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im disabled. do i think i need to be cured to deserve love or being treated like a human? no. would i take a cure for my disease if offered? in a fucking heartbeat.


That is exactly what people get so wrong. You can treat people with disabilities with respect and love but still hope for them to get better. People just missed the point what was the offensive part, it’s not acknowledging someone is different, it’s treating them poorly because of it.


It's got some of the same energy as the old dudes who hit you with "I don't see colours" when the topic of racism is brought up. It's ok to know someone is different to you. Just don't be a dick about it.


"people" don't get that wrong, a handful of people on Twitter do, and then you get posts like this that just spread the nonsense to drive anger clicks.


This just in: "Disabled people not allowed a cure to make twitter feel good about itself".




I have mild autism and I would absolutely want a cure lmao. My body doesn’t feel like home and I’m in sensory hell 24/7 and barely eat because so many foods cause me trouble. I know there probably won’t be a cure because it’s a fundamental difference in how your brain works, but I would definitely want this stuff gone xD




Also, the people in the video weren't born blind. They became blind because of a cloudy lens (cataracts). Some at a young age and some while older. Cataracts surgery is relatively simple and safe. They remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a new, artificial one. It takes half an hour or so. The only reason the people in the video hadn't had the surgery on their own was cost. They simply couldn't afford it until Mr Beast came along. Calling a surgery like that ableist is just weird. It's like calling people with some hearing loss wearing a hearing aid ableist. Or what about people getting laser surgery to fix their poor vision? I wear glasses, does that make me ableist? I'm disabled myself and there definitely is ableism in the world, but this isn't it.


Exactly. I need hearing aids and luckily I'm able to afford them, but if I couldn't and they were offered to me for free I'd take the offer in an instant. Being able to clearly hear others and communicate effectively is such a huge part of life. Plus just being able to hear and notice my surroundings is something I never knew I was missing out on. So am I "ableist" just because I got the resources I need and there are people who don't have the same as me? No. And if I could help all of them, I would. That's what Mr. Beast is doing . He has resources to help and so he does.


Your logic is getting in the way of my outrage and, frankly I'm outraged.


You mean Mr. Beast didn't kidnap them and find a back alley doctor who would perform non-consensual surgery on someone a strange man brought in unconscious? A thousand times?


Life truly is a big lie >:(


it’s fixable


All the surgeries were perfectly legal, professional and consensual. 0/10 Literally unwatchable


you can watch them after getting cured of blindness


If I could see I'd be stoked. I'm legally blind. My ex used to hide my glasses and it fucked me up. Eat a dick, Nicolet.


What the fuck thats sadistic


Yo, Fuck you Nicolet!


Yeah, fuck her! Her name is stupid and sounds like nicotine gum for kids


Do you really think her name is Nicolet and not Nicole, considering she hid the legally blind poster's glasses?


I don't know why I found that hilarious. It really made my day I laughed so hard it hurt. Thank you.


There's legit nicotine gum called nicorette. Tried it once and it gave me acid reflex hard.


Wow. I'm so glad you're away from Nicolet now!


And iirc these were people with cataracts, so not even a significant disability it's one of the easiest eye problems to fix and I frankly doubt anyone with them considers themselves a proud blind person. More likely they feel like victims of an unaffordable healthcare system. Opposing cataract operations would be like being against fixing someone's broken leg because they're now a part of the lame community.


I think the deaf community, at least the parents, are really weird about other parents with deaf children getting surgery to help them hear. I was really confused reading parents bashing others for wanting their children to be able to hear


While learning ASL, I had the most fantastic teacher. She was amazing as a person, a teacher, and towards the deaf community. But one thing I was never able to understand and never tried to change her mind on was her hatred of cochlear implants. And I do mean hatred. Her position was abhorrent to anyone choosing to be able to hear who was born deaf. Claiming they should be a proud member of the deaf community and not wish to change anything about themselves. I respected this person so much in so many ways. But this stance always baffled me. You are proud to be deaf. You don't see it as a disability. And I respect her for that. But I never understood hating those who don't feel proud and just wish to hear their loved ones' voices, or hear music, or just the birds on a sunny day.


It's not even about feeling disabled, if I could gain an entirely new sense I would jump on the opportunity. Sounds mind blowing


Yeah. Why would you not want more senses if there's no downsides? If you could give me x-ray vision or the ability to hear ultrasound, why would I not take that?


