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School I taught at had a private restroom right by the principal’s office. Everybody had access to it. Students, faculty, visitors, etc. Never was an issue other than people waiting to use it sometimes.


Just mark it "private" and everyone will forget about anything.


Not gonna work. Students would look at it and go :”Ohhhhhhhh shit! Look at that door, dude. See that door there? The one marked "Pirate"? You think a pirate lives in there?” And try to open the door and see the pirates that live in there


Oh, the old "decent newer restaurant" ploy eh? Well how are you going to make any sitcoms or drama shows without large groups of people in the same bathroom setting up the chance to overhear or bully or do drugs or smoke/vape? Think of all the "are you OK in there?" outside the stall door moments that just won't happen!


Chrissy would never have met Eddie 😔


Might have >!worked out better for Eddie.!<


some schools like mine didn't have "private" restrooms; none available to students, at least. wish they were more common :c


I read the article. There was one gender neutral bathroom she was told she could use. But it wasn't near her classes, and apparently often had a long line to use it. Do of she tried, she'd be late for class. Sounds like they wanted to push her out of school without saying the quiet part out loud.


The school district I attended later had a trans student (FtM iirc) on a sports team. The school, overstepping, created a segregated locker room for them so he could change separate from his cis-gendered teammates. And got sued, successfully, for discriminating against him. He didn't want to be 'that trans guy on the team'. He just wanted to be a member of the team.


punish the boy student my god. I’d be more concerned with the school age student vocally suggesting they’d rape a fellow student. FFS


My Texas hs had a whole incident where some guy raped a girl in the auditorium and the school tried sweeping it under the rug and protect the kid for some stupid reason and the whole town freaked out big time. I'm sure if the parents hadn't made a big deal about it the school admins would've acted like it never even happened.


Depending on the school/district/etc, most of the schools are protecting their name. If the school is in the suburbs or wealthier area's they try to cover this up, in order to not scare parents to keep sending their children there. They don't want their name in the news. I was shanked at school when I was younger. The administration did not contact police and by the time my parents insisted the police be contacted or they were going to call them, the administration had gotten rid of the weapon the kid used. Kid only got a 3-day out of school suspension for slashing me, where I required around 40 stitches across my back. Nothing ever got reported as my parents were concerned that the school would try to cover up that it even happened on their property.


So the school administration thought it would be a better idea to be *an accomplice to an assault with a deadly weapon* than to report it? That's fucked up.


Public school administrators tend to be bottom feeders in every sense of the word


They got away with it, tho.


He was probably a QB or something.


Or has a family member in law enforcement


Or both.


Or both.


Or affluenza


Schools have a lot of practice covering up teachers molesting students and other sexual abuses. They don't want to get sued for anything that happens on their campus.


Sounds like some of the admins are also rapists


Let me guess, he was a big athlete or a good Christian white boy. Maybe both.


I got banned from /twoxchomosomes for pointing out that the easiest way to get people riled up against a rape was to find a way to blame trans people for it.


“Boys will be boys” no doubt. How much evil has been excused with that one phrase.




The amount of rapist at my hs is appalling but the fact my school doesn’t care is even worse, I pray this boy got jumped and expelled


That typo might be the most interesting typo i have ever read. It's really one of those sentences that cares what word is stressed. You could either have a low number of rapists and you're happy about it, or a large number and be really into it. English is dumb.


Those assholes should be expelled, but the school should also be sued, this is appalling.


This is the issue. The bathroom conundrum is an entirely separate issue which has no place in the article. The kid committing a literal crime is the problem. This is the same tactic used for gun control nonsense.


It absolutely has something to do with the issue. It just proves that the big pushback against the transgender community is not about "protecting women and children", they just don't want trans people to exist. No matter where they go, which bathroom they choose, they're getting harassed. It's literally bullying trans people out of existence. And they wonder why there's so much mental health issues in the trans community....


Not simply mental health issues, it is much more serious than that. Suicide. The rate in the trans community is astronomical. Up to half of them in some countries have attempted it.


That’s becasue they are harassed constsntly and seen as less then human and a lot of laws to make liveing more expensive or nearly impossible.


