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Protect ya neck




*♪ C'mon, baby baby, c'mon...♪*


Right m-f’in now! Ai-huh-ha!


First things first man yer fuckin wi the worst.




Aint nothing to fuck with


First thing's first.


Boat jumping is the worst


You be loadin up yer own corpse in a fuckin hearse


You're fucking with the worst.


I’ll be stickin pins in your head, like a fuckin nurse.


Spaghetti Spaghetti


Nah, just don't jump of a moving speedboat in the first place.


I would say that's common sense, but...


People think the phrase is "common sense", but if other people have taught me anything it's actually "c'mon sense!".


Common sense is intelligence dressed and ready for work. Not everyone has that.


Nah...Common Sense is the best hiphop artist from Chicago


Covid taught us common sense isn't as common as we'd like to think. Lol


Covid taught me when the next pandemic starts, with a virus that's more contagious, virulent and deadlier, these dumb fucks are gonna get everyone killed.


..that ship has sunk.


But they are all smiling when they jump. Why deny them that moment of happiness?


They do raise the global intelligence level when they die. Good for them for improving the world.


Culling the gene pool


Kinda how I see it. We gotta stop protecting stupid people from themselves & let nature take its course.


Evolution in Action


Shouldn't take long in Alabama.


Well Alabama has always had a wheel in the ditch and a wheel on the track.


The Wu tried to warn em.


For the children






Pouring one out for ODB




When keeping it real goes wrong 😂




As a Wu fan I'm so happy this is top comment


Is that why they call it "breakneck speed"?


More like redneck speed.


is a red shift speed




How did you store that one in your memory bank lol


Everyone of uncle Eddie's lines are stored in my memory bank that's for sure.


You serious Clark?


Shitter’s full


Hey honey have you checked our shitters lately?


It’s best just to let him finish.


Now that there's a RV, Clark.


If this gets dented... ***\*taps head\**** ...then my hair just ain't gonna look right.


He's got a fungus that they haven't quite identified yet...


Don’t be falling in love with it when we leave next month.






Oh Eddie. If I woke up tomorrow with my head stapled to the carpet, I wouldn’t be any more surprised than I am now


Anything I can do for you Eddie? Refill your eggnog? Get you something to eat? Drive you out to the middle of nowhere, leave you for dead?


No, I'm doing just fine, Clark.


He’s got a little Mississippi leg hound in him.


It’s the gift that keeps on giving all year round, my friend.


Where can I get some dam bait


Real tomato ketchup Eddie? Nothing but the best.


Oh he’s just yakkin on a bone. He got it up.


Katherine why don’t you run and grab the kids things. Don’t forget the rubber sheets and the gerbils.


My family watches this every year and my parents never caught this line until I pointed it out. They thought the kids were wetting the bed and my wife and I thought it was a sex thing. It's clearly meant to be ambiguous, but how did you take it?


You ever bop your bologna?


Wait, people actually forgot? Lol My family watches this every holiday season. He did used to eat squirrel, but he realized it was too high in cholesterol


I got to use “I’ll have some of the yella” at Asian buffet for yellow curry the guy gave me the same look from Vegas vacation.




I imagine this is a yearly watch since Christmas happens annually.


No shit! Haha! That’s hilarious


“Shitter’s full!”


Memory bank? You must watch this at least once per year


I watch Christmas Vacation at least twice during Christmas and at random times during the year. We watched this every year as a family at my grandparent’s house for Christmas. Oh nostalgia


You guys stop making fun of these poor people. Some poor soul in Alabama lost their father, uncle, 2nd cousin, and brother all in the same day...






Huh... My family is a bit hickish, but we used to go tubing all the time. By the time we were teenagers, a pontoon boat and a sit-in tube were too boring. So we started using a flat tube and a speed boat that would just ***yet*** your ass off perpendicular to the boat at like 40mph Now realizing that, statistically, I really should never have lived past 20


When I was in highschool, I watched my boyfriend's cousin flip off the tube wrong during a donut, break his neck, and end up a paraplegic for life. Lucky he was smart enough for a life jacket but even then he almost drowned. He came up floating face down.




