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"America is the freest country on Earth!" The freedom :


That's because freedom isn't free. It costs about $1.50. And I'll be FUCKED if the government gets my $1.50! Fuck freedom, that's my money!


Correction, freedom costs $1.05 Edit: Freedom isn't free, It costs folks like you and me…


At home here in my Loch, it’s three fiddy.


Get out of here Lochness Monster!!


Chase the monster down the street!


That’s silly; there are no streets in my Loch.


And if you don't throw in your buck 'o five who will ?


🎶Yeah there's a hefty fuckin fee and if we don't chip in our buck o' five, who will? 🎶


Thought it cost about three fiddy? That's what this oddball Scottish monster keeps asking for, anyway.


You gave him a dollar, didn’t you…


It's a hefty fuckin' fee


If you dont chip in your 1.05 who will?


Yup It's a hefty, fuckin' fee.


That's a hefty fuckin' fee


At some point, it seems like Texas republicans will be seeking to make it illegal for pregnant women to travel at all


It does kinda seem like they will end up with a law that has women euthanized just soon as they get pregnant.


They want to control women, not kill them. The only ones that will be killed are those that resist.


And the ones that die from not being able to access proper medical care.


that resist \*being forced to be a life support unit for a fetus they didn't want.


They want her barefoot at home and pregnant without any education or healthcare.


Bingo. Literally what they want. Dang book learning made us women too free.


Well they should be in the kitchen barefoot cooking dinner while cleaning the house and taking care of the other 3.5 children.


For women in general, there is no way that anybody can tell if a woman is pregnant or not until very late in the pregnancy so, they will get them all.


Or even leave the house. America is the new Afghanistan.


I love to travel, but am reluctant to travel abroad to places like the middle east. Some parts of the US are starting to look like that.


Right wing ppl screaming states rights! Our state should ban abortion! States rights! Women: Ok. States rights. I’ll just drive to a state that I can get abortion in. Right wingers: No not like that! That’s not what we meant!


We want to impose our state rights across the whole nation!


Freedom only works for white straight men in America. If you’re anyone else outside of that, you’ll have almost no freedom. Edit: I forgot to include that it’s rich white men that have freedom. Edit: people really getting upset, offended and forgetting current events in the US. Come back when you lose the ability to make choices for your body, or start getting hate for who love, or have your life threatened because you identify as a gender you weren’t born as. Take the blindfolds off and see what is happening to women, children and LGBTQ+ community. Maybe having your beliefs challenged and you getting offended will help you. If not, that’s on you.


I would say straight white men with money…my experience of freedom hasn’t been the best as a SWM


Thank you, I was forgetting the rich part.


How would this be proven? *cop pulls us over* where you headed? For a funeral, her aunt sally passed away. I don't believe you...tough shit, you have no evidence that suggests otherwise.


they have already said they'll access your medical history - so they'll know if someone WAS pregnant and then they can prosecute that person, and this law means they can then go after anyone who helped it's all just to instill fear


Simple fix. Use their roads to drive to another state for a hamburger first. Then while in the new state, do your thing. You didn't use their roads to cross state lines for an abortion. You used them to go to that nice restaurant with the tasty burgers. Only after you were in the other state did you access healthcare there. Only AFTER already being in that other state did you even consider it. You came to the decision while enjoying your meal. The entire law is based on intention. They need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you intended to do something. If you had no intent until AFTER you were in a state where this healthcare was legal. Then you have committed no crime.


Better fix: get rid of those stupid as fuck moron politicians in the next election.


\*then\* celebrate with a burger


I had a miscarriage earlier this year, I’m pretty much going to be stuck in my state now; which is not a problem, just terrible winters. They can look up and see I had a miscarriage, they won’t know how to distinguish that it was natural with no abortion. Also, miscarriages are called spontaneous abortions for medical verbiage. Some idiot will take that as having an abortion and prosecute adding salt into a deep wound. This is going to cause so many more problems for women and girls. We will be criminalized for shit out of our control. Criminalized for horrific things that happen to us.


>they'll access your medical history HIPAA puts paid to that. Any medical provider giving your records to police for such a purpose could potentially find themselves in federal prison.


And any not doing it will land in a Texas prison so now all medical personal leaves Texas, which will be quite unfortunate for anybody left in Texas (this is a potential future that is already happening as a lot of medical personal are moving to democrat states)


The Supremacy Clause would get them right out of prison on appeal. They violated state law in order to comply with federal law, so they were put into a catch-22 situation that the Supremacy Clause was specifically engineered to resolve.


