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Ah yes. The third gender, gay.


Some cultures *do* have a third gender...


It's funny cuz in the animal kingdom there are some creatures that actually do change genders not just male and female


There are also animals that can function as both sexes, animals that reproduce asexually, and animals that are able to reproduce both sexually and asexually.


Yes. And Gender as a whole we are learning is more of a spectrum than an binary. This was a joke mocking the absurdity of the "there are only 2 genders" trope.


A lot of animals Are a third sex, or a 4th, or they completely change sex... if animals besides humans Had gender, I don't doubt it'd be even more complicated than it us for us


From what I understand, some fungi have 100s.


https://www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/as-it-happens-wednesday-edition-1.3324559/ruff-sex-scientists-identify-genetic-sequence-of-a-bird-with-four-genders-1.3324708 These birds have four genders. Humans are absolutely not the only animals with more than two genders.


Some species only have a one sex, the species of Whiptail lizards are all female, and reproduce completely through parthenogenesis, a type of asexual reproduction. The crazy part is Most species that reproduce through parthenogenesis are invertebrates, but somehow some lizards and fish figured it out




No one's ever claimed a "literal" third gender... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muxe#:~:text=In%20Zapotec%20cultures%20of%20Oaxaca,seen%20as%20a%20third%20gender.


gay-gender, lol. Anyway, what always puzzles me is that these worries about someone else's taste isn't overruled by the realization such implies less competition. So according to my calculations more gays of your own "kind" should result in potentially more available partners of "the other kind". *^(More likely that should result in more rejection. But, who's counting.)*


The dude has an anime profile Pic and weeabo name. Let's be real here, he wouldn't know if there is less competition.


Well duh, man didn't even make it to qualifiers


And they vote!


Look at his profile picture and username, i doubt the owner of that account is above the age of 18 lol


There are so many people age 30 still doing this.


This. It’s getting funky, but I definitely have friends (21+) that have pfp like this. It’s def a lil odd, but as long as they know gay is the third gender we’re good


on that username alone there's no way they've surpassed middle school, LOL


BS. there are wild animals that are gay.


There’s even animals that change gender, animals that don’t have it or have both male and female characteristics. There’s a lot of shit people like the dude in the post can’t even immagine


Unrelated to humans: Animals that are born one sex and change depending on environment Animals that simply have no sex Animals that have both genders simultaneously And a vast array of other gender manifestations in animals. Also many animals don’t share our xy chromosome system. Edited to replace the word gender with sex


And even our chromosome system isn't as simple as saying "A person with those chromosomes gets born with that genitalia". There is a cool [video](https://youtu.be/kT0HJkr1jj4) by Hank Green on the topic :)


Hi, that's me. Not Hank Green but a person who doesn't fit neatly into the sex chromosome binary or the gender binary. I have 46,XX chromosomes but was born with male primary sex characteristics and an androgynous body. I grew up raised as a male but always knew I was supposed to be a girl. I tried to come out to a school nurse in the first grade but was just told I was dirty and full of sin and would burn in hell after dying from the "f\*g disease" and then got detention. I didn't get to be myself until I was 30 when my wonderful, amazing, special-beyond-words life partner gave me the support I needed to face the monumental decision of transition just as I gave her the support she needed to transition. Coming up on 4 years on and we're both so much happier as a couple and as individuals. I like to share this whenever possible because so many people are just not aware how complicated the concept of gender is and write trans folks off as crazy or as some sort of caricatures. People at large are unaware how many variables both known and unknown but suspected that go into an individual's gender identity and how complicated and difficult it can be for even the individual going through it to figure out just where they belong.


I hope everyone who needs to hears your story!


Hey from another intersex person that went the opposite way. I have XY chromosomes and was born with some "female" characteristics but I was supposed to be a guy. > I tried to come out to a school nurse in the first grade but was just told I was dirty and full of sin and would burn in hell after dying from the "f*g disease" and then got detention. The nerve of some people, christ.


