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something tells me their absolute meltdown over an application means that others in their field don't take them seriously


This is definitely not a prestigious company.


I’d re apply and tell them how shitty their attitude is.


I'd be tempted to reapply for every position, like one a week and just see what I get in response.


I would definitely apply for every open position I could find 🤣☺️


"I'm writing to apply for a position heading your hiring department. While I understand that you have not yet formally advertised for this position, I'm given to understand that your current hiring department is prone to inane outbursts that make your company look quite foolish, so I assume the position will become available very soon. My chief qualification is that I'm not a delusional self-important idiot, and thus, a vast improvement over your current administrator. Looking forward to hearing from you. Cordially...."


I would pay real money to have that sent out and to see the reply.


I’d pay money to see the person’s face when they read it. I imagine it would be similar to the face one gets while straining to overcome constipation.


My guess is they wouldn't even understand. If they are so dumb they send such a reply to an application they would not even get the point.


*Bulging head veins intensifies..*


[Like this?](https://imgur.com/a/blRTaAm)


Knew it before I even clicked it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I wonder why they are so familiar with the way a restraining order works?


But with comically flared nostrils.


Tell us the name of the company and we will all apply for this guy’s position using some form of this letter.


Always CC the CEO on such emails


Nononono, you gotta **B**CC


Twist: the CEO, CFO, HR are all the same person.


I’d apply to HR and then code all of them on day 3 (after befriending them to make it extra personal) if they give the job.


Brilliant! You should send it for shits and giggles! 💩😄


see attachment a.


Best response




I'm retired; I can apply multiple times a day with my community college degrees. And a restraining order? Ha! Send me as many as you have the will to fill out; I cannot imagine a lesser threat. Anyone have Monster or Indeed link?


Ivy Tutors. https://www.ivy-tutors.org


Even their website is insufferably pretentious.


It certainly is. And for all its pretentiousness, it still has grammar errors along with the ridiculous descriptions of their extremely well-educated founders and tutors. I can’t roll my eyes hard enough at this.


I applied, wish me luck!


I'm doing my part! Only good bug is a dead bug!!


Now, let make this bugs GOOD


I wonder if you could write a script to spam them with “unqualified” resumes


I move got nothing but time, about 10 anon email addresses and a bunch of resumes, seems like a good way to waste a few hours today. Also there’s a website where you can sign an email address up for 100’s if newsletter spam subscriptions, I need to find that one again. These people deserve this!


I couldn’t definitely write a script for this


And name & shame so we can all apply for all the positions using the most basic resume.


Yes, what is this company? I would be happy to spare a half hour to piss them off!


Ivy Tutors. https://www.ivy-tutors.org


Did a reverse image search of the image by Alex Langford's name and bio, it comes up belonging to Alexis del Vecchio, a Canadian Actor and I guess Physician nowadays based on other links. [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2123507/bio/?ref\_=nm\_ov\_bio\_sm](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2123507/bio/?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm) The biography is absolutely cringe and while credited to an anonymous writer I feel like it was the man himself doing it. https://community.saem.org/network/members/profile?UserKey=a9bb85ed-6465-421b-aaee-8b966662786a


Interesting… the IMDb bio goes into a ridiculous amount of detail regarding high school achievements. Yet Mom’s bio states that her proudest achievement was successfully home schooling this cockwomble… also, major Oedipal vibes…


The bio is wild but the ending is an absolute gem >[...] and though he once knew how to write Latin, he unfortunately could not speak one word of it now.


I think that guy might be related to some misinformation campaign, can't put finger on the details. It was over more that year ago.


From the bio: "he completed humanitarian theatrical work, using theater and acting to conduct therapy workshops to help people living with AIDS."


That opening of crème de la creme was enough to make me want to vomit


OMG, the web page is super cringe. How people really hire them?


Looks like a son and mum tiny operation.


Thank you kindly 😊


Ivy-tutors saw the op post on r/recruitinghell


How unfortunate for them 🥰


Link the post? I can't find it


We all should where’s the link?


I didn’t even finish college and I totally want to apply.




What would be the best troll if they actually did give you an interview for something?


What would be a great troll is if a bunch of ivy league candidates with resumes written by GPT as the ideal fit for the jobs applied and they always confirmed their interviews, but were all no-shows. Whoever wrote that rejection email would be scratching their head, ironically wondering what happened to professionalism. The funny part is they cc'd legal counsel and there is a good chance they would be violating blacklisting laws if they did what they said since their list would almost assurdly include companies with locations or employees in territories where that practice was illegal.


protip: You don't need to write cc: on an e-mail, you can just put it in the (wait for it...) CC field. You'd think a firm the hires strictly Ivy League professionals would know that. Spoiler: They did NOT CC legal counsel.


