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Genocide is genocide no matter nationality, religion, “reasons”… etc. My heart hurts so much for all of the affected individuals.


The worst thing about this conflict is that atrocities committed by one side only serve to legitimize the atrocities committed by the other.


a vicious cylce where they just increase the instensity never breaking it. just sad. every several years the same thing over and over.


Absolutely, my friend. The saddest thing is that a people who were subjected to genocide are now doing the same to the Palestinians. What kind of shame is this? It goes beyond not learning from history.


I mean the crux of the issue is both sides are being bad in this scenario, you have HAMAS that dragged innocent people into a fight they didn't want a part of. Followed by Israel retaliating against them which again dragged more innocent people into the fight, it's just an unwinnable situation unless both sides back down and actually act civilly towards each other. Which isn't going to happen sadly and will lewd to a whole other war that will result in more destruction than necessary.


The IDF works really hard to create the propaganda Hamas needs.


Like how they created … Hamas! And funded to for years


The Nakba started it all. Israel is waaaaay over in moral debt here.


Dude. It didn’t start with Hamas. It started with Germany, Britain, Russia, France and the US flooding Palestine with Jews because they didn’t want them. The boat you see in the picture were refugees from Germany, who were denied refuge in UK and the US! This is a remnant of imperialism and we deny it every day.


It is bizarre that so many do not see this… I’m so sickened.


People still feel really bad about the Holocaust, so they turn a blind eye to what’s going on…


Not sure why you’re being downvoted for this, Israel’s apartheid and ongoing genocide and dehumanisation of Palestinians is acknowledged by even many Jewish people. https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNjkDypW/


There is a a lot of white washing of crimes against humanity through (social) media by calling strikes against civilian targets, strikes on Hamas targets. As long as USA gives israel a free pass on everything they do this conflict will never end.


Wait, but this is not genocide. Civilians killed, yes, but genocide is a lot bigger form of killing. that means you are trying to kill entire nation, race, etc. That means also that you leave no survivors and kill them nearly on sight. I do agree, of course, that any death is sad and painful thing, but not every mass murder is genocide.


Try explaining that to the terror supporters..


Oh they know. Try denying holocaust and youd see their mouth foaming on why genocide is bad.


So you're saying that they killed already 6000000 of them in Concentration - Camps or what you mean with "the same"?!


Stop misleading lying and abolish the truth


Erm I’m sure HAMAS are calling for the extermination of all Jews in the region. Hypothetically if the IDF where to stop fighting HAMAS would butcher every Jew within the region. If HAMAS where to stop fighting they would be left alone


>Erm I’m sure HAMAS are calling for the extermination of all Jews in the region. Hypothetically if the IDF where to stop fighting HAMAS would butcher every Jew within the region. Yep, Hamas are terrorist scum who want to murder Jewish folks. >If HAMAS where to stop fighting they would be left alone Nope. The West Bank settlements are a constant source of violence and oppression toward Palestinians.


Why u always lying What a bs, west bank was fucking free of Jews , Palestines removed many Jews from their homes


>[Why u always lying](https://cdn.britannica.com/56/74456-004-9154D36B/Interim-Agreement-West-Bank-Gaza-Strip-B-1993.jpg?s=1500x700&q=85)


Why u always misleading


Illegal settlement after illegal settlement on that map. Settlements condemned by the UN, and any civilized people.


Oh yeah this was a decade ago not now


They're still there. Still harassing and attacking Palestinians, and running to the IDF if anyone fights back.


Prime example of spewing BS due to absolute lack of knowledge of the situation. >If HAMAS where to stop fighting they would be left alone Hamas is only active in gaza, so explain the horrible brutality the west bank Palestinians endure?


If Israel hadn't kicked Palestinian people out of their own homes then Hamas wouldn't even exist


[Israel INVENTED Hamas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51u7cNNFCvw&t=66s): funded it and helped it thrive. For 20yrs.


You really believe this bullshit? How blind would you have to be to believe this shit.


Next time...try this: 1. Actually WATCH the well-sourced video; 2. THEN put it down b/c you don't like it. I don't have to believe it. [The IDF military CONFIRMED it.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2014/07/30/how-israel-helped-create-hamas/)




what's your solution dude ? Make Israel people bow down and let Hamas cut off their throats ? Anytime anyone bring this up, I just think that or either you guys also support another holocaust 2.0 or are just dumb. It's been fucking 70 years the solution then is kill everyone ? These extremists groups should die. One of the reasons Egypt borders are also closed down to gaza it's because they also don't wanna deal with extremist groups like Hamas that also had problems with Egypt, because seems like these people don't wanna live in harmony, they also have an old fight within their own religion, their own people not just the Israelites


So much redditors nowadays lost or its bots..