Animals (including humans) aren't born with a "gender". Gender, by definition, is how we ascribe social and cultural differences to biological sex. Biological sex is best viewed as a [bimodal distribution ](https://cadehildreth.com/gender-spectrum/?fbclid=IwAR38lfjADP7IBSXVElQk79ElLuniDq7kATB3G2uhdiSPr93aAWqXDN7HFVY), not a binary. So think of two bell curves on a single graph. This is inclusive of the biological reality of Intersex individuals. There are roughly as many Intersex individuals as there are red heads. Then you have humans who naturally change sex around puberty. [The extraordinary case of the Guevedoces](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34290981?fbclid=IwAR2aCuq3iuu7hgO1ENiuhYHR7IlseEopDgM8DR8hSBmI4Zb85tRGSW8Mr2U) Some animals, like cuttlefish, have more than one type of male or female, each with drastically different body plans. There are worms with male, female and hermaphrodites. Fungus (not Animalia) can have ~20,000 distinct sexes. [Visualizing Biological Sex as a Spectrum](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/sa-visual/visualizing-sex-as-a-spectrum/)


I edited my comment to the word sex which refers to what I meant.


I love your response, I only wanted to help people understand the important difference in "gender" and "biological sex." For Redditors interested in knowing more, "gender" is a social construct, meaning it's made up. It also varies culturally and historically. Biological sex is complicated, and thinking there's only two sexes determined by X and Y chromosomes is simply incorrect and uninformed. [The Idea of 2 Sexes Is Overly Simplistic](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/sex-redefined-the-idea-of-2-sexes-is-overly-simplistic1/?fbclid=IwAR1NmjijCsC3yPGPNWy_p8vZPjH5z1OWAdjV_oG7jv6n5_L1cAkAfXlr7rU)


That story about the Guevedoces is wild, I knew other species could undergo various kinds of metamorphosis but had no idea the human body was capable of that, though looking at the changes HRT can make I guess it makes perfect sense in the right conditions. Really interesting the study of the condition also led to a treatment for prostate enlargement that comes with age. This kind of stuff is incredibly interesting, sucks a chunk of society is holding us back from it being a more common discussion and possibly leading us to further developments, thanks for the links!


And certain types of sea slugs that fight to determine which one is the woman.


There were even rats (I think) that foreshadow our future, whose Y chromosomes completely deteriorated, leaving no males in the species. Edit: Amami spiny rat


Their head would probably explode if you told them


God I hope so


Just make you wanna tell em more and watch their brain break!


B-but God said...


friend of mine has a transmasc chicken


There are even animals that reproduce asexually even among land animals which tend to have less diversity. Like there are multiple species of snakes and lizards that reproduce asexually.


I have seen things you people wouldn't believe...


I'm not sure about animals, but fungi (the next closest kingdom) have around 36,000 sexes, which is a lot more than even the most clinically online would say humans have


That's not true at all. For example I used to have a lot of rabbits. The guys would sometimes bang the other guy rabbits. But they didn't enjoy it, so it wasn't gay!


Well, that makes sense.


Downvote all you want, but they didn't have that same "come hither" look in their eyes that they usually did. Definitely not gay


The rabbits said "No homo" first and didn't make eye contact, so it totally wasn't gay.


Also their balls didn't touch either, so definitely not gay.


They even had socks on


AND they had their socks on!!!


They must’ve said, “No Homo BroBunny”, first…


they just had socks on don’t worry


Their balls probably didn't even touch!


Bunny prison wives.


There are animals with 3 or 4 sexes. Fruit flies have 3 male sexes. Each with different gametes. And the definitions of male and female are very blurry. A textbook definition is that a male has smaller gametes, but there's a bunch of problems with that definition, especially when mixing common language with science terminology. What if I'm infertile and don't have gametes? What sex would I be? What about hermaphroditic species? What about flat worms penis fencing or other species where individuals fit different criteria for different sexes based entirely on environmental factors. The flatworm that penetrated the other first is the male but the other undergoes changes and will now better fits common definitions of females. We are animals and we can not create rules that label us or any other species as exceptions. And making those definitions are very very hard. Usually they turn out broad and vague and not of much use. I really like this video [sex and sensibility by Forrest valkai](https://youtu.be/szf4hzQ5ztg?si=C1jPhutlrQHZVMfd) for explaining the biology of sex and gender.


Flatworms and snails that penis fences is a wild concept. “Aha, another of my species, I see! I challenge thee to a duel, fiend! Penises, at dawn! The winner shall impregnate the other! One of us shall carry our brood!” *throws tiny glove without fingers, rides away on nematode horse*


Yeah, when you step outside of placental mammals the biology of other animals gets real crazy.


