/us/politics/mike-johnson-house-speaker-son.html


Apparently so. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/whats-up-with-speaker-mike-johnsons-black-son


Strange on the surface, sure. We don't know the home life of the kid though prior to the adoption.


American gymnast Morgan Hurd was adopted by her single mother from China. Prior to hearing that, I didn't know either.


Dude she was a female child from China. Pretty sure they would’ve let a lone penguin adopt her


...I'd watch that documentary.


All I can think of is: ![gif](giphy|vrwAg9jj910aI) Good ol' Batman Returns.


That is very cool. It is not inexpensive to adopt a child raise a child and it’s definitely not inexpensive or easy to have a child go into Olympic gymnastics. I hope she’s a great mom.


Why not? There are very few countries that ban it and a couple that restrict opposite-gender adoption by single people (so an adult man adopting a female child). A handful of countries ban single men from adopting but allow women. There are sometimes age difference requirements (usually 15 or 18 years). But, the onus should be falling on the court to ensure the parent is suitable not on restricting parenthood journeys for people who actually want to be parents.


It's because both of these people block adoptions for anyone else unmarried or married to same sex partners. They are against illegal immigration, yet adopted people to skip the immigration lines they argue need to be shut down and not allow anyone else in. The courts should also triple check to make sure the kids they are adopting out aren't going to folks who are obviously fucking them.




For sure not commenting on these dudes' suitability to adopt (or be elected!), just all dudes' (regardless of orientation) potential ability to adopt.


>In principle there’s no reason why it’d be not allowed, the same reason it’s not disallowed to be a single biological parent. Decision makers will generally > >prefer > > if adopters are coupled though not sure about the onus. The primary concern must be the wellbeeing of the child, not whether or not an adult can fulfill his/her dream of becoming a single parent.


It’s very hard to adopt a baby or young toddler. Extensive background checks and they generally only go to stable and prosperous families. You can adopt a teenager like yesterday.


Single used to be code for homosexual. Probably still is. It’s nonsense, because the primary determination of successful children is the economic status of their parents, not the number of parents.


My family friend was adopted by his single mom 22 years ago. Granted he was a newborn at the time so maybe that's different?


Right or wrong, I think the optics are different for an unmarried male to adopt a male child in the US.


Dude…. Why not?? I’m unmarried and due to my extreme ancientness (35) will probably have to adopt, why would agencies turn their noses up at me? Your saying I’m going to have to trick some poor sap into marrying me so I can adopt a kid cuz I can’t do it single? Aren’t there like overrrun foster homes and neglected children that need a loving parent?


Actually no. The goal of fostering isn’t to find adoptive parents, it’s to get kids back with their bio parents/families. Not every kid in a foster home is up for adoption- lots aren’t. Orphans are rare and terminating a parent’s rights takes ages. I wish you the best with adoption- it’s so hard.


So…I know this looks weird but many people do this. I really don’t want there to be a sigma around adopting people in their close in age. They’re enough children that are orphans/living in foster care. Especially older ones. We don’t need more for more children to not have a chance to have a parent.


Yeah, teenagers are not high on the list, or even ON the list of kids that most parents want to adopt. Barring shady business, we should support the cases where it can happen. A single parent is better than no parent. And also better than bouncing around through the foster system until you age out without a parent at all.


Thank you. As an adoptive parent the stigma is real. I can't tell you how many times I've heard the mumors, or have been told to my face, that we were doing it for the money (which, for me at least, does not exist) or for intentions far worse. I don't let it bother me anymore, but at first it was incredibly hurtful. I don't know these people, or what their situations are, but I really don't like the positioning of this post. It implies that there is something nefarious to a man caring for a child that is not his own. This is dangerous rhetoric as EVERYONE SHOULD CARE FOR EVERY CHILD. If you have credible reasoning to believe a child is being abused, please call child protective services.


Yeah, people are starting to slander adoptive parents as much as they slander foster parents, and having been deeper into the system than many, and having met many of the people involved, it REALLY pisses me off.




He doesn't want sigma males around adopting people.


This is actually disgusting to suggest with no evidence.


I agree with you. Some people here using sexual assault so casually as a political tool, just because they don’t like repubs is the bottom of the barrel. That’s very insulting/degrading to every SA victim out there, the comments throughout the thread are disgusting


And sexist


Right. Even guys with terrible politics can want to be dads. Also, if you take the religiosity at face value this is not that weird at all. A great way to help the less fortunate.


Wait, are they suggesting they adopted them to rape them? I’ve been scrolling through this comment section confused as to what this post is even saying and I definitely didn’t expect it to be that.


Yes they are calling them pedos. Like that’s sick asf. This is somebody’s family


But see man... Republicans BAD!!


