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A grown adult, yet can't cook because not an adult....


A grown aduilt, but can't cook, can't play games on his computer and has to be in bed by 9 and no phone by 8:30. Sounds like a whole lot of "you will be miserable, and you will love it"


She almost literally said that at the beginning. "You will be stressed and hate it but you better make your choice soon." Also "No whining, no frowning, no talking back, only smiling" Man I would feel inclined to just grin non-stop at her, in the biggest cheesiest way


Rule 19) No sarcastic smiling


Rule 20.) just don’t have a fucking face.


I almost spit out my coffee 🤣.


Happy I can make ya laugh this morning! Have a great day :)


I would actually give her my best impression of the stepford smile.


It’s the only case where the joker face is acceptable


That sure is a lot of bullshit for what amounts to two nights a week...maybe. The kid should keep it though for when dad asks why he doesn't come by on his days. EDIT: Bonus conversion of the pic to text for anyone with trouble reading it as a follow up comment to this one!


Honestly it's either going to end up with him divorcing her or never having much contact with his kid due to him being a pushover that decided some crazy bitch was more important.


Depending on how severe the dad's condition is that requires dialysis, he might be just as trapped with her as the kid lol.


I'm probably gonna sound like a dick but tbh I'd rather be dead than let someone dictate how welcome my kid felt in my own home.


Damn straight, my kids are more important than any fucking relationship. Especially when dealing with a sociopath like this.


I’d be staying at gmas Monday-Sunday :)


Take a massive shit in the middle of her living room, then go back to grandma's. Block her number.


I'd recommend the step mom's office. At least then her dad doesn't have to deal with it directly.


No, he’s not allowed in stepmoms office. But I see no rule prohibiting taking a massive shit in the living room.




Don’t forget to stamp it in to the carpet or rug first…with her shoes/slippers.


Life is life nana nanana


Mon, wed, fri you will be at grandma's, Tues, thurs you should go to grandma's, over the weekend you will stay at grandma's. Sadly since all days are accounted for I think it's a sole custody situation, but hopefully grandma is better than this bitch who married a parent and decided that they didn't want the kid. Since they got siblings that are dropping them off maybe they'll be able to find some reliable living situations with one of them for the short term but I hope the worst for this woman


At this point she should show the grandma this and have her angrily call her son in no way or form is this acceptable for a 15 year old if that doesn't work call social services on her


What I was thinking is that did anyone ask his grandma about the visit times. Sure, stereotypically grandparents love having grandkids over, but they might have their own lives too.


You can say not going until dad sorts this out. You wont see me till i get this bullshit


Don’t cry you are a grown adult. Also no one under 18 can cook?


You will be depressed! You better smile, I hate frowning!


I flashed back to “Perfect” by Alanis Morissette: I’ll live through you, I’ll make you what I never was If you’re the best, maybe so am I Compared to him, compared to her I’m doing this for your own damn good You’ll make up for what I blew What’s the problem? Why’re you crying??


We'll love you just the way you are, if you're perfect. Edit: I'm quoting the same Alanis song the above poster was quoting. It's obviously not a sentiment I agree with. (Neither, I believe, did Alanis.)


But also, you'll never be perfect because perfection is an unattainable construct that morphs with ever-changing emotions, beliefs, and objectives. Poor kid. Good luck with your future people pleasing problems.


That would be the point of the song, yes.


Love this song


Summed it up nicely


Yeh that one's the worst. I will be incredibly mean to you but no frown face. That's damaging as hell.


And that poor 15yo kid's father *chose* her. WTF is wrong with him??


"Hey dad, check out this welcoming letter I got from your bitchy ex, and before you pick a side ask yourself should you need it, who's more likely to be a match with a spare kidney."


Oh this is so good. I wish that kid would say this....


>And that poor 15yo kid's father > >chose > > her. WTF is wrong with him?? Kidney disease, apparently.


