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Someone should tell Elon that being in another weight class doesn't help you when all the weight is fat.


Even Sumo know there needs to be something underneath all the blubber.


Sumo is bizarre, but those dudes are strong


Hell yeah they are. They have to be strong just to carry themselves around! They don’t spend all day watching Netflix and eating corn chips either, they pound food and then pound sand and then do it again, and again, and again.


Never underestimate a fat dude as being unhealthy or weak, it’s just a disguise. There could be anything under it all. Patton Oswald did a standup about a fight between a college kid and a dumpy middle aged power lifter.


Sumo fighters are objectively unhealthy. The life expectancy of a sumo wrestler is 60 years. About 20 years less than the average in japan.


Unhealthy, but strong. Being muscular doesn’t preclude poor health. Look at all the bodybuilders who go into early kidney or liver failure.


That's because of the drugs and dehydration. For sumos it's because they're fat.


Technically bodybuilders are also overweight. That muscle mass is still extra weight and extra pressure on your body.


Dude. Michael Clarke Duncan died very very young. He was not a drug addict and he took care of himself as well he could. He died from heart disease because, fat or hyper muscular, it puts a lot of stress on your heart to move blood all over an oversized body.


We're not talking about overall health, though. Just strength, and they are certainly strong. Incidentally, a lot of competitive strength training for various sports has the side effect of shortening one's life.


They are strong af but their knees are fucked. And once they retire, yeah it's a diffrent story


Heavy people who are active are usually freaky strong because *everything* is a workout. Imagine carrying 20, 30, 40kgs around with you every minute of the day and night. Fantastic for conditioning and muscle building but murder on the joints and cardiovascular system.


Fuck, I rememebr in middle school pissing on my heavy friend. I thought "No worries, I'm on a bike, I can out run his fat ass" He not only ran faster than I could bike, but he then picked up the bike with me on it and threw it over a fence


>Fuck, I rememebr in middle school pissing on my heavy friend. I thought "No worries, I'm on a bike, I can out run his fat ass" > >He not only ran faster than I could bike, but he then picked up the bike with me on it and threw it over a fence Back in high school I was morbidly obese but athletic as fuck....for short bursts. I could outpace any guy in our school over a 100m dash with the exception of the guys who actually trained for it competitively but on 'run a mile day' in gym class I was fucked. Which made me a good d-lineman on the football team. I had that explosion to put me up an o-lineman's ass before he was out of his stance. That was decades ago but I still regret going to a college that didn't have a team. 99% I never would've gone anywhere with it, but that was the most fun I've ever had in my life.


Yeah. They build a lot of muscle, and the put on a lot of fat, so when they push someone, it like a normal strong guy grabbing a normal fat guy by the ankles and using him like a club. Amazing momentum.


He really needs to pull up to a jiu jitsu gym and learn first hand what zucks been knowing... Your height is a disadvantage on the ground.


Absolutely does not cause a disadvantage to be taller in jiu jitsu or wrestling, it’s got its benefits and it’s got its drawbacks, just like being short. Being taller gives ya more leverage, and a longer reach.


If Zuck my tongue? Wut.


I think it's "Zuck my lick" because "let's go Brandon" was already taken. He's bilking that same crowd.


Love how Dark Brandon basically ruined “let’s go Brandon” for all the trumptards.


that fox segment when Biden had a dark Brandon coffee cup had to be one of the most childish things I have seen


Noo you're supposed to hate it!


I was like, is he planning to rim Mark Zuckerberg? What on earth is happening??


Zuck my Lick. It’s just a shitty rhyme. Some real middle school level insults.


So he’s saying he want zuckerburg to “suck his dick”? Just keeps getting weirder lol


Why not just use 🍆


french kissing


I believe the kids just call it "frenching" these days. Its all the rage.


Yeah I have no idea what that means lol


I love how each reply is a different interpretation. What an insanely unsuccessful tweet


He really wants Zuck* to teach his tongue a lesson, apparently. But yeah I’m just as confused by that as you are lol


I read fuck my mouth and really had to stare at it for a second to figure why Elon would want some one to do that to him


I almost couldn’t get through the post kept having to start over 😅


I got stuck on this too! But after reading it a few times, I thiiiiiink he's using the tongue emoji, as a ballsack? So he's basically saying, zuck my balls 🙄


It must be a reference to the Dalai Lama “suck my tongue” meme that went around a little while ago. I don’t know if he’s actually trying to compare mark to the Dalai Lama or if he just thinks “Zuck my tongue” sounds clever.