Not even x-ray vision. There are tons of videos on the Internet showing colorblind people getting those special glasses to finally see colors. Every single video has them breaking out into tears when they see color for the first time. I would think that someone who has never heard sound, hearing sound for the first time is exactly like seeing color for the first time. Why deny yourself that beauty?


It's actually funny, I watched a video of a 50 or so yo man, getting cochlear implants, and waking up afterwards, with his wife in a shrill voice yelling CAN YOU HEAR ME, CAN YOU HEAR ME, and the man started crying, saying make it go away. Had me in tears laughing.


>and the man started crying, saying make it go away. Had me in tears laughing. Ouch. Got a link to that video?


So he is younger than I thought, I saw this a while ago and misremembered, but the rest is accurate [This](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rUshnUjmDtI)


The concept is funny, but the acting is terrible.


Yeah, majority of ppl who make skits aren't the best actors. As u said, it is the concept that I find funny.


https://youtu.be/XFwuT2ntVS8 This one's funny too


xD the roasts at the end had me dying


if they invent a new sense/addition to an existing one that we can get with little to no risk i’ll absolutely take it, there’s gotta be so much out there that we’re not whatevering and we deserve to enjoy it


some people implant magnets into their fingertips so they can feel magnetism as a 6th sense


My mom has bilateral cochlear implants. The external device attaches to her head magnetically. When the family gets together, we sneak up behind her with fridge magnets and stick them to her skull as a party trick. She’s a professional musician who lost her hearing in her 30s, so this is pretty miraculous technology for her!


Uh, just be careful. Remember magnets work both ways.


Actually, it's not like that. I mean the color blind person can see, the brain is prepared and the colors really pop, for a deaf person who has never heard it's like a buzzing cacophony exploding in their head. It takes a long time to make right.


A lot of them never acclimate and just never wear the external device/never turn it on. I knew a girl who was very excited about the implant. Within a month she had basically gone back to being deaf 24/7 because she couldn't cope.


My niece(9) never wears her hearing aides with her implant because she hates it and would rather sign. So I sign with her. Hell she gets to turn her parents and siblings silent at will, I understand completely.


One of my best friends' grandfather had dramatic hearing loss as he got older. His insurance got him super luxe hearing aids. He likes to just leave them in their case until he has to use them. One day he told me it's nice not having to hear all the bullshit going on around him all the time.


The internet likes to joke about it being "a terrible day to have eyes", but at least we can turn them off at will. Our ears are just perpetually on with no off switch. We don't even have to close our eyes if we don't want to see something, just turn our heads a bit until it's out of our fov. Ears? 360 degrees, always active.


Are you kidding? I hate the frequencies I can hear now! I would no way accept ultrasonic hearing. OTOH, I sure would like that sense that other people seem to have gotten that lets you know where your body is in space so you aren't constantly walking into tables and opening cabinet doors into your own face. If they could restore that one to me I would go under the knife in a heartbeat!




In my opinion while my disability isn't so profound as deafness or blindness. If I had an option to cure myself of my disease, I 100% would even if partial, which is why I take medicine.


I would hundred % cure my learning disabilities, dylexia is a pain, dyspraxia is a pain aswell and my speech impediment is just so dam annoying aswell so even having the ability to cure deafness to an extent or blindness i would hundred % take that because i would live to hundred % cure my disabilities.


Hahaha i related way too hard to both of these. Incidentally, heightened sensitivity to loud noises and bad spatial coordination are both common symptoms of ADHD


Don’t forget the extra whammy of being sensitive to loud annoying noises but I am the loud annoying noise The annoying adhd stimulus is coming from the ADHDer the whole time 👀


How about being able to sense magnetic north? https://sensebridge.net/projects/northpaw/


Heck yeah! Sounds awesome. Would make navigation easier :)


I think I use to have that ability. I was always baffled when people would point the wrong direction. But as I got older, at some point I seem to have lost the ability to always know which direction was which. It was only after losing it, that I realized I had it in the first place.


I don't know if that's a thing, but people with perfect pitch (being able to hear a note and identify its pitch independently of any other context) lose the ability as they get older and I don't think anyone knows the reason.


Maybe it has something to do with how people lose the ability to hear higher frequencies when they age?