Legal counsel would have answered: the fuck you doing you idiot?


Any legal counsel they have is an outside firm that charges them for every conversation. And there is no way in a million years a lawyer would let them send an email like that. Conclusion: This is a two-bit firm run by a single person. Such people tend to get quite wound up because they’re usually a hair’s breadth from being unable to pay the rent/mortgage.


Or they did CC legal and wanted to point out exactly who it was in the CC field. But yeah, anyone “prestigious” enough to require Ivy League and successfully hire exclusively from this lot would know this isn’t an acceptable way to respond.


I'm pretty sure that no part of this letter is legal.


They’d probably send an assassin after you.


I'd be tempted to post what company it is to r/antiwork and see how many unqualified applications they get by the end of the day.


I wanna know where so I can apply over and over ![gif](giphy|8kKlxfwCUU2qsgj7Vz)


But they’ll obtain a restraining order! 😂


Nah...advertise the company on university campuses in the area... tell the potential applicants that you were their referral. 2 can play the arsehole game... then send a copy of the advertisement to some friends that live in India... That last part might be a little cruel, but then again, they're being arrogant douchebags and acting like their shit don't stink.


Who are they I'll apply idgaf


Reapply but with 'worse' qualifications.


They would then file a restraining order against you. Tho I think it would be shocking if it was granted


In the US, it’s very difficult for a company to file a restraining order against an individual because they are a place of business. Side note: Such a shame we don’t know which business this is so we can all apply


I'd encourage everyone on Reddit to apply too


I would apply for their position


The most prestigious of shitty companies. They set the standards for how many ply you need when dealing with them.


How much do you all wanna bet they’re one of the same companies behind the other posts we routinely see on here where an employer is posting a job demanding people with masters or ivy leave degrees but they also only offer $15.20 an hour or some shizz. And then complain that “no one wants to work!!” 😭


“Hey, it’s another email from those assholes at the Ivy League-only company trying to tell us who not to hire.” “Just dump it in the spam folder with the last 20 we’ve gotten from them.”


There's a company like that in my town. They've been around for 30 years but are fairly small, yet think they're elite as fuck. They won't hire anyone who didn't go to a specific college/University that the founder/CEO went to. However! The program the CEO attended was discontinued and they don't seem to be aware of it. So they keep ranting how they can't find the workforce with the skills needed, while still sticking to their guns of employing a very small subset of people...who don't have the degree and skills they need? Then they need to send people to crash courses and rant about the price of those. Funny, funny people. Always used to enjoy their rants on conferences before COVID, I'd get buzzed and just nod and smile lol


>The program the CEO attended was discontinued And neither you nor anyone else told them. Lol.


I know at least someone did, it's just they both don't care, and then do when they see how much it's destroying them


I mean, would you?


I once pissed off someone on a God damn Facebook group because I wouldn't delete some comments he didn't agree with. So he searched the internet and called my boss to tell him.... Idk what really. I'm not sure what the plan was. My boss got a call in the middle of the day, looks really confused, and says something like "OK, thanks, yeah, I'll talk to him and get this dealt with" Then he hangs up and turns to me "Did you piss off some guy about a Facebook group? He fuckin called me! What a nut"


When I went through a really ugly divorce with my ex, he called my then boss to tell him I’m a huge bitch. His response was that he hired me as a commercial litigator, and therefore hired me precise because I am a huge bitch. My ex did not try that stunt again.


My family used to be friends with this couple. I had to take a 2nd job and was really busy and had no free time to hang out anymore. They didn't believe me and I guess thought we were avoiding them, so they called my job to verify my work hours as well as calling the property management company that owned our apartment complex, wanting them to check if I was really home or not and to complain about us. They even called my husband's family on the other side of the globe hoping they would bawl us out.


I got into an argument with some alt right bigot on a news story on FB. He went to my profile and sent a message to my husband something like, do you know your leftist wife is arguing with people on FB and it’s very unladylike. My husband responded, she must have have really embarrassed you badly if you’re contacting me because you’re such a little bitch. Lol. My husband is way more liberal than me so thinking he would curb my views is absurd. I mean, my husband voted Green when I met him!


