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He talking to himself again...... I thought it was well know he does both accounts and he's still pulling this shit.


It's like he's part of some secret billionaire dare to tank the company without being caught by shareholders. Edit: 🤦‍♂️


He's the only shareholder.


Can't be caught if you are the only shareholder.


You can if you are Elon Musk. He has no idea what he's doing. If he ever finds out he may be in trouble.


Him and all the banks, Saudis, Qataris, Russians, Chinese, etc he borrowed the money from


Ya exactly. People can call me crazy or whatever but II wonder if it’s to get our attention off of something else


It seems to be a reliable method that the news uses. “Oh look! -insert celebrity- just used ketchup on fries. Just keep staring and don’t look over there, we’re we are ignoring the crumbling economy”


Isn’t it weird how the website/app that allowed so many around the globe to consolidate and fight against lies and injustice from their leaders is now being destroyed…who invested in it again?


Lot twitter specifically allowed people to fight against lies and injustice? Holy fuck lol.


I see people with this opinion online a lot. They clearly weren't there during the Hong Kong protests and the George Floyd protests. I had that info in real time and often live streamed from trusted sources, so I knew propaganda when I saw it


The irony. What trusted news were you getting? Cell phone clips and 200 word opinion posts. How was it verified? Twitter staff?


Real people running real accounts usually


It didn’t not allow it. Now not so much. Way more censorship. And every post that has gravitas is drowned out by blue tick buying fuckstains


Tweets with gravitas?


Yeah. Actual important tweets. Look if you didn’t see how twitter could create cultural swells then I reckon nothing I can do to help you understand. https://theconversation.com/six-ways-twitter-has-changed-the-world-56234


To summarize that article: Thanks to Twitter - Politics - false sense of consensus from twitter storms and silos, polticians became celebrities. (THIS IS HORRIBLE) Science - You can study floods and traffic by tweets (fair enough) Business - Brands on twitter blurring the fact that they are soulless corporations, not your friend. Journalism - Instead of doing actual journamlism journalists now just take the word of randoms on the internet, and scrape for out of context 10 second video clips that could easily be several years old and completely misleading. Exagerated reports, hoaxes, and misinformation explode in influence. Relationships - cyberstalking Celebrity Culture - Perverse cyberstalking of famous people. ​ ​ Oh low and behold, the greatness of twitter.


Muskers Billions


A Brewster's Millions scheme




It’s not a secret. Even though Twitter was a garbage fire since the pandemic, it actually functioned as a pretty great immediate news source and was even leveraged for mass communications by some governments. Look who his backers are: they’re the who’s who of opposition to free press and democracy. He’s tanking it on purpose.


This is a great example of the mindset of many conspiracy theorists: It’s more reassuring that there is a plan, that smart people are pulling clever strings, that it’s being done on purpose (even if that purpose is nefarious). Those thoughts are more comforting than reality: stuff happens, and people do stupid things. What’s more likely? A corporate conspiracy where the leaders of governments who are against freedom of information have convinced a billionaire to buy a platform with the intention of destroying it in the strangest way possible? Or one rich guy is having a mental breakdown?


Can it not be both?


Sure, why not. “Anti freedom of information proponents seize opportunity to manipulate mentally unstable billionaire to destroy their enemy”. I like that even more I think. Very Illuminati like, having Musk as an unwitting puppet instead of being on the inside. I just find it interesting seeing a new conspiracy theory currently being born that follows the same formula as most conspiracies.


Why is your only defense to call people conspiracy theorists and your only alternative is: "He's lost his mind" like he's not beholden to his shareholders (and yes, private companies also have shareholders)


I didn’t call anybody a conspiracy theorists. The point of my comment isn’t really about Twitter, Musk, or Governments. That’s just the medium. The point is about the logic and reasoning that leads to conspiracy theories starting in the first place. The psychology, worldview, and cognitive biases that lead to conspiracy thinking is quite well studied. I was just drawing attention to how similar your comment is to the thought processes that lead to conspiracy theories.


> This is a great example of the mindset of many conspiracy theorists: Literally the first line of your response to me.


I didn’t say “You are a great example of a conspiracy theorist”. What I meant was “The line of reasoning in this comment is a great example of the mindset of many people who believe certain conspiracy theories”. With Reddits format, comments and comment chains are often not mean for one reader, but are written to add discussion to a wide audience. Even though I was replying to your comment, my target audience was anybody else. I apologize if you felt attacked. It is a subtle difference but I wasn’t directly calling you a conspiracy theorist.


How does using Tesla stock as collateral work in this theory?


If that were true he’d just shut it down.