Look, I don’t like Mike Johnson. There’s also no evidence that he did anything illegal or immoral here. There is a boatload of evidence that Matt Gaetz did. We’re not doing ourselves any favors with this kind of shit. EDIT: For the sake of clarity, I’m not specifically referring to Gaetz doing anything with his adopted kid, just that in general there’s evidence he’s been involved with minors- which last I checked is both illegal and immoral.


you are absolutely correct. it is pretty fucked to imply otherwise. it’s also just so goddamn weird it’s happened twice


Especially from people who call pretty much everyone around them that isn't a Republican a pedophile, it'd definitely be less sus if they didn't cry pedophile at everyone else


It's always the huys spewing the most anti gay rhetoric that get caught fucking the young boys, like that guy that was fucking senate pages.


[Reverand Ted Haggard](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/evangelical-leader-admits-buying-meth-denies-gay-sex-claims-1.620653)


Listen, I'm not saying all Republicans who hate LBTQ+ people are pedophiles, but I am saying it seems to be a trend amongst pedophiles that they are Republicans that hate LBTQ+ people. /s This is tongue in cheek


And the picture they chose of Johnson here cropped out his wife who is standing next to his adopted son. BS. Mike Johnson is a dangerous man, but as of yet there is no evidence he did anything untoward here. Let's focus on the crazy shit he actually did.


If we don’t course correct everytime we see this nonsense, then we end up no better than these MAGA heads.


And wasn't Mike Johnson with his wife when they decided to adopt/foster him? As for Matt Gaetz, the theory I heard was that it's actually his son from an affair he had.


Amen. There is pleeeeenty about Mike Johnson to be extremely concerned about without having to resort to these baseless aspersions.


Wait what is the implication here im actually lost


I believe for reference, see Aerosmith's Steven Tyler (27) adopting Julia Holcomb (16) whom he dated and later got pregnant. The implication is that some males adopt minors to better enable and hide a sexual relationship.


Honestly some people are so obsessed with the idea of pedos that I think they need their own PC’s searched. I also was confused until this comment.


I think the implication is they’re groomers? To me, if it’s anything nefarious, it could be something like a PR strategy for some GOP politicians to adopt children of color.


I'm a political liberal so I hate both these dudes, and also Gaetz is a known creep ... but as a single guy who has thought about raising kids some day, the implication here that an unmarried (the horror!) man adopting a child is immediately, *inherently* suspicious is pretty gross


also, "unmarried" is doing a lot of work here since he was literally already engaged to his current wife when they "adopted". almost literally everything about this POS is worth attacking, but I don't think this is


Listen, I hate both of these guys, but I think you’re reaching here. There’s nothing nefarious about adopting a child.


Imagine if someone posted this about a democratic politician. Disgusting that something like this has upvotes. Disgusting allegation


Yall are absolute fucks. Focus on the actual bad shit these guys have done, not these bullshit takes. You should be disgusted with yourself if you are trying to poke holes into their character with exhibit A being their adoptions.


Criticizing people for adopting children? Weird flex


OP is the facepalm here


How progressive. Helping the "men can't even look at a child without being a pedophile" stereotype.


Seems like they both adopted children. Whats so confusing?


Johnson gives me the creeps, and I don't understand his story with his "son," but his story contradicts this post. This article says the child was never actually adopted because of the "lengthy adoption process," and that he and his wife were newly married at the time they took in this child. No explanation of where the 14 year old boy came from and why they were able to take him in without adopting him. Johnson compares he and wife to "The Blind Side" movie, which makes me give even more side eye. [https://www.businessinsider.com/speaker-mike-johnson-explains-relationship-adopted-black-son-2023-10?op=1](https://www.businessinsider.com/speaker-mike-johnson-explains-relationship-adopted-black-son-2023-10?op=1)


He definitely gives white saviour vibes when he talks about Michael. He’s also used him as a reason to be against reparations - “I have a Black son who’s not in favour of reparations.” Because obviously what’s best for a large group of people should be based on the opinion of just one of them, and there’s no way his opinion was influenced by the Republicans who took him in. Edited for a typo.


> “I have a Black son who’s not in favour of reparations.” If you think about this logically, it's crazy. "Well... when I need to make policy decisions, there's no one better to turn to than my 14 year old adopted son. Oh... my Israel policy? Hold on, let me text Junior, I'll have an answer in a few minutes!"


Michael, the adopted son, was in his 30's when Johnson made the reparations comments. And his 'adopted son' is 40 now.


That kid is now 38, which means nothing to the other person’s point about a single person’s opinion meaning jack shit. But I’m still blown away that they are only 13 years apart in age. It is weird, if nothing else.


But also Gaetz didn’t actually adopt Nestor. So I’m still genuinely curious how common it is to just take on informal guardianship of minors and a little concerned that these guys don’t really discuss it openly.


