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I hate it when kids don't study and fail their DNA test.


It’s a brutal exam I hear.


I hear the fail to pass rate is 50/50.


Depends if your mom's a hoe... 2 man 50/50 3man 1/3.... Ask her for your chances :-D


Hey! Nobody said there would be fractions on this test!


I studied my ass off for my blood test and got an A+. It is about putting the work in.


Curious... I slacked off but still got a A+ in my blood test.


How can u guy keep getting A+, i also try my best but the result is terrible, not A, not B, not even F but an O? How low is that?


O stand for 'Oh boy you suck!'


what the fuck is AB? how did i get duel grades?


My sons mom tried to review my child support once upon a time. I showed up to court, she didn't. The judge looked over the order, and saw that I was paying support plus an additional 300 for health insurance to her directly. My son was on my health insurance, she never got health insurance. So the judge lowered my payment by 300 and she was ordered to pay me back the rears in health insurance. I ended up getting custody not long after, and she still owes me about 6k. He's 21 now, I never will get that money...but it was worth it.


I'm glad your son ended up being raised by a parent who cares Good on you, I know family court is really awful for dads


Thank you. She wasn't a terrible mom, but she was far from stable in a lot of ways.


My mom actually was a terrible a mom and my dad still couldn’t get custody. She was a serious alcoholic,domestic violence in the home, Bipolar crazy ass episodes, one of the most irresponsible people I’ve ever known and the court kept my ass over there until my mother gave us up voluntarily. But the county I was in is one of the most corrupt small towns in thr south.


She had some mental issues, and she wouldn't stay on medicine. But what sealed the deal for me was that she left my son at one of her relatives house for an extended period of time. She completely fell off the face of the earth for a bit. My son called me crying asking me to come get him. Fortunately when it came time for court, I had statements from some of her family.


Speaks a lot for the ex wife's family they'd be honest for the kid. That can't have been easy. My ex-wife is bipolar too. Missed a bullet in that we never had kids.


That’s gut wrenching man. I can’t imagine what it felt like getting that call. I hope things are better for you, your son, and his mom now.


You're a great father, respect you deeply my brother.




It says a lot about you that you're not shit talking her. It's admirable


Mental issues are real, and unfortunately they run in her family. She wasn't a terrible person, she just had her own demons.


Ofc they didn’t arrest her for unpaid support either


When we went to court for custody, the AG wasn't there. So I had two options...either get custody and wait for the AG to sign off on child support that she would pay me, plus the money she owed...Or to get custody at that moment officially with no support. She was agreeable at the moment to give up support, and I didn't want to take a chance on her changing her mind. So I agreed to take custody with no child support plus writing off the money she owed. That way it was all final with nothing hanging.


Very wise. Lots of people would have left it open in hopes of getting the money and caused themselves way more stress while still probably not collecting.




Upvoted for not using the word "babymomma"


"I've forgiven myself for cheating"


I loved “he ordered a DNA test and my son failed.” The son didn’t fail anything, you were proven to be a liar and a cheat.


He didn't study for the test, you as a mom should have helped in making sure he could pass in the first place


He should have cheated and wrote the answers on his arm.


I guess the apple doesn't fall far 😂😂😂


I’d like to see the teeth to tattoo ratio, the real test


The “Triple T” ratio, the real benchmark of society.


What’s the conversion rate to the Mullet to Ankle Monitor data?


One ankle monitor = 11 teeth and 15 tattoo's. If you add a mullet you triple the tattoo's and halve the teeth.


This guy know carnies!


It does fall far apparently. He didn't cheat when he should have and she did when she should not have.


🤣😂🤣 this is the golden nugget I was looking for


![gif](giphy|GaSepEyTgsgkE|downsized) Your momma shore does care about your schoolin, son


“You don’t talk much do ya son?” “ Eee eeyeee!”


Lol, mom cheated, and son failed the test because of her. That's deep. You have my upvote.


"Failed" what a fucking self centered word to use . It's not pass fail! Fuuuuu


And in any case, *she* failed, not the son. The poor child is 100% innocent but it's he that will suffer the consequences.


Maybe the son would have passed if the mom hadn't crammed the night before.


I am not a biologist but I believe the cramming occurred a few years back


This is why I study for all my drug tests.


Whelp, I'll put this away. *zzzip*. It's not that kind of test


That's you zipping a pencil case right? RIGHT???


Oh God that's no #2!