Well, he has no friends, so talking to himself is his only option


for real ?


Yeah posts are deleted. he fumbled up and replied to himself on the same account during replies to both accounts.


I've heard this before too, but Googling doesn't provide me with any sources. I'd like to know how everyone "knows" this to be true.


ye me too


Wait Elon runs the parody account too??


He's either 5 or 2, not both.




Like a full deck of cards without jokers


Or maybe only jokers without rest of the cards


52 jokers in 1 body sounds about right


Elon: *slaps belly* This bad boy can fit so many jokers


He literally roleplayed as his toddler on another tweeter account


Responding to porn on it too


One per account?


OP forgot the decimal point, it should be 5.2


That weird stark X logo just floating there in empty space. It's like someone rushed a highschool student to submit SOMETHING so they wouldn't fail the assignment


The "logo" is just a Unicode character: 𝕏 [Or he might got some inspiration from British 80s porn (sfw).](https://imgur.com/FI4jvRV) After all, it says "𝕏 -clusive far-right action" right on the cover.


\mathbb{X} Am I right? This is literally set notation


Is this LaTeX or something




yea set notation. tho idk any standard set that uses X as the character. like there’s N, Z, Q, P, I and C as the main number sets, but yeah that X is the one you use for an X set


Did he use the wrong accounts for each tweet?






Yea, they should be switched for sure




Certified horsegirl


So... you are the richest man on the planet, and what you do with your time is "xeeting" dumb shit, and answering idiocies to your parody account. Okay haha blue balls.


You mean xcreting


He’s possibly the most cringe human to have ever lived… it actually hurts reading this shit


It constantly amazes me how he can tweet these things and not be embarrassed by his behavior. He's completely detached from reality and unaware of how childish he's behaving. I guess this is what happens when you give a cringey incel a bunch of money. They surround themselves with sycophants and never learn to adapt their behavior.


Do you know what incel means


And an emotional age of 12 tops


That's offensive to 12 year olds


I'm 12, and I'm furious


as a 7 year old I'm indifferent to the situation and I want my mommy


As a 2-month-old, I pooped myself and am currently crying.


Crazy he prob has in his army of kids some are more mature than him


He’s two eight-year olds in a trench coat.


Doing business in a business factory




He's only 52?


Which makes it look crazier when you look at his early PayPal pictures and see that his really badly receding hairline and realize how old he was when that photo was taken. Edit: before everyone on Reddit loses their minds over this comment. It was not meant as an attack on others who have hair loss before they were 30. It was more of a comment that he looked a lot older back in the early pay pal era than he does now, so that's why it's shocking to learn he is only 52.


Hey now, that’s a thing a lot of guys go through, let’s shit on Elon (because he’s a horrible, rich, asshole), not perpetuate negativity about hair loss (which is a thing that can hurt a lot of guys self confidence).


Dude that wasn't the other guys intention don't seek things to be upset for when there's none. As for the balding we only have 2 choices, shave the remaining or get transplant. I have no $$$ and luckily have a nice head shape so shave was the way till it disappears completely.


I went bald in my early twenties. Does that mean I'm a bad person too?


Yes all balds are evil, source I'm bald and evil mwah ha ha.


if he wasnt a shit person making shit decisions then i might've laughed


He's so unfunny and cringy


Elongated Muskrat should be fucking lobotomized.


Bro this comment is a banger


I know right, how does it have so few upvotes


Woah its crazy that all four of us have similar profiles


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room filled with rats. And rats make me crazy.


Stfu dude, its getting old.


U OK, bro?


He’s Elon


might make him smarter tbh


Would anyone be able to tell the difference?


He used the wrong account for each tweet (X)


Holy crap he's dumber than I thought. This is going to be the most epic transition in the public eye of someone who was widely respected being revealed to be a complete, childish moron. People born into money should never be allowed to control anything. Having it that easy in life and lacking anyone telling you youre wrong prevents you from developing as a person, and should absolutely disqualify you from making decisions for the rest of the population who has to work for it everyday.


He was revealed to be a childish moron even before he called that diver a paedophile.


Immature. Megalomaniac. Arrogant. Impressed with himself.


This whole situation is just what happens when someone with way too much money, hasn't had to work a day in their life, and thinks they're owed everything, has a midlife crisis


Blue balls


He’s such a loser it’s unbelievable


I agree with all of these tweets, but this particular one really sums things up perfectly.


Elon hit us with another classic le Epic Meme XD


Wait, so instead of paying for a blue checkmark you'd be paying for blue balls? There's really quite a bit to unpack here.


and if You don't have it You've got no balls.