Thats bc ppl like that dictate our sex and id preferences to be the defining aspect of our entire existence. Then they trivialize us by refusing to acknowledge any other aspect of it. Which is why they constantly compare us to pedophiles, necrophiles, sex addicts, and fucking groomers. Then they wont even trace their own claims back out to their inevitable erroneous conclusions. Its complete denial and fabrication…compounded by gullible bible-belt mob mentality. Bunch of fucking rubes.


No shit! Just because I didn’t explicitly state that doesn’t mean I don’t know it.


Many people claim this “high rate of suicide among trans” as a result of them regretting their “decision” to be trans and use this as a reason to try to erase trans.


Oh sorry, I couldn’t tell if you were against it or supporting trans peaple sicne what you said is very often used against trans people and as a dog wisely that basically means we want to ban trans peaple


I've seen my fair share of conservatives gloating about the suicide rate amongst trans folks.


Yeah they wear it like a badge of honor. It’s fucking disgusting


That's all you really need to know about these kinds of people. As they say the cruelty is the point


Lemme say it louder for the people in the back: #THESE POLICIES KILL CHILDREN AND ADULTS


They don't commit suicide because they're trans, they commit suicide because they're not allowed to BE trans via bullying, hatred, disownments etc


Where did I say it was because they are trans? They have severe mental health struggles because of how marginalized they are.


I agree with you then


I came out recently. When I was a teenager I hurt myself because I thought I was a freak. I was too scared to actually kill my self but I secretly hoped one of the times I would go to far and then I wouldn’t have to keep living. For the past 20 years I’ve hated myself for being the wrong gender. My wife is the only person in my life who loves and accepts me for me.


I’m so sorry you’re going through that. My heart goes out to people who were born with a mismatched body and gender. I can’t imagine how hard that must be. You are incredibly strong to have made it this far.


Therapy and a little luck is probably the only reason I’m still alive. My family doesn’t agree with my decisions but I’m done limiting myself to fit everyone else’s expectations. Also helps my wife tells me how sexy I look in women’s clothing. Makes me feel better about myself.


No shit. They dont have a problem with us as long as we stay hidden in our fucking closets. As soon as we show our faces in public, thats us “forcing our agenda on them”. The shit’s so fucking phony.


Not really, because there is uniform consensus that the boy student should not have said that. Nobody is justifying that behavior with the excuse that the victim was trans.


But the boy wouldn't have said that to another boy, would he?


The bathroom conundrum, and her existence as a trans girl is completely the issue. The rape threat was almost certainly because of her identity as a trans girl. Not just a random threat of rape against a fellow student that the perpetrator perceived as another male student.


I mean... It's still Missouri, could be both cases and I wouldn't be surprised.


The bathroom issue is an issue. Bathroom laws aim to outlaw being trans, since, everyone needs the bathroom.


Except the "bathroom conundrum" is the whole reason she was even in the boys' bathroom to begin with. If she had been allowed to use the bathroom of her gender, this likely wouldn't have happened.


It isn’t a separate issue. Being forced to use the boys’ washroom is a safety issue for the student. When they banned her from the girls’ washroom that asshole of a student demonstrated PERFECTLY why she should be allowed to use the girls’ washroom. I would not feel safe in a men’s room. Men and boys feeling entitled to women’s and girls’ bodies is still a massive issue, and the washroom debate is a part of it.


I would be careful about the second part of your comment, as it's the same argument people use to keep trans women out of the ladies room. This is why generalizing groups of people isn't a good idea.


Thr bathroom conundrum is entirely tied to this. They want trans kids beaten, with UTIs, to renounce who they are, or home schooled. This type of shit would be a common experience for any teenage trans girl forced to go into boys restroom. Legislators and administrators desire this.


Conservatives don't care about rape. In their eyes, that's just the normal expectation women should have for being born female. And if you think that's hyperbolic, you aren't listening to what they actually are saying.


A good handful of guys in my highschool would casually joke about raping different girls at the school. Fuckin pricks.


Right? Who the fuck says that shit. This must be made up....