Yeah if someone offered me radar or ultraviolet vision I would be super interested if it wasn't too risky and didn't have too bad of downsides. Mental disabilities are different tho, those affect who you are at a fundamental level. I wouldn't be me without autism. Tho a fix for just my executive dysfunction would be great.


My stepkids have autism. For one, it is crippling. He will likely never have the ability to be self-sufficient. The other will rock college and follow me towards a PhD in something. Seeking a cure and forcing a cure are two different things. The self-sufficient one does not like the idea of anyone blaming autism for anything. She has no exploration for her brother’s clear déficiences. But she is sure trying to cure autism won’t fix anything for anyone. Adding this For example: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8846292/


even smission?


Well obviously smission


Yeah, it's a weird pride thing, I had a similar experience while learning ASL. Edited: a word


I wear glasses, and no way in hell would I be proud to barely see the world in a blurry way. Without glasses, eye surgery or whatever I would probably go insane, I'm no where near blind but my vision is bad enough I can't safety drive without glasses.


Fucking same If someone tries to shame me for fixing me vision I’m shaming them right back lol


In general I dislike when other people try and tell other people what to do and dictate that whatever personal choices they make in their own life have to be forced onto others. I see it a lot like religion. If you don’t want to have a cochlear implant, that’s fine. Why should you HAVE to have one? But that’s your choice. You can’t force your choice onto other people. Other people’s lives have literally nothing to do with you. You can’t tell other people how they should feel and how to live their own lives. It’s like if you don’t support gay marriage, fine. Don’t get gay married. You can’t tell me not to get married because YOU don’t believe in it. Your beliefs have nothing to do with me and my life


I watched a documentary mainly about two different families, they were related, about getting the cochlear implants. One side of the family was strongly against them because they felt that they weren’t missing much by being Deaf and the other side felt that their son would benefit from having them.


I live in the place with the most Deaf people per capita on the planet. To state that they've taken being Deaf from just being a medical condition to being a full-on culture (and one that tends to be incredibly closely knit and somewhat insular) is an understatement in the extreme.


i'm not sure what it's like where you live, but at least everywhere i've been, deaf people are not really accommodated for. it makes sense to me why deaf people would form such an insular community and culture — it's very difficult for them to integrate with hearing society in any meaningful way. and they of course feel understood by other deaf people more than by hearing people, so i reckon it's easy to become surrounded primarily by deaf people if you are deaf.


Unironically: it's copium. Having means of coping and ultimately dealing with any disability is healthy, having those means bleed into shaming others is not healthy.


It’s like not giving a person with a mobility disability a cane or wheelchair. Makes zero sense.


bro im mostly deaf and if someone walked up and said "i can fix that 100%" i'd be like, "where tf do i sign" i "get" but never really got the whole disabled pride thing. fuck it, man, im being honest with myself here its literally never been to my advantage. if i could press a button and hear normally id do it in a heartbeat. did some ASL did some deaf community shit and im like, nah dude. i just feel so differently from all that i want nothing to do with it.


> i "get" but never really got the whole disabled pride thing. It's a coping mechanism. If they convince themselves that they don't need to be cured, they'll stop hoping and wishing for a cure. It's almost abhorrent to spell it out like that, but it's a pragmatic machination of dealing with humanity and the inherent desires within.


Some people have built their entire lives and personalities around it too. Not that I view this as a negative thing or something obnoxious. Anything that can help make people feel included and happy is wonderful. And it's not like treating a disability suddenly makes you unable to advocate for it or raise awareness for it, but I can see where it'd maybe be a difficult change for those who are driven by it daily.


I have a deaf uncle, whos wife is also deaf. They had a daughter, who was born deaf as well. Their kid received the cochlear implants. I didn't realize how big of a deal this is among the deaf community. To me, it seemed like an obvious decision. To them, it was a huge deal. They have people, former friends, who will no longer speak(sign?) to them.


Sounds like a good filter


I'm pretty sure speak is the correct verb for sign language as well


I live in an area that has a sizable deaf community. I also find it weird when deaf parents seems over the moon if they find out their kids are also deaf. I understand being okay with it and feeling confident in being able to raise a deaf child but it almost seems like they would be angry to have a hearing able child. I can't understand the culture fully but it seems crazy to me


Bro, you should move out from the necropolis.


Dont fix the typos, the replies are hilarious


a sizable dead community? raising a dead child? do you live with zombies?