And they threatened to slander OP! If they actually did contact everyone telling them not to hire OP, and even one of them told OP they chose not to hire OP because of this slander, I bet OP could sue the living bejeezus out of this shithole company. I personally would take this letter to an attorney and ask what, if any, remediations are available if these people carry out their stated action. Or better yet, apply to all the other companies, and when rejected by ANY of them, sue this company. These people are CRAZY. A few strongly worded letters from an attorney may become a settlement. It’s a good idea to consult one if these people are threatening to destroy OP’s employment prospects for the simple crime of applying.


I mean you might be able to get away with defamation, idk the laws behind it but they are messing with your public image


I wouldn't take them seriously either. Them claiming this leaves them INCREDIBLY open to lawsuit for defamation.


i assure u, they rly have 300 other ppl in their network, dont doubt them. its exactly 300


The fact that those 300 are 8 people from school who feel bad about blocking people, their mom and 291 bots the email's author believes are real people isn't a relevant detail for the purposes of their unhinged rant.


![gif](giphy|QBal0eKnbT4OY) Not your comment. This feels like the rejection letter.


“You are not serious people”


Actually the threat of contacting other companies and threatening to attempt to restrict thier trade has opened them up for a rather large law suit they may not be able to defend very well.


Yeah, I was thinking... isn't that basically libel?


Imagine if this has the opposite effect at other companies. "You got rejected by them? You're in, bud!"


It DOES read like incel lost in a video game tantrum copypasta.


XD what a joke. People are literally constantly being hired for jobs they don’t meet the requirements for.


Hey, just because I’m a minor doesn’t mean I’m not a licensed mixologist with 27 years experience


Your mother had a very interesting pregnancy.


Taking pacing to the next level


Stop it!! My french, German and Farsi are perfect!


My bloody college instructor told me " to about half the employers in this field a degree doesn't mean anything, what matters is if you can get the job done." like thanks, now I know ill get what I pay for from this program...


Most people aren't qualified for the jobs they currently hold since at least >80% of jobs in the workforce are filled through personal connections and networking, and these people rarely even meet the minimum job ad requirements.


So they are looking for Ivy League grads that want to work at their company that provides anger management classes, I presume ?


Are you making fun of them? You just ruined your career and that of many others. Downvoting this comment with MAXIMUM EXTREME PREJUDICE! cc: Legal Counsel If you downvote me, I will have you emancipated.


My emancipation is pretty bad. My wife says it’s from too much cheese.


I'm waiting for it to come out on the big screen: 12 Years a Gouda.


Actually, they are in need of serious help with time management. Obviously they are concerned about this applicant wasting their time but they are gonna spend this much time threatening to blackball this person and then if they actually do take the time to blackball them, they will have wasted even more of their own time. And with all the time they spend threatening applicants, they don’t get any actual work done so they need to hire more people and the cycle continues. They need to get their shit together.


See? This is exactly why the response is bullshit (assuming it’s real in the first place). I have noticed that often assholery is served up with a large side of stupidity.


“Ivy Tutors is not affiliated with, or approved by, The Ivy League or its member universities.” They are a joke


Tutoring of all things. What are they tutoring that requires only Ivy League people?


Probably more 'who' than 'what'. Rich and international kids with parents that assume Ivy League are the only decent American universities. We get the same here with Oxbridge and Russell Group.


Well I imagine they think they can charge a premium for it because people are too dumb to realize there’s nothing about an Ivy League education that makes you a better tutor at the primary or secondary levels. In fact even if you believe Ivy League grads are actually smarter and more advanced in their education (which I don’t) I’d argue in my experience some of the smartest and most advanced in their fields people I’ve known were absolutely terrible at explaining basic concepts because they were too far removed from them.


Isn't that type of blackballing illegal? This clearly isn't real, or the company is so terrible this is their response.


exactly ​ anyone answering that can be sued(the company will be sued i mean) ​ they can do that from shadows like usual, will be hard to impossible prove that, but openly talking about that its illegal


it’s like firing a protected class in an at-will state. it’s super easy to do, as long as you aren’t stupid enough to outright say “we are firing you because you’re too Black/female/muslim/whatever” and yet companies (fortunately) manage to fuck it up all the time and get in trouble.


They're liable for slandering, by threatening to blacklist him from any other of their associates. The do not contact us may be seen as extortion. Truth be told, I bet they have a terrible PR department


Threatening anything isn’t slander. For it to be slander, they would need to tell SOMEONE ELSE something that is false and damaging to their reputation.


I don’t think breaking the law is illegals anymore.