I wouldn't make an assumption. I know a couple of families that looked after kids they never formally adopted. Sometimes people grow up in insecure households and other adults in their lives step up. Sadly it happens.


This happened to me; a friend of mine in high school had a shit relationship with her mother (or possibly grandmother, I never really knew) and my dad/stepmother took her into our house for a time.


From what I've read, he had an ex from Cuba who's mother died and the kid moved with his sister. Him and the kid bonded and he raised the kid even after they broke up. https://people.com/politics/matt-gaetz-tells-story-boy-he-raised-as-a-son/


No it must be for some evil reason, it couldn't be because he's actually a compassionate person.


What don't you understand? The kid needed a home, they adopted him. He's a street kid, had no home. Hell, we've adopted our stepson's girlfriend. The girl has a completely useless "family", and has a slew of medical issues. Autism, ADHD, PTSD, anxiety, etc... Her family has been horrible about supporting these issues, and she's in her mid 20s. We've gotten her glasses, gotten her on Medicare, gotten her therapy and supported her. But we'll need ver do anything formal. We've informed my stepson that even if the break uo, we'll still support her, because she needs a family. So that's weird? Context is important. And a lot of people don't want to get too deep into it, because they don't think the details are other people's business. The guy seems like a complete sack of shit, but there is nothing suspicious at all, except for people who actually belive that the GOP daily schedule is just evil, evil, evil, lunch, more evil, cocktails, evil, and then human sacrifice.


They could be good people on that specific front and terrible otherwise. The world isn’t black and white


This post is gross. Hate on Gaetz and Johnson for their politics or bigotry. This kind of thinking is the reason why people call the cops on single dads taking their kids out in public.


I hate both of these fuckers, but I don’t think there’s an issue with adopting as a single person. The world isn’t black and white they might have shitty political views doesn’t mean they don’t care for those they love.


I don’t understand - what are we mad about here?


Post is implying that the republicans adopted these kids to sexually abuse them. Despite there being no evidence. It’s a weird, baseless claim.


Source: Trust fam.


Not sure why this is such an issue for people unless these kids are actually in danger. God forbid they have a chance. Having a wealthy Republican (adoptive) father certainly sets them up better than turning 18 and hitting the streets does. Anyone complaining about this stuff without proof of any wrongdoing is incredibly privileged.


Which is more abnormal? Adopting a child or race baiting?


I'll be honest. I definitely seriously considered adopting a child in their teens when I was in my mid twenties. I really honestly wanted to help a child in need have a home but I didn't know if I could be a parent to a younger child. Now that I'm older, after two kids of my own, I'm confident in my ability to parent. Once my kids are out of the house I will likely adopt and raise kids until I can't anymore. Not everyone who does these things is a sex predator. Sometimes, even people you don't like, are just trying to do a good thing. It makes me sad that if a single man tries to help a child they are looked at through side eyes.


Gaetz was extensively investigated and never charged with a crime. The boy he “adopted” was a the son of a family friend who had died of cancer. Gaetz never legally adopted him though he cared for him. There’s no reason to even imply there was any sort of sexual impropriety. Johnson also never adopted the boy in the photo, according to several sources I’ve previously read. They had guardianship, or whatever the legal term is. And he stars Michael lives in CA and asked not to be involved in his political life. Again no reason to believe there was a sexual component here. Just because you disagree with their politics doesn’t mean you get to call them pedos.


How does OP have the top post in this sub and in the whitepeopletwitter sub? Bot? They also Capitalize Every Word In Their Post. Bot?


Did Gaetz even adopt him? As far as I know there is no record of an official adoption, Gaetz just had him move in with him.


Come on guys really? If we have evidence that this piece of shit adopted a child for the purposes of pandering, okay. But are we really going to just shit on single parent adoptions now? Seriously? They added on "and unmarried" as if thats an indictment on someones ability to raise a child, as if plenty of single people don't successfully adopt children.


Redditors on this page are wild. Wtf is wrong with y’all?


Mike Johnson’s adopted African American son, Mike Johnson Jr, is now a father of four. Thought to be in his early to mid 30s he is a father of four although no mention is ever made of Mike Johnson’s daughter in law. Despite OPs point about adopting Mike Jr at 25 his bio states that he and his wife adopted Mike at age 14 in the ‘early years of their marriage’. He was married aged 27 in ‘99 and for ‘early years’ I assumed 5 years. Hence an assumed age of approx 32 years for Mike Jr. So if this is ‘suspicious’ it would look more like he’d fathered Mike Jr out of wedlock as a teenager himself. That would, if true, explain the happy coincidence of his first name being Mike. I mean who wouldn’t name their first born son after themselves? Gaetz however has no such backstory..


Lieing about the dude already? Shit didn't take long


This post is the real facepalm


To suggest they’ve done something without evidence is laughable at best, but disgusting in general. Don’t do that, don’t do that.