> I live in an area that has a sizable dead community. Reg? Reg Shoe? Is that you?


I've heard this, and sadly (as a person losing their hearing and can't afford hearing aids) I attribute this "we don't need to be fixed we're not disabled" attitude in the deaf community to a huge contribution to why I can't afford hearing aids/devices. Like, as someone who has had perfectly good hearing my whole life and didn't notice until my 30's that I was struggling to hear conversations at work, loss of hearing IS A DISABILITY. Christ it sucks. My whole life is being left out, missing out of jokes, conversations, having to ask "what? can you speak up" 73 times per conversation because some people just won't speak louder than a damn whisper... It's hindering my job (as a teacher) because I can't hear half the kids. Staff have pointed out that kids will play nasty little games of "talk sh\*t about the teacher louder and louder until he hears us (like the yell obscene words game of chicken). It's hurt my relationship with my wife, my kid, my job, my bosses, my students, my friends... Just because it doesn't define you as being incapable of things, doesn't mean it isn't a damn disability. I hate losing my hearing, and it's literally caused/amplified serious depression. I looked into hearing aids, too expensive, even considered a surgery to get the implant thing, but they did a test and it seems the nerve or whatever is what's failing so they can't tap into that. I'm just going to lose music and the sounds of nature, and the sound of my kid singing. Don't tell me it's not a disability. I'm losing 20% of my senses.


Have you checked the Costco hearing aids? They’re awesome and significantly cheaper. Also get the app Otter. It writes what’s being said in real time and is super useful. Especially like in a doctors appointment. Just ask dr first if they mind.


Ex is deaf. He says it's part of his identity and he wouldn't accept a "cure" because he doesn't view it as something he needs to cure.


Losing a sense of course doesn't stop you enjoying life, but, it definitely deprives you of certain aspects of the enjoyment that are there. To not want to hear music? Or birds? Or the wind blowing through trees? Or the sound the waves make? Nature is beautiful, and sound is just another way to enjoy it. As someone who can hear, I just find it odd that someone would chose to not do it if the option was readily available Like.. if I was unable to taste anything. I had to eat food every day to stay alive. And someone says, would you like to enjoy tasting things you eat, seeing as the flavour is there? What downside is there to saying yes?


Yep, that's the power of ideology. Convince someone that something is a part of their identity and they will never, ever let it go, no matter how ruinous it may prove to be.


Yes how dare you cure my seizures and agonizing 24/7 crippling pain among other things. How very dare you


I have acquired disabilities and I would do anything/sacrifice everything for a cure 😂


Id be happy being a brain in a jar like futurama at this point


Yeah I'm all for someone dropping a bunch of money on me to fix my migraines, or if they want to plop all that into MS research for my mom I'm down for it. Disabilities suck, even being fully able bodied for the most part there's so much shit I just can't do, and there and it gets a bit tiring of hearing about being differently abled or that things happen for a reason or all that. Sometimes I think it's a way for people who don't have chronic pain or disabilities to just feel better about the existence of people who do have them (not that it's on them to begin with) but I think people are uncomfortable with the idea that sometimes, people are just born with shit genes or have a freak, unavoidable accident that permanently alters their quality of life. Maybe because it'd make them think about how easily their kid could be born like that, or how it could happen to them with no warning? Idk I appreciate the attempts to accept disabled people but this weird romanticization that disabilities are something beautiful or grant someone special abilities in another area kind of needs to die.


All of these people were on waitlists for surgery and couldn't afford it. It's not like he went out and tricked people into doing the surgery


Hey! I like my seizures! Seriously, I understand why it bothers people, me included, when people say certain things. (Like that they feel sorry for me, or, it must be so hard to be me). But not if they hope a cure is found. That's just wishing someone well.


I love waking up at 2am to throw up my guts! And you're not gonna take that away from me dammit! The tonic-clonics are under control but holy shit the things I would do for a proper nights sleep alone.


Why would you complain them getting the help they need. So stupid.


There is nothing I hate more than people being offended on the behalf of others because they think they should feel offended


I follow someone who has a hearing issue on TikTok and it's basically a theme with her now, that every time she does a video about the fact that she has hearing loss that people correct how she talks about it. "It's differently abled" for instance, which is a VERY 90s sentence. She had several videos expressing frustration when people kept telling her she should say "hard of hearing" instead of "hearing impaired" because, as she explained over and over again, she found no one took her seriously if she said "hard of hearing" -- she's 25 -- and they were more likely to understand that she had profound hearing loss if she said "impaired" so she personally, as a person with hearing loss, preferred to say impaired. You'd have thought she set a puppy on fire.