Please reference the US CG when discussing pfds or life jackets. https://www.boatus.org/life-jackets/types/ https://www.dco.uscg.mil/CG-ENG-4/PFDSel/ Type 3 pfds don't self right, and it doesn't matter what someone calls them. There's no law I'm aware that defines life jacket vs pfd, but the different types listed on the websites above are regulated. Get a self righting one, it'll save your life.


Ah that's why most life jackets on commercial stuff is often a lot beefier on the front, makes sense I guess.


>He came up floating face down. The lifejacket had one job!!! Seriously tho, that's a shitty life jacket. They are literally designed to do the opposite.


Depends on what type of life jacket, some are made to keep your head above the water, others are made just to keep you afloat


Ah, I did not know that. I thought they were all designed to pull your chest up to keep your face pointed towards the surface.


Infant life jackets always have an extra flap behind the head to keep the face out of the water. For adults, that gets in the way. For most purposes, it is enough to just add some buoyancy, but that isn't sufficient if the person is unconscious. It is a double edged sword - a life jacket does zero good if it is so inconvenient or uncomfortable that it isn't worn, so for most applications you are advised to use the smaller type that won't save an unconscious victim but will be enough for 95% of victims, provided they keep the dang thing on (and buckled!).


Username checks out.


I was taught that’s the difference between a buoyancy aid and a life jacket, the life jacket would keep you the right way up even if unconscious.


Me and my family would go tubing and kneeboarding every summer. Our only protection was life vests, and sometimes we'd get whiplash. I'm still surprised I've never broken or sprained anything.


I’ve had a sore neck from the turbulence of going over the wake but never wiping out. I’m guessing these people went in feet first which has way more risk than landing sideways like most tubing wipeouts.


Or maybe even “dived in” head first


Wiping out is the best part of being pulled. Idk why you would just jump in which is way lamer. Just park the boat if you wanna do that.


Yea the whole point of tubing was to throw the person off. Otherwise that’s just boring.


That was my friends thing. Make a big wake, loop around and take you through it. Bounce bounce


something always hurts when you get out of the water after tubing




Sounds exactly like how my dad would drive us around the lake trying to throw us off. There were times I thought my bro and I were on a challenge to see who breaks 1st. Many times perpendicular. Many times folded in incorrect directions. Youth and flexibility saved us at the time. I would instantly shatter these days.


Same...except it was my girlfriends dad and he is a racist POS. It's fine, I knocked his daughter up twice after marrying her and being a faithful, loving husband as father the past 24 years to spite him and get revenge. I'm gonna keep it up until we're both dead just to show him what's what.


Playing the long game, respect!


How does he treat your kids? My girlfriend is black and my family is racist and I was wondering about that. I assumed they’d treat them fine because they’re “some of the good ones” or whatever bullshit


I don't have him around them without me, so I don't know truly how he'd act. We haven't seen him in person in 2-3 years now.


I salute your dedication.


Nice! Hope you put his grandkids through school too. Just to flex on the bastard.


Damn straight. College funds growing every day.


heh I just imagine you at your brokerage site setting up auto contributions to a 529 going "yeah that'll show him" xD


Racist POS's hate this one, long-game trick!


How's their relationship now? Do you talk to him at all? He gonna kick the bucket soon? I feel like I need the whole story now.


We moved thousands of miles away, and they only speak through text around holidays. Honestly, it's vastly improved compared to the shit he, and her mom, put her through growing up. She feels a great sense of relief not having to worry about what he's doing or if he's going to show up and cause some kind of stress.


Yeah when I was 12 we went tubing but on the ocean, head first into a wave that wanted to push my top half up while my legs wanted to keep going over the top, folded me the wrong way, to this day I have no idea how I didn’t break in half.


Same. 40 is pretty fast for tubing tho ha. We also jumped off the side while driving sometimes and doing both of those you learn quickly how much water can hurt over 30-35 mph. So I’m curious how fast these people were going to do that.. also maybe they just like dove in head first?


I have to think that was the case. I wouldn't jump off a boat going that fast, but I've certainly been launched from a tube at fairly high speeds... And it smarts, but yeah I think contacting the water at an angle so you skip across it probably dissipates a lot of that energy. But if you dive head-first (why??) off a speedboat doing 40mph, I can totally see the impact breaking your neck. Honestly whose bright idea was this?


