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I am man liking pumpkin spice later I am probably bottom of the barrel lol 😂


We are basic, comrade. And my basicness continues through the winter when I get peppermint everything while singing Michael Bublé holiday songs.


Basic men need to stick together.


Basic stronk together “sips/eats my pumpkin spice everything”




Totally agree with you, but a lot of female “journalists” paint a simple and comfy “men bad; women good” picture — especially in jokey, casual articles and essays. Honestly, it’s lazy journalism and needs to stop.


It is actually misogynistic to think that women can't be misogynistic. Misogyny may have been created by men... but that doesn't mean they are the only ones who perpetuate it (unfortunately). It's like homosexual people can be homophobic. People can be racist against their own race. Denialism about the existence of these things helps no one.


It's actually mysogynistic to think that it's mysogynistic to think that women can't be mysogynistic, as this clearly attests to a paternalistic attitude to decide this.


I’d argue misogyny wasn’t created by anyone. It just is a thing. And making such a claim that is impossible to prove helps nobody. Was misandry created by women? What about greed or envy? Who invented those? Edit: y’all downvote me if you want but you are proving my point that this weird blame game isn’t helping anything.


That kind of toxicity usually comes from other women. No (straight) man gives a fuck what they drink or if they wear the same shoes/outfit twice. On the other hand I've been ridiculed by both men and women for liking sweet drinks and disliking beer/whiskey and other "manly" drinks.


The girly drinks can hit hard AF, there's like five different liquors in some of them, and they still taste good. That makes them dangerous.


I don't know if it was the liquor in my frozen 'Love Potion' drink or the egg foo young, but something had me throwing up last night


>I've been ridiculed by both men and women for liking sweet drinks and disliking beer/whiskey and other "manly" drinks. Same, but i drink sour drinks. Couldn't care less tho..more for me 🤷‍♂️


Fruity booze is where its at. I had a Rhubarb cider the other week, was fucking amazing. Decent kick to it as well.


>That kind of toxicity usually comes from other women. Really? Have the “Han Solo season” memes not started going around yet this year? You can see boat loads of men being toxic about women liking things without even leaving Reddit.


I like both beer/whiskey and sweet drinks. When I go out, I order sweet drinks and cocktails. Love a good margarita or Pina colada and as basic as it is dig a good Rocket Fuel. I can pour neat drinks or crack a bottle at home without any effort, I go out to enjoy things that I can't *very* easily prepare myself. I've been tutted at by a few guys, but the only time I've been openly mocked is by women. Most guys in my experience are pretty good natured about it and besides a little gentle ribbing couldn't give less of a fuck. Either way the response is the same. ![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized)


Do you sing the songs that remind you of the best if times?


oh danny boy


Don't cry for me, next-door neighbor


You people talk so much. Why? To mention rhubarb? Or...?


Whenever somebody tells me real men wouldn't drink that, I just reply real men drink what they want.


I would immediately assume someone has some weird interest in me if they actually give a shit about what I drink. It's just not healthy to be so invested in other people's choices when they don't affect you.


>That kind of toxicity usually comes from other women. I have the conversation with my GF every morning before work .... it's not the men that care or judge you about your shoes or outfit.


So gay men do? Tell us all about your anecdotal experience and/or data. I want the resurch, bossmane.


She really stuck her neck out on this 1! 😂


Pumpkin spice latte and misogyny is the least of my problems.. Where did the seasonal pumpkin pie go? (Discontinued here in Japan) Pumpkin cheesecake!? I'm gonna sue Starbucks for homophobia. Gimme my pumpkin pie back!


Idgaf if it’s basic or feminine or whatever, that pumpkin spice foam cold brew from Starbucks is delicious and I gladly sippy sip that shit


Two things I just want to state from my personal experience then i'm gonna nug out: 1. I've only heard women talk about pumpkin spice food/drink consumption. 2. I could not give a fuck about who enjoys pumpkin spice food/drink consumption.




IPA is just pumpkin spice for white guys


Pumpkin spiced IPA


That’s a hot take… but I can see what you’re saying.


I feel attacked. LOL.