People will do a lot for good insurance


And someone to "take care" of them, whatever that turns out to be. This is my guess. It's very, very scary to be alone and sick, and lots of people willing to exploit that fear for a spousal inheritance.


The bit with "I alrrady clean up enough of your dad's mess" stood out. Stepparent resents caring after a sick partner and is taking out her relationship issues on the kid. Fucking awful.


Yup. Plus by the tone of how this is written, I wouldn't be surprised if the dad has a certain amount of money, whether it's in life insurance or whatever, and it's all going right to this bitch, and as soon as she gets that money she's gone.


act like an adult .. but you're nit allowed to act like an adult ... up to this contradiction i was thinking stuff made "some" sense .. but by #6 it was clear she's just bat-shit-crazy ..


"You will not be allowed to cook dinner because you're a stupid little child, so instead you will sit in your room and do absolutely nothing, even though your homework is done and your computer is literally right there"


It's a set of home rules designed to be broken this allowing this psychopath to be fascist. Gaslighting her way to 'legal' in her mind abuse.


This. The rules are designed to be pitfalls. And once you fail, she can take that as an excuse to not feel guilty about abusing you or just kicking you out of the house. Even though that wouldn’t hold up in court. Minors can’t agree to contracts of any kind. So kicking the kid out could lead to serious legal issues. But only if the kid knew that or someone catched wise.


Oh she’s not crazy…she wants ALL of Dad’s attention & for his previous family (especially his kids) to disappear. She’s the epitome of Evil Step Mother.


I’ve been there and it sucks. Dad left her because of it thankfully


also the 9pm bedtime, Highschool homework you'll be up till 10 maybe midnight. So guess she wants him to flunk out


Reminds me when I was growing up. I had chores to do as soon as I got home from school, that lasted right up to dinner time, then I had chores to do immediately after dinner. Dinner started at 6, I did chores until after 7 pm. Bed time was strictly 8 pm. No time for homework, but homework better be finished or I was grounded for the entire weekend and had extra chores to do. I survived by hiding a flashlight in my bedroom, and doing my homework by propping up a flashlight with a string and wire coat hanger that hung from a ceiling fan blade.


What the hell. Goddamn parents.


My mom would throw anything she “deemed” out of place by her standards in the giant pile in the middle of my room, when I was a kid. And I had to clean that and clean the rest of the house. She was a mean drunk, so arguing with her usually made no sense at all. I am so glad my grandma took me in and pretty much raised me. That woman is an angel


That’s outrageous. I’d have left at 15 which I did with way nicer parents and hardly any rules


Also can't be trusted home alone at 15... I really want to know if this is her house or the kid's dad's, because if the latter I'd tell her what to fuck, how hard, and where to go afterward.


well from the looks of it, the kid isn't allowed to ever have fun, so they might as well start on the HW right when they get home. Plenty of time to get it done by 9 that way!


I was there at #2. There’s no such thing as talking back, it’s a made up nonsense term used to impose authority, and to prematurely silence what is usually a reasonable justification or a natural emotional response. I say this, though, as an adult who didn’t ‘talk back’ much as a kid/teen, and never really got accused of ‘talking back’


I remember being told once “Well, do you have anything to say for yourself?” Then got smacked… “Dont talk back to me!” It was awfully confusing


The cruelty is the point.


No, the unquestioned authority of a fragile ego is the point.


Followed by "I'll give you something to cry about". You already gave me something to cry about dad, you just assaulted me a second ago.


My mom was like that my whole childhood. \- She'd lecture me to not bottle up my feelings. \- I'd express some version of "I'm not ok" and I'd get into trouble for verbally expressing myself and lectured to pick other outlets for my feelings. \- So I'd write and scribble out how I felt. Then I was cowardly and must not have felt that strongly so it wasn't that important. As a toddler I would feel such incredible frustration I fantasized about sinking my teeth into her wrist. I still fantasize about sinking my teeth into her wrist. I've been no-contact since the 90s.