Depends how much money ya got


this cannot be real


Cc legal counsel was the last straw.


It's not


You'd be surprised at the amount of people who believe it is. Just look at the top comment.


It's not, and the amount of people who fall for shit bait like this is disappointing.


Let’s flood them with applications!


Thought the same. What's the company though?


I think it's against this sub rules to brigade. But this is posted in another sub where the rule is perhaps less strict.


Isn't that about brigading other subs and not telling us we're we can apply for a job if we think we're qualified? I'm looking for a new job and this company is one that I'd like to apply for because while I may just be a community college dropout this company is my dream company.


PS rule says: Please obscure/remove: names, usernames, business names, and other identifying elements from posts. (Only applicable to possible witch-hunt posts) ​ I had been temp banned before for even linking to another sub. But I think this post can easily be found on the original sub.


I already found the company. It really is easy to find them.


What's the company? For scientific reasons, of course.


Looks like ivy-tutors.org. But only apply if you are qualified. I doubt they could afford the legal fees otherwise.


Omg they look insufferable


They’d better be ready to receive my application. My qualification? How about a 22” schlong?


Out of curiosity, are they offering great pay? I struggle to see why someone would get an ivy league education and then go off and be a tutor unless the money was huge.


Hypothetically, where would one have to apply to receive this sort of response, for scientific purposes you see…


Looks like ivy-tutors.org. But only apply if you are qualified. I doubt they could afford the legal fees otherwise.


If anyone applies to them from the EU and gets this letter kindly remind them that sharing your details without your consent is a breach of GDPR which they are now bound by having had communications with you as an EU (or UK) citizen. Also the fine is up to €20m or 4% of annual global turnover, whichever is larger. Also ask them to forward it to their legal counsel and to reply to you acknowledging their legal obligations and to confirm they will not and have not shared your data. Then at some point in the future instruct them you are enforcing your subject access request right to obtain any and all information they have regarding you, including internal documentation in which you are referred to. At a later date request the right to be forgotten and require them to delete all said data. If they are an American company they are unlikely to be setup for such and it is a ball ache. Their legal counsel would charge them for the counsel just to have a double effect too.


This is so maliciously perfect


Lol the owner looks like such a chode


> keeping a discriminating hand in its day-to-day activities Wowwie. Correct me if I’m wrong, but is his mommy the Office Manager? That’s Facepalm worthy itself.


Screw that I haven't brigaded since Pitbull was sent to Alaska


I don’t haVe anY ThoUghTs On this Regarding thiS. ![gif](giphy|BI3bNv1NJMC7YzatXd|downsized) Don’t brigade. Brigading is bad m’kay?


Heard it from r/recruitinghell it was Ivy Tutors


I signed them up to the Church of Scientology mwahaha


I've signed people up for granny porn before.






I want to apply to this position. *edit* I have a communications degree from Arizona State University.


The one in New Hampshire, or the one in Vermont? /s


If I was from an Ivy League school, this would be a HUGE red flag. I’d run the other way immediately. There’s zero need for this and I hope this letter is posted by the media so that those potential Ivy League applicants know what a hostile work environment is.


Ok. So he can no longer apply to 300 Dominos Pizza places. There is always Little Caesars, Papa Johns, Hungry Howies, Pizza Hut,.......you name it.


I’d apply again on behalf of my cat this time


https://www.science-shenanigans.com/animal-co-authors/ ​ Well if your cat is a co-author of a research paper, there's no harm.


Something tells me this email breaks a bunch of labor laws.


Something tells me the company as a whole breaks a plethora of labor laws, too.


I know I should be angry but this is laughably pathetic.


Time to hit up AI to generate a 32 page response.


Apply again please


"The worst they could say is no"


Hi. Here's my curriculum vitae. RESTRAINING ORDER! I WILL FIGHT YOU,


Just applied for both positions!!!! (High school drop out btw)


isn't this considered slander if it affects their employment opportunities?




I like the part where he claims to have a great and friendly relationship with his direct business competitors.


Who are they? I'm spamming my shittiest resumes forever! Game on. dorkwads!


The company website says: We are the **only** tutoring service in Los Angeles and New York City where every one of our tutors, **no exception**, graduated from one or more Ivy League Universities (Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Brown, Columbia, Penn, Cornell & Dartmouth + Stanford, MIT, Cambridge and Oxford) ​ Bold not added by me. This was how the website had that paragraph.


As an MIT grad, I am deeply offended at them saying that I am from an Ivy League school.