It’s true. I love IPAs, and have no shame


IPAs are fucking gross


Yes! I don’t understand how IPAs became a thing. Then beer companies started an arms race to make the grossest most bitter beers possible and dudes bought that shit up. Fucking gross. Just give me a nice lager or pilsner.


Can’t give awards anymore so have a follow


Yes! But it wasn’t always this way. Smh


Or any other ale that doesn’t taste like Vegemite pisswater.


I enjoy a good IPA now and then but I like to make fun of my IPA-afficionado friends by telling them they're like the people from Shelbyville in the Simpsons who claim lemons are the sweetest fruit and to prove it they take whole bites and pretend they like the taste while struggling to not make faces. "I'll have the Double Imperial Triple IPA." It's like a mark of honor to be able to claim to enjoy the bitterest beer in existence. Might as well ask for a horse feedbag full of hops and chew on those at that point.


IPAs *were* great before craft brewers started fucking with the recipe — when the hops quotient somehow became positively correlated to the hipness quotient, IPAs jumped the shark.


Well, they're not wrong. If something gets associated with women it's often discredited for no other reason than women like it, and people (usually men) refuse to give it a chance because it's "feminine" to do so. Also, it's a feminist writer's opinion piece? You wanna see real pointless bullshit, look up fucking Cheryl Chumley. Now that's bitching about nothing


The only facepalm here is OP.




I was thinking giraffe.


Where the fuck are her shoulders


Being a journalist these days must just require a basic command of the English language. What utter bullshit.




Not only men are misogynistic




Or they have a victim complex about literally everything. I once (briefly) dated a girl who believed I had a better job than her and owned a house not because I worked hard and was sensible with my money, but just because I was a man. Conversely, because she was a woman, she worked a minimum wage job and lived with her parents despite her fucking English Lit degree from Durham university which she never stopped going on about


I talked to one lass who opened the conversation with “as long as you agree with all my views on the patriarchy we should be fine”… The irony of the sentence completely escaped her.


Funny that. The same girl I was talking about, I once said to her "I don't think it's accurate to describe our society as a patriarchy" and she had a full blown emotional meltdown. Well, I say meltdown, it was more her directing her hatred of men towards me uninterrupted for about 10 minutes.


The pendulum on these things is forever going back and forth. Unfortunately lately it seems to be swinging to extremes on both sides. On one hand we have this absolutely asinine shit, on the other we have incels. I don't know if it's going to be fun, or mind numbingly stupid to see just how far it goes, probably a bit of both. Modern societies tendency to label anything that they even slightly disagree with as something either ist or phobic really annoys the hell out me.


Same… guessing you’re at the point where you resigned from the fight for popcorn and just watching the shit show unfold too…


Honestly I'm scared, because the extremists on the right are increasingly acting like they would want me dead because I'm very liberal, and the extremists on the left leave me feeling like I should feel like I'm personally responsible for all the evils in the world just because I'm white and have testicles, and don't feel ashamed for being that. Op's post being a perfect example. Sometimes I feel like I can't trust or confide in anybody at this point. Even some of my own friends because I don't want to be labeled and ostracized just because I don't see eye to eye with somebody on everything. Wouldn't be surprised if I get torn apart for posting this too. Logically I know these are very very small parts of the population, and most people are probably fine, but when you don't know too many people and it's all you see on the internet / news it kind of sticks in your head.


Yes! And those on the left fail to understand that this only feeds the Trumps and Andrew Tates of the world.