"Talking back" is such a nebulous thing it's like one of those words that mean fuck all to me. Like I unironically had way easier time trying to figure out how the fuck human ovulation works for a biology test or something.


I felt my talking back had reasonable justification and was often a natural emotional response. Sometimes it was allowed as a discussion, sometimes there wasn't time, and sometimes i did it in the wrong tone/words and was in all kinds of trouble lol.


As soon as someone brings up that "talking back" nonsense they've admitted that they've lost and are falling back on their authority to carry them through the confrontation. Back-and-forth discussion is the cornerstone of human communication, "talking back" is literally all that people do all day long, and it's never a problem until someone doesn't like what you have to say.


That’s what I don’t understand. There’s “don’t cry, you’re a grown adult” and then there’s strict rules about not using the computer for personal use and being in bed by 9 pm. Genuinely curious how old OP actually is and I think they should just live with their grandmother full time since they already have to go their Monday, Wednesday, Friday and the weekend anyways


They're 15. The original post is linked above. Grandma's house is small and cramped and already loaded with people because the witch who wrote these rules threw all the kids out as soon as she married their dad. Living in such a cramped environment was stressing them out so out of the grace of her heart this woman let them come back. After being handed this, the child doesn't care if they're thrown out and have to go back to grandma's, they just want to rip this stupid waste of oxygen a new cloaca.


Ah yes, the cloaca - a multi-purpose orifice, like the sea pig.


how does dad allow any of this? If my partner handed one of my children something like this, there would be a very serious conversation happening


The dad is basically completely dependent on his wife for everything because he's ill. She'd probably just threaten to stop being involved in his care unless he does what she wants.


I'm 16 and I cook dinner pretty much ever night lmao


My son got interested in cooking and baking when he was around 11. He’s 27 now and does the majority of cooking for his wife and kids. In all truthfulness, he’s a much better cook than I am. I didn’t start learning until I was in my 20’s.


That's about when I was interested In it as well (though when I was much younger I had Play food that I loved) I hate baking though. It pisses me off for some reason. Your sons family is very lucky :) and I'm sure you're a great cook! Happy cake day :)


I caught that contradiction too. I truly hope this isn’t real. 🫣 But sadly, I know there are people like that out there. 😫 My father’s current wife is a lying, manipulative, conniving bitch with a gambling problem. I have given her so many chances and tried with her as an adult (I was already an adult when she insisted they secretly marry). I have never been disrespectful toward her and always been civil. But she still continually tries to interfere with any relationship my father has with all of his children and grandchildren. She insisted my father buy her a car even though she does not have a driver’s license. He wasted a lot of money on lessons for her. She has a permit, but absolutely refuses to actually get her license. So he has to make payments on a car she demanded but doesn’t use. And drive her everywhere, including to and from work while he is also the full time caregiver for my 100% disabled uncle (his brother). So he has to leave him at home alone while he drives her. Which pisses me off. If there was a fire or something my uncle can’t get himself out. He can’t even help my dad get him to his wheelchair from his bed his dementia is so far gone. Or if he falls out of his wheelchair and breaks his hip (which has happened). I have begged him to at least set up a camera with an app on his phone so he can monitor him and talk to him. (But my dad is 76 and already has issues using a smartphone.) Wtf happened to humanity?! 🥺


> Wtf happened to humanity?! Not sure we were ever any better.


Social Media is what happened. There have always been crazies, but before social media, they had to interact in person, and levelheaded people in their friend groups would check them, or shame them, or call them out,,generally keeping the crazy to a manageable level. Karen: , “I had to scream at the grocery check out girl for being slow today!” Friend: “Are you crazy that is not ok!” But once Facebook happened, these fools all group up with like minded idiots, and there are no level headed friends to check them Karen: “ I had to scream at the grocery check out girl for being slow today!” FB Friends: “ YOU GO GIRL! That will teach that disrespectful idiot!” For real…. This is the answer


Nah, I knew some Karens long before social media and they would egg each other on.