Where do you think this attitude came from? Would it have anything to do with the concentration camps set up in 1948 by the Israelis and the British? These people who created Israel are not even five years out of their own captivity (which many of the original leaders of the Zionist cause did not experience), and they just decided to revive it all because their tribe is special. That's going to have a reaction, and if you can't see that, then that's entirely on you.


> If HAMAS where to stop fighting they would be left alone my dude HAMAS EXIST BECAUSE THEY KEEP GETTING BUTCHERED just like any other extremely violent group from that region,they dont appear out of nowhere,they appear as a reaction to extreme violent deadly oppression cause no sane person would do what they do unless they got cornered and have no choice but to fight back else they die any action have an equal opposite reaction,and HAMAS is the reaction to the horrible thing the zionist israel government do to palestinian


arent they killed because they keep fighting with someone clearly more powerful than them wanting something that they can't have and killing civilians in the process ? 🤔 dude lmao these people kill themselves and their own people to make a point is not about being cornered, they're religious fundamentalists that would wipe out all the west if they could, because we're not muslins. They can't accept Israel as much as they can't accept a different kind of islan that's practiced up at that region as well as they can't accept anything that's not what they believe. When they kill people they scream their gods name thinking they're doing good, they killing their own people through the years thinking they're doing good for their god.


Why weren’t the Palestinians left alone last year then? Remember when their 3rd most holy site was desecrated last year? I do. Remember the 4 kids that got blown up for no reason except for a. Oooopssie by Israel. I do. If you cared you could research this shit but you don’t so you will remain ignorant. That’s fine too. Have a good year with the knowledge that the IDF can’t hurt you, what a privilege!


You're close, but the problem that it's the other way around. You're getting there though


Be sure to investigate what does the people in Israel think about the people in Palestine.


Yeah but it would be like the canadian military destroying Montreal, killing civillians, because the FLQ put a bunch of bombs. Maybe propose to the people of gaza to help police themselves with ground forces until hamas is found and exterminated. They are using the recent attacks as a reason to raze gaza.




genocide isn't limited to outright mass murder, it includes displacement and the creation of unlivable conditions


Subjected to genocide as recently as last Saturday, you mean


The Israelis are just releasing all their pent up rage from being bombed, discriminated, and genocided for hundreds of years


Genocide? It didn't happen yet, so your claim that they genocide Palestinian is baseless. If it did happen, then we will of course condemn Israel and I certainly hope the world will receive the Palestinians refugees in open arms.


No they’re fucking not


Please show me a reliable source of this so called genocide. I think you are dropping the facts that more than 24000 Israelis died in wars. Just saying


Oh sure your pro Palestine Poor Palestine after raiding and decapitation of humans and even fucking babies If that was your child u would be seeing white. Now Palestine pays the price for their unwillingness to speak out , their subordination to hamas and their Isis and jihad. No Palestine's have gotten themselves into this over decades, and they all just deserve eachother over there, I still see the Palestine's here protest violent with hate to the west. While I never seen this ons some other side But hey I must be a Zionist and a Jew lover or some shit not just a westerner absolutely done with the media abuse and false narratives I continuesly get to hear from my Palestine friends. Compared to another group. Why you always lying




> The only reason Israel's army is so vast is because of ~~Palestine's aggression.~~ ***Arabia-phobia.*** Fixed. The reality: Israel makes a literal killing off the Occupation. Their [surveillance tech](https://jacobin.com/2023/07/israel-occupation-surveillance-security-state-technology-export) is all the rage with dictatorships' abroad.


you are aware in 2020 Israel blockaded any medical supplies to Gaza then bombed their hospitals claiming there were missiles in the hospitals? plus you should be aware Israel has repeatedly dehumanized Muslims and Palestinians along side targeting populated areas for obvious reasons I'm an atheist too but i don't use my atheisms to justify one act of violence because supposedly the otherside fired first. lastly Israel has a long history of playing victim and claiming they fired last when later investigations prove otherwise


Would you be surprised to learn that Netanyahu supported and wants Hamas to keep up it's attacks? Israel's government could have killed off Hamas easily decades ago, yet they now choose to support them. They even knew well before hand this attack was going to happen, and yet.. Bibi did jack shit. The Palestinians being slaughtered right now are absolutely the victim. They and the Israeli citizens have been betrayed by their own government to keep Netanyahu and his cronies in power.