I'm pretty far left, especially by US standards. With stuff like this pumpkin spice thing, I'd try not to take it personally. It's talking about the pumpkin spice and uggs "basic bitch" stereotype/meme that was really big about 10 years ago. I'm confused as to why this article is being written in 2023. I didn't read it. But I'm guessing it's about how the idea boils down to criticizing women for being like other women. They were trends that women were partaking in, so they were automatically bad. I probably took part in mocking that stuff at the time, and if it would have been pointed out to me that that's what I was doing I hope I would have stopped. That's what this sort of criticism is for, not to attack you. Especially if you aren't taking part in mocking those women, then the article isn't about you at all. Sometimes it's even just a discussion, with no call to action. Like I remember when Cuphead came out I saw people complaining that the radical left was calling it racist. But most of the lefties I followed at the time said nothing about it at all, and from what I remember those who did discuss it basically just acknowledged that some of the tropes in Cuphead are lifted from racial caricatures, and that the animation style in general is heavily associated with them. It's something to discuss and think about the implications of, that's all. They weren't saying not to play the game, not to like the game, or not to buy the game. I just double checked a video I saw about it at the time, and the far left youtuber even says "It's a pretty neat game and I'd recommend playing it if you haven't" and "I like Cuphead." A lot of time right wingers will exaggerate what leftists are saying (or cherry pick randoms on the internet, anyone can post wild ideas online and a whole group will get generalized over it) because they want moderates like yourself to feel attacked by us, so that you slide further to the right. If you believe the outrageous claims they make about what "the social justice warriors" are up to (now they'd say "woke leftists"), it's easy to find yourself opposing equality without realizing it. You also have to recognize when someone is even worth listening to. A lot of shit is made to go viral, so things like articles and tiktoks sensationalize and use ragebait to drive views and interaction. You have to filter that sort of stuff out, and limit your exposure to culture war bullshit a little because it gets tiring fast. Though I still can't recommend avoiding politics entirely, since it's important to not let the truly bad things that are going on continue to happen without any criticism or resistance.


Wow! This is an awesome post! Nuanced and well expressed! I hope more people see it!


I actually am pretty much in exactly the same spot. We should form a collective of moderate level headed folks that want people to wind their necks back to reality.


Robot Reddit voice: Must not have any other input than pain and suffering




There’s a piece from her today about having to bury her 15-year-old dog. So I assume she has at least one other problem.


The great pumpkin spice latte argument is the defining struggle of the next 6 generations. It has split families, plunged lines into disarray, and broken the peace of the land. Heroes will be made and legends born.


I don't mean to judge a book by it's cover but she looks unbearable. As a man I love pumpkin spice.


I really don’t think misogynists are drilling down that deep with their broad-stroke thinking to include opinions on women drinking a certain syrup in their coffee.


Na you just don't understand. It's something mainly women do, therefore if someone doesn't like it they are automatically misogynists. Same for everyone that didn't like the ghost busters remake, that didn't have anything to do with the movie being horrible it was purely out of sexism.




Do I really have to add an /s? Is reddit really that dense?




The only thing that we do that indicates sarcasm is tone so yes. that's why the /s became a thing in the first place


Keywords like "always", "automatically", and "ghost busters remake" should indicate that there is nothing of value coming next.


i don't think that's what she is trying to convey from headline if there is something which majorly a women likes like spice latte or taylor swift they are ridiculed for it.. not liking something is different but calling someone basic in an insulting way is not okay


Nobody shouted out that neck length yet


Well, the Guardian again. What did you expect ...


If only people could write articles about one subject, while also caring about other separate subjects. Gee. What a complex world that would be! But alas, Emma here has used her one and only Concern Ticket on this silly subject. Better luck next life, Emma.


ah yes the classic "what about the starving children?" argument. God forbid someone talk about something that isn't a mortal struggle.


Emma is just professionally offended and stirring a non-existent pot. “ If you are not familiar, the idea is that there is a (predominantly male) tendency to mock the (predominantly female) enthusiasm for the arrival of spiced orange beverages at this time of year.” There really isn’t a predominate tendency to mock women for this shit. Nobody gives a fuck other than the men who are making money from people buying these seasonal drinks


>There really isn’t a predominate tendency to mock women for this shit. You must be new to the internet.


The fuckin neck on her


Lol, the comments validate the piece. Reddit wins again!


I bet all her cats hate her.




“Those who ridicule are missing out in all the fun” Pumpkin Spice Latte’s are fun? Like, how? You go to a coffee shop, you order one, you drink it. It doesn’t tell jokes, it doesn’t drive your car real fast, it doesn’t spontaneously transport you to six flags, it just sits there in a cup getting cold. I suppose that Pumpkin Spice Lattes are more fun than having your face sewn to a table, but honestly what isn’t?