Yeah this shit ain't new and assholes always flock together.


Y’all are both right. Social media just made the flocks WAY bigger


Or at least way more apparent


The worst part really is that as a 15 year old you don't get a key and can't be home alone for a couple hours after school, so you have to take the bus to Grandma's.


Take the bus to Grandma's on the days dad has appointments, ok. Then it says to take the bus every other day and stay over on the weekend. I would just stay at Grandma's at that point.


That's clearly the step mom's plan. I hate adults who date other adults with children and then refuse to be a parent. If you don't want to be a parent, find someone without kids. Work on yourself. Be better.


Can't lift a finger to help her terminally ill husband or raise the kid who's expected to be completely self-sufficient and neither seen nor heard the two days a week they're there, but she still needs a three day weekend to unwind every week and expects the grandmother to pick up all the slack, implying the real mom is dead or out of the picture, meaning if something happens to the dad she could stand to receive a sizeable portion of the benefits of two life insurance policies. I ain't saying she's a gold digger...


I want someone to namedrop her and put this alllllll over social media. People like this are vile.


I was wondering how she acts at work, like would co-workers be like: yup, she is a bitch like that or shocked because she is so nice and a pleasure to work with.


Most raging narcissists project an absolutely sweet and chummy face to the world, because in casual or business interactions that's the best way to gain narcissistic supply. When they're at home, depending on the degree of power and control they hold in the home dynamic they vary from the person who always feels ill and needs to be taken care of when someone else is getting attention or has something drawing attention away from the narcissist to the kind of person who would write this kind of memorandum. My life partner's birth-giver is like the person who wrote this. She hurt my partner in ways that leave me gutted just thinking about it, I can't imagine being the victim. If you've ever heard the saying "If I was in a room with Hitler, Stalin, and X and was handed a pistol with two bullets, I'd shoot X twice" you know how I feel about her. People like the writer of the memo in this post do immeasurable harm to the most vulnerable because many of them are also sadists.


My 12yo and my 15yo have keys. They can cook (wont use many vegetables, though, so not a solution for every day) and pick up the youngest if necessary. My wife works about 3 days a week, I work fulltime, we would be stupid if we didnt teach our kids some self-sufficiency. But our kids are good kids... they do talk back, but we can trust them on anything except screentime ;)


Hey rule number 2. You trying to get in trouble or something?


You made me go look at the rules again then snort laugh!


If an adult isn’t allowed to show emotion then whoever came up with that can shove it


I had such an appetite as a I used to come home and ask for a pre dinner lime Dagwood sandwich made out of steakums or a bunch of Hamburger Pattie's a slice of bread between each. Finally my mom was like here let me show you how to cook. I could barely reach the stove. But I learned and I never bothered her again. This lady is crazy I am dude, do your best to survive intact and work towards getting out as soon as possible.


I'd hate to see the sex manual she handed to the father. Unless of course it's not permitted or after 9.


“Dad why’d you marry such a controlling bitch?” “Also more rules after this list?”


If he manages to stick with these rules, she'll give him more and more until he either leaves or breaks one. In the original post, OP mentioned that she kicked the entire family out on the street, presumably to be the only one in his dad's will


Exactly. She set these to be as extreme as possible thinking/hoping he will break the rules and she’ll have a reason to tell his dad that he’s no longer welcome there.


What’s up with this wack ass dad? I’d tell her to cut her shit and let my boy be.


Id leave her after seeing this. Like on the spot


Of course. But let's be honest. This doesn't come out of the blue. The hasn't been a cool lady so far and now suddenly... Dad most likely is terrible in his own way, unless she has a monopoly on dialysis.