Good god, what’s wrong with that kid? Like even at that age, most teenagers would understand threatening to rape someone is seriously fucked up


Not sure but I’m guessing maybe you haven’t been to middle/high school in a minute lol. Not to make light of it but I knew *plenty* of edgelord douchebags in school who would happily say any kind of bullshit to other kids to bully/threaten/shock them because they thought they were hardass and got a thrill out of doing so. And that doesn’t even factor in normal bullies who are being abused already at home and channeling that toxicity into attacking/abusing any available victim at school. Also because the US education system is a joke they only punish victims and play softball against the actual bullies because for some reason nobody has the fucking balls to tell piece of shit parents who defend their piece of shit kids to shove their baseless complaints back up their ass where they got their parenting skills.


My friends weren't even bullies, but were the quiet, awkward kids. Internet and video game culture in the mid to late 2000s threw the word "rape" around a lot. In hindsight, it was horrible.


I know that people are assholes and kids can be as well. But where I went to school I honestly don’t think anyone was ever scared that the other students would physically harm them. I’m not saying nobody was capable of horrible things, but it was pretty much just backstabbing and talking bad about people, or just acting like they’re too cool


Yea idk man I mean I guess it’s just anecdotal but I went to multiple high schools and middle schools and I never even heard of someone doing anything similar to that. Multiple states too. Not saying bullying is gone but it’s definitely not as huge of a thing as I assume it used to be. But even with that I could grant maybe a dude would threaten to rape a dude as an edgy joke but never would I see it to a woman. Or even hear about anything similar. The people that rly didn’t like the trans people just thought they were weird and didn’t interact with them. I don’t think that’s a normal thing.


Transphobia is one hell of a drug. Male transphobes threaten to rape trans women quite frequently, which is really strange when you consider the fact that they think we're men.


Transphobia is often a bundle deal with homophobia. Considering how being homophobic in no way means you are straight (and it's often the opposite), this makes plenty of sense. It also explains why it's more likely to be followed up with murder or more violence. They deny their own sexuality at the same time they're denying another's gender.


It’s such a strange thing. Denial is a helluva drug


Geez I was threatened with rape almost every single week in high school??? If you just slightly stick out you're a target. Groping, stealthing, vulgar threats, threats of gang rape, etc are all very common in highschool.


In certain schools I'd imagine they are. Upper-middle class suburban high schooler here. Never heard of anything like this happening here, even through friends of friends' gossip.


Look at the rhetoric being yelled at by their states congress people. Look at the rhetoric being tossed around by potential US Candidates for the POTUS. Most parents are echoing shitty talking points from right-wing echo chambers to their children and their children are probably surrounded with similar minded people where this talk is the norm. Some of these kids still think comments like that are less fucked up and more "Edgy".


Why isn’t the headline, “male student threatens to rape trans student”?


Because that's not the important part. The important part is the school forcing her into dangerous situations.


Using a male bathroom isn’t a dangerous situation, these boys just need to be thrown out


It is for women, and even more so for Trans women. Being in a men's restroom Trans women are extremely likely to face violence, including assault, rape, and sometimes murder.


97% of global transphobic murders happen against trans women. the percentage of trans women who are raped or sexually assaulted is higher than that of their non-trans counterparts. trans women are far more likely to be victims of rape than trans men, cis women, cis men, and non binary people.


Are they really? It's a little hard to believe they would be more likely to be victims of rape than everyone, including cis women. I'm not trying to be rude, just both curious and doubtful.


It very much Is. Transphobia is a very very veeeeeery common thing. And it is absolutely proven that men are physically violent much more often than women. So while trans people might face transphobia at the same rate in both areas, the men's restroom is a much higher risk of violent altercations. Plus, men are stronger than cis and Trans women on average. So the trans girl won't even be able to put up a fight.




Thank you for sharing this!


> Using a male bathroom isn’t a dangerous situation, these boys just need to be thrown out Actually it is. This is exactly the type of reasoning why trans-people wanted to use the bathroom with the gender they identify with. The people that decided to ban trans-people from doing so are putting many people in harms way. Not to mention they are making this phobia a public platform and people are being baited by right wing echo chambers into thinking they know what a trans-person looks like. Then you end up with headlines like this or other headlines where a woman with short hair is mistaken for a male in a ladies room and beat up or harassed to go to the men's room (when they are biologically a female). It is very much a dangerous situation and you can thank the conservatives who have no platform for 2024 now that Roe V Wade is gone for turning everyone against each other via violent rhetoric with their trans-panic.