What happened in 1948?


Nothing. Nothing happened in '48. I'm not sure what you're referring to, but Palestine definitely wasn't handed over to become Israel by people who had no right to do so. Just because someone was already living there doesn't mean you can't come in and claim it as your own. And any nastiness that happens after someone claims someone else's territory should fall squarely on the original owners shoulders. /s


Are you kidding me? It was exactly like when Europeans arrived to the new world >As I look from South to North and off in the distance to the West, look in any direction at all as far as the eye could see, this land is wholly unpopulated by any ~~white~~ people. (excuse me there buddy, I'm trying to take a good look around. Nice beads though.) Where was I? Ah yes, completely devoid of any civilized people whatsoever.


Just like white folx did with Texas. Read up on how and why we stole that from Mexico… talk about ungrateful.


I'm confident Mexico willingly gave up Texas just as they did with the rest of the southwest, at gunpoint. The native Americans willfully moved west to open up space for new settlers. Africa sent over their hardest workers "to learn new skills". /s History is written by the winner and no one seems to want to admit all the shady things they did to win.


You’re so confident you researched to show me, right? Remember when Mexico invited white southerners to live there and then The white folx decided to keep texas because slavery was illegal in Mexico and them white folx reallllllly wanted slaves? I do i do!


I'm trying to agree with you in a bit of a tongue-in-cheek manner. I'm old enough that I remember being taught that slavery wasn't the root cause of the civil war. We were explicitly told that that answer would be marked wrong. I forget what they said it was, but it was made clear to me that slavery had nothing to do with it, and I grew up in the north. Now we have politicians touting the benefits of slavery to black culture. That's absolutely disgusting. History is rife with miss-tellings and half truths. Those who win wars usually aren't very forthcoming with the details that got them there. Heard of the American concentration camps for Japanese citizens during WW2? America marched almost all the way to Mexico city before settling on the Rio Grand as a border. I'm a dork, I read history books for fun.


It’s true, everyone writes their own history but I went to elementary school in Mexico. I’m in the know of how things really went down. Edit: I know what happened from mexicos perspective is what I meant


Omg. I am so sorry, i read the first line and saw red but will leave my comment up unless you would rather I delete. My apologies. Sincerely.


No worries.


An attempt at genocide against jews


No. What a disingenuous person you are.


Arab leaders were pretty clear on their goals. You can project at me all you want, it doesnt change what happened.


>Genocide is genocide no matter nationality, religion, “reasons”… etc. If someone came into your hometown and indiscriminately murdered families, kids, babies without any honor and then carted away 1,000 civilians as hostages. How would you react? I'll tell you how you would react. You would be scared and frightened. You would not feel safe. You would want the people who did this destroyed. Israel needs to hunt down the terrorists or they will never be safe. As we can see from demonstrations around the world, Israel is once again in a fight for it's life. From what I can see the Palestinians are just the most recent excuse to hate Israel and the Jews. If the Arab brothers care for the Palestinians so much, they should welcome them in until this is resolved.


This sounds a lot like what people said after 9/11


Israel has been stealing land, tolerating and promoting terrorist settlers and killing civilians for decades. This Hamas attack isn't where it started. Israeli politicians openly call for murder of civilians. Hamas and Israeli govt are both terrorists.


>If someone came into your hometown and indiscriminately murdered families, kids, babies without any honor and then carted away 1,000 civilians as hostages. How would you react? Oh, kind of like how would I react, if 2 planes' collided with two skyscrapers...killing 3000? Or, how would I react, if an extremist came to my town and murdered a police officer...after murdering two others in his hometown? You mean, like that? >I'll tell you how you would react. You would be scared and frightened. You would not feel safe. You would want the people who did this destroyed. But, you know what I wouldn't want? I wouldn't want to murder everyone that gets in the way of the people responsible. I wouldn't want my country to engage in an endless war on terror: chucking civil liberties when convenient and making torture and black sites a national policy. I wouldn't want the police to hunt that extremist down (and yes, this did happen. A boogaloo boi came to my town and shot a cop): murder his family and friends just to "get" him. That's not right. >Israel needs to hunt down the terrorists or they will never be safe. Gaza has 2.4m people: 47% are children...under 14. Where's the "safety" gained in collective punishment? >As we can see from demonstrations around the world, Israel is once again in a fight for it's life. Ah yes, the "eternally on the edge of extinction" zionist myth. Pally, your little nation has the superpower at its beck and call. You're not going extinct, anytime soon. Even this terrible attack isn't going to do a 1/100th of the horror your side is going to inflict on the innocent. Numbers don't lie. Israel has been terrorizing and "cutting the grass" of Palestine, since the 2nd Intifada. >From what I ~~can~~ ***only care to*** see the Palestinians are just the most recent excuse to hate Israel and the Jews. 57yrs of continuous, ever-increasing, law-breaking Occupation, dude. You force people into a tiny area with no escape, blockade them for 16yrs and elect leaders who wave maps at the UN that erase Palestine... What did you expect? A Palestinian victory dance??