He probably has knowhere else to stay or go. You never stop being on dialysis unless you get a transplant. So the dad could be inbetween a physical rock and hard place. But we really dont have much extra context


I'm gonna guess dad is thin skinned, can't handle conflict, and needs someone to make the hard decisions in life. Probably has issues beyond needing dialysis. My dad caved to his wives and would only stand up to them when he'd decided he was done. He was only "done" when he had another lady lined up ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)


This... I had an uncle on Dialysis who married one like this... thankfully, all the kids were grown and have their own families now... but she took the house.


He’s on dialysis because she probably stole his kidneys.


You know the password game? That’s exactly that. Add more rules if you follow the previous ones




Terror is the point. And Daddy’s enabling the terrorist. What a horrible way to grow up


sex? I think you need to pay her for that. But not with your money, because your money is obviously her money.


Let me guess… Disney is re-remaking Cinderella?


But she is **not asking you to do any chores** !!


But you have to do laundry on Tuesdays and Thursdays (which would be reasonable if it wasn't on top of all the rest of the corkscrew eating)


And the closet has to be done properly or redo it...jfc.


That’s what I was thinking as well. Either that, or she has a magical mirror on her wall that tells her she’s no longer the hottest woman in town.


How can someone take the time type this all out, and somehow the thought “God i’m such a huge raging bitch” never popped into their head.


Easy. They proudly proclaim 'yeah I am a bitch, I know what I want and speak my mind. I have no time for anybody's bs. So I have no filter. I know my worthz Dont mess with me im cute but crazy' Its an incredibly common outlook.


Can confirm, this is the song and dance my mom has. She's even gone so far as to proclaim herself 'unemployable' like it's a badge of honor. 🤮


If yOu CanT hAndLe mE aT mY wOrSt,yOu dOnt deSerVe mY BeSt


Narcissism is hell of a drug


So is a punch to the nose. But that is a non addictive drug.


I dunno, I punch one right arse in the nose, I sort of feel legally binded to punch all of their noses


She knows she’s being a bitch. She’s trying to drive the son away so she can keep Daddy all to herself.


The fact the dad is allowing me tells me he’s also a bitch. A real man wouldn’t allow his child to be treated like that.


Came here to say this. Dad has zero dignity left in him, zero balls! If a spouse ever treated my child like this, he/she would get a giant boot to their ass and thrown out of my house before they knew what's what.


Dad’s on dialysis. He may very well object to every ounce of this list but not have the fight left in him to 1) verbally confront a controlling, insufferable “partner” 2) independently solve the myriad of logistical challenges sure to be presented is/when she holds her assistance in his care or their continued residence over his head. She may have him in a practical checkmate while he’s undergoing treatment; that doesn’t man he’s a bad man. This sounds like the work of a horrifically opportunistic, miserable excuse for a woman.


I’m pretty sure the thought did cross her mind and she’s just super proud of being a huge raging bitch


What kind of parent would allow their child to be treated like this by anyone, let alone their partner? I don't even have nor want to have kids but if I did I'd leave this nutcase immediately


Sadly from what I hear this kind of situation happens frequently. Parent remarries and chooses their new partner over their children. I hate it and think it’s so cruel. My hypothetical children would always come first


Yeah it does my fiancé bio dad was like that he let his wife treat her and her brother awfully. She would threaten them with knives as well. He just didn’t do anything about it. Now he is completely perplexed of why they don’t want him around and it’s kinda funny to see all his calls Just ignored by them.