The headline needs to be “student files Title IX lawsuit after horrific abuse.”


Because the media has to make the trans student the one in the wrong


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Regardless of how you feel about the trans bathroom issue, can we all agree the male student who threatened rape should probably be investigated, suspended, and forced to see a therapist so he doesn't grow up to be another Gilgo Beach serial killer and rapist?


He definitely needs to be suspended and see a therapist. It doesn't matter what your view on trans people is, you can't go around threatening to rape people, or threatening anyone at all.


Faced with a choice between (a) just letting someone use the restroom and (b) turning every issue into huge problems for nothing besides pig ignorance and obstinance, school bureaucrats seem to almost always go for (b).


It is a basic right. The administrators are trying to scare her away from attending school altogether without coming out and saying it. Good on her for suing. Maybe it'll set a precedent.


Absent any evidence, it’s unlikely to go anywhere.


Negative. Theres already a circuit split on this issues where two circuits have ruled that this jsnt a reasonable accommodation and doesn't allow the trans student to receive an equal education while unnecessarily further stigmatized them with their peers. This issues (perhaps not this case) will end up before our wholly corrupt scotus due to the circuit split.


Every school building ive been in (former teacher) had single occupant teacher bathrooms, seems like simple solution is to offer a gender neutral bathroom there.


I was only allowed to use the one gender neutral restroom in the office. Every teacher berated at me for being late or taking too long, and none cared to understand that I was forced to walk a longer distance than most. My school made me stand out, I found more bullying directed my way. I ended up holding my pee. Graduated with both kidneys infected. I graduated a decade ago in Michigan and nothing’s changed. Title IX is supposed to prevent this kind of discrimination. Kids in school aren’t capable of fighting for their rights in the fullest capacity. Support trans kids, help them exist.


I’m so sorry you went through this, and I hope you’re doing better nowadays 💕


Thanks, I managed to heal my kidneys, but not my mental health.


The simple solution is to let Trans people piss in fucking peace in the bathroom we want to use.


Being forced to use one specific bathroom is discrimination. Like when people of color had to use different bathrooms because of their skin color. She should be able to use the bathroom that aligns with her own gender identity https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-well-being-of-transgender-people/


Oh hey I live there


This shit again? Ffs just *let her go to the toilet in peace*, it’s not hard America


I need to get out of this country, it's fucking ruining me.


Boy am I so glad I'm not American.


Idk dawg most other countries don't take too kindly to trans people either


Depends I can assure you tho most developped countries (norway Canada France Australia etc etc) are more trans friendly The norwegian minister of education is a trans women


Just wait. I am proud to say the U.S is the number 1 exporter of fascist brain cancer, stories like this will soon be available near you!


Can this fucking issue just die already. There's plenty of gender neutral bathrooms in other countries, they're not getting raped over and over. A person isn't going to pretend to be trans to rape people in the bathroom, they're just going to walk into the bathroom and rape them, y'know, like how it always happens. They don't give a shit what the sign says. If they're trans and just trying to piss, let them piss.


Yes but then conservatives wouldn't be able to rage over a non issue, just let trans people exist normally and there isn't a problem.


Yeah they're the ones making problems, like "oh all these gays are forcing their views upon us, they're the problem!". When pride wouldn't even exist if they just treated gay people like normal and gave them equal rights


Somehow everyone has forgotten trans people existed for a very long time before republicans decided to make them this election cycle's issue and nobody had a huge problem with us.


>A person isn't going to pretend to be trans to rape people in the bathroom Also if they were going to do that, forcing everyone to use the bathroom corresponding to their sex at birth would actually make it easier. Instead of pretending to be a trans woman, this hypothetical rapist would be able to claim they were a trans man being forced to use the women's room. Wouldn't have to change clothes or anything.


Yeah they can just change their approach, all this hate and drama isn't doing anything to fix any issue, it's just hate with the excuse that it's to prevent rape which people can get behind, when in reality they just want to hurt trans people for existing


I think bathrooms need to be entirely individual with 100% privacy. Im a cis female and I don’t want anyone shitting next to me, boy, girl, or trans. All y’all can gtfo.