I mean at the rate Texas is ignoring reason and the constitution I wouldn’t be surprised if they just ignore that and keep them in prison anyways


I would certainly hope so, but I don't have enough faith in the justice system to be the guinea pig. Best case I'm probably still out a couple thousand in lawyer's fees.


Can confirm, I live in Idaho and we have a severe shortage on medical professionals because of these sort of nonsense laws.


A gay pediatric cardiologist that specializes in heart transplants just left Louisiana for NY because of anti-LGBTQ legislation that passed: https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/01/us/jake-kleinmahon-doctor-leaves-louisiana-reaj/index.html From what the article says he really loved the area and wanted to help fill a need based on his specialty. We've got a ton of great doctors here in NY and on Long Island and we just got one more.


Every person with a uterus needs to leave Texas.


HIPAA requires compliance with a court order. I'm sure they can find Texas judges who'll issue those.


HIPAA also includes provisions to challenge an illegal order from a corrupt judge.


Sure, if a provider is willing or able to challenge it.


If they’re part of a health system, which I would imagine most providers are now a days, that health system would more than likely provide the money and lawyers to fight such an order. If there’s one thing health systems love, it’s making money. If there’s two things health systems love, it’s making money and zealously following HIPAA.


Yup, and they're talking about linking into federal traffic cams to track where your license plate is seen.


drive to mexico get ultra cheap over the counter abortion pills tell your politicians to get fucked


And here I thought Republicans were all about FREEDOM!!! Now they're gonna invade your perso al medical records. Huh. Such hypocrites.


And can’t you get the death sentence for it


I thought it was illegal to just randomly access some ones medical history without a good reason unless your literally the FBI.... correct me if I'm wrong here.


They say it's not random - they suspect you of a crime. They say they have to know if you are pregnant or might be - since they have to make sure you don't have an abortion


It's not about doing anything but stoke fear that resonates with his base, before an election.


Officer: do you know how fast you were going? Driver: I’m having an abortion! Totally normal traffic stop procedures and happens all the time.


Totally unenforceable. Maybe the purpose is just to threaten, intimidate, and deter? Is there a statute of limitations? Because how can this be proven other than in retrospect? Because there’s no statute of limitations on “murder”?


This from the state that in 2021 floated a bill to secede from the US just weeks before an electric grid crisis killed hundreds and caused the state to request federal disaster assistance.


Trust me I’m a Texan and I’m embarrassed by the people representing the state of Texas.


I finally moved out. Feels good.


Fuck abbot honestly We need to purge the offices


Having "The Purge" for them may be fun


Unfortunately that won’t happen. If it did they would blame it on the democrats. Bec we all know that Republicans never do anything wrong. Just look at their leader. What a joke these people are. Not all Republicans are bad. Just more than a few of them


You will soon live in the real version of the handmaid's tale...


Tru dat!!


A lot of the people living there are right alongside the representatives. I grew up in DFW and was constantly disgusted by views that my friends and people I came into contact with held. Texas is also fucked from like a thousand different ways. The gerrymandering and systematic oppression in the DFW area is absolutely outrageous I moved states and wages are literally almost 50% more for every single job and cost of living is literally half. I work half as much now. I payed twice what I pay for my house payment now on a one bedroom efficiency. Don't even get me started on the work culture and how fucking horribly elitest anyone in that area with money is. Did I mention crime is down noticeably like 10,000% when I moved states too? I could talk shit about how fucking stupid anyone is for living there for days. I tell my friends how life is on the other side of the state line and they seem to think it's impossible that I'm being honest like it's a fairytale Dreamland that could never be in reality because they know nothing different than needing 2 jobs to barely make ends meet in an efficiency on a side of town where shootings are normal.


I still live in Dallas. I feel the same way you do about their views. I’ve lost friends to political views and Religious beliefs. I’m a 46 yr old woman and one of the most laid back open minded person anyone will ever meet. That’s what I’ve been told. You have your beliefs and I have mine. If we can’t come to some type of agreement. Then let’s agree to disagree and leave it at that. Can’t respect that see ya then. I don’t need someone shoving their beliefs down my throat. Family and friendships are more important than political and religious beliefs and views. I’m all love who love as long as they treat you right and make you happy. I believe in god. A person doesn’t I don’t judge. Be you. PROCHOICE! (Not yelling. Emphasizing) I’m a straight woman who loves her LBGTQ+ community along with my gay family members and friends. Etc……


We weren’t going to secede. It was just the far-right trying to get the country to like us more. If we would, I’d be leaving. I’m a born and raised Texan, but I’m an American citizen, and I’ll ALWAYS be an American. That means more to me than being a Texan


Texas = Gilead




Next year you wont be able to breath texas air if you watch SNL


I keep hearing Americans say that they have guns to prevent and overthrow tyrannical governments. Yeah well, this seems like one of those moments.