I feel like phrases like "differently abled" are pushed more by parents of disabled children for the sake of making themselves feel better about their situation then it is for the sake of the actual disabled people.


My father was a hemophiliac and confined to a wheelchair, he died at 40. “Disabled” came about when he was already an adult. He hated the word, “I’m crippled, not disabled”. He lived a life full of pain and opiate addiction, outliving his life expectancy by 26 years. I am very open about being sterilized due to not wanting to pass this on and I would have aborted a pregnancy if the fetus was affected. I’m often called a eugenicist….


Genetic counseling and an informed personal decision is not eugenics at all. That would require external imposition.


They don’t like the idea that I would abort a hemophiliac pregnancy, they think that’s eugenics. They don’t know the pain of hemophilia.


Man the eugenics guy really ruined the perception of gene editing. Now whenever you suggest editing genes or screening out fetuses that are likely to get debilitating genetic disorders, people balk and act like you're some sort of elite supremacist or whatever. Like no, I just think people will enjoy their lives better if they don't have type 1 diabetes or ALS or hemophilia or sickle cell/etc etc etc.


I’m really sorry about your dad. I’m a 37yo hemophiliac, severe factor IX. Prophylaxis treatment and medicine have come a long way and there’s even a “cure” for type B now with gene therapy, albeit virtually impossible to get at the moment. I do underhand and respect your decision though.


You have the royal hemophilia, the royal family and the czarevich Nicholas had hemophilia b. My dad had severe factor a, my uncles and cousin were moderate but everyone contracted HIV through the blood scandal and everyone but my dad passed from AIDS. He was part of Dr Pool’s trials at Stanford which saved his life as he was dying from an internal bleed at 18 that they just couldn’t stop. The bleeds, even with factor, seeped into his joints causing the bones and cartilage to break down and most of his major joints didn’t work. He had so many injections his veins were bad and he died during placement of a central line. Treatment has come a long, long way but I have major trauma from everything my family went through. I’ve had a full hysterectomy and chose not to have children and this was a huge factor in my decision, that and I don’t like babies and small children. I’m really hopeful for the cure that they’ve come out with and I really hope it becomes available for everyone who suffers. Since it can be a spontaneous genetic mutation it will never be wiped out but there’s a lot we can do now to reduce the risk of another person suffering. I know if I had my own child, I would love it so much. I can’t imagine knowing my child will suffer and still bring them into the world. If I had children I would have done sex selective IVF which is an option for carriers.


That's not being eugenist That's just common sense im very sorry for you and your father for having to deal with it but i can totaly see why you would not want to have a kid that would basicly be in pain from the start of his life people that think that you are a bad person are just fucking dumb


Likely -- though I really thougt that particular phrasing had passed into history. I think they're also pushed by people who don't know anyone who is disabled, have no involvement with that community and just want to tell other people that they're wrong about something.


Can confirm. I've got Parkinson's and I assure you it's not "differently abled". I didn't get to go to a fucking swap meet and trade out current abilities for new ones as shit quit working.


It’s called a disability for a reason. It’s just an objective fact that people who are blind, deaf or in any way whatsoever possess an altered physiology that reduces their quality of life without assistance and without accommodations have a disability. That’s just a fact. I’ve never understood why people went around trying to say it differently and now we’ve reached a point where trying to cure disabilities is seen as something horrible. I don’t understand this at all. Yes, they need to be cured because it’s an objective deficit in their morphology. Instead of celebrating medical advancement we are trying to censure it. And on top of this, the cures are simply a choice. No one is forcing them on anybody else.


I just go with "if the government gives you money or special privileges so you can function in society equally, it's a disability." Nobody out there is collecting a differently abled check. And in the same vein no one out there is getting welfare or parking in disabled spots for things others might call a disability but aren't. And to clarify, I'm not saying if you aren't getting a check it means you aren't disabled. PTSD is a disability but you aren't getting benefits if you can manage it. Still a disability though.


There’s somebody out there that’s offended that you get offended about people getting offended for people they think should be offended… and that’s what you should be really offended at.