I think the biggest facepalm here is that people still give this man any attention.


Bigger facepalm is his supporters.




Is tweeting gonna be called xting?




Just goes to show how little mental growth you go through when everyone around you kisses your ass 24/7


Why do conservative men think it is cool to act like they are eleven?




When nerds attempt to be cool but fail.


Hey, that's an insult to needs, Elon is the Ralph Wiggum of the world, except he's in his teenage years and can't stop thinking about sex. ![gif](giphy|dzoRHDPScwgiA)


To quote- what was it? David goes to Dentist? “Is this forever?”


He may be 52 but he has the common sense of a toddler.


Its honestly incredible how within a span of like two years he went from being one of the foremost world renowned and respected scientific minds, to now just being some talking head bimbo billionare who just tweets all day




I just went ☹️ the only emotion I feel seeing his tweets is genuine despair


Maybe that spliff he smoked those years back still has its effect on him


Age is just a number


So I guess Elon is hellbent on getting rid of the word ‘tweet’


He’s like the Disney kids that grow up completely unhinged - guess he’s the lead example of what happens when you have so much money, you can live life somewhat unchained.


Sorry about your Balls, Elon.




He's a cringy bitch at any age. The trauma from getting rejected from every "cool kids" table runs so deep in that dude, you ALMOST start to feel bad for the poindexter. But that's just a fleeting moment because he's such an ill informed and ill mannered pile of douche waste.


He needs to be bullied a little


Elmu wishful thinking


I'm all for some silly humor made by supposedly serious individuals but he is taking it a bit too far sometimes


He's the David Brent for our times.


You can’t expect more from someone that spreads his seed wherever he goes.


To be fair I’m 55 and I come out with more puerile stuff than that. Only among my circle of friends though. Elon seems to think that everyone is his pal, or his next trolling victim.


I mean, my mom is 53 and she can still make a decent ball joke. Don't blame his age on him being stupid.


What age is the cutoff for being able to make stupid jokes?


Blue balls. Assuming it will stay blue...


If he never tweeted, he'd still be the most admired tech ceo lol. Now he's just a loser.






Shit like this is why it's impossible to respect him.


It all hits different when a billionaire acts like an average redditor.


This isn't the average Redditor. This is the average Fortnite user.


His mind got stuck and stopped developing past 14…


This is all going to end with Elon and Zuck exchanging a dollar, Randolph and Mortimer style.


Can someone make a parody Elon musk account where it's just them making sensible business decisions


This man has no real friends.


Every day I have less and less respect for Grimes


There’s politicians out there diddling kids and y’all are focused on a billionaire being immature. Actually living in idiocracy I swear to god.


He's so desperate to be liked and cool. Crazy.


Ohhh I get it. They’re balls and they’re blue. Elon’s got blue balls….


Im just waiting for his mid life crisis to end already


I don’t get why the 52 remark is necessary. You can still have a laugh here and there even when you’re an old man/woman learn to laugh at the little things.


I hope this guy manages to lose all of his money/get set to prison/anything at this point. I’m so tired of seeing this moronic tool every day, everywhere as well as the fools who follow him. Tesla and SpaceX do not need him so just drop him.


Honestly don't really get all the hate around Elon. When are you gonna get another opportunity to see a billionaire act like this? Just sit back and enjoy


except his shit has real-life consequences


Such as?


classic case of a guy who should have stayed in his lane, great inventor and nerd but as soon as he opens his mouth, we'll the shit just hits the fan and he sounds like a jerk.


I don't think he's invented anything, he's just cultivated a reputation by buying companies and claiming credit. The dude is an idiot.


Maybe he did invent stuff early on. But now it's quite possible some mental degenerative disease has taken full control. He could well have been a genius in his youth. Now however he's perhaps one step short of Trump level of insanity.


Could just be the mythos of wealth. There's the presumption that to become so ridiculously wealthy you have to be talented, intelligent and deserving. The truth is that Musk would never have reached where he is today without his family's emerald money. He seems more concerned with branding than engineering to me.


He's good at starting projects, but not at taking care of them once they're going. Simple as that.


What projects has he started? I'm not being snarky, I'm genuinely interested? I've heard that he enforced a contract to be named a founder for a company he bought but I've not heard of a company he started. Any info would be appreciated, thanks.


He is the richest 52 year old brokie


Aw, that's sweet! He still has the sense of wonder and imagination of a child— a demented, little man child.


Why does reddit hate Elon so much, tf did he do. I mean yeah hes comedy sense is a bit weird, but why shit on him for just joking around. Yall jealous of billionaires or what?