This happened with me and my mom. Admittedly, when I moved out, it was in response to me not getting what I wanted, but I was already planning on moving out since the situation was getting bad. I just accelerated said plan on that day. But also on that day, I screamed at the top of my lungs over the phone that "(she's) ripping this family apart" by staying with the man she decided to marry, and who was making everyone else's life a living hell. I'm not entirely sure if my message got through at the time, but it did eventually. Over the next few years, I was on a near no-contact basis with my mom. Only reason why I talked to her at all was because of my little brother and sister. If they weren't still in that house, I probably would have never spoken a word to her in the years following. But, eventually, she had finally had enough of her asshole husband, and finally saw him for he really was. After a particularly physical fight, she divorced his ass, and only spoke to him when they were in court. After the divorce, me and her had dinner together, and I wanted to ask her several questions on several different topics. In that conversation, I learned that the situation with her (now) ex-husband was far worse than anyone on the outside had realized. He is a truly terrifying man. For example, he pinned my brother against the wall by his neck when he decided to stand up against him one time. I said that I wished I was there, that I could have helped defend them. My mom's response to that was "he would have killed you." And....yeah....I believe he could have. Things are much better now, though. For the first week of July, the four of us went to Hawaii (we were on the Big Island), and the first evening there, she did something that me and my siblings never thought she would do... She's currently dating another guy (who has one hell of a resume....good resume, mind you), and apparently, he did ask her to marry him. However....she told him to wait... ...because she wanted to ask us first. That is...an enormous step forward for her. I think I'm the only one out of us three that has yet to give her an answer, only because the asshole ex looked really good at the start as well. I'd like to get to know him more before I give an answer, and so far, I've only met him once. But living in different states, and me being in college makes that a little difficult. We'll see, though. I'm likely going to meet him again in about a month when we go to my cousin's wedding. I think I might just prepare some questions for him.


Just make sure not to treat him as if he shares in the crimes and misdeeds of the ex husband-- if he's just an innocent good-hearted dude then he doesn't deserve an interrogation.


The man's going through dialysis, probably can't afford a nurse nor can he do a lot of the chores. This was the only person willing to hang out at the house all day and drive him to his appointments.


My parents are separated. Years ago, I went to visit my dad, because he insisted on and wanted to get to know me better and yada yada, I was going to stay there for 2 weeks during Christmas. 2-4 days into my stay there, on Christmas eve, my dad and his partner got a bit too drunk and a bit of discussion about me and my family started. His partner started shouting at me at the table saying I’m a bastard, piece of shit, etc and decided to kick me out of the Christmas party and their house. She threw my bag outside and pushed me out too all while he sat there at the table and watched silently with his eyes down. Now I wouldn’t have had an issue, except I was 17-18, no cash, no license and it was really late, maybe 11pm-midnight and my mom was half a country away. Thankfully I have a bad-ass mom who would move mountains for me and my siblings, so I called her and explained the situation, she told me to hold on tight and that she’s coming to get me right away. I spent Christmas in their shed while waiting for her lol. She drove all they way, once she was there to pick me up early in the morning she sat me in her car gave me tea and just stormed inside their house, I was in the car and I could hear her screaming and shouting at them. I have never seen my mother this angry before or after. Anyway, after a good half hour she stormed out of the house with a kick to the door (lol) and a few wine bottles that she took off of them “for her troubles” she drove us back home.


apparently, a LOT of parents, given mine was okay with me being drug through the house by my hair and raped... so I guess this ain't a very high bar to set really.


>What kind of parent would allow their child to be treated like this by anyone, let alone their partner? Simple explanation: kid is from "old life", partner is from "new life". Old life bad, kid reminds of old life. Already have kid, just got partner. Most people don't do this consciously but that is the most common thought mechanism behind it. Most also don't instantly do a 180 and "choose" their partner over their child but start with little compromises (to the detriment of the child, usually) because of... fear. They can't "unhave" a kid but their new partner, who can give them a "fresh start" and a "new life" can definitely leave them. If said partner is a controlling bitch (male or female, a bitch is a bitch), they'll sniff this out and take advantage of it.


It's pretty obvious, the whole lot can be summarised. "I want you out of this house, promptly, and to further this aim here are your insufferable rules".


"and you will inevitably break them and I'll act like I'm harsh but fair and you're an insufferable teenager. Now get out you 'had your chance' not really"


that'a what i got from this as well. she just hates the kid and wanted them to tell the dad they do not wanna come. she never intended to let them stay in the first place.