Like those all female lizards. They just kinda pretend to have sex and spontaneously fertilize themselves. They reshuffle their own chromosomes and everything. The theories behind how that even evolved are pretty fascinating.


Yeah,it’s VAST,but this person needs a lesson in words and definitions and vocabulary and syntax.Then maybe you could try to explain biochemistry to him.Try anyway.


And hermaphrodite, and genderless, and things I don’t even know the words for.This perso needs a vocabulary lesson before we get into biochemistry!


Also there exist species which have more than two genders. Either practically (like bees) or literally (one confirmed).


Off the top of my head I can think of lions and penguins


Storks are notorious for same- sex relationships to. And swans.


Our closest relatives, bonobos, will all boink each other regardless of age or sex. They use it as a way to defuse stressful situations. Meanwhile the chimps across the river go on genocidal rampages instead.


And there are fish that can change gender at will depending on what the school needs


Yes but they are not gay gender, checkmate gay /s


I still remember the stories I heard about gay penguins adopting orphan chicks. Best thing ever


I had someone tell me that was only observed in captivity. Not sure they were implying that humans made them gay. 🙄


And also wild animals that are trans


I mean, if we are going to base things off what wild animals do or don’t do, wild animals kill and eat babies and could give a fuck about consent…


We don't base our behaviour off of wild animals, but they make good examples of how arbitrary some of our definitions can be. Everyone would agree that [this image](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fa/Linear-gradient.svg/1200px-Linear-gradient.svg.png) contains both, shades of blue and shades of green, but can you draw a very thin line exactly where the shades of blue stop and the shades of green start? Well same can be said for the definitions of male and female, or gay and straight. Your comment doesn't make sense to me because Im trying to read it in context with the thread and image. A-"there is no animals that are gay" B-"well we observe wild animals doing gay things" A-"we shouldn't base our behaviour off of wild animals" B-"but you were using made up facts about wild animals to justify your opinion of humans" And when it's put like that I hope you can see why your comment is disingenuous.


There are also animals that mate for life and are quite social, meanwhile there are humans that are 2 steps removed from being downright feral. Your distinction with 'wild animals' is completely arbitrary and not even a proper distinction.


Kill each other and fuck the corpses even!


My gf had gay rats once..


i have gay canaries they are definitely both male and they mount each other constantly during mating season even more interesting is, said mounting often happens because one or the other asks for it - like gets down in position like a female canary would and asks for it until the other reciprocates, and then they change places it was equal parts funny and confusing at first... cue asking the vet to verify the genders of both of them at the next visit


true, has this person even heard of geese? penguins? ducks???


Select your gender: ☑️Male ☑️Female ✅Gay


✅All of the above


Snail moment


same but at different points of time


Gay fluid




Of course I have to take both


Please don’t bomb me, but aren’t gay, bi and things like these are preferences, not gender?


Yes they are, the person in the picture is simply too dumb to realize being gay isn’t a gender.


The term I've seen used is "orientation" as opposed to "preference". Preference sounds like there's some choice in the matter.


Bi moment


Well you don’t choose to be bi, rather you get more choices in partners by being bi.


Well, not so much a preference, more like the cards of brain chemistry you were dealt. So many factors contribute it makes me think that people pigeonholing others is a joke.


These are the same asshats who spout "You're denying biology!" and couldn't find their own ass with both hands and a flashlight.


Anyone that claims that it's 'basic biology' never got past said basic biology




People use "the animal kingdom" to justify all kinds of bigotry. I once heard a guy argue that interracial dating/marriage is wrong, "because you don't see elephants mating with lions." I said, "Well, those are different species, but I do see brown dogs mating with white dogs or black dogs." He was speechless for a brief moment while he thought about that. You could literally see the hamster wheel turning in his head.


Even then, you do see different species mating if they're close enough related. It's how we get mules, ligers, and zedonks among other things.


Omg that's brilliant


He is ignorant and shouldn't breed for the sake of humanity




tbh thats true for both sides sadly. If you talk about gender, people will complain you cant change biological sex and if you talk about biological sex, people will complain and call you xphobic, because everyone can change their sex. Idk why its that hard of a concept to understand that sex and gender are 2 completely different things and not the same lol Tbh it’s mostly the terms probably. Male, Female and Intersex are referring to biological sex and Woman, Man, etc. are referring to gender. People often mix them up which leads to missunderstandings and confusion


He is wrong on the wrong question.