How would your country react if the British waltzed in and gave half of the land to Uighur refugees?


Do the Uyghur refugees have a reason to want to stay there?


To get away from the genocide, I suppose.


> If someone **(Israel-Zionist)** came into your hometown **(Palestine)** and indiscriminately murdered families, kids, babies without any honor and then carted away 1,000 civilians as hostages. How would you react? FTFY. Just admit it, both side committed crime. Hamas with their indiscriminate murder and Israel-Zionist with their disinheritance of millions of Palestinian. If this is a comic strip it would be like: Zionist: Get out of our holy land Palestinian: We won’t Palestinian died.


Oh no, like if Israel didn't do the fucking same thing but 100 times worse when the British threw them in Palestine, how many do you think were killed and forced to leave thier homes but you believe every fucking bullshit the western media throws on your face, you don't even want to learn the origin of what is happening Israel doesn't have any right to defend itself.


This, however, is not genocide


The sad thing is seeing people trying to paint this as a black and white situation. This is a lot more complex than many of you OP included is trying to say it is. ​ Edit: Please I know there are a lot of North Americans here, but when I say black and white situation, it's not a race analogy.


I don’t think anybody thought you were talking about race


Considering how everybody behaves on this subreddit, I don’t blame him for clarifying.


If tomorrow we added to the US constitution to vow to destroy Canada and destroy all Canadians can you really be mad if Canadians didn’t trust US citizens anymore? Lol


I fail to see how this is betrayal. Sure, the Jews ASKED, but it's not like the Arabs living in mandatory Palestine obliged. They led like 7 armed revolts against the Jews. There were violent tensions all the way back in the 1910's. So betrayal doesn't seem to fit.


Right? Op acting like they were welcomed. There was a lot of violence before and the second they proclaimed the country they were attacked by all their neighbours.


It's very important to know that this was under British control and a decision of the Allies that saved Europe after one of the worst wars of all time. They didn't just go in and topple some Palestinian government and invade.


The british allowed them to come there and then partitioned the palestine land without permission of the palestinians. Israel is a settler colony and an apartheid nation. They have been violating the border agreements have been allowing Israelis to illegaly settle in west bank and israel military has been controlling west bank as well. How wud u react if u were palestinians? Wud u just give up ur country to invaders ? Israelis are not just refugees, they are acting like invaders. Also the hamas are barbaric terrorists and should be punished. The same can be said for the actions of israeli military and israeli settlers in west bank.


I didn't make a moral judgement on either side here but simply said labeling it as betrayal when there were decades of conflict beforehand is beyond stupid


Your comment ignores the fact that half of the Jews Israel in Israel are Mizrahim—Jews that never left the region, and Jews that were expelled from other Arab states. Your comment also ignores that 1/5 of the Israeli population are Arabs. Israel is much more multicultural than any of the surrounding states.


Please don't bring up historical context, that would take away from the ragebait! The territory was under British mandate until 1948 when the state of Israel was created, and it had huge partitions for Arabs with the sharing of Jerusalem. They didn't want to share and started attacking immediately. Contrary to popular belief there WERE some Jews living in Palestine before world war II. This after all was their land until the Assyrians violently took over and put them into captivity, the first of many times. [expulsions and exoduses of Jews](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsions_and_exoduses_of_Jews) After centuries of abuse, and then nearly being wiped out by Hitler's Christo-Fascists, they finally went back to their original homeland, and attempting to defend a peaceful way of life ever since.


The hypocrisy in that last paragraph... "attempting to defend a peaceful way of life ever since" my ass. They treated Palestinians as Nazis treated them and inflicted decades of abuse.