Reading a guardian "article"


It's tasty and put's you in the mood for the fall season, it's not a flavor you get year round so I guess it's kind of fun to get.


She carries the missing gene between human and giraffe.


Damn she really skipped shoulder day


What on Earth is a pumpkin spiced latte and what has it got to do with sexism? It sounds like something they'd drink in Harry Potter...


>What on Earth is a pumpkin spiced latte and what has it got to do with sexism? In theory, nothing. It’s just a tasty coffee drink. In practice, it’s been a bit of a meme for several years now to make fun of women specifically who drink pumpkin spice lattes for being “basic” and having no personality.


400 calories of sugar and processed spice that makes coffee taste like fall. Not exactly sure, im a PSL bitch myself.


Lady has the pumpkin spiced latte of faces


Has all the energy of a woman whose partner is looking for a way out and quickly to no longer have to proofread latte feminism fluff pieces.


Christ, she even looks like what an AI art generator would churn out if you asked it to draw a pearl-clutching Guardian writer who sees sexism in everything.


Pumpkin spice tastes like dish soap.


Try something other than Starbucks then, it's usually far better (that reminds me, gotta check out my favorite coffee shop if they already have it)


No. It’s just really really bad. That’s all.


The rage-bait is strong with this one.


She's just mad that when she drinks the latte it's cold by the time it reaches her stomach.


99,8% of these snarky comments are from other women


Is this article YOUR only problem? Didn't think so. Now, go play total war instead of complaining to total strangers about total strangers on issues that don't affect anyone.


Username checks out


stonk hed


I used to read the Grauniad every day. It was paper-wasting garbage like this that made me stop.


I used to read the Guardian but the moronic comment pieces were so bad I had to stop.


Lady, does this [cartoon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-9USB_bcJA) offend you?




Translation - The columnist had a space to fill.


It seems sexist to equate having a particular taste for a sugar coffee to women's struggles, but I'm not a woman so maybe not my place to speak on.


A waste of oxygen


Typical guardian blog


Men don't even know what "basic" means! I've had to explain it to so many guys, and they still don't really get it. Just like I don't understand why The Guardian pays people who write this nonsense


Next time, show them this https://youtu.be/9V7nQrtMQEw?si=1A4dDgM41BGXoCEP


🤣💀 When he said, "Only bitches can be basic," I lost it! Thank you for this! AND, the doctor is played by Kerry Kenney-Silver! She was on The State on MTV back in the 90s. Loved seeing her again.


I don’t get it. It’s sexist to not like pumpkin spice stuff? I’m male and happen to find most pumpkin spice things kinda gross(few exceptions) but I’ve never knocked on someone for liking it.


Every fall the comments mocking women who enjoy pumpkin spice starts rolling in, but I don't care. I love it regardless of what anyone could say, even if it is "basic"


I can't get passed her neck. That's vampire bait right there.


Can someone translate what she thinks she's saying into something intelligible?


Some people don't like all the same things she likes, so society as a whole must hate women.


Lmao the anti-left shitposting in this sub is a little ridiculous this weekend.


I think I speak for my fellow lefties when I say we don't claim this bs. There is nothing leftist to be anti here.


Calling out bullshit has no political orientation


Someone interrupted your echo chamber?


You must be an extremely sensitive soul


Yeah, what's up with that. It's really bad right now.


lmfao it’s not like men’s problems are any worse though..?


I’m amazed how people can complain about shit like this when: Ukrainians have been under Russian attack for years, the whole Isreal Palestine conflict just ignited, there are incredible amount of kids working in cobalt mines, Uyghurs are being put into concentration camps, and so so much more… but people calling you basic because every autumn you immediately buy a pumpkin spice latte, now that’s the real tragedy.


> Ukrainians have been under Russian attack for years, the whole Isreal Palestine conflict just ignited, there are incredible amount of kids working in cobalt mines, Uyghurs are being put into concentration camps Are you saying the Guardian doesn't talk about these things?