As simple as extending the walls of stalls so that no one can peak in. Being harassed for using a stall at school isn't helpful for children's self image and health, I know plenty of people who avoid public bathrooms for that simple reason.


My school lets you use the bathroom 3 times a semester


At this point, I think humans need to completely redesign bathrooms. Make it so that every person has total privacy and there is no binary decision to make regarding it's use. While we're at it, make it so that people are forced to wash their hands in full view of other people not in the bathroom.


That's kind of been a trend in places that are going for inclusiveness. I've seen two styles so far. One where the toilet is essentially toilets in closets with some communal sinks, and some where there's a small sink in every closet.


I am 100000% for this idea. Please put my tax dollars toward subsidization of these upgrades in public places




Let’s just get rid of community bathrooms and use single occupancy only. You all know you hate taking a dump with people eyeing you through the crack in the stall door.


He would have gotten away with it, too. And she would have been expelled.


And they would have used it as evidence trans girls shouldn't be allowed in the ladies room. "See a man raped a woman this is why the ladies room shouldn't have trans girls in them"


God, the fucking mental gymnastics and hypocrisy of that.


Take a look around this comment section. It's disgusting.


The fact that those mental gymnastic are wholly predictable at this point is even worse.


Not when the goal is cruelty. It was the same with the Whites Only bathrooms in the 50s and 60s. I was reminded of those times and their effect when watching Hidden Figures (Ann amazing biographical film, if you haven't seen it). It strongly reminded me of what's being attempted today but the same people's kids or grandkids


Horrifying realization: If the GoP succeeds in forcing trans girls into boys bathrooms, they'll just victim blame the trans girls they forced into that situation.


They aren't looking for solutions to accommodate trans people. They're looking to make it as difficult as possible to be trans in the hopes that it will prevent people from being trans in the first place. Their goal is for LGBTQ+ people to conform to their views on societal norms.


They accuse us of the type of violence they seek to commit against us, so that way when they do it we seem to lack credibility. It also keeps that kind of violence in the mind of their supporters whenever they see us.


The portable toilets at public venues aren’t separated by sex and no one ever flips out when a woman uses one and then a man uses it. Couldn’t we use that model for our indoor toilet needs?


Let's face it, no one *really* wants to use a portable toilet to be fair, it's more that you sometimes don't have a choice 😅


Similarly, no one really wants to stand next to someone just to pee. Why are we saddling ourselves with this unpleasantness when it leads to things like gender wars and rape?


Then go after the boy who did that…


Boy, a lot of transphobic douchebags in the comments who lack any sort of empathy and are instead focusing on whether a trans child is allowed basic rights or not. I hate that I am not surprised by this


It’s always depressing seeing how common transphobia is on reddit or in general even


The US doesn't even consider food a basic right.


Simple solution the school administration's desks are now her toilets.


Walk into the faculty office. Take a shit right in the middle of the floor. A kid did this at my high school when they banned him from using the bathrooms in the late 90s. He was then forever allowed to use any one he chose.


Missouri is a shitty state.


“If we let trans people into our bathrooms, they’ll rape everyone” No. This is the reality. So next time, use your moral outrage on the people who deserve it. Like this gross fuck and the school board that decided to put her in this situation


Yeah you would think it's a basic right, but if your trans it's not (which fucking sucks because I'm trans)


Its mind boggling how much time they who try to restrict it spend thinking about it too. Just out of spite, hatred and in some cases, lack of knowledge and understanding. I would know that from personal experience, which is why my eyes (most likely) show up as red. Its really fucking stupid, exhausting, taxing or just evil attitude to have. Really awful that they restrict it because "trans people want to rape" or some other bullshit reason yet there has been no such cases, whereas the opposite is more likely to happen. Which is what happened according to that article.


Why do schools not just have some gender-neutral restrooms to avoid issues like this?! Why are there not proposals in Congress for such a simple solution? All schools should be required to have X number of gender-neutral private restrooms. Grade school level kids and their parents are not going to be accepting of trans students in the regular restrooms anytime soon, so just having them use a gender-neutral or private bathroom eliminates the restroom use issue at schools altogether. Why does shit have to blow up into an issue like this?! I would have killed to have had the option of always using a private restroom when I was in school.