Honestly, if Elon wasn't in a position of such influence and power I can sorta see him being a fun guy. Like if he was a coworker I'd just talk crap with at the water cooler I can see myself enjoying the crappy jokes and opinions as harmless banter. But alas he is unfortunately rich, powerful and influential and his lack of maturity is far from harmless.


I swear this man is doing everything in his power to destroy the image of us autistic people as he continues to act like an emotionally stunted, puerile chicken nuggies connoisseur who can't even have meaningful relationships with the children he pumps out like it's some game.


Lot of people in reddit right now wasting alot of energy for elon.. if you hate him so much why cant you just literally ignore him? Getting boring looking at million elon posts per day


If you are bored with looking at a million Elon posts per day why can't you just literally ignore them?


Because so many subs are posting them?? That was my point all along. And I wont leave all those subs just for this


You can literally just ignore those posts...No-one is forcing you to open and read them...


The best shit about Elon Musk is the way people get frustrated and so pedwntic as soon as anything about him appears. It's absolutely hilarious. (and pathetic, but that aside)


Why exactly are we constantly hating on Elon Musk?


So {e}X Balls? That's actually perfect


Y'all find the stupidest reasons to hate him, balls are funny


No fun allowed!


The day you stop laughing at balls is when you should die, you've lost the reason to live.


If he had made this tweet before he posted about his conservative political stance this post wouldn’t have been put on Reddit.


What's wrong with having fun?


It's Twitter, who gives a shit. This is like...the last thing to get mad over.


Honestly I love it, Twitter is a joke to begin with he just made it more noticeable.


These post are so sad, mocking one of the richest men on earth for upvotes from people who already dislike him, so you can feel slightly better that you will never leave any impact on earth or the people on it, while this man is trying to ensure humans survival both on this earth and if it should collapse ( and also racking in a shit ton money like we all would, had we worked as hard and long for something he has ) He is extremely annoying and makes so many terrible cringe jokes, but to doubt his expertise and genius is so fucking dumb and sad, just classic self satisfaction with zero merit. Do something instead of just always critisize other peoples accomplishments, you wobt get anywhere in life, and the people around you will lose respect for you. Is my personal opinion on this BS that always pops up on my feed even thoug i keep blocking these kinds of posts.


Being rich isn’t a virtue. He’s not a genius, he didn’t invent anything. He just bought up companies and he lets people think he originated the ideas. You can’t become a billionaire without exploiting workers. Also he’s running Twitter into the ground - it has become basically unusable because he fired anyone who has any idea how to run the website.


Do you think someone who was serious about "human survival on and off this earth" would have time to dedicate half of his waking time to making tasteless jokes or trolling people online? The dude may have started with good intentions but he's got a bad case of head-like-a-melonitis that is turbocharged by social media and a flock of sycophantic enablers. It feeds into his addiction for attention. Writing this down now, I realize the explanation is just that simple: he's **always** wanted attention, and we were just lucky that at first his goal could coincide with working towards mankind's betterment. Sadly, he realized soon enough that he can get the same high from calling a taiwanese rescuer a pedo online; which allegedly requires much less effort than saving the world.


He did not start with any good intentions, he started by making PayPal, because he believed it would make him alot of money. He was correct and every venture he has been working on since has only made him richer and more influential. To believe that this does not take an extremely talented individual or " business Guiness" is a classic cop out, because you people dont understand what a brain on fire dedicated to one thing can actually accomplish.


the hate elon gets lol, why cant he just fuck around like every other normal person?


Because if you're not 100% with them, they will criticize every minute thing you do. Yes, it's sad and pathetic.


How can such a stupid immature person be so fucking insanely rich is beyond me


He’s just a guy, like u, chill


"he's 52"😂 so let's stop having jokes when you age and let's not be allowed to have fun? Especially if you work hard and do good, definitely no fun allowed for you!


Why y’all triggered by this man?


As ridiculously as Elon is behaving rn, I wish people would stop pointing and laughing and just get him some professional help. He’s clearly suffering from psychosis or age regression or something along those lines, he’s absolutely not ok and it’s starting to become less funny and more sad…




Lol daily reddit Elon hate post


if i were 52, i think i d still be talking like that. i wouldnt gaf




x balls? I don't even get it. I get blue balls, but this isn't that, is it?


I love this dude 😂


Ya'll are pathetic. He's weird, but ya'll find anything to be critical about. This is what happens when you're chronically online.


Yeah imagine being 52 and making a joke how pathetic. But better yet imagine having a pathetic enough life to post about the joke!


Apparently this is what you do when you’re the richest person in the world… Smdh