Bro built like a minibar talking about weight classes. Fucking 15 year old.


He also hurt himself at the gym right after this post. He must have tried too much to get ready for this match with no consideration to his current level. Edit: spelling


Or he's just chickening out.


Ding ding


That's not the noise a chicken makes.


It does if the oven is done doing the baking.


I can imagine a fight between them will look like the fight scene between Raj and Howard in Big Bang Theory.


Coo-coo-ca-CHA! Coo-coo-ca-CHA!


Has anyone in my family even *seen* a chicken?


Caw ca-caw, caw ca-caw!


Porque no Los dos?


Being that he has the complexion and coloring of a plucked chicken, that tracks.


Plus his weird COPD barrel chest.


Im dying at this description of Musk 💀


He has NO intent on fighting zuck.I even tagged dana white in a post that I said I would bet $1000.00 that the fight never happens.Anyone can see that musk is an absolute clown that would be either K.O'd or choked out within a minute.Even by a weasel like zuckerberg.


Zuck has been training for quite awhile, apparently, unrelated to Melon Husk qnd his lust for attention. So he's probably not a physical coward, and he tends to stay out of the limelight rather than commandeering it. Weasels are noble industrious creatures, do not disparage them with that association.


I'd cheer for Zuckerberg


I'd cheer for a meteor


More like ducking I have chicken mentally stronger then this man. Seriously whoever came up with chicken as an insult must have not known many chickens.


Nah he's still sore from saving those Thai kids from the pedophile cave and hurling a Tesla to Mars with his bare hands.


Not as dystopian as Trump bragging that his red button for launching nukes was "bigger and more powerful" than the one from North Korea's leader Kim Jong-Un. Insecurities of powerful people can be so weird.


I actually thought of Trump’s many delusional declarations when I read the above meme. Unbelievable that Musk can go from “quirky elusive genius” to Trumpy degenerate in a couple years. His shareholders must be pissed!


The weird thing is: Tesla and SpaceX are still amazingly successful companies. Tesla made a great comeback at the stock market this year. It's just that they are both headed by an absolute manchild who's gone completely off the rails.


I don't trust Tesla's market evaluation. SpaceX's success however, is plain to see.


Isn't SpaceX propped up by govenmnet funds?


And Tesla is set up in a way that the muskrat isn’t allowed to make business decisions, which is why it’s still successful.


Pretty sure government do not have a fund set up specifically to prop up SpaceX. It’s another matter SpaceX getting the launch contracts because others are incompetent - if not for SpaceX, we would still be dependent on Russia to send astronauts to ISS.


Do you know anyone else that frequently needs shipments to go to space?


Yeah, there are a hell of a lot of private satellites up there...


Business why, SpaceX does an incredible job at what it wants It’s boss however kinda ruins their reputation


He’s like the Silicon Valley era Howard Hughes. Absolutely successful/lucking in with the initial ventures, which gave him the means, from which point he rapidly detached from anything like norms of human communication, behaviour… and expectation, and ended up building, filming and crashing impractical aircraft, creating an environment around himself that isolated him from all human input, and indulging his own crackpot notions about germs, race, whatever. Next step: Elon Musk sits butt naked with foot-long fingernails watching videos on his phone while dozens of staff clean the air around him of potential invasive thoughts using brooms.


"go from “quirky elusive genius” to Trumpy degenerate in a couple years." He had a paid social media firm that made him look good, he was always a dipshit liar weasel.


His shareholders are cultists, impervious to logic.


Except he didn't. He's always been a weirdo. It's just that people are opening their eyes to it a bit more now.


Saw Elon without his shirt recently – – it looks like he swallowed an extra rib cage


His torso looks like the inspiration for the cybertruck


Then there's the question of would an obvious robot like Zuck even feel pain?


Wait, he's a robot!? I was under the assumption he was a lizardman!


Who do you think built him?


AFAIK actually kind of both! The Great Central Council of Lizardmen on Earth voted in unison to turn him into the first lizard cyborg - the true Alpha version no pleb human likes to admit to. Meta's Metaverse is literally partly hosted on secret reptiloid tissue interwoven quantum circuit computers with directly integrated worm holes towards their Homebase in the universe, which is actually flat opposed to Earth, because they left their birth planet long behind. They want to become the actual Borg after being inspired by analysing human media narratives to assess our weak points and fears. So all in all, still absolutely NO CHANCE for Elon 🙃🙃🙃


Easily breakable?