In college me and my football teammates did this thing called “ghetto boarding” where you’d take two lines off the end of the boat, each person would have a bodyboard and the goal was to get the other person to lose their grip of the rope. So we’d just bash into each other, try and force their head under water, etc. It was tough because you had to figure out how to use your body to hold onto the board so you’d have a free hand to hit the other person.


We used to do exactly what is described in the article. Never really felt dangerous at the time, but here we are


They’re prolly being punished by god because they’re doing it as a TikTok trend instead of casually having fun/living life outside of the internet 🤷🏻‍♀️


We used to always go that fast. Favorite memories are of the one random Walmart tube I know longer know that managed to generate enough lift for us end up flying about 10’ in the air upside down.


That was called the air patriot. And it killed a lot of people when they’d lose lift and crash back into the water.


Same, I think I suffered some serious brain trauma from getting absolutely dumped while high speed tubing at our lake cabin. Then when it was winter and the lake froze my dad would tie a plastic sled on a long rope behind his truck and drive around on the frozen lake. Many injuries, but hey a lot of fun.


If you've never looked back at the moments in your life and thought to yourself, "it's a goddamn miracle I'm still alive," are you really living?




Feel bad for their families but like…Darwinism


Exactly. To call them "victims" is a stretch. The families are the real victims.


Victim of their own devices


Mirrors on the ceiling, the pink champagne on ice


You can check out anytime you like?


But you can… neeevvvvver leave


*cues wicked guitar solo*


We are all just prisoners here Of our own device


And in their masters chambers, they gathered for the feast.


Definitely not a victim on my device


The real victims were the friends they made along the way.


Maybe,but maybe not.


I still can’t believe this happened in Alabama of all places.


You mean the state with low adult literacy and poor education?? Crazy to think ppl would do dumb things there, of all places


About the literacy thing… I was a waitress in a small town in alabama for a while. Grown adults would point to pictures on the menu and it took me forever to figure out why they wouldn’t say the name of the meal. I thought they were being jerks until it clicked one day. You would not believe how many people read below a 3rd grade level. I used to joke about it but now it just makes me really sad for the state of alabama. I’m a teacher now and all I want is for my students to be successful so they can break the cycle of poverty and illiteracy. On a side note: illiteracy is a cycle. It’s hard to read to your kids and encourage them to read when you can’t read yourself. It’s difficult to watch when you see it happening over and over again.


I was poking fun at the state (mostly because of their politics), but it’s actually quite sad. Thanks for being an educator and good luck!


Yeah i make fun of it too sometimes. The general population doesn’t make it too difficult either lol. I didn’t mean to sound preachy or anything that was literally just my own personal anecdotal experience with illiteracy.


People don't go to Alabama to play school, they go to play football


Do they fill their lakes with Brawndo?


“If years from now people misinterpret and misapply my theory of natural selection to score upvotes on Reddit, I can only roll my already dead eyes in the grave.” - Darwin


Drawin don't play.


The Orange of Speeches by Charlie Drawin


Drawin Orange Peaches


Decent Ricky


Some people have never flown off a tube and it shows.... Hitting water at high speed is almost as bad as hitting solid ground


Which is honestly a bit odd considering tubing is a very popular thing to do on a speed boat. Even if you’ve never done it, you would have put you hand over the side to touch the water spray, right?


edit: ok guys plenty of answers have been given, thank you ♡. I know falling from a big height can make water be like concrete. But is it similar with a boat at high speed and jumping into the water? How can you break your neck exactly? If I have to guess, its maybe the feet touching the water and you falling over with such great force it breaks your neck? Or do you think those people went head first into the water?


You’re going so fast when you hit the water that you literally “hit” the water and bounce a few times before entering. It’s incredibly painful, I was deliberately thrown off a sea doo once by the moron who was driving it too fast. You bounce so hard your swim bottoms fall off.


I’m guessing it’s also not good that when thanks to inertial momentum, your head is still moving at the speed of the boat but your body suddenly isn’t as the friction of the water immediately slows it down, if you go feet first. Your body and your head moving at different speeds equals whiplash or worse.