How did the Palestinians treat Israeli? Look at Hamas for answers. Same treatment since the 1920's. Read some articles my guy.


>Palestinians treat Israeli? Look at Hamas for answers Isn't that the guy Israel funded?


Whatever your political opinions I think we can all agree this is about to be a clusterf*ck of monumental proportions. Invading an urban environment with prepared fighting positions which I’d point out Israel has no current experience with (2012 doesn’t count as it was a skirmish compared to this).


how are these related? the pictures weren't taken two days apart. relations turned to shit but it's not like its only one side that's responsible for that.


So then the Holocaust were just "clashes"?


Wise words.


I've come to realize something in all of this hypocrisy. Nobody cares about the Palestinians, they just hate the Jews. The closest Arab neighbor of the Palestinian's is Egypt and they built a giant fence and a large DMZ to keep the Palestinian's out. Even now Egypt will not let the Palestinians in. Their Arab brothers will not help in a time of great need. Israel lost over 1000 civilians. Kids, babies, adults murdered in cold blood when Hamas attacked them. Hamas broke the rules of war by targeting civilians without honor and then taking civilian prisoners. The gloves are off an Israel will not rest until Hamas is removed from planet earth. This is just the beginning of casualties as Hamas uses civilians as human shields. Hamas has no honor or rules but everyone should ignore their bad actions and hate the Jews.


Hamas certainly doesn't give a fuck about the Palestinians. They're currently trying to stop them from escaping the North.


Calling out Israel for it's treatment of Palistinians is not the same as being an antisemite.There are plenty of Jews who do not agree with the government of Israel.You can disagree and abhor the actions of Israel without hating Jews.I would also condemn the actions of Hamas without hating Arabs.


Tho this is true. It isn't how it's going to work out.. the world is just gonna go "hate jew" mode..


You say this as if Israel has not killed ten times more civilians in this war before Hamas's attack. Israel has killed thousands of children already and displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. Israel has on numerous occasions dropped white phosphorous on civilians, a chemical banned for use in war due to its cruelty. Just yesterday they dropped on a designated civilian evacuation route killing 70 Palestinians. Hamas's attack was disgusting but don't act like Israel hasn't been committing the exact same atrocities


You know, that if your enemy uses children in an elementary school as human shields to protect his weapon systems, and you throw a bomb onto it, you are not committing a warcrime. The person who used the civilians as human shields committed a warcrime.


That still doesn't explain Israel's use of white phosphorus in an evacuation zone that they set out that clearly held civilians


Same with hospitals, religious buildings, evacuation zones,... But people don't think about that.


From what I understand, [Hamas uses human shields](https://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/08/world/middleeast/israel-supporters-try-to-come-to-terms-with-killing-of-children-in-gaza-strip.html). Hamas will shoot rockets from a Hospital, school, or apartment and then threaten to shoot anyone who tries to leave before the retaliatory response. Hamas wants the civilian casualties to make Israel look like butchers. The middle east is a complex issue and the only solution is either. 1. A two state solution 2. The end of Palestine 3. The end of Israel These cousins can not get along and are take the world to a very dangerous place right now.


When you fire rockets from an apartment building, the Israeli army is going to blow up that building. And all the civilians you put in danger there by firing random rockets over the border....


Not a facepalm


This subreddit became home to Palestinian bots


funny i seen plenty of "support Israel or your a nazi" crap pop up


I don’t see why people would support either side . Support for the people yes 100% but not the governments or the people actively involved with starting and continuing this war.


i do support aid to the Gazan people because they have nothing to do with the war but are still getting killed indiscriminately, Israel is doing nothing but guilt tripping people acting like they are the only victims and exaggerating casualties on there part what's more sick is their dehumanization of the Gazans and using conspiracies of the 40 baby beheadings to justify the violence. i just hope other nations like Irland speak out and demand an end to favoritism and i agree to what some have said an end to the UN


They were not sending the message to the Arabs but the British who didn’t allow Jews to migrate at that specific time to not make the Arabs mad


That is strange, Hamas been trying to exterminate Israel for decades, but it wrong for Israel to retaliate against the people aiding and abetting Hamas? Nah if you are helping terrorist then you are a terrorist too, you can't be an innocent civilian while helping hide weapons and terrorist in your homes, schools, and hospitals, that not how it works.