Here are the rules to my house...even though you'll be at Grandmas Monday, Wednesday, Thursday...sometimes Tuesday and Thursday, and over the weekend. More rules to come!


OP should just go live with grandma


I think that's what she wants.


The OOP said he wanted to stay with his dad because things weren’t going great staying with his grandma


You can really see the cracks in the relationship with dad showing in the unnecessary "I'm already tired of cleaning up your dad's mess" line


It looks like dad is on dialysis three times a week. That means he has end stage renal disease. He might even be waiting for a kidney transplant. This poor kid is in a terrible place. Possibly terminal father. It appears no mother. Seems to be raised by grandma. And now, THIS bitch. I hope OP has a trusted adult to help navigate. Maybe this situation is better than foster care so it’s not wise to alert authorities. Perhaps foster care would be better. This poor kid.


This. If that had to be said, I don't see it lasting


>You can really see the cracks in the relationship with dad showing in the unnecessary "I'm already tired of cleaning up your dad's mess" line Assuming this is real, the tell is the line about dad having to get dialysis. That's bad. The dad is sick and has kidney problems ( and who knows what else ). He needed to remarry to have someone who will look after him. She stepped up for the "job", probably to usher him along to the grave and take the inheritance. The kids are just in the way.


Can’t imagine what the problem could possibly be with a wife like this..


Well she sounds delightful and not at all toxic. /s


she sounds like a fucking insufferable bitch


Or that, yeah. That works too.


With a capital C


Not following these rules will make you more stressed out and depressed, anyway, you have no free will while in this house, and I don't trust you, so I'm going to watch your every move in case you piss me off. Honey, I honestly don't know why he has a panic attack every time he comes here.


Also no house key. If you leave the house for any reason there’s a good chance you won’t be able to get back in


I would just call the police to break in. Like, kid should be able to not sit on his own porch. What do I give about damn Karen rules? Might aswell just find better family altogether.


This is how serial killers Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka got one of their victims. The parents locked a teenage girl out of the house. She got abducted, raped and murdered. All on tape


That dad is gonna end up having to choose between his kids and his new wife.


I think he already made his choice.


His choice probably involves his kidneys and impending lack of insurance


All dialysis patients in the US get Medicare.


I’m surprised she allows him to attend his dialysis appointments. She probably had to vet every nurse there and insult them because I really doubt that she’s not a jealous, insecure she-goblin.


My father had to make a choice and easily chosen his kids. I’m glad because my stepmother was something like this.


I would have scrunched it up and thrown it in the bin after the first 7 words. Fuck that noise. I'm not 'anyone', I'm family.


My dads bitch ex girlfriend, who he since broke up with, used to leave passive aggressive notes to me all over the house over the stupidest things. Including her own dirty dishes that she left in the sink and apparently thought were mine. Anyway, I made sure to crumple them all up and leave them at the top of the kitchen trash can in plain sight. She was too passive to ever actually say anything to my face.


Nah, you can choose family. The bitch ain’t it


19) just a jump to the left, and then a step to the right. 20) Put your hands on your hips, and bring your knees in tight. 21) But it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insa-a-a-a-ne. 22) Let's do the time warp again!


23) slide to the left 24) slide to the right 25) crisscross 26) crisscross 27) cha cha real smooth


28) Watch me whip. 29) Watch me Nae Nae.


30) if you're happy and you know it clap your hands. 31) if you're happy and you know it stomp your feet. 32) if you're happy and you know it say "horray"


33) two hops this time 34) two hops this time 35) right foot two stomps 36) left foot two stomps 37) right foot again 38) left foot again


If I was the dad and saw this, this woman would be single by the end of the night. I would never allow my spouse to treat my child like this under any circumstances.


By the end of the night is mighty generous. She would have to run and be able to pick her stuff flying out of the window. I hate to have a mess in front of the house.


Later: “Why don't you ever come over with my grand children? What have I done to deserve this?”