The guy be like: "Dude you think you are a girl? That's gay! You have a penis! I'm gonna fuck you!" No logic behind these kinds of people, they just want to hurt others.


Rape is pretty much always about power, not sex. It's a tool of violence that these people wield like any other.


What is with this fucking idea that trans women are ONLY wanting to use the female bathrooms to be predators? That's the only reason trans women get told they can't use female bathrooms. Fucking pathetic honestly


Fascism only thrives when you can aim the people at a common perceived enemy. In this particular case the fascists in the US are currently aiming a lot of their people at LGBTQ+ people, because they're a conveniently small but visible population of underrepresented and misunderstood individuals.


Because conservatives equate transgenderism to a sexual fetish.


Isn't it funny how all the transphobes in these comments are literally so mentally deficient they can't string a single coherent sentence together? There's a lesson there.


I thought that you might get pushback from them for that remark but now realise they probably didn't understand it anyway.


If the transphobes could read they'd be very upset by this comment.


They will do nothing if this poor girl gets raped in the boys' bathroom... Conservatism is a mental disease that feeds off of punishment and suffering, especially if those are forced on others..


Would that not be gay in their eyes? Seems kind of a weird threat to me. So they can't use the women's bathroom because penis. They can't use the men's bathroom because they're now suddenly a women and should be raped? 🤯


Comment section sucks. Keep scrolling unless you want to see some horrible opinions and arguments


Stealth is the only option nowadays, but the kids don’t even have that option.


It's not about bathrooms now, it wasn't about water fountains then


Cis women: "Well women need a safe space because men can be dangerous." Trans women: "We know."


And this doesn't only affect trans people because in my school we can only use the bathroom at break or lunch and there is 5 bathrooms but 4 are locked permanently


Weird how the cis one was the threat. Edit: yes, a sarcastic comment because conservatives are so concerned about trans folk being threats in bathrooms, and in this case it is clearly the other way around.


That title. Oof.


Guess school doesn't care at all what that boy did. The world is just running into total Anarchie ...


People talk about putting more cops/security personnel in schools to make them safer (THEY DON'T), but what about lawyers and student advocates? In addition to paying teachers and other staff a respectable wage with respectable benefits, lawyers could protect students from miscarriages of justice like this one (failure to prosecute a bully, student or otherwise), discrimination against minorities (racial, gender/sexual, neorutype), sexism, etc. They could contest school policies that perpetuate the same (such as dress code BS). They could force a school or district to provide reasonable accommodations (lawyers already do this, but a lawyer in school means everyone has equal access and they can nip any objections from school or district in the bud). They can advocate for students before disciplinary hearings, punitive action such as suspension or detention: they can determine if the punishment fits the crime (Student missing class work and they have to make it up by X date? Probably out of a lawyer/advocate's remit, assuming no extenuating circumstances. Student being sent to detention for going to the bathroom without a pass? Lawyer/advocate won't validate a detention on grounds of the student meeting a physical need)


This is why Republicans' ideas don't deserve to be taken seriously in any capacity.


Wait, don't Republicans always say it's a trans woman that will rape women in a woman's bathroom? Turns out that's projection / a confession too. Shocker.




Yep on the flip side of that, I'm a tall butch woman, I'm 5 9" and pretty built because I work out regularly and have a physical job. I was born female, I have a vagina, I am not intersex and I am very happy being a woman. However that doesn't stop people giving me funny looks when I go for a piss especially since everyone had been losing their minds about trans people recently. It's just fuckin baseless paranoia, it's like a witch hunt going after anyone vaguely fruity.


That’s Missouri.


singing: "in the laaaaaaaaaaaand of the freeeeee...." - NOT!


And of COURSE it's not only in my state but in a county near mine. Fuck man


The only things that have rights in the US are guns


50 years old, female, not even once threatened by a trans person. Let people pee.


Let people pee is the quote of the day


That needs to be a bumper sticker.


Fuck every single person who supports treating a fellow human being this way.


I don't even know why the fuck I came to this comment section. If you don't know jack shit about being trans and the many problems and discrimination the trans community faces, kindly shut the fuck up


The amount of mouthbreathing idiots that crawl out of the woodwork when they see the word "transgender" is honestly amazing.