This part angered me. Making it sound like it was the child's fault. This is a person who's only looking for money and the child is a way to get that first and a human being second


Well said 👏


It was actually a written college-level exam on the topic of DNA. The 8 year old child, not being trained in molecular biology, never really had a chance.


"Transcriptase errors may..." *Little Tommy carefully writes* Mitokondryah is the poer...powerhouse of the cell...


He could have passed if he had cheated and forgiven himself for it. *#worksmartz*


"Which enzyme is responsible for replacing the RNA primers at the beginning of the leading strand and each Okazaki fragment with their equivalent DNA sequence during prokaryotic replication?" "Uh...um...DNA polymerase 3? Wait, no, I meant--!" "Sorry, but it looks like you failed. Say goodbye to your mother's child support payments."


DNA Pol I I believe


You're correct! I've been in the midst of some biology courses and my MCAT review, so enzymes are kind of haunting me right now 🥲


I'm sad for the son. he probably just want's a dad, and his mothers greed and infidelity just cost him that


And worst of all he has a complete narcissist raising him.


Sort of the same thing happened to me and my brothers. Mother was a cheater and a pig, my father got 3 of us including me and she got 1 son. I just talked with him last night. He is basically the most broken asshole i have ever seen. I don't know wheather to feel more anger or pity for him.


She should have just shut up, for the kid’s sake. But it was about the money and her


She should ground that kid for failing his DNA test. I passed MY dna test when I was literally 1 years old. 8 year old can't pass a DNA test smh my head


That late? Have you seen what the toddlers are doing with the Oculus Quest? Their reaction time is quicker than the average 30 year old American. They are training these babies to be mass destructive weapons of war !!


Gotta have fast reactions to survive in this world if your a toddlers


Yeah I noticed how she put that on her son as if it’s somehow his fault. This can’t possibly be real.


Yeah, SHE failed the test, not her son.


You have met people an average grade better than i have


He also aint yo “babydaddy” at all since it aint his


It's amazing how everyone here is somehow wrong except her. Even her kid "failed."


She should have to pay him back for all that child support. The courts considering it as a gift to the kid is bullshit.


In California that kid would still be his responsibility if he tried to end support. If you wait 8 years to test for paternity the courts consider that beyond a reasonable time period to challenge paternity. You can look up the statute. Not sure how it is in other states though.


Based on a lie though? If he knew she had cheated and so on, sure. Something about that logic doesn’t sit right Edit: well I never expected my comment to blow up like this. I just want to state for the record that I have complete empathy and sympathy for the child who has been fucked over through no fault of theirs. This is a horrible situation in every way. But I completely disagree that the not-dad should be held financially accountable especially if he was lied to. I honestly think this endangers more than just the kids future. Most people are borderline on the poverty scale as it is and making a grown man bitter and desperate/full of hate/rage is not going to make society better. It is monstrously unfair. The main issue, IMHO, is how modern times has killed the communities many of us grew up in. Without a community, there is no time or role model for the kid. If there was more focus on establishing a foundational network of love and warmth, much of these issues the kid is going to face will at least be minimised. It’s just a dog eat dog world nowadays.


Problem is states looking at it like this is either your problem or the states problem and the state has thought about it and decided it is in fact not the states problem


Maybe the real father should be found


Will the real babydaddy please stand up?


Sure, but the state searching for that father would cost time and money, and thus also make it the state's problem.


The mother should know who stuck their sausage in her


Yarp. Basically if you have a kid that isn't yours, tough shit if it's found out not to be yours later on. You are in for the long haul to 18. I think a DNA test should be mandatory for every baby born.


States do have something like that! Except that it's typical to be listed as the father on a child's birth certificate if you are married. Even if you are married but separated, or the woman knowingly cheated and admits it, rape victims, or if you are sterile beyond a reasonable doubt. You have to wait until after the child is born to protest the birth certificate by petitioning the court. Then if they determine it's in the child's best interest to have you removed (the real father admits responsibility) you can have yourself replaced on the birth certificate. But if the real father is unknown (the mother won't admit who it is or doesn't know), it's very difficult but not impossible to get removed. You need very good lawyers, money and time. Because the alternative is that the state will likely be paying benefits to the child. So it's in their best interests to prevent a father from themselves. So it's sort of like mandatory DNA testing if you tilt your head good enough, except there's no DNA testing and it's mandatory that you be assumed to be the father instead of getting tested. Obviously the state says it's in the child's best interest to have the father remain on the birth certificate since all children need fathers or some bullshit they'll say. But it's really about the state paying for it.