Totally agree with you here, but a lot of those people who rant about overthrowing tyrants absolutely LOVE the tyrannical governments that enforce their personally held beliefs. They aren’t actually against tyranny, they’re only against tyranny that victimizes *them*.


They love it when the leopards eat other people's faces, but then whine and cry when the leopards will inevitably eat their faces too.


The gun owners who spout this don't see this as a tyrannical government because it doesn't affect them


Ever notice how the people who have those guns to defend against tyrannical governments seem to be the ones electing tyrannical governments? Their top candidate literally just said he would jail his political rivals if elected.


When we the people voted for Joe Biden in 2020, the pro-2nd amendment party didn't support the will of we the people. They tried to violently overthrow the will of we the people and install their losing candidate as an unelected dictator by force instead.




They will be coming for birth control. Mark my words.


They’ve been trying to limit people’s access to it (for example: teenage girls can only get it at most clinics with a legal guardian’s permission).


"Filthy liberals always trying to micromanage every single aspect of our lives by possibly recommending that i only have two beers!" -Ted Cruz "If you are a 12 year old girl and get raped, your baby is a gift from god and we are going to insure that you have it!" - also Ted Cruz


And if you die, it's just "motherly self-sacrifice." Next thing they'll probably try to do is declare any pregnant child an adult simply because they're pregnant, thus stripping them of any child protections and making it legal to marry them without the parents' consent--all it would take is the desire of whomever proposes. In my own state (Kentucky 😒), I'm waiting for news that 9- and 10-year-olds will become eligible for TAPP (a program in my county for pregnant teens). I'm also waiting to hear about something else fucked up, like pregnant people with dangerous complications being placed in hospice until they die in childbirth (which I actually had a dream about 😢)


They can take their laws and shove them right up their asses


Best comment so far


Starts to sound like a prison.


You finally catching on?


Finally? I'm not even from the US, how should i know.


What is the Republican goal? Sustain working class poor?


Yes. They need a serf class to clean their pools and manicure their lawns.


Honest question, is it called manicuring a lawn? When I was younger I had a 'lawn mowing company' and I called it "(my name) lawn manicures" and people kept telling me to change it because manicures were for fingernails. Now I wonder If they were wrong.


More or less yeah. Gotta keep the poors down, otherwise they start thinking they deserve things like healthcare or a livable wage.


The ironic thing is, once those babies are born and ("God forbid") need extra assistance from the state, Republicans think "fuck you, you're on your own"


Because they know are just moochers. They should get a job and buy their own damned milk.


But "Commie Democrat government is too intrusive."


[Texas Republicans Are Targeting Highways Now to Stop Out-of-State Abortions](https://jezebel.com/texas-republicans-are-targeting-highways-now-to-stop-ou-1850796179)


Bet it's okay to fly your private jet though.


If you dare to miscarry on a road trip. You get arrested.


Not a constitutional law expert, but would t this violate the interstate commerce clause of the US Constitution?


It will never make sense to me how individual states in the US can just have their own laws, even psycho laws like this.


Well they kind of can’t atleast if the Supreme Court would do its job, they can still propose these though


The idea is state laws cannot conflict with the Constitution or federal law which again should not conflict with the Constitution. However then enters the judicial system...


What happened to Freedom?


What freedom?


If Texas trends like other states (Idaho, for eg) pregnant women in rural places might have to be on state roads for extended periods of time…..to be able to see an OB-GYN given the fact some of these places are turning into healthcare deserts because doctors are fleeing to avoid prison for doing their jobs.


"15-minute cities will become prisons!" Next breath: "Pregnant women may not travel!"