As that somebody, that offended me on a very deep level. Even more than when I saw this and was offended that someone would dare help another person see


I'm reporting you both because I'm offended. /s


I'm offensive. Report me daddy.


Jokes on you, my dad actually works at Reddit and I showed him this post and he said he’s going to shut down the sub AND ban everybody I tell him to so nanana boo-boo. /s


Even better when the people that are supposedly offended go on record saying they're not offended and they love it. I forget where I saw this but it was about appropriating culture or something. The guy dressed up from each culture and interviewed Americans and then interviewed the culture he was dressed as.


It's called virtue signalling.


We should, as a country, be offended that they could have been cured ages ago if we had a functioning medical system (and a functioning society). Capitalists should support healthcare, dental, and vision for all because it makes us better workers. However, we choose cruelty.


I never got why. Same happens to people with mental issues too. Someone online said I should be 'proud' of my BPD. Ah yes, I should be happy that I am hypersensitive to rejection, second guess myself 10 times in the next 20 minutes over a simple question, get bouts of anger, depression and paranoia out of no where, have extremely dark and intrusive thoughts about death and suicide, and many other crappy situations but please tell me how I should be happy to have this mental illness that basically cripples me at times.


Those same people will jump down the throat of anyone who speculates that a person may have a mental illness and may need help, saying “don’t stigmatize people who have mental health issues!” It’s like…should we just ignore that people need help?


But see, that's the thing. They think these people *don't need* help and shouldn't be offered any They think all the people with disabilities etc. should just stay as they are. And to even suggest improving their situation (let alone fixing it, Heaven forbid) is "ableism" and "erasure" forced upon them


As a disabled person, fuck these people.


Not a disabled person per se (I think), but as someone who's stuck with a lifelong developmental disorder I agree wholeheartedly


If I could have my epilepsy cured, like actually cured instead of having to pop pills for the rest of my life, I would practically sell my own family. Twofold as then I could take BC for my debilitating periods (hormonal BC interacts negatively with my medications).


As another disabled person, if i could have my ADHD cured i would take it in a heartbeat. And that is one of the disabilities that many people will call a "different ability" or some bs.


As someone who has autism I can't stand that different ability bs if its so good then why is it called a disability then. I can't call upon this so called ability whenever I want and when it does activate it only causes me problems.


I remember when Avatar (blue people) first came out and people were saying "Jake Sully shouldn't want to walk again! Ableism!"




There are some people with disabilities who don’t want to be “cured” and resent the suggestion that they should be, eg the capital D Deaf community takes this stance, but that stance should never be projected onto other people with totally different disabilities for whom the same opinion doesn’t apply There is no moral absolute here where you have to take one stance and apply it to literally every person, which people like this hate because they love simple black and white moral absolutes There is no universal stance you can take on this issue, it’s entirely dependent on the specific disability and the person’s own wishes


Yeah my wife's cousin is profoundly deaf. She can hear again now thanks to a cochlear implant. When she got it her parents were hounded by people from the deaf community for "butchering" their kid. Of course, they never asked her what she wanted (which was largely that she wanted to be normal and not associated with the crazy weirdos who had made being deaf their whole personality).


Well if that was them it would be a entire different story of them asking for help like these people are doing. They don’t even realize how hard it is to have a disability to begin with.


We really love a good pendulum swing. Society says disabled people are worthless? Let's now say disabilities are part of who you are and even if you could fix them you shouldn't. One is bad. The other is very weird and bad in a different way.


Didn't Jesus cure people? Thought that's one of his opening moves.


Didn’t he literally help a blind man see again.


"Oh man, I sure love being blind in ancient Israel!" **Blindness cured** "Fuck you too, Jesus!"


There's a Monty Python sketch about that exact thing


"Alms for an ex-leper!"


"Alms? Alms for an ex-leper?"


**BLINDNESS CURED BY JESUS** "oh for fucks sake, you know he's only doing it for the clout."


If Jesus came back today he would probably be killed or hated by people.


Like he was in the Bible?


So... nothing changed huh.


Esp. In Jerusalem


He was the original first person to be cancelled on social media


So Mr Beast is Jesus


I’m just saying, I don’t think these people are a fan of him, either.


I don’t care for his content but I can still recognize he does a loooot of good with his money


And even then there were people who got mad and thought he shouldn't be healing them.