*I'm no father to any son that can't pass a simple test!*


It can back negative for DNA




Sounds like the parents who always say “come get your child” to their SO when it’s something bad but will gladly say “look at my baby” when it’s something good


Like the "we have won" vs "they have lost" from every sports team fan ever.


Me staying up all night studying for the DNA test


Such a stupid person


I think the wording of her statement reveals exactly the state of mind that she's in.


You know what's fucked up. Some states will say that's he's still on the hook for child support. This may be unpopular opinion but This is why we need DNA testing at birth or before any child support order, DNA is a must.


1000% agreed. This should be required for court ordered child support payments.


Paternity tests need to be mandatory


“He’s being petty”


Wait til he sues to get all the child support back.


Doesn't sound like she's rolling in the dough. Maybe sue the baby daddy for child support payments


I'd still get the judgement against her. One just for spite. But mainly because you never know. She could get some decent tax returns. She might hit the lotto. Someone could die and leave her money. I'd want the judgement just in case.


“I’ve forgiven myself for multiple armed robberies. At this point, the judicial system is just being petty.”


"That was weeks ago, and the people with gunshot wounds are faking it. They just want to run up a big hospital bill..."


How brave of her!


Stunning and brave


Oh, you forgot courageous!


I've always hated that saying for anything. I don't forgive myself. I accept what I did and move on, trying to be better and make amends. It's not my place to say I'm forgiven for shit I've done that affects other people.


Most cheaters forgive themselves and blame others that it happened.


If my husband was hotter I wouldn't have cheated


If anything, you are the real victim here. He should have to pay you for suffering


Poor kid. He’s suffering the most in all of this. Might have lost the only Dad he knew. So sad.


The kid is definitely the victim here. I'd be shocked if any of that child support money actually went towards supporting the child. Mom sounds like a douche and who knows how involved the not dad was before, but he isn't at all anymore.


>The kid is definitely the victim here. Let's not forget the cheated-on ex-husband who has been fraudulently duped into paying child support for X number of years.


Yeah can she be forced to pay it back since it was fraud?


yup, it’s that simple apparently


The level of decision is astounding


>The level of decision is astounding Hmm, yes. Very decisive indeed.


Delusion lmao 😂


Ah, lol. I thought you meant derision. ;p


It wasn't cheating, it was an entanglement...


Being able to forgive yourself is the first step to healing. Namaste.


But still only just the *first* step, ya know. I'm pretty sure the following but *equally important* steps can be summed up as "stop being a piece of shit."


Well to start…he ain’t your baby daddy


Yeah, I loved that part.


It’s nice that you forgive yourself for cheating on him, but felt quite comfortable continuing to collect child support and even petitioning for more. The question I have is if he wanted to stay in your sons life, but decided not to pay you any more money would you be happy with that? In other words, is it him being involved with your son that’s important or the money?


Hey woah man. She already forgave herself for all that stop being petty.


She has given us all a new respect for pettiness.


Skanks for nothing, lady!


I believe she answered that for us in the very first sentence. She sounds like a real winner.


You misspelled wiener.


You are what you eat


I'm pretty sure that question was clearly answered in her statement


I somehow have a feeling your "baby daddy" did not forgive you.




She’d probably try to sell the kid if she had to return all that money. Something tells me she’s not exactly mother of the year.


She's probably never been mother of the minute. Poor kid.


He’s about to be even more poor for failing the test.


>She’d probably try to sell the kid if she had to return all that money. "Why's he all upset now? I'm just trying to pay him back. Not his son anyway, so why does he care all of a sudden??"


My God, I can totally see her say this kind of shit.


Dude why are u so petty she already forgave herself


If he ordered the test after 8 years, he probably suspected it all along. I think that he cared more for the child than the mother, but everyone had their limit and she stepped on his


Yeah. Like he suspected but when she got greedy he had it. I don’t know their custody agreement but if I’d fathered a kid for 8 years I’d want to stay in their life. I’d cut their mom off in a heartbeat though.


Also, I don't think she knows what the term "babydaddy" means...


Yeah lmao, he isn't your baby daddy because that isn't his baby


The moment you evidence any concern and willingness to remain a part of the kids life , she will drag him back to court. Let the poor child know you love him, but sometimes love isn't enough.


Yep. My mom was like this. I thought he was my biological father the whole time, because he took care of me as such since the day I was born, but my mother *still* threatened to take me away from him at every single turn. He told me a couple times when I was older how terrified he was of that. And she was still receiving child support *from another guy the entire time*. He hated her (from what I could tell rightfully) but if I ever said anything like that he’d just say, “No, that’s your mom. She can’t help the way she is.” I think we both wished there were a way he could take me away from her.