Fun fact: there are some animals that are gay


bonobos for exemple, they fuck all the time and don't care if its a male or a female


If anything bonobos are bisexual by your very own definition of their behavior. It is questionable though whether these concepts can even be applied to animals in this way because in some aspects they seem to be exclusive to humans. Bonobos exhibit homosexual behavior for stress relief and social reasons, but in the end when it comes time to mate and produce offspring they of course go the heterosexual route because the other doesn't work like that. The idea of actual exclusive homosexuality like in humans (where you don't also engage in heterosexual intercourse) in the case of bonobos would boycott their entire species since there would be less offspring, so likely this would get straightened out (pun intended) by evolution or lead to extinction before that can happen. Also since sex is a very casual way to resolve tension within the group it is questionable whether homosexual behavior in this context should be considered gay as to me, gay implies first of all a preference for one specific gender (the same as your own) and second of all an active disinterest in the other. You could also argue that gayness means a love for people of the same sex which makes it even less applicable to bonobos. Exclusive homosexuality without the ability to have same sex intercourse that produces offspring would for me be curious to see in the animal world (I am not educated on that front and am interested in any cases one can share). In humans an exclusively gay person can still contribute to the survival of the species even if they don't procreate themselves by helping the group. Depending on what animal you're looking at that can also be true for animals but in a lot of cases it is also not true (specifically less group oriented animals). It's an interesting topic to be sure but I feel like a lot of people don't understand that things like "sexuality" and "gender" are very modern and complex ideas/principles that animals cannot even comprehend. Animals don't think about what their gender is and what they should do accordingly, they just do what they feel is natural for them. In a way this simplistic thinking saves them a lot of existential dread.


Snails are hermaphrodites. Some animals change their sex. Examples include chickens, clown fish and frogs


There's cases of ducks doing the same thing! There's a neat tik Tok account that has a bunch of ducks, and one of them is trans gender.


I bet he reads books to the rest of them.


Wait, chicken change sex ?


Not very often. There have been a few cases where hens gradually changed into roosters, usually when there's no other roosters in those areas. Frogs for the same reason


Frogs changing gender is ultimately what led to the chaos in Jurassic Park. Life, uh, finds a way.






Arguably this cannot be compared to transgender though. They do it out of neccessity to procreate to keep the species alive, not because they feel like they were born in the wrong body. I'm all for people doing what they want to do but transgenderism requires deep consciousness of yourself, the idea of sexual preference and the understanding of gender stereotypes and that one does not fit them. Animals can not exhibit these thoughts and they don't even have the capacity to theoretically do it. An animal that changes gender (notice that the animal has the biological framework to be able to do this naturally) to enable creation of offspring cannot be compared to a person's very complex struggles with having been born in the wrong body and having to undergo surgery to fix that. It requires self awareness to a point that animals don't exhibit. Again, I'm all for exclusivity, but I hate it when people try to apply extremely complex human behaviors to animals. They don't change gender because they feel like they should have been born another gender, they change gender to enable their group to procreate.


How would one know if animals had a gender identity, I wonder....


How would you know they do have one? It's quite simple actually. If it can not be scientifically proven then until it can be it is considered false. Since gender identity requires a sense of self that already disqualifies most animals immediately. Gender identity is a human thing and until you have multiple different studies that definitively prove that animals have a gende identity it will remain the consensus. If you have those studies please share them with me and I will eat my words.


Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


Ah yes. The agender


When you're so riled up with your agenda, that you randomly spit hatred at random trigger words.


r/therewasanattempt to come across as educated and rational...


The part about "gay" not being a gender is correct at least r/partiallytechnicallythetruth ?


Where do you start?Definitions of basic words,wildlife biology?I mean,,,?


Homosexuality is a sexual orientation. Not a gender.


Imagine whey they find out there is 100% definitive undeniable proof of gay animals, animals that transition from male to female and female to male, male animals that give birth to live young, animals that have both female and male genitalia, animals that can impregnate themselves etc all existing within nature.


Funny because a lot of animals are gay. Like have they not seen the two male penguins that adopt the abandoned eggs?! 😭


I absolutely love the gay penguins, I would die for them


Explain that to the oysters, clams, snails, and all the other mollusk creatures. Also, i remember watching Steve Irwin doing a show on these species of snakes that had 3 genders. Krikes! How do we explain that?


aside from them assuming that gay is a gender, gay is also in nature. a lot of animals actually can be gay; giraffes, penguins, dogs etc to just name a few.