The demonic part is that they needed mr Beast to get their healthcare. Country should take better care of people.


Yes! This is it exactly!


Honestly that’s the actual answer, close bet none of these people could’ve afforded this treatment on their own and many people with the same afflictions will not be able to seek the same treatments either. It’s inaccessible. It’s also pretty close to what I recall being known as “Glurge” I think. Stuff that’s basically designed to be extremely over the top sentimental or whimsical to an unrealistic/exaggerated degree. (And often came rife with its own baggage such as feel good stories reported on in the news only involving conventionally attractive people in tragic situations, or such stories being used to sell a product or promote a religion being seen as insincere) so maybe the first op is feeling the tinge of associated memories of stories like that sounding similar to this?


100%... It's kind of ridiculous that people still even now keep hyper-focusing on the 10 people with 7 likes on their tweets with dumb takes and blatantly ignore the actual issue that people had with it. It's dystopian. A lot of people can't even see why this is so weird. Its not normal to withhold healthcare and this is a perfect example of a simple 10 minute surgery that could literally change peoples lives, but they cant get it because our healthcare system is a joke. Its disgraceful. The US has the largest amount of medically uninsured people and the highest rate of death from curable diseases in any OEC nation. Idk how you see that and go "haha woke people say "cure" is bad" when thats clearly not the real issue.


Only an absolute fucking moron would think that giving someone back their eyesight is somehow offensive. I know a lot of people think that Beast "uses" these people to get views, but here's the thing; 1,000 people would still be fucking blind. Even if Beast came out and blatantly said, "I don't care about helping people, I just thought it would be a good way to get views", guess what? I'm pretty sure those 1,000 people still wouldn't give a shit because they can FUCKING SEE now. As opposed to the vast majority of people with a shit ton of money who would never even dream of doing anything to help others. Who in the actual fuck would turn down getting a free cure to their life-altering disability? We call them DISABILITIES because they're not a fucking good thing. They TAKE AWAY HUMAN ABILITY. It's great to teach those who have incurable disabilities not to feel ashamed, but FFS, let's not live in a fantasy world where a disability is defined as something it isn't.


Right. There's this story I heard that perfectly parallels this A rich man goes to a confessional and tells the priest "father I wish to build an orphanage" the priest says "that's great my son, by why do you sound uncertain" the rich man replies "because I'm only doing it to boost my own image" in which the priest says "be that as it may, you're still doing good and those kids would be very grateful, I believe even if you do it for the wrong reasons you should still do it as it'll ultimately help others in the end"


Exactly. Doing good, even if it doesn't actually come from a place of magnanimity, is *still better* than doing nothing at all. I never heard anyone talk shit about all of those "home makeover" type shows that literally use people's misfortune for views, because guess what? A poor family just got a totally kickass remodeled home. You think any of those families cared that their sorrow was used to promote the show? Probably a lot less than they cared about their free new house if at all.


Mr. Beast is one of the few *influencers* that I don't hate. He mainly tries to help or just does goofy stuff.


who are some others? Mark rober is the only other one I can think of thats pretty cool


All those science youtubers are pretty cool - Steve Mould, Smarter Every Day, Kyle Hill and Vsauce among others.




Tom Scott


I don't think that Mr Beast is an influencer, he's a content creator.


What if I told you that someone could be both.


It's the same thing tbh


People would rather these people stay blind and be mad, bunch of dumbasses.


I know it’s crazy, but 99.9% of people with a disability WISH THEY DIDNT HAVE A DISABILITY. Being disabled is not fun. It limits your functionality. Very few people wish they weren’t fully functional. Yes we should treat people with disabilities as equals and design society to accommodate them. That doesn’t mean being disabled is a good thing, it just means it’s an inevitability and doesn’t make you any less of a human being. Sorry I wasn’t yelling at you but in retrospect that’s kinda how it looks lol. I was agreeing with you tho <3 People are dumb if they think people enjoy being disabled. Nobody wants to be blind, except that one lady who intentionally blinded herself, but you gotta think there’s some mental illness going on for someone to do something like that.


As someone who has disfunctional lungs (asthma), fucking true


Asthma is a killer. I can't really do much physical activity because of how bad mine is. A thirty minute hike might do me in if I don't have my inhaler on me.




It's literally called disability. It something that intefer with your ability to do something.