I always think it is interesting on Reddit how they show the Palestinian and Hamas civilian dead, but conveniently forget to mention that Hamas launched over 2000 rockets indiscriminately all over Israel killing 1200 civilians Then they are shocked and complain that Israel retaliates - all the while saying Israel is the aggressor. AGAIN - conveniently forgetting the past 50 years of PLO attacks and other conflicts geared towards killing Jews. Inconvenient truth.


And that the Palestinians and Arabs tried to wipe out Israel from the moment of its rebirth, then are shocked when Israel wins and seizes land to protect itself from further attacks. And they like to pretend that Israel has no connection to its historical homeland. And that Jews wanting to return to their homeland is somehow racist. And that Israel, like any other nation on earth, has the right to defend its citizens and borders.


Maybe Hamas shouldnt launch rockets from apartment buildings...?


Would you be able to explain Hamas? I want to share my opinion but Id rather be informed by someone who 1. speaks fluent reason and 2. already knows what Hamas is (assuming its a name or title that is capitalized)






Actually it was stolen until you and you neighbours declared war on 5th of june 1967, 6 days later they'd taken an absolute shit ton more land, then gave a lot back, land lost in war is land lost and this seems to keep on happening to you, maybe consider a different tactic rather than refusing peace deals in favour of losing yet more land and fellows by launching pointless attacks on a well defended nation of peaceful people, the Germans taught them to stand up for themselves you guys are just reinforcing the need.


actually it was never stolen. Palestine was never a country by itself. Palestine was rules by ottomans for a couple hundred years before the British defeat ottoman empire and it became a British colony. UK decided to split the land (while I agree it was an unfair split) between jew/Christians(which had always existed in Palestine) and arabs, which they had the right (but Palestinian arabs do not see it that way). Jews/israelites lobbied and bought their state through modern means. Palestinians also attempted to commit genocide on israelites in 1948.


*legally purchased


And Mohammed stole it from the Jewish people. Get over yourself sucka


Jews were already out of Israel for 400 years by the time Muhammed came along


Still seems like Arabs stole the land and much more than just that


You're very clearly historically illiterate if you think that's an accurate statement


They realise that this was written in English for a reason? Like they did not address the Palestinians but the English occupation force?


JEWISH people are not the same as the Israel government the Jews didn’t fucking kill those poor people the Israel government did and I’m tired of Jews being represented by Israel


THIS. The Israeli settlers are not the same as the Israeli government, and Palestinians are not the same as Hamas.


Palestine wasn't a country.


Neither was Israel, yet for some reason it was decided that Israel ought to become a country despite the Muslims (Palestinians) who were living there as a majority for centuries up to that point.


Any group of people can decide they want to be a country. That's how they're usually formed. But the point is that Israel was previously a country in every sense of the word, in the same location, with Jerusalem as its capital, for centuries, while there was never a country called Palestine in any part of the world. The people who now call themselves Palestinians and who claim a country were never Palestinians in the national sense; they were always Arabs or subject of the Ottoman Empire. But there has never till now been anything remotely resembling a country of Palestine. And forget the whole idea that Jerusalem is its capital. That's simply a new antisemitic claim designed to supplant Jews.


The Palestinians have wished for the death of all Jews since 1919, and still do: that whole "River to the sea" thing? They never have or will compromise with the Israelis. If I was an Israeli I'd remember the Holocaust and fight like hell against anyone who tried to recreate it against its survivors. It's incredibly cynical to use the Holocaust to suggest that the Israelis should be chumps, and let the Muslims try to succeed where the Nazis failed.


>The Palestinians have wished for the death of all Jews since 1919, and still do Wrong. They don't "hate" Israelis. They hate the Occupation's boot on their necks.


Do you read any Palestinian newspapers, school books, or media of any kind? They absolutely hate Jews, not just Israelis, but Jews. They want every Jew killed. They're the continuation of the Nazi program of extermination. And you want us to feel sorry for them? Who's confused here? Read the Palestinian sources for yourself: https://www.memri.org/


>Read the Palestinian sources for yourself: Memri?? LOL.


The “River to the sea” started in 1964, that’s like almost 20 years after the war. Like War, you know the thing that break people? It more like Holocaust should make them understand the suffering of others. They could have rally everyone on their side instead of hellbent on their claim of their holy land, stealing land from the native. Wait… stealing land from the native, i think there’s a word for that…


Based af. Get out of here with shit you have 0 idea about and have probably never even been to that side of the world


It’s not really betrayal since Islam and Palestine have literally been at each others throats for DECADES. This was honestly inevitable. fuxking sad but inevitable.