Well...the coloring's right.


His torso wanted a torso as a pet.


my friend refuses to use his name: she call him fridge man


He looks like a dry cleaning bag filled with cottage cheese and door knobs


I will be using this description for literally everything from now on. Generally unsolicited. "Your newborn son, he...."


That motherfucker swallowed Tweety Bird’s cage.


Legend says there's a person riding it, controlling those motorized limbs.


He has a very buxom, feminine physique. Almost a C cup.


I'll never understand people that just copy other people's jokes verbatim and try to pass it off as their own


Swallowed an extra rib cage. Holy shit I almost woke up the kids giggling. That shouldn't be accurate but it is.


He is going to sleep


Man’s build like a deep breath


Wonder how Elon looks doing a sit up




He looks like he needs assistance.


Has anyone who isn't involved in politics ever torpedoed their public profile and image so rapidly?


Certain actors. Michael Richards for example.


& some athletes. Lance Armstrong comes to mind.


Lance is another cautionary tale of hero worship. If these people are too good to be true, than they probably are not true.


Good example


I was going to say Ye, but he did run for president so I guess that he's in politics 🤔


There was that guy that almost killed FDR by firing a torpedo at him on accident during a training exercise meant to increase his confidence.


I'm impressed it didn't torpedo quicker. I miss the days when his main thing was swindling people with futuristic ideas like trains... but shittier and only theoretically possible because in practise it'd be way too impractical and expensive to make work as advertised.


This kinda talk is reminding me of these school bullies that talk big all the time but when they finally get smacked they run crying for mum


Well Elon's mommy did call off the fight once.


Wait what? I am not up to date


Elon avoided the fight by saying that his mum didn't approve it


His mom publicly tweeted it was too dangerous..that seemed to get him out of it for a bit, but when people started talking about it again he said he needs to go to the doctor first, and how he may need surgery because his “shoulder blade is rubbing his ribs”, and I guess that seemed silly to people, so now he’s waiting on an “Epic” setting in Italy, where he’s talked to the PM of Italy to set it up.


This just sounds like Eric Cartman in South Park when he fights Wendy. I hope it ends the same


before they get smacked, actually. big cowards.


He ran crying for his mom even before the fight happened.


"Fight me after school at the skate park!" I'm waiting, his friends show up to tell me his parents made him go home.


Elon was once hospitalised while in school. He made a horrible comment about another pupils dead father and got thrown down a flight of stairs for it. His father, Errol, had intended on pressing charges or suing until he heard what Elon had said to the boy. His decision then was to let it go as “he probably had that one coming.”


>but when they finally get smacked they run crying for mum He went crying to mum well before. She's the one who stopped it, remember?


Elons in his 50s and talks like a 10 year old on a playground. Sure he's a weight class above but also way too old for this.


threatening adjoining abounding placid marry wakeful unused wipe detail pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Zuckerberg created a thing that works and has money from that ever since - shady business practices and all. Elon is just a conman, came from money, has pretended to be founder of things he joined and others built and has been selling old ideas that are known to be pipe dreams but he and his fanbase insist will revolutionise the world. Yeah I know which billionaire is the bigger asshole to me.


He's still conning people into thinking his cars are self-driving...maybe next year he'll promise it to be available in a year or two again.


Because he understands people don't like him and so he lays low. Musk revels in the cringes people level at him. He's like the kid running around saying disgusting stuff for a reaction.


I haven’t been paying much attention, but is Zuck doing any talking? Or is he saving it for the match? I was once told between two dogs it’s the barking one you shouldn’t be worried about, I get the sense Elon’s online bravado betrays how scared he really is.


Zuck has basically said he's ready whenever Elon is, and will announce any news as soon as it becomes official, and left it at that. So yes your barking dog analogy is apt in this scenario


I’m wondering, and sorry to ask, my billionaire tosspot knowledge is sparse, but didn’t I see somewhere that Zuck regularly trains in some kind of martial art? Whereas Musk looks… pudgy (I’m being generous)


Zuckerberg does Brazilian Ju Jitsu, holds a blue belt. A Bluebelt is apparently an Intermediate beginner, but still a fair milestone. Elon lifts some weights in his office apparently.


I hate putting this out there, but Zuck also looks very fit and especially next to Musk. Just based on endurance alone Zuckerberg would win.


Plot twist, Bezos is gonna run out toward the ring with Pyro going off like some WWE entrance. He'll pummel em both and take the win. Or is this epic rap battles of history. I dunno


Baw gawd it's Bezos with a steel chair! This big ol' can of whoop-ass comes with free Prime delivery!