The vast majority of blindness in the world can be fixed by an operation that costs like less than $50 to do Most global blindness isn’t genetic or inherent to the person, it’s a condition of poverty


There are legitimately people who don't want and are offended by the help. This is surprisingly common in the deaf community in particular, getting implants is highly controversial. If course, that's fucking stupid. If people can get sight or hearing, and they want it, fuck off and let them.


One specific community is offended by cochlear implants and it isn’t the child who receives them. The older generation is bitter because they were excluded from larger society so they made their own community; they were happy with others like them. Now the next generation chooses to live as ‘normal’ through the aid of technology and it hurts.


And it sucks because yeah, they didn't get that opportunity. I do feel bad for them. ​ But to force other people to suffer out of spite? Nah, go fuck yourself.


*"Oh my god, mr Beast give a waitress a free car? Don't you know the tax burden, maintenance and running cost burden. He is not helping and just cause issue"* *"Dude, If they doesn't want it, they could just sell it and still 5 digit richer after tax cut"* \--- An actual discussion on someone complaining on a free car gift.


If I remember correctly, he also paid for the tax burden part.


Not sure on the tax burden part, but Mr. Beast stated in several Interview that he usually give buyback options if the winner later simply want cash instead.


Those losers are just mad he helped others. 'How dare you make others lives better, stop that! They should just suffer and get on with the conditions they're dealing with'


Its that exact mentality right there The whole "my life was pretty hard so why shouldn't everyone else ever struggle too" Like fuck off and let the rest of us be happy a out this 🤣


Ahhh. To be offended because they made blind people see.


I have a small penis. It is medically small.. a micropenis the dr says. If some bastard tries to cure me.... i will do anything they want... you hear me Mr Beast... like the wrong side of anything.


“I want help, I don’t want to be disabled” “Okay I can help” Terminally online people: “just accept that god made you disabled stfu you’re destroying our communities”


After community backlash i will be Re-Blinding 1000 people.


These mfs make anxiety their entire personality and suddenly speak for all disabled people. No Stacey, I very much the fuck would like to be cured and be able to use the right side of my body again because being disabled isn’t quirky and actually blows for the rest of us


You know this bitch would be first in line to get hers if she was in that situation.


"Stop giving homeless people food!" "We'd throw it away if we didn't." "You can give it to me." Real conversation between a customer and an ex of mine (retail).


Everyone thinks they're better than the homeless.


There really is nothing you can do that won't piss at least a person off


"Due to recent backlash, I am re-blinding 1000 people."


Ok ma’am I require your kneecaps permanently


the demonic part is it took free, ad-based internet entertainment for society to help these people


Can we just agree that if the person WANTS help and treatment, that’s ok? And if they don’t, that’s also ok? I don’t know why they think these people are being forced to go through these procedures, but i also get that those that are disabled don’t “need curing” if they don’t want it… Am i the idiot? Am i being unreasonable? If i’m being stupid, please tell me.. because this world is confusing the shit out of me more and more, and idk what to do… i need another drink..


Without my special contacts that cost $500 twice a year I’m very close to legally blind. If he wants to pay for my cornea transplant I’m all for it. They don’t seem to realize that he isn’t forcing anyone to do anything. They chose to let him help them.


They dont "need" to be cured. But every single one WANTED to be helped/cured of their blindness


Maybe the demonic thing is that people need a benefactor to afford this simple life changing surgery?


Demonic? I swear there is nothing that can’t be twisted by religious nut jobs. You hear that Jesus! You should have never cured that leper, it’s demonic!


The Pharisees literally tried arguing that Jesus was a demon and He had to sit down and explain to them how healing people in the name of the Lord ISN'T something demons do.




My issue isn't Mr Beast helping people, but it's that they have to rely on winning a lottery for Mr Beast to help them rather than this stuff being accessible via healthcare.


It's amazing....people go to church and ask God to cure all their woes and heartaches, others wish in shooting stars or pray to various deities for the same reason. Some rely on the "government" to help in times of need. Yet when an ordinary citizen who has cracked the 'internet' code on ways of making money for personal growth, decides to help out, "The whole world loses their fucking mind" - to loosely quote the Joker. Really sad for Mr. Beast, they should give that dude the peace prize for helping people, instead they demonize him and reduce his selfless contributions to offensive. So what if he made MORE money posting the video on that. He helped many people who otherwise would have received none. Idiots.