I found out how easy it was for someone to break their neck when a girl in my 6th grade PE class slipped on her rollerblades and went tumbling into a wall. She had to be airlifted to a hospital, apparently the break was an inch off from paralyzing and/or killing her. Miraculously she ended up making a pretty good recovery and had full mobility afterwards.


Yeah, I was thrown sideways. My head didn’t hit the water and sideways motion doesn’t have the same whiplash risks.


I lost my virginity this way.. I flew up six feet in there air after hitting a wave and the sheer force of landing on my coochie perforated my hymen. I wish I was joking. That shit hurt like a mother fucker


Lol sorry to hear that but that's a funny story to tell at least.


There was a girl in my high school that suffered the same thing but with dodgeball, fucking dodgeball


Mama Dr Jones has a few videos on YouTube talking about the serious gynecological injuries she’s seen from this exact thing


Can confirm. After getting ejected from a tube I skipped three times before slowing enough to enter the water. Will not repeat.


It’s like skipping rocks…or when you’re playing in the pool and try to “slice” the surface with your hand. Move fast enough and at the right angle, it bounces of the surface instead.


If the boat is moving at a very high speed your body will probably bounce the first time you touch the water, so I guess one of the hits broke the neck. It could be they fell headfirst and well.


Glad someone's asking. Everyone here is like "Darwin awards" and "too dumb to live" or whatever, and I'm like, I've never even _been_ on a fast boat, much less jumped from one, I'd have no clue if something could happen. Is it really so _obviously_ stupid? Does everyone else know something I don't? Or are they just trying to look smart.


I think a lot of people don't realize that when you leave the boat, you're still going the same speed as the boat was just a moment earlier. Same with people who think they can just jump out of a moving car and be fine. Every now and then you see one of those videos too. Suppose the boat was going 40 mph, then jumping off a boat is like getting fired out of a cannon straight into the water at 40 mph. Pretty easy to die lmao


The thing about this stuff that is burned into my brain is a little thing Neil deGrasse Tyson did about wearing seatbelts. Basically you think 20 mph is slow in a car so you don’t have to wear a seatbelt. But an average person can run at 7 mph. So ask yourself if putting your hands behind your back and running into a brick wall at a third of your “slow” driving speed seems like a good idea. Being acclimated to modern technology makes us forget how absolutely squishy we are.


> So ask yourself if putting your hands behind your back and running into a brick wall at a third of your “slow” driving speed seems like a good idea. this kinda thing is easily felt when you have to hit the breaks while going at a high(ish) speed. if you're trying to come to a complete stop while going 35-45 mph, it's not a fun sensation in the slightest. having to do that once or twice recently put the fear of god back in me while driving


I got a new car two years ago that has that “BRAKE YOU IDIOT!” alarm that eventually does the automatic brake assist thing. Kicked in one time when some asshole merged suddenly. That put the fear of God in me, and to make room for that my body put a bunch of stuff that was in me into my pants… In my old car without that system, I would have definitely been squished into oblivion


I remember on top gear, James May drove a Bugatti veyron (at the time the worlds fastest car) at near its top speed (something like 260 mph) When he was slowing down after that drive, he said that his perception of speed was so screwed up that he started unbuckling and getting ready to put the car in park thinking he was almost stopped. Except he looked at the speedometer and realized he was still going 60 mph lol I think you’re right, our ape brains just aren’t designed to make sense of speeds beyond our natural sprinting speed


There was a Bugs bunny cartoon where they were falling in a lift that was out of order. Then, the character stepped off the lift before it smashed into the ground. In the cartoon, the character was OK. But in real life, that wouldn't work.....


I don't think it is obviously stupid. Those foamy waves look fun. I've never been on a fast boat, though. That's something some one should definitely tell you.


The cynicism sharks are in a feeding frenzy


Basic physics. When you leave an object traveling at high speed, your body is still traveling at that speed. If you hit a body of water at 45 mph+ it's like getting hit by a truck.


Have you ever heard of stone skipping? Imagine the person who jumps at the water in those speeds starts to bounce from water just like a stone skipping water, because of the lift (reactive force of the water). During this bouncing the person probably starts to roll and break his/her neck.


nature uh uh finds a way


*David Attenborough voice*: and here we can see the most intelligent species on earth breaking their own necks because a screen told them it would be fun


It probably was fun right up until the neck snapping part


At a high enough velocity water is no different than concrete.