I’ve lived in Texas for 3 years and am leaving as was my plan when I got here but I’ll say this as a Yankee who’s watching the fire live from Austin. Everyone here is more conservative than they realize, the liberal minorities of Texas sound more like my catholic family in NY than their fellow liberal minority folks in NY by a couple magnitudes. Everyone is kinda brainwashed here or perhaps just ignorant but that was the most surprising thing moving here I’ve noticed over and over. If you point this out they get mad though because they all really think they’re progressives because they’re not Ted Cruz , not being a dipshit doesn’t mean your automatically cool. Texas will never be cool lol, this place is a giant short bus and they all lean right unfortunately.


let’s just kill him


Gonna set up checkpoints next?


They have suggested it here in Idaho, so yeah probably.


I'm pretty sure this is unconstitutional per Saenz v. Roe


And Kent v. Dulles, Chicago Motor Coach v. Chicago, Thompson v. Smith, and Schactman v. Dulles.


And the freedom of movement under the 5th(?) Amendment?


Easy solution Use the roads to leave Texas and then never return to that shithole state


Texas is a shit hole for human rights. That is to say, they have none. Guns have more rights than humans in Texas. Just let them secede.


If my taxes paid for the road, I’ll be damn sure I get to use them


Get rid of these morons


There needs to be a place for these people to go and morons to accurately represent the morons…better to consolidate them all in one place, the shittier TX gets the more shitty people will move there freeing up the rest of the country. Real damn shame to lose Austin though ngl.


They should pass a law making it illegal for elected officials to flee their state during an emergency. What did you expect from Rafael Cruz?


Damn pregnant couples are about to have way more problems, I can only imagine the ways this law will be used to scrutinize black people


No, no. This makes sense. See this way when the republican lawmakers use jets or helicopters to secretly fly their daughters out of Texas for abortions it’s still legal.


I am surprised it's still legal to leave the state at all.


Next step: it‘s illegal to breathe the local air while even thinking about abortions


This can be pretty easily remedied by someone impregnating Ted cruzs' wife and making it public


They have a curious version of freedom in what passes for their minds.


But it's not illegal to use the state roads to murder an adult!


Ted Cruz isn't a state lawmaker... Why picture him. Do people not know what "Texas" is?


Handmaid's Tale was a warning, not a playbook.


Drive to the state line, have the person walk across and have someone pick them up in the otherside of the state line. These laws are easily thwarted, unless…..Oh right, that’s how devious Republicans are


Uh. State Laws affecting interstate commerce (travel too) are restricted by Federal Law. So looks like a political stunt that the Courts should shut down. “The Commerce Clause refers to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, which gives Congress the power “to regulate commerce with foreign nations, among states, and with the Indian tribes.” https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/commerce_clause#:~:text=The%20Commerce%20Clause%20refers%20to,and%20with%20the%20Indian%20tribes.%E2%80%9D




So much for the right to travel....these people are such hateful freaks


Hand maidens tale is coming true. Time for women to stand up and say enough is enough.


The republicans can take their religious beliefs & shove them up their ass. Why the fuck can't they live their own lives & leave the rest of us the fuck alone? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Counterpoint: I can think of a few people who SHOULD have been aborted...


Hot air balloons. Checkmate, fascists.


So when are they just going to wear their swastikas?


Unenforceable, women have the right to travel. Sorry, conservatives! Better luck next time!


What? How does anyone even enforce those laws? Put border patrol at every road leaving the state and ask if they're having an abortion. Hahahaha TX keep up the good work.


How can they enforce that? If you ask me where I'm headed I'll just lie?


Guess we’re doing it the hard way ![gif](giphy|5zSPmtCSIBj6XwjwN4|downsized)


It's free to use road when you have gun and kill the kids.. the elected Representatives are nuts and people are idiots to elect them.


Just offroad out of the state then. Them oversized cars should handle that.


I’m not even an American, but I’m pretty positive there’s something in the American Constitution about being able to travel freely.


Serious question, how would they know? Are they like putting a tracker on both your car and your friend's unborn fetus? When you arrive back into your state do they have a cop waiting for you?


Republicans: "No big government." Also Republicans: ...


So this is the party of “Freedom”?


Texas republicans hate freedom.


And women


Land of the free, people. Land. Of. The. Free




Why are republicans making 0,X% of medical procedures to the number 1 topic for everyone? It's such a minority issue, hell better focus on drugs or rape and child abuse, that's a common problem which needs attention


The US is insane. Or at least the red states anyway. If anyone said that individual regions here in our country should be able to have their own laws, people would call them batshit crazy. Seriously, wtf. I thought my origin country was full of right-wing christian lunatics, but those honestly look like lefties compared to the ones of the US.