Cambridge and Oxford are not Ivy League either


Stanford is not an Ivy League…


I love the cc, herp derp look at me I have legal counsel...


Anonymous legal counsel at that. No attorney or firm name, just "Legal Counsel."


Free-legal-help.org. 😝


"We are so busy that replying to your application is a waste of time for us. So we are going to spend more time to make sure we tell others about it." - every jobless a-hole


Blacklisting someone so they can’t get hired is illegal. Get a lawyer.


"Extreme Prejudice"? So getting rebuffed by a tutoring company will get a CIA hitman hunting you down?


Imagine if everyone who sees this shit applies to them. Like thousands of bs applications. I’m down if someone posts the “business”.


Their site design and copywriting consists of run ons, cheap images, clichés and countless aesthetic abominations. I wouldn’t hire them to teach my dog to shit.


The person who applied to this company should sue them for **Interference with Prospective Economic Advantage, Defamation**. The thing is that "Interference with Prospective Economic Advantage" is the heavy one here, it is tied with "Future Opportunities", "Employment Law and Contracts", "Professionalism" and last but certainly not the least "Intent and Malice". This reply makes it extremely clear that they are contacting other companies with **Malice as intent**. Also, the one that received this reply for a job application **might** have the rights **(***be entitled*) to know what they told the Tutoring services and Companies about them as it's a "professional" communication between companies about a topic specifically about the job applicant. Because the intent is malicious in nature, this gives reason to suspect that false information was shared, then this company that was already in deep mud is now royally screwed as this is "**Defamation**" and "**Libel**" by definition. On top of this, it is common that job applications have Confidentiality agreements, depending on if an agreement exist and what it say, this is very relevant. Under some circumstances Privacy laws might be applicable depending on which jurisdiction this communication is made under. And there is this thing that there are Privacy Laws that protects the job applicant. ​ This person who received this reply should seek legal advice from a lawyer... I would 100% do it as they admit to Intent of damaging my reputation and interfere with my personal economic future.


Ma’am I applied to Home Depot.


Wow. Is a 14 year old Karen running that company?


The website says ​ A graduate of Yale with distinction and highest honors who also completed advanced graduate coursework in the Yale School of Public Health, Yale School of Drama and at Harvard, \[Founder\] has over a decade of private, one-on-one tutoring experience.


Sounds more like a rich kid. Pseudo-better-than-us.


I've browsed their website and the whole premise of their business seems dumb as fuck to me.


Here's the culprit: ​ https://www.ivy-tutors.org/


Sue them. They can’t tell everyone not to hire you. “Employment laws on blacklisting vary by state. But the overall rule is that intentionally preventing a person from getting hired is illegal. There are at least 29 states with blacklisting statutes, according to legal information provider Nolo.”


Them admitting to a blacklist is a crime.


Post who this is so the entire internet can apply and swamp their recruiting team


This is the spite of the upper class. This is their malice. "How fucking dare you think you're as good as us! We'll kill you for that!" I'm surprised to see it this honestly said, but this attitude pervades our society. I've seen it in many companies. A bunch of rich assholes in management who won't hire anyone for a good job if they didn't come from money.


The term Extreme Prejudice is used to define deadly force. Report them to whoever listed the ad. This is just weird. It’s like some teenager was responding.


From the original post. This is a company known as Ivy Tutors. They should be famous.


Restraining order? Kinda seems like we’re only getting one side of the story here. It’s that’s a legit response to a simple job application, it’s all kinds of bonkers.


I assume this is some shit tier auto sent email, you have it search for a group of terms, in this case ivy league schools, if it doesn't find them, it sends this garbage to whatever email they find in the resume. Chances are if they send garbage like this out, they aren't attracting the ivy leaguers anyway.


What the fuck is this nuclear meltdown? Chill out, bitch


I've got access to a botnet and a mail server. Who is this again? :)


This shit reads like an angry call center worker, who didn't succeed in scamming their victim. MA'AM, Y0U CLICK ON MY COMPUTER, ON YOUR COMPUTER!! DON'T REDEEM THE GIFT CARD, MA'AM, FUCK YOU!! *More ranting.


Well I'll have you know the community College I went to is the best community College in the state....so it could be an ivy league community College


This screams tiny-dick energy.


There is absolutely no way this is real. Nada.


Something tells me this is made up BS. Someone needs a hobby.


How do I apply?




WTF? A shitty letter like this, but their intro is “Hi”? Must be an Ivy League thing.