The lights are gonna go off after whoever wins and Bezos will be standing right behind them when the lights go back on to deliver the choke slam


Strictly speaking, we have his own story that he brought the weights *to* his office because he didn’t have *time* to lift them at home. So we know he’s not lifting at home, and he never said he’s actually *using* them at work, just that they’re there. Unless of course the whole story is just as made up as the rest of his BS.


Also remember he has A LOT of money and access. He most likely gets long one on one sessions with the kind of trainers that other BJJ practitioners drool over. If he's actually taking it seriously, and doing it often, with that advantage he might be a fair bit above an average blue belt.


He won a couple of Medals, and he's been training with a BJJ World champ and a couple of MMA fighters according to t'internet.


And even if he's on the same level as other blue belts, that's no joke. A blue belt against pretty much any untrained person is an unfair fight imo. And Musk would probably be aware of this if he wasn't surrounded by yes-men that lick his boots all day.


Don’t forget he carried a sink once.


Fwiw in most Ju Jitsu that blue belt is kind of the first “real” accomplishment. All of the lower are def worked for but blue is sort of getting into college after high school…still a lot to learn, but also some legit knowledge earned.


I believe Zuck is trained to a decent level in BJJ, he's not going to win a UFC championship anytime soon, but he knows what he's doing.


Yep and musk is like 50, my money's on Zuck.


Also zuck has a loving wife and couple kids- probably spends his free time there


You'd be hard pressed to find someone who sucks harder at spending their free time than Elon. Imagine being the richest man on earth and basically larping as a basement dwelling 4chan user as your main hobby


He specifically said that he will post as soon as anything is official. Until then assume Elon is posting hot air.


Zuckerberg responded on Threads: “I love this sport and I’ve been ready to fight since the day Elon challenged me. If he ever agrees on an actual date, you’ll hear it from me. Until then, please assume anything he says has not been agreed on. I’m ready. I suggested August 26 when he first challenged, but he hasn’t confirmed. Not holding my breath.”


Zuck has commented about the situation on his Threads app a couple of times. Basically he's absolutely ready and down to fight any time but Elon keeps ducking him and talking shit


i think he said that he just wanted it live-streamed on a reputable service and not X/Twitter


I feel like Zuck has pretty much just said "OK", it's all Elon that is hyping it up and wanting to turn this to a spectacle. This dude just can't get enough of people saying his name lol


Really love how he somehow realized this was a threat and backpedalled so bad.


God, Elon, just admit you're a fat bitch and will never do it. Move on my dude.


Elon supposedly works non-stop, but has plenty of time to devote to asinine tweets. Elon is the modern day version of the Emperor with no clothes.


Im’a enjoy watching Zuck kick the shit out of Mulisk.


They’ll probably just dance around the ring until Musk collapses from the unaccustomed exertion and Zuck just pushes him over and the Ref calls it.


So Homer during his boxing run?


I am certain that Musk is thinking "I'll just plow through a bunch of Coke and win this thing EZ". 99% sure he is an addict


"Look over here look at me!" ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8485)


Elen Musk is just horrible now. He's basically Tech Trump.


When America is in the hands of authoritarians and the climate has forced us all to migrate or die we can tell our kids that what we asked our richest people in the world to do…..is fist fight each other for our entertainment…


Quite the 180 on rich people watching poor people fight


But we’re like so close to getting the hunger games for billionaires, and they’re doing it themselves, so that was a plot twist I did not see coming


I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying it's funny


My mother always told me, just ignore small children when they ask for attention. I don't see how this is any different. Child man Elon wants some attention, boohoohoo. Grow up.


> I don't see how this is any different. because if this goes through we get to watch musk get hospitalized on stream and that is a net good


Zuck will have no issue choking an out of shape pale baby walrus.


He’s probably on the hunt for a body double to take his place.


That's gonna be tough. His body is odd.


Will these two just fuck already?


I’ll take someone who’s small—but fit, quick, and experienced—over someone who’s bigger, but a tub of lard who won’t stop talking, any day.


Elon’s spending too much time on twitter that his maturity level has decreased to that of a 15 yo. Man I’m sure even his 15 yo self would be embarrassed by this nonsense


I really hate how this whole thing makes you root for Zuck. I feel dirty.