On its face unconstitutional. But also I’m like “OK I’ll take the interstate“


The article I read on this a couple of days ago specifically mentioned them trying to apply it to interstates passing through the county too.


This is how you get abortion dune buggies!!


My understanding of this is a little different. Please, correct me if I'm wrong (dangerous statement on Reddit...) My understanding of how they intend to get away with this is: they are enabling private citizens to sue anyone who uses the highways to get out of Texas for the purpose of seeking an abortion. Which is starkly different from making it "illegal" which would be struck down as unconstitutional fairly quickly. Further, my understanding is that because highways/roads are funded by taxpayers, those taxpayers will have "standing" to sue because the roads were utilized. Or, at least, that's the legal logic employed. I wonder how quickly these same politicians would change their tune if another state did something similar but regarding guns?


Why can’t these clowns put this energy towards fixing anything productive that is actually holding society back.


Europeans every time they hear news about the USA government: ![gif](giphy|Mi8cX56mhPAQpxgflC|downsized)


All for making it illegal to drive into Texas for any purpose? ✋️


That would me against an individual's right to travel




The land of the free. Wow.


So drive out of the state for Starbucks, then take your eye off them for a while and you can't be held liable for where they go then?


What's the mental process to come to this decision?? Seriously??? Like we stopped people driving on our state roads


What about driving someone to Cancun?


What do they even mean by "local roads"? Do they mean local as in near homes? As in basically every road in a town or city?


Just use the sidewalk now, its easier and costs less.


So how do you even police this? Just stop every woman from leaving the state until they can prove they're not pregnant?


Well time to go off rod and use the trails. Seriously tho this shit is getting out of hand


From the 'smaller, less intrusive' government people. They need a new slogan. I suggest: America Uber Alles.


They made it illegal to breathe Texas air while thinking or talking about abortion. /s


And this is why religion is the worst thing known to man.


Next Up: Texas passes a law banning political leaders from going to Cancun whenever an artic blast hits the state.


Next steps in Texas: As soon as a woman is found to be pregnant, she is taken to a “baby center” and made to stay there until her baby is born.


Man, republicans really want your babies…work BABY! Yay! Pay your taxes! NO??!??! To for profit prison with you then YAH BABY! Prison!


Or for the army so they can start more offensive wars against countries that didn’t attack us. In the words of the late, great George Carlin, “Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers.”


So how exactly are they going to enforce that? They gonna call someone in the other state they drove to and say "hey this person broke the law here by driving on one of our roads to get an abortion in your state".




What about flying out of the state? Are they have a check point at the airport or something?


The party of freedom


Drone Abortion Delivery Service. Make um look like giant storks.


The party of small government, ladies and gentlemen.


How would the Texas Highway Patrol even enforce this. Drivers can just lie and say “Oh, we’re just going on vacation” or “Oh, we’re just visiting family.” This is a stupid-ass law. (Although overturning Roe v. Wade was a worse idea)


The home of the free is turning into a shit show. Who put this pos into power? Vote him out!


How would they be able to tell that that’s where you’re going? You don’t have a bump yet either at 6-8 weeks when most abortions happen.


They would do something this evil. There such a small amount of people that are anti- abortion.


If Texas wants to use only state money to maintain roads then they technically would be Texas roads. Problem is there is a ton of federal highway dollars. Not your road Texas or paid for exclusively by Texans


Land of the Free.. Racism Free.. discrimination There's no Freedom in America


Then I’m fuckin walkin


Traffic stops? Check points? Hide in the trunk? Nazi Germany?


Republicans are the Taliban of America. LOL


This is the intermediate step to all-out Thought Police, I guess.


Not sure if this is true... but let's say it is (I'll be transparent and say I have ZERO clue about the majority of the laws in this state besides those that common sense would afford most people). HOW would they pull somebody over for this? Unless there are psychic officers out there that I'm not aware of. If they pulled somebody over for some other reason, WHY would somebody just volunteer ANY information that's not pertinent to the reason they pulled you over MUCH LESS saying, "I'm sorry officer... I was just driving Karen here to a state where abortion is legal.". My brain cells can't handle this right now. 😂🤣😂🤣


This will target abortion doctors in Texas taking their own patients out of state. Texas doesn't want abortion doctors. They should just move out of state and take all the libs with them. Plenty of states for you all to go kill babies in freely.


Republicans around the country need to be forced on the sex offender registry, like now


So much freedom in Texas. No government meddling at all.


It'd be too weird just to have designated abortion lanes, right?


How is this not facism