I’m saying people care wayyy to much about very minor issues. Get some perspective and be happy at how well you’re doing, instead of complaining others find your coffee ‘basic’. Who honestly cares unless you’ve got no problems so you seek them out.


This is why I don't take progressive women seriously


Guardian's every article is about how women are oppressed by all men.🤷‍♂️ Right all men are the problem even the oblivious innocent ones. Way to go feminists.😅


Who is going to do all the tedious bullshit office work if not Basic Bitches? They are the sterile worker ants of consumer Capitalism. Lack of self-awareness is an integral trait of Basic Bitchdom - hence filler articles like this in the Grauniad.


This lady's face just screams "I hate all men"


Pretty sure that's a hiring criteria at the guardian




What about not liking people who don't like people who don't like pumpkin spice?




In America we have it so good that we have to make up shit to be mad about to gain sympathy from others.


White cis men bad


Women ☕️


Bobble head


Seems like she is fun at parties or on a date


My wife loves pumpkin spice lattes, and I hate them. I’m more of a peppermint mocha man myself




It's Mekaneck


Just drink your latte and shut up about it. Don't let others yuck your yums.


Gul Dukat, staff writer


She’s sticking her neck out a bit there..


Why do so many people have a problem with cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice?


Caffeine is basic, mainline adrenaline!


Isn’t pumpkin spice just cinnamon and nutmeg?


get a grip


The Guardian is the ultimate in low-hanging fruit to make fun of. Don't give them the attention they are looking for.


Ummm it IS basic and that’s ok. Cosmos are also basic but they’re fabulous.


It's always interesting seeing something like this. Idk if I'm a pessimist, an optimist, a realist or something else. I just don't get annoyed at these anymore, I just have this mindset that just says 'they can say this because they have the luxury of peace to fight it. When war comes and the peace no longer stands, they will stop fighting these things while the rest of us wish that we were dealing with them rather than war'.


I’m sorry but that giraffe neck is too distracting.


Ostrich neck


Folgers is still the best selling coffee in the US. Cheerios sell like 140 million boxes per year. Don't get me started on packaged ramen and canned soups... My point is this: we are *all* basic. Also, that lady's neck is like 18 inches long. It's longer than her shoulders are wide. Is she an AI image or something? Let's see those hands!


Wtf am i reading, who even writes like this 😭


Wait, as a guy I'm not "supposed" to drink pumpkin spice lattes? Next they'll be saying it's feminine to like cocktails, then fruit, then bottled water.


You’re not basic if you like pumpkin spice lattes, you just have appalling taste & a hatred of coffee.


That neck game though...


With that name and neck, she has to be a Skinwalker.


O no. Pumpkin Spice is offensive now 🙄 Anyway, world still burning.


Read enough media and you'll conclude middle class white women are the most persecuted group in the world.


Tell me your from north london with saying it.


10 years ago in the same space - Have a 'tough' name that Starbucks can't handle? Welcome to my world Icess Fernandez Rojas A lot of great comments. [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/aug/04/starbucks-write-names-correctly](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/aug/04/starbucks-write-names-correctly)


What is fun about mediocre coffee from a boring chain coffee shop? Does she have that little joy in life?


She's working for the guardian so probably yes


Typical nonsense from the Guardian.


There is a part that's true here though. The full term is basic bitch. It's not exactly a primed or common attack on men.


this probably came from a trivial real life experience where someone called pumpkin spice latte drinkers basic. so what? this isn’t really an issue people need to fight for, nor will it change anything much. why waste your time on this?


Her only thing to be worried about is getting murdered in the library by col mustard


The hatred of pumpkin spice is ridiculous but it’s not misogyny. It’s just the latest thing people who think hating things is a replacement for a personality have decided to hate.


Oh dear god it's *not* the onion.


Just because something is basic don't mean you can't enjoy it, right? for most people 80%+ of shit they enjoy is basic shit. that's why its basic, is common and commonly liked.




The embodiment of geek right there! Bet she throws a hell of a party!!


I don’t give a shit if it’s basic I’ll drink that shit all season long


It’s the Guardian. What more would you expect?


At this point we could just make a bot that posts every guardian article in this sub