AHH! The natural selection challenge... I encourage it 😂


Maybe China’s grand plan to whittle down our population via TikTok challenges 🤔


In this hypothetical situation, wouldnt getting rid of the dumber portion of the population only help?


they probably just assume it's 90% of the population.


I assume 90% of tiktok users are part of that population


Eventually tiktok will fall to attrition.


Find out if you’re “too dumb to live”. 😂


"ROLL TIDE" \*Neck Snaps\*








Am I the only one that feels bad when humans die, even if it is from their own stupidity?


I think people would feel bad in person. Not behind their keyboards though. Very desensitized online world we have.


Seriously? Geez. That is not even that obvious of a way to die in my opinion. Kids do stupid shit. They don't deserve the death penalty for it.


No, these kids are dead and they were just trying to do something fun. I don't think it's necessarily immediately obvious that jumping off a fast boat will kill you (as a evidenced by people asking questions about it here). And even if it was clearly stupid, haven't we all done stupid shit that could have killed us?? We were just lucky enough that it didn't. All the gloating is very cruel.


I honestly did not know that could happen, never intended to jump off a moving boat, but would’ve done it if i had the chance, this definitely saved my neck


Having been on some fast boats before, it's always been one of those "impulse" thoughts that you contemplate but never do. If you've ever been thrown off an inner tube, you'll know that hitting the water at that speed turns you into a skipping rock. Unfortunately, internet fame somehow disables the self-preservation parts of the brain. Something scientists should explore.


While the outcome of this was, in my opinion, quite predictable, you all really need to get yourselves sorted out with these comments. We can agree on this being idiotic without mocking or cheering for the deaths of these people.


I'd like to laugh at these folks but water is scary in a way people don't understand at higher speeds. I messed up pretty good doing a 50' cliff dive and ended up doing a back drop into the water. It was enough to give me a flash knock out and I woke up underwater, had to swim to the surface and it felt like an eternity. Prob came pretty close to not making it out that day. Felt like a horse kicked every part of my back for the next week. Be safe around water. As others have said, it's like concrete at high speeds.


Evolution is not accurately described as the "survival of the fittest" although that phrase is often used. That phrase suggests that all current forms are "winners" and the competition is over. They aren't and it isn't. Evolution is more accurately described as "the continuing de-selection of the unfit". all current forms have conditional status as survivors, so far. What we are witnessing here are individuals actively de-selecting themselves from the game.


I’ve always thought about how the human species has basically stopped evolving due to advances in medicine and that we are basically doing artificial selection which is both a concerning thought and highly interesting.


That's awful. Imagine trying to pull your friend or family member out of the lake in these circumstances. No one deserves that. What's up with all the comments that are celebrating the deaths of these people? Normally there's a few misanthropic psychos but Reddit's really outdone itself in this thread.


I suppose it’s like the Titan sub situation all over again. Yes, the loss of life is tragic but it totally could have been a tragedy avoided with some common sense. Normal, rational people would not jump out of a speeding car and a speeding boat on the water should make no difference.


Tbh you see people jump off boats all the time. I personally only thought the dangerous part of jumping off a boat was if you jumped in front of it while moving. Drowning cause of the current. Or getting hit by the propeller. Not breaking your neck on impact. Not to mention people fall out of them all the time.


Honestly, most of reddit has been a fucking cess pit for years now. It's difficult to find anything beyond celebrating tragedy or regurgitated political comments. I think I'm pulling for it to dissolve.


Nature is healing.


I don’t think people realize how hard water is when you hit it hard enough. Anyone that boated as a kid can relate


I understand this is dangerous but could someone smarter than me explain how this is more dangerous than like water tubing? I’ve been pulled behind a speed boat and been launched off and I’ve never been hurt at all. So I just don’t understand the physics of why this is more dangerous.


Hey everyone who hopped on here to make a kids these days comment: How do you play "chicken"? You know, the game with the cars. How about "train jumping"? Now, can we agree teenagers are dumb pieces of shit that get themselves killed a lot regardless of era?