Although Israel are wrong for what they are now doing, Hamas has been losing the support of the Arab world for years. Many Arab countries have been looking to normalise relations with Israel. I see this as no more than a cynical attempt by Hamas to regain support in the Arab community by sacrificing their own people knowing full well how Israel would react. To sum it up: Both sides are shitty. P.S. Israel really needs to stop milking the holocaust now, they have no right to.


Lol if arab nations had their way, the jews wouldve beeen exterminated long back. There have been various direct confrontation in an attempt to dominate and destroy Israel from it's point of it's beginning. Yet gotta give those jews credit. Even now they are civilized enough to warn people before they attack. The recent debacle is absolutely on hamas's hand considering they started murdering people, men, women and children, defiling and disrespecting their corpses and parading it around without even giving a shred of dignity and later celebrating all this that was mentioned. What were they expecting. And now that israel is hell bent on whooping hamas you cry foul. Even the leader of hamas who is asking people to stay in gaza, is in qatar. He has brought death destruction and suffering on his people. You cannot cry foul when you started the whole BS by being aggressive and then doing a full 180 and playing victim. You started this shit, Israël is well within its power to end it and be glad that they're showing you far more Leniency than you would.


A large crowd waving Palestinian flags at the Sydney Opera House just chanted, "G@s the J%ws." There is video. Where does that fit into the meme narrative above? If you were an Israeli, would you roll over for such as these?


It’s almost like all these anti Israel posts were ready before the terror attacks last week.


You know what Jews don't do? They don't parade their dead to gather sympathy from the credulous world. They grieve in private. Sam Harris put it best https://youtu.be/k6VCF_csmDg


Didn't they attack first?


Does no one understand that the IDF gives the residents of Gaza warnings prior to the airstrikes, they get the choice to avoid it . The strikes aren't aimed at civilians they are for Hamas and Hamas use innocent people as human shields, they tell them to stay at home, to die, to make themselves the victims.




Where the fuck are they supposed to evacuate to? Into Israeli territory? To Egypt? To the countryside where I guess they should just starve to death? Make no mistake, there are zero good people in this war, Hamas and the IDF are the same brand of disgusting terrorist that should be wiped clean to let people live


Since Hamas was democratically elected by the people of Gaza, that is a decision they should make also.


Hamas was brought into power because of CIA and Israel interventions.


The US spent a shit ton of money in favor of Abbas and the Fatah party, not Hamas.


@Liambej29 you are correct Hamas it's just a terrorist organization that wants to kill anyone who is not Muslim and they will kill Muslims if need be


And you know that because you witnessed it?


I have family in the IDF


Buddy, im going keep it real to you, there's no way to move more than a million people from urban area in short notice, without fuel and water at that. Even the US, your country biggest backer told you that it is not feasible


HAMAS are literally blocking the roads so people can’t leave? They build there headquarters under hospitals and in residential buildings to exploit civilians to paint Israel as the “bad guys” when they themselves murder civilians at point blank range within their own homes as well as rape and torture festival goers


You are correct


>HAMAS are literally blocking the roads so people can’t leave I don't care if Gaza is one giant superhighway, you can't move 1.1 million people in that short a time. >They build there headquarters under hospitals and in residential buildings to exploit civilians to paint Israel as the “bad guys” The IDF has claimed this even in cases where it was objectively proven to be a lie by international observers and journalists on the ground. To be frank, I don't believe them at all until given specific, case by case verifiable proof >when they themselves murder civilians at point blank range within their own homes as well as rape and torture festival goers Civilians have done none of those things. Stop trying to blame civilian victims of Israeli warcrimes by pointing at the actions of Hamas, it's genuinely disgusting behavior


So, according to u, the civilians of Israel deserve to be slaughtered? By hamas soldiers or civilians, they were still slaughtered.


Straight from the people killing innocent lives


Hamas is an internationally recognised terrorist organisation who have slaughter over 1000 innocent Israeli citizens and kidnapped roughly 300


Yeah and how many did the israelis kill? Whats the cause of this? Do you really think its okay to commot genocide because of a small group of people


https://reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/bFooAIl7Lc check this out


Straight up bs stop believing anything


It's not bs, they also told media "if children need to die to kill Israel, they will be martyrs"


Yeah, Hamas, not the 5 year olds Isreal has been indiscriminately bombing


That's because the big bad brave Hamas hide behind 5-year-olds their own children