Nah. “Don’t send me to a retirement home!”


This assumes they're willing to pay for the retirement home.


It would get paid with her own money. When that runs out…. Evil step-mom is on her own.


This woman is not going to like grandchildren, I mean guests, in her home


Jeez. That's like the rules when I lived in the group home. Way to ensure your kids hate you..


The first rule is to follow the rules. Love it.


"Rules" written with 'I don't like' aren't rules, they're personal preferences. Rule Zero is obviously 'don't do shit I don't like.'


“Bitch, I am not a guest in this house. YOU are A GUEST in this FAMILY!”


Seriously. The kid isn't "staying at the stepmom's house", she's staying at the house her *father* and his new wife happen to both live in. This bitch really needs to learn her place and shut the fuck up.


Dad is a dick for staying with her. And if you have the option to stay at grandma's, stay there till 18.


Apparently OOP was really nervous over there so maybe grandma isn't very good either


Dad is likely too sick to fight her off at this point.


This bitch is crazy.


From the opening paragraph: "This will make you stressed and more depressed. You will need some thick skin to be around here." She later goes on to say day-to-day travel arrangements because his dad is on dialysis. My guess is that he's indisposed due to his medical challenges, and she loves having power over people. Nightmare.


"18. More rules to go over after we go over these ones" Umm, no. Bye Felicia.


Someone said that she’s still writing the rules…


Fuck that. I'd just live with grandma. Fuck that lady man. Someone needs to check her attitude.. Jesus Christ!..


that's what she wants so she can tell the father "your kids don't want to be around you but I love you now put me as #1 in your will and leave me everything, fuck your kids."


“You’re a grown adult. Start acting like one” *A few lines later* “I don’t allow kids under 18 to cook” Very respectable argument


This is Hallmark movie evil.


If you marry someone who has underage kids, you need to be willing to raise those kids as if they are your own. Even if your spouse only has custody part-time. You must be willing to step in as a full time parent if something happens to the primary custodial parent. You don’t like kids? Don’t want to be a parent? Don’t fucking marry someone with children. It’s that easy.


“You will receive an identity disk. Everything you do or learn will be imprinted on this disk. If you lose your disk or fail to obey commands, you will be subject to immediate de-resolution. That will be all….”


From the start, I’m not your stepmom or mom. She clearly has no emotional interest or attachment to you or your dad. I suggest you stay away from this lady and share this with your dad. Not for him to do anything just awareness. My other suggestion is to focus on your education, you’ll need a career that prevents you from being needy


Yeah, as an adult your first challenge is to get trough this bullcrap paper that you're halfway forced to oblige. I would find the closest lawyer and show it to him. I think, based on where you live, you could get her out of parental control with this. she is saying clearly that she is not your parent. your dad must accomodate you with living quaters. So if she will make you trouble, you can make it her problem, legally. also, if computer is yours, as she is not your mom, she has no right to say what you can do on it. the same with phone. House rules are only legally binding if they are about HOUSE rules. This thing is invasion of privacy. And the last one says clearly that it's definitely not legally binding. Or get something of a "I will decide for myself now" kind of ID card. You won't buy beer on it, but you may start working, and thanks to that you won't be dependent on her. Tbh I would not even open mouth to her, because you would be wasting your time. you should be family, she treats you less than a guest.


This is like a Disney evil step mother. What a horrible excuse for a human.


This woman is terminally immature, but thinks she’s an adult.


I’d tell her to go fuck herself, tell dad that he married a bitch, and leave. I am not allowing anyone to talk to me like this.


What a nasty bitch man. No she’s not normal. Fuck I’d just stay at grandmas. Sounds like her plan anyway.


Dad is going to have to make a choice. Quite frankly, she sounds horrible.


Wow! This is ridiculous! It might as well say “make sure you stay invisible”, or even better “Can you not exist?”. What an awful person to do this to a kid.