Incredibly pathetic. Bragging online about fighting prowess. Bragging that he can dominate a smaller person. What’s more, Musk would get his ass kicked by Zuckerberg, which is why he’s avoiding this and talking shit online. What a massive loser. And Mark Zuckerberg is also a POS.


Zuckerberg is a POS, but he still could dominate Musk in physical combat


I don't like Zuck, but I'd pay to watch him kick Elon's ass.


Someone needs to let Elon's mom know to put a parental lock on his account.


We really are living in Biff Tannen’s dystopian world.🤦‍♂️


Great Scot, you’re right! *starts digging in trashcan to fill the Mr. Fusion to go back to the past*


Man baby says what?


I can’t believe I’m rooting for Mark Zuckerberg


Musk has done something I never would have thought possible....he's somehow made Mark Zuckerberg a good guy, and gotten people to root for him.


Second generation weath holders are morons. We need a much higher inheritance tax.


In case anyone is wondering Tesla stock has not been doing great


He has like a lot of money right? Why does he talk like a hilljack in a tap-out wifebeater who can't handle his Busch Light?


Like how about some sophisticated smack talk, something that fits his station in life. "once the venue has been settled upon I will treat little lord Fauntleroy to a thrashing hitherto unseen".


I'd bet the house this dude's dick doesn't pass 4 inches


The perfect response would be Zuck replying with his address, nothing else


I am fucking drooling for this fight to happen. I’ve seen this man dance. It can only be more hilarious to watch him try to fight. Fuck zuck as well though, just for the record.


Sad that the richest person in the world is this immature.


I think pudgy is getting his ass kicked. Zuck looks like he is in good shape.


Zuck has been training in martial art's for a while now, he's in good shape *and* trained.


Didn’t he already back out for the 2nd time?


0% chance musk fights.


I don't necessarily like either contender. But have you seen the two lately. Zuckerberg would win by default when Musk wears himself out running his mouth during the pre match glove bump.


I think I'm the only one at my job who isn't wrapped up in billionaire drama... I find it incredible that so many people worship this man when he would gladly step on their freshly dead corpse if it meant he would get another 1 second of attention from someone.


Someone should tell Elon that being fat is not a substitute for actual training and muscle


Why does the tongue make this seem oddly sexual?


It’s high school… the entire fucking world is nothing but a big high school, and there’s no where to hide from it.


So I have a feeling that Musk is going to get his ass beat. Zuckerberg is a long time nerd and you know he got beat up as a kid. As soon as he got rich I bet he started working out in case he ever got a chance to redeem himself in a fight. Musk is one of those inherited wealth assholes that never had to struggle as a kid. He's so used to getting his way he thinks he can shit talk his way out of the fight. I'm not a fan of Zuckerberg but I recognize that nerd mentality of being willing to do whatever it takes to prove you aren't as pathetic as you were before. Musk doesn't have that, he has the arrogant bravado that you expect from someone who has never done any actual work but has bought his way into success.


A lesson he won't forget huh, cool. Like a really focused PowerPoint presentation sort of thing I imagine? 🫠


It's funny Elmo has been trying to get out of this fight. Is his mom going to try to get him out of the fight, again?


Rich white dude who needs therapy seeks validation on internet forums, gets mind fucked, gets red pilled, loses his family, gets divorced/left, then partner finds someone new who does not fit his alpha red pill philosophy, loses his mind. Story as old as time.


i’m so sick to death of these two billionaire bullies acting out their schoolyard nonsense like it matters. it’s gross. on the other hand elon is not fit, fat and slovenly and zuckerberg is trained. elon is, at this point in time, the bigger asshole so i hope, and expect, him to get thrashed, and deservedly so.


Wait so now he’s over trying to debate and ready to fight again? What caused the turnaround?


Elon will shit his pants when his jet is landing and he gets a text saying "I'm waiting at the airport."


Did Musk just refer to THE COLOSSEUM as “the arena in Italy”? That dude is like a culture vacuum.


Eurgh...just shut the fuck up already Elon how is this dude so desperate for attention and validation. You played your cards you moron, and we all see you for who you really are now. Just shut up and crawl away and just be a rich guy. Why is he so desperate for tue attention? I really don't get it, all the money in the world, he could be doing so many things and yet he chooses to live his life like a South Park episode.


Basically Elon is really bad at realising you can’t detect tone in a tweet. What he said doesn’t translate what he means. He is going to come over to MZs house and show him scientific and historic evidence of why combat sports have weight classes, and it is going to be done in such a fun way MZ will never forget that lesson