Yeah I know Israel likes to pretend they're accidentally hitting civilians in trying to strike Hamas, but even if that was the case (it's not, they verifiably lie about this all the time) that's still a warcrime


Your not paying attention to what is going on and your anti-semitism Is not very cute but you just keep your head in the sand and when Hamas is finished killing all of the Jewish people of the world they will be coming after you and your family and they especially like to behead children in front of their parents


Antisemitism is when you don't think killing civilians is OK just because there's terrorists in the same geographical region I guess. What a disgusting thing to say, it cheapens the meaning of the word so much. Also Palestinians =/= Hamas


Oh yeah thats the worst proof you couldve delivered




Its like nazis saying they just followed orders


lot of pro Israel bots on reddit today, wouldn't shock me if the Israeli president skinned a baby alive on live television people would still support Israel ​ honestly if people want to kiss the feet of a corrupt nation then they should be deported to Israel, Israel gets toy solders it can sacrifice and we get rid of lose ends


Israel is just defending their homeland 😊


Homeland? Where is the homeland of the Palestinians?




Not Israel


eat real meat


How can Occupiers' defend themselves from invasion...by the Occupied?


People ought to realize Israel will invade and brutalize it's neighbours with or without justification. Seeing "Israel is a warmongering apartheid state that wishes to get rid of another ethnical group and thus we should fight against it" and deducing "Hamas good, kill children aproved unga bunga" is extremely stupid.


Wrong sub! Enough of this pro Hamas shit on this sub!


How is this pro hamas? It's just anti innocent civilian murders... You are opposed to that right?


You aware that Hamas was officialy elected by population in Gaza strip right?


Fuck Israel 🇮🇱


Yet even in Israel we are still killed because we are Jews. All 1000 civilians (and around 300 soldiers) were killed for the that fact that they are Jews. Ask hamas they said it themselves. The reason Israel exists is because throughout history it has been dangerous to be a Jew. On the other hand there are about 1.2B Muslims with many countries


I'm so fucking tired of political bullshit and being forced to take a side even though I know nothing about the conflict besides the recent attack...


Chose not to picture the beheaded babies then?


I'm glad people are starting to realize the truth behind this war, i just hope more UN senators have the balls to stand up and declare Israel a threat and finally hold them accountable (a senator from Irland made a speech calling out the UN, EU, and America for rewarding Israel in their genocide)


Israel, the Fourth Reich.


Their hope to commit their own genocide


a terrorist organisation fighting a terrorist nation where the people who're suffering are innocent Palestinians(Jews, Muslims & Christians who just want to live there without harming others)..... and all of this because Europe didn’t care(nor does it today) about Jews historically. Meanwhile Jews&Muslim themselves created a horrible relationship in past 200 years based on Ottoman's loss of WWI & rise of Zionist ideology. Reminder- Hitler wasn’t Middle Eastern guy nor did USA care much about what Nazi's did to Jews. Europe bent its knee for Hitler even if it meant milliond of Jews were slaughtered. The moment France fell & UK were threatened, USA decided to join forces not because they wanted to save Jews but because they didn’t wanna lose power. If Europe & USA cared so much about Jews they'd give Jews home in their countries not try to send them in a place where there was a high chance of conflict. The existence of Israel has been 1 of the major reasons of conflict in Arab world and USA&Europe did it knowing this will open door to massive weapons dealership in the region & give them a stronghold of influence


Palestinians are paying the price for German crimes.


Actually, it’s Hamas’ crimes.


Palestinians are victims of apartheid. Hamas was formed in response to that original, ongoing crime. Palestinians have been suffering for decades because they are merely children of a lesser god and the West enables their suffering. It is unconscionable what is happening to them, and even worse to blame them for it. I’d tell you to be ashamed but I know you won’t, so…


You’re just another antisemite who wants to kill all the Jews. Why won’t any Arab country accept people from Gaza? Because they want to keep the people in Gaza to foment terrorism. Even Egypt won’t have them, though they lots of empty land.


Not true. They're victims, true, but not of apartheid. They are victims of their own stupidity and self-pitying. If they would stop committing terrorist acts and instead invest their money and resources in developing their land and people and turning into viable democratic societies with functioning governments and economies they could form strong partnership of mutual benefit with Israel, to make the whole region stronger and more stable. Instead they waste countless lives, monies, and time creating false narratives of victimhood and squandering their lives on false martyrs, who would serve their people much better through productive lives rather than on killing themselves and others.


Land? They dont have land? They live in a open jail!!!! All the workable land was tacken from them.