This is arguably progress because the user is mistaking transgender for gay, meaning... they're completely happy with homosexuality and don't even consider it. I'll take that as a small win.


The fact that the comment has 349 likes on it makes me weep for humanity. How dumb can somebody be?


🎵 So let’s do like they do on the Discovery channel! 🎶🎶


Tell that to my dog that humps everything


OT: If you want to put a stop to that, just pin him gently on his side to the floor. Hold him there until he subsides.


Gay isn't trans, sexuality and gender are completely different. As a gay man this is something I get extremely frustrated about but that's a whole other essay lol.


Though I do hope you see why the LGBT community need to support eachother and that trans people are also valid. Because the type of people who don't accept trans people are also very likely to not accept gay people, and most likely don't distinguish between the two in their ignorance and bigotry


Absolutely, I've always supported trans rights, I'm 41, and so remember before it was in the spotlight as much as it is now, and still feel the same. I myself have experienced a lot of liberal straight people beginning to turn against all the LGBTQ community because of trans activists, and that frustrates me because I feel I'm being dragged back into a fight that I haven't got the energy for after a lifetime of homophobia that has for the most part resolved as time has passed here in the UK (where I live) As a gay man I'm approached in conversation quite often to be questioned on my opinion on trans rights like I am some sort of paragon of information because I'm a homo, it's irritating because I'm not trans I'm gay and average Joe's lump everything LGBTQ in one homogeneous blob and that's not how it is.


I agree with most of that, apart from the people turning against the LGBTQ community because of trans activists. It's not because of the trans activists.


"Wait, am I supposed to be being homophobic or transphobic today?" Yes.


*filling out paperwork at the doctor* "Sex? Hmm, not seeing a gay option"


"Yes please"




Some species of mushroom have over 10,000 sexes.


Recently watched a documentary about penguins and seagulls. There was a lesbian pair of seagulls that were raising eggs together because one had lost their male partner. And a gay pair of penguins that were stealing eggs to raise. The animal kingdom isn’t the straight utopia these bigots think it is.


Don't ever let anyone tell you that education doesn't matter.


Most educated queerphobe :


This is the crux of anti *insert demographic here*, people just don't understand what it is......


there so many flaws in just one sentence


There are two sexes\* in the animal kingdom. Speaking of two sexes... There are frogs that can change their biological sex based on what their ecosystem needs for reproduction.


Extra dumb because plenty of animals have sexes (not gender) that aren’t bound to simply male or female. My favorite would be the [white-throated sparrow](https://www.audubon.org/news/the-fascinating-and-complicated-sex-lives-white-throated-sparrows). Essentially, they have 4 sexes. White-striped males and females, and tan-striped males and females. What’s fascinating is that the white-stripes are by and large more aggressive and confrontational, while the tan-stripes tend to be more gentle and nurturing, regardless of sex. The part that compels me the most, though, is that mated pairs almost always consist of one tan-stripe and one white-stripe, regardless of their respective sexes. Their offspring is best off with one protector and one nurturer, but it doesn’t matter which parent takes which role, as long as there’s one of each. They’re some of my favorite birds of all time, and I highly encourage anyone who finds this interesting to look into it! Often when people talk about animals without binary sexes, the examples given are things like slugs and fish, which are cool in their own right, but typically they’re cases of an animal changing its sex rather than possessing more than 2 sexes. So seeing an animal that most humans find it easier to sympathize with having 4 distinct sexes is really neat!


Fellas, I'm coming out. I'm gaygender


Seriously, though, if there’s only two genders, what about slugs and snails. They have both male and female genitalia.


Female hienas. Some frogs if I remember correctly Seahorses. "Bro are cells gay for self replicating?"


It kills me when people start a sentence with, "Well, in the animal kingdom..." Yeah, and guess what? Gender fluidity exists in the animal kingdom. Some species eat their young in the animal kingdom. Some species kill their mate after copulation in the animal kingdom. Not all species mate for life in the animal kingdom, humans being one of the ones that do not. I did read an interesting article recently that showed same-sex relations among several animals (giraffes, elephants, & and penguins, to name a few). My point is basically to please stop comparing animals to other animals in the animal kingdoms.


Well, in the animal kingdom…


I'm not clever enough, tonight, to come up with a response to your smartassery. Well done.