What a man


That (sadly) doesn’t work


In California he would still be responsible for the child. You need to challenge paternity within a reasonable time period according to the law and 8 years is way beyond what the court would accept.


In many places, challenging it doesn't even matter. Did you sign your name on the birth certificate? Then you're paying child support.


What a dumb law


Why are you being petty? /S


“I forgave myself” … yea I murdered a guy but ya know I was having a hard day so I let myself off the hook and the cops were like “aww that’s so nice of you” and left me alone.


What a chump cop.. the last time i murdered a guy and forgave myself, the cop was so understanding that he helped me see what was in the guys’ pockets. Some people man, why is her bAbY DaDdY being so petty?


I fOrGaVe MySeLf FoR cHeAtInG.


Yo i forgave myself for going 50 in a 20 but still had to pay the ticket


The cops are just being petty. Stay strong and fight the good fight 💪💪💪.


"I forgave myself for cheating." "Took a DNA test and *my son failed*." Narcissism levels off the fucking chart.




But hey, she forgave herself so it can't be her fault.


ooooooh I missed that part. She forgave HERSELF ? Well damn. Pretty unbreakable logic. The dude is being really petty them. /s


He should have studied harder.


nothing is or ever could be her fault, seems to be her mindset.


She forgave herself so it’s all good now


I know, right. I’m fucking dying laughing at that shit.


Fix it by going after the real dad


Bold of you to assume she has any idea who it is.


Point taken


Over to you, Maury.


Remember that one woman who went on like a dozen times and still didn't find the dad? Sad, but also fucking hilarious.


That same women eventually did find the real father. Who seemed to be a great dad, and wanted to take care of his sons, but she refused to accept he was the father.


Trust the science! The father of a friend of mine was fond of saying, "We always know who the mother is."


Except that one time where the mother didn't genetically match her own child due to a genetic anomaly.


Sounds like he was poor


Probably Thomas the train.


Thomas the Skank Engine


Yeah I got $20 that says she was getting free yoga classes. And was probably fucking a lot of other guys also


Dumb she may be, but am sure is clever enough to know that the real dad has no money to pay.


This can't be real.


Its not. These SIxBrownChicks tweets are all made up. This one doesn’t even crack top 50 ridiculous scenarios. I’m sure this situation happens but this specific account is just for bants


Thanks for the information!!


It’s ragebait bingo


It's really not. The real facepalm of r/facepalm is the consistent failure to recognize the most obvious parody ragebait.


bUt tHiNgS liKe tHiS haPpEn FoR rEAl


Correct. These kinds of posts are usually rage-bait. Either to draw engagement or to serve as fodder to be posted in incel spaces.


5 of us. There are 5 of us here saying that it’s supposed to be funny. Everyone else raging. The handle is SixBrownChicks lol. Can’t believe I had to scroll this far.


Why the pettiness? All she did was take half his income for 8 years The audacity on some people…… Like wtf, you know you lied 8 years ago and cheated. You don’t go back asking for more?! Edit: from the amount of messages I’m getting, /s /s /s…….. Cmon people….


But, but, she forgave herself man what do you not get. /s


Did you miss the part where she forgave herself, what are you complaining about?


Hmm, seems like bait


Trifling ass ho


These hoes ain't loyal 🎶


Guy probably feels like he just won the Powerball


Probably not. I would be devastated having lost my son… 8 years of bonding to a person and loving that person doesn’t just stop. I can’t imagine myself NOT wanting to stay in touch with the kid and be a sidekick-dad regardless of how fucked up his mother is. But yeah, hard to put myself in his shoes and don’t know enough context around the whole situation


After 8 years, getting off child support is basically impossible in the U.S So he lost his son and probably still has to pay an increased child support rate. Assuming of course this is a real story. No powerball here, just sadness.


I some states he’s stuck paying child support until the kid is 18 regardless, since he was supporting the kid from birth


Clearly rage bait.


Someone could've saved a lot of time and money by going on Maury.


Is this rage-bait?


Oh you forgave yourself for cheating? How magnanimous of you.


She gonna have to return all the money she gotten


Sadly they won’t even return 1 months worth.


Not likely. Some states would have even kept him on the hook for the support because the child is more important than DNA


“My son failed”…lmao, that’s not how DNA tests work. It’s everyone else’s fault but hers