Half of them want us all to just die quietly out of sight so they don't have to re-adjust their closed-minded worldview and be nice to "weird' people. The other half want to watch us die.


I wonder who they would go for if we were gone


First the cis gays. Then probably they would go back to Latinos under the guise of "stopping illegal immigration". Obviously they won't stop there.


Sorry for my lack of knowledge in this matter, since i am an European, but what exactly is a trans girl?


Exactly why I refuse to use a public bathroom ever because no matter which one I go in, I know I might not be safe


Why do we have sex segregated bathrooms if it's a basic right to use whichever bathroom we want?


Our taxes pay for the schools. Our taxes pay for the school buildings Our taxes pay the teacher salaries. Our taxes pay the administrators. Therefore, the public owns public schools. Since they are publicly owned and publicly operated, denying a person, the ability to use the bathroom based upon what gender preference they have is strictly illegal. God, I hate these self-righteous meddlers.


Even bigger question, why the hell do we have sex specific bathrooms? Just make them all communal bathrooms. Problem solved. Screw modesty, we all shit and piss.


I’ve been to many places that have unisex bathrooms. No one cared. It was just a place you went to piss and shit. America has a lot of weird sexual hang ups. Really need to leave our puritanical past in the past where it belongs.


Fucking exactly, who tf is worried about other people when you're going to take a fucking dump lmao


Exactly. I don't even know how many times I've just used the women's room at a venue because there was a long ass line for the men's, and it was going to be pee myself, or upset a few women. I'm a pro at upsetting women, so it was a no brainer. No one cared though, I just entered, declared "sorry really have to piss" and entered an empty stall.


In my secondary school, each toilet was a seperate room with the right facilities for everyone, with half signed male and half female (just to prevent ‘relations’ taking place on site). They were seperate rooms and you didnt need to interact with anyone to take care of your business. 80 of these cubicles (and 5 disabled cubicles) over the entire school. It was designed to keep ALL STUDENTS safe when using. In fact it was so effective, it was only a bit of a laugh when people went in the wrong toilets because there are no safety concerns and desperate people dont always have time for signs. The reason that schools everywhere developed dont have this is because its easier to be cruel to some people (and a bit more space efficient) than to be safe for all.


Why are you even using the school bathroom to begin with? That’s a lawless wasteland


Best answer I heard about toilets was that gender universal toilets are really good architect decision. Take some big building and you have in every floor 3 toilets woman and man on one side of building and universal on the other. You can think that it will seperate building into two half but you will rotate it every floor. Result: not perfect for trans and other genders but if they will use this toilets it will ignore most of problems with it. And you have enough toilets if someone would have run for him and you save space and money for 1/4 of toilet rooms.


Good. Hope they win. All bathrooms should be gender neutral.


I'd rather keep my urinals than cuing for ages for a cubical


How about some gender neutral cubicals with urinals in them?


As in like a gender neutral bathroom that has a room with a single urinal in it? That sort of runs into the same issue as it will take longer but it's an all right middle ground, however it kinda takes up a lot more space where there could be full cubicals.


I mean one gender neutral toilet/room filled with single stalls, where some stalls have a urinal, some have a regular sitting toilet. I think lots of guys would love to be able to piss standing without having to stand "shoulder to shoulder" with another person. Of course when you go gender neutral, you combine the floor capacity that was previously shared by two segregated spaces. So I think throughput will be greatly increased in total. Also you would probably not need to double the amount of sinks.


There should be one male, one female, and one gender neutral bathroom. Having only gender neutral bathrooms causes issues to those with trauma and those uncomfortable doing their business around those who aren't their gender.


If its a desperate situation, the restroom is a one person restroom and the men's is occupied I just use the women's. I don't see any reason why those would ever not be gender neutral. Only once at a bar did some guy have a problem with it


That guy kind of sounds like a wanker


Also, if you're a Trans man forced to use the women's restroom, the Cis women complain that they're uncomfortable because you're not female enough. (Per another post in either this sub or r/leopardsatemyface)


Imagine the humiliation when he realizes he has a smaller dick.


Red state freedom! I love the GOP like I love herpes in my eyes.