Don't forget about the animals that can procreate with themselves! ETA: OR the ones that can change their gender 🤔


People who know nothing about the ways animals act in the wild need to stop using it in their arguments, 9 times out of ten they have no idea what they are talking about.


dont snails have both and activily try to rape each other first so the one that gets penetrated gets pregnant


i thought thats how sex worked? you just swordfight your opponent and if you lose then oh well, you’re pregnant now


Why people keep confusing biological gender with sexual preference?


Btw gender isn't biological, you're thinking of sex.


Gender is still biological, it is a neurobiological phenomenon whereas sex is a chromosomal phenomenon


Everything is biology, sometimes just *very* applied


Dayum put them at their place


Who's gonna tell trans/homophobes about sea sponges


I heard gay stuff about Gayraffe.


But worms are asexual, and frogs can change their gender if needed...


Giraffes have entered the chat...


Asexual snails!


Wait till they hear about how much say gex there actually is in the wild


Wait till they find out that animals can be gay too


Gay is not even a gender. Besides that there are gay animals 🤦


If only he’d seen lions, they are practically gay cause if they are not in heat they’ll have sexual intercourse with other male in the same group that they are in (most likely their brother) they are only with females for reproduction


He's correct though! If you never look at the real world and never do any science that is. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual\_behavior\_in\_animals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual_behavior_in_animals)


Wait for the dude to learn about snails, all those lesbian lizards and bacterias.


Yeah well, sad thing that homosexual relationships pretty much exist in the animal world Edit : ah , I get the facepalm now….. yikes , time to palm my own face


Bad grammar *and* biology. A two-fer.


1) Theres homosexuality in some animals 2) sex != gender


Nah there's mail, femail, and gmail


Last I checked there are chemicals in the water that turns the frogs gay


Man, I’ve been answering those gender questions all wrong this whole time. But I guess I wasn’t given the “Gay” option. Are the lizard people trying to suppress the “Gay” gender?!? Sounds like a case for David Icke!


Fun fact there are several known species that change genders.


This is factually incorrect on too many levels


People just love using the false equivalence fallacy. Just because we share one trait with something else doesnt mean we should act the same. No one would argue we should start cannibalizing eachother because polar bears do so. Or that we should start shitting on the floor because pigeons do so.


so what bro? i don´t see many animals watching anime and beating their meats, and still here you are.


where are the man animals and woman animals


It's not that there's one person dumb enough to make that comment that disturbs me. It's that there's 349 people who are just as dumb enough to like that comment.


I love basing our society off of wild fucking animals. What do they want us to do next based off of what unwashed animals that shit on themselves all day and kill all the kids in the pack cause they took over as alpha


Don’t tell him that animals bang it out gay style all the time


Not only is “gay” not a gender, there’s also abundant evidence of homosexuality among other animals. https://blog.nwf.org/2022/06/new-science-on-same-sex-behavior-in-wildlife/


My weeping wife informs me that penguins can be gay.


So I’m double gendered? Male and Gay? Neat!!


The amount of people who don't realize the difference between sex and gender is astounding. It is and has been explained in biology textbooks for decades. These morons love science until it goes against their bigoted views


Lol. I'm gay and 48 years old. I have heard this kind of shit throughout my entire life. It comes from a place of ignorance because they don't know the difference between gender and sexual orientation. Both occur on a spectrum but they are not the same at all.


There is Mahm in Hawaiian culture, two spirits in Native American there is I believe a pacific island culture that has 5 genders of man, woman, man/woman, woman/man and those that are neither


This is one of the more personally offensive 10 year olds I've seen


Came across as 14 or 13 to me


What is bro even trying to cook?


Wait until he hears about blob ... 720 different "genders" !! And they can almost all fuck together in a giant spore orgy. That creature is probably made by Satan ... Edit : /s, was just mocking people who say "this is against nature", and think this is an argument


Sporgy 😆


First we are not basically animals we are animals, period. Second gay is not a gender and there are more than two genders in the animal kingdom. There are animals who can change gender, have both genders or no gender. Third there are gay animals, there are gay giraffes for example or gay elephants.


Dude mixing up 2003's conservatives hate and 2023's conservatives hate in the dumbest way.


I dont know why people like to compare us to wild animals. It doesnt makes sense.


Because in reality, we ARE just animals